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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef __EX_UDR_H
#define __EX_UDR_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ExUdr.h
* Description: TDB/TCB for user-defined routines
* Created: 2/8/2000
* Language: C++
#include "ComTdbUdr.h"
#include "ex_tcb.h"
#include "UdrExeIpc.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "ExStats.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward class declarations
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcEnvironment;
class UdrMessageObj;
enum UdrIpcObjectType;
class UdrClientDataStream;
class UdrClientControlStream;
class UdrDataBuffer;
class sql_buffer;
class ExExeStmtGlobals;
class ExUdrServer;
class ExRsInfo;
class ExUDRBaseStats;
class ExUDRStats;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes defined in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExUdrTdb;
class ExUdrTcb;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ExUdrTdb
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExUdrTdb : public ComTdbUdr
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor is only called to instantiate an object used for
// retrieval of the virtual table function pointer of the class while
// unpacking. An empty constructor is enough.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ~ExUdrTdb()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build a TCB for this TDB. Redefined in the Executor project.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ex_tcb *build(ex_globals *globals);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public accessor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRI desc for the work ATP. Will be NULL if the UDR
// has no input or output parameters.
inline ex_cri_desc *getWorkCriDesc() const
return workCriDesc_;
// SQL name and all external names
inline const char *getSqlName() const
return sqlName_;
inline const char *getRoutineName() const
return routineName_;
inline const char *getSignature() const
return routineSignature_;
inline const char *getContainerName() const
return containerName_;
inline const char *getPathName() const
return externalPath_;
inline const char *getLibrarySqlName() const
return librarySqlName_;
// Number of parameters and result sets
inline ULng32 getNumParams() const
return numParams_;
inline ULng32 getNumInputValues() const
return numInputValues_;
inline ULng32 getNumOutputValues() const
return numOutputValues_;
inline ULng32 getMaxResultSets() const
return maxResultSets_;
// UDR flags
inline ULng32 getUdrFlags() const
return flags_;
NABoolean isResultSetProxy() const
return ((flags_ & UDR_RESULT_SET) ? TRUE : FALSE);
NABoolean isTmudf() const { return flags_&UDR_TMUDF ? TRUE : FALSE ;}
// Other UDR metadata
inline ULng32 getStateAreaSize() const
return stateAreaSize_;
inline ComRoutineType getUdrType() const
return (ComRoutineType) udrType_;
inline ComRoutineLanguage getLanguage() const
return (ComRoutineLanguage) languageType_;
inline ComRoutineParamStyle getParamStyle() const
return (ComRoutineParamStyle) paramStyle_;
inline ComRoutineExternalSecurity getExternalSecurity() const
return (ComRoutineExternalSecurity) externalSecurity_;
inline Int32 getRoutineOwnerId() const
return routineOwnerId_;
inline ComRoutineSQLAccess getSqlAccessMode() const
return (ComRoutineSQLAccess) sqlAccessMode_;
inline ComRoutineTransactionAttributes getTransactionAttrs() const
return (ComRoutineTransactionAttributes) transactionAttrs_;
// Expressions to copy data values to/from message buffers
inline ex_expr *getInputExpression() const
return inputExpr_;
inline ex_expr *getOutputExpression() const
return outputExpr_;
// expression for copying child table input into a sqlbuffer
inline ex_expr *getChildInputExpr(Int32 pos) const
return childInputExprs_[pos];
// Predicate expression
ex_expr *getPredicate() const { return scanExpr_; }
// Defaults for the output buffer pool
inline ULng32 getNumOutputBuffers() const
return numBuffers_; // this field comes from the superclass
inline ULng32 getOutputSqlBufferSize() const
return bufferSize_; // this field comes from the superclass
// Defaults for the input buffer pool
inline ULng32 getNumInputBuffers() const
return numChildTableInputs_; // each child input needs one buffer
inline ULng32 getInputSqlBufferSize() const
return bufferSize_; // this field comes from the superclass
} // keep it the same as output bufefr size for now
// Default size of sql_buffers in message objects
inline ULng32 getRequestSqlBufferSize() const
return requestSqlBufferSize_;
inline ULng32 getReplySqlBufferSize() const
return replySqlBufferSize_;
// Size of a single request/reply/output row
inline ULng32 getRequestRowLen() const
return requestRowLen_;
inline ULng32 getReplyRowLen() const
return replyRowLen_;
inline ULng32 getOutputRowLen() const
return outputRowLen_;
// Attributes for input and output parameters. No checks
// for NULL pointers are done and no bounds checking is done.
// Only call these functions if you are sure workCriDesc_
// exists and the index is valid.
inline Attributes *getRequestAttr(UInt32 i) const
return workCriDesc_->getTupleDescriptor(requestTuppIndex_)->getAttr(i);
inline AttributesPtr *getRequestAttrs() const
return workCriDesc_->getTupleDescriptor(requestTuppIndex_)->attrs();
inline Attributes *getReplyAttr(UInt32 i) const
return workCriDesc_->getTupleDescriptor(replyTuppIndex_)->getAttr(i);
inline AttributesPtr *getReplyAttrs() const
return workCriDesc_->getTupleDescriptor(replyTuppIndex_)->attrs();
inline Attributes *getChildTableAttr(UInt32 tabInd,
UInt32 colInd) const
UInt32 childTuppIndex = udrChildTableDescInfo_[tabInd]->
return workCriDesc_->getTupleDescriptor(childTuppIndex)->getAttr(colInd);
// Tuple descriptors for the input and output rows
inline ExpTupleDesc *getRequestTuple() const
return workCriDesc_->getTupleDescriptor(requestTuppIndex_);
inline ExpTupleDesc *getReplyTuple() const
return workCriDesc_->getTupleDescriptor(replyTuppIndex_);
inline ExpTupleDesc *getChildTuple(UInt32 tabInd) const
UInt32 childTuppIndex = udrChildTableDescInfo_[tabInd]->
return workCriDesc_->getTupleDescriptor(childTuppIndex);
// Number of tupps in the output row
inline unsigned short getNumOutputTupps() const
return criDescUp_->noTuples();
// ATP index in the work ATP for the input and output rows
inline unsigned short getRequestTuppIndex() const
return requestTuppIndex_;
inline unsigned short getReplyTuppIndex() const
return replyTuppIndex_;
inline const UdrTableDescInfo *getTableDescInfo(UInt32 i) const
return udrChildTableDescInfo_[i];
inline Int32 getJavaDebugPort() const
return javaDebugPort_;
inline Int32 getJavaDebugTimeout() const
return javaDebugTimeout_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// *********************************************************************
// The Executor TDB's are only used for the sole purpose of providing a
// way to supplement the Compiler TDB's (in comexe) with methods whose
// implementation depends on Executor objects. This is done so as to
// decouple the Compiler from linking in Executor objects unnecessarily.
// When a Compiler generated TDB arrives at the Executor, the same data
// image is "cast" as an Executor TDB after unpacking. Therefore, it is
// a requirement that a Compiler TDB has the same object layout as its
// corresponding Executor TDB. As a result of this, all Executor TDB's
// must have absolutely NO data members, but only member functions. So,
// if you reach here with an intention to add data members to a TDB, ask
// yourself two questions:
// 1. Are those data members Compiler-generated?
// If yes, put them in the ComTdbUdr instead.
// If no, they should probably belong to someplace else (like TCB).
// 2. Are the classes those data members belong defined in the executor
// project?
// If your answer to both questions is yes, you might need to move
// the classes to the comexe project.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Task control block
class ExUdrTcb : public ex_tcb
typedef ex_tcb super;
friend class ExUdrTdb;
// State transitions for a down queue entry
enum UdrTcbSendStep
enum TmudfState
ExUdrTcb(const ExUdrTdb &tdb,
const ex_tcb **childTcbs,
ex_globals *glob);
virtual void freeResources();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Standard TCB methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Int32 fixup();
virtual ExWorkProcRetcode work();
ExWorkProcRetcode tmudfWork();
ExWorkProcRetcode buildAndSendTmudfInput();
ExWorkProcRetcode tmudfCheckSend();
ExWorkProcRetcode tmudfCheckReceive();
void registerSubtasks();
ex_queue_pair getParentQueue() const
return qParent_;
Int32 numChildren() const
return myTdb().numChildTableInputs_;
const ex_tcb *getChild(Int32 pos) const
ex_assert((pos >= 0) && (pos < numChildren()), "");
return childTcbs_[pos];
ex_tcb_private_state *allocatePstates(
Lng32 &numElems, // [IN/OUT] desired/actual elements
Lng32 &pstateLength); // [OUT] length of one element
// IPC callback functions communicate with the TCB by calling
// these methods
inline NABoolean getIpcBroken() const { return (state_ == IPC_ERROR); }
void reportLoadReply(NABoolean loadWasSuccessful);
void reportIpcError(IpcMessageStreamBase *s, IpcConnection *connection);
void reportDataArrival();
// Public methods that allow data streams to allocate objects
// and diagnostics on various TCB heaps
CollHeap *getIpcHeap() const;
ComDiagsArea *getStatementDiags() const;
void setStatementDiags(ComDiagsArea *) const;
ComDiagsArea *getOrCreateStmtDiags() const;
// Stats area
virtual ExOperStats *doAllocateStatsEntry(CollHeap *heap, ComTdb *tdb);
void incReplyMsg(Int64 msgBytes)
if (udrBaseStats_)
void incReqMsg(Int64 msgBytes)
if (udrBaseStats_)
void setTmUdfInfo(UdrLoadMsg *lm, const ExUdrTdb &udrTdb);
inline const ExUdrTdb &myTdb() const { return (const ExUdrTdb &) tdb; }
ExExeStmtGlobals *myExeStmtGlobals() const;
IpcEnvironment *myIpcEnv() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Work and cancel subtasks
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
static ExWorkProcRetcode sWork(ex_tcb *tcb)
return ((ExUdrTcb *) tcb)->work();
ExWorkProcRetcode workCancel();
static ExWorkProcRetcode sWorkCancel(ex_tcb *tcb)
return ((ExUdrTcb *) tcb)->workCancel();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Work method for tble mapping udfs
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
static ExWorkProcRetcode sTmudfWork(ex_tcb *tcb)
return ((ExUdrTcb *) tcb)->tmudfWork();
inline void tickleSchedulerWork()
// Helper functions used for resource management
void deallocateMessage(UdrMessageObj *m);
void releaseControlStream();
void allocateDataStream();
void releaseDataStream();
void releaseServerResources();
void releaseConnectionToServer();
// Helper function to send control messages
NABoolean sendControlMessage(UdrIpcObjectType t,
NABoolean callbackRequired);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper functions called by the work method. See comments in the
// .cpp file for descriptions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ExWorkProcRetcode buildAndSendRequestBuffer();
ExWorkProcRetcode checkSend();
ExWorkProcRetcode checkReceive();
ExWorkProcRetcode continueRequest();
UdrDataBuffer *getReplyBuffer();
UdrDataBuffer *getRequestBuffer();
NABoolean replyBufferIsEmpty();
void releaseReplyBuffer();
void releaseRequestBuffer();
void releaseChildInputBuffer(Int32 i);
ExWorkProcRetcode returnSingleRow();
NABoolean anyOutstandingQueueRequests();
NABoolean verifyUdrServerProcessId();
NABoolean insertUpQueueEntry(ex_queue::up_status status,
ComDiagsArea *diags = NULL);
NABoolean serverResourcesAreLoaded() const;
void addIntegrityCheckFailureToDiagsArea(ComDiagsArea *diags) const;
void tmudfCancelChildRequests(queue_index parentIndex);
NABoolean validateDataRow(const tupp &replyTupp, ComDiagsArea *&diags);
// This TCB implements a state machine. Valid state transitions are
// defined by the code in setUdrTcbState().
enum UdrTcbState
BUILD = 1,
NABoolean setUdrTcbState(UdrTcbState target);
static const char *getUdrTcbStateString(UdrTcbState s);
void attemptTransitionToWorkState();
NABoolean dataRequestsAreTransactional() const;
// Protected data members
UdrTcbState state_;
ex_queue_pair qParent_;
atp_struct *workAtp_;
sql_buffer_pool *outputPool_;
sql_buffer_pool *inputPool_;
UdrDataBuffer *replyBuffer_;
UdrDataBuffer *requestBuffer_;
UdrDataBuffer **childInputBuffers_; // array of child table buffers
queue_index nextToSend_;
ExUdrServer *udrServer_;
UdrClientDataStream *dataStream_;
UdrClientControlStream *outstandingControlStream_;
UdrHandle udrHandle_;
ExSubtask *ioSubtask_;
IpcProcessId serverProcessId_;
RSHandle rsHandle_;
ComUInt32 rsIndex_;
ExRsInfo *rsInfo_;
const ex_tcb **childTcbs_; // array of pointers to child task control blocks
ex_queue_pair *qChild_; // array of pointers to child queues
TmudfState *tmudfStates_; // array of states of these child queues
ExUDRBaseStats *udrBaseStats_;
ExUDRStats *udrStats_;
Int64 dataMsgsSent_;
Int64 continueMsgsSent_;
#ifdef UDR_DEBUG
FILE *traceFile_;
NABoolean doTrace_;
NABoolean doStateTrace_;
NABoolean doIpcTrace_;
NABoolean trustReplies_;
void initializeDebugVariables();
void printDataStreamState();
}; // class ExUdrTcb
// class ExUdrPrivateState
class ExUdrPrivateState : public ex_tcb_private_state
friend class ExUdrTcb;
void init();
ExUdrTcb::UdrTcbSendStep step_;
Int64 matchCount_;
ComUInt32 numEodsFromChildTcbs_; // for future use
ComSInt32 currentChildTcbIndex_;
#endif // __EX_UDR_H