blob: 2cd6485b29cad3dc987e042a104fea40816708a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* File: ExRsInfo.h
* Description: A container class for Statment globals Result Set info
* Created: October 2005
* Language: C++
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef EX_RS_INFO_H
#define EX_RS_INFO_H
#include "Platform.h"
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "NABasicObject.h"
#include "Collections.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "Ipc.h"
#include "ComRtUtils.h"
// Contents of this file
class RsInfo;
class ExRsInfo;
// Forward declarations
class NAMemory;
class ExUdrServer;
class Statement;
class ExExeStmtGlobals;
class UdrClientControlStream;
// Some data members such as the NAArray come from outside this
// DLL. The Windows compiler generates a warning about them requiring
// a DLL interface in order to be used by ExRsInfo clients. We
// will suppress such warnings.
// class RsInfo
// This class is a container for Result Set info
// and is instantiated by ExRsInfo
class RsInfo : public NABasicObject
friend class ExRsInfo;
virtual ~RsInfo();
Statement * getStatement() const {return statement_;}
NABoolean getOpenAttempted() const {return openAttempted_;}
NABoolean getCloseAttempted() const {return closeAttempted_;}
NABoolean isPrepared() const {return prepared_;}
char * getProxySyntax() const { return proxySyntax_;}
void setStatement(Statement *statement) {statement_ = statement;}
void setOpenAttempted(NABoolean flag) {openAttempted_ = flag;}
void setCloseAttempted(NABoolean flag) {closeAttempted_ = flag;}
void setPrepared(NABoolean flag) {prepared_ = flag;}
void setProxySyntax(char *proxySyntax) {proxySyntax_ = proxySyntax;}
//Class data members
Statement *statement_;
NABoolean openAttempted_;
NABoolean closeAttempted_;
NABoolean prepared_;
char *proxySyntax_;
}; //RsInfo
// class ExRsInfo
// This class is a wrapper around a collection of RsInfo objects.
class ExRsInfo : public NABasicObject
virtual ~ExRsInfo();
void populate(ULng32 index,
const char * proxySyntax);
void bind(ULng32 index,
Statement * statement);
void unbind(Statement *statement);
void setOpenAttempted(ULng32 index);
void setCloseAttempted(ULng32 index);
void setPrepared(ULng32 index);
void reset();
NABoolean statementExists(ULng32 index) const;
NABoolean openAttempted(ULng32 index) const;
NABoolean closeAttempted(ULng32 index) const;
NABoolean isPrepared(ULng32 index) const;
NABoolean getRsInfo(ULng32 position, // IN
Statement *&statement, // OUT
const char *&proxySyntax, // OUT
NABoolean &openAttempted, // OUT
NABoolean &closeAttempted, // OUT
NABoolean &isPrepared) // OUT
ULng32 getIndex(Statement * statement) const;
ExUdrServer * getUdrServer() const {return udrServer_;}
const IpcProcessId & getIpcProcessId() const {return ipcProcessId_;}
Int64 getUdrHandle() const {return udrHandle_;}
void setUdrServer(ExUdrServer *udrServer) {udrServer_ = udrServer;}
void setIpcProcessId(const IpcProcessId &ipcProcessId);
void setUdrHandle(Int64 udrHandle) {udrHandle_ = udrHandle;}
ULng32 getNumReturnedByLastCall() const
{ return numReturnedByLastCall_; }
ULng32 getNumClosedSinceLastCall() const
{ return numClosedSinceLastCall_; }
NABoolean allResultsAreClosed() const
return (numClosedSinceLastCall_ >= numReturnedByLastCall_ ? TRUE : FALSE);
// Methods to get and set the maximum number of RS entries this
// object can hold.
// If the user of this object calls setNumEntries(N) to set the max,
// the object may actually raise the limit internally and
// getNumEntries() may return a value higher than N.
// Users of this class should not rely on this "non-exact"
// behavior. It is a side-effect of using NAArray in the
// implementation of this class, and may change in the future.
void setNumEntries(ComUInt32 maxEntries);
const ULng32 getNumEntries() const
ULng32 n = rsInfoArray_.getSize();
// We return (n-1) to account for the never-used entry in slot 0
return (n > 0 ? n - 1 : 0);
// Methods to bring the UDR server into and out of a transaction for
// a single CALL operation that can potentially return result
// sets. To bring the server into a transaction we will send an
// ENTER TX request. To temporarily bring the server out we send a
// SUSPEND TX request. To bring the server fully out we send an EXIT
// TX request. The stmtGlobals object passed in will have its diags
// area populated if IPC errors are encountered.
void enterUdrTx(ExExeStmtGlobals &stmtGlobals);
void suspendUdrTx(ExExeStmtGlobals &stmtGlobals);
void exitUdrTx(ExExeStmtGlobals &stmtGlobals);
UdrClientControlStream *getEnterTxStream() const { return enterTxStream_; }
UdrClientControlStream *getExitOrSuspendStream() const
{ return exitOrSuspendStream_; }
// Message streams for ENTER, EXIT, and SUSPEND TX messages will use
// this method to inform the ExRsInfo that the message interaction
// has completed.
void reportCompletion(UdrClientControlStream *);
enum TxMsgType { ENTER, SUSPEND, EXIT };
static const char *getTxMsgTypeString(TxMsgType t)
switch (t)
case ENTER: return "ENTER";
case SUSPEND: return "SUSPEND";
case EXIT: return "EXIT";
default: return ComRtGetUnknownString((Int32) t);
static const char *getTxStateString(TxState s)
switch (s)
case IDLE: return "IDLE";
case ACTIVE: return "ACTIVE";
default: return ComRtGetUnknownString((Int32) s);
// A private method to do IPC for TX requests
void sendTxMessage(ExExeStmtGlobals &, TxMsgType);
ARRAY(RsInfo*) rsInfoArray_;
ExUdrServer *udrServer_;
IpcProcessId ipcProcessId_;
Int64 udrHandle_;
TxState txState_;
// When an ENTER TX message is sent we need to keep a pointer to the
// stream. This allows the ENTER TX to later be abandoned if the
// EXIT TX or SUSPEND TX cannot be successfully sent.
UdrClientControlStream *enterTxStream_;
// We also need a pointer to the EXIT TX or SUSPEND TX stream. This
// allows the ExRsInfo destructor to inform the stream when the
// ExRsInfo instance is going away.
UdrClientControlStream *exitOrSuspendStream_;
ULng32 numReturnedByLastCall_;
ULng32 numClosedSinceLastCall_;
#ifdef _DEBUG
void ExRsPrintf(const char *formatString, ...) const;
NABoolean debugEnabled() const { return debug_; }
NABoolean debug_;
NABoolean txDebug_;
void displayList() const;
}; // class ExRsInfo
#endif // EX_RS_INFO_H