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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: SqlParserGlobals.h
* Description: Sql Parser and Lexer globals
#include "NAWinNT.h"
// NOTE 1:
// These globals should really be made data members of class Parser,
// and a single instance (or a stack) of Parser should be made global.
// First define Parser globals that need to reside in common.lib
// rather than parser.lib (so that DLLs which don't use parser.lib will link)
#include "SqlParserGlobalsCmn.h"
#undef GLOB_
#undef INIT_
#define GLOB_ THREAD_P
#define INIT_(val) = val
#define GLOB_ extern THREAD_P
#define INIT_(val)
class ComDiagsArea; // Forward reference to keep dependencies to a minimum
#include "parser.h"
GLOB_ ComDiagsArea *SqlParser_Diags INIT_(NULL);
GLOB_ Parser *SqlParser_CurrentParser INIT_(NULL);
inline CollHeap* PARSERHEAP() { return SqlParser_CurrentParser->wHeap(); }
void ResetLexer();
void yyerror(const char *errtext);
Int32 yylex(YYSTYPE *lvalp);
Int32 yyparse();
class ExprNode; // Forward refs to keep #include dependencies minimal
class ItemExpr;
class ItemExprList;
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "charinfo.h"
#include "DefaultConstants.h"
#include "nawstring.h"
// This was added to solve Genesis 10-980423-3834.
// It extends tokval by returning not just the token value/code/enum,
// but also the original, case-preserved text.
struct TokvalPlusYYText {
Int32 tokval; // overlays "int tokval" in %union of .y file
const NAWchar* yytext; // beginning of token in the input string
Int32 yyleng; // length of the token
inline TokvalPlusYYText *ToTokvalPlusYYText(void *p)
{ return (TokvalPlusYYText *)p; }
// --- old comments begin ---
// This was added for handling non-UNICODE charsets (part of MP NCHAR work).
// ## It might be useful to abstract it out of Lex/Parse only,
// ## and make it available to the rest of the compiler ...
// ## see the additional inline functions in SqlParser.y ...
// --- old comments end ---
struct StringvalWithCharSet {
union {
NAString * stringval; // overlays "stringval" in %union of .y file
NAWString * wstringval; // overlays "wstringval" in %union of .y file
CharInfo::CharSet charSet_;
Int32 bytesPerChar_;
UInt16 flags_;
enum EStringValBitMaskType
{ eUSE_wstringval_FIELD_BIT_MASK = 0x0001 // 0 : use stringval - 1 : use wstringval
, eHEX_STRING_LITERAL_BIT_MASK = 0x0002 // 0 : is regular str lit - 1 : is hex str lit
, eSTR_LIT_PREFIX_SPEC_BIT_MASK = 0x0004 // 0 : str lit char set prefix not specified - 1 : specified
// The following bit is used with str lit without the char set prefix - i.e. a QUOTED_STRING token - only.
, eINFER_CS_UNKNOWN_CS_BIT_MASK = 0x0008 // 0 : special INFER_CS UNKNOWN_CS bit is off - 1: on
NABoolean isHexStrLit() const { return (flags_ & eHEX_STRING_LITERAL_BIT_MASK) != 0; }
NABoolean isRegStrLit() const { return ! isHexStrLit(); }
NABoolean iswstringvalUsed() const { return (flags_ & eUSE_wstringval_FIELD_BIT_MASK) != 0; }
NABoolean isstringvalUsed() const { return ! iswstringvalUsed(); }
NABoolean isWithStrLitPrefix() const { return (flags_ & eSTR_LIT_PREFIX_SPEC_BIT_MASK) != 0; }
NABoolean isWithoutStrLitPrefix() const { return ! isWithStrLitPrefix(); }
NABoolean isInferCSUnknownCSLogicEnabled() const { return (flags_ & eINFER_CS_UNKNOWN_CS_BIT_MASK) != 0; }
NABoolean isInferCSUnknownCSLogicDisabled() const { return ! isInferCSUnknownCSLogicEnabled(); }
void resetflags_Bit(EStringValBitMaskType bitMask) { flags_ &= ~bitMask; }
void setflags_Bit(EStringValBitMaskType bitMask) { flags_ |= bitMask; }
void setflags_Bit(EStringValBitMaskType bitMask, NABoolean boolval)
if (boolval == TRUE)
void reset() { stringval = NULL /* or wstringval = NULL */;
charSet_ = CharInfo::UnknownCharSet; bytesPerChar_ = 0; flags_ = 0; }
void setInferCSUnknownCSLogicFlag() { setflags_Bit(eINFER_CS_UNKNOWN_CS_BIT_MASK); }
void resetInferCSUnknownCSLogicFlag() { resetflags_Bit(eINFER_CS_UNKNOWN_CS_BIT_MASK); }
void shallowCopy(const StringvalWithCharSet *rhs)
if (this == rhs)
if (rhs->iswstringvalUsed())
wstringval = rhs->wstringval;
stringval = rhs->stringval;
charSet_ = rhs->charSet_;
bytesPerChar_ = rhs->bytesPerChar_;
flags_ = rhs->flags_;
inline StringvalWithCharSet *ToStringvalWithCharSet(void *p)
{ return (StringvalWithCharSet *)p; }
// SqlParserGlobals.h's globals cause the parser to be non-reentrant!
// (See note 1 above for an approach to achieve reentrancy with globals.
GLOB_ ItemExprList *SqlParser_ParamItemList INIT_(NULL);
GLOB_ Int32 SqlParser_ParenDepth INIT_(0);
GLOB_ Int32 SqlParser_WheneverClause INIT_(FALSE);
// this global variable returns the final parse tree
GLOB_ ExprNode *TheParseTree INIT_(NULL);
enum SQLParserStartToken {
// For computing view text, check constraint search condition text, etc.
// Flex sometimes scans ahead, so input_pos doesn't always point to
// the scanned token -- ParScannedTokenPos is used by Lexer to keep track.
// -- ParScannedTokenOffset tracks wide character offsets
// ParScannedTokens is a circular queue with info on recently scanned tokens.
#include "ParNameLocList.h"
#include "ParScannedTokenQueue.h"
GLOB_ ParNameLocList *ParNameLocListPtr INIT_(NULL);
GLOB_ ParNameLocList *ParNameSavedLocListPtr INIT_(NULL);
GLOB_ ParNameLocList *ParNameCTLocListPtr INIT_(NULL);
GLOB_ ParNameLocList *ParNameDivByLocListPtr INIT_(NULL);
GLOB_ Int32 ParScannedTokenPos INIT_(0);
GLOB_ Int32 ParScannedTokenOffset INIT_(0);
GLOB_ Lng32 ParScannedInputCharset INIT_(CharInfo::UTF8);
GLOB_ ParScannedTokenQueue *ParScannedTokens INIT_(NULL);
GLOB_ Int32 WeAreInACreateMVStatement INIT_(FALSE);
GLOB_ Int32 ThisIsTheFirstMVQuerySelect INIT_(TRUE);
// Keep position of the end-of optional view column list
GLOB_ Int32 ParEndOfOptionalColumnListPos INIT_(0);
// Keep position of the begining-of optional file options list
GLOB_ Int32 ParBeginingOfFileOptionsListPos INIT_(0);
// Keep position of the end-of optional file options list
GLOB_ Int32 ParEndOfFileOptionsListPos INIT_(0);
// Keep position of the begining-of the MV query
GLOB_ Int32 ParBeginingOfMVQueryPos INIT_(0);
// Keep position of the end-of the select column list
GLOB_ Int32 ParEndOfSelectColumnListPos INIT_(0);
// Keep position of the begining-of the query in a 'create table as'
GLOB_ Int32 ParBeginingOfCreateTableQueryPos INIT_(0);
// Keep position of beginning of table attributes in a 'create table as'
GLOB_ Int32 ParBeginingOfCreateTableAsAttrList INIT_(0);
// Keep position of end of table attributes in a 'create table as'
GLOB_ Int32 ParEndOfCreateTableAsAttrList INIT_(0);
GLOB_ NABoolean inCallStmt INIT_(FALSE);
GLOB_ Int32 currVarIndex INIT_(1);
GLOB_ NABoolean inRSProxyStmt INIT_(FALSE);
// For Embedded Insert testing of a Cursor
GLOB_ Int32 WeAreInAnEmbeddedInsert INIT_(FALSE);
// For LRU and Embedded Operation (for now DELETE)
GLOB_ Int32 WeAreInALRUOperation INIT_(FALSE);
#ifdef SQLPARSERGLOBALS_HOSTVARS // HvRoles.h SqlParser.y scXlat.cpp
#include "HvRoles.h"
GLOB_ HostVarRole_vec *TheHostVarRoles INIT_(NULL);
#undef GLOB_
#undef INIT_
#include "NAString.h"
#include "nawstring.h"