blob: ff5826a79941beea08cf7a46fcbc40f712aaaa36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef EX_HASHJ_H
#define EX_HASHJ_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ex_hashj.h
* Description: Hash join
* Created: 7/10/95
* Language: C++
#include "cluster.h"
#include "ExStats.h"
// Task Definition Block
// for a description of the expressions see GerRelJoin.C
#include "ComTdbHashj.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes defined in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_hashj_tdb;
class ex_hashj_private_state;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes referenced in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_tcb;
class ExBMOStats;
class ExHashJoinStats;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ex_hashj_tdb
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_hashj_tdb : public ComTdbHashj
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor is only called to instantiate an object used for
// retrieval of the virtual table function pointer of the class while
// unpacking. An empty constructor is enough.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ~ex_hashj_tdb()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build a TCB for this TDB. Redefined in the Executor project.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ex_tcb *build(ex_globals *globals);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// *********************************************************************
// The Executor TDB's are only used for the sole purpose of providing a
// way to supplement the Compiler TDB's (in comexe) with methods whose
// implementation depends on Executor objects. This is done so as to
// decouple the Compiler from linking in Executor objects unnecessarily.
// When a Compiler generated TDB arrives at the Executor, the same data
// image is "cast" as an Executor TDB after unpacking. Therefore, it is
// a requirement that a Compiler TDB has the same object layout as its
// corresponding Executor TDB. As a result of this, all Executor TDBs
// must have absolutely NO data members, but only member functions. So,
// if you reach here with an intention to add data members to a TDB, ask
// yourself two questions:
// 1. Are those data members Compiler-generated?
// If yes, put them in the ComTdbHashj instead.
// If no, they should probably belong to someplace else (like TCB).
// 2. Are the classes those data members belong defined in the executor
// project?
// If your answer to both questions is yes, you might need to move
// the classes to the comexe project.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Task control block
class ex_hashj_tcb : public ex_tcb {
friend class ex_hashj_tdb;
ex_hashj_tcb(const ex_hashj_tdb & hashJoinTdb,
const ex_tcb & leftChildTcb, // left queue pair
const ex_tcb & rightChildTcb, // right queue pair
ex_globals * glob);
void freeResources();
void registerSubtasks();
ExWorkProcRetcode work();
ex_queue_pair getParentQueue() const
return (parentQueue_);
inline ex_hashj_tdb & hashJoinTdb() const;
virtual const ex_tcb* getChild(Int32 pos) const;
virtual Int32 numChildren() const { return 2; }
// the state of the hash join algorithm
enum HashJoinState {
// the phase of the hash join algorithm
// Change ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinPhaseStr when you add new value to this enum
// New phase enum value should be added before PHASE_END
enum HashJoinPhase {
static const char *HashJoinPhaseStr[];
virtual NABoolean needStatsEntry();
virtual ExOperStats *doAllocateStatsEntry(CollHeap *heap,
ComTdb *tdb);
Space * space_;
CollHeap * heap_;
MemoryMonitor *memMonitor_;
const ex_tcb * leftChildTcb_;
const ex_tcb * rightChildTcb_;
ex_queue_pair parentQueue_;
ex_queue_pair leftQueue_;
ex_queue_pair rightQueue_;
// Copy the pointers to the expressions for convenience
ex_expr * rightHashExpr_;
ex_expr * rightMoveInExpr_;
ex_expr * rightMoveOutExpr_;
ex_expr * rightSearchExpr_;
ex_expr * leftHashExpr_;
ex_expr * leftMoveExpr_;
ex_expr * leftMoveInExpr_;
ex_expr * leftMoveOutExpr_;
ex_expr * probeSearchExpr1_;
ex_expr * probeSearchExpr2_;
ex_expr * leftJoinExpr_;
ex_expr * nullInstForLeftJoinExpr_;
ex_expr * rightJoinExpr_;
ex_expr * nullInstForRightJoinExpr_;
ex_expr * beforeJoinPred1_;
ex_expr * beforeJoinPred2_;
ex_expr * afterJoinPred1_;
ex_expr * afterJoinPred2_;
ex_expr * afterJoinPred3_;
ex_expr * afterJoinPred4_;
ex_expr * afterJoinPred5_;
ex_expr * checkInputPred_;
ex_expr * moveInputExpr_;
ex_expr * checkInnerNullExpr_;
ex_expr * checkOuterNullExpr_;
// An expression used to compute Min and Max values of one or more
// of the join values coming from the inner side. Used when hashj
// is configured to use the min/max optimization. If present, the
// expression is evaluated at the same time as the rightHashExpr.
ex_expr * minMaxExpr_;
atp_struct * checkInputAtp_ ;
tupp prevInputValues_; // this tupp points to a copy of the previous input
NABoolean havePrevInput_; // is prevInputValue_ set?
queue_index prevReqIdx_; // request idx of previous value
NABoolean haveAllocatedClusters_;// Have we allocated the clusters (and still
// have their Hash Tables -- for REUSE )
Int64 totalRightRowsRead_ ; // total # right rows read from the right child
Cluster * currCluster_; // current cluster being processed (in phase 1)
NABoolean flushedChainedCluster_; // in case a cluster was flushed after
// being chained, in phase 1
// buffer pool to keep the input for comparison with the next input (REUSE)
sql_buffer_pool * inputPool_;
// For handling efficiently a special case: Anti Semi with no search expr
NABoolean isAllOrNothing_;
NABoolean anyRightRowsRead_; // In lieu of a hash-table -- just remember
// if any right row was read
// number of buckets
ULng32 bucketCount_;
NABoolean doNotChainDup_; // Can HashTable::position ignore duplicates?
// the buckets
Bucket * buckets_;
// the cluster description block
ClusterDB * clusterDb_;
// buffer pool for results
sql_buffer_pool * resultPool_;
NABoolean outerMatchedInner_; // did this outer row match any inner row?
atp_struct * workAtp_;
// Used to pass a request to the outer child. Normally, hashj just
// passes the request from the parent to both the left and right
// children. However, when the hashj is configured to use the
// min/max optimization, it must add the computed min and max values
// to the request going to the left child. In this case, an extra
// tuple is added to the toLeftChildAtp. If the min/max
// optimization is not in effect, then the toLeftChildAtp is the
// same as the atp comping down from the parent. Note that the
// min/max optimization also implies that the request sent to the
// left child must be delayed until we are finished reading from the
// right child (finish computing the min and max values).
atp_struct * toLeftChildAtp_;
NABoolean hasFreeTupp_; // do we have a free tupp in the result buffer
tupp_descriptor hashValueTupp_;
SimpleHashValue hashValue_;
ExeErrorCode rc_;
HashTableCursor cursor_;
// A local copy of a flag indicating that we need to allocate a
// tuple for the right row
const NABoolean isRightOutputNeeded_;
// Flag: TRUE for all joins, except Left-Join and Anti-Semi-Join
const NABoolean onlyReturnResultsWhenInnerMatched_;
// Count # joined rows rejected in this call to workUp. Is used
// to make x-product joins return to scheduler in scenarios
// where a lot of CPU time is spent to return joined rows at
// a very low rate (as can happen if there is a post-join predicate
// that eliminates almost all rows. This is to allow the scheduler
// to enfore CPU limits.
ULng32 numJoinedRowsRejected_;
// flag used with hash anti semi join optimization to indicate
// whether the inner table is empty or no.
// it is used to so that we can decide whethre we need to filter out
// outer NULL values or no.
NABoolean isInnerEmpty_;
// Null data tupp for null instantiation.
// this tupp points to a tuple of all null values the size of the
// Null instantiated row (hashJoinTdb().instRowForLeftJoinLength_)
sql_buffer_pool *nullPool_;
tupp nullData_;
// work subtasks:
// work on moving rows down to children
ExWorkProcRetcode workDown();
// work on moving result rows up to parent
ExWorkProcRetcode workUp();
// process a cancel request
ExWorkProcRetcode workCancel();
void propagateCancel(queue_index ix, ex_hashj_private_state &pstate);
queue_index nextRequest_; // next request in down queue
NABoolean allocateClusters();
NABoolean isSameInputAgain( ex_queue_entry * downParentEntry );
ExSubtask *ioEventHandler_;
ExSubtask *workUpTask_;
ExBMOStats *bmoStats_;
ExHashJoinStats *hashJoinStats_;
// static versions
static ExWorkProcRetcode sWorkDown(ex_tcb *tcb)
{ return ((ex_hashj_tcb *) tcb)->workDown(); }
static ExWorkProcRetcode sWorkUp(ex_tcb *tcb)
{ return ((ex_hashj_tcb *) tcb)->workUp(); }
static ExWorkProcRetcode sCancel(ex_tcb *tcb)
{ return ((ex_hashj_tcb *) tcb)->workCancel(); }
inline Int32 isSemiJoin() const; // True if we are doing a semi-join
inline Int32 isLeftJoin() const; // True if we are doing a left-join
inline Int32 isRightJoin() const; // True if we are doing a right-join
inline Int32 isAntiSemiJoin() const; // True if its an anti-semi-join
inline Int32 isReuse() const; // True if reuse applies
inline NABoolean leftSideIUD() const;
// When reuse applies, cancel needs to know if an entry is the
// first (responsible for building the hash table), in the middle,
// or the last. A singleton (not reuesed by subsequent requests) is
// treated like the last in a series.
NABoolean isFirst(queue_index ix, ex_hashj_private_state &pstate);
NABoolean isLast(queue_index ix, ex_hashj_private_state &pstate);
void releaseResultTupps();
short insertResult(HashRow * hashRow);
NABoolean consumeForCancel(ex_queue_pair q);
short processError(atp_struct *atp);
short workReadInner();
void workFlushCluster();
void workEndPhase1();
short workReadOuter();
void workEndPhase2();
short cleanupLeftRow() ; // utility used only by workProbe()
void resetClusterForHashLoop(Cluster *iCluster);
void prepareForNextPairOfClusters(Cluster *iCluster);
short workProbe();
short workReturnRightRows();
void workReadInnerCluster();
void workReadOuterCluster();
void workReadBuffer();
void workDone();
Description : Return ex_tcb* depending on the position argument.
Position 0 means the left most child.
Comments :
History : Yeogirl Yun 8/14/95
Initial Revision.
inline const ex_tcb * ex_hashj_tcb::getChild(Int32 pos) const {
ex_assert((pos >= 0), "");
if (pos == 0)
return leftChildTcb_;
else if (pos == 1)
return rightChildTcb_;
return NULL;
// return a pair of queue pointers to the parent node. Needed only during
// construction of nodes.
inline ex_hashj_tdb & ex_hashj_tcb::hashJoinTdb() const {
return (ex_hashj_tdb &) tdb;
// check the tdb to see if the join is semi and/or outer
inline Int32 ex_hashj_tcb::isSemiJoin() const {
return ((ex_hashj_tdb &)tdb).isSemiJoin();
inline Int32 ex_hashj_tcb::isLeftJoin() const {
return ((ex_hashj_tdb &)tdb).isLeftJoin();
inline Int32 ex_hashj_tcb::isRightJoin() const {
return ((ex_hashj_tdb &)tdb).isRightJoin();
inline Int32 ex_hashj_tcb::isAntiSemiJoin() const {
return ((ex_hashj_tdb &)tdb).isAntiSemiJoin();
inline Int32 ex_hashj_tcb::isReuse() const {
return ((ex_hashj_tdb &)tdb).isReuse();
inline NABoolean ex_hashj_tcb::leftSideIUD() const {
return ((ex_hashj_tdb &)tdb).leftSideIUD();
// hash joins private state
class ex_hashj_private_state : public ex_tcb_private_state
friend class ex_hashj_tcb;
friend class ExUniqueHashJoinTcb;
ComDiagsArea *accumDiags_;
ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinState state_;
// remember oldState_ to return to after asynchronous I/O is complete
ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinState oldState_;
ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinPhase phase_;
NABoolean usingPreviousHT_; // does this request use a HT from a previous request?
NABoolean delayedLeftRequest_; // Has the request to the left child been
// delayed (Only for allOrNothing )
NABoolean haveClusters_; // indicates hash table has been built
NABoolean readRightRow_ ; // was a row read from the right (for this request)
Int64 matchCount_; // # of rows sent to parent
queue_index reliesOnIdx; // index of request that builds hash table (re)used by this request
inline void setState(ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinState state);
inline ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinState getState();
inline void setOldState(ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinState state);
inline ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinState getOldState();
inline void setPhase(ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinPhase phase, ExBMOStats *bmoStats);
inline ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinPhase getPhase();
inline void usePreviousHT();
inline NABoolean usingPreviousHT();
inline NABoolean delayedLeftRequest() { return delayedLeftRequest_; }
inline void setDelayedLeftRequest() { delayedLeftRequest_ = TRUE; }
inline void resetDelayedLeftRequest() { delayedLeftRequest_ = FALSE; }
inline void setHaveClusters(NABoolean needHT);
inline NABoolean getHaveClusters();
inline void setReadRightRow() { readRightRow_ = TRUE ; }
inline NABoolean readRightRow() { return readRightRow_; }
inline void initState();
ex_tcb_private_state * allocate_new(const ex_tcb * tcb);
~ex_hashj_private_state(); // destructor
inline void ex_hashj_private_state::setState(ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinState state) {
oldState_ = state_;
state_ = state;
inline ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinState ex_hashj_private_state::getState() {
return (state_);
inline void ex_hashj_private_state::setOldState(ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinState state) {
oldState_ = state;
inline ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinState ex_hashj_private_state::getOldState() {
return (oldState_);
inline void ex_hashj_private_state::setPhase(ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinPhase phase, ExBMOStats *bmoStats) {
phase_ = phase;
if (bmoStats)
inline ex_hashj_tcb::HashJoinPhase ex_hashj_private_state::getPhase() {
return (phase_);
inline void ex_hashj_private_state::usePreviousHT() {
usingPreviousHT_ = TRUE ;
inline NABoolean ex_hashj_private_state::usingPreviousHT() {
return (usingPreviousHT_);
inline void ex_hashj_private_state::setHaveClusters(NABoolean haveClusters) {
haveClusters_ = haveClusters;
inline NABoolean ex_hashj_private_state::getHaveClusters() {
return (haveClusters_);
inline void ex_hashj_private_state::initState()
accumDiags_ = NULL;
state_ = ex_hashj_tcb::HASHJ_EMPTY;
oldState_ = ex_hashj_tcb::HASHJ_EMPTY;
phase_ = ex_hashj_tcb::PHASE_1;
matchCount_ = 0;
usingPreviousHT_ = FALSE;
delayedLeftRequest_ = FALSE;
haveClusters_ = FALSE;
readRightRow_ = FALSE;
// Task control block for Unique Hash Join
// Unique Hash Join does not support all the features
// of the more general Hybrid Hash Join, but it can
// have perform much better in many cases. The Unique
// Hash Join:
// - does not support overflow
// - does not support Outer joins (left, right or full)
// - does not support selection (afterJoinPred) or
// join (beforeJoinPred) predicates
// - does not support anti semi join
// - supports only unique joins (at most one row per probe,
// exception semi joins)
// - supports Semijoins (even those that are not unique).
// - joins with equi join predicates (cross products are not supported)
class ExUniqueHashJoinTcb : public ex_hashj_tcb
friend class ex_hashj_tdb;
friend class ex_hashj_tcb;
ExUniqueHashJoinTcb(const ex_hashj_tdb & hashJoinTdb,
const ex_tcb & leftChildTcb,
const ex_tcb & rightChildTcb,
ex_globals * glob);
void registerSubtasks();
void freeResources();
// The Unique Hash Join contains a direct reference to the hash table.
HashTable *hashTable_;
// The buffer size used to allocate the HashBuffers
const ULng32 bufferSize_;
// The size of the row allocated from the HashBuffer and inserted
// into the hash table
const ULng32 extRowSize_;
// The non-extended row size. This is the size of the row returned
// from the right hand side of the join.
const Lng32 rowSize_;
// The index into the parent up ATP where the right row will be placed.
const short returnedRightRowAtpIndex_;
// The number of available rows in the current HashBuffer.
ULng32 availRows_;
// The number of rows in the bufferPool (all the HashBuffers).
ULng32 totalRows_;
// A Chain of HashBuffers, used to hold the rows of the hash table.
HashBuffer * bufferPool_;
// The buffer pools that have been chained.
HashBuffer * chainedBufferPool_;
// The Heap used to allocate the hash table and hash buffers.
NAHeap * bufferHeap_;
// work subtasks:
// work on moving result rows up to parent
ExWorkProcRetcode workUp();
// Other work subtasks are either not used or come from the
// ex_hashj_tcb class.
// Helper method to allocate the bufferHeap and other necessary structures.
NABoolean allocateBufferHeap();
UInt32 computeDefragLength();
// static versions
static ExWorkProcRetcode sWorkDown(ex_tcb *tcb)
{ return ((ExUniqueHashJoinTcb *) tcb)->workDown(); }
static ExWorkProcRetcode sWorkUp(ex_tcb *tcb)
{ return ((ExUniqueHashJoinTcb *) tcb)->workUp(); }
static ExWorkProcRetcode sCancel(ex_tcb *tcb)
{ return ((ExUniqueHashJoinTcb *) tcb)->workCancel(); }
// helper work methods.
short workReadInner(UInt32 defragLength);
NABoolean workChainInner();
short workReadOuter();
short workReturnRow(HashRow *dataPointer,
atp_struct *leftRowAtp);