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/* -*-C++-*- */
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: StmtDDLCreateRoutine.h
* Description: class representing Create Routine Statement parser nodes
* Created: 9/23/99
* Language: C++
#include "ElemDDLNode.h"
#include "ElemDDLColRefArray.h"
#include "ElemDDLLocation.h"
#include "ElemDDLParamDefArray.h"
#include "NAString.h"
#include "ParDDLFileAttrsCreateIndex.h"
#include "StmtDDLNode.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create Routine statement
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLCreateRoutine : public StmtDDLNode
// initialize constructor
StmtDDLCreateRoutine(const QualifiedName & aRoutineName,
const QualifiedName & anActionName,
ElemDDLNode * pParamList,
ElemDDLNode * pReturnsList,
ElemDDLNode * pPassThroughParamList,
ElemDDLNode * pOptionList,
ComRoutineType rType,
CollHeap * heap);
// virtual destructor
virtual ~StmtDDLCreateRoutine();
// cast
virtual StmtDDLCreateRoutine * castToStmtDDLCreateRoutine();
// accessors
// methods relating to parse tree
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual ExprNode * getChild(Lng32 routine);
inline NABoolean isStmtDDLAlterRoutineParseNode() const;
inline const NAString getRoutineName() const;
inline const QualifiedName & getRoutineNameAsQualifiedName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getRoutineNameAsQualifiedName() ;
inline const NAString getActionNameAsAnsiString() const;
inline const QualifiedName & getActionNameAsQualifiedName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getActionNameAsQualifiedName() ;
// returns a NAList of ElemDDLParamDef parse nodes.
inline const ElemDDLParamDefArray & getParamArray() const;
inline ElemDDLParamDefArray & getParamArray();
// returns -1 if there is no RETURNed formal parameter list
inline const ComSInt32 getFirstReturnedParamPosWithinParamArray() const;
inline const NABoolean isReturnClauseSpecified() const
{ return (getFirstReturnedParamPosWithinParamArray() > 0); }
inline const ElemDDLPassThroughParamDefArray & getPassThroughParamArray() const;
inline ElemDDLPassThroughParamDefArray & getPassThroughParamArray();
inline const ComRoutineType getRoutineType(void) const;
inline const ComRoutineLanguage getLanguageType(void) const;
inline const NABoolean isLanguageTypeSpecified() const;
inline const NABoolean isDeterministic(void) const;
inline const ComRoutineSQLAccess getSqlAccess(void) const;
inline const NABoolean isCallOnNull(void) const;
inline const NABoolean isIsolate(void) const;
inline const ComRoutineParamStyle getParamStyle(void) const;
inline const NABoolean isParamStyleSpecified() const;
inline const NABoolean isFinalCall(void) const;
inline const ComRoutineParallelism getParallelism(void) const { return parallelism_; }
inline const NABoolean canBeParallel(void) const;
inline const ComRoutineTransactionAttributes getTransactionAttributes(void) const;
inline const ComSInt32 getMaxResults(void) const;
inline const ComSInt32 getStateAreaSize(void) const;
inline const NAString & getUdrAttributes(void) const;
inline const NAString & getSpecialAttributes(void) const;
inline NABoolean isSpecialAttributesSpecified() const;
inline const NAString & getExternalPath(void) const;
inline const NAString & getExternalName(void) const;
inline const NAString & getJavaClassName(void) const;
inline const NAString & getJavaMethodName(void) const;
inline const NAString & getJavaSignature(void) const;
inline const ComRoutineExternalSecurity getExternalSecurity(void) const { return externalSecurity_; }
inline NABoolean isLocationSpecified() const;
// returns an empty string unless the parse node
// is bound (the method bindNode is invoked).
// After the parse node is bound, returns the
// location of the primary partition in Guardian
// physical device name format. If the LOCATION
// clause is not specified, a default location is
// used.
inline const NAString & getGuardianLocation() const;
inline const QualifiedName & getLibraryName() const;
// returns location name if specified; otherwise,
// an empty string is returned.
inline const NAString & getLocation() const;
// returns location name if specified; otherwise,
// an empty string is returned.
inline NAString getLocationName() const;
// returns the type of the specified location name;
// e.g., a Guardian device name. If location clause
// is not specified, the returned value has no meaning.
ElemDDLLocation::locationNameTypeEnum getLocationNameType() const;
inline const ComSInt32 getParamStyleVersion(void) const { return paramStyleVersion_; }
inline const ComSInt32 getInitialCpuCost (void) const { return initialCpuCost_; }
inline const ComSInt32 getInitialIoCost (void) const { return initialIoCost_; }
inline const ComSInt32 getInitialMsgCost (void) const { return initialMsgCost_; }
inline const ComSInt32 getNormalCpuCost (void) const { return normalCpuCost_; }
inline const ComSInt32 getNormalIoCost (void) const { return normalIoCost_; }
inline const ComSInt32 getNormalMsgCost (void) const { return normalMsgCost_; }
inline const ComBoolean getIsUniversal (void) const { return isUniversal_; }
inline const ComBoolean getCanCollapse (void) const { return canCollapse_; }
inline const ComString & getUserVersion (void) const { return userVersion_; }
inline const ComString & getVersionTag (void) const { return userVersion_; }
inline const ComSInt32 getActionPosition (void) const { return actionPosition_; }
inline const ComRoutineExecutionMode getExecutionMode (void) const { return executionMode_; }
inline const NAList<ComSInt64> & getUniqueOutputValues(void) const { return uniqueOutputValues_; }
inline const NABoolean isOwnerSpecified() const;
inline const ElemDDLGrantee *getOwner() const;
inline const NAList<ComUudfParamKind> & getUudfParamKindList (void) const;
inline ElemDDLNode * getPassThroughInputsParseTree(void);
inline ElemDDLNode * getRoutineAttributesParseTree(void);
NABoolean createIfNotExists() { return createIfNotExists_; }
void setCreateIfNotExists(NABoolean v) { createIfNotExists_ = v; }
// mutators
inline void setRoutineType(ComRoutineType routineType);
inline void setUudfName(const QualifiedName &uudfQualName);
// methods relating to Parse trees
void setChild(Lng32 routine, ExprNode * newNode);
inline void setUudfParamKindList(ElemDDLNode *pElemDDL);
inline void setPassThroughInputsParseTree(ElemDDLNode *pElemDDL);
inline void setRoutineAttributesParseTree(ElemDDLNode *pElemDDL);
inline void setOwner(ElemDDLNode * pAuthID);
// method for binding
ExprNode * bindNode(BindWA * pBindWA);
// Method for collecting information
// Collects information in the parse sub-tree and
// copy/move them to the current parse node.
void synthesize(void);
void setRoutineOption(ElemDDLNode * pRoutineOption);
// methods for tracing
virtual const NAString displayLabel1(void) const;
virtual const NAString displayLabel2(void) const;
virtual NATraceList getDetailInfo(void) const;
virtual const NAString getText(void) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// please do not use the following methods
StmtDDLCreateRoutine(); // DO NOT USE
StmtDDLCreateRoutine(const StmtDDLCreateRoutine &); // DO NOT USE
StmtDDLCreateRoutine & operator=(const StmtDDLCreateRoutine &); // DO NOT USE
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// protected data members
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
QualifiedName routineQualName_;
QualifiedName actionQualName_; // Only used when routineType_ == COM_ACTION_UDF_TYPE
// list of parameters
// For UDF, includes the RETURNed formal parameters to the right of the list
ElemDDLParamDefArray paramArray_;
ComSInt32 firstReturnedParamPosWithinParamArray_;
// list of pass through parameters (specified in the definition of a routine);
// list of new parameters added to the existing ones when appearing within
// the alteration of a routine (e.g., in an ALTER FUNCTION statement).
ElemDDLPassThroughParamDefArray passThroughParamArray_;
ComRoutineType routineType_;
// LOCATION clause
NABoolean isLocationClauseSpec_;
NAString locationName_;
ElemDDLLocation::locationNameTypeEnum locationNameType_;
// guardianLocation_ is empty until the parse node is
// bound (the method bindNode() is invoked). The method
// bindNode() converts the specified location (in the
// LOCATION clause associating with the primary key) to
// a Guardian physical device and then saves the computed
// name in this data member. If the LOCATION clause does
// not appear, a default location name is selected.
NAString guardianLocation_;
// LANGUAGE clause
ComRoutineLanguage languageType_;
NABoolean languageTypeSpecified_;
NABoolean deterministic_;
NABoolean deterministicSpecified_;
ComRoutineSQLAccess sqlAccess_;
NABoolean sqlAccessSpecified_;
NABoolean callOnNull_;
NABoolean callOnNullSpecified_;
NABoolean isolate_;
NABoolean isolateSpecified_;
ComRoutineParamStyle paramStyle_;
NABoolean paramStyleSpecified_;
ComRoutineTransactionAttributes transactionAttributes_;
NABoolean transactionAttributesSpecified_;
ComSInt32 maxResults_;
NABoolean maxResultSetsSpecified_;
ComSInt32 stateAreaSize_;
NABoolean stateAreaSizeSpecified_;
NAString udrAttributes_;
NABoolean udrAttributesSpecified_;
NAString externalPath_;
NABoolean externalPathSpecified_;
NAString externalFile_;
NAString externalName_;
NABoolean externalNameSpecified_;
NAString javaClassName_;
NAString javaMethodName_;
NAString javaSignature_;
QualifiedName libraryName_;
NABoolean libraryNameSpecified_;
NABoolean finalCall_;
NABoolean finalCallSpecified_;
ComRoutineParallelism parallelism_;
NABoolean parallelismSpecified_;
ComSInt32 paramStyleVersion_;
NABoolean paramStyleVersionSpecified_;
ComSInt32 initialCpuCost_;
NABoolean initialCpuCostSpecified_;
ComSInt32 initialIoCost_;
NABoolean initialIoCostSpecified_;
ComSInt32 initialMsgCost_;
NABoolean initialMsgCostSpecified_;
ComSInt32 normalCpuCost_;
NABoolean normalCpuCostSpecified_;
ComSInt32 normalIoCost_;
NABoolean normalIoCostSpecified_;
ComSInt32 normalMsgCost_;
NABoolean normalMsgCostSpecified_;
ComBoolean isUniversal_;
NABoolean isUniversalSpecified_;
ComBoolean canCollapse_;
NABoolean canCollapseSpecified_;
ComString userVersion_;
NABoolean userVersionSpecified_;
ComRoutineExternalSecurity externalSecurity_;
NABoolean externalSecuritySpecified_;
ComSInt32 actionPosition_;
NABoolean actionPositionSpecified_;
ComRoutineExecutionMode executionMode_;
NABoolean executionModeSpecified_;
NAList<ComUudfParamKind> uudfParamKindList_;
NABoolean uudfParamKindListSpecified_;
NAList<ComSInt64> uniqueOutputValues_;
NABoolean numberOfUniqueOutputValuesSpecified_;
NAString specialAttributesText_;
NABoolean specialAttributesSpecified_;
ElemDDLGrantee *pOwner_;
NABoolean createIfNotExists_;
// pointers to child parse nodes
}; // class StmtDDLCreateRoutine
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class StmtDDLCreateRoutine
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline QualifiedName &
return routineQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getRoutineNameAsQualifiedName() const
return routineQualName_;
// get routine name
inline const NAString
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getRoutineName() const
return routineQualName_.getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString();
// get routine action name
inline const NAString
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getActionNameAsAnsiString() const
return actionQualName_.getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString();
inline QualifiedName &
return actionQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getActionNameAsQualifiedName() const
return actionQualName_;
inline const ElemDDLParamDefArray &
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getParamArray() const
return paramArray_;
inline ElemDDLParamDefArray &
return paramArray_;
inline const ComSInt32
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getFirstReturnedParamPosWithinParamArray() const
return firstReturnedParamPosWithinParamArray_;
inline const ElemDDLPassThroughParamDefArray &
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getPassThroughParamArray() const
return passThroughParamArray_;
inline ElemDDLPassThroughParamDefArray &
return passThroughParamArray_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getLibraryName() const
return libraryName_;
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getLocation() const
return locationName_;
inline NAString
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getLocationName() const
return locationName_;
inline ElemDDLLocation::locationNameTypeEnum
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getLocationNameType() const
return locationNameType_;
// is location clause specified?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::isLocationSpecified() const
return isLocationClauseSpec_;
inline const ComRoutineType
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getRoutineType(void) const
return routineType_;
inline const ComRoutineLanguage
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getLanguageType(void) const
return languageType_;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::isLanguageTypeSpecified() const
return languageTypeSpecified_;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::isDeterministic(void) const
return deterministic_;
inline const ComRoutineSQLAccess
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getSqlAccess(void) const
return sqlAccess_;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::isCallOnNull(void) const
return callOnNull_;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::isIsolate(void) const
return isolate_;
inline const ComRoutineParamStyle
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getParamStyle(void) const
return paramStyle_;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::isParamStyleSpecified() const
return paramStyleSpecified_;
inline const ComRoutineTransactionAttributes
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getTransactionAttributes(void) const
return transactionAttributes_;
inline const ComSInt32
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getMaxResults(void) const
return maxResults_;
inline const ComSInt32
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getStateAreaSize(void) const
return stateAreaSize_;
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getUdrAttributes(void) const
return udrAttributes_;
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getExternalPath(void) const
return externalPath_;
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getExternalName(void) const
return externalName_;
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getJavaClassName(void) const
return javaClassName_;
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getJavaMethodName(void) const
return javaMethodName_;
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getJavaSignature(void) const
return javaSignature_;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::isFinalCall(void) const
return finalCall_;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::canBeParallel(void) const
return (parallelism_ NEQ COM_ROUTINE_NO_PARALLELISM);
inline const NAList<ComUudfParamKind> &
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getUudfParamKindList (void) const
return uudfParamKindList_;
inline ElemDDLNode *
return getChild(INDEX_ROUTINE_PASSTHROUGH_LIST)->castToElemDDLNode();
return NULL;
inline ElemDDLNode *
return getChild(INDEX_ROUTINE_OPTION_LIST)->castToElemDDLNode();
return NULL;
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::isStmtDDLAlterRoutineParseNode() const
return (const_cast<StmtDDLCreateRoutine *>(this)
->castToStmtDDLAlterRoutine() NEQ NULL);
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getSpecialAttributes(void) const
return specialAttributesText_;
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::isSpecialAttributesSpecified() const
return specialAttributesSpecified_;
// inline mutators
inline void
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::setRoutineType(ComRoutineType routineType)
routineType_ = routineType;
inline void
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::setUudfName(const QualifiedName &uudfQualName)
routineQualName_ = uudfQualName;
inline void
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::setUudfParamKindList(ElemDDLNode *pElemDDL)
inline void
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::setPassThroughInputsParseTree(ElemDDLNode *pElemDDL)
inline void
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::setRoutineAttributesParseTree(ElemDDLNode *pElemDDL)
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::isOwnerSpecified() const
return pOwner_ ? TRUE : FALSE;
inline const ElemDDLGrantee *
StmtDDLCreateRoutine::getOwner() const
return pOwner_;
inline void StmtDDLCreateRoutine::setOwner(ElemDDLNode * pAuthID)
if (pAuthID)
pOwner_ = pAuthID->castToElemDDLGrantee();
pOwner_ = NULL;