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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ex_split_bottom.h
* Description: Split Bottom executor node (the server part)
* The split bottom node is the root node of ESP fragments
* Created: 12/6/95
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "ExCollections.h"
#include "ex_frag_inst.h"
// contents of this file
class ex_split_bottom_tdb;
class ex_split_bottom_tcb;
class SplitBottomRequestMessage;
class SplitBottomSavedMessage;
// forward references
class ex_send_bottom_tdb;
class ex_send_bottom_tcb;
class ExEspFragInstanceDir;
class ExEspStmtGlobals;
class StmtStats;
// Task Definition Block for split bottom node
#include "ComTdbSplitBottom.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes defined in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_split_bottom_tdb;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes referenced in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_tcb;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ex_split_bottom_tdb
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_split_bottom_tdb : public ComTdbSplitBottom
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor is only called to instantiate an object used for
// retrieval of the virtual table function pointer of the class while
// unpacking. An empty constructor is enough.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ~ex_split_bottom_tdb()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build a TCB for this TDB. Redefined in the Executor project.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ex_tcb *build(ex_globals *globals);
ex_split_bottom_tcb *buildESPTcbTree(ExExeStmtGlobals * glob,
ExEspFragInstanceDir *espInstanceDir,
const ExFragKey &myKey,
const ExFragKey &parentKey,
ExFragInstanceHandle myHandle,
Lng32 numOfParentInstances);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// *********************************************************************
// The Executor TDB's are only used for the sole purpose of providing a
// way to supplement the Compiler TDB's (in comexe) with methods whose
// implementation depends on Executor objects. This is done so as to
// decouple the Compiler from linking in Executor objects unnecessarily.
// When a Compiler generated TDB arrives at the Executor, the same data
// image is "cast" as an Executor TDB after unpacking. Therefore, it is
// a requirement that a Compiler TDB has the same object layout as its
// corresponding Executor TDB. As a result of this, all Executor TDB's
// must have absolutely NO data members, but only member functions. So,
// if you reach here with an intention to add data members to a TDB, ask
// yourself two questions:
// 1. Are those data members Compiler-generated?
// If yes, put them in the ComTdbSplitBottom instead.
// If no, they should probably belong to someplace else (like TCB).
// 2. Are the classes those data members belong defined in the executor
// project?
// If your answer to both questions is yes, you might need to move
// the classes to the comexe project.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Task control block for split bottom node
class ex_split_bottom_tcb : public ex_tcb
friend class SplitBottomRequestMessage;
// Constructor
ex_split_bottom_tcb(const ex_split_bottom_tdb & split_bottom_tdb,
const ex_tcb * child_tcb,
ExExeStmtGlobals * glob,
ExEspFragInstanceDir *espInstanceDir,
const ExFragKey &myKey,
const ExFragKey &parentKey,
ExFragInstanceHandle myHandle,
Lng32 numOfParentInstances);
inline const ex_split_bottom_tdb & splitBottomTdb() const
{ return (const ex_split_bottom_tdb &) tdb; }
void freeResources(); // free resources
void registerSubtasks();
virtual NABoolean needStatsEntry();
virtual ExOperStats * doAllocateStatsEntry(CollHeap *heap, ComTdb *tdb);
// Stub to processCancel() used by scheduler.
static ExWorkProcRetcode sCancel(ex_tcb *tcb)
{ return ((ex_split_bottom_tcb *) tcb)->processCancel(); }
// For late cancel.
ExWorkProcRetcode processInactiveSendTopsBelow(NABoolean &foundOne);
virtual ex_queue_pair getParentQueue() const; // there isn't a single one
ex_queue_pair getSendQueue(CollIndex i) const;
inline ex_send_bottom_tcb *getSendNode(CollIndex i) const
{ return sendNodes_[i - firstParentNum_]; }
ex_send_bottom_tcb *getConsumerSendBottom() const;
inline ex_expr * partFunction() const
{ return splitBottomTdb().partFunction_; }
inline NABoolean partFuncUsesNarrow() const
{ return (NABoolean) splitBottomTdb().partFuncUsesNarrow_; }
inline SplitBottomRequestMessage *getMessageStream()
{ return newMessage_; }
NABoolean reportErrorToMaster();
inline NABoolean hasTransaction() const { return workMessageSaved_; }
void releaseWorkRequest();
ExWorkProcRetcode work();
virtual Int32 numChildren() const;
virtual const ex_tcb* getChild(Int32 pos) const;
void testAllQueues();
ExFragInstanceHandle getMyFragInstanceHandle() const {return myHandle_; }
// A mutator method to let this operator know which send bottom is connected
// to a consumer ESP co-located on this ESP's CPU. Also, sets the
// uniformDistributionType_.
void setLocalSendBottom(CollIndex s);
// Enforce query CPU limit.
virtual void cpuLimitExceeded();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The split bottom node has a variable number of children. Its first
// child is the actual child in the generated tree (the query that
// is executed by this process). All other children are send bottom
// nodes, used to communicate with one or more requesters. Therefore,
// the other nodes send input queue entries up through their up-queues
// and get the first child's output entries in their down queues.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// State of the work() method. IDLE means that no active requests are
// in the down queues. WORK_ON_REQUEST indicates that a request is
// active in the down queue to the child and that we can proceed
// sending rows back. WAIT_TO_REPLY means that some requestors are slow
// and that the up queue to them is full. WAIT_FOR_MORE_REQUESTORS means
// that we can't proceed until more requestors have sent their request.
// WAIT_FOR_PARTITION_INPUT_DATA means that we are waiting for more
// partition input data to arrive.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
enum SplitBottomWorkState
void setWorkState(SplitBottomWorkState);
const ex_tcb *tcbChild_;
ex_queue_pair qChild_;
ExEspFragInstanceDir *espInstanceDir_;
ExFragInstanceHandle myHandle_;
Lng32 numOfParentInstances_;
ARRAY(ex_send_bottom_tcb *) sendNodes_;
ARRAY(ex_queue*) sendNodesUpQ_;
ARRAY(ex_queue*) sendNodesDownQ_;
atp_struct *workAtp_;
tupp_descriptor partNumTupp_; // target of part # expr.
struct {
ULng32 calculatedPartNum_; // target of part # expr.
char pad[4]; // alignment
Int64 partHash_; // Used for skew buster only,
// this is the intermediate
// result of the application
// of the hash function to the
// partitioning key by the
// partitioning function.
} partNumInfo_;
tupp_descriptor convErrTupp_; // tupp for Narrow flag
Lng32 conversionErrorFlg_;// side-effected by Narrow
tupp_descriptor partInputDataTupp_; // part input data
SplitBottomWorkState workState_;
ExSubtask *ioHandler_; // for part input message
ExEspStmtGlobals *glob_;
// this data member indicates the only or the first requestor that we
// are working for (valid if state is not IDLE).
CollIndex currRequestor_;
// This data member points to one send node that has a full up queue.
// It avoids checking for all nodes repeatedly. We can't proceed until
// this one node allows us to send more rows. Valid only for state
CollIndex fullUpQueue_;
// This data member points to one send node from which we haven't received
// a request yet. We cannot proceed until we get a request from that
// one node. Valid only for state WAIT_FOR_MORE_REQUESTORS.
CollIndex emptyDownQueue_;
// State of affairs re partition input data and work requests. We can
// only do work while we have a work request from the master executor.
// The work request may or may not have a transaction attached.
// If <staticInputData_> is set to FALSE, the node can only work while
// it has an active input data request. Otherwise, the partition input
// data is assumed to be static. Work requests are also received
// through the newMessage_ stream. Long-lasting messages are saved
// away so the incoming message stream is free for other requests.
// The boolean flags indicate whether we have saved messages and can
// work on them.
NABoolean staticInputData_;
NABoolean workMessageSaved_;
NABoolean inputDataMessageSaved_;
NABoolean releaseMessageSaved_;
NABoolean haveTransaction_;
NABoolean calcPartNumIsValid_;
NABoolean broadcastThisRow_;
SplitBottomRequestMessage *newMessage_;
SplitBottomSavedMessage *savedDataMessage_;
SplitBottomSavedMessage *savedWorkMessage_;
SplitBottomSavedMessage *savedReleaseMessage_;
// for canceling.
Lng32 numCanceledPartitions_;
queue_index bugCatcher3041_; // bugzilla 3041.
// Skew buster members for repartitioning skewed data.
// Only used if we as combining requests.
enum {
CoLocated_ = 0,
RoundRobin_ = 1
} uniformDistributionType_ ;
// Supports CoLocated uniform distribution.
CollIndex localSendBotttom_;
// When there is no colocated ESP, uniform distrbution of a skewed value
// will send to consumers using a round robin.
CollIndex roundRobinRecipient_;
// Hash keys of skewed values have been supplied by the optimizer to
// the generator and are stored in the TDB . When the TCB is constructed,
// these keys will be organized into a hash table. Then, when we
// repartition results for the consumer ESPs, each partitioning key
// will be used to probe this hash table to determine if it is possibly
// a skewed value.
// The value 1009 is chosen for the number of collision chain headers
// because it is prime, and close to 1000.
// Linkage is done with array indexes (not memory pointers), to allow
// the links to be noncontiguous to the hash keys, which avoids
// duplicating the potentially large (10K entries) array of hash
// keys. So next we define a value indicating no link (analogous to
// null ptr value, if memory pointers were used).
// There is a bug in MS Visual C++ that raises a compiler error
// if we do in-place initialization of static const integral member data
// (see KB Article ID 241569). So the workaround is to use an enum:
enum {
numSkewHdrs_ = 1009,
noLink_ = -1
// Hash table header. The values stored are array indexes into
// skewInfo_.skewHashValues_ and the skewLinks_.
Int32 skewHdrs_[numSkewHdrs_];
// Collisions for the hash table of skewed keys.
Int32 *skewLinks_;
// For table N-M way repartition validation
Lng32 firstParentNum_; // index of the first ESP
NABoolean broadcastOneRow_;
// private methods
ExWorkProcRetcode workUp();
ExWorkProcRetcode processCancel();
ExWorkProcRetcode workCancelBeforeSent();
void replyToMessage(IpcMessageStream *sm);
void acceptNewPartInputValues(NABoolean moreWork);
// Table N-M way repartition mapping, valid only for hash2 partitions:
// ------------------------------------
// numOfTopParts (m) | | | | | | | |
// ------------------------------------
// feeds | / \ / \ / / \ / \ /
// ------------------------------------
// numOfBotParts (n) | | | | | |
// ------------------------------------
// For EPS i where i in [0, n), the number of target ESPs can be found
// by this function:
inline Lng32 numOfTargetESPs(Lng32 numOfTopPs, Lng32 numOfBottomPs,
Lng32 myIndex)
ex_assert(myIndex < numOfBottomPs,
"Invalid N-M repartition mapping at bottom!");
return ((myIndex * numOfTopPs + numOfTopPs - 1) / numOfBottomPs
- (myIndex * numOfTopPs) / numOfBottomPs + 1);
// To find the index of my first parent ESP:
inline Lng32 myFirstTargetESP(Lng32 numOfTopPs, Lng32 numOfBottomPs,
Lng32 myIndex)
{ return ((myIndex * numOfTopPs) / numOfBottomPs); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A message stream that is used to receive partition input data and
// to signal back that the node is done with the data.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SplitBottomRequestMessage : public IpcMessageStream
SplitBottomRequestMessage(IpcEnvironment *env,
ex_split_bottom_tcb *splitBottom);
virtual void actOnSend(IpcConnection *connection);
virtual void actOnReceive(IpcConnection *connection);
ex_split_bottom_tcb *splitBottom_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Split bottom nodes hold on to certain requests, such as dynamically
// assigned partition input values and transaction work requests. While
// they hold on to those requests they must still be able to receive
// a transaction release request. In order to do this, an extra message
// stream is allocated to hold the message, which frees up the main
// SplitBottomRequestMessage object for further receive operations.
// SplitBottomSavedMessage objects, like SplitBottomRequestMessage
// objects, never directly have their receive() method called directly,
// they receive their messages from other message streams instead.
// However, SplitBottomSavedMessage::send() is called once the split
// bottom node decides to reply to the saved message. The callbacks
// of this node do nothing, all work is done in
// SplitBottomRequestMessage:actOnReceive().
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SplitBottomSavedMessage : public IpcMessageStream
SplitBottomSavedMessage(IpcEnvironment *env);
virtual void actOnSend(IpcConnection *connection);
virtual void actOnReceive(IpcConnection *connection);
#endif /* EX_SPLIT_BOTTOM_H */