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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: TransRule.h
* Description: Transformation rules
* Created: 9/14/94
* Language: C++
#include "Rule.h"
#include "Analyzer.h"
//forward declaration
class MultiJoin;
class LSRConfidence;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// classes defined in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class JoinCommutativityRule;
class JoinLeftShiftRule;
class IndexJoinRule1;
class IndexJoinRule2;
class OrOptimizationRule;
class TSJRule;
class RoutineJoinToTSJRule;
class JoinToTSJRule;
class TSJFlowRule;
class TSJUDRRule;
class FilterRule;
class FilterRule0;
class FilterRule1;
class FilterRule2;
class GroupByEliminationRule;
class GroupByOnJoinRule;
class PartialGroupByOnTSJRule;
class GroupBySplitRule;
class AggrDistinctEliminationRule;
class GroupByTernarySplitRule;
class ShortCutGroupByRule;
class CommonSubExprRule;
class SampleScanRule;
class JoinToBushyTreeRule;
class OnceGuidance;
class StopGuidance;
class FilterGuidance;
// LSRs declared in this file
class MJStarJoinIRule;
class MJStarJoinIIRule;
// Workareas for MJ Rules
class MJRulesWA;
class MJStarJoinIRuleWA;
// Non-LSR MJ rules
class MJExpandRule;
class MJEnumRule;
class MVQRRule;
class MVQRScanRule;
class GroupByMVQRRule;
class HbaseScanRule;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ScanIndexInfo;
class Scan;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function to add transformation rules to the rule set
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void CreateTransformationRules(RuleSet*);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// transformation rule subclasses
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class MJExpandRule : public Rule
MJExpandRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
MJExpandRule (const MJExpandRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~MJExpandRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual Int32 promiseForOptimization(RelExpr * relExpr,
Guidance * guidance,
Context * context);
virtual NABoolean isImplementationRule () const { return FALSE; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// use for MV query rewrite
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class MVQRRule : public Rule
MVQRRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
MVQRRule (const MVQRRule &) ;
virtual ~MVQRRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual NABoolean isImplementationRule () const { return FALSE; }
class MVQRScanRule : public Rule
MVQRScanRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
MVQRScanRule (const MVQRScanRule &) ;
virtual ~MVQRScanRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual NABoolean isImplementationRule () const { return FALSE; }
class GroupByMVQRRule : public Rule
GroupByMVQRRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
GroupByMVQRRule (const GroupByMVQRRule &) ;
virtual ~GroupByMVQRRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual NABoolean isImplementationRule () const { return FALSE; }
class MJEnumRule : public Rule
MJEnumRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
MJEnumRule (const MJEnumRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~MJEnumRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual NABoolean isImplementationRule () const { return FALSE; }
enum StarJoinType { TYPE_I, TYPE_II };
class MJStarJoinIRuleWA : public NABasicObject
friend class MJStarJoinIRule;
// listOfEdges_ is allocated from the statement heap. It is safe to
// ignore this dstr is not code coveraged.
delete listOfEdges_;
// construct is private since only the MJStarJoinRule should be able to
// instantiate an object of this class
MJStarJoinIRuleWA(CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()):
// the fact table
CANodeId factTable_;
// This is the set of tables are are joined before
// the fact table is joined. Generally this should
// be a union of the tables in the lists of sets below.
CANodeIdSet nodesJoinedBeforeFactTable_;
// list of fringes that are joined to the fact table via clustering
// key prefix predicates
NAList<CANodeIdSet> * listOfEdges_;
// optimal position of FactTable in list of edges
Int32 optimalFTLocation_;
// Nodes that are not part of the fringes
CANodeIdSet availableNodes_;
// flag indicating if the Star Schema was matched
// in the MJStarJoinRule topMatch
NABoolean matchedStarSchema_;
CollHeap *heap_;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Base class for the two star join LSRs
// 1. Star Join Type I
// * This produces a plan with a nested join into the fact table
// 2. Star Join Type II
// * This produces a plan with the fact table as the outer most
// in a series of hash joins
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MJStarJoinRules : public Rule
MJStarJoinRules(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
MJStarJoinRules (const MJExpandRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~MJStarJoinRules() {}
/*virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual NABoolean isImplementationRule ();*/
virtual NABoolean isAStarJoinRule() const = 0;
//extends an edge of the star
CANodeIdSet extendEdge(CANodeId connectedTable,//in
CANodeIdSet& availableNodes,//in
UInt32 lookAhead);//in
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The MultiJoin StarJoin Type I Rule
// This is a Large-Scope Rule
// It tries to match the pattern for a classic star schema
// and if the shape matches it produces a plan with a nested
// join into the fact table
// If nested join into the fact table does not make sense
// the topMatch returns false and schedules the MJStarBDRule
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MJStarJoinIRule : public MJStarJoinRules
MJStarJoinIRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
MJStarJoinRules(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
MJStarJoinIRule (const MJStarJoinIRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~MJStarJoinIRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual NABoolean isImplementationRule () const { return FALSE; }
virtual NABoolean isAStarJoinRule() const {return TRUE; }
NABoolean topMatch_Old(RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
RelExpr * nextSubstitute_Old(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
//helper methods
//Sort JBBCs of the MultiJoin on which this rule is firing.
//The sorting order is based on the cardinality of the JBBC after application
//of local predicates on the prefix of the clustering key.
void sortMJJBBCsByCardAfterLocalKeyPrefixPred(NAList<CANodeId> &sortedJBBCs,//out
const MultiJoin * const mjoin);//in
// return the fact table if one is found otherwise return a CANodeId of
CANodeId findFactTable(const MultiJoin * const mjoin, //in
CostScalar & factTableCKPrefixCardinality, //out
CANodeId & biggestNode); //out
// does the given multijoin resemble a star shape
// e.g.
// t1
// |
// |
// |
// t2---------t3-----------t4
// |
// |
// |
// t5
// The method will return the center of the star, in this case
// it should be t3.
// Note this does not necessarily mean it is a star schema
// since t3 might be a small table.
// For the above schema to be a star schema the center should be
// a large fact table
// This method just looks and table connectivities and returns the
// center of the shape, otherwise it returns NULL_CA_ID
CANodeId isAStarShape(MultiJoin * mjoin);
// This method give a fact table, matches a multi-join to a star pattern
NABoolean isAStarPattern(MultiJoin * mjoin,//in
CANodeId factTable,//in
CostScalar factTableCKPrefixCardinality);//in
// get a rough estimate of cost for doing a nested join on the fact table
// number of probes = dataFlowFromEdge
// Rows of fact table that will be scanned = factTableRowsToScan
CostScalar computeCostForFactTable(CostScalar probes,
CostScalar factTableRowsToScan,
CANodeId factTable,
MultiJoin *mjoin);
// sort the JBBCs based on cardinality after local predicates
// the sorting order is descending i.e. largest -> smallest
void sortMJJBBCs(NAList<CANodeId> &sortedJBBCs,
const MultiJoin * const mjoin);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The MultiJoin StarJoin Rule
// This is a Large-Scope Rule
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MJStarJoinIIRule : public MJStarJoinRules
MJStarJoinIIRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
MJStarJoinRules(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
MJStarJoinIIRule (const MJExpandRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~MJStarJoinIIRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual NABoolean isImplementationRule () const { return FALSE; }
virtual NABoolean isAStarJoinRule() const {return TRUE; }
RelExpr * nextSubstitute_Old (RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
class JoinCommutativityRule : public Rule
JoinCommutativityRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
JoinCommutativityRule (const JoinCommutativityRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~JoinCommutativityRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
class JoinLeftShiftRule : public Rule
JoinLeftShiftRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
JoinLeftShiftRule (const JoinLeftShiftRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~JoinLeftShiftRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual Guidance * guidanceForExploringChild(Guidance *, Context *, Lng32);
virtual Guidance * guidanceForExploringSubstitute(Guidance * guidance);
virtual Guidance * guidanceForOptimizingSubstitute(Guidance * guidance,
Context * context);
class IndexJoinRule1 : public Rule
IndexJoinRule1 (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
IndexJoinRule1 (const IndexJoinRule1 &) ; // not written
virtual ~IndexJoinRule1() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
// non-virtual methods to do the work for both pass 1 and pass 2
RelExpr * nextSubstituteForPass(RelExpr * before,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory,
Lng32 pass);
RelExpr * makeSubstituteFromIndexInfo(Scan *bef,
ScanIndexInfo *ixi);
class IndexJoinRule2 : public IndexJoinRule1
IndexJoinRule2 (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
IndexJoinRule1(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
IndexJoinRule2 (const IndexJoinRule2 &) ; // not written
virtual ~IndexJoinRule2() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
class OrOptimizationRule : public Rule
OrOptimizationRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
OrOptimizationRule (const OrOptimizationRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~OrOptimizationRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
CostScalar rateIndexForColumn(Int32 colNumInIndex,
Scan *s,
IndexDesc *ixDesc,
NABoolean indexOnly);
RelExpr * makeSubstituteScan(Scan *s,
const ValueIdSet &disjuncts,
RelExpr *partialResult,
const ValueIdSet disjunctsProcessedSoFar,
const ValueIdList &origCharOutputList,
ValueIdList &resultCharOutputs);
class TSJRule : public Rule
TSJRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
TSJRule (const TSJRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~TSJRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
class RoutineJoinToTSJRule : public Rule
RoutineJoinToTSJRule(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
RoutineJoinToTSJRule (const RoutineJoinToTSJRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~RoutineJoinToTSJRule();
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * relExpr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context * context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual Int32 promiseForOptimization(RelExpr * relExpr,
Guidance * guidance,
Context * context);
virtual NABoolean canBePruned(RelExpr * expr) const;
class JoinToTSJRule : public Rule
JoinToTSJRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
JoinToTSJRule (const JoinToTSJRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~JoinToTSJRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual Int32 promiseForOptimization(RelExpr * relExpr,
Guidance * guidance,
Context * context);
virtual NABoolean canBePruned(RelExpr * expr) const;
class TSJFlowRule : public Rule
TSJFlowRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
TSJFlowRule (const TSJFlowRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~TSJFlowRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
// Raj P - 10/2000
// Rule to support CALL <stored-proc>
class TSJUDRRule : public Rule
TSJUDRRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
virtual ~TSJUDRRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual NABoolean isContextSensitive() const;
// default constructor, not written
TSJUDRRule ();
// copy ctor
TSJUDRRule (const TSJUDRRule &) ; // not written
class FilterRule : public Rule
FilterRule(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
FilterRule (const FilterRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~FilterRule() {}
virtual Guidance * guidanceForExploringChild(Guidance * guidance,
Context * context,
Lng32 childIndex);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory)=0;
virtual Int32 promiseForOptimization(RelExpr * relExpr,
Guidance * guidance,
Context * context);
class FilterRule0 : public FilterRule
FilterRule0(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
FilterRule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
FilterRule0 (const FilterRule0 &) ; // not written
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
class FilterRule1 : public FilterRule
FilterRule1(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
FilterRule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
FilterRule1 (const FilterRule1 &) ; // not written
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
class FilterRule2 : public FilterRule
FilterRule2(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
FilterRule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
FilterRule2 (const FilterRule2 &) ; // not written
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
class GroupByEliminationRule : public Rule
GroupByEliminationRule(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
GroupByEliminationRule (const GroupByEliminationRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~GroupByEliminationRule();
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual Int32 promiseForOptimization(RelExpr * relExpr,
Guidance * guidance,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
class GroupByOnJoinRule : public Rule
GroupByOnJoinRule(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
GroupByOnJoinRule (const GroupByOnJoinRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~GroupByOnJoinRule();
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context * context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
class PartialGroupByOnTSJRule : public Rule
PartialGroupByOnTSJRule(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
PartialGroupByOnTSJRule (const PartialGroupByOnTSJRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~PartialGroupByOnTSJRule();
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context * context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
class GroupBySplitRule : public Rule
GroupBySplitRule(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
GroupBySplitRule (const GroupBySplitRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~GroupBySplitRule();
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual Int32 promiseForOptimization(RelExpr * relExpr,
Guidance * guidance,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context * context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual NABoolean canMatchPattern (const RelExpr * pattern) const;
class AggrDistinctEliminationRule : public Rule
AggrDistinctEliminationRule(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
AggrDistinctEliminationRule (const AggrDistinctEliminationRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~AggrDistinctEliminationRule();
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute (RelExpr * before,
Context * context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual NABoolean canMatchPattern (const RelExpr * pattern) const;
class GroupByTernarySplitRule : public GroupBySplitRule
GroupByTernarySplitRule(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
GroupBySplitRule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
GroupByTernarySplitRule (const GroupByTernarySplitRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~GroupByTernarySplitRule();
virtual NABoolean isContextSensitive() const;
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual NABoolean canMatchPattern (const RelExpr * pattern) const;
class ShortCutGroupByRule : public Rule
ShortCutGroupByRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
ShortCutGroupByRule (const ShortCutGroupByRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~ShortCutGroupByRule();
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * relExpr,
Context *context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context * context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual NABoolean canMatchPattern (const RelExpr * pattern) const;
class CommonSubExprRule : public Rule
CommonSubExprRule (const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
CommonSubExprRule (const CommonSubExprRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~CommonSubExprRule();
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context * context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual NABoolean canMatchPattern (const RelExpr * pattern) const;
class SampleScanRule : public Rule
SampleScanRule(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
SampleScanRule (const SampleScanRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~SampleScanRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
virtual Int32 promiseForOptimization(RelExpr * relExpr,
Guidance * guidance,
Context * context);
class JoinToBushyTreeRule : public Rule
JoinToBushyTreeRule(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
virtual ~JoinToBushyTreeRule() {}
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * expr,
Context * context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context *context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
class HbaseScanRule : public Rule
HbaseScanRule(const char * name,
RelExpr * pattern,
RelExpr * substitute) :
Rule(name,pattern,substitute) {}
// copy ctor
HbaseScanRule (const HbaseScanRule &) ; // not written
virtual ~HbaseScanRule();
virtual NABoolean topMatch (RelExpr * relExpr,
Context *context);
virtual RelExpr * nextSubstitute(RelExpr * before,
Context * context,
RuleSubstituteMemory * & memory);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Work areas to share work done between MJ Rules (i.e. LSRs) and also
// between topMatch and nextSubstitute of an MJ Rule
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Work area used by MJ Rules (i.e. LSRs), to store common information shared
// between the various LSRs. This helps avoids recomputation of this information
// for each seperate LSR
class MJRulesWA : public NABasicObject
friend class MJStarJoinRule;
friend class MJStarJoinIRule;
friend class MJStarJoinIIRule;
friend class MJStarBDRule;
MJRulesWA(JBBSubsetAnalysis * analysis);
CANodeId computeCenterTable();
// information set by method MJRulesWA::getCenterTable()
// begin
// the center table in the connectivity graph
NABoolean centerTableComputed_;
CANodeId centerTable_;
CostScalar centerTableRowsScanned_;
CostScalar centerTableDataScanned_;
CostScalar centerTableDataPerPartition_;
CostScalar centerTablePartitions_;
// number of tables connected to the center table
UInt32 centerTableConnectivity_;
// max number of tables connected to other tables,
// i.e. table apart from the center table
UInt32 maxDimensionConnectivity_;
// end
// information set by the MJRulesWA::findFactTable
// begin
// fact table used in the star join I and star join II rules
// a fact table significantly larger (e.g. 5x) than all other
// tables in the JBBSubset. But if the largest table in the
// JBBSubset is not significantly larger then this is set to
CANodeId factTable_;
// this is the largest table in the JBBSubset.
CANodeId largestTable_;
// this is the largest node in the JBBSubset, it is not necessarily
// a table, could be a subquery, e.g. group by.
CANodeId largestNode_;
// end
// pointer to the JBBSubsetAnalysis to which this guy belongs
JBBSubsetAnalysis * analysis_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// OnceGuidance: instruct not to apply a rule on an expression
// (usually used on rules like the commutativity rule that produce
// the original expression when applied twice)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class OnceGuidance : public Guidance
// ctor
OnceGuidance(NAUnsigned exceptRule, NAMemory * h);
// copy ctor
OnceGuidance (const OnceGuidance &) ; // not written
virtual ~OnceGuidance();
virtual const RuleSubset * applicableRules();
RuleSubset allButOne_; // all applicable rules minus "exceptRule"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// StopGuidance: stop doing anything (don't apply any more rules)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StopGuidance : public Guidance
StopGuidance(NAMemory * h);
// copy ctor
StopGuidance (const StopGuidance &) ; // not written
virtual ~StopGuidance();
virtual const RuleSubset * applicableRules();
RuleSubset emptySet_; // an empty rule subset
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// FilterGuidance:
// Only allow the filter rules to be applied - i.e.
// FilterRule0, FilterRule1, and FilterRule2. Used when exploring
// the child of a filter so that double filter nodes - i.e. a
// filter that is a child of a filter - are processed correctly.
// This is necessary because FilterRule1, which is the rule that
// would process a filter over a filter (since a filter is a unary
// non-leaf operator), will refuse to do anything if it's child is
// a filter. It assumes that the filter child will be merged with
// it's child when exploring. But the filter rule used to issue
// "StopGuidance", above, so this would never happen during exploring.
// It also never happens during optimization, because there is no
// implementation rule for a filter, and rules are only issued
// for the immediate child of an operator during optimization if the
// parent was actually implemented. Prior to adding this guidance
// class, once one filter ended up on top of another filter,
// the "double filter" could never be eliminated. One solution
// would be to issue no guidance at all, so all rules could fire.
// This was not done because it was assumed that the reason
// "StopGuidance" was issued was because applying all the rules to
// the child of a filter was causing a performance problem,
// since all the rules would have to be applied on the child
// again after the filter was merged with the child. By
// issuing a guidance that only allows the filter rules to fire,
// additional work will only be performed if we are indeed processing
// a "double filter". These were never being processed before, so
// it is not possible that this will result in any new unnecessary work.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class FilterGuidance : public Guidance
FilterGuidance(NAMemory * h);
// copy ctor
FilterGuidance (const StopGuidance &) ; // not written
virtual ~FilterGuidance();
virtual const RuleSubset * applicableRules();
RuleSubset filterRules_; // FilterRule0, FilterRule1, FilterRule2
#endif // TRANSRULE_H