blob: aa411b6105ace93142ec4e4b29d9effa4b3f5ad8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef PARSER_H
#define PARSER_H
#include "ItemExpr.h"
#include "ItemExprList.h"
#include "NLSConversion.h"
#include "ulexer.h"
#include "SQLCLIdev.h"
#include "Collections.h"
#include "stringBuf.h"
#include "charinfo.h"
#include "QCache.h"
// forward refs
class CmpContext;
class ElemDDLColDef;
class StmtNode;
class QueryText;
class Parser
Parser(const CmpContext *cmpContext);
virtual ~Parser();
CmpContext *cmpContext();
NAHeap *wHeap() { return wHeap_; }
// locale-to-unicode conversion in parseDML requires buffer len (tcr)
Int32 parseDML(const char *str, Int32 len,
CharInfo::CharSet charset,
ExprNode ** node,
Int32 token = 0,
ItemExprList * enl = NULL);
// widens str to UNICODE for parsing, uses localized str for error handling
// locale-to-unicode conversion in parseDML (for odbc/mx unicode support)
Int32 parseDML(QueryText& txt,
ExprNode ** node,
Int32 token = 0,
ItemExprList * enl = NULL);
// widens str to UNICODE for parsing, uses localized str for error handling
Int32 parse_w_DML(const NAWchar *str, Int32 len,
ExprNode ** node,
Int32 token = 0,
ItemExprList * enl = NULL
// narrows str to locale for error handling, uses wide str for parsing
ExprNode *parseDML(const char *str, Int32 len, CharInfo::CharSet charset);
// The following procedures take as input a string containing
// a SQL expression and return the parse tree for it.
// Parameters(ItemExpr's) could also be passed to this procedure to be
// replaced at the desired place in the string.
// An arithmetic value is specified by @A<n>, and a boolean value
// is specified as @B<n> in the string, where <n> is the parameter
// number. It is 1-based.
// For example,
// createExprTree("@A1 + 1", 1, item_expr)
// would return a tree:
// |-------------------|
// | BiArith node(+) |
// |-------------------|
// / \
// / \
// |------------| |-----------|
// | item_expr | |ConstValue |
// | | | (value=1) |
// |------------| |-----------|
// the parameter node generated
// tree by parser
// To pass in more than 6 parameters, insert them in a comma list
// and pass it.
ExprNode *getExprTree( const char * str,
UInt32 strlength = 0,
CharInfo::CharSet strCharSet = CharInfo::UTF8,
Int32 num_params = 0,
ItemExpr * p1 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p2 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p3 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p4 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p5 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p6 = NULL,
ItemExprList * paramItemList = NULL,
Int32 internal_expr = FALSE); // pass this as TRUE if
// you know it is going
// to be an ItemExpr
ItemExpr *getItemExprTree(const char * str,
UInt32 strlength = 0,
CharInfo::CharSet strCharSet = CharInfo::UTF8,
Int32 num_params = 0,
ItemExpr * p1 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p2 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p3 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p4 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p5 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p6 = NULL,
ItemExprList * paramItemList = NULL);
// wide versions of the above functions; used by catman to
// process unicode-encoded column default value strings.
ExprNode *get_w_ExprTree(const NAWchar * str,
UInt32 strlength = 0,
Int32 num_params = 0,
ItemExpr * p1 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p2 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p3 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p4 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p5 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p6 = NULL,
ItemExprList * paramItemList = NULL,
Int32 internal_expr = FALSE); // pass this as TRUE if
// you know it is going
// to be an ItemExpr
ItemExpr *get_w_ItemExprTree(const NAWchar * str,
UInt32 strlength = 0,
Int32 num_params = 0,
ItemExpr * p1 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p2 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p3 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p4 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p5 = NULL,
ItemExpr * p6 = NULL,
ItemExprList * paramItemList = NULL);
// parse the column definition, called from internal stored procedure
// component ( i.e. CmpStoredProc.C )
ElemDDLColDef* parseColumnDefinition(const char* str, size_t strLen, CharInfo::CharSet strCharSet);
// part of interface to Unicode lexer
yyULexer *getLexer() { return lexer; }
Int32 yylex(YYSTYPE *lvalp )
Int32 retCode = lexer ? lexer->yylex(lvalp) : 0;
return retCode;
const NAWchar* YYText() { return lexer ? lexer->YYText() : WIDE_(""); }
Int32 YYLeng() { return lexer ? lexer->YYLeng() : 0; }
char *inputStr() { return inputBuf_ ? (char*)(inputBuf_->data()) : NULL; }
charBuf *getInputcharBuf() { return inputBuf_; }
size_t inputStrLen(); // size (in bytes) of inputBuf_ with trailing null characters excluded from the count
CharInfo::CharSet inputStrCharSet() { return inputStr() == NULL ? CharInfo::UnknownCharSet : charset_; }
NAWchar *wInputStr() { return wInputBuf_ ? wInputBuf_->data() : NULL; }
NAWcharBuf *getInputNAWcharBuf() { return wInputBuf_; }
size_t wInputStrLen(); // size (in NAWchars) of wInputBuf_ with trailing null characters excluded from the count
NABoolean fixupParserInputBufAndAppendSemicolon(); // returns TRUE if new inputBuf_ is (re)allocated
NABoolean fixupParserWInputBufAndAppendSemicolon(); // returns TRUE if new wInputBuf_ is (re)allocated
NABoolean CharHereIsDoubleQuote(StringPos p) {
return wInputStrLen() > p && wInputStr()[p] == NAWCHR('"');
// This replaces the global variable SqlParser_InputStr in arkcmp.
// SqlParser_InputStr is bad news to recursive parser calls. For
// example, when arkcmp executes "create table t(a char not null)", it
// calls CatalogManager::executeDDL() which calls CatCommand() which
// parses the above statment and then calls CatCommand::execute()
// which eventually calls CatAddNotNullConstraint() which calls the
// parser again to process "alter table t add constraint blah check
// (a is not null)". The partially unicode-enabled parser does the
// unicode conversion of the input string very late: just before parsing.
// This conversion may require memory allocation and deallocation. The
// end result can be a ComASSERT() failure and possibly an arkcmp crash.
// (tcr)
void reset(NABoolean on_entry_reset_was_needed = FALSE);
// used by the catalog manager for scanning/parsing odd stuff like:
// "CAST('<minvalue>' AS CHAR(n))" (tcr)
Int32 internalExpr_;
// the original client locale's character set; used by ulexer to convert
// unicode string literals back to their original multibyte char form.
CharInfo::CharSet charset_;
CharInfo::CharSet initialInputCharSet_;
// if this is not set to UnknownCharSet, then it is used during col create if one
// is not explicitly specified.
CharInfo::CharSet defaultColCharset_;
CharInfo::CharSet defaultColCharset() { return defaultColCharset_;}
void setmodeSpecial1(NABoolean v) { modeSpecial1_ = v; }
NABoolean modeSpecial1() { return modeSpecial1_; }
void setmodeSpecial4(NABoolean v) { modeSpecial4_ = v; }
NABoolean modeSpecial4() { return modeSpecial4_; }
void pushHasOlapFunctions(NABoolean v) { hasOlapFunctions_.insert( v ); }
NABoolean topHasOlapFunctions() { return hasOlapFunctions_[hasOlapFunctions_.entries()-1]; }
void setTopHasOlapFunctions( NABoolean v) { hasOlapFunctions_[hasOlapFunctions_.entries()-1] = v; }
NABoolean popHasOlapFunctions() { return hasOlapFunctions_.removeAt( hasOlapFunctions_.entries() - 1 ); }
void clearHasOlapFunctions() {hasOlapFunctions_.clear();}
Int32 hasOlapFunctionsEntries() { return hasOlapFunctions_.entries(); }
void pushHasTDFunctions(NABoolean v) { hasTDFunctions_.insert( v ); }
NABoolean topHasTDFunctions() { return hasTDFunctions_[hasTDFunctions_.entries()-1]; }
void setTopHasTDFunctions( NABoolean v) { hasTDFunctions_[hasTDFunctions_.entries()-1] = v; }
NABoolean popHasTDFunctions() { return hasTDFunctions_.removeAt( hasTDFunctions_.entries() - 1 ); }
void clearHasTDFunctions() {hasTDFunctions_.clear();}
Int32 hasTDFunctionsEntries() { return hasTDFunctions_.entries(); }
HQCParseKey* getHQCKey() { return HQCKey_; }
void setHQCKey(HQCParseKey* k) { HQCKey_ = k; }
void addTokenToNormalizedString(Int32 & tokCod)
{ if(HQCKey_)HQCKey_->addTokenToNormalizedString(tokCod); }
void FixupForUnaryNegate(BiArith* itm)
{ if(HQCKey_)HQCKey_->FixupForUnaryNegate(itm); }
void collectItem4HQC(ItemExpr* itm)
{ if(HQCKey_)HQCKey_->collectItem4HQC(itm); }
void setIsHQCCacheable(NABoolean b)
{ if(HQCKey_)HQCKey_->setIsCacheable(b); }
NABoolean isHQCCacheable()
{ return HQCKey_?HQCKey_->isCacheable():FALSE; }
NABoolean hasWithDefinition(NAString* key)
{ if(with_clauses_->contains(key) ) return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
void insertWithDefinition(NAString* key, RelExpr* val)
RelExpr * getWithDefinition(NAString *key)
return with_clauses_->getFirstValue(key);
HQCParseKey* HQCKey_;
// See notes in .C file.
CmpContext *cmpContext_;
Parser *prevParser_;
NAHeap *wHeap_; // Pointer to the NAHeap
NABoolean hasInternalHeap_; // Did Parser allocate this heap?
// private methods for internal usage.
// parseUtilISPCommand parse the input query for utility keyword and
// generate a StmtQuery ( RelRoot ( RelInternalSP ) ) tree. The tree
// is generated in this routine to bypass the arkcmp parser, because
// the utility stored procedure will parse the parameter. Since there
// might be quoted strings in the parameters, arkcmp parser can't parse
// the parameters, it might destroy the parameters. This routine returns
// TRUE in the case of utility keyword found and tree generated.
// FALSE otherwise.
NABoolean parseUtilISPCommand(const char* commandText,
size_t commandTextLen,
CharInfo::CharSet commandCharSet,
ExprNode** node);
// parse input query for a Rel1 NSK DDL, UPDATE STATISTICS or special
// CAT API requests. Create DDL Expr here
// instead of letting it go thru the MX parser.
NABoolean processSpecialDDL(const char* commandText,
size_t commandTextLen,
CharInfo::CharSet commandTextCharSet,
ExprNode** node);
Int32 parseSQL(ExprNode ** node,
Int32 token = 0,
ItemExprList * enl = NULL);
void ResetLexer(void);
yyULexer *lexer;
charBuf *inputBuf_;
NAWcharBuf *wInputBuf_;
NABoolean modeSpecial1_;
NABoolean modeSpecial4_;
LIST(NABoolean ) hasOlapFunctions_;
LIST(NABoolean ) hasTDFunctions_;
* hashmap to save WITH clause definition
* key is the name of the with clause
* value is the RelExpr structure
NAHashDictionary<NAString,RelExpr> *with_clauses_;
#define PARSERASSERT(b) \
if (!(b)) { ParserAssertInternal( " " # b " ", __FILE__,__LINE__); }
#define PARSERABORT(b) \
if (!(b)) { ParserAbortInternal( " " # b " ", __FILE__,__LINE__); }
void ParserAssertInternal(const char*, const char*, Int32);
void ParserAbortInternal(const char*, const char*, Int32);
// The parsing routine which the preprocessor must call.
Int32 sql_parse(const char* str, Int32 len, CharInfo::CharSet charset,
StmtNode **stmt_node_ptr_ptr);
charBuf* parserUTF16ToCharSet(const NAWcharBuf& pr_UTF16StrBuf,
CollHeap* pp_Heap,
charBuf*& pr_pOutCharSetStrBuf,
Int32 pv_iCharSet,
Int32 & pr_iErrorcode,
NABoolean pv_bAddNullAtEnd = TRUE,
NABoolean pv_bAllowInvalidCodePoint = TRUE,
Int32 * pp_iCharCount = NULL,
Int32 * pp_iErrorByteOff = NULL);
#endif // PARSER_H