blob: ddfa40f05a0c150a4933643e350e3b2ee65b16bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef SQL_BUFFER_H
#define SQL_BUFFER_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: sql_buffer.h
* Description: SQL buffers are containers for tupps. SQL buffer pools
* manage the allocation and deallocation of sql buffers.
* Created: 7/10/95
* Language: C++
// NOTE: Some of the code in this file is excluded from the UDR server
// build using the UDRSERV_BUILD macro. The excluded code is:
// - All of the sql_buffer_pool, SqlBufferOlt, and SqlBufferOltSmallcode
// - Code in the SqlBuffer class that deals with ATPs, expression
// evaluation, and statistics
#include "ExpSqlTupp.h"
#include "ex_io_control.h"
#include "ex_god.h"
// Defining SQL_BUFFER_SIGNATURE gives each sql_buffer a unique
// sequence number and a process ID. The seq number is unique within
// the process. It's useful for tracing sql_buffers to/from
// executor<-->exe-in-dp2 via the ArkFs. But, it changes the size of
// the sql_buffer, and thus really should be used only if guarded by
// an EIDVersion change, because EID must know about this signature
// too. Coordination w/ EIDVersion change is not done unfortunately.
// So if you use this, be sure to remember to rebuild dp2.
#include "Int64.h"
// Integrity checking -- do this for debug builds only. Can also be enabled
// for testing release code, but should not be enabled for customers or
// Performance testing.
#if defined(_DEBUG)
#include "ComDefs.h" // pick up ROUND8 macro
#define NO_INVALID_TUPLES USHRT_MAX // 0xffff, maximum unsigned short value, defined in limits.h
// contents of this file
class sql_buffer_pool;
class ExStatisticsArea;
class atp_struct;
class ex_expr;
// forward references
class Queue;
class SqlBufferOlt;
class SqlBufferDense;
class SqlBufferNormal;
class SqlBuffer;
typedef ex_expr ex_expr_base;
// this class used in SqlDenseBuffer
class TupleDescInfo : public tupp_descriptor
tupp_descriptor * tupleDesc() { return (tupp_descriptor*)this; };
ULng32 getNextTDIOffset() { return nextTDIOffset(); };
ULng32 getPrevTDIOffset() { return prevTDIOffset(); };
void setNextTDIOffset(ULng32 tdiOffset)
nextTDIOffset() = (short)tdiOffset;
void setPrevTDIOffset(ULng32 tdiOffset)
prevTDIOffset() = (short)tdiOffset;
void pack(Long base);
void unpack(Long base);
// SqlBufferHeader
// / \
// / \
// / \
// SqlBufferBase SqlBufferOltSmall
// / \
// / \
// SqlBuffer SqlBufferOlt
// / \
// / \
// SqlBufferNormal SqlBufferDense
// class SqlBufferHeader
// NOTE**** DO NOT add any member fields or virtual methods to this class.
class SqlBufferHeader
enum BufferType
NORMAL_ = 0,
DENSE_ = 1,
OLT_ = 2,
// Buffer status
enum buffer_status_type
FULL = 1, // no more space in buffer
EMPTY = 2, // no records in buffer
PARTIAL = 3, // some records in buffer
IN_USE = 4 // buffer is being transferred from/to FS2 or DP2
enum moveStatus
SqlBufferHeader(BufferType bufType)
: bufType_(bufType)
void init()
sendFlags_ = 0;
NABoolean denseBuffer() { return ((bufType_ == DENSE_) != 0); };
void setDenseBuffer(NABoolean v)
{ ( v ? bufType_ = DENSE_ : bufType_ = NORMAL_ ); }
NABoolean oltBuffer() { return ((bufType_ == OLT_) != 0); };
void setOltBuffer(NABoolean v)
{ ( v ? bufType_ = OLT_ : bufType_ = NORMAL_ ); }
BufferType bufType() { return (BufferType)bufType_; };
void setBufType(BufferType bt) { bufType_ = bt; };
NABoolean statsEnabled() { return ((sendFlags_ & STATS_ENABLED) != 0); };
void setStatsEnabled(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? sendFlags_ |= STATS_ENABLED : sendFlags_ &= ~STATS_ENABLED); };
unsigned char& sendFlags() { return sendFlags_; }
unsigned char& replyFlags() { return replyFlags_; }
enum SendFlags
// The kind of stats to be collected is set at compile time based
// on a CQD. This could be overridden at runtime by the next flag.
// If set to 1, stats collection is enabled at runtime. If 0, it is not.
// Set whenever an input sql buffer is sent from exe->esp or fs->dp2.
// Currently being used to enable or disable measure stats collection
// at runtime based on whether measure is enabled.
unsigned char bufType_;
unsigned char sendFlags_;
unsigned char replyFlags_;
class SqlBufferBase : public SqlBufferHeader
friend class sql_buffer_pool;
friend class SqlTable;
SqlBufferBase(BufferType bufType);
// fixup vtbl ptr and inits.
void driveInit(ULng32 in_size_in_bytes,
NABoolean clear,
BufferType bt);
// fixup vtbl ptr and inits.
void driveInit();
// fixup vtbl ptr and unpacks.
void driveUnpack();
// packs.
void drivePack();
// fixup vtbl ptr and calls the verify() method
NABoolean driveVerify(ULng32 maxBytes);
void fixupVTblPtr();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// returns sizeof the clase. Used at initialization time to
// compute free space, etc.
// All subclasses MUST redefine this method to return the correct
// object sizes.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Lng32 getClassSize(){return sizeof(SqlBufferBase);};
// initialize data members after allocation, given the total length
// in bytes of the allocated sql_buffer
virtual void init(ULng32 in_size_in_bytes,
NABoolean clear = FALSE);
// reinitialize data members; note that this version of init()
// can only be used after a buffer has been initialized via
// init(unsigned long).
virtual void init();
// converts all pointers in tuple descriptors to offset relative
// to the beginning of sql_buffer. NOTE: sql_buffer is not derived
// from the ExGod class but has similar pack and unpack methods.
virtual void pack();
virtual void unpack();
// A method to call before unpacking to verify the internal
// consistency of a packed object. The main concern is to make sure
// that after we convert offsets to pointers, we are not referencing
// memory outside the bounds of the incoming message
// buffer. Currently verify() is only called by the ExUdrTcb class
// when it receives a data reply from the non-trusted UDR server.
virtual NABoolean verify(ULng32 maxBytes) const;
virtual ULng32 get_used_size()
{ return 0; }
// number of bytes to be sent across processes. From FS to EID,
// or from Send Top to Send Bottom.
// For SqlBufferDense,
// this method is redefined to return the actual number of bytes to
// be sent.
virtual ULng32 getSendBufferSize()
{ return 0; }
// number of bytes to be replied across processes. From EID to FS,
// of from Send Bottom to Send Top.
// For SqlBufferDense,
// this method is redefined to return the actual number of bytes to
// be sent.
virtual ULng32 getReplyBufferSize()
{ return getSendBufferSize(); }
NABoolean packed() { return ((baseFlags_ & PACKED) != 0); };
void setPacked(NABoolean v) { (v ? baseFlags_ |= PACKED : baseFlags_ &= ~PACKED); };
void * operator new(size_t size, char * s);
// set the buffer status
inline void bufferInUse() {bufferStatus_ = IN_USE;}
inline void bufferFull() {bufferStatus_ = FULL;}
inline void setBufferStatus(buffer_status_type buf_stat)
{bufferStatus_ = buf_stat;}
// get the buffer status
inline Int32 isFull() const {return (bufferStatus_ == FULL);}
inline Int32 isEmpty() const {return (bufferStatus_ == EMPTY);}
virtual moveStatus
moveInSendOrReplyData(NABoolean isSend, // TRUE = send
NABoolean doMoveControl, // TRUE = move
// control always
NABoolean doMoveData, // TRUE = move data.
void * currQState, // up_state(reply) or
// down_state(send)
ULng32 controlInfoLen,
ControlInfo ** controlInfo,
ULng32 projRowLen,
tupp_descriptor ** outTdesc,
ComDiagsArea * diagsArea,
tupp_descriptor ** diagsDesc,
ex_expr_base * expr = NULL,
atp_struct * atp1 = NULL,
atp_struct * workAtp = NULL,
atp_struct * destAtp = NULL,
unsigned short tuppIndex = 0,
NABoolean doMoveStats = FALSE, // if TRUE & statsArea
// is passed in,
// move in stats
ExStatisticsArea * statsArea = NULL,
tupp_descriptor ** statsDesc = NULL,
NABoolean useExternalDA = FALSE,
NABoolean callerHasExternalDA = FALSE,
tupp_descriptor * defragTd = NULL
#if (defined(_DEBUG))
,ex_tcb * tcb = NULL
,NABoolean noMoveWarnings = FALSE
virtual NABoolean moveOutSendOrReplyData(NABoolean isSend,
void * currQState,
tupp &outTupp,
ControlInfo ** controlInfo,
ComDiagsArea ** diagsArea,
ExStatisticsArea ** statsArea = NULL,
Int64 * numStatsBytes = NULL,
NABoolean noStateChange = FALSE,
NABoolean unpackDA = FALSE,
CollHeap * heap = NULL);
virtual SqlBuffer * castToSqlBuffer() { return NULL; }
virtual SqlBufferNormal * castToSqlBufferNormal() { return NULL; }
virtual SqlBufferDense * castToSqlBufferDense() { return NULL; }
virtual SqlBufferOlt * castToSqlBufferOlt() { return NULL; }
// total size in bytes
inline ULng32 get_buffer_size() const
{ return sizeInBytes_; }
void setBufferSize(ULng32 s)
sizeInBytes_ = s;
// positions to the first tupp descriptor in the buffer.
virtual void position();
// positions to the "tupp_desc_num"th tupp descriptor.
virtual void position(Lng32 tupp_desc_num);
// returns the 'next' tupp descriptor. Increments the
// position. Returns null, if none found.
virtual tupp_descriptor * getNext();
// returns the 'current' tupp descriptor. Does not increment
// position. Returns null, if none found.
virtual tupp_descriptor * getCurr();
// advances the current tupp descriptor
virtual void advance();
// add a new tuple descriptor to the end of the buffer
virtual tupp_descriptor *add_tuple_desc(Lng32 tup_data_size);
// remove the tuple desc with the highest number from the buffer
virtual void remove_tuple_desc();
// is space for a tuple with the given length available?
virtual short space_available(Lng32 tup_data_size)
return 0;
// Next method checks integrity of a reply sql buffer when it
// leaves exe-in-dp2 and arrives at a partition access.
// TBD -- 1) enhance this to be usable for reply buffers
// from producer ESPs (which send diags and stats externally)
// and 2) enhance to be usabe for buffers sent to exe-in-dp2 and
// producer ESPs.
// This is a no-op for the OLT subclasses of sql buffer, and in
// release code.
virtual void integrityCheck( NABoolean ignore_omm_check=FALSE) { return; };
// Cannot afford to check reply_buffer for release code.
inline void integrityCheck( NABoolean ignore_omm_check=FALSE) { return; };
enum Flags
PACKED = 0x0002,
CURR_HAS_EDA = 0x0004, // current entry associated w/ external diags area
VAR_LEN_ROWS = 0x0040, // currently only set for normal buffers
unsigned char baseFlags_;
char bufferStatus_;
Lng32 sizeInBytes_; // total size of the buffer
unsigned long SqlBufferNeededSize(long numTuples = 0,
long recordLength = 0,
SqlBufferHeader::BufferType bufType = SqlBufferHeader::NORMAL_);
// class SqlBuffer
class SqlBuffer : public SqlBufferBase
SqlBuffer(BufferType bufType)
: SqlBufferBase(bufType)
virtual SqlBuffer * castToSqlBuffer() { return this; }
// initialize data members after allocation, given the total length
// in bytes of the allocated SqlBuffer
virtual void init(ULng32 in_size_in_bytes,
NABoolean clear = FALSE);
// reinitialize data members; note that this version of init()
// can only be used after a buffer has been initialized via
// init(unsigned long).
virtual void init();
// find or allocate a free tuple_descriptor with the specified length
virtual tupp_descriptor *allocate_tuple_desc(Lng32 tup_data_size)
{return NULL;};
// returns whether this buffer is free
virtual short isFree()
{return 0;};
// returns whether this buffer is free (reinitializes the buffer if
// it no longer contains referenced tupps)
short freeBuffer();
// deallocate space from nonused tuples (noop for now)
void compactBuffer();
// is space for a tuple with the given length available?
virtual short space_available(Lng32 tup_data_size);
// change a queue_entry to GET_NOMORE before it is sent.
NABoolean findAndCancel( queue_index pindex,
NABoolean startAtBeginning);
// Methods to retrieve tupp_descriptors from this buffer.
// returns maximum number of tupps in this buffer
Lng32 getTotalTuppDescs(){return maxTuppDesc_;}
unsigned short getTotalValidTuppDescs(){return maxValidTuppDesc_;}
void setTotalValidTuppDescs(Lng32 val)
ex_assert(val < USHRT_MAX, "total valid tupps in buffer is larger than USHRT_MAX");
maxValidTuppDesc_ = (unsigned short) val;
// returns the number of tupp descriptors that have been
// processed, that is, they have been returned via one
// of the get* calls.
Lng32 getProcessedTuppDescs(){return tuppDescIndex_;}
void setProcessedTuppDescs(unsigned short tupp_desc_num)
tuppDescIndex_ = tupp_desc_num;
// Returns the "tupp_desc_num"th tupp descriptor.
// Returns NULL, if tupp_desc_num is greater than maxTupleDesc_.
virtual tupp_descriptor * getTuppDescriptor(Lng32 tupp_desc_num);
// returns the 'prev' tupp descriptor. Decrements the
// position. Returns null, if none found.
virtual tupp_descriptor * getPrev();
// atEOTD (At End Of Tupp Descriptors)
// returns -1, if all tupp descriptors have been returned
short atEOTD() const
if ((tuppDescIndex_ < maxTuppDesc_) ||
return 0;
return -1;
// print buffer info. For debugging
void printInfo();
virtual void resize_tupp_desc(UInt32 tup_data_size, char *dataPointer) { };
NABoolean varLenRows() { return (flags_ & VAR_LEN_ROWS) != 0; };
void setVarLenRows(NABoolean v)
{(v ? flags_ |= VAR_LEN_ROWS : flags_ &= ~VAR_LEN_ROWS);}
virtual SqlBuffer::moveStatus
moveInSendOrReplyData(NABoolean isSend, // TRUE = send
NABoolean doMoveControl, // TRUE = move
// control always
NABoolean doMoveData, // TRUE = move data.
void * currQState, // up_state(reply) or
// down_state(send)
ULng32 controlInfoLen,
ControlInfo ** controlInfo,
ULng32 projRowLen,
tupp_descriptor ** outTdesc,
ComDiagsArea * diagsArea,
tupp_descriptor ** diagsDesc,
ex_expr_base * expr = NULL,
atp_struct * atp1 = NULL,
atp_struct * workAtp = NULL,
atp_struct * destAtp = NULL,
unsigned short tuppIndex = 0,
NABoolean doMoveStats = FALSE, // if TRUE & statsArea
// is passed in,
// move in stats
ExStatisticsArea * statsArea = NULL,
tupp_descriptor ** statsDesc = NULL,
NABoolean useExternalDA = FALSE,
NABoolean callerHasExternalDA = FALSE,
tupp_descriptor * defragTd = NULL
#if (defined(_DEBUG))
,ex_tcb * tcb = NULL // for debuggin
,NABoolean noMoveWarnings = FALSE
virtual NABoolean moveOutSendOrReplyData(NABoolean isSend,
void * currQState,
tupp &outTupp,
ControlInfo ** controlInfo,
ComDiagsArea ** diagsArea,
ExStatisticsArea ** statsArea = NULL,
Int64 * numStatsBytes = NULL,
NABoolean noStateChange = FALSE,
NABoolean unpackDA = FALSE,
CollHeap * heap = NULL);
ControlInfo * getControlInfo() {return &srControlInfo_;};
// To get more info if sql_buffer received twice.
void setSignature();
inline void setInvalidSignature()
signature_ = (Int64) INVALID_SIGNATURE;
inline Int64 getSignature(void) const
return signature_;
NABoolean checkSignature(const Int32 nid, const Int32 pid,
Int64 *signature, const Int32 action);
// SEND* requests: These flags set by sender which sends input requests
// (down request entries).
// Each down entry has the same queue downState. One control
// entry is moved to buffer followed by multiple data entries. If
// any queue downState is 'different' than the previous one, then
// a new controlInfo tuple is moved in. Multiple input entries with
// the same parentIndex could happen for cases when rows are being
// sent from top, ex. for an "INSERT...SELECT", the tupleFlow operator
// sends multiple rows belonging to the same INSERT...SELECT request.
// Each input request has a downState that is different in only
// the parentIndex and each subsequent parentIndex is one greater
// than the previous one. Ex. inputs to right child of a nested
// join.
// REPLY* requests: The flags are set by the replier which returns
// reply rows (up reply entries).
// Each reply entry either returns exactly one row or no rows.
// And each up entry's parentIndex is one greater than the previous
// one. One control tuple is moved followed by data tuples, as long
// as their parentIndex are one greater than the previous one. An
// empty data tuple of length zero is put in for those requests that
// do not return any rows.
// Each input entry has multiple reply data rows. Each reply row
// has the same parentIndex as input request but the matchNo value
// is one greater than the previous one.
// For buffered inserts, each input buffer sent from exe to eid
// contains one 'row'. This 'row' is actually a vsbb insert buffer
// (class SqlBuffer) and contains multiple data rows. The reply to
// these input 'rows' contain the number of inserted rows in the
// matchNo field of the upState.
enum SRFlags
SRFlags srFlags() {return (SRFlags)srFlags_;};
void setSRFlags(SRFlags srf)
srFlags_ = (unsigned short)srf;
Lng32 getFreeSpace() { return freeSpace_; }
virtual NABoolean hasEnoughFreeSpace( Lng32 neededSpace)
return FALSE;
virtual unsigned short getNumInvalidTuplesUptoNow();
virtual void setNumInvalidTuplesUptoNow(Lng32 val);
virtual void incNumInvalidTuplesUptoNow();
virtual void decNumInvalidTuplesUptoNow();
virtual void advanceToNextValidTuple();
void sameExecution(bool s) {
if (s)
inline bool isSameExecution() const {
if (flags_ & SAME_EXECUTION)
return true;
return false;
void firstExecution(bool s) {
if (s)
inline bool isFirstExecution() const {
if (flags_ & FIRST_EXECUTION)
return true;
return false;
// Redefine from no-op in base class to a real integrity check
// for SqlBuffer and derived classes.
virtual void integrityCheck( NABoolean ignore_omm_check=FALSE);
// Cannot afford to check reply_buffer for release code.
INITIAL_SIGNATURE, // not used yet
Lng32 freeSpace_; // free space in the buffer
ULng32 maxTuppDesc_; // max tupp desc allocated. Some of
// them may have a reference count of 0.
// used to read all tuple descriptors from the buffer.
// See position() and getNext().
ULng32 tuppDescIndex_;
// send/receive flags will be unioned with maxValidTuppDesc
// as maxValidTuppDesc is used only in VSBBInsert node between the
// from the SETUP state to DONE state. This data member is reset in the
// DONE state if it was ever used as maxValidTuppDesc_
union {
//send/receive flags.
unsigned short srFlags_;
// number of valid rows in this buffer. Rows become invalid if they
// raise a setup error during non-atomic insert
unsigned short maxValidTuppDesc_;
short flags_;
// To get more info if sql_buffer received twice.
Int64 signature_;
// this variable is used to keep track of the control info associated
// with the 'current' send or reply data tuple that is being added
// or accessed. See methods moveInSendOrReplyData and moveOutSendOrReplyData
// for details on how this variable is used.
ControlInfo srControlInfo_;
virtual tupp_descriptor * tupleDesc(Int32 i)
{ return 0; }
Int32 setupSrControlInfo( NABoolean isSend, tupp_descriptor *tuppDesc );
// class SqlBufferNormal
// An SqlBuffer is a C++ class with variable length. Instead of
// using a constructor, it is allocated with the method
// sql_buffer_pool::addBuffer(). An SQL buffer looks like this:
// +-----------------------------+
// | SqlBuffer data members |
// | (# of tupp_descriptors, |
// | data offset, free space, |
// | total length, ...) |
// +-----------------------------+
// | tupp data 1 |
// +-----------------------------+
// | tupp data 2 |
// +-----------------------------+
// | ... |
// +-----------------------------+
// | tupp data n |
// +-----------------------------+
// | |
// | free space |
// | |
// +-----------------------------+
// | tupp_descriptor n |
// +-----------------------------+
// | ... |
// +-----------------------------+
// | tupp_descriptor 2 |
// +-----------------------------+
// | tupp_descriptor 1 |
// +-----------------------------+
// Tupp descriptors are allocated from the end of the buffer. The
// data space is allocated from the top of the buffer to facilitate
// resizing of the tupp data.
// Data for each tupp_descriptor begins on an 8 byte boundary. Data
// for the tupp_descriptors does not necessarily have to be laid out
// in the way shown, and not all tupp_descriptors have to have the
// same data length. There may be holes in the tupp_descriptors and
// in the tupp data. Holes are not counted as free space.
class SqlBufferNormal : public SqlBuffer
friend class sql_buffer_pool;
friend class SqlTable;
friend class SimSqlTable;
friend class ExEIDRootTcb;
: SqlBuffer(NORMAL_)
virtual Lng32 getClassSize(){return sizeof(SqlBufferNormal);};
// initialize data members after allocation, given the total length
// in bytes of the allocated sql_buffer
virtual void init(ULng32 in_size_in_bytes,
NABoolean clear = FALSE);
// reinitialize data members; note that this version of init()
// can only be used after a buffer has been initialized via
// init(unsigned long).
virtual void init();
// find or allocate a free tuple_descriptor with the specified length
virtual tupp_descriptor *allocate_tuple_desc(Lng32 tup_data_size);
// add a new tuple descriptor to the end of the buffer
virtual tupp_descriptor *add_tuple_desc(Lng32 tup_data_size);
// remove the tuple desc with the highest number from the buffer
virtual void remove_tuple_desc();
// returns whether this buffer is free
virtual short isFree();
// total size in bytes
virtual ULng32 get_used_size()
{ return (sizeInBytes_ - freeSpace_); }
// number of bytes to be sent across processes. For SqlBufferDense,
// this method is redefined to return the actual number of bytes to
// be sent.
virtual ULng32 getSendBufferSize()
{ return get_buffer_size(); }
// converts all pointers in tuple descriptors to offset relative
// to the beginning of sql_buffer. NOTE: sql_buffer is not derived
// from the ExGod class but has similar pack and unpack methods.
virtual void pack();
virtual void unpack();
// A method to call before unpacking to verify the internal
// consistency of a packed object. The main concern is to make sure
// that after we convert offsets to pointers, we are not referencing
// memory outside the bounds of the incoming message
// buffer. Currently verify() is only called by the ExUdrTcb class
// when it receives a data reply from the non-trusted UDR server.
virtual NABoolean verify(ULng32 maxBytes) const;
// Methods to retrieve tupp_descriptors from this buffer.
// positions to the first tupp descriptor in the buffer.
virtual void position();
// positions to the "tupp_desc_num"th tupp descriptor.
virtual void position(Lng32 tupp_desc_num);
// returns the 'next' tupp descriptor. Increments the
// position. Returns null, if none found.
virtual tupp_descriptor * getNext();
// returns the 'prev' tupp descriptor. Decrements the
// position. Returns null, if none found.
virtual tupp_descriptor * getPrev();
// returns the 'current' tupp descriptor. Does not increment
// position. Returns null, if none found.
virtual tupp_descriptor * getCurr() { return getCurrNormal(); };
tupp_descriptor * getCurrNormal() {
if (tuppDescIndex_ < maxTuppDesc_)
return tupleDesc((Int32)tuppDescIndex_);
return 0;
// advances the current tupp descriptor
virtual void advance() { advanceNormal(); };
void advanceNormal() {
// Returns the "tupp_desc_num"th tupp descriptor.
// Returns NULL, if tupp_desc_num is greater than maxTupleDesc_.
virtual tupp_descriptor * getTuppDescriptor(Lng32 tupp_desc_num);
virtual unsigned short getNumInvalidTuplesUptoNow();
virtual void setNumInvalidTuplesUptoNow(Lng32 val);
virtual void incNumInvalidTuplesUptoNow();
virtual void decNumInvalidTuplesUptoNow();
// print buffer info. For debugging
void printInfo();
virtual void resize_tupp_desc(UInt32 tup_data_size, char *dataPointer);
virtual SqlBufferNormal * castToSqlBufferNormal() { return this; }
ULng32 dataOffset_; // offset from where data space is to be
// to be allocated.
Lng32 tupleDescOffset_;
// this is also the end of the buffer as
// tupp descs are allocated in reverse order.
// number of invalid rows upto (not including) the current position of buffer.
// intialized to NO_INVALID_TUPLES. The value 0 means that this buffer
// has invalid tuples, but not before the current position.
unsigned short numInvalidTuplesUptoCurrentPosition_;
unsigned short normalBufFlags_;
virtual tupp_descriptor * tupleDesc(Int32 i)
{ // tuple descs are allocated in reverse order, from the end of the buffer.
return &((tupp_descriptor*)((char *)this + tupleDescOffset_))[-(i+1)];
// class SqlBufferDense
class SqlBufferDense : public SqlBuffer
friend class SqlBuffer;
virtual Lng32 getClassSize(){return sizeof(SqlBufferDense);};
// initialize data members after allocation, given the total length
// in bytes of the allocated sql_buffer
virtual void init(ULng32 in_size_in_bytes,
NABoolean clear = FALSE);
// reinitialize data members; note that this version of init()
// can only be used after a buffer has been initialized via
// init(unsigned long).
virtual void init();
// find or allocate a free tuple_descriptor with the specified length
virtual tupp_descriptor *allocate_tuple_desc(Lng32 tup_data_size);
// add a new tuple descriptor to the end of the buffer
virtual tupp_descriptor *add_tuple_desc(Lng32 tup_data_size);
// remove the tuple desc with the highest number from the buffer
virtual void remove_tuple_desc();
// returns whether this buffer is free
virtual short isFree();
// positions to the first tupp descriptor in the buffer.
virtual void position();
// positions to the "tupp_desc_num"th tupp descriptor.
virtual void position(Lng32 tupp_desc_num);
// returns the 'next' tupp descriptor. Increments the
// position. Returns null, if none found.
virtual tupp_descriptor * getNext();
// returns the 'prev' tupp descriptor. Decrements the
// position. Returns null, if none found.
virtual tupp_descriptor * getPrev();
// returns the 'current' tupp descriptor. Does not increment
// position. Returns null, if none found.
virtual tupp_descriptor * getCurr() { return getCurrDense(); };
tupp_descriptor * getCurrDense() {
if (tuppDescIndex_ < maxTuppDesc_)
return currTupleDesc()->tupleDesc();
return NULL;
// advances the current tupp descriptor
virtual void advance() { advanceDense(); };
void advanceDense() {
currTupleDesc() = getNextTupleDesc(currTupleDesc());
// Returns the "tupp_desc_num"th tupp descriptor.
// Returns NULL, if tupp_desc_num is greater than maxTupleDesc_.
virtual tupp_descriptor * getTuppDescriptor(Lng32 tupp_desc_num);
virtual ULng32 get_used_size()
{ return getSendBufferSize(); }
virtual ULng32 getSendBufferSize()
// dataOffset_ points to the first free byte in this buffer.
//return ((char *)lastTupleDesc() - (char *)this);
// must be unpacked of lastTupleDesc() will not be a valid address.
// return the total buffer size in this case.
// Could also do a temporary unpack of lasttupledesc and return it.
if ((packed()) && (lastTupleDesc()))
return get_buffer_size();
if (lastTupleDesc())
((char *)(lastTupleDesc()->tupleDesc()->getTupleAddress()
+ ROUND8(lastTupleDesc()->tupleDesc()->getAllocatedSize()))
- (char *)this);
return (Lng32)((char *)firstTupleDesc() - (char *)this);
virtual unsigned short getNumInvalidTuplesUptoNow();
virtual void setNumInvalidTuplesUptoNow(Lng32 val);
virtual void incNumInvalidTuplesUptoNow();
virtual void decNumInvalidTuplesUptoNow();
moveStatus moveInVsbbEOD(void * down_q_state);
virtual void pack();
virtual void unpack();
virtual SqlBufferDense * castToSqlBufferDense() { return this; };
virtual void resize_tupp_desc(UInt32 tup_data_size, char *dataPointer);
TupleDescInfo * lastTupleDesc_;
TupleDescInfo * currTupleDesc_;
// number of invalid rows upto (not including) the current position of buffer.
// intialized to NO_INVALID_TUPLES. The value 0 means that this buffer
// has invalid tuples, but not before the current position.
unsigned short numInvalidTuplesUptoCurrentPosition_;
char filler_[2];
TupleDescInfo * firstTupleDesc()
return (TupleDescInfo*)((char *)this + ROUND8(sizeof(*this)));
TupleDescInfo * &lastTupleDesc() { return lastTupleDesc_; };
TupleDescInfo * &currTupleDesc() { return currTupleDesc_; };
virtual tupp_descriptor * tupleDesc(Int32 i)
if (i >= maxTuppDesc_)
return NULL;
TupleDescInfo * tdi = firstTupleDesc();
for (Int32 j = 0; j < i; j++)
setNextTupleDesc(tdi, getNextTupleDesc(tdi));
return tdi->tupleDesc();
TupleDescInfo * getNextTupleDesc(TupleDescInfo * tdi)
if (tdi->getNextTDIOffset() > 0)
return ((TupleDescInfo*)((char *)this + tdi->getNextTDIOffset()));
return NULL;
TupleDescInfo * getPrevTupleDesc(TupleDescInfo * tdi)
if (tdi->getPrevTDIOffset() > 0)
return ((TupleDescInfo*)((char *)this + tdi->getPrevTDIOffset()));
return NULL;
void setNextTupleDesc(TupleDescInfo * tdi, TupleDescInfo * nextTdi)
if (nextTdi)
tdi->setNextTDIOffset((char *)nextTdi - (char *)this);
void setPrevTupleDesc(TupleDescInfo * tdi, TupleDescInfo * prevTdi)
if (prevTdi)
tdi->setPrevTDIOffset((char *)prevTdi - (char *)this);
// class SqlBufferOltSmall
// This class is a very special purpose class. It is used for queries which
// use olt optimization. It is use to send request/data from fs to eid,
// and for reply from eid/dp2 to fs. Max one row of data for either send
// or reply.
// For send, this class is used for request and/or data.
// For reply, this class is used to receive reply with
// or without data, and with or without stats(PERTABLE or ACCUMULATED).
// For olt optimization cases where an error, warning, rowcount, or anything
// else is being sent, SqlBufferOlt class is used.
// DO NOT ADD any fields to this class. It is designed to reduce the number
// of bytes shipped between eid and fs.
class SqlBufferOltSmall : public SqlBufferHeader
: SqlBufferHeader(OLT_SMALL_)
str_pad(filler_, 2, '\0');
void init()
moveStatus moveInSendData(ULng32 projRowLen,
ex_expr_base * expr,
atp_struct * atp1,
atp_struct * workAtp,
unsigned short tuppIndex);
NABoolean moveOutSendData(tupp &outTupp, ULng32 returnedRowLen);
NABoolean moveOutReplyData(void * currQState,
tupp &outTupp,
ULng32 returnedRowLen,
ComDiagsArea ** diagsArea,
ExStatisticsArea ** statsArea,
Int64 * numStatsBytes);
NABoolean sendData() { return (sendFlags() & SEND_DATA_) != 0; };
void setSendData(NABoolean v)
{(v ? sendFlags() |= SEND_DATA_ : sendFlags() &= ~SEND_DATA_);}
NABoolean replyData() { return (replyFlags() & REPLY_DATA_) != 0; };
void setReplyData(NABoolean v)
{(v ? replyFlags() |= REPLY_DATA_ : replyFlags() &= ~REPLY_DATA_);}
NABoolean replyRowAffected() { return (replyFlags() & REPLY_ROW_AFFECTED_) != 0; };
void setReplyRowAffected(NABoolean v)
{(v ? replyFlags() |= REPLY_ROW_AFFECTED_ : replyFlags() &= ~REPLY_ROW_AFFECTED_);}
NABoolean replyStats() { return (replyFlags() & REPLY_STATS_) != 0; };
void setReplyStats(NABoolean v)
{(v ? replyFlags() |= REPLY_STATS_ : replyFlags() &= ~REPLY_STATS_);}
NABoolean replyStatsOnly()
{ return (replyFlags() & REPLY_STATS_ONLY_) != 0; };
void setReplyStatsOnly(NABoolean v)
{(v ? replyFlags() |= REPLY_STATS_ONLY_ : replyFlags() &= ~REPLY_STATS_ONLY_);}
char * sendDataPtr()
return (sendData() ? (char *)((char *)this+sizeof(SqlBufferOltSmall)) : NULL);
enum SendFlags
SEND_DATA_ = 0x01
enum ReplyFlags
REPLY_DATA_ = 0x01,
REPLY_STATS_ = 0x04,
char filler_[2];
// class SqlBufferOlt
class SqlBufferOlt : public SqlBufferBase
enum OltBufFlags
enum Contents
: SqlBufferBase(SqlBufferBase::OLT_),
virtual Lng32 getClassSize(){return sizeof(SqlBufferOlt);};
// initialize data members after allocation, given the total length
// in bytes of the allocated sql_buffer
virtual void init(ULng32 in_size_in_bytes,
NABoolean clear = FALSE);
// reinitialize data members; note that this version of init()
// can only be used after a buffer has been initialized via
// init(unsigned long).
virtual void init();
// converts all pointers in tuple descriptors to offset relative
// to the beginning of sql_buffer. NOTE: sql_buffer is not derived
// from the ExGod class but has similar pack and unpack methods.
virtual void pack();
virtual void unpack();
// add a new tuple descriptor to the end of the buffer
virtual tupp_descriptor *add_tuple_desc(Lng32 tup_data_size);
// remove the tuple desc with the highest number from the buffer
virtual void remove_tuple_desc();
virtual moveStatus
moveInSendOrReplyData(NABoolean isSend, // TRUE = send
NABoolean doMoveControl, // TRUE = move
// control always
NABoolean doMoveData, // TRUE = move data.
void * currQState, // up_state(reply) or
// down_state(send)
ULng32 controlInfoLen,
ControlInfo ** controlInfo,
ULng32 projRowLen,
tupp_descriptor ** outTdesc,
ComDiagsArea * diagsArea,
tupp_descriptor ** diagsDesc,
ex_expr_base * expr = NULL,
atp_struct * atp1 = NULL,
atp_struct * workAtp = NULL,
atp_struct * destAtp = NULL,
unsigned short tuppIndex = 0,
NABoolean doMoveStats = FALSE, // if TRUE & statsArea
// is passed in,
// move in stats
ExStatisticsArea * statsArea = NULL,
tupp_descriptor ** statsDesc = NULL,
NABoolean useExternalDA = FALSE,
NABoolean callerHasExternalDA = FALSE,
tupp_descriptor * defragTd = NULL
#if (defined(_DEBUG))
,ex_tcb * tcb = NULL // for debuggin
,NABoolean noMoveWarnings = FALSE
virtual NABoolean moveOutSendOrReplyData(NABoolean isSend,
void * currQState,
tupp &outTupp,
ControlInfo ** controlInfo,
ComDiagsArea ** diagsArea,
ExStatisticsArea ** statsArea = NULL,
Int64 * numStatsBytes = NULL,
NABoolean noStateChange = FALSE,
NABoolean unpackDA = FALSE,
CollHeap * heap = NULL);
moveStatus moveInSendData(ULng32 projRowLen,
ex_expr_base * expr,
atp_struct * atp1,
atp_struct * workAtp,
unsigned short tuppIndex);
NABoolean moveOutSendData(tupp &outTupp);
moveInReplyData(NABoolean doMoveControl,
NABoolean doMoveData,
void * currQState,
ULng32 projRowLen,
ComDiagsArea * diagsArea,
tupp_descriptor ** diagsDesc,
ex_expr_base * expr,
atp_struct * atp1,
atp_struct * workAtp,
atp_struct * destAtp,
unsigned short tuppIndex,
NABoolean doMoveStats, // if TRUE & statsArea
// is passed in, move in stats
ExStatisticsArea * statsArea,
tupp_descriptor ** statsDesc);
NABoolean moveOutReplyData(void * currQState,
tupp &outTupp,
ComDiagsArea ** diagsArea,
ExStatisticsArea ** statsArea,
Int64 * numStatsBytes);
virtual SqlBufferOlt * castToSqlBufferOlt() { return this; };
NABoolean isStats() { return (oltBufFlags_ & STATS_) != 0; };
void setIsStats(NABoolean v)
{(v ? oltBufFlags_ |= STATS_ : oltBufFlags_ &= ~STATS_);}
NABoolean dataProcessed() { return (oltBufFlags_ & DATA_PROCESSED_) != 0; };
void setDataProcessed(NABoolean v)
{(v ? oltBufFlags_ |= DATA_PROCESSED_ : oltBufFlags_ &= ~DATA_PROCESSED_);}
NABoolean containsOltSmall() { return (oltBufFlags_ & CONTAINS_OLT_SMALL_) != 0; };
void setContainsOltSmall(NABoolean v)
{(v ? oltBufFlags_ |= CONTAINS_OLT_SMALL_ : oltBufFlags_ &= ~CONTAINS_OLT_SMALL_);}
virtual ULng32 get_used_size()
{ return getSendBufferSize(); }
Contents getContents() { return (Contents)contents_; }
void setContents(Contents c) { contents_ = (unsigned char)c; }
tupp_descriptor * getNextTuppDesc(tupp_descriptor * tdesc,
Lng32 rowlen = -1)
tupp_descriptor * nextTdesc = NULL;
if (tdesc)
nextTdesc =
(tupp_descriptor*)(tdesc->getTupleAddress() +
nextTdesc =
(tupp_descriptor*)((char *)this+ROUND8(sizeof(SqlBufferOlt)));
if (rowlen >= 0)
sizeInBytes_ = ROUND8(sizeof(SqlBufferOlt));
if (rowlen < 0)
nextTdesc->init(rowlen, 0,
(char *)nextTdesc+
sizeInBytes_ += ROUND8(sizeof(tupp_descriptor)) + ROUND8(rowlen);
return nextTdesc;
char * getSendDataPtr()
return (char *)this+ROUND8(sizeof(SqlBufferOlt));
virtual ULng32 getSendBufferSize()
return sizeInBytes_;
char * getReplyDataPtr()
if (containsOltSmall())
if ((dataProcessed()) && (NOT isStats()))
return (char *)this+ROUND8(sizeof(SqlBufferOlt)) +
ROUND8(sizeof(SqlBufferOltSmall)) -
return (char *)this+ROUND8(sizeof(SqlBufferOlt));
// on NT, skip the vtbl ptr. It is at the beginning of the class.
return (char *)this + sizeof(char*);
virtual ULng32 getReplyBufferSize()
if (containsOltSmall())
return sizeInBytes_;
// on NT, skip the vtbl ptr. It is at the beginning of the class.
return (sizeInBytes_ - sizeof(char*));
// is space for a tuple with the given length available?
virtual short space_available(Lng32 tup_data_size)
return -1;
unsigned char oltBufFlags_;
unsigned char contents_;
short filler_;
definitions moved to sql_buffer_size.h
static unsigned long SqlBufferGetTuppSize(
long recordLength = 0,
SqlBufferHeader::BufferType bufType = SqlBufferHeader::NORMAL_)
long sizeofTuppDescriptor =
((bufType == SqlBufferHeader::DENSE_) ? ROUND8(sizeof(TupleDescInfo))
: sizeof(tupp_descriptor));
return ROUND8(recordLength) + sizeofTuppDescriptor;
// a static method used to determine the needed buffer length if a
// given number of records with a given length are to be stored
static unsigned long SqlBufferNeededSize(long numTuples,
long recordLength,
SqlBufferHeader::BufferType bufType)
// Return the header size plus the size of any tuple descriptors
// beyond the first (which is included in the header) plus the
// size for the aligned data.
long headerSize = 0;
switch (bufType)
case SqlBufferHeader::DENSE_:
headerSize = sizeof(SqlBufferDense);
case SqlBufferHeader::OLT_:
headerSize = sizeof(SqlBufferOlt);
case SqlBufferHeader::NORMAL_:
headerSize = sizeof(SqlBufferNormal);
headerSize = sizeof(SqlBufferNormal);
headerSize = ROUND8(headerSize);
return (headerSize +
(numTuples * SqlBufferGetTuppSize(recordLength, bufType)));
// class sql_buffer pool
class sql_buffer_pool : public ExGod
// allocate a buffer pool from a space object (everything gets
// deallocated when the space object gets deleted) and pre-allocate
// numberOfBuffers buffers of size defaultBufferSize
sql_buffer_pool(Lng32 numberOfBuffers,
Lng32 defaultBufferSize,
CollHeap * space,
SqlBufferBase::BufferType bufType
= SqlBufferBase::NORMAL_);
// add a new sql_buffer to the pool by specifying its total size or the
// number of tupp_descriptors and their length
SqlBufferBase * addBuffer(Lng32 totalBufferSize, bool failureIsFatal = true);
SqlBufferBase * addBuffer(Lng32 totalBufferSize,
SqlBufferBase::BufferType bufType,
bool failureIsFatal = true);
// this method allocates one buffer but doesn't add it to pool.
static SqlBufferBase * addBuffer(Lng32 totalBufferSize,
SqlBufferBase::BufferType bufType,
CollHeap * space);
// gets an empty buffer with at least freeSpace bytes of free space or
// returns NULL if no free buffer found
SqlBufferBase * get_free_buffer(Lng32 freeSpace);
// initializes tp to point to a new tupp_descriptor in the pool
// that has a data length of tupDataSize
// RETURNS: -1, if tuple found. 0, otherwise.
short get_free_tuple(tupp &tp, Lng32 tupDataSize, SqlBuffer **buf=NULL);
// returns a new tupp_descriptor in the pool
// that has a data length of tupDataSize.
// Sets the reference count to 1.
// RETURNS: tupp_descriptor, if tuple found. NULL, otherwise.
// If buf is non-Null, also sets buf to the buffer from which
// the tupp_descriptor was allocated. This is used to later
// resize the tuple if needed.
tupp_descriptor * get_free_tupp_descriptor(Lng32 tupDataSize, SqlBuffer **buf=NULL);
// call free_buffer for all buffers in the pool
void free_buffers();
// call compactBuffer for all buffers in the pool
void compact_buffers();
inline Lng32 get_number_of_buffers() const
{ return currNumberOfBuffers_; }
inline Lng32 get_max_number_of_buffers() const
{ return maxNumberOfBuffers_;}
inline void set_max_number_of_buffers(Lng32 maxnumbuf)
{maxNumberOfBuffers_ = maxnumbuf;}
// for debugging purposes
void printAllBufferInfo();
Lng32 getTotalMemorySize() { return memoryUsed_;}
void getUsedMemorySize(UInt32 &staticMemSize,
UInt32 &dynMemSize);
void resizeLastTuple(UInt32 tup_data_size, char *dataPointer);
SqlBufferHeader::moveStatus moveIn(atp_struct *atp1,
atp_struct *atp2,
UInt16 tuppIndex,
Lng32 tupDataSize,
ex_expr_base *moveExpr,
NABoolean addBufferIfNeeded,
Lng32 bufferSize);
SqlBufferHeader::moveStatus moveIn(atp_struct *atp,
UInt16 tuppIndex,
Lng32 tupDataSize,
char *srcData,
NABoolean addBufferIfNeeded,
Lng32 bufferSize);
NABoolean staticMode() { return ((flags_ & STATIC_MODE) != 0); };
void setStaticMode(NABoolean v)
{ ( v ? flags_ |= STATIC_MODE : flags_ &= ~STATIC_MODE ); }
Lng32 defaultBufferSize() { return defaultBufferSize_; };
// current buffer regardles of how much space
short currentBufferHasEnoughSpace( Lng32 tupDataSize);
SqlBufferBase * getDefragBuffer() const
return defragBuffer_;
tupp_descriptor * addDefragTuppDescriptor(Lng32 dataSize);
tupp_descriptor * getDefragTd()
return defragTd_;
#if (defined(_DEBUG))
static void logDefragInfo(char * txt,
Lng32 neededSpace,
Lng32 actNeededSpace,
Lng32 freeBuffSpace,
void *p,
Lng32 NumRowsInBuff,
ex_tcb * tcb = NULL);
enum Flags {STATIC_MODE = 0x0001};
// how many buffers are currently allocated
Lng32 currNumberOfBuffers_;
// limit of the number of buffers in the pool
Lng32 maxNumberOfBuffers_;
// total amount of memory occupied by all the buffers
Lng32 memoryUsed_;
Lng32 defaultBufferSize_;
// a linked list of sql_buffers who make up the pool
Queue * staticBufferList_;
// a linked list of sql_buffers who make up the pool. This
// list is used to allocate tuples that are needed during work().
Queue * dynBufferList_;
// buffers are allocated from a space object
CollHeap * space_;
ULng32 flags_;
SqlBufferBase::BufferType bufType_;
//buffer used for only needs to hold one row.
SqlBufferBase *defragBuffer_;
// tuple descriptor to the row in the defrag buffer
tupp_descriptor * defragTd_;
// private methods
// get the current buffer with enough free space
inline SqlBuffer * getCurrentBuffer(Lng32 freeSpace,Int32 mustBeEmpty = 0);
// try to find a buffer that is not in use by an I/O operation and that
// has at least freeSpace free space without performing any cleanup
SqlBufferBase * findBuffer(Lng32 freeSpace,
Int32 mustBeEmpty = 0);
// same as above, but try to free up some space if needed
SqlBufferBase * getBuffer(Lng32 freeSpace,
Int32 mustBeEmpty = 0);
SqlBufferBase * addBuffer(Queue * bufferList,
Lng32 totalBufferSize,
SqlBufferBase::BufferType bufType,
bool failureIsFatal = true);
SqlBufferBase * addBuffer(Lng32 numTupps, Lng32 recordLength);
Queue * activeBufferList()
{return (staticMode() ? staticBufferList_ : dynBufferList_);};
SqlBuffer * getCurrentBuffer();