blob: e5817ec2837e8b155525b6678673be209844039d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef EX_TCB_H
#define EX_TCB_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ex_tcb.h
* Description: Class declaration for ex_tcb (Task Control Block)
* Created: 5/3/94
* Language: C++
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "Platform.h"
// TCB Task control block
// Classes defined in this file
class ex_tcb; // Superclass of all task control blocks
class ExStatisticsArea;
class ExOperStats;
// forward
class sql_buffer_pool;
class ex_queue_pair;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TCBs
class ex_tcb : public ExGod
ex_tcb(const ComTdb & tdb,
const short in_version,
ex_globals * g); // constructor
virtual ~ex_tcb(); // destroy
virtual void freeResources() = 0; // free resources
// register subtasks with scheduler
virtual void registerSubtasks();
virtual ex_queue_pair getParentQueue() const = 0;
inline short getVersion() const { return version_; }
// access child TCBs via virtual methods
virtual const ex_tcb* getChild(Int32 pos) const = 0;
virtual Int32 numChildren() const = 0;
virtual Int32 fixup();
// return of TRUE means error, FALSE means all Ok.
virtual NABoolean reOpenTables();
virtual NABoolean closeTables();
// this method is called to rollback to a previously set savepoint.
virtual Int32 rollbackSavepoint();
// Three officially supported work methods: work, cancel, and resize.
// The default implementations make use of these work methods. Individual
// TCBs may have other or additional work methods, but such TCBs may need
// to redefine some more virtual functions, such as registerSubtasks.
// The work() method is a pure virtual method, the other two have
// default implementations that may be sufficient for most TCBs.
virtual ExWorkProcRetcode work() = 0;
// default static work proc for scheduler
static ExWorkProcRetcode sWork(ex_tcb *tcb)
{ return tcb->work(); }
virtual ExWorkProcRetcode workCancel();
// default static work proc for scheduler
static ExWorkProcRetcode sCancel(ex_tcb *tcb)
{ return tcb->workCancel(); }
// methods to resize the parent up/down queues
virtual ExWorkProcRetcode workResize();
// the static version
static ExWorkProcRetcode sResize(ex_tcb *tcb)
{ return tcb->workResize(); }
virtual void display() const {};
inline const ComTdb * getTdb() const { return &tdb; }
inline ex_globals * getGlobals() const { return globals_; }
unsigned short getExpressionMode() const;
inline Space * getSpace() {return globals_->getSpace();}
inline CollHeap * getHeap() {return globals_->getDefaultHeap();}
// helper methods to allocate parent queues and register queue resize tasks
void allocateParentQueues(ex_queue_pair &parentQueues,
NABoolean allocatePstate = TRUE);
void registerResizeSubtasks();
virtual ex_tcb_private_state * allocatePstates(
Lng32 &numElems, // inout, desired/actual elements
Lng32 &pstateLength); // out, length of one element
void setStatsEntry(ExOperStats * statsEntry) {
statsEntry_ = statsEntry; }
// return stats entry, if stats are enabled.
ExOperStats * getStatsEntry()
return (getGlobals()->statsEnabled() ? statsEntry_ : NULL);
// this method find the first set of children in the child tree
// that have a valid stats area and sets their parent id to the
// input tdb id.
void propagateTdbIdForStats(Lng32 tdbId);
void allocateStatsEntry(CollHeap * heap = NULL);
virtual ExOperStats * doAllocateStatsEntry(CollHeap *heap,
ComTdb *tdb);
sql_buffer_pool * getPool() { return pool_; }
virtual NABoolean resizePoolInfo() { return FALSE; }
virtual void computeNeededPoolInfo(
Int32 &numBuffs,
UInt32 &bufferSize,
UInt32 &poolSize);
Lng32 getTotalPoolSize()
{ return pool_->getTotalMemorySize();};
virtual void cleanup();
// **** information for GUI *** -------------
Int32 objectId;
static Int32 objectCount;
void increaseObjectcount() { objectCount++; }
Int32 getObjectcount() const { return objectCount; }
void setObjectId() { objectId = objectCount; }
Int32 getObjectId() const { return objectId; }
ComTdb::ex_node_type getNodeType() const { return nodeType_; }
NABoolean isHoldable() const { return holdable_; }
// setHoldable is redefined by the partition access tcb
virtual void setHoldable(NABoolean h) { holdable_ = h;}
void propagateHoldable(NABoolean h);
virtual NABoolean needStatsEntry();
void mergeStats(ExStatisticsArea *otherStats);
virtual void cpuLimitExceeded();
inline char * getEyeCatcher()
{ return eyeCatcher_.name_for_sun_compiler; }
virtual short moveRowToUpQueue(
ex_queue_pair *qparent,
UInt16 tuppIndex,
const char * row, Lng32 len = -1,
short * rc = NULL, NABoolean isVarchar = TRUE);
short handleError(ex_queue_pair *qparent, ComDiagsArea *inDiagsArea);
short handleDone(ex_queue_pair *qparent, ComDiagsArea *inDiagsArea);
ex_eye_catcher eyeCatcher_; // eye catcher
ComTdb::ex_node_type nodeType_; // TCB type
const short version_; // version
// remember the executor globals.
ex_globals * globals_;
ExOperStats *statsEntry_;
const ComTdb & tdb; // reference to TDB
sql_buffer_pool *pool_;
// if set to TRUE indicates a holdable cursor. This flag is set at
// fixup and stored in the plt entry in the module file
NABoolean holdable_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// a template to create the PSTATEs of a down queue more easily
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE:
// this is assuming that one can use the default constructor and
// assignment operator of a pstate and that the assignment operator
// doesn't assume the target of the assignment to be initialized
template <class T> class PstateAllocator
ex_tcb_private_state *allocatePstates(
ex_tcb *tcb,
Lng32 &numElems, // inout, desired/actual elements
Lng32 &elementLength)
T *result;
elementLength = sizeof(T);
// use the array form of operator new to allocate the pstates,
// assuming that all pstates have a default constructor
// Note that calling Vector new requires a local implementation of
// __vec_new() in the executor, because it is part of the C++
// Runtime library.
// Arguments do not match with any function 'new []'.
result = new(tcb->getSpace()/*,FALSE*/) T[numElems];
// handle the case where we don't have enough memory
if (result == NULL)
if (numElems > 1)
// try again with one quarter of the elements
numElems = numElems / 4;
return allocatePstates(tcb, numElems, elementLength);
// too bad, can't even allocate a single pstate
numElems = 0;
return result;