blob: b86214bbc74716ba4cbee4f21acb50145bc36770 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef _UDR_EXE_IPC_H_
#define _UDR_EXE_IPC_H_
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: UdrExeIpc.h
* Description: IPC streams and message objects shared by the SQL/MX
* executor and the UDR server
* Created: 08/20/2000
* Language: C++
#include "Ipc.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "ComSizeDefs.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "ExCollections.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "udrdefs.h"
#include "seabed/fs.h"
#include "seabed/ms.h"
#include "sqlcli.h" // need SQLSTMT_ID * for ResultSetInfo::stmtID_
// Define UDR_DEBUG only if we are doing a debug build with the C
// runtime library
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef UDR_DEBUG
#define UDR_DEBUG 1
#endif // not UDR_DEBUG
#else // _DEBUG
#undef UDR_DEBUG
#endif // _DEBUG else
// Define a local assert macro. We define UdrExeAssert to something
// other than ex_assert in the UDR Server build.
#define UdrExeAssert(a,b) UDR_ASSERT(a,b)
#define UdrExeAssert(a,b) ex_assert(a,b)
// UDR printf-style debugging function. Only defined for UDR_DEBUG builds.
// Usage notes
// - The UdrPrintf() function takes a variable length of arguments just
// like fprintf. For example: UdrPrintf(f, "%s %d", string, int)
// - UdrPrintf() is not meant to be called throughout the code because
// it is only defined in the debug build and it is a function not a
// macro. The suggested usage is to wrap calls to UdrPrintf() in
// macros that resolve to a no-op for release builds.
// - Calling UdrPrintf() with a NULL file pointer is allowed but has
// no effect.
#ifdef UDR_DEBUG
extern void UdrPrintf(FILE *, const char *formatString, ...);
#define PLURAL_SUFFIX(x) ( (x) == (1) ? ("") : ("s") )
// Forward class references
class SqlBuffer;
class ExUdrTdb;
class NAMemory;
class TransAttrComplexObject;
class CtrlStmtComplexObject;
class MessageOperator;
class InputContainer;
class OutputContainer;
// Classes defined in this file
class UdrControlStream;
class UdrMessageObj;
class UdrControlMsg;
class UdrLoadMsg;
class UdrLoadReply;
class UdrUnloadMsg;
class UdrUnloadReply;
class UdrSessionMsg;
class UdrSessionReply;
class UdrDataHeader;
class UdrDataBuffer;
class UdrContinueMsg;
class UdrErrorReply;
class UdrEnterTxMsg;
class UdrEnterTxReply;
class UdrSuspendTxMsg;
class UdrSuspendTxReply;
class UdrExitTxMsg;
class UdrExitTxReply;
class UdrRSMessageObj;
class UdrRSControlMsg;
class UdrRSLoadMsg;
class UdrRSLoadReply;
class UdrRSDataHeader;
class UdrRSContinueMsg;
class UdrRSCloseMsg;
class UdrRSCloseReply;
class UdrRSUnloadMsg;
class UdrRSUnloadReply;
class UdrRSInfoMsg;
// Version numbers
const Int32 UdrControlMsgStreamVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrLoadMsgVersionNumber = 103;
const Int32 UdrLoadReplyVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrUnloadMsgVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrUnloadReplyVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrSessionMsgVersionNumber = 200;
const Int32 UdrSessionReplyVersionNumber = 200;
const Int32 UdrDataHeaderVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrDataBufferVersionNumber = 101;
const Int32 UdrContinueMsgVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrErrorReplyVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrEnterTxMsgVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrEnterTxReplyVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrSuspendTxMsgVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrSuspendTxReplyVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrExitTxMsgVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrExitTxReplyVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrRSLoadMsgVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrRSLoadReplyVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrRSDataHeaderVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrRSContinueMsgVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrRSCloseMsgVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrRSCloseReplyVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrRSUnloadMsgVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrRSUnloadReplyVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrRSInfoMsgVersionNumber = 100;
const Int32 UdrTmudfDataHeaderVersionNumber = 100;
// An enumeration of all IPC objects for UDRs. Includes both message
// objects and stream objects.
// We use the 8000-8999 range for UDR IPC objects. The range is
// reserved in the IpcMessageTypeEnum enumeration (see
// common/IpcMessageType.h).
enum UdrIpcObjectType
// Message types
UDR_MSG_LOAD, // 8001
UDR_MSG_EXIT_TX, // 8014
UDR_MSG_RS_LOAD, // 8016
UDR_MSG_RS_INFO, // 8024
// ----> Add new message types just above this line <----
// Stream types
// ----> Add new stream types just above this line <----
// A global function to return message type enum values as strings
const char *GetUdrIpcTypeString(UdrIpcObjectType t);
// UDR handle
typedef Int64 UdrHandle;
#define UdrHandleIsValid(x) ( (x) != (INVALID_UDR_HANDLE) )
// RS handle
typedef Int64 RSHandle;
#define RSHandleIsValid(x) ( (x) != (INVALID_RS_HANDLE) )
// Define a printf format specifier for 64-bit integers
#define INT64_PRINTF_SPEC "%ld"
const Int32 UDRMAXOPENERS_V100 = 1;
const Int32 UDRMAXSTRINGSIZE = 255;
const Int32 UDRMAXBUFFERSIZE = 4000;
const Int32 UDRNUMBERSTATISTICS_V100 = 32;
const Int32 UDRSIZESTATDESC_V100 = 30;
// UDR parameter info
struct UdrParameterInfo
friend class UdrLoadMsg;
friend class UdrRSLoadMsg;
friend struct UdrTableInputInfo;
ComUInt32 position,
ComUInt32 flags,
ComSInt16 fsType,
ComSInt16 ansiType,
ComUInt16 paramNameLen,
const char *paramName,
ComUInt16 prec,
ComUInt16 scale,
ComUInt16 encodingCharSet,
ComUInt16 collation,
ComUInt32 dataLength,
ComSInt16 nullIndicatorLength,
ComSInt32 nullIndicatorOffset,
ComUInt32 dataOffset,
ComSInt32 vcLenIndOffset,
ComSInt16 vcIndicatorLength
inline ComUInt32 getPosition() const { return position_; }
inline ComUInt32 getFlags() const { return flags_; }
inline ComSInt16 getFSType() const { return fsType_; }
inline ComSInt16 getAnsiType() const { return ansiType_; }
inline ComUInt16 getPrec() const { return prec_; }
inline ComUInt16 getScale() const { return scale_; }
inline ComUInt16 getEncodingCharSet() const { return encodingCharSet_; }
inline ComUInt16 getCollation() const { return collation_; }
inline ComUInt32 getDataLength() const { return dataLength_; }
inline ComSInt16 getNullIndicatorLength() const
{ return nullIndicatorLength_; }
inline ComSInt32 getNullIndicatorOffset() const
{ return nullIndicatorOffset_; }
inline ComUInt32 getDataOffset() const { return dataOffset_; }
inline ComSInt32 getVCLenIndOffset() const { return vcLenIndOffset_; }
inline ComSInt16 getVCIndicatorLength() const { return vcIndicatorLength_; }
inline const char *getParamName() const { return paramName_; }
inline ComUInt16 getParamNameLen() const { return paramNameLen_; }
inline NABoolean isIn() const
{ return (flags_ & UDR_PARAM_IN)? TRUE : FALSE; }
inline NABoolean isOut() const
{ return (flags_ & UDR_PARAM_OUT)? TRUE : FALSE; }
inline NABoolean isInOut() const
{ return isIn() && isOut(); }
inline NABoolean isNullable() const
{ return (flags_ & UDR_PARAM_NULLABLE)? TRUE : FALSE; }
inline NABoolean isLmObjType() const
{ return (flags_ & UDR_PARAM_LM_OBJ_TYPE)? TRUE : FALSE; }
// Display function
void display(FILE *f, Lng32 indent, UdrParameterInfo *pi) const;
// Assignment operator
UdrParameterInfo& operator=(const UdrParameterInfo &other);
// This class does not derive from IpcMessageObj but we need
// similar methods to pack/unpack the object in a message buffer.
// Only UdrLoadMsg objects will call these methods, when it is
// packing/unpacking itself.
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength() const;
IpcMessageObjSize pack(IpcMessageBufferPtr &buffer) const;
void unpack(IpcConstMessageBufferPtr &buffer);
// This first set of fields describe the UDR formal parameter
ComUInt32 position_; // Position in formal parameter list
ComUInt32 flags_; // ComUdrParamFlags in ComSmallDefs.h
ComSInt16 fsType_; // Formal type (FS type)
ComSInt16 ansiType_; // Formal type (ANSI type defined in sqlcli.h)
short paramNameLen_; // Length of the parameter name
char paramName_[129]; // Null-terminated parameter name
ComUInt16 prec_; // Numeric precision or datetime subtype
ComUInt16 scale_; // Scale for numeric and time types
ComUInt16 encodingCharSet_; // Encoding Charset for char & varchar
ComUInt16 collation_; // Collation for char & varchar
// These fields describe the actual data that is sent to the UDR
// server. In some cases the formal type is not acceptable as input
// to the language manager, so the physical representation of a
// value does not correspond with the SQL type of the formal
// parameter. These fields come directly from the Attributes
// object that describes the actual value being passed to the UDR
// server and Language Manager.
ComUInt32 dataLength_; // Length of data area
ComSInt16 nullIndicatorLength_; // 2 or 0
ComSInt32 nullIndicatorOffset_; // Offset of null indicator or -1
ComUInt32 dataOffset_; // Offset of data area
ComSInt32 vcLenIndOffset_; // Offset of VarChar Indicator
ComSInt16 vcIndicatorLength_; // Length of VarChar Indicator
// Default constructor should not be used outside this class
// UDR table input info
struct UdrTableInputInfo
friend class UdrLoadMsg;
friend struct UdrParameterInfo;
// this version isused in the uderserve for ipc unpack
ComUInt16 tabIndex,
ComUInt16 tableNameLen,
const char *tableName,
ComUInt16 numColumns,
ComUInt32 rowLength
inline ComSInt16 getTabIndex() const { return tabIndex_; }
inline ComSInt16 getTableNameLen() const { return tableNameLen_; }
inline const char *getTableName() const { return tableName_; }
inline UdrParameterInfo *getInTableColumnDescs(){return inTableColumnDescs_;}
void setInTableColumnDescs(UdrParameterInfo *inTableColumnDescs)
{inTableColumnDescs_ = inTableColumnDescs;}
inline ComUInt16 getNumColumns() const {return numColumns_;}
// Display function
void display(FILE *f, Lng32 indent, UdrTableInputInfo *pi) const{};
// Assignment operator
UdrTableInputInfo& operator=(const UdrTableInputInfo &other);
const UdrParameterInfo &getInTableColumnDesc(ComUInt32 i) const;
void setInTableColumnDesc(ComUInt32 i, const UdrParameterInfo &info,
NAMemory *heap);
void setRowLength(UInt32 val) { outputRowLen_ = val;}
UInt32 getRowLength() const { return outputRowLen_; }
// This class does not derive from IpcMessageObj but we need
// similar methods to pack/unpack the object in a message buffer.
// Only UdrLoadMsg objects will call these methods, when it is
// packing/unpacking itself.
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength() const;
IpcMessageObjSize pack(IpcMessageBufferPtr &buffer) const ;
void unpack(IpcConstMessageBufferPtr &buffer, NAMemory *heap);
// This set of fields describe the UDR table input info
ComUInt16 tabIndex_;
ComUInt16 tableNameLen_;
ComUInt16 numColumns_;
UInt32 outputRowLen_;
UdrParameterInfo *inTableColumnDescs_;
// Default constructor should not be used outside this class
// UDR control message stream base class
// Client-side and Server-side control streams will inherit
// from this base class.
class UdrControlStream : public IpcMessageStream
UdrControlStream(IpcEnvironment *env,
IpcMessageType msgType,
IpcMessageObjVersion version);
virtual ~UdrControlStream();
virtual void actOnSend(IpcConnection *connection);
virtual void actOnReceive(IpcConnection *connection);
ULng32 sendCount_;
ULng32 recvCount_;
// About memory management of UDR message objects
// All UDR message objects will derive from UdrMessageObj which
// derives from IpcMessageObj. IpcMessageObj comes from the export
// library, does not inherit from NABasicObject and does not provide
// any NAMemory heap management. The UdrMessageObj class is introduced
// only to provide a delete operator that handles deallocation of
// objects from an NAMemory heap.
// In the release build, any UDR message objects that do their own
// memory allocations must have a heap pointer. UDR message objects
// allocated using in-place stream buffering will not have a heap
// pointer and cannot do their own memory allocations.
// Client-side code that sends UDR messages on a non-buffered stream
// will do the following:
// - Allocate a UDR message object using an appropriate constructor
// - Put the message object into the stream using the << operator
// - Initiate a nowait send() on the stream
// - Decrement the message's reference count. The stream may have
// incremented the reference count if the stream is holding a
// pointer to the message. If so the object won't go away until
// the reference count drops to zero, which triggers the
// UdrMessageObj delete operator.
// Client-side code that sends UDR messages on a buffered stream
// using copyless IPC will do the following:
// - Allocate a UDR message object directly in the stream's I/O
// buffer using an appropriate constructor
// - Call sendRequest() on the stream
// - If multi-buffer replies are possible, allocate and send
// one or more continue requests
// Server-side code that receives UDR messages on a non-buffered
// stream will do the following:
// - Call stream.moreObjects() to see if a request has arrived
// - Allocate an uninitialized UDR message object using an
// appropriate constructor
// - Extract message object contents into the uninitialized object
// using the >> operator
// - If the message is to be routed to a buffered stream:
// - Obtain a pointer to the other stream
// - Call stream.giveReceiveMsgTo(other) to route the message to
// the other stream. Routing logic will call other.actOnReceive()
// - Otherwise:
// - Put one or more reply message objects into the stream using
// the << operator
// - Initiate a waited send() on the stream
// - Decrement the message's reference count
// Server-side code that receives UDR messages on a buffered stream
// using copyless IPC will do the following:
// - Inside the actOnReceive() method:
// - Call stream.getNextReceiveMsg() to see if a complete request
// has arrived
// - Obtain a message object from the stream's I/O buffer using an
// appropriate constructor
// - Put one or more reply message objects into the stream using
// either in-place buffering or the << operator
// - Call sendRequest() on the stream
// About packing and unpacking UDR message objects
// - Packing and unpacking do not take place when messages are
// moved to/from a buffered stream using copyless IPC.
// - Packing and unpacking take place when messages are sent on a
// non-buffered stream, or when the >> operator is used to extract
// objects from a stream, or when the extractNextObj() method is
// called on a stream.
// - Any new message object class that is not an abstract class
// must implement packedLength()
// - If translation is necessary for packing and unpacking then the
// new class must implement packObjIntoMessage() and unpackObj().
// Message classes that require no translation (e.g. the
// object introduces no new data members) can use inherited
// implementations of packObjIntoMessage() and unpackObj().
// - All message classes that travel in UDR replies must also
// implement a checkObj() method (or inherit an appropriate one) so
// that IPC integrity checks will be performed in the executor upon
// receipt of an instance of that class.
// UDR message base class
// Currently the only functionality provided by this class is memory
// management on NAMemory heaps. The code for this class is a copy of
// the code from the ExEspMsgObj class which is responsible for heap
// management of ESP message objects.
class UdrMessageObj : public IpcMessageObj
typedef IpcMessageObj super;
// Constructor for allocation on an NAMemory heap
UdrMessageObj(UdrIpcObjectType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NAMemory *heap);
// Constructor for copyless receive
UdrMessageObj(IpcBufferedMsgStream *msgStream)
: IpcMessageObj(msgStream), heap_(NULL)
// The delete operator
// The heap management in this operator is the real reason for the
// existence of this class
void operator delete(void *p);
// Accessor/Mutator methods
inline NAMemory *getHeap() const { return heap_; }
inline const UdrHandle &getHandle() const { return handle_; }
inline void setHandle(const UdrHandle &h) { handle_ = h; }
// Override pack/unpack/check methods from IpcMessageObj. Note that
// packObjIntoMessage() does not advance the buffer pointer like we
// do in the packUdrBaseClass() protected method declared below.
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
NABoolean checkObj(IpcMessageObjType t,
IpcMessageObjVersion v,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize size,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer) const;
// We need our own decrRefCount() method so that the correct
// operator delete gets called once an object is no longer needed
virtual IpcMessageRefCount decrRefCount();
// Helper functions to manage the NAMemory heap
char *allocateMemory(ComUInt32 nBytes);
void deallocateMemory(char *s);
char *allocateString(const char *s);
void deallocateString(char *&s);
// Methods that allow derived classes to pack/unpack/check fields
// defined in this base class. Derived classes can also implement
// these functions and will typically do so by first calling the
// parent class implementation and then packing/unpacking/checking
// their own data members.
// Note that the heap_ member does not get sent in a message and
// will not be overwritten when a message is unpacked.
virtual IpcMessageObjSize udrBaseClassPackedLength();
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packUdrBaseClass(IpcMessageBufferPtr &buffer);
virtual void unpackUdrBaseClass(IpcConstMessageBufferPtr &buffer);
virtual NABoolean checkUdrBaseClass(IpcMessageObjType t,
IpcMessageObjVersion v,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize size,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr &buffer) const;
UdrHandle handle_;
// We store a pointer to the heap on which this object is allocated.
// A NULL pointer indicates that the object is allocated directly
// inside a message buffer with the copyless IPC protocol used by
// buffered streams.
NAMemory *heap_;
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrMessageObj(const UdrMessageObj &);
UdrMessageObj &operator=(const UdrMessageObj &);
}; // class UdrMessageObj
// UDR control message base class
// Currently this class provides no functionality. It just gives us
// a way to distinguish a control message from a data message.
class UdrControlMsg : public UdrMessageObj
UdrControlMsg(UdrIpcObjectType msgType, IpcMessageObjVersion version,
NAMemory *heap)
: UdrMessageObj(msgType, version, heap)
virtual ~UdrControlMsg() {}
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrControlMsg(const UdrControlMsg &);
UdrControlMsg &operator=(const UdrControlMsg &);
}; // class UdrControlMsg
// UDR control message subclasses
// - Load, Load reply
// - Unload, Unload reply
// - Session, Session reply
class UdrLoadMsg : public UdrControlMsg
UdrLoadMsg(NAMemory *heap);
UdrLoadMsg(NAMemory *heap,
const char *sqlName,
const char *routineName,
const char *routineSignature,
const char *containerName,
const char *externalPath,
const char *librarySqlName,
ComRoutineTransactionAttributes transactionAttrs,
ComRoutineSQLAccess sqlAccessMode,
ComRoutineLanguage language,
ComRoutineParamStyle paramStyle,
ComRoutineExternalSecurity externalSecurity,
ComUInt32 maxNumResultSets,
ComUInt32 numParameters,
ComUInt32 numInValues,
ComUInt32 numOutValues,
ComUInt32 inBufferSize, // Size of input SqlBuffer
ComUInt32 outBufferSize, // Size of output SqlBuffer
ComUInt32 inputRowSize, // Size of input row
ComUInt32 outputRowSize, // Size of output row
ComUInt32 udrFlags,
Int32 routineOwnerId,
const char *parentQid,
ComUInt32 udrSerInvocationInfoLen, // objects for new C++ interface
const char *udrSerInvocationInfo,
ComUInt32 udrSerPlanInfoLen,
const char *udrSerPlanInfo,
Int32 javaDebugPort,
Int32 javaDebugTimeout,
ComUInt32 instanceNum,
ComUInt32 numInstances);
virtual ~UdrLoadMsg();
// Accessor methods
inline const char *getSqlName() const { return sqlName_; }
inline const char *getRoutineName() const { return routineName_; }
inline const char *getSignature() const { return routineSignature_; }
inline const char *getContainerName() const { return containerName_; }
inline const char *getExternalPath() const { return externalPath_; }
inline const char *getLibrarySqlName() const { return librarySqlName_; }
inline ComUInt32 getMaxResultSets() const { return maxNumResultSets_; }
inline ComUInt32 getNumParameters() const { return numParameters_; }
inline ComUInt32 getNumInValues() const { return numInValues_; }
inline ComUInt32 getNumOutValues() const { return numOutValues_; }
inline ComUInt32 getInBufferSize() const { return inBufferSize_; }
inline ComUInt32 getOutBufferSize() const { return outBufferSize_; }
inline ComUInt32 getInputRowSize() const { return inputRowSize_; }
inline ComUInt32 getOutputRowSize() const { return outputRowSize_; }
inline ComUInt32 getUdrFlags() const { return udrFlags_; }
inline ComRoutineTransactionAttributes getTransactionAttrs() const
{ return (ComRoutineTransactionAttributes) transactionAttrs_; }
inline ComRoutineSQLAccess getSqlAccessMode() const
{ return (ComRoutineSQLAccess) sqlAccessMode_; }
inline ComRoutineLanguage getLanguage() const
{ return (ComRoutineLanguage) language_; }
inline ComRoutineParamStyle getParamStyle() const
{ return (ComRoutineParamStyle) paramStyle_; }
inline ComRoutineExternalSecurity getExternalSecurity() const
{ return (ComRoutineExternalSecurity) externalSecurity_; }
inline Int32 getRoutineOwnerId() const { return routineOwnerId_; }
inline const char *getParentQid() const { return parentQid_; }
inline NABoolean isIsolate() const
{ return (udrFlags_ & UDR_ISOLATE)? TRUE : FALSE; }
inline NABoolean isCallOnNull() const
{ return (udrFlags_ & UDR_CALL_ON_NULL)? TRUE : FALSE; }
inline NABoolean isExtraCall() const
{ return (udrFlags_ & UDR_EXTRA_CALL)? TRUE : FALSE; }
inline NABoolean isDeterministic() const
{ return (udrFlags_ & UDR_DETERMINISTIC)? TRUE : FALSE; }
inline NABoolean isLMNoLoad() const
{ return (udrFlags_ & UDR_LM_NOLOAD)? TRUE : FALSE; }
// Methods to get/set parameter info structures
const UdrParameterInfo &getInParam(ComUInt32 i) const;
const UdrParameterInfo &getOutParam(ComUInt32 i) const;
UdrParameterInfo *setInParam(ComUInt32 i, const UdrParameterInfo &info);
UdrParameterInfo *setOutParam(ComUInt32 i, const UdrParameterInfo &info);
inline ComUInt16 getNumInputTables() {return numInputTables_;}
inline void setNumInputTables(ComUInt16 n){numInputTables_ = n;}
inline UdrTableInputInfo *getInputTables() {return inTables_;}
inline void setParamStyle(ComRoutineParamStyle ps){ paramStyle_ = (ComUInt16)ps;}
inline void setExternalSecurity(ComRoutineExternalSecurity ps){ externalSecurity_ = (ComUInt16)ps;}
inline void setRoutineOwnerId(Int32 o){routineOwnerId_ = o;}
inline ComUInt32 getNumInstances() {return numInstances_;}
inline void setNumInstances(ComUInt32 n){numInstances_ = n;}
inline ComUInt32 getInstanceNum() {return instanceNum_;}
inline void setInstanceNum(ComUInt32 n){instanceNum_ = n;}
void setChildTableInput(ComUInt32 i, const UdrTableInputInfo &info);
// Methods to get/set the collection of optional data buffers
void initOptionalDataBufs(ComUInt32 i, NABoolean isShared);
ComUInt32 getNumOptionalDataBufs();
void setOptionalDataBuf(ComUInt32 i, const char *buf, ComUInt32 bufLen);
char *getOptionalDataBuf(ComUInt32 i);
// methods for C++ interface data
inline ComUInt32 getUDRSerInvocationInfoLen()
{ return udrSerInvocationInfoLen_; }
inline const char *getUDRSerInvocationInfo()
{ return udrSerInvocationInfo_; }
inline ComUInt32 getUDRSerPlanInfoLen() { return udrSerPlanInfoLen_; }
inline const char *getUDRSerPlanInfo() { return udrSerPlanInfo_; }
// debugging Java UDRs (works for Trafodion user or debug build only)
inline Int32 getUdrJavaDebugPort() const { return udrJavaDebugPort_; }
inline Int32 getUdrJavaDebugTimeout() const { return udrJavaDebugTimeout_; }
// Redefine pack/unpack methods from IpcMessageObj
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void allocateTableInputInfo();
void deallocateTableInputInfo();
// Helper functions for memory management
void allocateParamInfo();
void deallocateParamInfo();
void deallocateOptionalDataBufs();
void allocateInvocationInfo();
void deallocateInvocationInfo();
char *sqlName_; // Fully qualified SQL name
char *routineName_; // e.g. a Java method name
char *routineSignature_; // e.g. (ii)v for Java "void f(int,int)"
char *containerName_; // e.g. a Java class name
char *externalPath_; // File system path
char *librarySqlName_; // Fully qualified sql name of Jar/DLL
ComUInt16 transactionAttrs_; // ComRoutineTransactionAttributes in ComSmallDefs.h
ComUInt16 sqlAccessMode_; // ComRoutineSQLAccess in ComSmallDefs.h
ComUInt16 language_; // ComRoutineLanguage in ComSmallDefs.h
ComUInt16 paramStyle_; // ComRoutineParamStyle in ComSmallDefs.h
ComUInt16 externalSecurity_; // ComRoutineExternalSecurity in ComSmallDefs.h
ComUInt32 maxNumResultSets_; // Max result sets
ComUInt32 numParameters_; // Num formal params
ComUInt32 numInValues_; // Num IN/INOUT params
ComUInt32 numOutValues_; // Num OUT/INOUT params
ComUInt32 inBufferSize_; // Size of input SqlBuffer
ComUInt32 outBufferSize_; // Size of output SqlBuffer
ComUInt32 inputRowSize_; // Size of input row
ComUInt32 outputRowSize_; // Size of output row
ComUInt32 udrFlags_; // ComUdrFlags in ComSmallDefs.h
Int32 routineOwnerId_; // Owner of routine for Definer Rights
char *parentQid_; // Query id of the CALL statement
UdrParameterInfo *inParamInfo_; // Info for IN/INOUT params
UdrParameterInfo *outParamInfo_; // Info for OUT/INOUT params
ComUInt16 numInputTables_; // number of child table inputs
UdrTableInputInfo *inTables_; // array of table inputs
ComUInt32 numOptionalDataBufs_; // Number of optional data buffers
char **optionalData_; // Optional data buffers
NABoolean optionalDataIsShared_; // Buffers owned by this instance?
ComUInt32 numInstances_; // num if instances of this udr tcb
ComUInt32 instanceNum_; // instance number of this udr tcb
ComUInt32 udrSerInvocationInfoLen_; // serialized objects for new C++ interface
const char *udrSerInvocationInfo_;
ComUInt32 udrSerPlanInfoLen_;
const char *udrSerPlanInfo_;
Int32 udrJavaDebugPort_; // port for Java debugger
Int32 udrJavaDebugTimeout_; // timeout to wait for Java debugger
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrLoadMsg(const UdrLoadMsg &);
UdrLoadMsg &operator=(const UdrLoadMsg &);
}; // class UdrLoadMsg
class UdrLoadReply : public UdrControlMsg
UdrLoadReply(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrControlMsg(UDR_MSG_LOAD_REPLY, UdrLoadReplyVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrLoadReply()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrLoadReply(const UdrLoadReply &);
UdrLoadReply &operator=(const UdrLoadReply &);
}; // class UdrLoadReply
class UdrUnloadMsg : public UdrControlMsg
UdrUnloadMsg(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrControlMsg(UDR_MSG_UNLOAD, UdrUnloadMsgVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrUnloadMsg()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrUnloadMsg(const UdrUnloadMsg &);
UdrUnloadMsg &operator=(const UdrUnloadMsg &);
}; // class UdrUnloadMsg
class UdrUnloadReply : public UdrControlMsg
UdrUnloadReply(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrControlMsg(UDR_MSG_UNLOAD_REPLY, UdrUnloadReplyVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrUnloadReply()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrUnloadReply(const UdrUnloadReply &);
UdrUnloadReply &operator=(const UdrUnloadReply &);
}; // class UdrUnloadReply
// UdrSessionMsg and UdrSessionReply message subclasses
// The contents of a session message are a type field, a 32-bit flags
// field, and an arbitrary number of strings. The number of strings
// and their meaning depend on the message type. Currently we support
// the following types of session messages:
// JVM startup options
// string 1: a delimited series of JVM options
// string 2: the set of delimiting characters
class UdrSessionMsg : public UdrControlMsg
enum UdrSessionAttrType
enum UdrSessionFlags
UdrSessionMsg(UdrSessionAttrType attrType,
ComUInt32 flags,
NAMemory *heap);
UdrSessionMsg(NAMemory *heap);
virtual ~UdrSessionMsg();
void addString(const char *option);
ComUInt32 numStrings() const { return strings_.entries(); }
const char *getString(ComUInt32 i) const { return strings_[i]; }
const char *operator[] (ComUInt32 i) const { return strings_[i]; }
ComUInt32 getFlags() const { return flags_; }
UdrSessionAttrType getType() const { return (UdrSessionAttrType) attrType_; }
// Redefine pack/unpack methods from IpcMessageObj
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
#ifdef UDR_DEBUG
void display(FILE *f, const char *prefix) const;
ComUInt32 attrType_;
ComUInt32 flags_;
LIST(char *) strings_;
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrSessionMsg(const UdrSessionMsg &);
UdrSessionMsg &operator=(const UdrSessionMsg &);
}; // class UdrSessionMsg
class UdrSessionReply : public UdrControlMsg
UdrSessionReply(NAMemory *heap)
UdrSessionReplyVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrSessionReply()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrSessionReply(const UdrSessionReply &);
UdrSessionReply &operator=(const UdrSessionReply &);
}; // class UdrSessionReply
// UDR data header
// This header object currently contains no extra fields. It will
// precede a UDR data buffer in all invoke requests. The inherited
// UDR handle from superclass UdrMessageObj will be used in the UDR
// server to route the data buffer to the appropriate message stream.
class UdrDataHeader : public UdrMessageObj
// Constructor for allocation on a heap
UdrDataHeader(const UdrHandle &h, NAMemory *heap)
: UdrMessageObj(UDR_MSG_DATA_HEADER, UdrDataHeaderVersionNumber, heap)
// Constructor for copyless send
UdrDataHeader(const UdrHandle &h)
: UdrMessageObj(UDR_MSG_DATA_HEADER, UdrDataHeaderVersionNumber, NULL)
// Constructor for copyless receive
UdrDataHeader(IpcBufferedMsgStream *msgStream)
: UdrMessageObj(msgStream)
virtual ~UdrDataHeader()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrDataHeader(const UdrDataHeader &);
UdrDataHeader &operator=(const UdrDataHeader &);
}; // class UdrDataHeader
// UDR TMUDFdata header
// This header object currently contains no extra fields. It will
// precede a UDR data buffer in all invoke requests. The inherited
// UDR handle from superclass UdrMessageObj will be used in the UDR
// server to route the data buffer to the appropriate message stream.
class UdrTmudfDataHeader : public UdrMessageObj
// Constructor for allocation on a heap
UdrTmudfDataHeader(const UdrHandle &h, NAMemory *heap)
: UdrMessageObj(UDR_MSG_TMUDF_DATA_HEADER, UdrTmudfDataHeaderVersionNumber, heap)
// Constructor for copyless send
UdrTmudfDataHeader(const UdrHandle &h)
: UdrMessageObj(UDR_MSG_TMUDF_DATA_HEADER, UdrTmudfDataHeaderVersionNumber, NULL)
// Constructor for copyless receive
UdrTmudfDataHeader(IpcBufferedMsgStream *msgStream)
: UdrMessageObj(msgStream)
virtual ~UdrTmudfDataHeader()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrTmudfDataHeader(const UdrTmudfDataHeader &);
UdrTmudfDataHeader &operator=(const UdrTmudfDataHeader &);
}; // class UdrTmudfDataHeader
// UDR data buffers
// The packed format of this class is all IpcMessageObj members
// followed by a SqlBuffer.
class UdrDataBuffer : public UdrMessageObj
enum UdrDataBufferFlags
UDR_DATA_BUFFER_LAST = 0x0001, // Last reply buffer for a given request
UDR_SEND_NEXT_DATA_BUFFER=0x0002, // flag set to indicate the client to send
// the next data buffer. If FALSE this
// means client (ExUdrTCB) is supposed to
// send a continueRequest.
UDR_SENDING_SCALAR_VALUES=0x0004 // flag to indicate the udrserever
// that we are sending scalar values in
// this data buffer
// Constructor for allocation on a heap or in a buffered stream
UdrDataBuffer(ULng32 sqlBufferLength, InOut mode, NAMemory *heap);
// Constructors for copyless receive
UdrDataBuffer(IpcBufferedMsgStream *msgStream,
NABoolean driveUnPack = TRUE);
UdrDataBuffer(/* IN */ IpcBufferedMsgStream *msgStream,
/* IN */ IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
/* OUT */ NABoolean &integrityCheckResult );
virtual ~UdrDataBuffer();
inline SqlBuffer *getSqlBuffer() { return theBuffer_; }
inline const SqlBuffer *getSqlBuffer() const { return theBuffer_; }
inline ULng32 getSqlBufferLength() const { return sqlBufferLength_; }
inline void setSqlBuffer(SqlBuffer *sqlbuf)
theBuffer_ = sqlbuf;
NABoolean moreRows() const;
// Each reply buffer carries a flag to indicate whether it is the
// final reply buffer for a given request buffer. Our server-side
// code sets the flag correctly the flag is
// not actually used by client-side executor code.
inline NABoolean isLastBuffer() const
{ return (flags_ & UDR_DATA_BUFFER_LAST) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
inline void setLastBuffer(NABoolean yes)
flags_ = (yes) ? flags_ | UDR_DATA_BUFFER_LAST
inline NABoolean sendMoreData() const
{ return (flags_ & UDR_SEND_NEXT_DATA_BUFFER) ? TRUE : FALSE;}
inline void setSendMoreData(NABoolean yes)
flags_ = (yes) ? flags_ | UDR_SEND_NEXT_DATA_BUFFER
inline NABoolean sendingScalarValues() const
inline void setSendingScalarValues(NABoolean yes)
flags_ = (yes) ? flags_ | UDR_SENDING_SCALAR_VALUES
inline ComSInt16 tableIndex()
{ return tableIndex_;}
inline void setTableIndex(ComSInt16 ind) { tableIndex_ = ind;}
// Virtual methods for use with buffered streams
virtual NABoolean msgObjIsFree();
virtual void prepMsgObjForSend();
// Redefine pack/unpack methods from IpcMessageObj
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
NABoolean checkObj(IpcMessageObjType t,
IpcMessageObjVersion v,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize size,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer) const;
NABoolean copylessUnpack(NABoolean doChecks,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
NABoolean driveUnPack = TRUE);
ComUInt32 flags_;
ULng32 sqlBufferLength_;
SqlBuffer *theBuffer_;
ComSInt16 tableIndex_; // applies only to TMUDFs will be -1 for scalar udfs
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrDataBuffer(const UdrDataBuffer &);
UdrDataBuffer &operator=(const UdrDataBuffer &);
}; // class UdrDataBuffer
// UDR continue request
// Currently a continue request contains no extra fields. The inherited
// UDR handle from superclass UdrMessageObj will be used in the UDR
// server to route the request to the appropriate data stream.
class UdrContinueMsg : public UdrMessageObj
// Constructor for allocation on a heap
UdrContinueMsg(const UdrHandle &h, NAMemory *heap)
: UdrMessageObj(UDR_MSG_CONTINUE_REQUEST, UdrContinueMsgVersionNumber, heap)
// Constructor for copyless send
UdrContinueMsg(const UdrHandle &h)
: UdrMessageObj(UDR_MSG_CONTINUE_REQUEST, UdrContinueMsgVersionNumber, NULL)
// Constructor for copyless receive
UdrContinueMsg(IpcBufferedMsgStream *msgStream)
: UdrMessageObj(msgStream)
virtual ~UdrContinueMsg()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrContinueMsg(const UdrContinueMsg &);
UdrContinueMsg &operator=(const UdrContinueMsg &);
}; // class UdrContinueMsg
class UdrErrorReply : public UdrControlMsg
UdrErrorReply(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrControlMsg(UDR_MSG_ERROR_REPLY, UdrErrorReplyVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrErrorReply()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrErrorReply(const UdrErrorReply &);
UdrErrorReply &operator=(const UdrErrorReply &);
}; // class UdrErrorReply
// Following are Transaction related messages
// Enter Tx, Enter Tx reply
// Exit Tx, Exit Tx reply
class UdrEnterTxMsg : public UdrControlMsg
UdrEnterTxMsg(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrControlMsg(UDR_MSG_ENTER_TX, UdrEnterTxMsgVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrEnterTxMsg()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrEnterTxMsg(const UdrEnterTxMsg &);
UdrEnterTxMsg &operator=(const UdrEnterTxMsg &);
}; // class UdrEnterTxMsg
class UdrEnterTxReply : public UdrControlMsg
UdrEnterTxReply(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrControlMsg(UDR_MSG_ENTER_TX_REPLY, UdrEnterTxReplyVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrEnterTxReply()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrEnterTxReply(const UdrEnterTxReply &);
UdrEnterTxReply &operator=(const UdrEnterTxReply &);
}; // class UdrEnterTxReply
class UdrSuspendTxMsg : public UdrControlMsg
typedef UdrControlMsg super;
UdrSuspendTxMsg(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrControlMsg(UDR_MSG_SUSPEND_TX, UdrSuspendTxMsgVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrSuspendTxMsg()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrSuspendTxMsg(const UdrSuspendTxMsg &);
UdrSuspendTxMsg &operator=(const UdrSuspendTxMsg &);
}; // class UdrSuspendTxMsg
class UdrSuspendTxReply : public UdrControlMsg
UdrSuspendTxReply(NAMemory *heap)
UdrSuspendTxReplyVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrSuspendTxReply()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrSuspendTxReply(const UdrSuspendTxReply &);
UdrSuspendTxReply &operator=(const UdrSuspendTxReply &);
}; // class UdrSuspendTxReply
class UdrExitTxMsg : public UdrControlMsg
typedef UdrControlMsg super;
UdrExitTxMsg(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrControlMsg(UDR_MSG_EXIT_TX, UdrExitTxMsgVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrExitTxMsg()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrExitTxMsg(const UdrExitTxMsg &);
UdrExitTxMsg &operator=(const UdrExitTxMsg &);
}; // class UdrExitTxMsg
class UdrExitTxReply : public UdrControlMsg
UdrExitTxReply(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrControlMsg(UDR_MSG_EXIT_TX_REPLY, UdrExitTxReplyVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrExitTxReply()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrExitTxReply(const UdrExitTxReply &);
UdrExitTxReply &operator=(const UdrExitTxReply &);
}; // class UdrExitTxReply
// This class adds a data member for RS Handle and is base class
// for all RS message classes.
class UdrRSMessageObj : public UdrMessageObj
typedef UdrMessageObj super;
// Constructor for allocation on a heap
UdrRSMessageObj(UdrIpcObjectType msgType,
IpcMessageObjVersion version,
NAMemory *heap)
: UdrMessageObj(msgType, version, heap),
// Constructor for copyless send
UdrRSMessageObj(UdrIpcObjectType msgType,
IpcMessageObjVersion version)
: UdrMessageObj(msgType, version, NULL),
// Constructor for copyless receive
UdrRSMessageObj(IpcBufferedMsgStream *msgStream)
: UdrMessageObj(msgStream)
virtual ~UdrRSMessageObj()
// Accessor/Mutator methods
inline const RSHandle &getRSHandle() const { return rshandle_; }
inline void setRSHandle(const RSHandle &h) { rshandle_ = h; }
// Pack/unpack/check methods in the IpcMessageObj interface
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
NABoolean checkObj(IpcMessageObjType t,
IpcMessageObjVersion v,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize size,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer) const;
// Pack/unpack/check methods in the UdrMessageObj interface
virtual IpcMessageObjSize udrBaseClassPackedLength();
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packUdrBaseClass(IpcMessageBufferPtr &buffer);
virtual void unpackUdrBaseClass(IpcConstMessageBufferPtr &buffer);
virtual NABoolean checkUdrBaseClass(IpcMessageObjType t,
IpcMessageObjVersion v,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize size,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr &buffer) const;
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrRSMessageObj(const UdrRSMessageObj &);
UdrRSMessageObj &operator=(const UdrRSMessageObj &);
RSHandle rshandle_;
}; // class UdrRSMessageObj
// Currently this class provides no functionality. It just gives us
// a way to distinguish a control message from a data message.
class UdrRSControlMsg : public UdrRSMessageObj
UdrRSControlMsg(UdrIpcObjectType msgType, IpcMessageObjVersion version,
NAMemory *heap)
: UdrRSMessageObj(msgType, version, heap)
virtual ~UdrRSControlMsg() {}
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrRSControlMsg(const UdrRSControlMsg &);
UdrRSControlMsg &operator=(const UdrRSControlMsg &);
}; // class UdrRSControlMsg
// Following are RS control messages
// RS Load, RS Load reply
// RS Continue
// RS Close, RS Close reply
// RS Unload, RS Unload reply
class UdrRSLoadMsg : public UdrRSControlMsg
typedef UdrRSControlMsg super;
UdrRSLoadMsg(NAMemory *heap);
UdrRSLoadMsg(ComUInt32 rsIndex, ComUInt32 numRSCols, ComUInt32 rowSize,
ComUInt32 bufferSize, ComUInt32 flags, NAMemory *heap);
virtual ~UdrRSLoadMsg();
// Accessor methods
inline ComUInt32 getRsIndex() const { return rsIndex_; }
inline ComUInt32 getNumRSColumns() const { return numRSCols_; }
inline ComUInt32 getRowSize() const { return outputRowSize_; }
inline ComUInt32 getBufferSize() const { return outBufferSize_; }
inline ComUInt32 getFlags() const { return rsLoadFlags_; }
// Methods to get/set column desc structures
UdrParameterInfo *getColumnDesc() const
return rsColumnDesc_;
UdrParameterInfo &getColumnDesc(ComUInt32 i) const;
UdrParameterInfo *setColumnDesc(ComUInt32 i, const UdrParameterInfo &info);
// Redefine pack/unpack methods from IpcMessageObj
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrRSLoadMsg(const UdrRSLoadMsg &);
UdrRSLoadMsg &operator=(const UdrRSLoadMsg &);
void allocateColumnDescs();
void deallocateColumnDescs();
ComUInt32 rsIndex_;
// UDR server needs similar information for RS columns that we have
// in UdrParameterInfo. So UdrParameterInfo is reused here.
UdrParameterInfo *rsColumnDesc_;
ComUInt32 numRSCols_; // Number of Columns in the RS
ComUInt32 outputRowSize_; // RS row size
ComUInt32 outBufferSize_; // Buffer size that UDR server uses
// to send multiple rows
ComUInt32 rsLoadFlags_; // Flags for future use
}; // class UdrRSLoadMsg
class UdrRSLoadReply : public UdrRSControlMsg
UdrRSLoadReply(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrRSControlMsg(UDR_MSG_RS_LOAD_REPLY, UdrRSLoadReplyVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrRSLoadReply()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrRSLoadReply(const UdrRSLoadReply &);
UdrRSLoadReply &operator=(const UdrRSLoadReply &);
}; // class UdrRSLoadReply
// RS data header
// This header object derives from UDRRSMessageObj and contains no
// extra fields. It will precede the data buffer in all RS invoke
// requests. The inherited handles from parent class UdrRSMessageObj
// will be used in the UDR server to route the data buffer to the
// appropriate message stream.
class UdrRSDataHeader : public UdrRSMessageObj
// Constructor for allocation on a heap
UdrRSDataHeader(const UdrHandle &h, const RSHandle &rs, NAMemory *heap)
// Constructor for copyless send
UdrRSDataHeader(const UdrHandle &h, const RSHandle &rs)
// Constructor for copyless receive
UdrRSDataHeader(IpcBufferedMsgStream *msgStream)
: UdrRSMessageObj(msgStream)
virtual ~UdrRSDataHeader()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrRSDataHeader(const UdrRSDataHeader &);
UdrRSDataHeader &operator=(const UdrRSDataHeader &);
}; // class UdrRSDataHeader
class UdrRSContinueMsg : public UdrRSMessageObj
// Constructor for allocation on a heap
UdrRSContinueMsg(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrRSMessageObj(UDR_MSG_RS_CONTINUE, UdrRSContinueMsgVersionNumber, heap)
// Constructor for copyless send
UdrRSContinueMsg(const UdrHandle &handle, const RSHandle &rsHandle)
: UdrRSMessageObj(UDR_MSG_RS_CONTINUE, UdrRSContinueMsgVersionNumber)
// Constructor for copyless receive
UdrRSContinueMsg(IpcBufferedMsgStream *msgStream)
: UdrRSMessageObj(msgStream)
virtual ~UdrRSContinueMsg()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrRSContinueMsg(const UdrRSContinueMsg &);
UdrRSContinueMsg &operator=(const UdrRSContinueMsg &);
}; // class UdrRSContinueMsg
class UdrRSCloseMsg : public UdrRSControlMsg
UdrRSCloseMsg(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrRSControlMsg(UDR_MSG_RS_CLOSE, UdrRSCloseMsgVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrRSCloseMsg()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrRSCloseMsg(const UdrRSCloseMsg &);
UdrRSCloseMsg &operator=(const UdrRSCloseMsg &);
}; // class UdrRSCloseMsg
class UdrRSCloseReply : public UdrRSControlMsg
UdrRSCloseReply(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrRSControlMsg(UDR_MSG_RS_CLOSE_REPLY, UdrRSCloseReplyVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrRSCloseReply()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrRSCloseReply(const UdrRSCloseReply &);
UdrRSCloseReply &operator=(const UdrRSCloseReply &);
}; // class UdrRSColseReply
class UdrRSUnloadMsg : public UdrRSControlMsg
UdrRSUnloadMsg(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrRSControlMsg(UDR_MSG_RS_UNLOAD, UdrRSUnloadMsgVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrRSUnloadMsg()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrRSUnloadMsg(const UdrRSUnloadMsg &);
UdrRSUnloadMsg &operator=(const UdrRSUnloadMsg &);
}; // class UdrRSUnloadMsg
class UdrRSUnloadReply : public UdrRSControlMsg
UdrRSUnloadReply(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrRSControlMsg(UDR_MSG_RS_UNLOAD_REPLY, UdrRSUnloadReplyVersionNumber, heap)
virtual ~UdrRSUnloadReply()
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrRSUnloadReply(const UdrRSUnloadReply &);
UdrRSUnloadReply &operator=(const UdrRSUnloadReply &);
}; // class UDRRSUnloadReply
// struct ResultSetInfo
// A place to store all the result set info that's passed from UDR
// server to Executor. Currently we store info such as
// * proxy statement text
// * Statement handle // Needs more work
// * Context handle // --ditto--
// Note: The constructor callers of this struct should make sure that
// heap_ pointer is set. This is important if the object is instantiated
// in (release version) Executor where global new is not available.
// So setHeap() must be called after an object is instantiated
// using default constructor.
class ResultSetInfo
friend class UdrRSInfoMsg;
ResultSetInfo(const char *proxy, SQLSTMT_ID *stmtID,
ComUInt32 cntxID, NAMemory *heap);
// Accessor methods
const char *getProxySyntax() const { return proxySyntax_; }
SQLSTMT_ID *getStmtID() const { return stmtID_; }
ComUInt32 getContextID() const { return cntxID_; }
// Assignment operator
ResultSetInfo& operator=(const ResultSetInfo &src);
// This class does not derive from IpcMessageObj but we need
// similar methods to pack/unpack the object in a message
// buffer. Only UdrRSInfoMsg objects will call these
// methods, when it is packing/unpacking itself.
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize pack(IpcMessageBufferPtr &buffer) const;
void unpack(IpcConstMessageBufferPtr &buffer);
NABoolean checkResultSetInfoClass(IpcMessageObjType t,
IpcMessageObjVersion v,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize size,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr &buffer);
// Only friends can call default constructor and setHeap()
: heap_(NULL), proxySyntax_(NULL), stmtID_(NULL), cntxID_(0)
// Helper functions for memory management
char *allocateString(const char *s);
void deallocateString(char *&s);
void setHeap(NAMemory *heap) { heap_ = heap; }
NAMemory *heap_;
char *proxySyntax_; // proxy statement text
// TBD: Ramana
// The following information is added for debugging/measure data
// We have not completely understood what information needs to be here.
// Right now we have the following but these values will be set to 0
// by UDR Server and we should not depend on these fields right now.
// This part of this class will be updated later.
SQLSTMT_ID *stmtID_; // Pointer to Stmt_ID struct
ComUInt32 cntxID_; // context handle where stmtID_ is valid
}; // struct ResultSetInfo
// UdrRSInfoMsg will be sent by UDR server along with UDR INVOKE
// reply message. This object contains one or more ResultSetInfo structs
class UdrRSInfoMsg : public UdrMessageObj
typedef UdrMessageObj super;
UdrRSInfoMsg(NAMemory *heap)
: UdrMessageObj(UDR_MSG_RS_INFO, UdrRSInfoMsgVersionNumber, heap),
numRS_(0), resultSetInfo_(NULL)
UdrRSInfoMsg(ComUInt32 numRS, NAMemory *heap);
virtual ~UdrRSInfoMsg();
// Redefine pack/unpack methods from IpcMessageObj
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr b);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
NABoolean checkObj(IpcMessageObjType t,
IpcMessageObjVersion v,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize size,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer) const;
// Accessor methods
inline ComUInt32 getNumResultSets() const { return numRS_; }
// Methods to get/set ResultSet info structures
ResultSetInfo &getRSInfo(ComUInt32 i) const;
void setRSInfo(ComUInt32 i, const ResultSetInfo &info);
virtual NABoolean checkUdrBaseClass(IpcMessageObjType t,
IpcMessageObjVersion v,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize size,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr &buffer) const;
// Number of result sets returned by the UDR
ComUInt32 numRS_;
ResultSetInfo *resultSetInfo_;
// Helper functions for memory management of ResultSet
// info arrays
void allocateResultSetInfo();
void deallocateResultSetInfo();
// Do not implement default constructors or an assignment operator
UdrRSInfoMsg(const UdrRSInfoMsg &);
UdrRSInfoMsg &operator=(const UdrRSInfoMsg &);
}; // class UdrRSInfoMsg
#endif // _UDR_EXE_IPC_H_