blob: 371d32e2fc4fbafa66b5a1abca8e32c2ca40cb93 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef HASH_TABLE_H
#define HASH_TABLE_H
// -*-C++-*-
// ***************************************************************************
// File: hash_table.h
// Description:
// Created: 4/15/95
// Language: C++
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
// ***************************************************************************
#include "ex_stdh.h"
#include "ex_expr.h"
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "NABasicObject.h"
#include "HashRow.h"
// Reasonable constraints on hash table size
#define ONE_MEG (1024 * 1024)
#define MIN_HEADER_COUNT 512
// how loaded need the HT be before it is resized ( 75 % )
// multiplier for resizing the HT
// class HashTableCursor
// used to retireve data from the hash table. Multiple
// cursors can be started on the hash table to retrieve the
// data
class HashTableCursor : public NABasicObject {
friend class HashTable;
HashRow * beginRow_;
HashRow * endRow_;
HashRow * currRow_;
ULng32 currHeader_;
void init() {
beginRow_ =
endRow_ =
currRow_ = NULL;
currHeader_ = 0;
inline HashRow * getBeginRow() {return beginRow_;};
// the header of a hash table chain
class HashTableHeader {
friend class HashTable;
inline ~HashTableHeader() {};
void init();
// for now we disable the rowCount_. This cuts the size of the hash table
// header in half. The rowCount_ is only required for 1) statistics and 2)
// right outer joins. 1) can be done with an extra loop over all the rows
// (probably acceptable when collecting detailed stats) and 2) is not
// supported anyway right now.
// unsigned long rowCount_;
HashRow * row_;
// The actual hash table. Created at runtime.
// The implementation uses row chaining to resolve hash conflicts (i.e., when
// two rows with different key-values compute the same hash-value modolu the
// the size of the table -- the two rows are chained at that table entry)
// For hash-join, a variant of "in place hashing" is used to prevent sub-chains
// (i.e., several contiguous rows with the same key-value) with the same hash
// values from using the same HT entry (i.e. chain). That is, the next sub-chain
// of the same hash-value would be inserted into the _next_ HT entry chain.
// With this variant, search for rows is more efficient as the search expr.
// needs to be evaluated only once, on the first row in the sub-chain; otherwise
// every row in the sub-chain would need to be searched.
// (Extremely unlikely) The above method may overflow (more same HV sub-chains
// than the size of the table). A special flag indicates this condition, after
// which we revert to the original chaining method.
class HashTable : public NABasicObject {
// The ctor takes a header count for the number of entries, plus
// two parameters (to avoid the count having common prime factors with the
// number of clusters, in which case part of the hash table would be unused):
// evenFactor: can the count be even ?
// primeFactor: the count should not be divisible by this factor !
// plus
// noHVDups: Disallow duplicate hash-values in the same chain (TRUE only
// for HJ, sans cross-product; may become FALSE later)
// doResize: If TRUE (HGB) then this table is resizable - when the table
// becomes %75 full, then allocate a new one of twice the
// previous size, move the entries and deallocate the old one.
HashTable(ULng32 headerCount,
NABoolean evenFactor,
ULng32 primeFactor,
NABoolean noHVDups = TRUE,
NABoolean doResize = FALSE
void init();
void insert(atp_struct * workAtp,
HashRow * newRow,
tupp& workAtpTupp1,
tupp& workAtpTupp2,
ex_expr * searchExpr);
// Used only by Hash-Groupby; return TRUE is HT need be resized
NABoolean insert(HashRow * newRow);
// Used only by Hash-Groupby; resize the HT (only if enough memory)
ULng32 resize(NABoolean enoughMemory);
// An insert method used by UniqueHashJoin.
// Assumes input is unique and so does not need to check for
// duplicates.
// Entries are inserted in HashValue order.
void insertUniq(HashRow *newRow);
void insertSingleChain(HashRow * newRow);
void convertToOffsets();
HashRow * getNext(HashTableCursor * cursor);
void position(HashTableCursor * cursor);
void position(HashTableCursor * cursor,
atp_struct * rowAtp,
atp_struct * workAtp,
short hashTableRowAtpIndex,
ex_expr * searchExpr,
SimpleHashValue hashValue,
NABoolean noDupChaining = FALSE, // True for some
// (anti)semi-joins.
NABoolean returnOrdered = FALSE );
// A position method used by UniqueHashJoin.
// Assumes entries are unique and so does not need to check for
// duplicates.
// Returns first match found.
ex_expr::exp_return_type positionUniq(HashRow **currRow,
atp_struct * leftRowAtp,
atp_struct * workAtp,
short rightRowAtpIndex,
ex_expr * searchExpr,
SimpleHashValue hashValue);
void positionSingleChain(HashTableCursor * cursor);
inline ULng32 getHeaderCount() const {
return headerCount_;
ULng32 getChainSize(ULng32 i);
// In case the object was created, but not enough memory for the actual HT
inline NABoolean noTableAllocated() { return header_ == NULL ; };
// Return the size the HT would be resized-to (used to check mem availability)
ULng32 resizeTo() { return headerCount_ * HT_RESIZE_FACTOR ; };
inline NABoolean originalSize() { return originalSize_ ; };
HashTableHeader * header_;
ULng32 headerCount_;
ULng32 resizeThreshold_; // resize if rowCount_ exceeds this
NABoolean originalSize_; // FALSE if this HT was resized
ULng32 rowCount_;
HashRow *singleChainLastRow_; // Only used for cross-product
NABoolean noHashValueDups_; // If TRUE: Do not allow same hash-values (of
// different key-values) in the same chain in the hash table.
NABoolean hashTableOverflow_; // If TRUE (extremely rare!): The hash-table
// overflew - more different key-values with the same hash-value than
// the size of the hash table