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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
* File: CmpSeabaseDDL.h
* Description: This file describes the DDL classes for Trafodion
* Contents:
* Metadata table descriptors
* class CmpSeabaseDDL
#include "ComTdb.h"
#include "ExpHbaseDefs.h"
#include "ExpLOBenums.h"
#include "NADefaults.h"
#include "NAColumn.h"
#include "CmpMessage.h"
#include "PrivMgrDefs.h"
#include "PrivMgrMD.h"
#include "ElemDDLHbaseOptions.h"
#include "CmpContext.h"
class ExpHbaseInterface;
class ExeCliInterface;
class Queue;
class StmtDDLCreateTable;
class StmtDDLDropTable;
class StmtDDLCreateHbaseTable;
class StmtDDLDropHbaseTable;
class StmtDDLCreateIndex;
class StmtDDLDropIndex;
class StmtDDLPopulateIndex;
class StmtDDLAlterTableRename;
class StmtDDLAlterTableAddColumn;
class StmtDDLAlterTableDropColumn;
class StmtDDLAlterTableAlterColumnSetSGOption;
class StmtDDLCreateView;
class StmtDDLDropView;
class StmtDDLCreateLibrary;
class StmtDDLDropLibrary;
class StmtDDLCreateRoutine;
class StmtDDLDropRoutine;
class StmtDDLCreateSequence;
class StmtDDLDropSequence;
class StmtDDLDropSchema;
class StmtDDLAlterSchema;
class StmtDDLRegOrUnregObject;
// Classes for user management
class StmtDDLRegisterUser;
class StmtDDLAlterUser;
class CmpSeabaseDDLauth;
class StmtDDLRegisterComponent;
class PrivMgrComponent;
// classes for constraints
class StmtDDLAddConstraint;
class StmtDDLAddConstraintPK;
class StmtDDLAddConstraintUnique;
class StmtDDLAddConstraintRIArray;
class StmtDDLAddConstraintUniqueArray;
class StmtDDLAddConstraintCheckArray;
class StmtDDLDropConstraint;
class StmtDDLAddConstraintCheck;
class ElemDDLColDefArray;
class ElemDDLColRefArray;
class ElemDDLParamDefArray;
class ElemDDLPartitionClause;
class DDLExpr;
class DDLNode;
class NADefaults;
class NAType;
struct TrafDesc;
class OutputInfo;
class HbaseCreateOption;
class Parser;
class NAColumnArray;
class TrafRoutineDesc;
struct MDDescsInfo;
class CmpDDLwithStatusInfo;
#include "CmpSeabaseDDLmd.h"
// The define below gives the maximum rowID length that we will permit
// for Trafodion tables and indexes. The actual HBase limit is more
// complicated: For Puts, HBase compares the key length to
// HConstants.MAX_ROW_LENGTH (= Short.MAX_VALUE = 32767). It raises an
// exception if the key length is greater than that. But there are also
// some internal data structures that HBase uses (the WAL perhaps?) that
// are keyed. Experiments show that a Trafodion key of length n causes
// a hang if n + strlen(Trafodion object name) + 16 > 32767. The HBase
// log in these cases shows an IllegalArgumentException Row > 32767 in
// this case. So it seems best to limit Trafodion key lengths to something
// sufficiently smaller than 32767 so we don't hit these hangs. A value
// of 32000 seems safe, since the longest Trafodion table name will be
// TRAFODION.something.something, with each of the somethings topping out
// at 256 bytes.
#define MAX_HBASE_ROWKEY_LEN 32000
*CmpCommon::diags() << DgSqlCode(-CAT_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION_ERROR) \
<< DgString0(__FILE__) \
<< DgInt0(__LINE__) \
<< DgString1(text)
#define CONCAT_CATSCH(tgt,catname,schname) \
(tgt = NAString(catname) + \
NAString(".\"") + \
NAString(schname) + \
struct objectRefdByMe
Int64 objectUID;
NAString objectType;
NAString objectName;
NAString schemaName;
NAString catalogName;
class CmpSeabaseDDL
CmpSeabaseDDL(NAHeap *heap, NABoolean syscatInit = TRUE);
static NABoolean isSeabase(const NAString &catName);
static NABoolean isHbase(const NAString &catName);
static bool isHistogramTable(const NAString &tabName);
static bool isSampleTable(const NAString &tabName);
static NABoolean isLOBDependentNameMatch(const NAString &name);
static NABoolean isSeabaseMD(const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName);
static ComBoolean isSeabaseMD(const ComObjectName &name);
static NABoolean isSeabasePrivMgrMD(const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName);
static ComBoolean isSeabasePrivMgrMD(const ComObjectName &name);
static NABoolean isUserUpdatableSeabaseMD(const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName);
static NABoolean isSeabaseReservedSchema(
const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName);
static NABoolean isSeabaseExternalSchema(
const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName);
static short getTextFromMD(
const char *catalogName,
ExeCliInterface * cliInterface,
Int64 constrUID,
ComTextType textType,
Lng32 textSubID,
NAString &constrText,
NABoolean binaryData = FALSE);
static short createHistogramTables(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const NAString &schemaName,
const NABoolean ignoreIfExists,
NAString &tableNotCreated);
static std::vector<std::string> getHistogramTables();
static short invalidateStats(Int64 tableUID);
short genHbaseRegionDescs(TrafDesc * desc,
const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName);
NABoolean isAuthorizationEnabled();
short existsInHbase(const NAString &objName,
ExpHbaseInterface * ehi = NULL);
void processSystemCatalog(NADefaults * defs);
short isPrivMgrMetadataInitialized(NADefaults *defs = NULL,
NABoolean checkAllPrivTables = FALSE);
short readAndInitDefaultsFromSeabaseDefaultsTable
(NADefaults::Provenance overwriteIfNotYet, Int32 errOrWarn,
NADefaults * defs);
short getSystemSoftwareVersion(Int64 &softMajVers,
Int64 &softMinVers,
Int64 &softUpdVers);
short validateVersions(NADefaults *defs,
ExpHbaseInterface * inEHI = NULL,
Int64 * mdMajorVersion = NULL,
Int64 * mdMinorVersion = NULL,
Int64 * mdUpdateVersion = NULL,
Int64 * sysSWMajorVersion = NULL,
Int64 * sysSWMinorVersion = NULL,
Int64 * sysSWUpdVersion = NULL,
Int64 * mdSWMajorVersion = NULL,
Int64 * mdSWMinorVersion = NULL,
Int64 * mdSWUpdateVersion = NULL,
Lng32 * hbaseErr = NULL,
NAString * hbaseErrStr = NULL);
short executeSeabaseDDL(DDLExpr * ddlExpr, ExprNode * ddlNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName,
CmpDDLwithStatusInfo *dws = NULL);
TrafDesc * getSeabaseTableDesc(const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName,
const ComObjectType objType,
NABoolean includeInvalidDefs = FALSE);
short getSeabaseObjectComment(Int64 object_uid,
enum ComObjectType object_type,
ComTdbVirtObjCommentInfo & comment_info,
CollHeap * heap);
short getObjectOwner(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
const char * objType,
Int32 * objectOwner);
static bool describeSchema(
const NAString & catalogName,
const NAString & schemaName,
NABoolean isHiveRegistered,
std::vector<std::string> & outlines);
static Int64 getObjectTypeandOwner(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
ComObjectType & objectType,
Int32 & objectOwner);
short getSaltText(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
const char * inObjType,
NAString& saltText) ;
static short genHbaseCreateOptions(
const char * hbaseCreateOptionsStr,
NAList<HbaseCreateOption*>* &hbaseCreateOptions,
NAMemory * heap,
size_t * beginPos,
size_t * endPos);
static short genHbaseOptionsMetadataString(
const NAList<HbaseCreateOption*> & hbaseCreateOptions,
NAString & hbaseOptionsMetadataString /* out */);
short updateHbaseOptionsInMetadata(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface,
Int64 objectUID,
ElemDDLHbaseOptions * edhbo);
TrafDesc * getSeabaseLibraryDesc(
const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &libraryName);
TrafDesc *getSeabaseRoutineDesc(const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName);
static NABoolean getOldMDInfo(const MDTableInfo &mdti,
const char* &oldName,
const QString* &oldDDL, Lng32 &sizeOfOldDDL);
short createMDdescs(MDDescsInfo *&);
static NAString getSystemCatalogStatic();
static NABoolean isEncodingNeededForSerialization(NAColumn * nac);
int32_t verifyDDLCreateOperationAuthorized(
ExeCliInterface * cliInterface,
SQLOperation operation,
const NAString & catalogName,
const NAString & schemaName,
ComSchemaClass & schemaClass,
Int32 & objectOwner,
Int32 & schemaOwner);
bool isDDLOperationAuthorized(
SQLOperation operation,
const Int32 objOwnerId,
const Int32 schemaOwnerID);
static NABoolean enabledForSerialization(NAColumn * nac);
static NABoolean isSerialized(ULng32 flags)
return (flags & NAColumn::SEABASE_SERIALIZED) != 0;
short buildColInfoArray(
ComObjectType objType,
NABoolean isMetadataHistOrReposObject,
ElemDDLColDefArray * colArray,
ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo * colInfoArray,
NABoolean implicitPK,
NABoolean alignedFormat,
Lng32 *identityColPos = NULL,
std::vector<NAString> *userColFamVec = NULL,
std::vector<NAString> *trafColFamVec = NULL,
const char * defaultColFam = NULL,
NAMemory * heap = NULL);
// The next three methods do use anything from the CmpSeabaseDDL class.
// They are placed here as a packaging convinience, to avoid code
// duplication that would occur if non-member static functions were used.
// These methods convert VirtTable*Info classes to corresponding TrafDesc
// objects
void convertVirtTableColumnInfoToDescStruct(
const ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo * colInfo,
const ComObjectName * objectName,
TrafDesc * column_desc);
TrafDesc * convertVirtTableColumnInfoArrayToDescStructs(
const ComObjectName * objectName,
const ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo * colInfoArray,
Lng32 numCols);
TrafDesc * convertVirtTableKeyInfoArrayToDescStructs(
const ComTdbVirtTableKeyInfo *keyInfoArray,
const ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo *colInfoArray,
Lng32 numKeys);
Int64 getObjectUID(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
const char * inObjType,
const char * inObjTypeStr = NULL,
char * outObjType = NULL,
NABoolean lookInObjectsIdx = FALSE,
NABoolean reportErrorNow = TRUE);
Int64 getObjectInfo(
ExeCliInterface * cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
const ComObjectType objectType,
Int32 & objectOwner,
Int32 & schemaOwner,
Int64 & objectFlags,
bool reportErrorNow = true,
NABoolean checkForValidDef = FALSE,
Int64 * createTime = NULL);
short getObjectName(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
Int64 objUID,
NAString &catName,
NAString &schName,
NAString &objName,
char * outObjType = NULL,
NABoolean lookInObjects = FALSE,
NABoolean lookInObjectsIdx = FALSE);
short getObjectValidDef(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
const ComObjectType objectType,
NABoolean &validDef);
short genTrafColFam(int index, NAString &trafColFam);
static short extractTrafColFam(const NAString &trafColFam, int &index);
short processColFamily(NAString &inColFamily,
NAString &outColFamily,
std::vector<NAString> *userColFamVec,
std::vector<NAString> *trafColFamVec);
short switchCompiler(Int32 cntxtType = CmpContextInfo::CMPCONTEXT_TYPE_META);
short switchBackCompiler();
ExpHbaseInterface* allocEHI(NADefaults * defs = NULL);
short ddlInvalidateNATables();
void deallocEHI(ExpHbaseInterface* &ehi);
void dropLOBHdfsFiles();
static void setMDflags(Int64 &flags, //INOUT
Int64 bitFlags)
flags |= bitFlags;
static void resetMDflags(Int64 &flags, //INOUT
Int64 bitFlags)
flags &= ~bitFlags;
static NABoolean isMDflagsSet(Int64 flags, Int64 bitFlags)
return (flags &= bitFlags) != 0;
enum {
// set if we need to get the hbase snapshot info of the table
// set if descr is to be generated in packed format to be stored in metadata
// set if stored object descriptor is to be read from metadata.
void setFlags(ULng32 &flags, ULng32 flagbits)
flags |= flagbits;
void resetFlags(ULng32 &flags, ULng32 flagbits)
flags &= ~flagbits;
inline const char * getMDSchema() {return;};
const char * getSystemCatalog();
ComBoolean isSeabaseReservedSchema(const ComObjectName &name);
ComBoolean isSeabase(const ComObjectName &name) ;
ComBoolean isHbase(const ComObjectName &name) ;
short isMetadataInitialized(ExpHbaseInterface * ehi = NULL);
short isOldMetadataInitialized(ExpHbaseInterface * ehi);
ExpHbaseInterface* allocEHI(const char * server, const char * zkPort,
NABoolean raiseError);
// if prevContext is defined, get user CQDs from the controlDB of
// previous context and send them to the new cmp context
short sendAllControlsAndFlags(CmpContext* prevContext=NULL,
Int32 cntxtType=-1);
void restoreAllControlsAndFlags();
void processReturn(Lng32 retcode = 0);
// construct and return the column name value as stored with hbase rows.
// colNum is 0-based (first col is 0)
void getColName(const ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo columnInfo[],
Lng32 colNum, NAString &colName);
void getColName(const char * colFam, const char * colQual,
NAString &colName);
TrafDesc *getSeabaseRoutineDescInternal(const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName);
// note: this function expects hbaseCreateOptionsArray to have
short generateHbaseOptionsArray(NAText * hbaseCreateOptionsArray,
NAList<HbaseCreateOption*> * hbaseCreateOptions);
short createHbaseTable(ExpHbaseInterface *ehi,
HbaseStr *table,
const char * cf1,
NAList<HbaseCreateOption*> * hbaseCreateOptions = NULL,
const int numSplits = 0,
const int keyLength = 0,
char **encodedKeysBuffer = NULL,
NABoolean doRetry = FALSE,
NABoolean ddlXns = FALSE);
short createHbaseTable(ExpHbaseInterface *ehi,
HbaseStr *table,
std::vector<NAString> &collFamVec,
NAList<HbaseCreateOption*> * hbaseCreateOptions = NULL,
const int numSplits = 0,
const int keyLength = 0,
char **encodedKeysBuffer = NULL,
NABoolean doRetry = TRUE,
NABoolean ddlXns = FALSE);
short alterHbaseTable(ExpHbaseInterface *ehi,
HbaseStr *table,
NAList<NAString> &allColFams,
NAList<HbaseCreateOption*> * hbaseCreateOptions,
NABoolean ddlXns);
short dropHbaseTable(ExpHbaseInterface *ehi,
HbaseStr *table, NABoolean asyncDrop,
NABoolean ddlXns);
short copyHbaseTable(ExpHbaseInterface *ehi,
HbaseStr *currTable, HbaseStr* oldTable);
NABoolean xnInProgress(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface);
short beginXn(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface);
short commitXn(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface);
short rollbackXn(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface);
short autoCommit(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface, NABoolean v);
short beginXnIfNotInProgress(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
NABoolean &xnWasStartedHere);
short endXnIfStartedHere(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
NABoolean &xnWasStartedHere, Int32 cliRC);
short dropSeabaseObject(ExpHbaseInterface *ehi,
const NAString &objName,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName,
const ComObjectType objType,
NABoolean ddlXns,
NABoolean dropFromMD = TRUE,
NABoolean dropFromHbase = TRUE);
short dropSeabaseStats(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
Int64 tableUID);
short checkDefaultValue(
const NAString & colExtName,
const NAType * inColType,
ElemDDLColDef * colNode);
short getTypeInfo(const NAType * naType,
NABoolean alignedFormat,
Lng32 serializedOption,
Lng32 &datatype,
Lng32 &length,
Lng32 &precision,
Lng32 &scale,
Lng32 &dtStart,
Lng32 &dtEnd,
Lng32 &upshifted,
Lng32 &nullable,
NAString &charset,
CharInfo::Collation &collationSequence,
ULng32 &colFlags);
short getColInfo(ElemDDLColDef * colNode,
NABoolean isMetadataHistOrReposColumn,
NAString &colFamily,
NAString &colName,
NABoolean alignedFormat,
Lng32 &datatype,
Lng32 &length,
Lng32 &precision,
Lng32 &scale,
Lng32 &dtStart,
Lng32 &dtEnd,
Lng32 &upshifted,
Lng32 &nullable,
NAString &charset,
ComColumnClass &colClass,
ComColumnDefaultClass &defaultClass,
NAString &defVal,
NAString &heading,
LobsStorage &lobStorage,
ULng32 &hbaseColFlags,
Int64 &colFlags);
short getNAColumnFromColDef(ElemDDLColDef * colNode,
NAColumn* &naCol);
short createRowId(NAString &key,
NAString &part1, Lng32 part1MaxLen,
NAString &part2, Lng32 part2MaxLen,
NAString &part3, Lng32 part3MaxLen,
NAString &part4, Lng32 part4MaxLen);
short existsInSeabaseMDTable(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
const ComObjectType objectType = COM_UNKNOWN_OBJECT,
NABoolean checkForValidDef = TRUE,
NABoolean checkForValidHbaseName = TRUE,
NABoolean returnInvalidStateError = FALSE);
Int64 getConstraintOnIndex(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
Int64 btUID,
Int64 indexUID,
const char * constrType,
NAString &catName,
NAString &schName,
NAString &objName);
short getBaseTable(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const NAString &indexCatName,
const NAString &indexSchName,
const NAString &indexObjName,
NAString &btCatName,
NAString &btSchName,
NAString &btObjName,
Int64 &btUID,
Int32 &btObjOwner,
Int32 &btSchemaOwner);
short getUsingObject(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
Int64 objUID,
NAString &usingObjName);
short getUsingRoutines(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
Int64 objUID,
Queue * & usingRoutinesQueue);
short getUsingViews(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
Int64 objectUID,
Queue * &usingViewsQueue);
short getAllUsingViews(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
NAString &catName,
NAString &schName,
NAString &objName,
Queue * &usingViewsQueue);
void handleDDLCreateAuthorizationError(
int32_t SQLErrorCode,
const NAString & catalogName,
const NAString & schemaName);
short updateSeabaseMDObjectsTable(
ExeCliInterface * cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
const ComObjectType & objectType,
const char * validDef,
Int32 objOwnerID,
Int32 schemaOwnerID,
Int64 objectFlags,
Int64 & inUID);
short deleteFromSeabaseMDObjectsTable(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
const ComObjectType & objectType);
short getAllIndexes(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
Int64 objUID,
NABoolean includeInvalidDefs,
Queue * &indexInfoQueue);
short updateSeabaseMDTable(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
const ComObjectType & objectType,
const char * validDef,
ComTdbVirtTableTableInfo * tableInfo,
Lng32 numCols,
const ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo * colInfo,
Lng32 numKeys,
const ComTdbVirtTableKeyInfo * keyInfo,
Lng32 numIndexes,
const ComTdbVirtTableIndexInfo * indexInfo,
Int64 &inUID,
NABoolean updPrivs = TRUE);
short deleteFromSeabaseMDTable(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
const ComObjectType objType);
short updateSeabaseMDSPJ(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * libname,
const char * libPath,
const Int32 ownerID,
const Int32 schemaOwnerID,
const ComTdbVirtTableRoutineInfo * routineInfo,
Lng32 numCols,
const ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo * colInfo);
short deleteConstraintInfoFromSeabaseMDTables(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
Int64 tableUID,
Int64 otherTableUID, // valid for ref constrs
Int64 constrUID,
Int64 otherConstrUID, // valid for ref constrs
const char * constrCatName,
const char * constrSchName,
const char * constrObjName,
const ComObjectType constrType);
short updateObjectName(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
Int64 objUID,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName);
// retrieved stored desc from metadata, check if it is good,
// and set retDesc, if passed in.
short checkAndGetStoredObjectDesc(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
Int64 objUID,
TrafDesc* *retDesc);
short updateObjectRedefTime(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName,
const char * objType,
Int64 rt = -1,
Int64 objUID = -1,
NABoolean force = FALSE);
short updateObjectValidDef(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
const char * objType,
const char * validDef);
short updateObjectAuditAttr(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
NABoolean audited,
const NAString& objType);
short updateObjectFlags(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const Int64 objUID,
const Int64 inFlags,
NABoolean reset);
// subID: 0, for text that belongs to table. colNumber, for column based text.
short updateTextTable(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
Int64 objUID,
ComTextType textType,
Lng32 subID,
NAString &textInputData,
char * binaryInputData = NULL,
Lng32 binaryInputDataLen = -1,
NABoolean withDelete = FALSE); // del before ins
// input data in non-char format.
short updateTextTableWithBinaryData(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
Int64 objUID,
ComTextType textType,
Lng32 subID,
char * data,
Int32 dataLen,
NABoolean withDelete);
short deleteFromTextTable(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
Int64 objUID,
ComTextType textType,
Lng32 subID);
ItemExpr * bindDivisionExprAtDDLTime(ItemExpr *expr,
NAColumnArray *availableCols,
NAHeap *heap);
short validateDivisionByExprForDDL(ItemExpr *divExpr);
short createEncodedKeysBuffer(char** &encodedKeysBuffer,
int &numSplits,
TrafDesc * colDescs, TrafDesc * keyDescs,
int numSaltPartitions,
Lng32 numSaltSplits,
NAString *splitByClause,
Lng32 numKeys,
Lng32 keyLength, NABoolean isIndex);
short validateRoutine(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const char * className,
const char * methodName,
const char * externalPath,
char * signature,
Int32 numSqlParam,
Int32 maxResultSets,
const char * optionalSig) ;
short populateKeyInfo(ComTdbVirtTableKeyInfo &keyInfo,
OutputInfo * oi, NABoolean isIndex = FALSE);
short dropMDTable(ExpHbaseInterface *ehi, const char * tab);
short populateSeabaseIndexFromTable(
ExeCliInterface * cliInterface,
NABoolean uniqueIndex,
const NAString &indexName,
const ComObjectName &tableName,
NAList<NAString> &selColList,
NABoolean useLoad );
short buildViewText(StmtDDLCreateView * createViewParseNode,
NAString &viewText);
short buildViewColInfo(StmtDDLCreateView * createViewParseNode,
ElemDDLColDefArray * colDefArray);
short buildViewTblColUsage(const StmtDDLCreateView * createViewParseNode,
const ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo * colInfoArray,
const Int64 viewObjUID, NAString &viewColUsageText);
short buildColInfoArray(ElemDDLParamDefArray *paramArray,
ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo * colInfoArray);
short buildKeyInfoArray(
ElemDDLColDefArray *colArray,
NAColumnArray *nacolArray,
ElemDDLColRefArray *keyArray,
ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo * colInfoArray,
ComTdbVirtTableKeyInfo * keyInfoArray,
NABoolean allowNullableUniqueConstr,
Lng32 *keyLength = NULL,
NAMemory * heap = NULL);
const char * computeCheckOption(StmtDDLCreateView * createViewParseNode);
short updateViewUsage(StmtDDLCreateView * createViewParseNode,
Int64 viewUID,
ExeCliInterface * cliInterface);
short unregisterHiveViewUsage(StmtDDLCreateView * createViewParseNode,
Int64 viewUID,
ExeCliInterface * cliInterface);
short gatherViewPrivileges (const StmtDDLCreateView * createViewParseNode,
ExeCliInterface * cliInterface,
NABoolean viewCreator,
Int32 userID,
PrivMgrBitmap &privilegesBitmap,
PrivMgrBitmap &grantableBitmap);
short getListOfReferencedTables (ExeCliInterface * cliInterface,
const Int64 objectUID,
NAList<objectRefdByMe> &tablesList);
short getListOfDirectlyReferencedObjects (ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const Int64 objectUID,
NAList<objectRefdByMe> &objectsList);
short genPKeyName(StmtDDLAddConstraintPK *addPKNode,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
NAString &pkeyName);
short constraintErrorChecks(
ExeCliInterface * cliInterface,
StmtDDLAddConstraint *addConstrNode,
NATable * naTable,
ComConstraintType ct,
NAList<NAString> &keyColList);
short updateConstraintMD(
NAList<NAString> &keyColList,
NAList<NAString> &keyColOrderList,
NAString &uniqueStr,
Int64 tableUID,
Int64 uniqueUID,
NATable * naTable,
ComConstraintType ct,
NABoolean enforced,
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface);
short updateRIConstraintMD(
Int64 ringConstrUID,
Int64 refdConstrUID,
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface);
short updatePKeyInfo(
StmtDDLAddConstraintPK *addPKNode,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
const Int32 ownerID,
const Int32 schemaOwnerID,
Lng32 numKeys,
Int64 * outPkeyUID,
Int64 *outTableUID,
const ComTdbVirtTableKeyInfo * keyInfoArray,
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface);
short getPKeyInfoForTable (
const char *catName,
const char *schName,
const char *objName,
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
NAString &constrName,
Int64 &constrUID);
short updateRIInfo(
StmtDDLAddConstraintRIArray &riArray,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface);
short genUniqueName(StmtDDLAddConstraint *addUniqueNode,
NAString &pkeyName);
short updateIndexInfo(
NAList<NAString> &ringKeyColList,
NAList<NAString> &ringKeyColOrderList,
NAList<NAString> &refdKeyColList,
NAString &uniqueStr,
Int64 constrUID,
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * objName,
NATable * naTable,
NABoolean isUnique, // TRUE: uniq constr. FALSE: ref constr.
NABoolean noPopulate, // TRUE, dont populate index
NABoolean isEnforced, // TRUE: contraint is enforced
NABoolean sameSequenceOfCols, // FALSE, allow "similar" indexes
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface);
short createMetadataViews(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface);
short dropMetadataViews(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface);
int addSchemaObject(
ExeCliInterface & cliInterface,
const ComSchemaName & schemaName,
ComSchemaClass schemaClass,
Int32 ownerID,
NABoolean ignoreIfExists);
short createSchemaObjects(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface);
void createSeabaseSchema(
StmtDDLCreateSchema * createSchemaNode,
NAString & currCatName);
void cleanupObjectAfterError(
ExeCliInterface &cliInterface,
const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName,
const ComObjectType objectType,
NABoolean ddlXns);
NABoolean appendErrorObjName(char * errorObjs,
const char * objName);
short setupAndErrorChecks(NAString &tabName, QualifiedName &origTableName,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName,
NAString &catalogNamePart,
NAString &schemaNamePart,
NAString &objectNamePart,
NAString &extTableName, NAString &extNameForHbase,
CorrName &cn,
NATable* *naTable,
NABoolean volTabSupported,
NABoolean hbaseMapSupported,
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
const ComObjectType objectType = COM_BASE_TABLE_OBJECT,
SQLOperation operation = SQLOperation::ALTER_TABLE,
NABoolean isExternal = FALSE);
void purgedataObjectAfterError(
ExeCliInterface &cliInterface,
const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName,
const ComObjectType objectType,
NABoolean dontForceCleanup);
short createSeabaseTable2(
ExeCliInterface &cliInterface,
StmtDDLCreateTable * createTableNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName,
NABoolean isCompound,
Int64 &objUID);
void createSeabaseTable(
StmtDDLCreateTable * createTableNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName,
NABoolean isCompound = FALSE,
Int64 * retObjUID = NULL);
void createSeabaseTableCompound(
StmtDDLCreateTable * createTableNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
short createSeabaseTableLike2(
CorrName &cn,
const NAString &likeTabName,
NABoolean withPartns = FALSE,
NABoolean withoutSalt = FALSE,
NABoolean withoutDivision = FALSE,
NABoolean withoutRowFormat = FALSE);
void createSeabaseTableLike(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
StmtDDLCreateTable * createTableNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
short createSeabaseTableExternal(
ExeCliInterface &cliInterface,
StmtDDLCreateTable * createTableNode,
const ComObjectName &tgtTableName,
const ComObjectName &srcTableName);
// makes a copy of underlying hbase table
short cloneHbaseTable(
const NAString &srcTable, const NAString &clonedTable,
ExpHbaseInterface * inEHI);
// makes a copy of traf metadata and underlying hbase table
short cloneSeabaseTable(
const NAString &srcTableNameStr,
Int64 srcObjUID,
const NAString &clonedTableNameStr,
const NATable * naTable,
ExpHbaseInterface * ehi,
ExeCliInterface * cilInterface,
NABoolean withCreate);
short dropSeabaseTable2(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
StmtDDLDropTable * dropTableNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void dropSeabaseTable(
StmtDDLDropTable * dropTableNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void createSeabaseIndex(
StmtDDLCreateIndex * createIndexNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void populateSeabaseIndex(
StmtDDLPopulateIndex * populateIndexNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void dropSeabaseIndex(
StmtDDLDropIndex * dropIndexNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void renameSeabaseTable(
StmtDDLAlterTableRename * renameTableNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void alterSeabaseTableStoredDesc(
StmtDDLAlterTableStoredDesc * alterStoredDesc,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void alterSeabaseTableHBaseOptions(
StmtDDLAlterTableHBaseOptions * hbaseOptionsNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void alterSeabaseIndexHBaseOptions(
StmtDDLAlterIndexHBaseOptions * hbaseOptionsNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void addConstraints(
ComObjectName &tableName,
ComAnsiNamePart &currCatAnsiName,
ComAnsiNamePart &currSchAnsiName,
StmtDDLNode * ddlNode,
StmtDDLAddConstraintPK * pkConstr,
StmtDDLAddConstraintUniqueArray &uniqueConstrArr,
StmtDDLAddConstraintRIArray &riConstrArr,
StmtDDLAddConstraintCheckArray &checkConstrArr,
NABoolean isCompound = FALSE);
void alterSeabaseTableAddColumn(
StmtDDLAlterTableAddColumn * alterAddColNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
short updateMDforDropCol(ExeCliInterface &cliInterface,
const NATable * naTable,
Lng32 dropColNum);
short alignedFormatTableDropColumn(
const NAString &catalogNamePart,
const NAString &schemaNamePart,
const NAString &objectNamePart,
const NATable * naTable,
const NAString &altColName,
ElemDDLColDef *pColDef,
NABoolean ddlXns,
NAList<NAString> &viewNameList,
NAList<NAString> &viewDefnList);
short hbaseFormatTableDropColumn(
ExpHbaseInterface *ehi,
const NAString &catalogNamePart,
const NAString &schemaNamePart,
const NAString &objectNamePart,
const NATable * naTable,
const NAString &altColName,
const NAColumn * nacol,
NABoolean ddlXns,
NAList<NAString> &viewNameList,
NAList<NAString> &viewDefnList);
void alterSeabaseTableDropColumn(
StmtDDLAlterTableDropColumn * alterDropColNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
short saveAndDropUsingViews(Int64 objUID,
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
NAList<NAString> &viewNameList,
NAList<NAString> &viewDefnList);
short recreateUsingViews(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
NAList<NAString> &viewNameList,
NAList<NAString> &viewDefnList,
NABoolean ddlXns);
void alterSeabaseTableAlterIdentityColumn(
StmtDDLAlterTableAlterColumnSetSGOption * alterIdentityColNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
short mdOnlyAlterColumnAttr(
const NAString &catalogNamePart, const NAString &schemaNamePart,
const NAString &objectNamePart,
const NATable * naTable, const NAColumn * naCol, NAType * newType,
StmtDDLAlterTableAlterColumnDatatype * alterColNode,
NAList<NAString> &viewNameList,
NAList<NAString> &viewDefnList);
short hbaseFormatTableAlterColumnAttr(
const NAString &catalogNamePart, const NAString &schemaNamePart,
const NAString &objectNamePart,
const NATable * naTable, const NAColumn * naCol, NAType * newType,
StmtDDLAlterTableAlterColumnDatatype * alterColNode);
short alignedFormatTableAlterColumnAttr
const NAString &catalogNamePart,
const NAString &schemaNamePart,
const NAString &objectNamePart,
const NATable * naTable,
const NAString &altColName,
ElemDDLColDef *pColDef,
NABoolean ddlXns,
NAList<NAString> &viewNameList,
NAList<NAString> &viewDefnList);
void alterSeabaseTableAlterColumnDatatype(
StmtDDLAlterTableAlterColumnDatatype * alterColumnDatatype,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void alterSeabaseTableAlterColumnRename(
StmtDDLAlterTableAlterColumnRename * alterColumnDatatype,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void alterSeabaseTableAddPKeyConstraint(
StmtDDLAddConstraint * alterAddConstraint,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void alterSeabaseTableAddUniqueConstraint(
StmtDDLAddConstraint * alterAddConstraint,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
short isCircularDependent(
CorrName &ringTable,
CorrName &refdTable,
CorrName &origRingTable,
BindWA *bindWA);
void alterSeabaseTableAddRIConstraint(
StmtDDLAddConstraint * alterAddConstraint,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
short getCheckConstraintText(StmtDDLAddConstraintCheck *addCheckNode,
NAString &checkConstrText);
short getTextFromMD(
ExeCliInterface * cliInterface,
Int64 constrUID,
ComTextType textType,
Lng32 textSubID,
NAString &constrText,
NABoolean binaryData = FALSE);
void alterSeabaseTableAddCheckConstraint(
StmtDDLAddConstraint * alterAddConstraint,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void alterSeabaseTableDropConstraint(
StmtDDLDropConstraint * alterDropConstraint,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void alterSeabaseTableDisableOrEnableIndex(
ExprNode * ddlNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void alterSeabaseTableDisableOrEnableAllIndexes(
ExprNode * ddlNode,
NAString &currCatName,
NAString &currSchName,
NAString &tableName,
NABoolean allUniquesOnly);
short alterSeabaseTableDisableOrEnableIndex(
const char * catName,
const char * schName,
const char * idxName,
const char * tabName,
NABoolean isDisable);
void createSeabaseView(
StmtDDLCreateView * createViewNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void dropSeabaseView(
StmtDDLDropView * dropViewNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void createSeabaseLibrary(StmtDDLCreateLibrary * createLibraryNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void registerSeabaseUser (
StmtDDLRegisterUser * registerUserNode);
void alterSeabaseUser (
StmtDDLAlterUser * alterUserNode);
void unregisterSeabaseUser (
StmtDDLRegisterUser * registerUserNode);
void registerSeabaseComponent (
StmtDDLRegisterComponent * registerComponentNode);
void dropSeabaseLibrary(StmtDDLDropLibrary * dropLibraryNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void alterSeabaseLibrary(StmtDDLAlterLibrary *alterLibraryNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void createSeabaseRoutine(StmtDDLCreateRoutine * createRoutineNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void dropSeabaseRoutine(StmtDDLDropRoutine * dropRoutineNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
short createSeabaseLibmgr(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface);
short upgradeSeabaseLibmgr(ExeCliInterface * inCliInterface);
short dropSeabaseLibmgr(ExeCliInterface *inCliInterface);
short createLibmgrProcs(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface);
short grantLibmgrPrivs(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface);
short createSeabaseLibmgrCPPLib(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface);
short registerNativeTable
const NAString &catalogNamePart,
const NAString &schemaNamePart,
const NAString &objectNamePart,
Int32 objOwnerId,
Int32 schemaOwnerId,
ExeCliInterface &cliInterface,
NABoolean isRegister,
NABoolean isInternal
short unregisterNativeTable
const NAString &catalogNamePart,
const NAString &schemaNamePart,
const NAString &objectNamePart,
ExeCliInterface &cliInterface,
ComObjectType objType = COM_BASE_TABLE_OBJECT
short registerHiveView
const NAString &catalogNamePart,
const NAString &schemaNamePart,
const NAString &objectNamePart,
Int32 objOwnerId,
Int32 schemaOwnerId,
NATable *naTable,
ExeCliInterface &cliInterface,
NABoolean isInternal,
NABoolean cascade
short unregisterHiveView
const NAString &catalogNamePart,
const NAString &schemaNamePart,
const NAString &objectNamePart,
NATable *naTable,
ExeCliInterface &cliInterface,
NABoolean cascade
void regOrUnregNativeObject (
StmtDDLRegOrUnregObject * regOrUnregObject,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
short adjustHiveExternalSchemas(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface);
void createSeabaseSequence(StmtDDLCreateSequence * createSequenceNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void alterSeabaseSequence(StmtDDLCreateSequence * alterSequenceNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void dropSeabaseSequence(StmtDDLDropSequence * dropSequenceNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void seabaseGrantRevoke(
StmtDDLNode * stmtDDLNode,
NABoolean isGrant,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName,
NABoolean internalCall = FALSE);
void hbaseGrantRevoke(StmtDDLNode * stmtDDLNode,
NABoolean isGrant,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void dropSeabaseSchema(StmtDDLDropSchema * dropSchemaNode);
void alterSeabaseSchema(StmtDDLAlterSchema * alterSchemaNode);
bool dropOneTableorView(
ExeCliInterface & cliInterface,
const char * objectName,
ComObjectType objectType,
bool isVolatile);
void createNativeHbaseTable(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
StmtDDLCreateHbaseTable * createTableNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void dropNativeHbaseTable(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
StmtDDLDropHbaseTable * dropTableNode,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
void initSeabaseMD(NABoolean ddlXns, NABoolean minimal);
void dropSeabaseMD(NABoolean ddlXns);
void createSeabaseMDviews();
void dropSeabaseMDviews();
void createSeabaseSchemaObjects();
void updateVersion();
short createPrivMgrRepos(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface, NABoolean ddlXns);
short initSeabaseAuthorization(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
NABoolean ddlXns,
std::vector<std::string> &tablesCreated,
std::vector<std::string> &tablesUpgraded);
void dropSeabaseAuthorization(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
NABoolean doCleanup = FALSE);
void doSeabaseCommentOn(StmtDDLCommentOn *commentOnNode,
NAString &currCatName,
NAString &currSchName);
NABoolean insertPrivMgrInfo(const Int64 objUID,
const NAString &objName,
const ComObjectType objectType,
const Int32 objOwnerID,
const Int32 schemaOwnerID,
const Int32 creatorID);
NABoolean deletePrivMgrInfo(const NAString &objName,
const Int64 objUID,
const ComObjectType objType);
short dropSeabaseObjectsFromHbase(const char * pattern, NABoolean ddlXns);
short updateSeabaseAuths(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface, const char * sysCat);
short truncateHbaseTable(const NAString &catalogNamePart,
const NAString &schemaNamePart,
const NAString &objectNamePart,
NATable * naTable,
ExpHbaseInterface * ehi);
void purgedataHbaseTable(DDLExpr * ddlExpr,
NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName);
short createRepos(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface);
short dropRepos(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface,
NABoolean oldRepos = FALSE, NABoolean dropSchema = TRUE,
NABoolean inRecovery = FALSE);
short alterRenameRepos(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface, NABoolean newToOld);
short copyOldReposToNew(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface);
short dropAndLogReposViews(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface,
NABoolean & someViewSaved /* out */);
short upgradeRepos(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface, CmpDDLwithStatusInfo *mdui);
short upgradeReposComplete(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface, CmpDDLwithStatusInfo *mdui);
short upgradeReposUndo(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface, CmpDDLwithStatusInfo *mdui);
NAString genHBaseObjName(const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName);
void processRepository(NABoolean createR, NABoolean dropR, NABoolean upgradeR);
short updateSeabaseVersions(ExeCliInterface * cliInterface, const char * sysCat,
Lng32 majorVersion = -1);
short getSpecialTableInfo
NAMemory * heap,
const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName,
const NAString &extTableName,
const ComObjectType &objType,
ComTdbVirtTableTableInfo* &tableInfo
TrafDesc * getSeabaseMDTableDesc(const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName,
const ComObjectType objType);
TrafDesc * getSeabaseHistTableDesc(const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName);
ComTdbVirtTableSequenceInfo * getSeabaseSequenceInfo
(const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &seqName,
NAString &extSeqName,
Int32 & objectOwner,
Int32 & schemaOwner,
Int64 & seqUID);
TrafDesc * getSeabaseSequenceDesc(const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &seqName);
ComTdbVirtTablePrivInfo * getSeabasePrivInfo
(const Int64 objUID,
const ComObjectType objType);
Lng32 getSeabaseColumnInfo(ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
Int64 objUID,
const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName,
char *direction,
NABoolean *tableIsSalted,
Lng32 * identityColPos,
Lng32 *numCols,
ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo **colInfoArray);
TrafDesc * getSeabaseUserTableDesc(const NAString &catName,
const NAString &schName,
const NAString &objName,
const ComObjectType objType,
NABoolean includeInvalidDefs,
Int32 ctlFlags,
Int32 &packedDescLen);
static NABoolean getMDtableInfo(const ComObjectName &ansiName,
ComTdbVirtTableTableInfo* &tableInfo,
Lng32 &colInfoSize,
const ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo* &colInfo,
Lng32 &keyInfoSize,
const ComTdbVirtTableKeyInfo* &keyInfo,
Lng32 &indexInfoSize,
const ComTdbVirtTableIndexInfo* &indexInfo,
const ComObjectType objType);
void giveSeabaseAll(StmtDDLGiveAll * giveAllParseNode);
void giveSeabaseObject(StmtDDLGiveObject * giveObjectNode);
void giveSeabaseSchema(
StmtDDLGiveSchema * giveSchemaNode,
NAString & currentCatalogName);
void glueQueryFragments(Lng32 queryArraySize,
const QString * queryArray,
char * &gluedQuery,
Lng32 &gluedQuerySize);
short convertColAndKeyInfoArrays(
Lng32 btNumCols, // IN
ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo* btColInfoArray, // IN
Lng32 btNumKeys, // IN
ComTdbVirtTableKeyInfo* btKeyInfoArray, // IN
NAColumnArray *naColArray,
NAColumnArray *naKeyArr);
short processDDLandCreateDescs(
Parser &parser,
const QString *ddl,
Lng32 sizeOfddl,
NABoolean isIndexTable,
Lng32 btNumCols, // IN
ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo* btColInfoArray, // IN
Lng32 btNumKeys, // IN
ComTdbVirtTableKeyInfo* btKeyInfoArray, // IN
Lng32 &numCols,
ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo* &colInfoArray,
Lng32 &numKeys,
ComTdbVirtTableKeyInfo* &keyInfoArray,
ComTdbVirtTableIndexInfo* &indexInfo);
short createIndexColAndKeyInfoArrays(
ElemDDLColRefArray & indexColRefArray,
NABoolean isUnique,
NABoolean hasSyskey,
NABoolean alignedFormat,
NAString &defaultColFam,
const NAColumnArray &baseTableNAColArray,
const NAColumnArray &baseTableKeyArr,
Lng32 &keyColCount,
Lng32 &nonKeyColCount,
Lng32 &totalColCount,
ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo * &colInfoArray,
ComTdbVirtTableKeyInfo * &keyInfoArray,
NAList<NAString> &selColList,
Lng32 &keyLength,
NAMemory * heap);
// called by both Create Table and Create Index code
// Given the optionsclause (from parser) and numSplits (parser/cqd/infered)
// this method the produced hbaseOptions in a list that can be more
// easily provided to the HBase create table API as well as in a string
// that can be stored in Trafodion metadata. Returns 0 on success and a
// negative value to indicate failure.
short setupHbaseOptions(ElemDDLHbaseOptions * hbaseOptionsClause, // in
Int32 numSplits, // in
const NAString& objName, //in for err handling
NAList<HbaseCreateOption*>& hbaseCreateOptions, //out
NAString& hco); // out
short lookForTableInMD(
ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
NAString &catNamePart, NAString &schNamePart, NAString &objNamePart,
NABoolean schNameSpecified, NABoolean isHbaseMapSpecified,
ComObjectName &tableName, NAString &tabName, NAString &extTableName,
const ComObjectType objectType = COM_BASE_TABLE_OBJECT);
NAHeap *heap_;
ULng32 savedCmpParserFlags_;
ULng32 savedCliParserFlags_;
NAString seabaseSysCat_;
NAString seabaseMDSchema_; /* Qualified metadata schema */
const char * param_[NUM_MAX_PARAMS];
NABoolean cmpSwitched_;
#endif // _CMP_SEABASE_DDL_H_