blob: 5fd47a6889017ca18217aaa7ff715e79a35af8b6 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: StmtDDLAlterTable.h
* Description: base class for Alter Table statements
* Created: 6/15/95
* Language: C++
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include "StmtDDLNode.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLAlterTable;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// None
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create Catalog statement
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLAlterTable : public StmtDDLNode
// constructors
StmtDDLAlterTable(OperatorTypeEnum operatorType);
StmtDDLAlterTable(OperatorTypeEnum operatorType,
ElemDDLNode * pAlterTableAction);
StmtDDLAlterTable(OperatorTypeEnum operatorType,
const QualifiedName & tableQualName,
ElemDDLNode * pAlterTableAction);
// virtual destructor
virtual ~StmtDDLAlterTable();
// cast
virtual StmtDDLAlterTable * castToStmtDDLAlterTable();
// accessors
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual ExprNode * getChild(Lng32 index);
inline ElemDDLNode * getAlterTableAction() const;
inline const NAString getTableName() const;
inline const QualifiedName & getOrigTableNameAsQualifiedName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getOrigTableNameAsQualifiedName();
inline const QualifiedName & getTableNameAsQualifiedName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getTableNameAsQualifiedName();
inline const NABoolean isFakeNode() const;
inline const NABoolean isDroppable() const;
inline const NABoolean isInsertOnly() const;
inline const NABoolean isOnline() const;
inline const NABoolean forPurgedata() const;
// returns TRUE if this node is fake node created by the
// parser to represent a check constraint definition
// appearring in a Create Table statement; returns FALSE
// otherwise. For more information, please read the
// comments preceding the definition of data member
// isParseSubTreeDestroyedByDestructor_
// mutators
virtual void setChild(Lng32 index, ExprNode * pChildNode);
inline void setIsParseSubTreeDestroyedByDestructor(NABoolean setting);
void setTableName(const QualifiedName & tableName);
void setIsDroppable(NABoolean d);
void setInsertOnly(NABoolean d);
void setIsOnline(NABoolean d);
void setForPurgedata(NABoolean d);
// methods for tracing
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual const NAString displayLabel1() const;
// method for binding
ExprNode * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
StmtDDLAlterTable(OperatorTypeEnum operatorType,
const NAString & tableName,
ElemDDLNode * pAlterTableAction); // DO NOT USE
StmtDDLAlterTable(const StmtDDLAlterTable &); // DO NOT USE
StmtDDLAlterTable & operator=(const StmtDDLAlterTable &); // DO NOT USE
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private data members
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// the tablename specified by user in the alter stmt.
// This name is not fully qualified during bind phase.
QualifiedName origTableQualName_;
QualifiedName tableQualName_;
// The following flag is a kludge. Usually when the destructor
// is invoked to destroy a parse node, the destructor will also
// destroy the parse sub-tree linked to the parse node. There
// are exceptions to this rule. For each column or table
// constraint definition in a Create Table statement, we create
// a corresponding parse node (derived and instantiated from
// class ElemDDLConstraint) which is a node in a parse sub-tree
// of the Create Table parse node. To make the processing of
// the Create Table parse node easier, we also create a kludge
// parse node derived from class StmtDDLAddConstraint to
// correspond to each column or table constraint definition
// in the Create Table statement. The pointer to the child
// parse node in this kludge parse node is also set to point
// to the parse node derived from class ElemDDLConstraint.
// When the Create Table parse node is destroyed, its parse
// sub-trees, which include the parse nodes derived from class
// ElemDDLConstraint, are also destroyed. Since the kludge
// parse nodes do not belong to the Create Table parse tree,
// the destructor of the Create Table parse node will need to
// destroy them separately. Before these kludge parse nodes
// can be destroyed, the flag isParseSubTreeDestroyedByDestructor_
// must be reset. We don't want the destructor to destroy the
// sub-trees of these kludge parse nodes. These sub-tree are
// deleted when the destructor of the Create Table parse node
// is invoked.
NABoolean isParseSubTreeDestroyedByDestructor_;
// pointer to child parse node
ElemDDLNode * alterTableAction_;
NABoolean isDroppable_;
NABoolean insertOnly_;
// used with DDL_ALTER_TABLE_TOGGLE_ONLINE alter action,
// This indicates if the table is to be made available online
// or offline.
NABoolean isOnline_;
// This one goes with the isOnline_ field. If set, it indicates
// that the redeftime of the partition need not be modified.
// Used for internal operation(parallel purgedata) only.
NABoolean forPurgedata_;
}; // class StmtDDLAlterTable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class StmtDDLAlterTable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessors
inline ElemDDLNode *
StmtDDLAlterTable::getAlterTableAction() const
return alterTableAction_;
inline const NAString
StmtDDLAlterTable::getTableName() const
return tableQualName_.getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString();
inline QualifiedName &
return origTableQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLAlterTable::getOrigTableNameAsQualifiedName() const
return origTableQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLAlterTable::getTableNameAsQualifiedName() const
return tableQualName_;
inline QualifiedName &
return tableQualName_;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLAlterTable::isFakeNode() const
return (NOT isParseSubTreeDestroyedByDestructor_);
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLAlterTable::isDroppable() const
return isDroppable_;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLAlterTable::isInsertOnly() const
return insertOnly_;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLAlterTable::isOnline() const
return isOnline_;
inline const NABoolean
StmtDDLAlterTable::forPurgedata() const
return forPurgedata_;
// mutator
inline void
StmtDDLAlterTable::setIsParseSubTreeDestroyedByDestructor(NABoolean setting)
isParseSubTreeDestroyedByDestructor_ = setting;
inline void
StmtDDLAlterTable::setIsDroppable(NABoolean d)
isDroppable_ = d;
inline void
StmtDDLAlterTable::setInsertOnly(NABoolean d)
insertOnly_ = d;
inline void
StmtDDLAlterTable::setIsOnline(NABoolean d)
isOnline_ = d;
inline void
StmtDDLAlterTable::setForPurgedata(NABoolean d)
forPurgedata_ = d;