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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ExExeUtilExplain.cpp
* Description:
* Language: C++
#include "ComCextdecs.h"
#include "cli_stdh.h"
#include "ex_stdh.h"
#include "sql_id.h"
#include "ex_transaction.h"
#include "ComTdb.h"
#include "ex_tcb.h"
#include "ComSqlId.h"
#include "ExExeUtil.h"
#include "ex_exe_stmt_globals.h"
#include "exp_expr.h"
#include "exp_clause_derived.h"
#include "ComRtUtils.h"
#include "ExStats.h"
#include "SqlParserGlobalsEnum.h"
// classes defined in this file:
// class ExExeUtilDisplayExplain
// class ExExeUtilDisplayExplainComplex
ex_tcb * ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTdb::build(ex_globals * glob)
ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb * exe_util_tcb;
exe_util_tcb = new(glob->getSpace()) ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb(*this, glob);
return (exe_util_tcb);
// Constructor for class ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb
const ComTdbExeUtilDisplayExplain & exe_util_tdb,
ex_globals * glob)
: ExExeUtilTcb( exe_util_tdb, NULL, glob),
// Allocate the private state in each entry of the down queue
MLINE = exe_util_tdb.colDescSize_ / 50 + 14;
MLEN = exe_util_tdb.outputRowSize_;
lines_ = new(getMyHeap()) char*[MLINE];
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < MLINE; i++)
lines_[i] = new(getMyHeap()) char[MLEN];
optFOutput = new(getMyHeap()) char[MLEN];
if (lines_)
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < MLINE; i++)
NADELETEBASIC(lines_[i], getMyHeap());
NADELETEBASIC(lines_, getMyHeap());
if (optFOutput)
NADELETEBASIC(optFOutput, getMyHeap());
if (explainQuery_)
NADELETEBASIC(explainQuery_, getMyHeap());
explainQuery_ = NULL;
// Redefine virtual method allocatePstates, to be used by dynamic queue
// resizing, as well as the initial queue construction.
ex_tcb_private_state * ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::allocatePstates(
Lng32 &numElems, // inout, desired/actual elements
Lng32 &pstateLength) // out, length of one element
PstateAllocator<ExExeUtilDisplayExplainPrivateState> pa;
return pa.allocatePstates(this, numElems, pstateLength);
static const QueryString displayExplainQuery[] =
{" select translate(case when module_name is null then cast(_ucs2'?' as char(60) character set ucs2 not null) "},
{" else cast(module_name as char(60) character set ucs2 not null) end || _ucs2' ' || "},
{" cast(statement_name as char(60) character set ucs2 not null) || _ucs2' ' || "},
{" cast(plan_id as char(20) character set ucs2 ) || _ucs2' ' || "},
{" case when seq_num is NULL then cast(_ucs2'?' as char(11) character set ucs2) "},
{" else cast(seq_num as char(11) character set ucs2 not null) end || _ucs2' ' || "},
{" cast(operator as char(30) character set ucs2 not null) || _ucs2' ' || "},
{" case when left_child_seq_num is NULL then cast(_ucs2'?' as char(18) character set ucs2 not null) "},
{" else cast(left_child_seq_num as char(18) character set ucs2 not null) end || _ucs2' ' || "},
{" case when right_child_seq_num is NULL then cast(_ucs2'?' as char(19) character set ucs2 not null) "},
{" else cast(right_child_seq_num as char(19) character set ucs2 not null) end || _ucs2' ' || "},
{" translate(tname using utf8toucs2) || _ucs2' ' || "},
{" cast(cardinality as char(15) character set ucs2 not null) || _ucs2' ' || "},
{" cast(operator_cost as char(15) character set ucs2 not null ) || _ucs2' ' || "},
{" translate(cast(total_cost as char(15)) using iso88591toucs2) || _ucs2' ' || "},
{" translate(cast(detail_cost as char(200) not null) using iso88591toucs2) || _ucs2' ' || "},
{" translate(description using utf8toucs2) using ucs2toutf8) "},
{" from table(explain(%s, %s));"}
static const QueryString displayExplainOptionEQuery[] =
{" select * from table(explain(%s, %s)) "},
{" order by SEQ_NUM descending "},
{" ; "}
short processExplainRowsWrapper(ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb * i)
return i->processExplainRows();
short ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::processExplainRows()
return 0;
// work() for ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb
short ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::work()
Lng32 retcode;
// if no parent request, return
if (qparent_.down->isEmpty())
return WORK_OK;
// if no room in up queue, won't be able to return data/status.
// Come back later.
if (qparent_.up->isFull())
return WORK_OK;
ex_queue_entry * pentry_down = qparent_.down->getHeadEntry();
ExExeUtilDisplayExplainPrivateState & pstate =
*((ExExeUtilDisplayExplainPrivateState*) pentry_down->pstate);
// Get the globals stucture of the master executor.
ExExeStmtGlobals *exeGlob = getGlobals()->castToExExeStmtGlobals();
ExMasterStmtGlobals *masterGlob = exeGlob->castToExMasterStmtGlobals();
while (1) // exit via return
switch (pstate.step_)
case EMPTY_:
if (exeUtilTdb().getStmtName())
pstate.step_ = SETUP_EXPLAIN_;
pstate.step_ = PREPARE_;
case PREPARE_:
// if generate_explain is to OFF, issue CQD to turn it on.
// first, hold the current default value for generate_explain.
if (holdAndSetCQD("generate_explain", "ON") < 0)
pstate.step_ = HANDLE_ERROR_;
// tell mxcmp that this prepare is for explain.
retcode =
executeImmediate("control session 'EXPLAIN' 'ON';");
if (retcode < 0)
pstate.step_ = HANDLE_ERROR_;
retcode =
cliInterface()->allocStuff(module_, stmt_, sql_src_,
input_desc_, output_desc_,
if (retcode < 0)
pstate.step_ = HANDLE_ERROR_;
char * stmtStr = exeUtilTdb().getQuery();
retcode = cliInterface()->prepare(stmtStr,
stmt_, sql_src_,
input_desc_, output_desc_,
NULL /* outputBuf */,
NULL /* outputVarPtrList */,
NULL /* inputBuf */,
NULL /* inputVarPtrList */,
NULL /* uniqueStmtId */,
NULL /* uniqueStmtIdLen */,
NULL /* query_cost_info */,
NULL /* comp_stats_info */,
FALSE /* monitorThis */,
TRUE /* doNotCachePlan */);
if (retcode < 0)
pstate.step_ = HANDLE_ERROR_;
pstate.step_ = SETUP_EXPLAIN_;
// set sqlparserflags to disable stats for explain query
/*set the flag here, use it later*/
if (exeUtilTdb().isOptionF() > 0)
optFlag_ = F_;
else if (exeUtilTdb().isOptionE() > 0)
optFlag_ = E_;
else if (exeUtilTdb().isOptionM() > 0)
optFlag_ = M_;
optFlag_ = N_;
Int32 explain_qry_array_size = 0;
const QueryString * explainQuery = NULL;
if (optFlag_ == M_)
explain_qry_array_size = sizeof(displayExplainQuery)
/ sizeof(QueryString);
explainQuery = displayExplainQuery;
else //same query used for both E_ and N_ and F_
explain_qry_array_size = sizeof(displayExplainOptionEQuery)
/ sizeof(QueryString);
explainQuery = displayExplainOptionEQuery;
char * gluedQuery;
Lng32 gluedQuerySize;
glueQueryFragments(explain_qry_array_size, explainQuery,
gluedQuery, gluedQuerySize);
char explArg1[200];
char explArg2[200];
if (exeUtilTdb().getModuleName())
strcpy(explArg1, "_iso88591'");
strcat(explArg1, exeUtilTdb().getModuleName());
strcat(explArg1, "'");
strcpy(explArg1, "NULL");
strcpy(explArg2, "_iso88591'");
if (exeUtilTdb().getStmtName())
strcat(explArg2, exeUtilTdb().getStmtName());
strcat(explArg2, "__EXPL_STMT_NAME__");
strcat(explArg2, "'");
if (explainQuery_)
// need to cleanup from previous execution
NADELETEBASIC(explainQuery_, getMyHeap());
explainQuery_ = new (getMyHeap())
char[gluedQuerySize + strlen(explArg1) +
strlen(explArg2) + 10];
str_sprintf(explainQuery_, gluedQuery, explArg1, explArg2);
NADELETEBASIC(gluedQuery, getMyHeap());
pstate.step_ = FETCH_PROLOGUE_;
retcode = cliInterface()->fetchRowsPrologue(explainQuery_);
if (retcode < 0)
pstate.step_ = HANDLE_ERROR_;
pstate.step_ = FETCH_FIRST_EXPLAIN_ROW_;
if (optFlag_ == E_ || optFlag_ == N_)
//for options E or N do nothing since not planning to output anything yet
//the output will happen in DoHeader, DoOperator, DoSeparator
// make sure there is enough space to move header
if ((qparent_.up->getSize() - qparent_.up->getLength()) < 5)
return WORK_OK; //come back later
retcode = cliInterface()->fetch();
if (retcode < 0)
pstate.step_ = HANDLE_ERROR_;
if (retcode == 100)
// no rows found.
// Either no explain information was available or statement
// was not found.
ExRaiseSqlError(getMyHeap(), &diagsArea_,
(((exeUtilTdb().getModuleName()) ||
(exeUtilTdb().getStmtName())) ?
pstate.step_ = HANDLE_ERROR_;
//the fetch was successful
case E_:
case N_:
/*for options E or N do nothing, header gets output in DoSeparator()*/
pstate.step_ = GET_COLUMNS_;
case F_:
moveRowToUpQueue(" ");
moveRowToUpQueue("---- ---- ---- -------------------- -------- -------------------- ---------");
moveRowToUpQueue(" ");
pstate.step_ = GET_COLUMNS_;
case M_:
moveRowToUpQueue(" ");
moveRowToUpQueue("------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- ----------- ------------------------------ ------------------ ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------");
moveRowToUpQueue(" ");
pstate.step_ = RETURN_EXPLAIN_ROW_;
retcode = cliInterface()->fetch();
if (retcode < 0)
pstate.step_ = HANDLE_ERROR_;
if (retcode == 100) //no more data
pstate.step_ = FETCH_EPILOGUE_;
else if (optFlag_ == E_ || optFlag_ == N_ || optFlag_ == F_)
pstate.step_ = GET_COLUMNS_;
pstate.step_ = RETURN_EXPLAIN_ROW_;
short rc = GetColumns();
if (rc != 0) //means we got an EXE_EXPLAIN_BAD_DATA
//or an error from getPtrAndLen()
ExRaiseSqlError(getMyHeap(), &diagsArea_,
(((exeUtilTdb().getModuleName()) ||
(exeUtilTdb().getStmtName())) ?
pstate.step_ = HANDLE_ERROR_;
if (optFlag_ == F_)
pstate.step_ = RETURN_EXPLAIN_ROW_;
if (header_ == 1) // got set to 1 inside GetColumns if current node is ROOT
pstate.step_ = DO_HEADER_;
pstate.step_ = DO_OPERATOR_;
case DO_HEADER_:
//one blank line before the summary
FormatLine(NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
pstate.step_ = RETURN_FMT_ROWS_;
header_ = 0; //reset once root operator done
pstate.step_ = RETURN_FMT_ROWS_;
short rc = OutputLines();
if (rc != 0) //rc is the same as would be gotten from a call to moveRowToUpQueue
return rc; //next state is unchanged, we need to come back here
if (header_ == 1) //if current node is root, just finished header
pstate.step_ = DO_OPERATOR_;
pstate.step_ = FETCH_EXPLAIN_ROW_;
char * ptr;
Lng32 len;
short rc;
if (optFlag_ == F_)
retcode = moveRowToUpQueue(&optFOutput[0], -1, &rc);
else //must be M_
cliInterface()->getPtrAndLen(1, ptr, len);
retcode = moveRowToUpQueue(ptr, len, &rc);
if (retcode)
return rc;
pstate.step_ = FETCH_EXPLAIN_ROW_;
retcode = cliInterface()->fetchRowsEpilogue(explainQuery_);
if (retcode < 0)
retcode =
cliInterface()->deallocStuff(module_, stmt_, sql_src_,
input_desc_, output_desc_);
if (retcode < 0)
if (exeUtilTdb().getStmtName() == NULL)
if (restoreCQD("generate_explain") < 0)
pstate.step_ = DONE_;
retcode =
executeImmediate("control session reset 'EXPLAIN';");
if (retcode < 0)
pstate.step_ = RETURN_ERROR_;
pstate.step_ = DONE_;
retcode = handleError();
if (retcode == 1)
return WORK_OK;
pstate.step_ = DONE_;
case DONE_:
retcode = handleDone();
if (retcode == 1)
return WORK_OK;
pstate.matches_ = 0;
pstate.step_ = EMPTY_;
// reset sqlparserflags that disabled stats for Explain query
//reset variables used for options E_ and N_
cntLines_ = 0;
nextLine_ = 0;
header_ = 0;
lastFrag_ = 0;
return WORK_OK;
//given a null-terminated string, truncates whitespace from the
//end and moves the string termination character
void ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::truncate_whitespace(char * str) const
Int32 total = str_len(str);
char * end = str + total;
while (total > 0 && *end == ' ') //do not go past the beginning
*end = '\0';
Function Name: GetColumns
Argument List: None
Return Status:
long = 0 on success, else a return code to use in error return to caller
= EXE_EXPLAIN_BAD_DATA returned means that a numeric field was NULL
or truncated when expected to be valid
= anything else, error code from getPtrAndLen, pass up and set state
Class Data Accessed: (optional section, omit if not needed)
13 "local column data" variables filled with contents of this row
This function will first get the operator (column 5) and check it for "root".
If root, it will make 12 more calls to getPtrAndLen() to get each of the other
columns returned in the current row of explain information. Otherwise it does
only 9 more calls as the other 3 are not needed after processing the root node.
It will store these fields in private variables, checking lenghts as it does.
It will use the indicator flag returned to put default values in the empty
fields and check for errors. Note that NULL or truncated can be indicated in
some cases without causing an error return. The idea is to not fail the display
due to one bad parameter, if we can handle it some other way. Examples: when we
get a truncation of a string, we output "(data loss indicated)" and continue;
also, for some columns, NULL is valid and does not indicate an error. However,
in case we have a NULL where we expected a numeric value, or if we truncate a
number, we return EXE_EXPLAIN_BAD_DATA back to caller as we canÂ’t handle this
easily, so we pass the fail back which will abort the display.
short ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::GetColumns()
Lng32 len;
Lng32 rc;
short *ind;
char *ptr;
Lng32 opDone = 0; // =1 after doing operator, used to reorder
for (Int32 i = 5; i < 14; ++i) // start with operator to check for root
if (opDone && (i == 5)) // if 5 already done
continue; // don't do it again
rc = cliInterface()->getPtrAndLen(i, ptr, len, &ind);
if (rc != 0)
return (short)rc; //not sure what error is, the rc will indicate the error
if (*ind > 0) { // if data truncation, set for all
ptr = (char *) "(data loss indicated)";
len = 21;
case 1: //module name
if ((*ind) < 0) // if NULL returned
str_cpy_c(moduleName_, "DYNAMICALLY COMPILED");
else // indicator is zero, normal data
if (len > MNAME) { len = MNAME; } // watch for junk
str_ncpy(moduleName_, ptr, len);
moduleName_[len] = '\0';
case 2: //statement name
if ((*ind) < 0) // if NULL returned
str_cpy_c(statementName_, "NOT NAMED");
else // indicator is zero, normal data
if (len > MNAME) { len = MNAME; } // watch for junk
str_ncpy(statementName_, ptr, len);
statementName_[len] = '\0';
case 3: //plan id
if ((*ind) != 0) //NULL or truncation indicated, means bad data
else // indicator is zero, normal data
planId_ = *((Int64*)ptr);
case 4: //sequence number
if ((*ind) != 0) //NULL or truncation indicated, means bad data
else // indicator is zero, normal data
seqNum_= *((Lng32*)ptr);
case 5: //operator name is processed first, then restart at 1 or 4
opDone = 1; // skip next pass here
if ((*ind) < 0) // if NULL returned
str_cpy_c(operName_, "(not found)"); // resolve error gracefully
else // indicator is zero, normal data
if (len > MOPER) { len = MOPER; } // watch for junk
str_ncpy(operName_, ptr, len);
operName_[len] = '\0';
if (str_cmp_c(operName_, "ROOT") == 0)
header_ = 1;
lastFrag_ = 0;
i = 0; // do all 13 fields
i = 3; // do only 1 fields
case 6: //left child
if ((*ind) < 0) // if NULL returned
leftChild_ = 0;
else if ((*ind) > 0) /*value was truncated*/
return EXE_EXPLAIN_BAD_DATA;//expected a NULL or a valid value
else // indicator is zero, normal data
leftChild_ = *((Lng32*)ptr);
case 7: //right child
if ((*ind) < 0) // if NULL returned
rightChild_ = 0;
else if ((*ind) > 0) /*value was truncated*/
return EXE_EXPLAIN_BAD_DATA;//expected a NULL or a valid value
else // indicator is zero, normal data
rightChild_ = *((Lng32*)ptr);
case 8: //table name
if ((*ind) < 0) // if NULL returned
*tName_ = '\0'; //this oper has no table name, this is valid
else // indicator is zero, normal data
if (len > MNAME) { len = MNAME; } // watch for junk
str_ncpy(tName_, ptr, len);
tName_[len] = '\0';
case 9: //cardinality
if ((*ind) != 0) //NULL or truncation indicated, means bad data
else // indicator is zero, normal data
if (exeUtilTdb().isOptionC())
cardinality_ = 100;
cardinality_ = *((float*)ptr);
case 10: //operator cost
if ((*ind) != 0) //NULL or truncation indicated, means bad data
else // indicator is zero, normal data
operatorCost_ = *((float*)ptr);
case 11: //total cost
if ((*ind) != 0) //NULL or truncation indicated, means bad data
else // indicator is zero, normal data
totalCost_ = *((float*)ptr);
case 12: //detail cost
if ((*ind) < 0) // if NULL returned
str_cpy_c(detailCost_, "(not found)");// resolve this error gracefully
else // indicator is zero, normal data
if (len > MCOST) { len = MCOST; } // watch for junk
str_ncpy(detailCost_, ptr, len);
detailCost_[len] = '\0';
case 13: //description
if ((*ind) < 0) // if NULL returned
str_cpy_c(description_, "(not found)");//resolve this error gracefully
else // indicator is zero, normal data
if (len > MDESC) { len = MDESC; } // watch for junk
str_ncpy(description_, ptr, len);
description_[len] = '\0';
} // end switch
} // end for
return 0;
Function Name: FormatForF
Argument List: None
Return Status: None (void)
Class Data Accessed:
13 "local column data" variables with contents of this row (read only)
char optFOutput[MLEN] (write only)
void ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::FormatForF()
char * current = &optFOutput[0];
if (leftChild_ == 0)
str_cpy(current, ". ", 4);
else if (leftChild_ > 9999) // we had an overflow
str_cpy(current, "****", 4);
str_sprintf(current, "%d ", leftChild_);
current += 4;
str_cpy(current, " ", 1);//space between columns
current += 1;
if (rightChild_ == 0)
str_cpy(current, ". ", 4);
else if (rightChild_ > 9999) // we had an overflow
str_cpy(current, "****", 4);
str_sprintf(current, "%d ", rightChild_);
current += 4;
str_cpy(current, " ", 1);//space between columns
current += 1;
if (seqNum_ == 0)
str_cpy(current, ". ", 4);
else if (seqNum_ > 9999) // we had an overflow
str_cpy(current, "****", 4);
str_sprintf(current, "%d ", seqNum_);
current += 4;
str_cpy(current, " ", 1);//space between columns
current += 1;
//append the operator name, first 20 chars only
bool pad_with_blanks = false;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
if (operName_[i] == '\0')
pad_with_blanks = true;
if (pad_with_blanks)
*current++ = ' ';
*current++ = TOLOWER(operName_[i]);
str_cpy(current, " ", 2);//space between columns
current += 2;
//add information to the optimizations column
Int32 remaining_width = 8;
if (str_str(description_, "olt_opt_lean: used") != 0)
str_cpy(current, "ol ", 3);
current += 3;
remaining_width -=3;
else if (str_str(description_, "olt_optimization: used") != 0)
str_cpy(current, "o ", 2);
current += 2;
remaining_width -=2;
if (str_str(description_, "fast_scan: used") != 0)
str_cpy(current, "fs ", 3);
current += 3;
remaining_width -=3;
if (str_str(description_, "fast_replydata_move: used") != 0)
str_cpy(current, "fr ", 3);
current += 3;
remaining_width -=3;
if (str_str(description_, "mv_rewrite: used") != 0)
str_cpy(current, "w ", 2);
current += 2;
remaining_width -=2;
if (str_str(description_, "join_method: unique-hash") != 0)
str_cpy(current, "u ", 2);
current += 2;
remaining_width -=2;
if (str_str(description_, "seamonster_exchange: yes") != 0)
str_cpy(current, "sm", 2);
current += 2;
remaining_width -= 2;
if (str_cmp_c(operName_, "TRAFODION_INSERT") == 0 ||
str_cmp_c(operName_, "TRAFODION_UPSERT") == 0 ||
str_cmp_c(operName_, "TRAFODION_VSBB_UPSERT") == 0 ||
str_cmp_c(operName_, "TRAFODION_LOAD") == 0 ||
str_cmp_c(operName_, "TRAFODION_DELETE") == 0 ||
str_cmp_c(operName_, "TRAFODION_UPDATE") == 0)
if ((str_str(description_, "region_transaction: enabled") != 0) ||
(str_str(description_, "hbase_transaction: used") != 0))
if (str_str(description_, "region_transaction: enabled") != 0)
str_cpy(current, "r", 1);
else if (str_str(description_, "hbase_transaction: used") != 0)
str_cpy(current, "h", 1);
} // insert, upsert, delete
//now adjust the pointer so that the width is not exceeded
if (remaining_width <= 0)
current += remaining_width;
for (; remaining_width > 0; --remaining_width)
*current++ = ' ';
str_cpy(current, " ", 2);//space between columns
current += 2;
//add information to the description column
remaining_width = 20; //reset for this column
if (str_cmp_c(operName_, "ROOT") == 0)
if (str_str(description_, "upd_action_on_error: return") != 0)
str_cpy(current, "r", 1);
else if (str_str(description_, "upd_action_on_error: xn_rollback") != 0)
str_cpy(current, "x", 1);
else if (str_str(description_, "upd_action_on_error: partial_upd") != 0)
str_cpy(current, "p", 1);
else if (str_str(description_, "upd_action_on_error: savepoint") != 0)
str_cpy(current, "s", 1);
str_cpy(current, " ", 1);
if (str_str(description_, "dp2_xns: enabled") != 0)
str_cpy(current, "d", 1);
else if (str_cmp_c(operName_, "INDEX_SCAN") == 0 || str_cmp_c(operName_, "INDEX_SCAN_UNIQUE") == 0 || str_cmp_c(operName_, "TRAFODION_INDEX_SCAN") == 0)
char* index_loc = str_str(description_, "index");
char* index_loc_end = str_str(index_loc,"(");
if (index_loc != 0)
char * index_name = str_str(index_loc, ".");
if ((index_name != 0) && (index_name < index_loc_end) ) // check if there is a . in the index name or not
index_name += 1;//remove the catalog
index_name = str_str(index_name, ".");
if (index_name != 0)
index_name += 1;//remove the schema
//if the catalog.schema. was already out, search for a blank
index_name = str_str(index_loc, " ");
if (index_name != 0)
//at this point should either be pointing to the index name (not cat.sch)
// or zero if fell through else and search failed
if (index_name == 0)
str_cpy(current, "***", 3);
current += 3;
remaining_width -= 3;
while (((*index_name) != '(') && (remaining_width >1)) // ensure that the index name fits within the 20 bytes allocated for this description column
*current = *index_name;
//error, we should never fail to find index_scan
str_cpy(current, "***", 3);
current += 3;
remaining_width -= 3;
if (str_str(description_, "mdam:") != 0)
if (remaining_width <= 4)
// we have to fit this in in the last 4 bytes (even if it
// means overwriting part of the index name)
// we have 1 byte reserved for atleast a " " . So we need
// 3 more bytes for this info.
str_cpy(current+remaining_width-3, " (m)", 4);
remaining_width = 0;
str_cpy(current, " (m)", 4);
current += 4;
remaining_width -= 4;
str_cpy(current, " ", 1);
else if (str_cmp_c(operName_, "SPLIT_TOP") == 0)
//insert number of parent processes
char * par_proc = str_str(description_, "parent_processes");
if (par_proc == 0)
{ //error
*current++ = '*';
else if (exeUtilTdb().isOptionC())
*current++ = '#';
par_proc = str_str(par_proc, " ");
if (par_proc != 0) //there should be a space
while ((*par_proc) != ' ')
*current++ = *par_proc++;
*current++ = '*';
//insert parent partitioning function
char * par_func = str_str(description_, "parent_partitioning_function");
char * child_func = str_str(description_, "child_partitioning_function");
if (par_func != 0 && child_func != 0) //both should be present for this operator type
par_func = str_str(par_func, " ");
if (par_func != 0)
char* rep = str_str(par_func, "replicate no broadcast");
if (rep != 0 && rep < child_func)
str_cpy(current, "(rep-n)", 7);
current +=7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "broadcast");
if (rep != 0 && rep < child_func && str_str(par_func, "broadcast skewed") == 0)
str_cpy(current, "(rep-b)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "hash1-ud");
if(rep != 0 && rep < child_func)
str_cpy(current, "(h1-ud)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "hash1-br");
if (rep != 0 && rep < child_func)
str_cpy(current, "(h1-br)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "hash2-ud");
if (rep != 0 && rep < child_func)
str_cpy(current, "(h2-ud)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "hash2-br");
if (rep != 0 && rep < child_func)
str_cpy(current, "(h2-br)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -=7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "hash-ud");
if (rep != 0 && rep < child_func)
str_cpy(current, "(h0-ud)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "hash-br");
if (rep != 0 && rep < child_func)
str_cpy(current, "(h0-br)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "exactly");
if (rep != 0 && rep < child_func)
//do nothing, exactly one partitioning function
//search for the name of the partitioning function
the layout is the following:
parent_partitioning_function: grouped x to y, <optional> PAPA with z PA(s), <optional> "our partitioningfunction"
char * comma = str_str(par_func, ",");
if (comma == 0 || comma > child_func)
//no commas present, we found it, do nothing
else{//found one comma, skip current, search for next
char * comma2 = str_str(comma + 1, ",");
if (comma2 != 0 && comma2 < child_func)
par_func = comma2 + 2; //skip ", "
else//either not found or found in child
par_func = comma + 2; //skip ", "
//by now the par_func has been readjusted, proceed to extract
*current++ = '(';
for (Int32 i = 0; i < 5; ++ i)
*current++ = *par_func++;
*current++ = ')';
}//exactly one
}//end of par_func != 0 after searching for a space
//handle incorrect provided format only for parent
str_cpy(current, "(***)", 5);
current += 5;
remaining_width -= 5;
else //error, both parent and child partitioning functions should be present
//handle incorrect provided format only for parent
str_cpy(current, "(***)", 5);
current += 5;
remaining_width -= 5;
*current++ = ':';
//insert number of child processes
char * child_proc = str_str(description_, "child_processes");
if (child_proc == 0)
*current++ = '*';
else if (exeUtilTdb().isOptionC())
*current++ = '#';
child_proc = str_str(child_proc, " ");
if (child_proc != 0)
while ((*child_proc) != ' ')
*current++ = *child_proc++;
*current++ = '*';
//insert child partitioning function, searched for it above (with parent)
if (child_func != 0)
child_func = str_str(child_func, " ");
if (child_func != 0)
char* rep = str_str(child_func, "replicate no broadcast");
if (rep != 0)
str_cpy(current, "(rep-n)", 7);
current +=7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "broadcast");
if (rep != 0 && str_str(child_func, "broadcast skewed") == 0)
str_cpy(current, "(rep-b)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "hash1-ud");
if(rep != 0)
str_cpy(current, "(h1-ud)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "hash1-br");
if (rep != 0)
str_cpy(current, "(h1-br)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "hash2-ud");
if (rep != 0)
str_cpy(current, "(h2-ud)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "hash2-br");
if (rep != 0)
str_cpy(current, "(h2-br)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -=7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "hash-ud");
if (rep != 0)
str_cpy(current, "(h0-ud)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "hash-br");
if (rep != 0)
str_cpy(current, "(h0-br)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "exactly");
if (rep != 0)
//do nothing, exactly one partitioning function
*current++ = '(';
for (Int32 i = 0; i < 5; ++ i)
*current++ = *child_func++;
*current++ = ')';
else{//no space found where there should be one
str_cpy(current, "(***)", 5);
current += 5;
remaining_width -= 5;
else{ //error, child partitioning functions should be present
str_cpy(current, "(***)", 5);
current += 5;
remaining_width -= 5;
char * merged_order = str_str(description_, "merged_order");
if (merged_order != 0) {
str_cpy(current, " (m)", 4);
current += 4;
remaining_width -= 4;
*current++ = ' ';
else if (str_cmp_c(operName_, "ESP_EXCHANGE") == 0 )
char * par_proc = str_str(description_, "parent_processes");
if (par_proc == 0)
{ //error, there should be a token present
*current++ = '*';
else if (exeUtilTdb().isOptionC())
*current++ = '#';
par_proc = str_str(par_proc, " ");
if (par_proc != 0)
while ((*par_proc) != ' ')
*current++ = *par_proc++;
//error, there should be a space
*current++ = '*';
char * par_func = str_str(description_, "parent_partitioning_function");
char * child_func = str_str(description_, "child_partitioning_function");
if (par_func != 0)
char* rep = str_str(par_func, "replicate no broadcast");
if (rep != 0 &&(child_func==0 || rep < child_func))
str_cpy(current, "(rep-n)", 7);
current +=7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "broadcast");
if (rep != 0 && (child_func==0 || rep < child_func) && str_str(par_func, "broadcast skewed") == 0)
str_cpy(current, "(rep-b)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "hash1-ud");
if(rep != 0 &&(child_func==0 || rep < child_func))
str_cpy(current, "(h1-ud)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "hash1-br");
if (rep != 0 &&(child_func==0 || rep < child_func))
str_cpy(current, "(h1-br)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "hash2-ud");
if (rep != 0 &&(child_func==0 || rep < child_func))
str_cpy(current, "(h2-ud)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "hash2-br");
if (rep != 0 &&(child_func==0 || rep < child_func))
str_cpy(current, "(h2-br)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -=7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "hash-ud");
if (rep != 0 &&(child_func==0 || rep < child_func))
str_cpy(current, "(h0-ud)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(par_func, "hash-br");
if (rep != 0 &&(child_func==0 || rep < child_func))
str_cpy(current, "(h0-br)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
par_func = str_str(par_func, " ");
if (par_func != 0)
*current++ = '(';
for (Int32 i = 0; i < 5; ++ i)
*current++ = *par_func++;
//trim whitespace from the end
while (*(current-1) == ' ')
*current++ = ')';
{ //no space found where there should be one
str_cpy(current, "(***)", 5);
current += 5;
remaining_width -= 5;
}//here it is not an error not to have parent partitioning function
*current++ = ':';
char * child_proc = str_str(description_, "child_processes");
if (child_proc == 0)
{ //error, there should be a token present
*current++ = '*';
else if (exeUtilTdb().isOptionC())
*current++ = '#';
child_proc = str_str(child_proc, " ");
if (child_proc != 0)
while ((*child_proc) != ' ')
*current++ = *child_proc++;
//error, there should be a space
*current++ = '*';
///now take care of child partitioning function if present
if (child_func != 0)
char* rep = str_str(child_func, "replicate no broadcast");
if (rep != 0)
str_cpy(current, "(rep-n)", 7);
current +=7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "broadcast");
if (rep != 0 && str_str(child_func, "broadcast skewed") == 0)
str_cpy(current, "(rep-b)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "hash1-ud");
if(rep != 0)
str_cpy(current, "(h1-ud)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "hash1-br");
if (rep != 0)
str_cpy(current, "(h1-br)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "hash2-ud");
if (rep != 0)
str_cpy(current, "(h2-ud)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "hash2-br");
if (rep != 0)
str_cpy(current, "(h2-br)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -=7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "hash-ud");
if (rep != 0)
str_cpy(current, "(h0-ud)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
rep = str_str(child_func, "hash-br");
if (rep != 0)
str_cpy(current, "(h0-br)", 7);
current += 7;
remaining_width -= 7;
child_func = str_str(child_func, " ");
if (child_func != 0)
*current++ = '(';
for (Int32 i = 0; i < 5; ++ i)
*current++ = *child_func++;
//trim whitespace from the end
while (*(current-1) == ' ')
*current++ = ')';
{ //no space found where there should be one
str_cpy(current, "(***)", 5);
current += 5;
remaining_width -= 5;
}//here it is not an error not to have a child partitioning function
char * merged_order = str_str(description_, "merged_order");
if (merged_order != 0) {
str_cpy(current, " (m)", 4);
current += 4;
remaining_width -= 4;
*current++ = ' ';
else//another kind of operator
char * tname_loc = str_str(tName_, ".");
if (tname_loc != 0)
++tname_loc;//remove the catalog
tname_loc = str_str(tname_loc, ".");
if (tname_loc != 0)
++tname_loc;//remove the schema
tname_loc = tName_;
// If the catalog and schema combined name lengths
// were greater than MNAME, then NULL is returned
// from str_str. Only set the table name if a
// valid address is returned, otherwise add a
// table name of "***"
if (tname_loc == NULL)
str_cpy(current, "***", 3);
current += 3;
remaining_width -= 3;
while (tname_loc != NULL && (*tname_loc) != '\0')
UInt32 UCS4value;
Int32 firstCharLen = LocaleCharToUCS4(tname_loc, 8, &UCS4value, cnv_UTF8);
if ( firstCharLen <= remaining_width ) // Copy in only *whole* characters!
for ( Int32 ii = 0; ii < firstCharLen; ii++ )
*current++ = *tname_loc++;
else break;
//trim whitespace from the end
while (*(current-1) == ' ')
//trim close paren from the end
while (*(current-1) == ')')
if (str_str(description_, "mdam:") != 0)
str_cpy(current, " (m)", 4);
current += 4;
remaining_width -= 4;
str_cpy(current, " ", 1);
//now adjust the pointer so that the width is not exceeded
if (remaining_width <= 0)
current += remaining_width;
for (; remaining_width > 0; --remaining_width)
*current++ = ' ';
str_cpy(current, " ", 2);//space between columns
current += 2;
//place the cardinality
float absval = cardinality_; // absolute value of input
Lng32 valInt = 0; // integer part of float value
Lng32 valDec = 0; // decimal part of float value
Lng32 valExp = 0; // expontial part of float value
float nbrDec = 100.0F; // 2 decimal digits
//float valRnd = 0.005F; // value to add for rounding if we did it
//we do no rounding since this is the way things were done in older options 'f'
bool psign = true; //assume absolute value is >= 1
if (absval != 0)
if (absval <= 1 )
while (absval < 1)
absval *= 10;
psign = false;
while (absval >= 10)
{ // figure out the exponent value
absval /= 10;
//absval += valRnd; //there shall be no rounding yet
valInt = (Lng32)absval; // get the integer part
absval -= valInt;
valDec = (Lng32)(absval*nbrDec); // get the decimal part as long
if (psign)
str_sprintf (current, "%d.%02dE+%03d", valInt, valDec, valExp);
str_sprintf (current, "%d.%02dE%04d", valInt, valDec, valExp);
optFOutput[MLEN-2] = '\0';
// optFOutput[78] = '\0';
Function Name: DoHeader
Argument List: None
Return Status: None (void)
Class Data Accessed:
13 "local column data" variables with contents of this row (read only)
lines_[ ] [ ] empty on input, filled with lines to output
cntLines_ tells how many lines are in Lines array
This function will format the lines needed for the header of the plan. These
lines will come from data in the first (root) row of the explain plan which is
now in private variables of this object. The rows of the header are those which
are duplicated in all other rows plus a couple of other really important ones.
The SQL statement that generated the plan will be shown here as well as the shape
statement if used. The SQL and the shape information comes from the description
column and will be logically consumed here (not displayed again). It will use
the GetField function to find these desired tokens in the description field and
use size to temporarily null terminate them. It has MLINE (currently 74) lines
available to storing these formatted lines. . It should check for the line
MLINE +1 output and then stop. The extra output line will cause the output to
contain a data truncation message. If outputting more than MLINE+1 lines is
attempted the additional lines are just dropped.
In R2 it will also display any non-defaulted CQDs here if they get into the root
void ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::DoHeader()
Lng32 fullSize = 0;
Lng32 intSize = 0;
Lng32 valSize = (Lng32)strlen(moduleName_);
char outStr[MUSERSP];
char* stmt;
FormatLongLine("MODULE_NAME", moduleName_, 11, valSize);
// change statement name if still default
if (str_cmp_c("__EXPL_STMT_NAME__", statementName_) == 0)
str_cpy_c(statementName_, "NOT NAMED");
valSize = (Lng32)strlen(statementName_);
FormatLongLine("STATEMENT_NAME", statementName_, 14, valSize);
//convert the Int64 to string
str_sprintf(outStr, "%ld", planId_);
FormatLine("PLAN_ID", outStr, 7, (Lng32)str_len(outStr));
// rework cardinality as rows out. Assume probe count is always 1
// on the root node, so use ROWS_OUT token always
FormatFloat (outStr, intSize, valSize, cardinality_,
(optFlag_ == N_), (optFlag_ == E_));
FormatLine("ROWS_OUT", outStr, 8, valSize, 0, intSize);
// rework totalCost as estimated total cost
FormatFloat (outStr, intSize, valSize, totalCost_,
(optFlag_ == N_), (optFlag_ == E_));
FormatLine("EST_TOTAL_COST", outStr, 14, valSize, 0, intSize);
// do the statement being displayed as a plan
if (GetField(description_, "statement: ", stmt, valSize) != 0)
FormatLine("STATEMENT", "(not found)", 9, 11); //error: statement should exits
FormatSQL("STATEMENT", stmt, 9, valSize);
// watch for a control query shape in effect
if (GetField(description_, "must_match: ", stmt, valSize) == 0)
FormatLongLine("MUST_MATCH", stmt, 10, valSize);
//two blank lines after the header
FormatLine(NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
FormatLine(NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
Function Name: DoOperator
Argument List: None
Return Status: None (void)
Class Data Accessed:
13 "local column data" variables with contents of this row (may be changed)
lines_[ ] [ ] empty on input, filled with lines to output
cntLines_ tells how many lines are in Lines array
This function will format all useful data from the 13 columns. This code will
skip empty columns and most empty values. It will skip some data when optFlag_
is N_, detailed costs for example. It will output one keyword and value per line.
If the length of the data is over 50 characters it will call FormatLongLine,
otherwise FormatLine is called. Some keywords will be mapped to new names.
It has MLINE (currently 74) lines available for storing these formatted lines.
It will check for the line MLINE +1 output and then stop. The extra output line
will cause the output to contain a data truncation message. If outputting more
than MLINE+1 lines is attempted the additional lines are just dropped.
This function might have to modify some other data in the description field when
OptFlag_ is N_, but not in R1.
void ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::DoOperator()
Lng32 intSize = 0;
Lng32 valSize = 0;
char outStr[MUSERSP];
char* keyptr;
char* fieldptr;
Lng32 keySize;
Lng32 fullSize;
Lng32 done; // =1 when no data left to parse
Lng32 firstAttr = 1; // =1 for start of description_
Lng32 dispAttr; // =1 display string attribute
Lng32 reqIn = 1; // default probe value
Lng32 i; // iteration variable
Lng32 errorSeen = 0; // no errors in detailed cost yet
// the following 4 arrays are initialized only once per object
const char *tokExp[] = // expected detailed cost tokens
const char *tokRep[] = // replacement detailed cost tokens
Lng32 tokRepSz[] = { 8,7,8,9 }; // replacement detailed cost tokens sizes
// put up to 4 fields on the first line
valSize = (Lng32)str_len(tName_);
if (valSize != 0) // if table name not null, display it
FormatLongLine("TABLE_NAME", tName_, 10, valSize);
// rework probes as requests in
if (GetField(detailCost_, "PROBES: ", fieldptr, fullSize) == 0)
char *tmpEnd = fieldptr+fullSize; // note end of value
char tmp = *(tmpEnd); // save char at cut
*(tmpEnd) = '\0'; // cut to make string
FormatNumber(outStr, intSize, valSize, fieldptr);
FormatLine("REQUESTS_IN", outStr, 11, valSize, 0, intSize);
*(tmpEnd) = tmp; // restore cut
// if probe is not 1 (two digits or first not 1) say 2
if ((valSize > 1) || (*outStr != '1')) { reqIn = 2;}
else //error: probes should be locatable in detailCost_, but if not
FormatLine("REQUESTS_IN", "(not found)", 11, 11, 0);
// rework cardinality as rows out
FormatFloat (outStr, intSize, valSize, cardinality_,
(optFlag_ == N_), (optFlag_ == E_));
if (reqIn == 1) // if number of probes is 1
FormatLine("ROWS_OUT", outStr, 8, valSize, 0, intSize);
FormatLine("ROWS/REQUEST", outStr, 12, valSize, 0, intSize);
// rework operatorCost as estimated operator cost
FormatFloat ((char *)outStr, intSize, valSize, operatorCost_,
(optFlag_ == N_), (optFlag_ == E_));
FormatLine("EST_OPER_COST", outStr, 13, valSize, 0, intSize);
// rework totalCost as estimated total cost
FormatFloat ((char *)outStr, intSize, valSize, totalCost_,
(optFlag_ == N_), (optFlag_ == E_));
FormatLine("EST_TOTAL_COST", outStr, 14, valSize, 0, intSize);
// work through the 4 remaining fields in detailed cost. Assume they
// are in correct order, but handle other cases gracefully too
if (optFlag_ == E_) //only print total cost details for expert users
parsePtr_ = detailCost_;// tell ParseField where to work
done = 0; // forget last value
i = 0; // loop counter
while (! done) // watch for less than 4 fields
if (ParseField(keyptr, fieldptr, keySize, fullSize, done)) // if fail
// report the problem depending on how many we found
if (i == 0)
FormatLine("(none)", NULL, 6, 0, 2);
i = 4; // skip the missing fields msg
else { FormatLine("(invalid data)", NULL, 14, 0, 2);}
break; // give up processing detailed cost field
FormatNumber(outStr, intSize, valSize, fieldptr);
if ( i < 4 && str_cmp_c(keyptr,tokExp[i]) == 0) // if this is the expected token
FormatLine(tokRep[i], outStr, tokRepSz[i], valSize, 2, intSize);
else // just display what we got
FormatLine(keyptr, outStr, keySize, valSize, 2, intSize);
errorSeen++; // note we saw unexpected tokens
i++; // do next one
if ((i > 3) && (! errorSeen))// if all 4 normal and done just stop
// else continue until done flag stops it
if (i < 4) { FormatLine("(missing fields)", NULL, 16, 0, 2); }
// work through the description field
FormatLine("DESCRIPTION", NULL, 11, 0);
parsePtr_ = description_; // tell ParseField where to work
done = 0; // forget last value
while (! done) // while there's more to parse
if (ParseField(keyptr, fieldptr, keySize, fullSize, done) != 0)
//can have a case of empty description_ so check for that
if (firstAttr)
FormatLine("(none)", NULL, 6, 0, 2);
FormatLine("(invalid data)", NULL, 14, 0, 2);
// now have an attribute to display
dispAttr = 1; // assume a string to display
if (IsNumberFmt(fieldptr) == 1) //if this is a number
FormatNumber((char*)outStr, intSize, valSize, fieldptr);
FormatLine(keyptr, outStr, keySize, valSize, 2, intSize);
dispAttr = 0; // display is done
else if (header_) //this is a string, watch special on root node
if (str_cmp_c(keyptr, "statement") == 0)
dispAttr = 0; // skip display, it is in header
else if (str_cmp_c(keyptr, "must_match") == 0)
dispAttr = 0; // skip display, it is in header
if (dispAttr) // if needed, format and store in lines_ array
if (fullSize > (MWIDE - COL2)) // if longer than one line
FormatLongLine(keyptr, fieldptr, keySize, fullSize, 2); // multi-line
FormatLine(keyptr, fieldptr, keySize, fullSize, 2);// one line
firstAttr = 0; // first attribute done
} // end while for description fiels
if (seqNum_ != 1) // if not last node
//two blank lines after each operator
FormatLine(NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
FormatLine(NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
Function Name: OutputLines
Argument List: None
Return Status:
long = 0 on success, else a return code to use in error return to caller
Class Data Accessed:
lines_[ ] [ ] empty on input, filled with lines to output
cntLines_ tells how many lines are in Lines array
nextLine_ contains index of next entry in Lines array
This function will move lines from the lines_ array to the up-queue using
moveRowToUpQueue(). It will first verify that the up-queue can accept a line.
After moving a line it will adjust the globals that define where we are in the
output of the lines_ array. If it is told the up-queue is full it may just
return WORK_OK for all state variables are set to allow it to resume when
called back. It knows it is done when cntLines_ < nextLine_. After moving
all lines in the lines_ array, it will reset array pointers.
short ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::OutputLines()
short retcode;
short rc;
while (nextLine_ < cntLines_)
retcode = moveRowToUpQueue(lines_[nextLine_], -1, &rc); //need to give it rc, otherwise will always return 0
if (retcode == 0)
return rc;
//emptying the array
cntLines_ = 0;
nextLine_ = 0;
return 0; //since rc cannot be positive, need to distinguish between their returns and local returns
Function Name: FormatLine
Argument List:
char *key[in] ptr to start of key word string
char *val[in] ptr to start of value string
long keySize[in] count of characters in key word string, 0 is ok
long valSize[in] count of characters in value string, 0 is ok
long indent[in] count of blank characters at start of line, default 0
long decLoc[in] count of char before decimal point, 0 if not float, default 0
Return Status: None
Class Data Accessed:
lines_[out] new print line set
cntLines_[in/out] count of lines in lines_ at start
This function will take the input keyword and value string and format them
into a single 79 character line in the lines_ array. It expects the input
value to fit but will truncate as needed. It will follow all the formatting
rules defined in the ES. The most important is that the string values start
in col 28, COL2 is the enum. Float values will have the decimal in col 29
and will start as far left of that as col 25, cutting keywords to 23 char
when needed. Dots will replace spaces between key and value if there is a
need of at least 3 with a blank on either side.
This routine expects the correct number of decimal digits to be present (2 or 4).
The complex part is the alignment of the numbers. The line count will be
adjusted to show another line in lines_. The output lines will look like this:
REQUESTS_IN .............. 1
ROWS_OUT ............... 236
TOTAL_COST ............... 0.0731
CPU_TIME ............... 0.0004
scan_type .............. full scan of table ORDERS but this line is
folded to show the 2 char indent
This function is designed to support all needs except the first line and
the node separator. If keySize is 0 only the val point will be used and
no dots will be inserted. If valSize is 0 only the key will be inserted
and no dots. So both the fold line routines can use this to insert data.
If both keySize and valSize are 0 it outputs a line with one blank on it.
This routine will check for an empty line in the lines_ array and do
nothing if there is no space. It will set a "data loss" message in the
last line if another line is attempted.
typedef struct {
const char * key;
const char * value;
} FilterKeyValueStruct;
const FilterKeyValueStruct filterKeyValue[] =
{"MODULE_NAME", "###"},
{"plan_version", "###"},
{"statement_index", "###"},
{"PLAN_ID", "###"},
{"ROWS_OUT", "###"},
{"EST_OPER_COST", "###"},
{"EST_TOTAL_COST", "###"},
{"REQUESTS_IN", "###"},
{"ROWS/REQUEST", "###"},
{"OPERATOR_COST", "###"},
{"ROLLUP_COST", "###"},
{"xn_autoabort_interval", "###"},
{"max_card_est", "###"},
{"max_max_cardinality", "###"},
{"total_overflow_size", "###"},
{"est_memory_per_node", "###"},
{"est_memory_per_cpu", "###"},
{"est_memory_per_instance", "###"},
{"buffer_size", "###"},
{"memory_quota", "###"},
{"memory_quota_per_esp", "###"},
{"memory_quota_per_instance", "###"},
{"memory_limit_per_cpu", "###"},
{"cache_size", "###"},
{"probes", "###"},
{"successful_probes", "###"},
{"unique_probes", "###"},
{"duplicated_succ_probes", "###"},
{"rows_accessed", "###"},
{"affinity_value", "###"},
{"parent_processes", "###"},
{"child_processes", "###"},
{"num_cache_entries", "###"},
{"num_inner_tuples", "###"},
{"ObjectUIDs", "###"},
NABoolean ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::filterKey(
const char *key, Lng32 keySize, char * value, char * retVal,
Lng32 &decLoc)
if ((! key) || (keySize == 0))
return FALSE;
Int32 maxSize = sizeof(filterKeyValue) / sizeof(FilterKeyValueStruct);
for (Int32 i = 0; i < maxSize; i++)
if (strcmp(key, filterKeyValue[i].key) == 0)
strcpy(retVal, filterKeyValue[i].value);
decLoc = strlen(filterKeyValue[i].value);
return TRUE;
// filter out key of pattern: esp_N_node_map
if ((strncmp(key, "esp_", 4) == 0) &&
(strstr(key, "_node_map")))
strcpy(retVal, "###");
decLoc = 3;
return TRUE;
else if ((strcmp(key, "child_partitioning_function") == 0) ||
(strcmp(key, "parent_partitioning_function") == 0))
// value for parent func has the form similar to: broadcast N times...
// value for child func has form similar to: hash2 partitioned N ways...
// Replace numbers in 'value' with '#'
Int32 i = 0;
// if child partitioning starts with hash1 or hash2, skip that token.
// We dont want the numbers in 'hash1'/'hash2' to be replaced.
if ((strcmp(key, "child_partitioning_function") == 0) &&
(strncmp(value, "hash1", 5) == 0) ||
(strncmp(value, "hash2", 5) == 0))
memcpy(retVal, value, 5);
i += 5;
while (i < strlen(value))
if ((value[i] >= '0') && (value[i] <= '9'))
retVal[i] = '#';
retVal[i] = value[i];
retVal[i] = 0;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::FormatLine(const char *key, const char *inval, Lng32 keySize,
Lng32 valSize, Lng32 indent, Lng32 decLoc)
char *line; // ptr to line to insert
char *temp; // working ptr
Lng32 cnt; // value space available
Lng32 dashes; // count of dots to set
Lng32 keycut; // size of keyword col permitted (cut if not zero)
Lng32 field1; // space for col 1, keyword
char valBuf[1000];
char * val = (char*)inval;
// See if we can do anything
if (cntLines_ >= MLINE) { // if output is full
cnt = (Lng32)str_len(lines_[cntLines_-1]);// size line
if (cnt > 60 ) {cnt = 60; } // decide to concat or cut
str_cpy_c((lines_[cntLines_-1])+cnt, "***LINES DROPPED***");
return; // skip all work
line = lines_[cntLines_]; // point to empty line, don't change
temp = line; // set working pointer
if (exeUtilTdb().isOptionC() && key)
if (filterKey(key, keySize, val, valBuf, decLoc))
val = valBuf;
valSize = strlen(val);
if (exeUtilTdb().isOptionP())
return; // prune
// Do the indent if needed
if (indent > 0) {
cnt = indent; // don't change input
while (cnt--) {*temp++ = ' '; } // add blanks
// Do the keyword
if (valSize == 0) { // if no value, it is easy
if (keySize == 0) { // if key empty too
*temp++ = ' '; // force one space
*temp = '\0'; // empty line only
else {
str_cpy_c(temp, key); // take the whole thing hope it is < 79
cntLines_++; // bump empty line counter
return; // and we are done
else if (keySize != 0) { // if keyword needed
// Do all the keyword size calculations, COL2 is start for value field usually
field1 = COL2 - 1 - indent - 2; // space for keyword after all else
// total col 1 - indent - 2 blanks
if (decLoc >= 1) { // if number needs to be shifted
decLoc--; // count digits left of 28
field1 -= decLoc; // see how much space we have for key
keycut = keySize; // assume it will fit
if (keySize > field1) { // if no fit
if (keySize >= 16) { // if key really long cut it, else don't
if (field1 < 16) { // min key is 16
keycut = 16; // set min key
else {
keycut = field1; // cut less than min, as needed
dashes = field1 - keycut; // see how much filler needed
// OK now keycut is size of keyword to use, then dashes, then value string
// Do the keyword if needed, use keycut to determine size
str_ncpy(temp, key, 28); // take a few extra char sometimes
temp += keycut; // go to place for dashes
*temp++ = ' '; // put one space always
if (dashes > 0) { // if some filler needed
if (dashes < 3) { // skip dashes if none or too few
while (dashes--) {*temp++ = ' '; } // use space filler
else {
while (dashes--) {*temp++ = '.'; } // use dot filler
*temp++ = ' '; // put one space always
// Do the value
cnt = (MLEN-1) - (Lng32)(temp - line); // see what we have left
// cnt = 79 - (Lng32)(temp - line); // see what we have left
if (valSize > cnt) { // if input too large
str_ncpy(temp, val, cnt); // do it the hard way
Int32 indexOfLastByteOfUtf8Char = IndexOfLastByteOfUTF8CharAtOrBeforePos((const unsigned char*)line,
(MLEN-2) /*strLen*/,
(MLEN-3) /*bytePos*/);
if (indexOfLastByteOfUtf8Char < 0 || indexOfLastByteOfUtf8Char >= 77)
*(line+(MLEN-2)) = '*'; // show it was cut
*(line+(MLEN-1)) = '\0';
// *(line+78) = '*'; // show it was cut
//*(line+79) = '\0';
*(line+indexOfLastByteOfUtf8Char+1) = '*'; // show it was cut
*(line+indexOfLastByteOfUtf8Char+2) = '\0';
else {
str_cpy_c(temp, val); // do it the easy way
// Clean up and exit
cntLines_++; // bump empty line counter
return; // return nothing
Function Name: FormatLongLine
Argument List:
char *key[in] ptr to start of key word string
char *val[in] ptr to start of value string, must not be a constant
long keySize[in] count of characters in key word string, 0 ok but ?
long valSize[in] char to use from value string, < max ok, 0 not ok
long indent[in] count of blank characters at start of line, default 0
Return Status: None
Class Data Accessed:
lines_[out] new print line set
cntLines_[in/out] count of lines in lines_ at start
This function will take the input keyword and value string and format it
into one or more 79 character lines in the lines_ array. It expects the
input key parameter to be null-terminated, but val does not need to be.
It expects the input val string not to fit on one line, but it will be OK
if it does. It will follow all the formatting rules defined in the ES.
It will cut the value into a series of pieces, the first will be 79-COL2
(51 characters) and all the rest will be 79-COL2-2 (49). The second
and later lines always start in col COL2+2 (30) with indent=COL2+1, no
matter what the initial indent was. The line count will be adjusted to
show all the lines added to lines_. The output lines will look like this:
scan_type .............. full scan of table ORDERS but this line is
folded to show the 2 char indent
This function will not modify the value string permanently. In the
following discussion 49 means 79-COL2-2 or that +2 for first line. It will
backscan 28 characters from the last character possible in this value
field (49 char usually) for a comma, remembering the first whitespace seen.
If it finds a comma it will break (insert a null character) the line there,
if not it will break it at the first whitespace if found. In worst case
it will just cut the line at 49 characters. It will use FormatLine to
store the line in the lines_ array. Then it will restore the cut character,
skip whitespace and begin the scan again until the null character is seen.
Of course it will decrement the valSize for data and whitespace processed
and stop when the last piece fits in 49 characters.
This routine will rely on FormatLine to flag data loss.
The input value string must not be in a constant because this routine cuts
it as needed (and restores the cut after). So val = "this is a test" does
not work.
void ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::FormatLongLine(const char *key, char *val, Lng32 keySize,
Lng32 valSize, Lng32 indent)
char *inptr = val; // current ptr to value string remaining
Lng32 locSize = valSize; // size of value string remaining
char *tmp; // working ptr
Lng32 cnt; // value space available for this pass
Lng32 scancnt; // count of characters backscanned
Lng32 cutSize; // size of string after cut
char c; // temp for cut character
Lng32 sp; // space not found on this pass if 0
Lng32 comma; // comma not found on this pass if 0
Lng32 first = 1; // first line of fold being done if 1
// Set the limit for the value string for line 1
if (indent < COL2) { // if keyword also
cnt = MLEN - COL2; // COL2 is start, so use 80
// cnt = 80 - COL2; // COL2 is start, so use 80
else { // assume only a value
cnt = (MLEN-1) - indent; // indent is char cnt so use 79
// cnt = 79 - indent; // indent is char cnt so use 79
// loop until no more data, return to caller from inside loop
while (1) { // loop until it fits on one line
// See if we can do anything
if (cntLines_ == MLINE) { // if output is full already
FormatLine(key, inptr, keySize, locSize, indent); //force the "full" message
return; // skip remaining work
// We can do another line at least
sp = 0; // init for another pass
comma = 1;
scancnt = 0;
if (locSize <= cnt) { // if all fits on this line
tmp = inptr + locSize; // should be null, but if not
c = *tmp; // cut here, in case input larger
*tmp = '\0';
FormatLine(key, inptr, keySize, locSize, indent); //do it
*tmp = c; // restore cut char
tmp = inptr + cnt; // point to last cut char possible
if (*tmp == ',') { // it this is a comma can not take it
tmp--; // logic will cut beyond comma, too long
while ((c = *tmp--) != ',') { // backscan input watching for stuff
if (scancnt++ >= 28) { // if time to quit
comma = 0;
if ((c == ' ') & (! sp)) { // if this is the first space
sp = scancnt; // remember this position, never 0
// now see what we have found to work with and define cut in tmp
if (comma) { // if we found a comma
tmp += 2; // skip beyond it
else if (sp) { // else use first space
tmp = inptr + cnt - sp + 1; // find sp char
else { // else just cut at end
Int32 lenInBytes = cnt;
Int32 indexOfLastByteOfUtf8Char =
IndexOfLastByteOfUTF8CharAtOrBeforePos ( (const unsigned char *)inptr // utf8Str
, (const Int32) lenInBytes // utf8StrLenInBytes
, (const Int32) (lenInBytes-1) // bytePos
if (indexOfLastByteOfUtf8Char >= 0)
lenInBytes = indexOfLastByteOfUtf8Char + 1;
tmp = inptr + lenInBytes;
c = *tmp; // cut here beyond good
*tmp = '\0';
cutSize = (Lng32)(tmp - inptr);
FormatLine(key, inptr, keySize, cutSize, indent); //do it finally
*tmp = c; // restore cut char
while (*tmp++ == ' ') {cutSize++; } // drop leading spaces
tmp--; // back to first non-space
locSize -= cutSize; // set remaining size
inptr = tmp; // set remaining string
if (first) { // if first line
cnt -= 2; // field 2 smaller on second line
keySize = 0; // say no more key, my copy
indent = (MLEN-1) - cnt; // set the indent, my copy
// indent = 79 - cnt; // set the indent, my copy
first = 0; // next is not first
} // end while forever
Function Name: FormatSQL
Argument List:
char *key[in] ptr to start of key word string
char *val[in/out] ptr to start of value string, it will be modified
long keySize[in] count of characters in key word string, 0 ok but ?
long valSize[in] char to use from value string, < max ok, 0 not ok
long indent[in] count of blank characters at start of line, default 0
Return Status: None
Class Data Accessed:
lines_[out] new print line set
cntLines_[in/out] count of lines in lines_ at start
This function will fold an SQL statement at logical tokens when possible.
This is not to be a parser. If the statement exceeds reasonable complexity
limits it will be folded using the basic FormatLongLine function. The input
val will be null-terminated at valSize at start of processing and restored
at the single exit. If it is already null terminated that is OK. The key
string should be null-terminated already.
The algorithm will first decide if the statement starts with "select",
"insert into", "update", "delete from" in either upper case or lower case.
If it gets no matches it does the default folding. It then makes the
assumption that the user has been consistent in use of case so there is
no need to convert case. If not, you find no subsequent tokens and get the
default folding.
Once it finds a command type it looks for the legal keywords for that command
in order. It also watches for open parenthesis to skip subquerys or watch for
data in the insert command. It will fold before the next logical operator
and call the FormatLongLine to do the last section, no matter how long it is.
It tries to do a reasonable formatting for insert data. It tries to get through
nested parenthesis, but gives default folding on the third nesting level.
The nesting shown below should be processed as shown.
The desired output is:
SELECT cust_name, cust_contact, cust_address, cust_city,
FROM Customers
WHERE cust_id IN (SELECT cust_id FROM Orders WHERE order_num
IN (SELECT order_num FROM OrderItems WHERE prod_id =
'RGAN01')) AND cust_state = 'CA'
ORDER BY cust_contact;
insert into Customers(cust_id, cust_name, cust_address,
cust_city, cust_state, cust_zip, cust_country)
('1000000006', 'Toy Land', '123 Any Street', 'New
York', 'NY', '11111', 'USA'),
('1000000007', 'Toy Town for Tots', '27364 West Happy Lane',
'Chicago', 'IL', '37363', 'USA');
There are a lot of possible inputs when you consider embedded commands and parens
in the "AND" and "OR" clauses. So if we cannot figure out what to do, we will
just use the basic folding provided by FormatLongLine().
Because of the line cutting, only one return is permitted in this routine. The
white space compression may pad the end with blanks and change the last char.
void ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::FormatSQL(const char *key, char *val, Lng32 keySize,
Lng32 valSize, Lng32 indent)
// Initialize working constants once only, order important for DMLword use
char DMLUsel[8][12] = {"SELECT", "FROM", "WHERE", "UNION",
char DMLLsel[8][12] = {"select", "from", "where", "union",
"group by", "having", "order by", "for"};
char DMLUins[6][12] = {"INSERT INTO", "VALUES", "SELECT", "FROM",
"WHERE", "FOR"};
char DMLLins[6][12] = {"insert into", "values", "select", "from",
"where", "for"};
char DMLUupd[4][12] = {"UPDATE", "SET", "WHERE", "FOR"};
char DMLLupd[4][12] = {"update", "set", "where", "for"};
char DMLUdel[3][12] = {"DELETE FROM", "WHERE", "FOR"};
char DMLLdel[3][12] = {"delete from", "where", "for"};
Lng32 DMLword[8] = {8, 8, 6, 6, 4, 4, 3, 3}; // entries/array
// The working variables can go on the stack
char *inptr = val; // current ptr to value string remaining
Lng32 locSize = valSize; // size of value string remaining
char *the_end = val+valSize;// pointer to real end of string + 1
char last_char = *the_end; // last char in string + 1, usually a blank
Lng32 cnt; // value space available for this pass
char *DMLptr = NULL; // DML array to be used for this command
Lng32 DMLtype = 0; // DML array, 0 = DMLUsel, 1 = DMLLsel, etc. order above
Lng32 DMLpos = 0; // DML entry being tested
Lng32 DMLecnt; // Entry count in chosen DML array
Lng32 paren[2]; // next parens found, start/end position
Lng32 toksize; // size of next token in the array
Lng32 cut; // position of cut (relative to inptr)
Lng32 parUsed = 0; // flag saying we skipped over parens now
Lng32 valSeen = 0; // flag, =1 insert being processed, =2 values now
Lng32 good; // end paren for last good data looked at
Lng32 good2; // end paren for last cut looked at
char *locinptr; // temp in ptr for use in substrings
char *tn = NULL; // working ptr, temp next for compression
Lng32 moving = 0; // =1 compression has begun
Lng32 cnt_blank; // count of space characters seen together
Lng32 quoting = 0; // =1 we are in a quoted string, no compression
char *tmp; // working ptr (ptr to cut spot)
char c; // temp for cut character
char d = 0; // temp for quote char
// Set the limits for the value string, assume indent not larger than COL2
cnt = MLEN - COL2; // calc the value space for line 1
// cnt = 80 - COL2; // calc the value space for line 1
*the_end = '\0'; // restore cut at DONE (only exit)
// If really short do nothing
if (valSize <= cnt) { // if fits on one line
goto DONE;
// Determine which of the 8 DML commands we have
while (DMLtype < 8) { // step through all 8 arrays
switch (DMLtype) { // set a new array
case 0: {DMLptr = DMLUsel[0]; break; }
case 1: {DMLptr = DMLLsel[0]; break; }
case 2: {DMLptr = DMLUins[0]; break; }
case 3: {DMLptr = DMLLins[0]; break; }
case 4: {DMLptr = DMLUupd[0]; break; }
case 5: {DMLptr = DMLLupd[0]; break; }
case 6: {DMLptr = DMLUdel[0]; break; }
case 7: {DMLptr = DMLLdel[0]; break; }
toksize = (Lng32)str_len(DMLptr);
if (str_ncmp(DMLptr, inptr, toksize) == 0) {// if this is it
if (DMLtype == 8) { // If unknown, do basic format
goto DONE;
if ((DMLtype == 2) || (DMLtype == 3)) { // if doing an insert
valSeen = 1; // say watch for "value" clause
DMLecnt = DMLword[DMLtype]; // set the token count
// compress whitespace
tmp = inptr; // first char never blank
cnt_blank = 0; // no whitespace yet
while (c = *tmp++) { // while not end
if (c == '\t') { // if tab
c = ' ';
*(tmp-1) = c; // store a blank
if (! quoting) { // if not inside a quote
if (c == ' ') { // if space, look closer
cnt_blank++; // count this one
} else {
cnt_blank = 0; // reset count
if ((c == '\'') || (c == '"')) { // if starting a quote
quoting = 1; // note that
d = c; // remember the type
if (cnt_blank > 1) { // if compression needed
if (! moving) { // if compression not started
moving = 1; // note it must start
tn = tmp-1; // note where next non blank goes
locSize--; // adjust string length
continue; // just drop this extra space
} else { // watch for end of quote
if (c == d) {quoting = 0; } // say outside quote now
if (moving) { // if compression started
*tn++ = c; // save this char
tmp--; // back to null
if (moving) { // if we compressed
*tmp = last_char; // restore cut
the_end = tn; // save new end
last_char = ' '; // force space here eventually
while (tn != tmp) {*tn++ = ' '; } // pad with space
*the_end = '\0'; // cut again
// Scan for first set of parens, set data in paren[]
if (FindParens(inptr, paren)) { // if find error (no parens is not error)
goto DONE;
// loop until no more data, return to caller from inside loop
while (1) { // loop until it fits on one line
// See if we can do anything
if (cntLines_ == MLINE) { // if output is full already
goto DONE;
// If value clause of insert do first line special
if (valSeen == 2) { // do the first line without data
cut = 0;
tmp = inptr;
while (*tmp++ != '(') {cut++; } // scan for start of data
tmp--; // point to first open
// now tmp and cut are set to fold
c = *tmp; // cut here
*tmp = '\0';
FormatLongLine(key, inptr, keySize, cut, indent); //do it
*tmp = c; // restore cut char
// Set counters for next loop
inptr = tmp; // skip data done
locSize -= cut; // set remainder size
indent = COL2 + 1; // indent rest a little
cnt = (MLEN-2) - COL2 - 2; // less data now (extra 2 for , at end)
// cnt = 78 - COL2 - 2; // less data now (extra 2 for , at end)
good2 = 0; // last good place seen to cut
// If value clause of insert do data lines special, return from while
while (valSeen == 2) { // if we are on a values string
if (locSize <= cnt) { // if space for the rest
goto DONE;
locinptr = inptr; // keep inptr unchanged for awhile
good = 0; // nothing found yet
while (1) { // while more find max line
// Scan for next close parens
while (c = *locinptr++) { // while end not seen
if (c == ')') { // if close paren
good = (Lng32)(locinptr - inptr);// note possible cut
locinptr--; // back up in case of end
// scan for next data item start's open paren, or ending semi
while (c = *locinptr++) { // while end not seen
if (c == '(') { // if next open paren seen
locinptr--; // point to open
else if (c == ';') { // if end seen and no next
locinptr--; // point to semicolon
if (c == '\0') { // if not found, syntax issue
goto DONE;
// now we have a close and next open found, decide what to do
if (good <= (cnt - 2)) { // if it fits on line
good2 = good; // remember it and try for more
good = 0; // reset
continue; // scan again
else if (! good2) { // if first is too long for line
if (c == ';') { // if it is also the last
goto DONE; // just finish up
tmp = locinptr; // point to next open
cut = (Lng32)(tmp - inptr);
else { // we know there is another and where to cut
cut = good2;
tmp += cut; // point to last good close
while (*tmp++ != '(') {cut++; } // find next open
tmp--; // back up one
break; // decided where to cut now
// now tmp and cut are set to fold
c = *tmp; // cut here
*tmp = '\0';
FormatLongLine(key, inptr, keySize, cut, indent); //do it
*tmp = c; // restore cut char
// Set counters for next loop
inptr = tmp; // skip data done
locSize -= cut; // set remainder size
good2 = 0; // start over
} // end while for insert data processing, never fall through while
// move to next token in list
DMLpos++; // move to next token number
if (DMLpos >= DMLecnt) { // if no more to look for
goto DONE;
DMLptr += 12; // skip to next expected token
locinptr = inptr; // keep inptr unchanged for awhile
// scan forward looking for this keyword in input
while (1) { // max 2 tries when substrings
tmp = str_str(locinptr, DMLptr); // see if this is present
if (tmp == NULL) { // if not found
break; // try another
cut = (Lng32)(tmp - inptr); // see how many char we have this time
// Found but make sure not in parens
if (paren[0] > 0 ) { // if there is a paren somewhere
if (paren[0] < cut) { // if substring somewhere inside this
if (paren[1] < cut) { // if substring closed inside
parUsed = 1; // note we consumed the parenthesis
else {
locinptr += paren[1]; // take all of subquery or whatever
continue; // try again on this one
} // end substring processing
if (tmp == NULL) { // if really not found
continue; // try another
// Now we have a logical element identified, output it
tmp = inptr + cut; // point to cut char, but if not
c = *tmp; // cut here
*tmp = '\0';
FormatLongLine(key, inptr, keySize, cut, indent); //do it
*tmp = c; // restore cut char
// Set counters for next loop
inptr = tmp; // skip data done
locSize -= cut; // set remainder size
if (keySize != 0) { // if first line done, set for rest
keySize = 0; // say no more key, my copy
indent = COL2 - 1; // force into column 2, my copy
if (paren[0] > 0 ) { // if a paren
if (parUsed) { // if we consumed them this time
// Scan for next set of parens, set data in paren[]
if (FindParens(inptr, paren)) { // if find error
goto DONE;
else { // else reduce location
paren[0] -= cut;
paren[1] -= cut;
if (valSeen) { // if doing insert
if (DMLpos == 1) { // if doing values of insert
valSeen = 2; // note this for next pass
} // end while forever
// Do last line and return
FormatLongLine(key, inptr, keySize, locSize, indent);
*the_end = last_char; // restore cut with original char
Function Name: FindParens
Argument List:
char *inStr[in] ptr to start of string to scan
long par[4][out] ref to array to store up to two, pos open, close
Return Status:
long = 0, success, = -1, something wrong
This function will scan the input string for the next set of parenthesis.
It will accept at most 2 levels of nesting (-1 when 3rd seen) and return
their char positions from inStr. It will return -1 if no match found.
Lng32 ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::FindParens(char *inStr, Lng32 par[]) const
char *tmp1 = inStr; // working ptr
Lng32 par2dp = 0; // nesting found if not 0
Lng32 cnt = 0; // char counter
char c;
// Begin first scan for open paren
par[0] = par[1] = 0; // reset all
while (c = *tmp1++) { // scan to end of string
if (c == '(') { // if we have an open paren
par[0] = cnt; // note its position
break; // and stop scan
if (par[0] == 0) {return (0); } // if none, success
cnt++; // tmp1 is on next
// Second scan is for close without another open
while (c = *tmp1++) { // scan to end of string
if (c == ')') { // if we have a close paren
if (par2dp == 0) { // if no other open
par[1] = cnt; // note its position
break; // and stop scan
else { // we closed embedded open
par2dp = 0; // don't care about other open now
else if (c == '(') { // if we have another open paren
if (par2dp != 0) {return (-1); } // if third embedded, give up
par2dp = cnt; // note its position
if (par[1] == 0) {return (-1); } // if no close, syntax errro
return (0); // return success
Function Name: FormatFirstLine
Argument List: None
Return Status: None
Class Data Accessed:
operName_[in] text name of this node of the plan
seqNum_[in] long number of this node
leftChild_[in] long number of this node's left child
rightChild_[in] long number of this node's right child
lines_[out] new print line set
cntLines_[in/out] count of lines in lines_ at start
This function will take the specified private variables and format them
into a single 79 character line in the lines_ array. It expects the input
values to fit. The line count will be adjusted to show another line in
lines_. The output line will look like this:
ROOT ====================================== SEQ_NO 7 CHILDREN 6, 18
ROOT ====================================== SEQ_NO 7 ONLY CHILD 6
FILE_SCAN ================================= SEQ_NO 7 NO CHILDREN
The formatting rules are simple. The = finish in col 43, 44-45 are blank,
and the SEQ token starts in col 46 and the word CHILDREN in col 62. A right
child number of 0 causes the ONLY CHILD format, and right and left of 0
cause the NO CHILDREN format.
This routine will check for an empty line in the lines_ array and do nothing
if there is no space. That should never happen.
void ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::FormatFirstLine(void)
char *line; // ptr to line to insert
Lng32 cnt; // process name size
Lng32 dashes; // count of equals to set
// See if we can do anything, we require two lines left
if (cntLines_ >= MLINE-1) { // if output is almost full
FormatLine(NULL,NULL,0,0); // force a blank line or the "full" msg
FormatLine(NULL,NULL,0,0); // force the "full" message
return; // skip all work
line = lines_[cntLines_]; // point to empty line
// Format the first two fields of the line
cnt = (Lng32)str_len(operName_); // see what we got, max is MOPER=30
str_cpy_c(line, operName_); // start the line with operator name
line += cnt;
*line++ = ' '; // one space
dashes = 43 -1 - cnt; // see how much filler
while (dashes--) {*line++ = '='; } // add equals
str_sprintf (line, " SEQ_NO %d ", seqNum_); // add sequence nbr
line += 18; // point to next area
// This algorithm assumes we have at least two lines in the lines_
// array to allow overflow. Should always be, but was checked earlier
if (rightChild_ == 0) { // if right does not exist
if (leftChild_ != 0) { // if it exits
str_sprintf (line, "ONLY CHILD %d", leftChild_);
else { // neither exist
str_sprintf (line, "NO CHILDREN");
else { // else two node format needed
str_sprintf (line, "CHILDREN %d, %d", leftChild_, rightChild_);
// verify numbers were not too long
cnt = MWIDE - 61; // set max size in char
if ((Lng32)str_len(line) > cnt) { // if it exceed 79 char
line += cnt; // point to last char
*line-- = '\0'; // do cut
*line = '*'; // show cut
// Clean up and exit
cntLines_++; // bump empty line counter
return; // return nothing
Function Name: DoSeparator
Argument List: None
Return Status: None
Class Data Accessed:
header_[in] set if doing header or root node
lastFrag_[in/out] previous fragment number
lastOp_[in/out] previous operator name
operName_[in] text name of this node of the plan
description_[in] data for node, contains frag number
lines_[out] new print line set
cntLines_[in/out] count of lines in lines_ at start
This function will output two plan separators for the first node of a plan.
The first will be for the header, the second for the root node. They are
controlled by the settings of "header_" and "lastFrag_". When header_ is 1 and
lastFrag_ is not -1 it does the start-of-plan separator and sets lastFrag_ to -1.
When header_ is 1 and lastFrag_ is -1 it does the start-of-nodes separator and
sets the lastFrag_ to 0. For R1 this is all the separators it supports. When a
spearator is set it outputs a line of dashes ending with the sparator name.
In R2 this will behave as above when header_ is 1, but in all other cases it
will find the fragment number in the description column and and output a process
separator if the current fragment is different than the one currently in
lastFrag_ (and set it to the current value). When the current fragment and
lastFrag_ are the same it will do nothing. It will always record current
operator name to help with decisions on next call.
This routine will check for an empty line in the lines_ array and do nothing
if there is no space.
void ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::DoSeparator(void)
char *line; // ptr to line to insert
const char *proc_name; // ptr to process name string, ""=none
Lng32 cnt; // process name size
Lng32 dashes; // count of dashes to set
// See if we can do anything
if (cntLines_ >= MLINE) { // if output is full
return; // skip all work
line = lines_[cntLines_]; // point to empty line
proc_name = ""; // set name to none
// Check for start of a new plan
if (header_) { // if start of a plan
if (lastFrag_ == -1) { // if start of root node
//proc_name = " MASTER PROCESS"; // name this process
proc_name = " NODE LISTING"; // name this process
lastFrag_ = 0; // set real frag nbr
else {
proc_name = " PLAN SUMMARY"; // name this as header
lastFrag_ = -1; // say header done
// find current frag number and compare to last
// this code will be written once we have frag in the description or decide we won't.
if (strcmp(lastOp_, "PARTITION_ACCESS") == 0) { // if sure to be DAM
proc_name = " DISK ACCESS";
// Output line now if needed
cnt = (Lng32)str_len(proc_name); // get size
if (cnt) { // if something to output
dashes = MWIDE - cnt; // see how many dashes needed
while (dashes--) {*line++ = '-'; } // set dashes
str_cpy_c(line, proc_name); // set name
cntLines_++; // bump empty line counter
// Clean up and exit
// str_cpy_c(lastOp_, operName_); // remember this oper
return; // return nothing
Function Name: ParseField
Argument List:
char* &keyptr[out] reference to ptr to key word, colon removed
char* &fieldptr[out] reference to ptr to value string
long &keySize[out] count of characters in key string
long &fullSize[out] count of characters in value string
long &done[out] 1=end of string seen, 0=not seen
Return Status:
long = 0 on success
= -1 no keyword found that ends in ": "
Class Data Accessed:
parsePtr_[in/out] points to string being processed
This function will start from the character pointed to by parsePtr_ and scan
until it has found the keyword and value pair. It will cut each by dropping
a null character into the string and remember the start of each to return.
It will flag the last value in the input (end of string seen, even if there is
blank padding after value ends).
If it fails in any way it will return a -1 and leave the pointer set to where it began
the field scan that failed. In this case there could be a value pointer returned
or not, but only the done paramater can be used. There are several ways
it could fail, but they should not happen unless the input data is corrupted.
Lng32 ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::ParseField (char *&keyptr, char *&fieldptr,
Lng32 &keySize, Lng32 &fullSize, Lng32 &done)
// Initialize working variables
char *wrkptr; // working ptr
// Isolate the keyword
keyptr = parsePtr_; // remember start of keyword
wrkptr = str_str(keyptr, ": "); // find end of key
if (wrkptr == NULL) { // if not found
fullSize = 0;
done = 1; // say no more
return (-1);
*wrkptr = '\0'; // cut off colon
keySize = (Lng32)(wrkptr - keyptr); // get size
wrkptr++; // move to blank
while ((*wrkptr) == ' ') {wrkptr++; } // scan through blanks
// isolate the value
fieldptr = wrkptr; // must be value for keyword
wrkptr = str_str(fieldptr, ": "); // see if we can find next keyword
if (wrkptr == NULL) { // if not found, must be last in string
fullSize = (Lng32)str_len(fieldptr); // just use all of it
wrkptr = fieldptr + fullSize - 1; // locates last char
while (*(wrkptr--) == ' ') { // backscan over blanks
wrkptr += 2;
*(wrkptr) = '\0'; // cut here
parsePtr_ = wrkptr; // no good reason for doing this
done = 1; // say no more
else { // there is another
// Scan back to end of value (first non-blank after a blank)
while ((*wrkptr) != ' ') {wrkptr--;} // back up to blank
parsePtr_ = wrkptr + 1; // remember start of next keyword
while ((*wrkptr) == ' ') {wrkptr--;} // back over blanks
wrkptr++; // point to where null should be
*(wrkptr) = '\0'; // cut here
done = 0; // say more to come
if (fieldptr >= parsePtr_) //an erroneous overflow into the next keyword
fieldptr = wrkptr; //due to no value, empty string value, or error
fullSize = (Lng32)(wrkptr - fieldptr); // get length of value string
return (0); // return success
Function Name: IsNumberFmt
Argument List:
char *fieldptr[in] ptr to value string to test
Return Status:
long 0=char_str, 1=num_str
This function will determine if this value string needs further processing
by the FormatNumber routine to reformat it and count digits before the
decimal point. Single digit are not flagged numeric as no special support
is needed. When identified as numeric they must be copied to a temp buffer
becaues FormatNumber might increase the size of the string. If the value
is known to be numeric by other info don't bother to call this function.
The algorithm is set to fail fast if FormatNumber is not needed. The basic
approach is to fail if the current character could not be in a number. If
it is not a number it must watch for +, -, E, and dot. Some further
validation is provided for these cases, and weird combinations are flagged
as strings. This is hard as the characters are not processed in a full
state machine.
Lng32 ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::IsNumberFmt(char *fieldptr) const
char *wrkptr = fieldptr; // working ptr
char c; // temp for current char
Lng32 n_cnt = 0; // Number of digits seen
Lng32 d_cnt = 1; // Number of '.' permitted in string
Lng32 e_cnt = 1; // Number of 'E' permitted in string
// Scan for simple numeric of type 22, 22.22, -3.0E-003, ignore single digits
if (*(wrkptr+1) == '\0') {return(0); } // no need to determine if one digit
while (c = *wrkptr++) { // while not end of string
if ((c > '9') || (c < '0')) { // if not numeric
if ((c == '+') || (c == '-')) { // if a sign
if ((*wrkptr <= '9') && (*wrkptr >= '0')) {// if followed by number
if ((n_cnt == 0) || (*(wrkptr-2) == 'E')) {// if position OK
else if ((c == '.') && d_cnt--) { // if first decmal point
if ((n_cnt > 0) && (e_cnt == 1)) { // and not start but before E
if (*wrkptr == '\0') { continue; } // if nothing follows
if ((*wrkptr <= '9') && (*wrkptr >= '0')) {// if followed by number
else if ((c == 'E') && e_cnt--) { // if first E
if ((n_cnt > 0) && (*wrkptr != '\0')) { // and not start or end of string
return (0); // can't be a number
else {
n_cnt++; // count as digit
// OK this could be a number
if ((n_cnt > 1) && (n_cnt < 12)) { // if a few digits, single dig ignored
return (1); // say it is a number
return (0); // too long to be a real number
Function Name: GetField
Argument List:
char *col[in] ptr to start of col data to scan, never changed
char *key[in] ptr to key word desired, end with colon and space
char*&fieldptr[out] reference to ptr to value string if found
long &fullSize[out] count of characters in value string found, else 0
Return Status:
long = 0 on success
= 1 if not found
= -1 if input key does not end in ": "
This function will scan the supplied string for the specified keyword and if found
return the pointer to the start of the value and its size and type. The resulting
string will NOT be null terminated unless the value is the last in the input string.
It will count characters in the value as it goes. If the key value is not found it
will return a 1, which is not considered an error.
If it fails in any way it will return a -1 and leave the pointer set to where it began
the field scan that failed. In this case there could be a value pointer returned
or not, but none of the return parameters should be used. There are several ways
it could fail, but they should not happen unless the input data is corrupted.
Lng32 ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::GetField (char *col, const char *key, char *&fieldptr,
Lng32 &fullSize) const
// Initialize working variables
char *keyptr; // keyword start
char *wrkptr; // working ptr
// Verify keyword is as expected, this test could be removed eventually
keyptr = str_str(key, ": ");
if (keyptr == NULL) { // if not found
fullSize = 0;
return (-1);
// Scan for the keyword, should end with ": ", or report problem
keyptr = str_str(col, key);
if (keyptr == NULL) { // if not found
fullSize = 0;
return (1);
// Skip over keyword and find start of value
wrkptr = str_str(keyptr, ": ") + 1; // get end of keyword
while ((*wrkptr) == ' ') {wrkptr++; } // scan through blanks
// isolate the value
fieldptr = wrkptr; // must be value for keyword
wrkptr = str_str(fieldptr, ": "); // see if we can find next keyword
if (wrkptr == NULL) { // if not found, must be last in string
fullSize = (Lng32)str_len(fieldptr); // just use all of it
wrkptr = fieldptr + fullSize - 1; // locates last char
while (*(wrkptr--) == ' ') { // backscan over blanks
wrkptr += 2; // point to where we should cut
else { // there is another
// Scan back to end of value (first non-blank after a blank)
while ((*wrkptr) != ' ') {wrkptr--;} // back up to blank
while ((*wrkptr) == ' ') {wrkptr--;} // back over blanks
wrkptr++; // point to where null should be
fullSize = (Lng32)(wrkptr - fieldptr); // get length of value string
return (0); // return success
Function Name: FormatNumber
Argument List:
char *outStr[out] storage for output, must be space for MUSERSP char
long &intSize[out] reference to int part of output, 0=Exponential fmt
long &fullSize[out] ref to size of whole number field
char *strVal[in] number in raw ASCII format to be formatted
Return Status: None
Class Data Accessed:
optFlag_ = E_, 4 decimal digits desired, else 2
This function will determine which input format is present, 35, 35.000, 35.889,
3.5000E+001, or 3.5889E+001 by scanning for the dot and the E. If it is already
in floating point it will just cut the decimal digits to 2 or 4 places (with
rounding) depending on optFlag_ (or none if .0000). If it is integer it will do
nothing but count digits and set intSize = fullSize. Output will be in the format
given by FormatFloat. Negative numbers work, but are not expected.
If it is in exponential format it will look at the exponent and decide if it should
be changed or not. It will walk the string looking for the decimal point and the
full size. In addition to cutting at 2 or 4 digits it will round
at the cut. The code will just move the decimal point as indicated by the exponent.
This routine must be careful to use only string functions that exist in the executor.
void ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::FormatNumber (char *outStr, Lng32 &intSize,
Lng32 &fullSize, char *strVal)const
char c; // temp
Lng32 cnt = 0; // count of characters in input
Lng32 neg = 0; // input is negative if 1
Lng32 cntzero; // count of trailing zeros
Lng32 maxIntDig; // max int digits we can add commas into
Lng32 decSize; // final dot and digit size when a float
Lng32 maxSize; // place to cut long floats
Lng32 intexp; // exponent string converted to int
Lng32 expdig = 0; // loc of E if found
Lng32 dotdig = 0; // loc of decimal point if found
char *ptrin1 = strVal; // input pointer, chg only if neg
char *ptrout = outStr; // output pointer, chg only if neg
char *ptrwrk = strVal; // working variables
char *tmpPtr; // working variable
Lng32 negFlg = 0; // exponent is not negative
//Scan the input for decimal point and E and total length.
if (*ptrin1 == '-') { // if input negative
*ptrout++ = *ptrin1++; // move - to output and forget
ptrwrk = ptrin1;
neg = 1; // remember negative used 1 output digit
// ignore neg numbers from now until final exit
while ((c = *ptrwrk++) != '\0') { // scan input watching for end
cnt++; // count this char
switch (c) {
case 'e': *(ptrwrk-1) = 'E'; // upcase it and no break
case 'E': expdig = cnt; break;
case '.': dotdig = cnt; break;
default: break;
// deal with a input size problem right now
if (cnt > MUSERSP-1-neg) { // trouble in a few rare cases
cnt = MUSERSP-1-neg; // cut at required output limit
str_ncpy(ptrout, ptrin1, cnt); // move part we can
*(ptrout+cnt) = '\0'; // cut it
*(ptrout+cnt-1) = '*'; // show we cut it
intSize = 0; // say just a string
fullSize = MUSERSP-1;
return; // forget processing this one
// Process input that is pure integer (common)
if ((! dotdig) && (! expdig)) { // if plain integer, like 35
str_cpy_c(ptrout, ptrin1); // move whole string
intSize = cnt; // set size of int
maxIntDig = MUSERSP - (intSize-1)/3 - neg; // calc max int digits we can expand
if ((intSize > 3) && (intSize < maxIntDig)) {// if commas needed and there is space
AddCommas (ptrout, intSize); // add commas, adjust count
goto DONE; // this is finished
// Process input that is in expontial format
// Convert exp to real if in legal range, else just return the input or limit values.
if (expdig) { // convert exp to float format
// no sscanf available in executor, so convert ascii exp to a long inline
intexp = 0;
tmpPtr = ptrin1+expdig; // point to first char of exp
if (*tmpPtr == '-') { // if it is negative
negFlg = 1; // remember that
tmpPtr++; // move on
else if (*tmpPtr == '+') {tmpPtr++; } // if plus, move on
while (*tmpPtr != '\0') { // while something, convert it
intexp = intexp*10 + *tmpPtr++ - '0'; // assume 0 to 9 char
if (negFlg) {intexp = -intexp; } // if negative flip it
// decide if it is too large or small for float
if (intexp > 9) { // if too large give up
str_cpy_c(ptrout, ptrin1); // just move it all
intSize = 0; // say exp still
fullSize = cnt + neg; // watch for neg
else if ((optFlag_ == N_) && (intexp < -2)) {// if too small for normal mode
str_cpy_c(ptrout, "0.01"); // set min
intSize = 1 + neg; // watch for neg
fullSize = 4 + neg;
else if ((optFlag_ == E_) && (intexp < -4)) {// if too small for expert mode
str_cpy_c(ptrout, "0.0001"); // set min
intSize = 1 + neg; // watch for neg
fullSize = 6 + neg;
// We will convert exp input like 3.588903E+003 to float here.
// Result must contain a decimal point for further processing.
// Just move the decimal point around using intexp to tell where.
// We cannot use sscanf and str_sprintf which can't take "%.4f" yet.
// first calc the locations of stuff defining the output
Lng32 begzero = 0;
Lng32 decloc = 1;
Lng32 digmove = expdig - 1; // digits we have to move
Lng32 i = 0; // digits moved
Lng32 decdig = 2; // decimal digits max for normal mode
if (optFlag_ == E_) { // if 4 decimals needed
decdig = 4;
if (intexp > 0) { // if value > 10 (exp > 0)
decloc += intexp;
else if (intexp < 0) { // if value < 1 (exp < 0)
begzero = -intexp; // always 1 zero
// now move digits as counters indicate
tmpPtr = ptrin1;
ptrwrk = ptrout; // point to first char for output
while (begzero) { // do leading zeros if needed
if (i == decloc) { // if need decimal here do it
intSize = i; // remember integer size
*ptrwrk++ = '.';
else if (i > decloc) {
*ptrwrk++ = '0';
while ((c = *tmpPtr++) != 'E') { // do digits
if (c == '.') {continue; } // just skip the old decimal
if (i == decloc) { // if need decimal here do it
intSize = i; // remember integer size
*ptrwrk++ = '.';
decdig--; // will also drop a digit
else if (i > decloc) {
if (decdig == 0) { // if no more needed
break; // number is complete
else if (decdig == 1) { // need to round this one
if ((c != '9') && (*tmpPtr != 'E')) {// if rounding possible
if (*tmpPtr == '.') { // if next is dot
if (*(tmpPtr+1) != 'E') {
if (*(tmpPtr+1) > '4') {c++; } // round up this digit
else if (*tmpPtr > '4') {c++; } // round up this digit
*ptrwrk++ = c;
while (i <= decloc) { // if not to decimal yet
if (i == decloc) { // if need decimal here do it
intSize = i; // remember integer size
*ptrwrk++ = '.';
*ptrwrk++ = '0';
i += 2;
else {
*ptrwrk++ = '0';
fullSize = i;
*ptrwrk = '\0'; // terminate the output
else { // just move float to output
str_cpy_c(ptrout, ptrin1); // move whole string usually
fullSize = cnt;
intSize = dotdig - 1;
// Finally process input or data that is in floating format. It must have a
// decimal point to be here. Clean off trailing zeros, like 35.000 or 35.600
ptrwrk = ptrout+fullSize-1; // point to last char for backscan
cntzero = 0; // initialize count
while (*ptrwrk-- == '0') {cntzero++; } // see how many trailing zeros
ptrwrk++; // look at non-zero char
if (*ptrwrk == '.') { // if dot, this is an integer
*ptrwrk = '\0'; // cut number here
fullSize = intSize;
decSize = 0 + neg; // no decimal digits
else { // really a float, if needed "round"
// first drop trailing zeros after the decimal
ptrwrk++; // move right to the zero
if (cntzero) { // if something to drop
*ptrwrk = '\0'; // drop them
fullSize -= cntzero; // set new size
if (optFlag_ == E_) { // if 4 decimals needed
maxSize = 5; // allow decimal too
else { // must be normal mode and 2
maxSize = 3; // allow decimal too
decSize = maxSize + neg; // remember this for final size calc
maxSize += intSize; // set desired size
if (fullSize > maxSize) { // if we still need to cut more
ptrwrk = ptrout+maxSize; // point to cut character
c = *ptrwrk; // grab it
*ptrwrk-- = '\0'; // cut and move back for rounding
fullSize = maxSize;
// this rounding algorithm is crude, but the data is too, so it is good enough
if ((c > '4') && (*ptrwrk != '9')) {// allow only one digit rounding
*ptrwrk = (*ptrwrk) + 1; // increment the last digit
// now make sure we don't have all zeros again, eg it was not 2.000006
ptrwrk = ptrout+fullSize-1; // point to last char for backscan
cntzero = 0; // initialize count
while (*ptrwrk-- == '0') {cntzero++; } // see how many trailing zeros
ptrwrk++; // look at non-zero char
if (*ptrwrk == '.') { // if dot, this is an integer again
*(ptrwrk+cntzero) = '1'; // show there was something
// add commas to a float
maxIntDig = MUSERSP - (intSize-1)/3 - decSize; // calc max int digits we can expand
if ((intSize > 3) && (intSize < maxIntDig)) {// if we need commas and there is space
AddCommas (ptrout, intSize);
// finish up and exit
intSize += neg; // consider minus now
fullSize = (Lng32)str_len(outStr);
return; // return nothing
Function Name: FormatFloat
Argument List:
char *outStr[out] storage for output, must be space for 20 char
long &intSize[out] reference to int part of output, 0=Exponential fmt
long &fullSize[out] ref to size of whole number field
float floatVal[in] number to be formatted
Return Status: None
Class Data Accessed:
optFlag_ = E_, 4 decimal digits desired, else 2
This function will convert the input float (4 byte floating-point number) to an
ASCII string in the userÂ’s output buffer. It will walk the string looking for
the decimal point and the full size. Numbers >= 2.0E+9 are put in exponent
notation and intSize is 0. Numbers < 0.0001 are displayed as 0.0001 always
(or if < 0.01 as 0.01 when optFlag_ == N_). Zero is output as 0 (not 0.0),
with intSize=0. Other numbers are displayed as floats with 2 or 4 digits of
accuracy depending on optFlag_. Trailing zeros are removed after the decimal
point. Negative numbers work, but are not expected.
This routine must avoid formats %E and %.4f that do not exist in the executor.
The format %04d tells it to zero pad with exactly 4 digits.
void ExExeUtilTcb::FormatFloat (char *outStr, Lng32 &intSize,
Lng32 &fullSize, double floatVal,
NABoolean normalMode, NABoolean expertMode) const
Lng32 neg = 0; // input is negative if 1
double absval = floatVal; // absolute value of input
Lng32 cntzero; // count of trailing zeros
char *ptr; // working variable for neg use
Lng32 valInt = 0; // integer part of float value
Lng32 valDec = 0; // decimal part of float value
Lng32 valExp = 0; // expontial part of float value
float nbrDec; // 10*(number_of_decimal_digits)
float valRnd; // value to add for rounding
const char *fmtPtr; // points to correct format string
// handle some special cases
ptr = outStr; // point to output area
intSize = 0; // set base value
if (floatVal < 0) { // if negative
absval = -floatVal; // flip it for processing
neg = 1; // remember this
*ptr++ = '-';
else if (floatVal == 0) { // if real zero
str_cpy_c(ptr, "0"); // drop decimal
fullSize = 1;
// see if this is too large for decimal format, 1,999,999,999 is OK
if (absval >= 2.0E9F) { // if exponential notation required
while (absval >= 10) { // figure out the exponent value
absval /= 10;
nbrDec = 1000000.0F; // take 6 digits
valRnd = 0.0000005F;
absval += valRnd; // first round up if needed
valInt = (Lng32)absval; // get the integer part
absval -= valInt;
valDec = (Lng32)(absval*nbrDec); // get the decimal part as long
str_sprintf (ptr, "%d.%06dE+%03d", valInt, valDec, valExp);
intSize = 0; // force, even if neg
goto DONE; // set fullSize and return
// if too small, use bottom value
if ((absval < 1.0E-2) && (normalMode)) {// if too small for normal mode
str_cpy_c(ptr, "0.01");
goto DONE; // set fullSize and return
if ((absval < 1.0E-4) && (expertMode)) {// if too small for expert mode
str_cpy_c(ptr, "0.0001");
goto DONE; // set fullSize and return
// now it must be a valid decimal number
if (expertMode) { // if 4 decimals needed
nbrDec = 10000.0F; // take 4 digits
valRnd = 0.00005F;
fmtPtr = "%d.%04d"; // request 4 decimal digits, zero padded
cntzero = 4; // set count of digits
else { // must be normal mode and 2
nbrDec = 100.0F; // take 2 digits
valRnd = 0.005F;
fmtPtr = "%d.%02d"; // request 2 decimal digits, zero padded
cntzero = 2; // set count of digits
absval += valRnd; // first round up if needed
valInt = (Lng32)absval; // get the integer part
absval -= valInt;
valDec = (Lng32)(absval*nbrDec); // get the decimal part as long
str_sprintf (ptr, fmtPtr, valInt, valDec);
// got the number now, see what size the parts are
while (*ptr++ != '.') {intSize++; } // see how part is (always a dot)
// clean off trailing zeros, like 35.0000 or 35.60
ptr += cntzero-1; // point to last char for backscan
cntzero = 0; // initialize count for real
while (*ptr-- == '0') {cntzero++; } // see how many trailing zeros
ptr++; // look at non-zero char
if (cntzero) { // if something to drop
if (*ptr == '.') { // if dot, this is an integer
*ptr = '\0'; // cut number here
else { // just remove trailing zeros
ptr++; // move right to the zero
*ptr = '\0'; // drop them
// add commas if needed
if ((intSize > 3) && (intSize < 16)) { // if we need commas and there is space
if (neg) { // if minus in front
intSize--; // count only digits
AddCommas(outStr+1, intSize);
else {
AddCommas(outStr, intSize);
// Finish up and exit
fullSize = (Lng32)str_len(outStr);
return; // return nothing
Function Name: AddCommas
Argument List:
char *outStr[in/out] number string to be modified, left justified
long &intSize[in/out] number of integer digits in the number input, size out
Return Status: None
This function will take the input ASCII number string and add commas every 3 digits.
It expects the character array input to be large enough to hold the additional
characters. It will increment the count of characters in the integer part of the
input number. It uses only the input count of integer digits and validates nothing.
It processes the digits from left to right and stops after doing the last 3 integer
digits without looking at the rest of the digits. So it does not care about any
fractional part (except that it is null terminated). Example input is 1234567.89
and output will be 1,234,567.89. This routine will not work properly on negative
numbers, so don't call it.
void ExExeUtilTcb::AddCommas (char *outStr, Lng32 &intSize)const
Int32 loc; // character position to cut before, 0 base
Int32 iter; // iterations needed
char temp[40]; // save cut data here
// Begin processing
if (intSize <= 3) {return;} // if digit count is 3 or less, just return
// figure out how many iterations are needed
loc = intSize % 3; // modulo 3 to see about leading digits
iter = intSize/3; // no rounding
if (loc == 0) { // if exact multiple of 3
loc = 3; // first is not 0
iter--; // one less to do
// put one comma in on each loop
while (iter-- > 0) {
str_cpy_c(temp, outStr+loc); // save tail of string
*(outStr+loc) = ','; // insert the comma
loc++; // bump working count
intSize++; // increment real integer size
str_cpy_c(outStr+loc, temp); // bring rest back
loc += 3; // point to next cut
return; // return nothing
// Constructor and destructor for ExeUtil_private_state
step_ = ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb::EMPTY_;
matches_ = 0;
ex_tcb * ExExeUtilDisplayExplainComplexTdb::build(ex_globals * glob)
ExExeUtilTcb * exe_util_tcb;
if (isShowddl())
exe_util_tcb = new(glob->getSpace()) ExExeUtilDisplayExplainShowddlTcb(*this, glob);
exe_util_tcb = new(glob->getSpace()) ExExeUtilDisplayExplainComplexTcb(*this, glob);
return (exe_util_tcb);
// Constructor for class ExExeUtilDisplayExplainTcb
const ComTdbExeUtilDisplayExplainComplex & exe_util_tdb,
ex_globals * glob)
: ExExeUtilTcb( exe_util_tdb, NULL, glob),
// Allocate the private state in each entry of the down queue
// Redefine virtual method allocatePstates, to be used by dynamic queue
// resizing, as well as the initial queue construction.
ex_tcb_private_state * ExExeUtilDisplayExplainComplexTcb::allocatePstates(
Lng32 &numElems, // inout, desired/actual elements
Lng32 &pstateLength) // out, length of one element
PstateAllocator<ExExeUtilDisplayExplainComplexPrivateState> pa;
return pa.allocatePstates(this, numElems, pstateLength);
// work() for ExExeUtilDisplayExplainComplexTcb
short ExExeUtilDisplayExplainComplexTcb::work()
Lng32 cliRC;
short rc;
// if no parent request, return
if (qparent_.down->isEmpty())
return WORK_OK;
// if no room in up queue, won't be able to return data/status.
// Come back later.
if (qparent_.up->isFull())
return WORK_OK;
ex_queue_entry * pentry_down = qparent_.down->getHeadEntry();
ExExeUtilDisplayExplainComplexPrivateState & pstate =
*((ExExeUtilDisplayExplainComplexPrivateState*) pentry_down->pstate);
// Get the globals stucture of the master executor.
ExExeStmtGlobals *exeGlob = getGlobals()->castToExExeStmtGlobals();
ExMasterStmtGlobals *masterGlob = exeGlob->castToExMasterStmtGlobals();
while (1) // exit via return
switch (step_)
case EMPTY_:
// issue the create table/index command
setSqlParserFlags(0x20000); // INTERNAL_QUERY_FROM EXEUTIL
cliRC = cliInterface()->executeImmediate(exeUtilTdb().qry1_);
resetSqlParserFlags(0x20000); // INTERNAL_QUERY_FROM EXEUTIL
if (cliRC < 0)
// table could not be created.
// If this is an error related to inMemory creation,
// ignore it and continue with explain.
// Explain will return 'info not available' in its
// description field.
// All other errors are reported.
if (exeUtilTdb().loadIfExists() &&
// Return error.
// Do not do 'DROP_AND_ERROR' as we don't want to drop
// an existing table.
ExRaiseSqlError(getHeap(), &diagsArea_,
step_ = ERROR_;
// explain the create
cliRC = executeQuery(NULL, NULL,
if (cliRC < 0)
step_ = DROP_AND_ERROR_;
if (cliRC == 1)
return rc;
if (exeUtilTdb().explainType_ ==
// explain for CTAS
if (exeUtilTdb().qry4_)
// sidetree insert. Make the table unaudited.
step_ = DROP_AND_DONE_;
cliRC = changeAuditAttribute(exeUtilTdb().getObjectName(),
FALSE, exeUtilTdb().isVolatile());
if (cliRC < 0)
step_ = DROP_AND_ERROR_;
// qry4_ is sidetree insert, qry3_ is vsbb insert.
cliRC = executeQuery(NULL, NULL,
(exeUtilTdb().qry4_ ? exeUtilTdb().qry4_
: exeUtilTdb().qry3_),
if (cliRC < 0)
step_ = DROP_AND_ERROR_;
if (cliRC == 1)
return rc;
step_ = DROP_AND_DONE_;
char * dtQuery =
new(getMyHeap()) char[strlen("DROP TABLE ; ") +
strlen(exeUtilTdb().getObjectName()) +
if (exeUtilTdb().explainType_ ==
strcpy(dtQuery, "DROP INDEX ");
else if (exeUtilTdb().explainType_ ==
strcpy(dtQuery, "DROP MV ");
strcpy(dtQuery, "DROP TABLE ");
strcat(dtQuery, exeUtilTdb().getObjectName());
cliRC = cliInterface()->executeImmediate(dtQuery);
if (cliRC < 0)
// ignore errors.
// Delete new'd characters
NADELETEBASIC(dtQuery, getHeap());
if (step_ == DROP_AND_ERROR_)
step_ = ERROR_;
step_ = DONE_;
case ERROR_:
if (qparent_.up->isFull())
return WORK_OK;
// Return EOF.
ex_queue_entry * up_entry = qparent_.up->getTailEntry();
up_entry->upState.parentIndex =
up_entry->upState.status = ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR;
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = up_entry->getDiagsArea();
if (diagsArea == NULL)
diagsArea =
if (getDiagsArea())
up_entry->setDiagsArea (diagsArea);
// insert into parent
pstate.matches_ = 0;
step_ = DONE_;
case DONE_:
if (qparent_.up->isFull())
return WORK_OK;
// Return EOF.
ex_queue_entry * up_entry = qparent_.up->getTailEntry();
up_entry->upState.parentIndex =
up_entry->upState.status = ex_queue::Q_NO_DATA;
// insert into parent
pstate.matches_ = 0;
step_ = EMPTY_;
return WORK_OK;
// Constructor and destructor for ExeUtil_private_state
matches_ = 0;
// Constructor for class ExExeUtilDisplayExplainShowddlTcb
const ComTdbExeUtilDisplayExplainComplex & exe_util_tdb,
ex_globals * glob)
: ExExeUtilTcb( exe_util_tdb, NULL, glob),
step_(EMPTY_), newQry_(NULL)
// Allocate the private state in each entry of the down queue
if (newQry_)
NADELETEBASIC(newQry_, getMyHeap());
newQry_ = NULL;
// Redefine virtual method allocatePstates, to be used by dynamic queue
// resizing, as well as the initial queue construction.
ex_tcb_private_state * ExExeUtilDisplayExplainShowddlTcb::allocatePstates(
Lng32 &numElems, // inout, desired/actual elements
Lng32 &pstateLength) // out, length of one element
PstateAllocator<ExExeUtilDisplayExplainShowddlPrivateState> pa;
return pa.allocatePstates(this, numElems, pstateLength);
// work() for ExExeUtilDisplayExplainShowddlTcb
short ExExeUtilDisplayExplainShowddlTcb::work()
Lng32 cliRC;
short rc;
// if no parent request, return
if (qparent_.down->isEmpty())
return WORK_OK;
// if no room in up queue, won't be able to return data/status.
// Come back later.
if (qparent_.up->isFull())
return WORK_OK;
ex_queue_entry * pentry_down = qparent_.down->getHeadEntry();
ExExeUtilDisplayExplainShowddlPrivateState & pstate =
*((ExExeUtilDisplayExplainShowddlPrivateState*) pentry_down->pstate);
// Get the globals stucture of the master executor.
ExExeStmtGlobals *exeGlob = getGlobals()->castToExExeStmtGlobals();
ExMasterStmtGlobals *masterGlob = exeGlob->castToExMasterStmtGlobals();
while (1) // exit via return
switch (step_)
case EMPTY_:
char countBuf[20];
if (exeUtilTdb().noLabelStats())
strcpy(countBuf, "0");
cliRC =
executeImmediate("control session 'EXPLAIN' 'ON';");
if (cliRC < 0)
step_ = ERROR_;
Lng32 len = 0;
cliRC = cliInterface()->executeImmediate(exeUtilTdb().qry3_,
&len, TRUE);
executeImmediate("control session reset 'EXPLAIN';");
if (cliRC < 0)
step_ = ERROR_;
countBuf[len] = 0;
newQry_ = new(getMyHeap())
char[strlen(exeUtilTdb().qry2_) + 100];
str_sprintf(newQry_, exeUtilTdb().qry2_, countBuf);
cliRC = executeQuery(NULL, NULL,
newQry_, //exeUtilTdb().qry2_,
if (cliRC < 0)
step_ = ERROR_;
if (cliRC == 1)
return rc;
step_ = DONE_;
case ERROR_:
if (qparent_.up->isFull())
return WORK_OK;
// Return EOF.
ex_queue_entry * up_entry = qparent_.up->getTailEntry();
up_entry->upState.parentIndex =
up_entry->upState.status = ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR;
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = up_entry->getDiagsArea();
if (diagsArea == NULL)
diagsArea =
if (getDiagsArea())
up_entry->setDiagsArea (diagsArea);
// insert into parent
pstate.matches_ = 0;
step_ = DONE_;
case DONE_:
if (qparent_.up->isFull())
return WORK_OK;
// Return EOF.
ex_queue_entry * up_entry = qparent_.up->getTailEntry();
up_entry->upState.parentIndex =
up_entry->upState.status = ex_queue::Q_NO_DATA;
// insert into parent
pstate.matches_ = 0;
step_ = EMPTY_;
return WORK_OK;
// Constructor and destructor for ExeUtil_private_state
matches_ = 0;