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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: MdamEndPoint.h
* Description: MDAM End Point
* Created: 9/11/96
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "MdamEnums.h"
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "MdamInterval.h"
// *****************************************************************************
// MdamEndPoint is wrapper for MdamPoint. It includes data needed to process
// the point out of the context of an interval. It has a pointer to the
// MdamPoint it wraps and some additional data items:
// + inclusion_ (copy of the MamPoint attribute),
// + endPointType_ (specifies if the point represents the beginning or the
// end of an interval), and
// + pointer(s) to the containing interval(s).
// *****************************************************************************
// Forward declarations.
class MdamPoint;
class MdamInterval;
// End of forward declarations.
class MdamEndPoint
// Default constructor.
// This constructor is passed a pointer to the interval from which the
// MdamPoint is taken. Point type is also passed to specify which of the
// two points to use.
MdamEndPoint(MdamInterval * intervalPtr,
MdamEnums::MdamEndPointType endPointType,
const Int32 logicalIntervalListNumber);
// Destructor.
~MdamEndPoint() {}
// Adjust the interval pointer to track the active reference list.
void adjustIntervalPtr(MdamInterval * & intervalPtr,
const Int32 logicalIntervalListNumber) const;
// Assign intervalPtr[1] in this to the corresponding value in other.
// When this function is used, the mutated MdamEndPoint object
// represents points from both interval lists. intervalPtr is the
// only data member that needs to be transferred. All others are
// equal or the points wouldn't have been treated as duplicates.
inline void assignIntervalPtr1(const MdamEndPoint * other);
// Determine if the point is a begin endpoint.
inline NABoolean begin() const;
// Compare two endpoints. The function determines if the endpoint pointed
// to by this is {less than | equal to | greater than} the endpoint pointed
// to by other.
MdamEnums::MdamOrder compare
(const MdamEndPoint * other, const ULng32 keyLen) const;
// Determine if the point is a end endpoint.
inline NABoolean end() const;
// Determine if the point exists.
inline NABoolean exists() const;
// Get function for inclusion.
inline MdamEnums::MdamInclusion getInclusion();
// Get function for pointPtr_.
inline const MdamPoint * getPointPtr() const;
// If an interval were to be formed using this MdamEndPoint as the end endpoint
// and previousEndPoint MdamEndPoint as the begin endpoint, this function determines
// if the resulting interval would be empty.
NABoolean givesNonEmptyInterval
(const MdamEndPoint * previousEndPoint, const ULng32 keyLen) const;
// Print function.
void print(const char * header = "") const;
// Reset an endpoint to its newly-constructed state.
void reset();
// Reverse inclusion.
void reverseInclusion();
// Set member data items to reflect the specified endpoint.
void set(MdamInterval * intervalPtr,
MdamEnums::MdamEndPointType endPointType,
const Int32 logicalIntervalListNumber);
// Pointer to the point for which this is a wrapper.
const MdamPoint * pointPtr_;
// Copy of the inclusion attribute in MdamPoint.
// Defines whether the point is included or excluded.
MdamEnums::MdamInclusion inclusion_;
// Defines whether the point specifies the beginning or the end
// of the interval.
MdamEnums::MdamEndPointType endPointType_;
// Pointers to the containing intervals. There is one for each of the
// two interval lists. Positions zero and one of the array are used
// for interval lists logical number zero and one, respectively.
// A zero value means the endpoint did not come from an interval
// on the corresponding list. A non-zero value means the endpoint
// did come from an interval on the corresponding list and points to the
// interval. An endpoint is contained in one or both lists.
MdamInterval * intervalPtr_[2];
}; // class MdamEndPoint
// *****************************************************************************
// Inline member functions for class MdamEndPoint
// *****************************************************************************
// Assign intervalPtr[1] in this to the corresponding value in other.
inline void MdamEndPoint::assignIntervalPtr1(const MdamEndPoint * other)
intervalPtr_[1] = other->intervalPtr_[1];
// Determine if the point is a begin endpoint.
inline NABoolean MdamEndPoint::begin() const
return endPointType_ == MdamEnums::MDAM_BEGIN;
// Determine if the point is a end endpoint.
inline NABoolean MdamEndPoint::end() const
return endPointType_ == MdamEnums::MDAM_END;
// Determine if the point exists. The endpoint exists if pointPtr_
// is non-zero.
inline NABoolean MdamEndPoint::exists() const
return pointPtr_ != 0;
// Get function for inclusion.
inline MdamEnums::MdamInclusion MdamEndPoint::getInclusion()
return inclusion_;
// Get function for pointPtr_.
inline const MdamPoint * MdamEndPoint::getPointPtr() const
return pointPtr_;
#endif /* MDAMENDPOINT_H */