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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: TreeNode.C
* RCS: $Id: TreeNode.cpp,v 1.9 1998/07/29 22:02:33 Exp $
* Description: This file contains the implementation of all member functions
* of class TreeNode.
* Created: 05/25/96
* Modified: $ $Date: 1998/07/29 22:02:33 $ (GMT)
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "TreeNode.h"
// Class Constructor.
TreeNode::TreeNode() {}
// Class Destructor. Delete all the space pointed to by the ptrs in TreeNode
TreeNode::~TreeNode() {
if (key_ != NULL) {
key_ = NULL;
// No need to delete record_, fi_, fe_. record_ points to existing Record.
// fi_ fe_ point to existing TreeNode. Also no need to delete scratch file
// since it is handled separately. Infact sortMergeNode_->scrBlock1_ must be
// deallocated in the same location as it got allocated.
if (sortMergeNode_ != NULL)
NADELETEBASIC(sortMergeNode_, heap_);
sortMergeNode_ = NULL;
// Name : initialize
// Parameters : ...
// Description : This function is used to initialize the TreeNode members.
// This is called from the contructor of Tree class when
// the tournament tree is being built.
// Return Value :
// None.
void TreeNode::initialize(ULng32 nodenum,
ULng32 associatedrun,
TreeNode *fi,
TreeNode *fe,
Record *rec,
CollHeap* heap,
SortError* sorterror,
SortScratchSpace* scratch,
NABoolean merge,
NABoolean waited)
key_ = NULL;
record_ = NULL;
nodenum_ = nodenum;
fe_ = fe;
fi_ = fi;
run_ = 0;
record_ = &rec[nodenum];
loser_ = this;
heap_ = heap;
if (merge)
sortMergeNode_ = new (heap_) SortMergeNode(associatedrun, scratch);
if (sortMergeNode_ == NULL)
sortError_->setErrorInfo( EScrNoMemory //sort error
,0 //syserr: the actual FS error
,0 //syserrdetail
,"Treenode::initialize" //methodname
RESULT status;
// initiateReadIO will report any errors
status = scratch->initiateSortMergeNodeRead(sortMergeNode_,waited);
if (status == SCRATCH_FAILURE )
sorterror = scratch->getSortError();
sortError_ = sorterror;
sortMergeNode_ = NULL;
sortError_ = sorterror;
// Description : This function is used to deallocate objects that
// were allocated in initialize().
void TreeNode::deallocate()
// No need to delete scratch file, it is managed outside the scope
// of this code. Infact sortMergeNode_->scrBlock1_ must be
// deallocated in the same location as it got allocated.
if (sortMergeNode_ != NULL)
NADELETEBASIC(sortMergeNode_, heap_);
sortMergeNode_ = NULL;
// Name : outputScr
// Parameters : ...
// Description : This function is used to output the record
// represented by this tree node, to the Scratch file.
// This is used during run generation.
// Return Value :
// None.
RESULT TreeNode::outputScr(ULng32 run, ULng32 reclen,
SortScratchSpace* scratch,NABoolean waited)
if (scratch->getDiskPool()== NULL)
status = record_->putToScr(run, reclen, scratch,waited); //putToScr can get an error
if (status != SCRATCH_SUCCESS)
return status;
key_ = NULL;
return status;
// Name : inputScr
// Parameters : ...
// Description : This function is used to input the record
// represented by this tree node, from the scratch file.
// This is used during merging.
// Return Value :
// 0 - If record read successfully.
RESULT TreeNode::inputScr(ULng32 keylen,
ULng32 reclen,
SortScratchSpace* scratch,
ULng32 &actRecLen,
//ULng32 keySize,
NABoolean waited,
Int16 numberOfBytesForRecordSize)
RESULT status;
status = record_->getFromScr(sortMergeNode_, reclen, scratch, actRecLen,/*keySize,*/ waited, numberOfBytesForRecordSize);
if ((status != END_OF_RUN) && ( status == SCRATCH_SUCCESS))
key_ = record_->extractKey(keylen, numberOfBytesForRecordSize);
return status;
NABoolean TreeNode::setRecord(void *rec, ULng32 reclen,
ULng32 keylen,
Int16 numberOfBytesForRecordSize)
NABoolean status;
status = record_->setRecord(rec, reclen);
key_ = record_->extractKey(keylen, numberOfBytesForRecordSize);
NABoolean TreeNode::setRecordTupp(void *rec, ULng32 reclen,
ULng32 keylen, void* tupp,
Int16 numberOfBytesForRecordSize)
NABoolean status;
status = record_->setRecordTupp(rec, reclen, tupp);
key_ = record_->extractKey(keylen, numberOfBytesForRecordSize);
NABoolean TreeNode::getRecord(void *rec, ULng32 reclen)
return record_->getRecord(rec, reclen);
// Name : getXXXXXX and setXXXXXX
// Parameters : ...
// Description : All the following get and set functions are used to
// set the value of the private data members of TreeNode
// and to get these values whenever required.
// Return Value :
// 0 - If record read successfully.
// 1 - If EOF.
TreeNode *TreeNode::getFe()
return fe_;
TreeNode *TreeNode::getFi()
return fi_;
void TreeNode::setLoser(TreeNode *node)
loser_ = node;
TreeNode *TreeNode::getLoser()
return (loser_);
char* TreeNode::getKey()
return key_;
ULng32 TreeNode::getRun()
void TreeNode::setRun(ULng32 run)
run_ = run;