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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ItemArith.h
* Description: Arithmetic item expressions (+, -, *, /, **, unary -, ...)
* Created: 11/04/94
* Language: C++
#include "QRExprElement.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BiArith;
// forward references
class Generator;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// binary arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, **)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BiArith : public ItemExpr
BiArith(OperatorTypeEnum otype,
ItemExpr *child0 = NULL,
ItemExpr *child1 = NULL)
: ItemExpr(otype,child0,child1),
// virtual destructor
virtual ~BiArith() {}
// accessor functions
NABoolean isUnaryNegate() const { return unaryNegate_; }
void setIsUnaryNegate(NABoolean u = TRUE) { unaryNegate_ = u; }
NABoolean isStandardNormalization() const { return normalizeFlags_ == LAST_DAY_ON_ERR; }
void setStandardNormalization() { normalizeFlags_ = LAST_DAY_ON_ERR; }
NABoolean isKeepLastDay() const { return normalizeFlags_ == LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH_FLAG; }
void setKeepLastDay() { normalizeFlags_ = LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH_FLAG; }
NABoolean isDateMathFunction() const { return (isStandardNormalization() || isKeepLastDay()); }
const NAType* getIntervalQualifier() const { return intervalQualifier_; }
void setIntervalQualifier(const NAType* intervalQualifier)
{ intervalQualifier_ = intervalQualifier; }
// get the degree of this node (it is a binary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
virtual ConstValue *castToConstValue(NABoolean & negate);
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr &other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = NULL);
virtual ItemExpr * simplifyOrderExpr(OrderComparison *newOrder = NULL);
virtual NABoolean isOrderPreserving() const;
// convert expressions of constant values into a single constant
virtual ItemExpr *foldConstants(ComDiagsArea *diagsArea,
NABoolean newTypeSynthesis = FALSE);
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual ItemExpr *bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
// determines whether this value can be produced by the same generated
// expression as another (for common subexpression elimination)
virtual NABoolean isEquivalentForCodeGeneration(const ItemExpr * other);
// method to do code generation
ItemExpr * preCodeGen(Generator*);
short codeGen(Generator*);
// change literals of a cacheable query into ConstantParameters
virtual ItemExpr* normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cachewa, BindWA& bindWA);
// append an indication of rounding mode for datetime arithmetic functions
virtual void generateCacheKey(CacheWA& cwa) const;
virtual NABoolean calculateMinMaxUecs(ColStatDescList & histograms,
CostScalar & minUec,
CostScalar & maxUec);
void setRoundingMode(short roundingMode)
roundingMode_ = roundingMode;
short getRoundingMode() const { return roundingMode_; }
void setIgnoreSpecialRounding()
ignoreSpecialRounding_ = TRUE;
roundingMode_ = 0 ; // no rounding
NABoolean ignoreSpecialRounding() const { return ignoreSpecialRounding_; }
void setDivToDownscale(NABoolean divToDownscale)
divToDownscale_ = divToDownscale;
NABoolean getDivToDownscale() const { return divToDownscale_; }
virtual QR::ExprElement getQRExprElem() const;
virtual NABoolean hasEquivalentProperties(ItemExpr * other);
// Parser implements "-x" (unary negate) as "0 - x" (const zero minus x).
// Put this flag here so SynthType can differentiate.
NABoolean unaryNegate_;
UInt16 normalizeFlags_;
enum normalize_flags_type
LAST_DAY_ON_ERR = 0x0001, // If the ending day of resulting day is invalid,
// day will be rounded down.
LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH_FLAG = 0x0002 // used to set processing to the last day
// of month when adding month/year intervals
// For "(datetime - datetime) interval_qualifier" (ANSI 6.15).
const NAType *intervalQualifier_;
// controls rounding of arith and cast results.
// 0: truncate(no rounding)
// 1: round half up (values .5 and up are rounded to nearest high digit).
// 2: round half even
short roundingMode_;
// If set, ignore any special (1 or 2) rounding mode setting for this item
NABoolean ignoreSpecialRounding_;
// if TRUE, indicates that this division is to downscale the
// result.
NABoolean divToDownscale_;
// Special case of BiArith -- sum
class BiArithSum : public BiArith
BiArithSum(OperatorTypeEnum otype,
ItemExpr *child0 = NULL,
ItemExpr *child1 = NULL)
: BiArith(otype,child0,child1)
// virtual destructor
virtual ~BiArithSum() {}
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = NULL);
virtual ItemExpr *preCodeGen(Generator*);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
virtual const NAString getText() const
return "BiArithSum";
virtual NABoolean hasEquivalentProperties(ItemExpr * other) { return TRUE;}
// Special case of BiArith -- count
class BiArithCount : public BiArith
inline BiArithCount(OperatorTypeEnum otype,
ItemExpr *child0 = NULL,
ItemExpr *child1 = NULL)
: BiArith(otype,child0,child1)
// virtual destructor
inline virtual ~BiArithCount() {}
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = NULL);
virtual ItemExpr *preCodeGen(Generator*);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
virtual const NAString getText() const
return "BiArithCount";
virtual NABoolean hasEquivalentProperties(ItemExpr * other) { return TRUE;}
class UnArith : public ItemExpr
// ITM_NEGATE. Used with negation of boolean native datatype
UnArith(ItemExpr *child0 = NULL)
: ItemExpr(ITM_NEGATE,child0,NULL)
// get the degree of this node (it is a binary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const { return 1;}
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const { return '!'; }
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = NULL);
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual ItemExpr *bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
// method to do code generation
ItemExpr * preCodeGen(Generator*);
short codeGen(Generator*);
#endif /* ITEMARITH_H */