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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: DatetimeType.h
* Description: Datetime Type
* Created: 2/1/96
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "NAType.h"
#include "DTICommonType.h"
#include "IntervalType.h"
#include "SQLCLIdev.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class DatetimeType;
class SQLDate;
class SQLTime;
class SQLTimestamp;
class DatetimeValue;
extern NAString LiteralDate;
extern NAString LiteralTime;
extern NAString LiteralTimestamp;
extern NAString LiteralDateTime;
// ***********************************************************************
// DatetimeType : The datetime data type
// ***********************************************************************
class DatetimeType : public DatetimeIntervalCommonType
enum { DEFAULT_FRACTION_PRECISION = 0 }; // See ANSI 6.1 SR 25: zero
enum { MAX_FRACTION_PRECISION = 6 }; // See ANSI 6.1 SR 26: max is at least 6
enum Subtype { SUBTYPE_ILLEGAL,
static Subtype validate(rec_datetime_field startField,
rec_datetime_field endField,
UInt32 fractionPrecision);
static DatetimeType* constructSubtype(NABoolean allowSQLnull,
rec_datetime_field startField,
rec_datetime_field endField,
UInt32 fractionPrecision,
NAMemory* h=0);
static Lng32 getStorageSize(rec_datetime_field startField,
rec_datetime_field endField,
UInt32 fractionPrecision = 0);
// Used by DatetimeValue
static Int32 getExtendedEndField(rec_datetime_field endField,
UInt32 fractionPrecision);
void datetimeToLong(void *bufPtr,
ULng32 values[]) const;
Lng32 getRecDateTimeCode() const // does this need to be virtual ??
return getRecDateTimeCode (getStartField(), getEndField());
Lng32 getRecDateTimeCode(rec_datetime_field startField, rec_datetime_field endField) const;
NABoolean checkValid(ComDiagsArea *diags)
if ((getFractionPrecision()) > MAX_FRACTION_PRECISION)
// ## Possible future work:
// We COULD add an optional Diags parameter onto our validate() method
// and call it now; and it would emit more precise diagnostics
// for why the type is invalid. It is a complicated type after all!
// The more precise diags could explain valid ranges of values, etc.
// Here we just emit "3134 Invalid TimeStamp $int0."
*diags << DgSqlCode(-3134) << DgInt0(getFractionPrecision());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static NABoolean leapYear(ULng32 year)
return ((year % 4 == 0) &&
((year % 100 != 0) ||
(year % 400 == 0)));
static Lng32 gregorianDays(const ULng32 values[]);
static Lng32 secondsInTime(const ULng32 values[]);
// returns the juliantimestamp value (64 bit integer) based on the
// input sql timestamp value.
// Input format is the same as what is created in 'class DatetimeValue'
// Input fractionPrec is the fractional seconds precision, needed to scale
// the fractional seconds part of the timestamp to a
// number of microseconds.
static Int64 julianTimestampValue(const char * value, const short valueLen,
UInt32 fractionPrec);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
DatetimeType (NAMemory *h, const NAString & adtName,
NABoolean allowSQLnull,
rec_datetime_field startField,
rec_datetime_field endField,
UInt32 fractionPrecision = 0);
// copy ctor
DatetimeType (const DatetimeType & rhs, NAMemory * h=0) :
DatetimeIntervalCommonType (rhs, h)
, displayFormat_(rhs.displayFormat_, h)
DatetimeType & operator= (const DatetimeType &) ; // not written
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Subtype getSubtype() const
return (validate(getStartField(), getEndField(), getFractionPrecision()));
virtual Lng32 getDisplayLength() const;
virtual Lng32 getDisplayLength(Lng32 datatype,
Lng32 length,
Lng32 precision,
Lng32 scale,
Lng32 heading_len) const;
const NAString &getDisplayFormat() const { return displayFormat_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mutator functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void setDisplayFormat(const char* format) { displayFormat_ = format; }
void setDisplayFormat(const NAString& format) { displayFormat_ = format; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual functions that are given an implementation for this class.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void print(FILE* ofd = stdout, const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT) /*const*/;
virtual short getFSDatatype() const;
virtual NAString getSimpleTypeName() const;
virtual NAString getTypeSQLname(NABoolean terse = FALSE) const;
virtual const NAString getDatetimeQualifierAsString(NABoolean includeFractionalPrec) const;
virtual NABoolean isCompatible(const NAType& other, UInt32 * flags = NULL) const;
#if defined( NA_LITTLE_ENDIAN )
virtual NABoolean isEncodingNeeded() const;
virtual NABoolean operator==(const NAType& other) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function for synthesizing the type of a binary operator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual const NAType* synthesizeType(enum NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule,
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
NAMemory* h,
UInt32 *flags = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function for synthesizing the type of a ternary operator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual const NAType* synthesizeTernary(enum NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule,
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
const NAType& operand3,
NAMemory* h=0) const;
virtual NAType::SynthesisPrecedence getSynthesisPrecedence() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods that return the binary form of the minimum and the maximum
// representable values.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void minRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString** stringLiteral = NULL,
NAMemory* h=0) const;
virtual void maxRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString** stringLiteral = NULL,
NAMemory* h=0) const;
virtual NABoolean createSQLLiteral(const char * buf, // in
NAString *&sqlLiteral, // out
NABoolean &isNull, // out
CollHeap *h) const; // in/out
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method that returns the encoded form for a given value to be
// used by the optimizer for estimations.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual double encode (void* bufPtr) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Leave this, inherited from NAType as a pure virtual function,
// *unimplemented*, so that DatetimeType, just like NAType,
// remains an abstract class: only SQLDate, SQLTime, SQLTimestamp
// can be instantiated.
// virtual NAType *newCopy() const { return new DatetimeType(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generic way for finding if a DatetimeType contains a particuar Datetime
// field.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean containsField(rec_datetime_field theField) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generic way for finding if two DatetimeTypes contain any common Datetime
// fields.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean fieldsOverlap(const DatetimeType& other) const;
// Auxiliary methods
void getRepresentableValue(const char* inValueString,
void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString** stringLiteral,
NAMemory* h=0) const;
NAString displayFormat_;
}; // class DatetimeType
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
class SQLDate : public DatetimeType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLDate(NAMemory *h, NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE)
: DatetimeType (h, LiteralDate,
// copy ctor
SQLDate (const SQLDate & rhs, NAMemory * h=0)
: DatetimeType (rhs, h)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(NAMemory* h=0) const
{ return new (h) SQLDate(*this, h); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method that returns the encoded form for a given value to be
// used by the optimizer for estimations.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual double encode (void* bufPtr) const;
// Method that returns a SQL Date literal representing
// the value (as #seconds) in v.
NAString* convertToString(double v, NAMemory* h) const;
virtual Lng32 getPrecision() const { return SQLDTCODE_DATE; }
// get min and max value
virtual double getMinValue() const; // the encode for '0001-01-01'
virtual double getMaxValue() const; // the encode for '9999-12-31'
double encodeSqlLiteral(char* literal) const;
}; // class SQLDate
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
class SQLTime : public DatetimeType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLTime(NAMemory *h, NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
UInt32 fractionPrecision = DEFAULT_FRACTION_PRECISION)
: DatetimeType (h, LiteralTime,
// copy ctor
SQLTime (const SQLTime & rhs, NAMemory * h=0)
: DatetimeType (rhs, h)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(NAMemory* h=0) const
{ return new (h) SQLTime(*this, h); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method that returns the encoded form for a given value to be
// used by the optimizer for estimations.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual double encode (void* bufPtr) const;
// Method that returns a SQL Time literal representing
// the value (as #seconds with fractions) in v.
NAString* convertToString(double v, NAMemory* h) const;
virtual Lng32 getPrecision() const { return SQLDTCODE_TIME; }
virtual Lng32 getScale() const { return getFractionPrecision(); }
// get min and max value
virtual double getMinValue() const; // the encode for '00:00:00'
virtual double getMaxValue() const; // the encode for '23:59:59.<x>'
// where <x> is 99...9 with
// the number of digits '9'
// specified by the fraction precision.
double encodeSqlLiteral(char* literal) const;
}; // class SQLTime
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
class SQLTimestamp : public DatetimeType
enum { DEFAULT_FRACTION_PRECISION = 6 }; // See ANSI 6.1 SR 25: six
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLTimestamp(NAMemory *h, NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
UInt32 fractionPrecision = DEFAULT_FRACTION_PRECISION)
: DatetimeType (h, LiteralTimestamp,
// copy ctor
SQLTimestamp (const SQLTimestamp & rhs, NAMemory * h=0) :
DatetimeType (rhs, h)
SQLTimestamp & operator= (const SQLTimestamp &) ; // not written
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(NAMemory* h=0) const
{ return new (h) SQLTimestamp(*this, h); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method that returns the encoded form for a given value to be
// used by the optimizer for estimations.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual double encode (void* bufPtr) const;
// Method that returns a SQL timestamp literal representing
// the value in v.
NAString* convertToString(double v, NAMemory* h) const;
virtual Lng32 getPrecision() const { return SQLDTCODE_TIMESTAMP; }
virtual Lng32 getScale() const { return getFractionPrecision(); }
// get the min value, the encode for '0001-01-01 00:00:00'
virtual double getMinValue() const;
// get the max value, the encode for '9999-12-31 23:59:59.<x>',
// where <x> is 99...9 with the number of digits '9' specified
// by fraction precision
virtual double getMaxValue() const;
double encodeSqlLiteral(char* literal) const;
}; // class SQLTimestamp
// ***********************************************************************
// SQLMPDatetime : A Datetype for non-ANSI SQL/MP Datetimes
// ***********************************************************************
class SQLMPDatetime : public DatetimeType
SQLMPDatetime(NAMemory *h, rec_datetime_field startField,
rec_datetime_field endField,
NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
UInt32 fractionPrecision = DEFAULT_FRACTION_PRECISION)
: DatetimeType (h, LiteralDateTime,
((endField >= REC_DATE_SECOND) ?
fractionPrecision :
SQLMPDatetime (const SQLMPDatetime & rhs, NAMemory * h=0)
: DatetimeType (rhs, h)
virtual NAType *newCopy(NAMemory* h=0) const
{ return new (h) SQLMPDatetime(*this, h); }
virtual double encode (void* bufPtr) const;
virtual Lng32 getPrecision() const { return SQLDTCODE_MPDATETIME; }
virtual Lng32 getScale() const { return getFractionPrecision(); }
virtual NABoolean isCompatible(const NAType& other, UInt32 * flags = NULL) const;
virtual const NAType* synthesizeType(enum NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule, // in common\DateTime.cpp
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
NAMemory* h,
UInt32 *flags = NULL
) const;
virtual NABoolean isSupportedType() const;
// ***********************************************************************
// DatetimeValue : A datetime value
// ***********************************************************************
class DatetimeValue
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Datetime fields.
// Note that DatetimeField::YEAR == 0,
// while rec_datetime_field::REC_DATE_YEAR == 1, and so forth.
// These are used to index some static arrays in the .C implementation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
enum DatetimeField { YEAR = 0, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, FRACTION };
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
DatetimeValue (const char* strValue,
rec_datetime_field startField,
rec_datetime_field endField,
UInt32& fractionPrecision /* OUT */,
NABoolean useOldConstructor);
DatetimeValue (const char* value,
Lng32 storageSize);
void oldConstructor(const char* strValue,
rec_datetime_field startField,
rec_datetime_field endField,
UInt32& fractionPrecision /* OUT */);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
delete [] value_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void setValue(rec_datetime_field startField,
rec_datetime_field endField,
UInt32 fractionPrecision,
const ULng32 values[]);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const unsigned char* getValue() const { return value_; }
unsigned short getValueLen() const { return valueLen_; }
NABoolean isValid() const { return value_ != NULL; }
NAString getValueAsString(const DatetimeType& dt) const;
void print(const DatetimeType& dt,
FILE* ofd = stdout, const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static function to get the datetime fields from a Julian timestamp into
// an array suitable for input to setValue().
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
static void decodeTimestamp(Int64 julianTimestamp,
UInt32 fracSec,
UInt32* dtvFields);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Datetime formats.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
enum DatetimeFormat {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scan the date.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean scanDate(const char* &strValue,
DatetimeFormat &format,
ULng32 values[]) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scan the given character.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean scanChar(const char* &strValue, char c) const
if (*strValue == c) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scan the time.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean scanTime(const char* &strValue,
DatetimeFormat format,
ULng32 values[],
UInt32 &fractionPrecision) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scan the given field.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean scanField(const char* &strValue,
DatetimeField field,
ULng32 values[]) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine if the type contains the indicated field.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean containsField(DatetimeField theField,
rec_datetime_field startField,
rec_datetime_field endField) const
if (theField+1 >= startField && theField+1 <= endField)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Validate the date.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean validateDate(const ULng32 values[]) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Datetime value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned char* value_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Length of value in bytes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned short valueLen_;
rec_datetime_field startField_;
rec_datetime_field endField_;
}; // class DatetimeValue
#endif /* DATETIMETYPE_H */