blob: 648bf6c6bf49c662d6d8a6a1ab47064d673e248b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
// MODULE: CSrvrStmt.h
// PURPOSE: Defines CSrvrStmt class
#include <platform_ndcs.h>
//#include <winbase.h>
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
#include "sqlcli.h"
#include "Global.h"
#include "cee.h"
#include "odbcCommon.h"
#include "odbcsrvrcommon.h"
#include "odbc_sv.h"
#include "DrvrSrvr.h"
#include "QSInOutParam.h"
typedef void (*SrvrflushQueryHandle) (Long);
#define Allocate_Statement_Handle 0
#define Fetch_Catalog_Rowset 99
typedef struct ROWSET_ERROR_NODE {
rowNumber = 0;
SQLError.errorList._length = 0;
SQLError.errorList._buffer = NULL;
nextNode = NULL;
Int32 rowNumber;
odbc_SQLSvc_SQLError SQLError;
typedef struct ROWSET_ERROR_LIST {
nodeCount = 0;
firstNode = NULL;
UInt32 nodeCount;
short stmtType;
short cursorNameLen;
char cursorName[MAX_CURSOR_NAME_LEN+1];
char previousCursorName[MAX_CURSOR_NAME_LEN+1];
short stmtNameLen;
char stmtName[MAX_STMT_NAME_LEN+1];
Int32 paramCount;
Int32 columnCount;
SQLDESC_ID inputDesc ;
SQLDESC_ID outputDesc;
BYTE *inputDescVarBuffer; // Data Buffer for input values
Int32 inputDescVarBufferLen;
Int32 inputDescIndBufferLen;
BYTE *outputDescVarBuffer; // Data Buffer for output values
Int32 outputDescVarBufferLen;
Int32 outputDescIndBufferLen;
BOOL isReadFromModule;
// Control Values
short currentMethod;
HANDLE asyncThread;
HANDLE queryTimeoutThread;
DWORD threadStatus;
DWORD threadId;
SQLRETURN threadReturnCode;
// Input Values
short sqlAsyncEnable;
Int32 queryTimeout;
UInt32 sqlStringLen;
char *sqlString;
Int32 inputRowCnt;
Int32 maxRowCnt;
Int32 maxRowLen;
short sqlStmtType;
Int32 sqlQueryType;
Int32 inputDescBufferLength;
BYTE *inputDescBuffer;
Int32 outputDescBufferLength;
BYTE *outputDescBuffer;
Int32 sqlWarningOrErrorLength;
BYTE *sqlWarningOrError;
Int32 delayedSqlWarningOrErrorLength;
BYTE *delayedSqlWarningOrError;
// child query visibility
Int32 sqlSubQueryType;
// The below has been added to avoid too many code changes to support the new
// SQL_EXE_UTIL query type(for MAINTAIN, REORG etc.), which needs to be treated
// similar to SQL_SELECT_NON_UNIQUE. Only used in
// QSInterfaceDrvr.cpp->qrysrvc_WouldLikeToExecute() for WMS.
Int32 sqlNewQueryType;
bool bLowCost; // Based on DSN setting for cost - Skip generating 21036 message if cost/time is less
__int64 cliStartTime;
__int64 cliEndTime;
__int64 cliElapseTime;
bool sqlBulkFetchPossible;
bool bFirstSqlBulkFetch;
Int32 sqlUniqueQueryIDLen;
char sqlUniqueQueryID[MAX_QUERY_NAME_LEN + 1]; // Since measure can accept up to 776 bytes.
unsigned short freeResourceOpt;
SQLValueList_def inputValueList;
Int32 maxRowsetSize;
short RowsetFetchRetcode;
short PerfFetchRetcode;
// output Values
Int32 rowsAffected;
Int32 rowsAffectedHigherBytes; // Combine both rowsAffected and rowsAffectedHigherBytes as __int64 when interface between drvr/srvr changes
Int32 delayedRowsAffected;
SQLItemDescList_def inputDescList;
SQLItemDescList_def outputDescList;
RES_HIT_DESC_def rgPolicyHit;
ERROR_DESC_LIST_def sqlWarning;
odbc_SQLSvc_SQLError sqlError;
SQLValueList_def outputValueList;
BYTE *outputValueVarBuffer;
BYTE *inputValueVarBuffer;
// language (character set) specific variables
UInt32 clientLCID;
SQLMODULE_ID moduleId; // Should we keep it separately
char moduleName[MAX_MODULE_NAME_LEN+1];
char inputDescName[MAX_DESC_NAME_LEN+1];
char outputDescName[MAX_DESC_NAME_LEN+1];
char isClosed;
// for Genus
SQLHANDLE GN_stmtDrvrHandle;
Int32 GN_maxRowsetSize;
Int32 GN_currentRowsetSize;
struct SQLCLI_QUAD_FIELDS *GN_SelectParamQuadFields;
// for NONATOMIC rowset recovery
// false if after prepare we get following error codes:
// 30026, 30028, 30033, 30034 and 30029 ? // Based on SQL group input disabling the 30027 check and make it RFE in Executor. Enable it back once Executor supports it.
bool NA_supported;
ROWSET_ERROR_LIST rowsetErrorList;
Int32 estRowLength;
bool bSQLMessageSet;
bool bSQLValueListSet;
bool preparedWithRowsets;
struct SQLCLI_QUAD_FIELDS *inputQuadList;
struct SQLCLI_QUAD_FIELDS *inputQuadList_recover;
BYTE *transportBuffer;
Int32 transportBufferLen;
struct SQLCLI_QUAD_FIELDS *outputQuadList;
BYTE *outputBuffer;
Int32 outputBufferLength;
Int32 returnCodeForDelayedError; // for the hash driver we need to save the returnCode
bool bFetchStarted;
// Added for MODE_SPECIAL_1 behavior
Int32 numErrRows;
BYTE *errRowsArray;
// The following elements apply to SPJ result sets
Int32 numResultSets; // If this is CALL statement, then the number of RS for this invocation
SRVR_STMT_HDL *previousSpjRs; // If this is SPJ RS, then the previous SPJ RS or CALL statement.
SRVR_STMT_HDL *nextSpjRs; // If this is CALL statement or SPJ RS, then the next SPJ RS
SQLSTMT_ID *callStmtId; // If this is an SPJ result set, then its CALL statement
SRVR_STMT_HDL *callStmtHandle; // If this is an SPJ result set, then its CALL statement handle
Int32 resultSetIndex;
char *sqlPlan;
UInt32 sqlPlanLen;
char *SpjProxySyntaxString; // SPJ Proxy Syntax String
Int32 SpjProxySyntaxStringLen; // SPJ Proxy Syntax String Len
// adaptive segment has been allocated by SQLPrepare
bool m_isAdaptiveSegmentAllocated;
bool m_need_21036_end_msg;
short m_adaptive_segment;
unsigned long m_internal_Id; // random number to identify the query in WMS
short m_aggPriority; // used for release aggregated queries
bool m_bSkipWouldLikeToExecute; // for this statement do not call WouldLikeToExecute
bool m_bDoneWouldLikeToExecute; // true when WouldLikeToexecute done on this statement
// QSCom conversion of virtual SELECTs statements to not use SQL.
void* m_result_set;
// WMS can limit number of fetched rows.
int64 m_curRowsFetched;
Int32 inState;
bool m_bNewQueryId;
char m_shortQueryText[RMS_STORE_SQL_SOURCE_LEN + 1];
long m_rmsSqlSourceLen;
Int32 current_holdableCursor;
Int32 holdableCursor;
// Added for "Single Row Per Query" project
unsigned short m_state; //state + substate
int64 m_wait_time; //in seconds
int64 m_hold_time; //in seconds
int64 m_suspended_time;//in seconds
int64 m_exec_time; //in seconds
int64 m_WMSstart_ts; //timestamp
unsigned short m_warnLevel;
UInt32 m_maxMemUsed;
int64 queryStartTime;
int64 queryEndTime;
int64 queryStartCpuTime;
int64 queryEndCpuTime;
bool m_bqueryFinish;
// Connection, Compilation, Execution rules
// rules - size is MAX_RULE_NAME_LEN + ':' + '99' or 'ALL' + '\0'
char m_con_rule_name[MAX_RULE_NAME_LEN + 1 + 3 + 1];
char m_cmp_rule_name[MAX_RULE_NAME_LEN + 1 + 3 + 1];
char m_exe_rule_name[MAX_RULE_NAME_LEN + 1 + 3 + 1];
EXEC_OVERFLOW m_execOverflow; //ssd overflow
int64 m_suspended_ts;
int64 m_released_ts;
int64 m_cancelled_ts;
bool m_query_rejected;
int64 m_lastQueryStartTime;
int64 m_lastQueryEndTime;
int64 m_lastQueryStartCpuTime;
int64 m_lastQueryEndCpuTime;
NDCS_SUBSTATE m_mxsrvr_substate;
// to flush query stmt
SrvrflushQueryHandle m_flushQuery;
// For setting special query for WMS
unsigned long querySpl;
bool m_pertable_stats; // true - WMS wrote perTableStats for this query.
// Added for 64-bit work
static IDL_long globalKey;
IDL_long myKey;
// An earlier fix had caused a regression where the warnings after a re-prepare was getting deleted during execute
// in turn causing the NAR tests to fail. Workaround now is to add a flag to indicate if that a warning occurred during rePrepare
// and should not be deleted.
bool reprepareWarn;
SQLRETURN Prepare(const char *inSqlString, short inStmtType, short inSqlAsyncEnable, Int32 inQueryTimeout);
SQLRETURN Execute(const char *inCursorName, IDL_long inputRowcnt, IDL_short sqlStmtType,
const SQLValueList_def *inputValueList,short inSqlAsyncEnable, Int32 inQueryTimeout);
SQLRETURN Close(unsigned short inFreeResourceOpt);
SQLRETURN Fetch(Int32 inMaxRowCnt, Int32 inMaxRowLen, short inSqlAsyncEnable, Int32 inQueryTimeout);
SQLRETURN ExecDirect(const char *inCursorName, const char *inSqlString, short inStmtType, IDL_short inSqlStmtType,
short inSqlAsyncEnable, Int32 inQueryTimeout);
void cleanupSQLMessage();
void cleanupSQLValueList();
void cleanupSQLDescList();
void cleanupAll();
// language (character set) specific functions
Int32 GetCharset();
// set the clientLCIDvalue
void setclientLCID(UInt32 value);
// Performance
SQLRETURN FetchPerf(Int32 inMaxRowCnt, Int32 inMaxRowLen, short inSqlAsyncEnable, Int32 inQueryTimeout);
// Rowset
SQLRETURN ExecuteRowset(const char *inCursorName, IDL_long inInputRowCnt, IDL_short inSqlStmtType,
const SQL_DataValue_def *inDataValue,
short inSqlAsyncEnable, Int32 inQueryTimeout);
// Modules
SQLRETURN PrepareFromModule(short stmtType);
SQLRETURN InternalStmtClose(unsigned short inFreeResourceOpt);
SQLRETURN freeBuffers(short descType);
SQLRETURN allocSqlmxHdls(const char *stmtName, const char *moduleName, int64 moduleTimestamp,
Int32 moduleVersion, const char *inputDescName, const char *outputDescName,
short sqlStmtType);
SQL_DataValue_def outputDataValue;
SQL_DataValue_def inputDataValue;
SQL_DataValue_def delayedOutputDataValue;
SQLRETURN ExecuteCall(const SQLValueList_def *inValueList,short inSqlAsyncEnable,
Int32 inQueryTimeout);
SQLRETURN FetchCatalogRowset(Int32 inMaxRowCnt, Int32 inMaxRowLen, short inSqlAsyncEnable, Int32 inQueryTimeout, bool resetValues);
//extern DWORD WINAPI ThreadControlProc(LPVOID pParam);
//extern DWORD WINAPI doQueryTimeout(LPVOID pParam);
namespace SRVR {
DWORD WINAPI ControlProc(LPVOID pParam);