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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: StmtDDLCreateMV.h
* Description: class for parse nodes representing Create Materialized View
* statements
* Created: 6/11/99
* Language: C++
#include "ComASSERT.h"
#include "ComOperators.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "ObjectNames.h"
#include "ElemDDLColViewDefArray.h"
#include "ElemDDLDivisionClause.h"
#include "ParNameLocList.h"
#include "ParTableUsageList.h"
#include "RelExpr.h"
#include "StmtDDLNode.h"
#include "MVInfo.h"
#include "StmtDDLCreateView.h" // for ParViewUsages
#include "ElemDDLCreateMVOneAttributeTableList.h"
//#include "..\catman\CatExecCreateMV.h"
// MV Initialization types
enum MvInitializationType {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLCreateMV;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward declerations
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CatExecCreateMV;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create Materialized View statement
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLCreateMV : public StmtDDLNode
// constructor
StmtDDLCreateMV(const QualifiedName & MVQualName,
const ParNameLocList & nameLocList,
ElemDDLNode * optionalMVColumnList,
ComMVRefreshType refreshType,
ElemDDLNode * pAttributeTableLists,
// ComMVStatus mvStatus,
MvInitializationType initType,
ComBoolean isRewriteEnabled,
ElemDDLNode * optionalFileOptionsClause,
RelExpr * queryExpression,
ElemDDLNode * pOptionalOwner,
CollHeap * heap = PARSERHEAP());
// virtual destructor
virtual ~StmtDDLCreateMV();
// cast
virtual StmtDDLCreateMV * castToStmtDDLCreateMV();
// pointers to child parse nodes (getChild and setChild methods)
friend class CatExecCreateMV;
// accessors
// Return the internal MVInfo object
inline MVInfoForDDL * getMVInfo() { return theMVInfo_ ; }
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual ExprNode * getChild(Lng32 index);
inline CollIndex getCurViewColNum() const; // for Binder use only
inline const ParNameLocList & getNameLocList() const; // XXX
inline ParNameLocList & getNameLocList(); // XXX
// returns the UDF usage list
inline const LIST(OptUDFInfo *) &getUDFList() const;
inline LIST(OptUDFInfo *) &getUDFList();
// returns a list of locations of names appearing in
// the statement input string. The list helps with
// the computing of the MV text.
inline ElemDDLNode * getOptionalColumnNames();
inline ElemDDLNode * getFileOptions();
inline ElemDDLStoreOptKeyColumnList * getStoreByOption() const;
// returns the pointer pointing to the (optional) sub-tree
// for the file options
inline const RelExpr * getQueryExpression() const;
inline RelExpr * getQueryExpression();
// returns the pointer pointing to the parse sub-tree
// representing the query expression in the MV definition.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get (internally stored) various positions within the input string
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
inline const StringPos getEndPosition() const;
// returns the ending position (the position of the
// last character) of the statement (within the input
// string)
inline const StringPos getStartPosition() const;
// returns the starting position (the position of the
// first character) of the statement (within the
// input string)
inline const StringPos getEndOfOptionalColumnListPosition() const;
// returns the end position (the position of the "after the last"
// character) of the "optional MV column list" clause (within the
// input string)
inline const StringPos getStartOfFileOptionsPosition() const;
inline const StringPos getEndOfFileOptionsPosition() const;
// returns the start/end positions of the "optional file options"
// clause (within the input string)
inline const StringPos getEndOfSelectColumnListPosition() const;
// returns the end position (the position of the "after the last"
// character) of the "select column list" of the MV stmt (within
// the input string)
inline const StringPos getStartOfMVQueryPosition() const;
// returns the start position of the MV query (just before SELECT)
// (within the input string)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
inline const ElemDDLColViewDefArray & getMVColDefArray() const; // XXX
inline ElemDDLColViewDefArray & getMVColDefArray(); // XXX
// returns an array of pointers pointing to the Column Name parse
// nodes. If the Optional MV Column Name List phrase is not
// specified in the Create View statement, returns an empty array.
inline const NAString getMVName() const;
// returns the name of the defined MV.
inline const QualifiedName & getMVNameAsQualifiedName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getMVNameAsQualifiedName();
// returns the name of the defined MV in QualifiedName format
inline const ParViewUsages & getViewUsages() const;
inline ParViewUsages & getViewUsages();
// returns the view usages information after the parse
// node is bound; returns an empty object otherwise.
ElemDDLCreateMVOneAttributeTableList * getIgnoreChangesList()
{ return pIgnoreChangesList_; }
inline NABoolean isItmColRefInColInRowVals() const; // for Binder use only
inline NABoolean isProcessingViewColList() const;
// This method is used during the Binding phase to help
// with collecting view column usage information
ComMvAuditType getMvAuditType() {return mvAuditType_;}
ULng32 getCommitEachNRows() {return commitEachNRows_;}
ComBoolean getIsStoreByOptionSpecified() {return isStoreByClauseSpecified_;}
inline NABoolean isOwnerSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the BY <owner> phrase appears
// in the Create statement; returns FALSE otherwise.
inline const ElemDDLGrantee *getOwner() const;
// returns pointer to the optional "by owner"
// (in the form of an ElemDDLGrantee).
inline NABoolean isDivisionClauseSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the DIVISION BY clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline ElemDDLDivisionClause::divisionTypeEnum getDivisionType() const;
inline ItemExprList * getDivisionExprList();
inline ElemDDLDivisionClause * getDivisionClause();
// mutators
void incrCurViewColNum();
inline void resetCurViewColNum();
virtual void setChild(Lng32 index, ExprNode * pChildNode);
inline void setCurViewColNum(const CollIndex curVwCol); // for Binder use
inline void setItmColRefInColInRowValsFlag(const NABoolean // for Binder
isItmColRef); // use only
inline void setEndPosition(const StringPos endPos);
// sets the ending position (the position of the
// last character) of the statement (within the
// input string)
inline void setStartPosition(const StringPos startPos);
// sets the starting position (the position of the
// first character) of the statement (within the
// input string)
inline void setEndOptionalColumnListPosition(const StringPos endPos);
// sets the end position (the position of the "after the last"
// character) of the "optional view column list" clause (within the
// input string)
inline void setFileOptionsPositions(const StringPos startPos,
const StringPos endPos);
// sets the start + end positions of the "optional file options"
// clause (within the input string)
inline void setEndSelectColumnListPosition(const StringPos endPos);
// sets the end position (the position of the "after the last"
// character) of the "select column list" clause (within the
// input string)
inline void setStartOfMVQueryPosition(const StringPos startPos);
// sets the start position of the MV query (within the input string)
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray & getPartitionKeyColRefArray() const;
inline ElemDDLColRefArray & getPartitionKeyColRefArray();
// get the MV partition columns specified by the user
// method for binding
ExprNode * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// method for collecting information
void synthesize();
// collects information in the parse sub-tree and
// copy/move them to the current parse node.
void processAttributeTableLists();
NABoolean statementHasAttributeTableLists();
NABoolean hasIgnoreChangesList() {return !!pIgnoreChangesList_;}
NABoolean isPartitionByClauseSpecified () { return isPartitionByClauseSpecified_; }
NABoolean isPartitionDefinitionSpecified () { return isPartitionDefinitionSpecified_; }
// check FILE OPTIONS sub tree.
void ensureCorrectMVFileOptions();
void checkFileOption(ElemDDLNode * pTableOption);
void checkStoreByClause(ElemDDLStoreOpt*);
void checkFileAttributeClause(ElemDDLFileAttrClause*);
void checkFileAttribute(ElemDDLFileAttr*);
void checkLocationClause(ElemDDLLocation*);
void checkDivisionByClause(ElemDDLDivisionClause *);
void checkPartitionDefinitionclause(ElemDDLPartitionClause*);
void checkMVFileAttributeClause(ElemDDLMVFileAttrClause *);
void extractMvAttributesFromFileOptions();
// methods for tracing
virtual const NAString displayLabel1() const;
virtual NATraceList getDetailInfo() const;
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual NABoolean explainSupported() { return TRUE; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// default constructor
StmtDDLCreateMV(); // DO NOT USE
// assignment operator
StmtDDLCreateMV & operator==(const StmtDDLCreateMV &rhs); // DO NOT USE
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private data members
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
QualifiedName MVQualName_;
ComMVRefreshType refreshType_;
ElemDDLNode * pAttributeTableLists_;
ElemDDLCreateMVOneAttributeTableList * pIgnoreChangesList_;
// information extracted from View Column List parse sub-tree
ElemDDLColViewDefArray columnDefArray_;
// information about the position of the name within the input
// string (to help with computing the view text)
ParNameLocList nameLocList_;
StringPos startPos_;
StringPos endPos_;
StringPos endOfOptionalColumnList_;
StringPos startOfFileOptions_;
StringPos endOfFileOptions_;
StringPos startOfMVQuery_;
StringPos endOfSelectColumnList_;
// The MVInfo internal object
MVInfoForDDL * theMVInfo_ ;
// view usages information
ParViewUsages viewUsages_;
// indicators for indicating a clause has already been specified
NABoolean isAttrClauseSpecified_;
NABoolean isLocationClauseSpecified_;
NABoolean isDivisionByClauseSpecified_;
ElemDDLDivisionClause * pDivisionByClauseParseNode_;
NABoolean isPartitionDefinitionSpecified_; // for any HASH(2) PARTITION clauses
NABoolean isPartitionByClauseSpecified_; // for HASH(2) PARTITION BY clause
NABoolean isStoreByClauseSpecified_;
NABoolean isMVAttributeClauseSpecified_;
ComMvAuditType mvAuditType_;
ULng32 commitEachNRows_;
// pointers to child parse nodes
ElemDDLNode *pMVColumnList_;
ElemDDLNode *pFileOptions_;
ElemDDLStoreOptKeyColumnList *pStoreByOption_;
RelExpr *pQueryExpression_;
// PARTITION BY clause
ElemDDLColRefArray partitionKeyColRefArray_;
ElemDDLGrantee * pOwner_;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// All UDF's referenced in a statement
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
LIST(OptUDFInfo *) udfList_;
}; // class StmtDDLCreateMV
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class StmtDDLCreateMV
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessors
inline QualifiedName &
return MVQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLCreateMV::getMVNameAsQualifiedName() const
return MVQualName_;
inline CollIndex
StmtDDLCreateMV::getCurViewColNum() const
return getViewUsages().getCurViewColNum();
inline const StringPos
StmtDDLCreateMV::getEndPosition() const
return endPos_;
inline const ParNameLocList &
StmtDDLCreateMV::getNameLocList() const
return nameLocList_;
inline ParNameLocList &
return nameLocList_;
inline ElemDDLNode *
return pMVColumnList_;
inline ElemDDLNode *
return pFileOptions_;
inline ElemDDLStoreOptKeyColumnList *
StmtDDLCreateMV::getStoreByOption() const
return pStoreByOption_;
inline const RelExpr *
StmtDDLCreateMV::getQueryExpression() const
return pQueryExpression_;
inline RelExpr *
return pQueryExpression_;
inline const StringPos
StmtDDLCreateMV::getStartPosition() const
return startPos_;
inline const ElemDDLColViewDefArray &
StmtDDLCreateMV::getMVColDefArray() const
return columnDefArray_;
inline ElemDDLColViewDefArray &
return columnDefArray_;
inline const NAString
StmtDDLCreateMV::getMVName() const
return MVQualName_.getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString();
inline const ParViewUsages &
StmtDDLCreateMV::getViewUsages() const
return viewUsages_;
inline ParViewUsages &
return viewUsages_;
inline const LIST(OptUDFInfo *) &
StmtDDLCreateMV::getUDFList() const
return udfList_;
inline LIST(OptUDFInfo *) &
return udfList_;
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateMV::isItmColRefInColInRowVals() const
return getViewUsages().isItmColRefInColInRowVals();
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateMV::isProcessingViewColList() const
return getCurViewColNum() NEQ NULL_COLL_INDEX;
// mutators
inline void
inline void
StmtDDLCreateMV::setCurViewColNum(const CollIndex curVwCol)
inline void
StmtDDLCreateMV::setEndPosition(const StringPos endPos)
endPos_ = endPos;
inline void
StmtDDLCreateMV::setItmColRefInColInRowValsFlag(const NABoolean isItmColRef)
inline void
StmtDDLCreateMV::setStartPosition(const StringPos startPos)
startPos_ = startPos;
const StringPos StmtDDLCreateMV::getEndOfOptionalColumnListPosition() const
return endOfOptionalColumnList_;
const StringPos StmtDDLCreateMV::getEndOfSelectColumnListPosition() const
return endOfSelectColumnList_;
const StringPos StmtDDLCreateMV::getStartOfMVQueryPosition() const
return startOfMVQuery_;
inline const StringPos StmtDDLCreateMV::getStartOfFileOptionsPosition() const
return startOfFileOptions_;
inline const StringPos StmtDDLCreateMV::getEndOfFileOptionsPosition() const
return endOfFileOptions_;
inline void
StmtDDLCreateMV::setEndOptionalColumnListPosition(const StringPos endPos)
endOfOptionalColumnList_ = endPos;
inline void
StmtDDLCreateMV::setFileOptionsPositions(const StringPos startPos,
const StringPos endPos)
startOfFileOptions_ = startPos;
endOfFileOptions_ = endPos;
inline void
StmtDDLCreateMV::setEndSelectColumnListPosition(const StringPos endPos)
endOfSelectColumnList_ = endPos;
inline void
StmtDDLCreateMV::setStartOfMVQueryPosition(const StringPos startPos)
startOfMVQuery_ = startPos;
// get column name list in partition by clause
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray &
StmtDDLCreateMV::getPartitionKeyColRefArray() const
return partitionKeyColRefArray_;
// get column name list in partition by clause
inline ElemDDLColRefArray &
return partitionKeyColRefArray_;
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateMV::isOwnerSpecified() const
return pOwner_ ? TRUE : FALSE;
inline const ElemDDLGrantee *
StmtDDLCreateMV::getOwner() const
return pOwner_;
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateMV::isDivisionClauseSpecified() const
return isDivisionByClauseSpecified_;
inline ElemDDLDivisionClause::divisionTypeEnum StmtDDLCreateMV::getDivisionType() const
return ( pDivisionByClauseParseNode_ EQU NULL
: pDivisionByClauseParseNode_->getDivisionType() );
inline ElemDDLDivisionClause * StmtDDLCreateMV::getDivisionClause()
return pDivisionByClauseParseNode_;
inline ItemExprList * StmtDDLCreateMV::getDivisionExprList()
return ( pDivisionByClauseParseNode_ EQU NULL
: pDivisionByClauseParseNode_->getDivisionExprList() );