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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: StmtDDLCreateView.h
* Description: class for parse nodes representing Create View
* statements
* Also contains definitions of classes describing
* the view usages information.
* Created: 1/5/96
* Language: C++
#include "ComASSERT.h"
#include "ComOperators.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "ElemDDLColViewDefArray.h"
#include "ElemDDLLocation.h"
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "ObjectNames.h"
#include "ParNameLocList.h"
#include "ParTableUsageList.h"
#include "RelExpr.h"
#include "StmtDDLNode.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLCreateView;
class ParViewColTablesUsage;
class ParViewColTablesUsageList;
class ParViewColTableColsUsage;
class ParViewColTableColsUsageList;
class ParViewTableColsUsage;
class ParViewTableColsUsageList;
class ParViewUsages;
extern NABoolean ParIsTracingViewUsages();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// None
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definition of class ParViewTableColsUsage
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ParViewTableColsUsage : public NABasicObject
// default constructor
ParViewTableColsUsage(CollHeap * h=PARSERHEAP());
// initialize constructor
ParViewTableColsUsage(const ColRefName &colName, CollHeap * h=PARSERHEAP());
// copy ctor
ParViewTableColsUsage (const ParViewTableColsUsage & orig,
CollHeap * h=PARSERHEAP()) ; // not written
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ParViewTableColsUsage();
// operator
NABoolean operator==(const ParViewTableColsUsage &rhs) const;
// accessors
inline const NAString & getColumnName() const;
// returns the referenced column name in internal format.
inline const ExtendedQualName & getTableQualName() const;
// returns the referenced table name in QualifedName format.
// mutators
inline void setColumnName(const NAString &colName);
inline void setTableName(const ExtendedQualName &tableQualName);
ExtendedQualName tableName_;
NAString columnName_;
}; // class ParViewTableColsUsage
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definition of class ParViewTableColsUsageList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ParViewTableColsUsageList : private LIST(ParViewTableColsUsage *)
// constructor
ParViewTableColsUsageList(CollHeap *heap = PARSERHEAP());
// heap specifies the heap to allocate space for objects
// pointed by the elements in this list.
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ParViewTableColsUsageList();
// operators
inline const ParViewTableColsUsage & operator[](CollIndex index) const;
inline ParViewTableColsUsage & operator[](CollIndex index);
// accessors
inline CollIndex entries() const;
inline const ParViewTableColsUsage * const find(const ColRefName &
colName) const;
ParViewTableColsUsage * const find(const ColRefName &colName);
// returns the pointer pointing to the ParViewTableColsUsage
// element in the list containing the specified colName;
// returns the NULL pointer value if not found.
// mutator
NABoolean insert(const ColRefName &columnName);
// 1. If columeName is not in the list, inserts it to the end of
// the list and return TRUE.
// 2. If the columnName is already in the list, returns FALSE.
ParViewTableColsUsageList(const ParViewTableColsUsageList &); // DO NOT USE
ParViewTableColsUsageList & operator=
(const ParViewTableColsUsageList &); // DO NOT USE
// heap to allocate space for objects pointed by elements in the list.
CollHeap * heap_;
}; // class ParViewTableColsUsageList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// View Column Tables Usage
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ParViewColTablesUsage : public NABasicObject
// constructors
ParViewColTablesUsage(CollHeap * h=PARSERHEAP());
ParViewColTablesUsage(const CollIndex usingViewColNum,
const ExtendedQualName &usedObjName,
CollHeap * h=PARSERHEAP());
// copy ctor
ParViewColTablesUsage (const ParViewColTablesUsage & orig, CollHeap * h=PARSERHEAP()) ;
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ParViewColTablesUsage();
// operator
NABoolean operator==(const ParViewColTablesUsage &rhs) const;
// accessors
inline const CollIndex getUsingViewColumnNumber() const;
inline const ExtendedQualName & getUsedObjectName() const;
// mutators
inline void setUsingViewColumnNumber(const CollIndex usingColNum);
inline void setUsedObjectName(const ExtendedQualName &usedObjName);
CollIndex usingViewColumnNumber_;
ExtendedQualName usedObjectName_;
}; // class ParViewColTablesUsage
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// View Column Table Columns Usage List
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ParViewColTablesUsageList : private LIST(ParViewColTablesUsage *)
// constructor
ParViewColTablesUsageList(CollHeap *heap = PARSERHEAP());
// heap specifies the heap to allocate space for objects
// pointed by the elements in this list.
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ParViewColTablesUsageList();
// operators
inline const ParViewColTablesUsage & operator[](CollIndex index)
inline ParViewColTablesUsage & operator[](CollIndex index);
// accessors
inline CollIndex entries() const;
const ParViewColTablesUsage * const find(const CollIndex usingViewColNum)
ParViewColTablesUsage * const find(const CollIndex usingViewColNum);
// returns the pointer pointing to the ParViewColTablesUsage
// element in the list containing the specified usingViewColNum.
// returns the NULL pointer value if not found.
// mutator
NABoolean insert(const CollIndex usingViewColumnNumber,
const ExtendedQualName &usedObjectName);
// inserts to the list and returns TRUE if not in the list;
// otherwise, returns FALSE.
ParViewColTablesUsageList(const ParViewColTablesUsageList &); // DO NOT USE
ParViewColTablesUsageList & operator=
(const ParViewColTablesUsageList &); // DO NOT USE
// heap to allocate space for objects pointed by elements in the list.
CollHeap * heap_;
}; // class ParViewColTablesUsageList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// View Column Table Columns Usage
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ParViewColTableColsUsage : public NABasicObject
// constructors
ParViewColTableColsUsage(CollHeap * h=PARSERHEAP());
ParViewColTableColsUsage(const CollIndex usingViewColumnNumber,
const ColRefName &usedObjectColumnName,
CollHeap * h=PARSERHEAP());
// copy ctor
ParViewColTableColsUsage (const ParViewColTableColsUsage & orig, CollHeap * h=PARSERHEAP()) ;
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ParViewColTableColsUsage();
// operator
NABoolean operator==(const ParViewColTableColsUsage &rhs) const;
// accessors
inline const CollIndex getUsingViewColumnNumber() const;
inline const ColRefName & getUsedObjectColumnName() const;
// mutators
inline void setUsingViewColumnNumber(const CollIndex colNum);
inline void setUsedObjectColumnName(const ColRefName &colRefName);
CollIndex usingViewColumnNumber_;
ColRefName usedObjectColumnName_;
}; // class ParViewColTableColsUsage
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// View Column Table Columns Usage List
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ParViewColTableColsUsageList : private LIST(ParViewColTableColsUsage *)
// constructor
ParViewColTableColsUsageList(CollHeap *heap = PARSERHEAP());
// heap specifies the heap to allocate space for objects
// pointed by the elements in this list.
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ParViewColTableColsUsageList();
// operators
inline const ParViewColTableColsUsage & operator[](CollIndex index)
inline ParViewColTableColsUsage & operator[](CollIndex index);
// accessors
inline CollIndex entries() const;
const ParViewColTableColsUsage * const find(const CollIndex usingViewColNum)
ParViewColTableColsUsage * const find(const CollIndex usingViewColNum);
// returns the pointer pointing to the ParViewColTableColsUsage
// element in the list containing the specified usingViewColNum.
// Returns the NULL pointer value if not found.
const ParViewColTableColsUsage * const find(const CollIndex usingViewColNum,
const ColRefName &usedColRefName)
ParViewColTableColsUsage * const find(const CollIndex usingViewColNum,
const ColRefName &usedColRefName);
// returns the pointer pointing to the ParViewColTableColsUsage
// element in the list containing the specified usingViewColNum,
// the usedColRefName.getCorrNameObj().getQualifiedNameObj(), and
// the usedColRefName.getColName() values. Returns the NULL
// pointer value if not found.
const CollIndex getIndex(const CollIndex usingViewColumnNumber) const;
// returns the index to the first entry of the list of elements
// containing the usingViewColumnNumber; returns NULL_COLL_INDEX
// if not found.
const CollIndex getIndexOfNextElem(const CollIndex
usingViewColumnNumber) const;
// returns the index to the first entry of the list of elements
// containing the using-view-column-number that is greater than
// usingViewColumnNumber; returns NULL_COLL_INDEX if
// usingViewColumnNumber is the biggest value so far (or if the
// list is currently empty).
// mutators
void clear();
// destroys all elements in the list.
NABoolean insert(const CollIndex usingViewColumnNumber,
const ColRefName &usedObjectColumnName);
// inserts to the list and returns TRUE if not in the list;
// otherwise, returns FALSE.
(const ParViewColTableColsUsageList &); // DO NOT USE
ParViewColTableColsUsageList & operator=
(const ParViewColTableColsUsageList &); // DO NOT USE
// heap to allocate space for objects pointed by elements in the list.
CollHeap * heap_;
}; // class ParViewColTableColsUsageList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// View Usages
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ParViewUsages : public NABasicObject
ParViewUsages(CollHeap * heap = PARSERHEAP());
virtual ~ParViewUsages();
// accessors
inline CollIndex getCurViewColNum() const; // for Binder use only
inline const ExtendedQualName *getUsedTableNamePtr
(const ExtendedQualName &tableName) const;
inline const ParViewTableColsUsageList & getViewTableColsUsageList() const;
inline ParViewTableColsUsageList & getViewTableColsUsageList();
inline const ParTableUsageList & getViewTableUsageList() const;
inline ParTableUsageList & getViewTableUsageList();
inline const ParViewColTablesUsageList & getViewColTablesUsageList() const;
inline ParViewColTablesUsageList & getViewColTablesUsageList();
const ParViewColTableColsUsageList & getViewColTableColsUsageList()
ParViewColTableColsUsageList & getViewColTableColsUsageList();
inline NABoolean isItmColRefInColInRowVals() const; // Binder use only
inline NABoolean isViewSurelyNotUpdatable() const; // Binder use only
// Please note the we don't know whether view is updatable or not
// until we are done with the Normalization phase. This method,
// therefore, cannot provide accurrate information. Without knowing
// for sure if the view is not updatable, the binder has to collect
// the view-column-table-columns-usage information even though this
// information is not needed if the view is not updatable. Collecting
// this information is not an easy task because non-updatable view
// can be pretty complex. However, in certain cases, the binder can
// find out that a view is not updatable; for example, the query
// expression contains natural join operation. To make the binder's
// task simpler, the binder will stop collection the view-column-
// table-columns-usage information as soon as it knows.
// mutators
inline void setCurViewColNum(const CollIndex curVwColNum); // Binder
inline void setItmColRefInColInRowValsFlag(const NABoolean // Binder
isItmColRef); // use only
inline void setViewIsSurelyNotUpdatableFlag(); // for Binder use only
// Please see comments for method isViewSurelyNotUpdatable()
ParTableUsageList usedTableNameList_;
ParViewTableColsUsageList usedColRefList_;
ParViewColTablesUsageList viewColTablesUsageList_;
ParViewColTableColsUsageList viewColTableColsUsageList_;
// information about the order number of the view column
// in the view column list (the order number of the leftmost
// column is 0). This field is set to NULL_COLL_INDEX if
// not processing view column list. This data member
// is used during the Binding phase only.
CollIndex curViewColNum_;
// The following data member is used in the Binding phase to
// find out whether the current column in the bindRowValues()
// is an ITM_REFERENCE (either a column reference or a star
// column reference) or not (e.g., a complex item expression).
NABoolean isItmColRefInColInRowVals_;
// see comments for method isViewSurelyNotUpdatable()
NABoolean isViewSurelyNotUpdatable_;
}; // class ParViewUsages
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create View statement
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLCreateView : public StmtDDLNode
// constructor
StmtDDLCreateView(const QualifiedName & viewName,
const ParNameLocList & nameLocList,
ElemDDLNode * optionalViewColumnList,
ElemDDLNode * optionalLocationClause,
RelExpr * queryExpression,
ElemDDLNode * optionalWithCheckOption,
ComCreateViewBehavior createViewBehavior,
ElemDDLNode *pOptionalOwner,
CollHeap * heap = PARSERHEAP());
// virtual destructor
virtual ~StmtDDLCreateView();
// cast
virtual StmtDDLCreateView * castToStmtDDLCreateView();
// pointers to child parse nodes (getChild and setChild methods)
// accessors
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
inline NABoolean getIsUpdatable() const { return isUpdatable_; }
inline NABoolean getIsInsertable() const { return isInsertable_; }
inline ComLevels getCheckOptionLevel() const;
// returns the Check Option level when the With Check
// Option clause appears in the Create View statement
// (the default is COM_CASCADED_LEVEL); otherwise,
virtual ExprNode * getChild(Lng32 index);
inline CollIndex getCurViewColNum() const; // for Binder use only
inline const StringPos getEndPosition() const;
// returns the ending position (the position of the
// last character) of the statement (within the input
// string)
inline const NAString & getLocation() const;
// returns the location name specified in the LOCATION
// clause/phrase associating with the view; returns an
// empty string if the LOCATION clause does not appear.
inline ElemDDLLocation::locationNameTypeEnum getLocationNameType() const;
// returns the type of the location name (e.g., an OSS
// path name, a Guardian device name, an OSS environment
// variable name, etc.) If LOCATION clause does not
// appear, the returned value has no meaning.
inline const NABoolean isCreateView() const;
inline const NABoolean isCreateSystemView() const;
inline const NABoolean isCreateOrReplaceView() const;
inline const NABoolean isCreateOrReplaceViewCascade() const;
inline const ComCreateViewBehavior getCreateViewBehavior() const;
inline const ParNameLocList & getNameLocList() const;
inline ParNameLocList & getNameLocList();
// returns a list of locations of names appearing in
// the statement input string. The list helps with
// the computing of the view text.
inline const RelExpr * getQueryExpression() const;
inline RelExpr * getQueryExpression();
// returns the pointer pointing to the parse sub-tree
// representing the query expression in the view
// definition.
inline const StringPos getStartPosition() const;
// returns the starting position (the position of the
// first character) of the statement (within the
// input string)
inline const ElemDDLColViewDefArray & getViewColDefArray() const;
inline ElemDDLColViewDefArray & getViewColDefArray();
// returns an array of pointers pointing to the Column
// Name parse nodes. If the View Column List phrase
// is not specified in the Create View statement,
// returns an empty array.
inline const NAString getViewName() const;
// returns the name of the defined view.
inline const QualifiedName & getViewNameAsQualifiedName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getViewNameAsQualifiedName();
// returns the name of the defined view in
// QualifiedName format
inline const ParViewUsages & getViewUsages() const;
inline ParViewUsages & getViewUsages();
// returns the UDF usage list
inline const LIST(OptUDFInfo *) &getUDFList() const;
inline LIST(OptUDFInfo *) &getUDFList();
// returns the view usages information after the parse
// node is bound; returns an empty object otherwise.
inline NABoolean isItmColRefInColInRowVals() const; // for Binder use only
inline NABoolean isLocationSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the location clause/phrase appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isProcessingViewColList() const;
// This method is used during the Binding phase to help
// with collecting view column usage information
inline NABoolean isWithCheckOptionSpecified() const;
// returns FALSE if the With ... Check Option clause
// is not specified in the Create View Statement;
// returns TRUE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isOwnerSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the BY <owner> phrase appears
// in the Create statement; returns FALSE otherwise.
inline const ElemDDLGrantee *getOwner() const;
// returns pointer to the optional "by owner"
// (in the form of an ElemDDLGrantee).
// mutators
void incrCurViewColNum();
inline void resetCurViewColNum();
virtual void setChild(Lng32 index, ExprNode * pChildNode);
inline void setCurViewColNum(const CollIndex curVwCol); // for Binder use
inline void setItmColRefInColInRowValsFlag(const NABoolean // for Binder
isItmColRef); // use only
inline void setEndPosition(const StringPos endPos);
// sets the ending position (the position of the
// last character) of the statement (within the
// input string)
inline void setStartPosition(const StringPos startPos);
// sets the starting position (the position of the
// first character) of the statement (within the
// input string)
// method for binding
ExprNode * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// method for collecting information
void synthesize();
// collects information in the parse sub-tree and
// copy/move them to the current parse node.
// methods for tracing
virtual const NAString displayLabel1() const;
virtual const NAString displayLabel2() const;
virtual const NAString displayLabel3() const;
virtual NATraceList getDetailInfo() const;
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// default constructor
StmtDDLCreateView(); // DO NOT USE
// assignment operator
StmtDDLCreateView & operator==(const StmtDDLCreateView &rhs); // DO NOT USE
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private data members
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
QualifiedName viewQualName_;
// information extracted from View Column List parse sub-tree
ElemDDLColViewDefArray columnDefArray_;
// information extracted from the optional LOCATION clause
NABoolean isLocationClauseSpec_;
NAString locationName_;
ElemDDLLocation::locationNameTypeEnum locationNameType_;
ComCreateViewBehavior createViewBehavior_;
// information derived from With Check Option (child) parse node
ComLevels checkOptionLevel_;
// information about the position of the name within the input
// string (to help with computing the view text)
ParNameLocList nameLocList_;
StringPos startPos_;
StringPos endPos_;
// Updatable/insertable flags, set by Bind/Transform step
NABoolean isUpdatable_;
NABoolean isInsertable_;
// view usages information
ParViewUsages viewUsages_;
// pointers to child parse nodes
ElemDDLNode * pViewColumnList_;
ElemDDLNode * pLocationClause_;
RelExpr * pQueryExpression_;
ElemDDLNode * pWithCheckOption_;
ElemDDLGrantee * pOwner_;
// All UDF's referenced in a statement
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
LIST(OptUDFInfo *) udfList_;
}; // class StmtDDLCreateView
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class ParViewTableColsUsage
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessors
inline const NAString &
ParViewTableColsUsage::getColumnName() const
return columnName_;
inline const ExtendedQualName &
ParViewTableColsUsage::getTableQualName() const
return tableName_;
// mutators
inline void
ParViewTableColsUsage::setColumnName(const NAString &colName)
columnName_ = colName;
inline void
ParViewTableColsUsage::setTableName(const ExtendedQualName &tableQualName)
tableName_ = tableQualName;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class ParViewTableColsUsageList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// operators
inline const ParViewTableColsUsage &
ParViewTableColsUsageList::operator[](CollIndex index) const
return *(LIST(ParViewTableColsUsage *)::operator[](index));
inline ParViewTableColsUsage &
ParViewTableColsUsageList::operator[](CollIndex index)
return *(LIST(ParViewTableColsUsage *)::operator[](index));
// accessors
inline CollIndex
ParViewTableColsUsageList::entries() const
return LIST(ParViewTableColsUsage *)::entries();
inline const ParViewTableColsUsage * const
ParViewTableColsUsageList::find(const ColRefName &colName) const
return ((ParViewTableColsUsageList *)this)->find(colName);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class ViewColTablesUsage
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessors
inline const CollIndex
ParViewColTablesUsage::getUsingViewColumnNumber() const
return usingViewColumnNumber_;
inline const ExtendedQualName &
ParViewColTablesUsage::getUsedObjectName() const
return usedObjectName_;
// mutators
inline void
ParViewColTablesUsage::setUsingViewColumnNumber(const CollIndex usingColNum)
usingViewColumnNumber_ = usingColNum;
inline void
ParViewColTablesUsage::setUsedObjectName(const ExtendedQualName &usedObjName)
usedObjectName_ = usedObjName;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class ParViewColTablesUsageList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline CollIndex
ParViewColTablesUsageList::entries() const
return LIST(ParViewColTablesUsage *)::entries();
inline const ParViewColTablesUsage &
ParViewColTablesUsageList::operator[](CollIndex index) const
return *(LIST(ParViewColTablesUsage *)::operator[](index));
inline ParViewColTablesUsage &
ParViewColTablesUsageList::operator[](CollIndex index)
return *(LIST(ParViewColTablesUsage *)::operator[](index));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class ViewColTableColsUsage
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessors
inline const CollIndex
ParViewColTableColsUsage::getUsingViewColumnNumber() const
return usingViewColumnNumber_;
inline const ColRefName &
ParViewColTableColsUsage::getUsedObjectColumnName() const
return usedObjectColumnName_;
// mutators
inline void
ParViewColTableColsUsage::setUsingViewColumnNumber(const CollIndex colNum)
usingViewColumnNumber_ = colNum;
inline void
ParViewColTableColsUsage::setUsedObjectColumnName(const ColRefName &colRefName)
usedObjectColumnName_ = colRefName;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class ParViewColTableColsUsageList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// operators
inline const ParViewColTableColsUsage &
ParViewColTableColsUsageList::operator[](CollIndex index) const
return *(LIST(ParViewColTableColsUsage *)::operator[](index));
inline ParViewColTableColsUsage &
ParViewColTableColsUsageList::operator[](CollIndex index)
return *(LIST(ParViewColTableColsUsage *)::operator[](index));
// accessors
inline CollIndex
ParViewColTableColsUsageList::entries() const
return LIST(ParViewColTableColsUsage *)::entries();
inline const ParViewColTableColsUsage * const
ParViewColTableColsUsageList::find(const CollIndex usingViewColNum) const
return ((ParViewColTableColsUsageList *)this)->find(usingViewColNum);
inline const ParViewColTableColsUsage * const
ParViewColTableColsUsageList::find(const CollIndex usingViewColNum,
const ColRefName &usedColRefName) const
return ((ParViewColTableColsUsageList *)this)->find(usingViewColNum,
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class ParViewUsages
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessors
inline CollIndex
ParViewUsages::getCurViewColNum() const
return curViewColNum_;
inline const ExtendedQualName *
ParViewUsages::getUsedTableNamePtr(const ExtendedQualName &tableName) const
return usedTableNameList_.find(tableName);
inline const ParViewTableColsUsageList &
ParViewUsages::getViewTableColsUsageList() const
return usedColRefList_;
inline ParViewTableColsUsageList &
return usedColRefList_;
inline const ParTableUsageList &
ParViewUsages::getViewTableUsageList() const
return usedTableNameList_;
inline ParTableUsageList &
return usedTableNameList_;
inline const ParViewColTablesUsageList &
ParViewUsages::getViewColTablesUsageList() const
return viewColTablesUsageList_;
inline ParViewColTablesUsageList &
return viewColTablesUsageList_;
#if 0 // KSKSKS
inline const ParViewColTableColsUsageList &
ParViewUsages::getViewColTableColsUsageList() const
return viewColTableColsUsageList_;
inline ParViewColTableColsUsageList &
return viewColTableColsUsageList_;
#endif // KSKSKS
inline NABoolean
ParViewUsages::isItmColRefInColInRowVals() const
return isItmColRefInColInRowVals_;
inline NABoolean
ParViewUsages::isViewSurelyNotUpdatable() const
return isViewSurelyNotUpdatable_;
// mutators
inline void
ParViewUsages::setCurViewColNum(const CollIndex curVwCol)
curViewColNum_ = curVwCol;
inline void
ParViewUsages::setItmColRefInColInRowValsFlag(const NABoolean isItmColRef)
isItmColRefInColInRowVals_ = isItmColRef;
inline void
isViewSurelyNotUpdatable_ = TRUE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class StmtDDLCreateView
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessors
inline QualifiedName &
return viewQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLCreateView::getViewNameAsQualifiedName() const
return viewQualName_;
inline ComLevels
StmtDDLCreateView::getCheckOptionLevel() const
return checkOptionLevel_;
inline CollIndex
StmtDDLCreateView::getCurViewColNum() const
return getViewUsages().getCurViewColNum();
inline const StringPos
StmtDDLCreateView::getEndPosition() const
return endPos_;
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateView::getLocation() const
return locationName_;
inline ElemDDLLocation::locationNameTypeEnum
StmtDDLCreateView::getLocationNameType() const
return locationNameType_;
inline const ParNameLocList &
StmtDDLCreateView::getNameLocList() const
return nameLocList_;
inline ParNameLocList &
return nameLocList_;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateView::isCreateView() const
if(createViewBehavior_ == COM_CREATE_VIEW_BEHAVIOR)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateView::isCreateSystemView() const
if(createViewBehavior_ == COM_CREATE_SYSTEM_VIEW_BEHAVIOR)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateView::isCreateOrReplaceView() const
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateView::isCreateOrReplaceViewCascade() const
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
inline const ComCreateViewBehavior
StmtDDLCreateView::getCreateViewBehavior() const
return createViewBehavior_;
inline const RelExpr *
StmtDDLCreateView::getQueryExpression() const
return pQueryExpression_;
inline RelExpr *
return pQueryExpression_;
inline const StringPos
StmtDDLCreateView::getStartPosition() const
return startPos_;
inline const ElemDDLColViewDefArray &
StmtDDLCreateView::getViewColDefArray() const
return columnDefArray_;
inline ElemDDLColViewDefArray &
return columnDefArray_;
inline const NAString
StmtDDLCreateView::getViewName() const
return viewQualName_.getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString();
inline const ParViewUsages &
StmtDDLCreateView::getViewUsages() const
return viewUsages_;
inline ParViewUsages &
return viewUsages_;
inline const LIST(OptUDFInfo *) &
StmtDDLCreateView::getUDFList() const
return udfList_;
inline LIST(OptUDFInfo *) &
return udfList_;
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateView::isItmColRefInColInRowVals() const
return getViewUsages().isItmColRefInColInRowVals();
// is location clause/phrase specified?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateView::isLocationSpecified() const
return isLocationClauseSpec_;
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateView::isProcessingViewColList() const
return getCurViewColNum() NEQ NULL_COLL_INDEX;
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateView::isWithCheckOptionSpecified() const
if (pWithCheckOption_ NEQ NULL)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateView::isOwnerSpecified() const
return pOwner_ ? TRUE : FALSE;
inline const ElemDDLGrantee *
StmtDDLCreateView::getOwner() const
return pOwner_;
// mutators
inline void
inline void
StmtDDLCreateView::setCurViewColNum(const CollIndex curVwCol)
inline void
StmtDDLCreateView::setEndPosition(const StringPos endPos)
endPos_ = endPos;
inline void
StmtDDLCreateView::setItmColRefInColInRowValsFlag(const NABoolean isItmColRef)
inline void
StmtDDLCreateView::setStartPosition(const StringPos startPos)
startPos_ = startPos;