blob: 9585e954396af440d89054eda58dec50a6c6e836 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef EXSM_TASK_H
#define EXSM_TASK_H
#include "ExSMCommon.h"
class ExSMTask;
class ExSMTaskList;
class ExSMQueue;
class SMConnection;
class NAMemory;
class ex_tcb;
class ExSMTask
ExSMTask(const sm_target_t &receiver,
uint32_t queueSize,
int32_t *scheduledAddr,
NAMemory *heap,
ex_tcb *tcb,
SMConnection *smConnection);
ExSMTask(); // Do not implement
virtual ~ExSMTask();
ExSMQueue *getInQueue() { return inQueue_; }
ExSMQueue *getOutQueue() { return outQueue_; }
const sm_target_t &getReceiver() const { return receiver_; }
int32_t *getScheduledAddr() { return scheduledAddr_; }
// The TCB pointer is for debugging and tracing only and should not
// be dereferenced
ex_tcb *getTCB() { return tcb_; }
void incrReceiveCount() { receiveCount_++; }
int64_t getReceiveCount() { return receiveCount_; }
SMConnection *getSMConnection() const { return smConnection_; }
// The following methods are used for control flow when a message is
// larger than the expected size. First the sender sends a short
// message announcing the size of the reply. Then the sender waits
// for an ack. The receiver posts a receive buffer of sufficient
// size and sends an ack. Once the ack arrives the large buffer can
// be sent. No other messages are sent by the sender while waiting
// for the ack.
// Methods for receiving a large buffer
void recvChunk_Enter(void *buffer, uint32_t msgSize, uint32_t chunkSize);
void recvChunk_Exit();
void recvChunk_Receive(uint32_t bytesReceived);
void *recvChunk_GetPrepostAddr() const;
bool recvChunk_MoreExpected() const;
void *recvChunk_GetBuffer() const { return recvChunk_buffer_; }
uint32_t recvChunk_GetMessageSize() const { return recvChunk_msgSize_; }
uint32_t recvChunk_GetChunkSize() const { return recvChunk_chunkSize_; }
// Methods for sending a large buffer
void sendChunk_SetAckArrived(bool b);
bool sendChunk_GetAckArrived() const { return sendChunk_ackArrived_; }
ExSMQueue *inQueue_;
ExSMQueue *outQueue_;
sm_target_t receiver_;
int32_t *scheduledAddr_;
NAMemory *heap_;
// The TCB pointer is for debugging and tracing only and should not
// be dereferenced
ex_tcb *tcb_;
int64_t receiveCount_;
SMConnection *smConnection_;
// The task list object maintains a table of tasks and requires
// access to the protected field hashBucketNext_ to manage the hash
// chains.
friend class ExSMTaskList;
ExSMTask *hashBucketNext_;
// Each task contains pointers for a doubly-linked list called the
// ready list. The reader thread places tasks on the ready list when
// messages arrive that need to be processed by the main thread.
// The interface to add and remove from the ready list is provided
// by a separate class ExSMReadyList.
friend class ExSMReadyList;
ExSMTask *readyListNext_;
ExSMTask *readyListPrev_;
// The following data members are for control flow when a message is
// larger than the expected size. The control flow protocol is
// explained in comments above, with the control flow methods.
// Data members for receiving a large buffer
void *recvChunk_buffer_; // Points to an IpcMessageBuffer
uint32_t recvChunk_msgSize_; // Size of the complete message
uint32_t recvChunk_chunkSize_; // Chunk size
uint32_t recvChunk_bytesSoFar_; // Bytes seen so far
// Data members for sending a large buffer
bool sendChunk_ackArrived_; // Did an ack arrive?
}; // class ExSMTask
#endif // EXSM_TASK_H