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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ParNameLocList.h
* Description: definitions of classes ParNameLoc and ParNameLocList.
* The ParNameLocList object is used to help with
* the computing of the view text, check constraint
* search condition text, trigger text, MV text, etc.
* Also contains the prototype declarations of file
* scope (global) functions relating to ParNameLocList
* or ParNameLocListPtr (defined in SqlParser.y).
* Created: 5/30/96
* Language: C++
#include "Collections.h"
#include "ColumnDesc.h"
#include "NAString.h"
#include "nawstring.h" // for wide token strings (tcr)
#include "ObjectNames.h"
#include "SqlParserGlobals.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ParNameLoc;
class ParNameLocList;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ElemDDLConstraintCheck;
class ElemDDLDivisionClause;
class StmtDDLCreateView;
class StmtDDLCreateTrigger;
class StmtDDLCreateMV;
class StmtDDLCreateTable;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// prototype declarations of global (file scope) functions
// defined in file ParNameLocList.C
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void ParInsertNameLoc(const StringPos namePos, const size_t nameLen);
void ParInsertNameLocInOrder(const StringPos namePos, const size_t nameLen);
void ParInsertNameLocForStar(ColRefName * pColRefName);
void ParUpdateNameLocForDotStar(const ColRefName * pColRefName);
void ParSetTextStartPosForCheckConstraint(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList);
void ParSetTextStartPosForCreateView(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList);
void ParSetTextStartPosForCreateTrigger(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList);
void ParSetTextStartPosForDivisionByClause(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList);
NABoolean ParSetTextEndPos(ElemDDLConstraintCheck * pCkCnstrntNode);
NABoolean ParSetTextEndPos(StmtDDLCreateView * pCreateViewParseNode);
NABoolean ParSetTextEndPos(StmtDDLCreateTrigger * pCreateTriggerParseNode);
NABoolean ParSetTextEndPos(ElemDDLDivisionClause * pDivisionClauseParseNode);
void ParSetTextStartPosForCreateMV(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList);
NABoolean ParSetTextEndPos(StmtDDLCreateMV * pCreateMVParseNode);
void ParSetEndOfOptionalColumnListPos(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList);
// Keep position of end-of optional column names list
void ParSetBeginingOfFileOptionsListPos(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList);
// Keep position of begining-of optional file options column list
void ParSetEndOfFileOptionsListPos(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList);
// Keep position of end-of optional file options list
void ParSetBeginOfMVQueryPos(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList);
// Mark the text begining of the MV query
void ParSetEndOfSelectColumnListPos(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList);
// Keep position of end-of select column list
// ************************************************************
// Mark the text begining of query in the AS clause of a Create Table stmt.
void ParSetBeginOfCreateTableAsQueryPos(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList);
void ParSetBeginOfCreateTableAsAttrList(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList);
void ParSetEndOfCreateTableAsAttrList(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList);
NABoolean ParSetTextEndPos(StmtDDLCreateTable * pCreateTableParseNode);
// Used by MULTI-COMMIT Delete to find the start and end of the WHERE clause.
void ParSetTextStartPosForMultiCommit(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList);
NABoolean ParGetTextStartEndPosForMultiCommit(ParNameLocList * pNameLocList,
StringPos &start, StringPos&end);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Definition of class ParNameLoc
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ParNameLoc : public NABasicObject
// constructors
ParNameLoc (CollHeap * h=PARSERHEAP())
: namePos_(0),
// expandedName_ is empty
ParNameLoc (const StringPos namePos, const size_t nameLen, CollHeap * h=PARSERHEAP())
: namePos_(namePos),
// expandedName_ is empty
// copy ctor
ParNameLoc (const ParNameLoc &nameLoc, CollHeap * h=PARSERHEAP())
: namePos_(nameLoc.namePos_),
expandedName_(nameLoc.expandedName_, h)
{ }
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ParNameLoc();
// operators
ParNameLoc & operator=(const ParNameLoc &rhs);
const NABoolean operator==(const ParNameLoc &rhs) const;
// accessors
inline const size_t getNameLength() const;
inline const StringPos getNamePosition() const;
const NAString &getExpandedName(NABoolean errorIfEmpty = TRUE) const
if (errorIfEmpty)
CMPASSERT(expandedName_ != (const char *)"");
return expandedName_;
// mutators
inline void setNameLength(const size_t nameLen);
inline void setNamePosition(const StringPos namePos);
inline void setExpandedName(const NAString &expandedName);
StringPos namePos_;
size_t nameLen_;
NAString expandedName_;
}; // class ParNameLoc
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Definition of class ParNameLocList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ParNameLocList : private LIST(ParNameLoc *)
// constructors
ParNameLocList(const char * const pInputString = NULL,
CharInfo::CharSet inputStrCS =
const NAWchar * const pInputStrInUTF16 = NULL,
CollHeap *heap = PARSERHEAP());
// heap specifies the heap to allocate space for objects
// pointed by the elements in this list.
ParNameLocList(const ParNameLocList &rhs, CollHeap *heap = PARSERHEAP());
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ParNameLocList();
// operators
ParNameLocList & operator=(const ParNameLocList &rhs);
inline const ParNameLoc & operator[](CollIndex index) const;
inline ParNameLoc & operator[](CollIndex index);
inline void* operator new(size_t t, CollHeap* h = PARSERHEAP());
inline void operator delete(void*);
// accessors
inline CollIndex entries() const;
inline const char * getInputStringPtr() const;
inline const NAWchar * getWInputStringPtr() const;
inline CharInfo::CharSet getInputStringCharSet() const { return inputStrCharSet_; }
ParNameLoc * getNameLocPtr(const StringPos namePos);
inline const StringPos getTextStartPosition() const;
inline const StringPos getWhereStartPosition() const;
// mutators
void clear();
// removes all ParNameLoc object pointed by the pointers
// in the list; then removes all pointers in the list.
NABoolean insert(const ParNameLoc &nameLoc);
// inserts nameLoc to the list and returns TRUE if
// nameLoc was not already in the list; otherwise,
// returns FALSE.
NABoolean insertInOrder(const ParNameLoc &nameLoc);
// inserts nameLoc to the list such that the name
// positions are in order. Required for UDFs.
// Returns TRUE if nameLoc was not already in the
// list; otherwise, returns FALSE.
inline void setTextStartPosition(const StringPos textStartPos);
inline void setWhereStartPosition(const StringPos whereStartPos);
void copy(const ParNameLocList &rhs);
// the following data member helps keeping track of the
// starting position of the text (e.g., view text) to be
// expanded and stored in the metadata table Text.
StringPos textStartPos_;
// The start postition of the WHERE clause associated with a
// MULTI-COMMIT Delete. (Must use a different StringPos so that
// MULTI-COMMIT Delete can also be used with features that make
// use of textStartPos_; for example, EXPLAIN.
StringPos whereStartPos_;
// the following data member helps keeping track of the
// pointer to the input string buffer containing the
// text to be expanded. Cannot rely on the file scope
// pointer input_str because it might be changed during
// the processing of a statement.
const char * pInputString_;
CharInfo::CharSet inputStrCharSet_;
const NAWchar * pwInputString_;
// wide version (tcr)
// heap to allocate space for objects pointed by elements in the list.
CollHeap * heap_;
}; // class ParNameLocList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class ParNameLoc
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessors
inline const size_t
ParNameLoc::getNameLength() const
return nameLen_;
inline const StringPos
ParNameLoc::getNamePosition() const
return namePos_;
// mutators
inline void
ParNameLoc::setNameLength(const size_t nameLen)
nameLen_ = nameLen;
inline void
ParNameLoc::setNamePosition(const StringPos namePos)
namePos_ = namePos;
inline void
ParNameLoc::setExpandedName(const NAString &expandedName)
expandedName_ = expandedName;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class ParNameLocList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// operators
inline const ParNameLoc &
ParNameLocList::operator[](CollIndex index) const
return *(LIST(ParNameLoc *)::operator[](index));
inline ParNameLoc &
ParNameLocList::operator[](CollIndex index)
return *(LIST(ParNameLoc *)::operator[](index));
inline void *
ParNameLocList::operator new(size_t t, CollHeap *h)
return LIST(ParNameLoc *)::operator new(t, h);
inline void
ParNameLocList::operator delete(void *p)
LIST(ParNameLoc *)::operator delete(p);
// accessors
inline CollIndex
ParNameLocList::entries() const
return LIST(ParNameLoc *)::entries();
inline const char *
ParNameLocList::getInputStringPtr() const
return pInputString_;
inline const NAWchar *
ParNameLocList::getWInputStringPtr() const
return pwInputString_;
inline const StringPos
ParNameLocList::getTextStartPosition() const
return textStartPos_;
inline const StringPos
ParNameLocList::getWhereStartPosition() const
return whereStartPos_;
// mutator
inline void
ParNameLocList::setTextStartPosition(const StringPos textStartPos)
textStartPos_ = textStartPos;
inline void
ParNameLocList::setWhereStartPosition(const StringPos whereStartPos)
whereStartPos_ = whereStartPos;