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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: StmtDDLCreateIndex.h
* Description: class representing Create Index Statement parser nodes
* Created: 9/21/95
* Language: C++
#include "ElemDDLNode.h"
#include "ElemDDLColRefArray.h"
#include "ElemDDLDivisionClause.h"
#include "ElemDDLSaltOptions.h"
#include "ElemDDLLocation.h"
#include "ElemDDLPartitionArray.h"
#include "NAString.h"
#include "ParDDLFileAttrsCreateIndex.h"
#include "StmtDDLNode.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLCreateIndex;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// None
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create Index statement
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLCreateIndex : public StmtDDLNode
// initialize constructor
StmtDDLCreateIndex(NABoolean isUnique,
const NAString & anIndexName,
const QualifiedName & aTableName,
ElemDDLNode * pColumnList,
NABoolean posIgnore,
ElemDDLNode * pAttributeList,
CollHeap * heap = PARSERHEAP());
// virtual destructor
virtual ~StmtDDLCreateIndex();
// cast
virtual StmtDDLCreateIndex * castToStmtDDLCreateIndex();
// accessors
// methods relating to parse tree
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual ExprNode * getChild(Lng32 index);
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray & getColRefArray() const;
inline ElemDDLColRefArray & getColRefArray();
// returns a NAList of ElemDDLColRef parse nodes.
inline const ParDDLFileAttrsCreateIndex & getFileAttributes() const;
inline ParDDLFileAttrsCreateIndex & getFileAttributes();
// returns the object containing the file attributes
// associating with the index being created. Please
// note that some file attributes in the returned
// object only apply to the primary partition of the
// index.
inline const NAString & getGuardianLocation() const;
// returns an empty string unless the parse node
// is bound (the method bindNode is invoked).
// After the parse node is bound, returns the
// location of the primary partition in Guardian
// physical device name format. If the LOCATION
// clause is not specified, a default location is
// used.
inline const QualifiedName & getOrigTableNameAsQualifiedName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getOrigTableNameAsQualifiedName();
inline const NAString & getIndexName() const;
inline const QualifiedName & getIndexNameAsQualifiedName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getIndexNameAsQualifiedName() ;
inline const QualifiedName & getTableNameAsQualifiedName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getTableNameAsQualifiedName() ;
inline const NAString & getLocation() const;
// returns location name if specified; otherwise,
// an empty string is returned.
inline NAString getLocationName() const;
// returns location name if specified; otherwise,
// an empty string is returned.
inline NAString getPartitionName() const;
// returns the partition name if specified; otherwise
// an empty string is returned.
inline NABoolean getPOSIgnore() const;
ElemDDLLocation::locationNameTypeEnum getLocationNameType() const;
// returns the type of the specified location name;
// e.g., a Guardian device name. If location clause
// is not specified, the returned value has no meaning.
inline const NAString & getParallelExecConfigFileName() const;
// returns the name of the config. file specified
// in the Parallel Execution clause; returns an
// empty string if the clause does not appear.
inline const ElemDDLPartitionArray & getPartitionArray() const;
inline ElemDDLPartitionArray & getPartitionArray();
// returns a NAList of ElemDDLPartition parse nodes.
// If Partition clause not specified, the list is empty.
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray & getPartitionKeyColRefArray() const;
inline ElemDDLColRefArray & getPartitionKeyColRefArray();
// returns column name list in partition by clause if
// specified; otherwise, an empty array is returned.
const NAString getTableName() const;
// returns table name, in external format.
inline NABoolean isAttributeSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the index file attribute clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isLocationSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if location clause is specified;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isPopulateOptionSpecified() const;
// return TRUE if IsPopulate clause appear;
// return FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isNoPopulateOptionSpecified() const;
// return TRUE if IsNoPopulate clause appear;
// return FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isParallelExecutionClauseSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the parallel execution clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isParallelExecutionEnabled() const;
// returns TRUE if the parallel execution clause appears
// with ON option; returns FALSE otherwise.
inline ComPartitioningScheme getPartitioningScheme() const;
// Returns the partitioning scheme (could be HASH or RANGE)
inline NABoolean isPartitionSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the partition clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isPartitionBySpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the PARTITION BY clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isUniqueSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the Unique keyword is specified;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isNumRowsSpecified() const;
inline double getNumRows() const;
inline NABoolean isDivisionClauseSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the DIVISION {BY|AS} clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isHbaseOptionsSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if HBASE_OPTIONS clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline ElemDDLDivisionClause::divisionTypeEnum getDivisionType() const;
inline ItemExprList * getDivisionExprList();
inline ElemDDLSaltOptionsClause * getSaltOptions();
// this will return NULL in all cases as Traf 0.9 since SALT calumns
// cannot be be explicitly specified in the CREATE INDEX statement
// Only SALT LIKE TABLE is supported for an index
inline ElemDDLColRefArray * getSaltColRefArray();
inline ElemDDLHbaseOptions * getHbaseOptionsClause();
// mutators
void setChild(Lng32 index, ExprNode * newNode);
// method for binding
ExprNode * bindNode(BindWA * pBindWA);
// method for collecting information
void synthesize();
// collects information in the parse sub-tree and
// copy/move them to the current parse node.
// methods for tracing
virtual const NAString displayLabel1() const;
virtual const NAString displayLabel2() const;
virtual NATraceList getDetailInfo() const;
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// Ghost Object
NABoolean isIndexOnGhostTable() { return isIndexOnGhostTable_; }
NABoolean isIndexOnGhostTable() const { return isIndexOnGhostTable_; }
void setIsIndexOnGhostTable(NABoolean g) { isIndexOnGhostTable_ = g; }
virtual NABoolean explainSupported() { return TRUE; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void setFileAttributes(ElemDDLFileAttrClause * pFileAttrClause);
// Copies the information in the specified file
// attribute clause (pointed to by pFileAttrClause)
// to data member fileAttributes_ in this object.
// This method can only be invoked during the
// construction of this object when the (file)
// attributes clause appears.
void setIndexOption(ElemDDLNode * pOption);
// Copies the information in an Index Option parse node
// pointed to by pOption to this object. An index option
// parse node represents a Location clause, a Partition
// clause, a File Attribute clause, or a load option.
// This method should only be invoked from a constructor.
void setPartitions(ElemDDLPartitionClause * pPartitionClause);
// Copies the information in the specified partition
// clause (pointed to by pPartitionClause) to this object.
// This method is only invoked during the contruction of
// this object when the partition clause appears.
void setPrimaryPartition(ElemDDLNode * pFirstSecondaryPartitionNode);
// Allocates the primary partition node and inserts its
// pointer at the beginning of the partitionArray_. The
// kind of the primary partition node must be the same
// as that of the specified secondary partition node.
// This method is only invoked during the construction
// of this object when the partition clause appears.
void setSecondaryPartition(ElemDDLPartition * pSecondaryPartitionNode);
// Copies the information of the specified secondary
// partition (pointed to by pSecondaryPartitionNode)
// to this object.
// This method is only invoked during the construction
// of this object when the partition clause appears.
// please do not use the following methods
StmtDDLCreateIndex(); // DO NOT USE
StmtDDLCreateIndex(const StmtDDLCreateIndex &); // DO NOT USE
StmtDDLCreateIndex & operator=(const StmtDDLCreateIndex &); // DO NOT USE
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private data members
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean isUnique_;
// Set to TRUE if the keyword UNIQUE is specified;
// set to FALSE otherwise.
NABoolean posIgnore_;
// Set to TRUE if the keywords IGNORE POS is specified
// set to FALSE otherwise.
// index name can only be a simple name
NAString indexName_;
QualifiedName indexQualName_;
// the tablename specified by user in the create stmt.
// This name is not fully qualified during bind phase.
QualifiedName origTableQualName_;
// The syntax of table name is
// [ [ catalog-name . ] schema-name . ] table-name
QualifiedName tableQualName_;
// list of column names. A column name may be followed
// by a ordering keyword; e.g., DESCENDING
ElemDDLColRefArray columnRefArray_;
// LOCATION clause
NABoolean isLocationClauseSpec_;
NAString locationName_;
ElemDDLLocation::locationNameTypeEnum locationNameType_;
NAString partitionName_;
// guardianLocation_ is empty until the parse node is
// bound (the method bindNode() is invoked). The method
// bindNode() converts the specified location (in the
// LOCATION clause associating with the primary key) to
// a Guardian physical device and then saves the computed
// name in this data member. If the LOCATION clause does
// not appear, a default location name is selected.
NAString guardianLocation_;
// Optional Partition Type
ComPartitioningScheme partitioningScheme_ ;
// PARTITION clause
// list of partition definitions
NABoolean isPartitionClauseSpec_;
ElemDDLPartitionArray partitionArray_;
// DIVISION BY clause
NABoolean isDivisionClauseSpec_;
ElemDDLDivisionClause *pDivisionClauseParseNode_;
// SALT clause for HBase tables
ElemDDLSaltOptionsClause *pSaltOptions_;
NABoolean isHbaseOptionsSpec_;
ElemDDLHbaseOptions *pHbaseOptionsParseNode_;
// PARTITION BY clause
NABoolean isPartitionByClauseSpec_;
ElemDDLColRefArray partitionKeyColRefArray_;
NABoolean isNumRowsSpecified_;
double numRows_;
// Index load information
NABoolean isParallelExecutionClauseSpec_;
NABoolean isParallelExec_; // TRUE (ON); FALSE (OFF)
NABoolean isPopulated_; // True if populate option is specified, false if no populate is specified.
NABoolean isNoPopulated_; // True if no populate option is specified, false otherwise.
Int32 populateCount_ ; // to prevent user to enter the populate clause multiple times.
Int32 noPopulateCount_; // to prevent user to enter the no populate clause multiple times.
NAString configFileName_;
// ATTRIBUTE(S) clause
// index file attributes
NABoolean isAttributeClauseSpec_;
ParDDLFileAttrsCreateIndex fileAttributes_;
// pointer to primary partition node
// The parse node for the primary partition is created
// during the construction of this object. The former
// is not part of the parse tree.
ElemDDLPartition * pPrimaryPartition_;
// pointers to child parse nodes
// TRUE if the index is to be created on a ghost table
NABoolean isIndexOnGhostTable_;
}; // class StmtDDLCreateIndex
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class StmtDDLCreateIndex
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline QualifiedName &
return origTableQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getOrigTableNameAsQualifiedName() const
return origTableQualName_;
inline QualifiedName &
return indexQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getIndexNameAsQualifiedName() const
return indexQualName_;
inline QualifiedName &
return tableQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getTableNameAsQualifiedName() const
return tableQualName_;
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray &
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getColRefArray() const
return columnRefArray_;
inline ElemDDLColRefArray &
return columnRefArray_;
inline const ParDDLFileAttrsCreateIndex &
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getFileAttributes() const
return fileAttributes_;
inline ParDDLFileAttrsCreateIndex &
return fileAttributes_;
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getGuardianLocation() const
return guardianLocation_;
// get index name
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getIndexName() const
return indexName_;
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getLocation() const
return locationName_;
inline NAString
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getLocationName() const
return locationName_;
inline NAString
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getPartitionName() const
return partitionName_;
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getPOSIgnore() const
return posIgnore_;
inline ElemDDLLocation::locationNameTypeEnum
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getLocationNameType() const
return locationNameType_;
// get config. file name specified in Parallel Execution clause
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getParallelExecConfigFileName() const
return configFileName_;
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateIndex::isDivisionClauseSpecified() const
return isDivisionClauseSpec_;
// is HBASE_OPTIONS specified?
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateIndex::isHbaseOptionsSpecified() const
return isHbaseOptionsSpec_;
inline ElemDDLDivisionClause::divisionTypeEnum StmtDDLCreateIndex::getDivisionType() const
return ( pDivisionClauseParseNode_ EQU NULL
: pDivisionClauseParseNode_->getDivisionType() );
inline ItemExprList * StmtDDLCreateIndex::getDivisionExprList()
return ( pDivisionClauseParseNode_ EQU NULL
: pDivisionClauseParseNode_->getDivisionExprList() );
inline ElemDDLHbaseOptions * StmtDDLCreateIndex::getHbaseOptionsClause()
return pHbaseOptionsParseNode_;
inline ElemDDLSaltOptionsClause * StmtDDLCreateIndex::getSaltOptions()
return pSaltOptions_;
inline ElemDDLColRefArray * StmtDDLCreateIndex::getSaltColRefArray()
return ( pSaltOptions_ EQU NULL
: &pSaltOptions_->getSaltColRefArray() );
// Returns partitioning scheme set by default or by "<partition-type> PARTITION" syntax
inline ComPartitioningScheme StmtDDLCreateIndex::getPartitioningScheme() const
return partitioningScheme_;
// returns an array of pointers pointing
// to Partition parse nodes (each Partition
// parse node contains all legal attributes
// associating with a partition)
inline const ElemDDLPartitionArray &
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getPartitionArray() const
return partitionArray_;
inline ElemDDLPartitionArray &
return partitionArray_;
// get column name list in partition by clause
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray &
StmtDDLCreateIndex::getPartitionKeyColRefArray() const
return partitionKeyColRefArray_;
// get column name list in partition by clause
inline ElemDDLColRefArray &
return partitionKeyColRefArray_;
// is the attributes clause specified?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateIndex::isAttributeSpecified() const
return isAttributeClauseSpec_;
// is location clause specified?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateIndex::isLocationSpecified() const
return isLocationClauseSpec_;
// is the parallel execution clause specified?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateIndex::isParallelExecutionClauseSpecified() const
return isParallelExecutionClauseSpec_;
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateIndex::isParallelExecutionEnabled() const
return isParallelExec_;
// is the partition clause specified?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateIndex::isPartitionSpecified() const
return isPartitionClauseSpec_;
// is the no populate clause specified ?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateIndex::isNoPopulateOptionSpecified() const
return isNoPopulated_;
// is the populate clause specified ?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateIndex::isPopulateOptionSpecified() const
return isPopulated_ ;
// is PARTITION BY clause specified?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateIndex::isPartitionBySpecified() const
return isPartitionByClauseSpec_;
// is the unique keyword specified?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateIndex::isUniqueSpecified() const
return isUnique_;
StmtDDLCreateIndex::isNumRowsSpecified() const
return isNumRowsSpecified_;
inline double StmtDDLCreateIndex::getNumRows() const
return numRows_;