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/* -*-C++-*-
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
* File: ElemDDLList.C
* Description: methods for classes representing lists (left-skewed
* binary trees)
* Created: 9/19/95
* Language: C++
#include "AllElemDDLList.h"
#include "ComASSERT.h"
#include "ComOperators.h"
#include "ElemDDLPartition.h"
// methods for class ElemDDLList
// constructors
ElemDDLList::ElemDDLList(ElemDDLNode * commaExpr, ElemDDLNode * otherExpr)
initializeDataMembers(commaExpr, otherExpr);
ElemDDLList::ElemDDLList(const enum OperatorTypeEnum operType,
ElemDDLNode * commaExpr,
ElemDDLNode * otherExpr)
: ElemDDLNode(operType)
initializeDataMembers(commaExpr, otherExpr);
// virtual destructor
// delete all children
for (Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_ELEM_DDL_LIST_ARITY; i++)
delete children_[i];
// cast virtual function
ElemDDLList *
return this;
// accessors
// get the degree of this node
ElemDDLList::getArity() const
ExprNode *
ElemDDLList::getChild(Lng32 index)
ComASSERT(index >= 0 AND index < getArity());
return children_[index];
// returns number of entries in the list represented
// by a left linear tree (also called a left skewed
// binary tree). Treat this node as the root node
// of a left linear tree.
// 1 entry 2 entries > 2 entries
// [op] [op]
// [0] / \ / \
// [0] [1] [op] [2]
// / \
// [0] [1]
// op represents ElemDDLList node
// The case of 1 entry is not handled by this class.
// This case is handled by the class ElemDDLNode.
ElemDDLList::entries() const
CollIndex count = 0;
ElemDDLNode * pElemDDLNode = (ElemDDLNode *)this;
while (pElemDDLNode NEQ NULL)
if (pElemDDLNode->getOperatorType() EQU getOperatorType() AND
pElemDDLNode->getArity() >= 2)
pElemDDLNode = pElemDDLNode->getChild(0)->castToElemDDLNode();
pElemDDLNode = NULL;
return count;
// index access (both reference and value) to the
// list represented by this left linear tree
// 1 entry 2 entries > 2 entries
// [op] [op]
// [0] / \ / \
// [0] [1] [op] [2]
// / \
// [0] [1]
// [op] represents ElemDDLList node
// [0], [1], [2] represent the leaf nodes. The
// number between the square brackets represents
// the index of a leaf node in the list represented
// by the left linear tree.
// The case of 1 entry is not handled by this class.
// This case is handled by the class ElemDDLNode.
// The algorithem in this method is very inefficient.
// If the list is long and you would like to visit
// all leaf nodes in the left linear tree, please use
// the method traverseList instead.
ElemDDLNode *
ElemDDLList::operator[](CollIndex index)
CollIndex count;
ElemDDLNode * pElemDDLNode = this;
if (index >= entries())
return NULL;
if (index EQU 0)
for (count = 1; count < entries(); count ++)
pElemDDLNode = pElemDDLNode->getChild(0)->castToElemDDLNode();
ComASSERT(pElemDDLNode->getOperatorType() NEQ getOperatorType());
return pElemDDLNode;
count = entries() - index;
while (pElemDDLNode NEQ NULL AND count > 0)
if (pElemDDLNode->getOperatorType() EQU getOperatorType() AND
pElemDDLNode->getArity() >= 2)
if (count EQU 1)
pElemDDLNode = pElemDDLNode->getChild(1)->castToElemDDLNode();
pElemDDLNode = pElemDDLNode->getChild(0)->castToElemDDLNode();
ComASSERT(pElemDDLNode->getOperatorType() NEQ getOperatorType());
return pElemDDLNode;
// mutators
ElemDDLList::initializeDataMembers(ElemDDLNode * commaExpr,
ElemDDLNode * otherExpr)
pParentListNode_ = NULL;
setChild(INDEX_ELEM_DDL_LIST_CHILD, commaExpr);
setChild(INDEX_ELEM_DDL_NODE_CHILD, otherExpr);
// Besides pointing to a list node (a non-leaf node in
// the left linear tree), commaExpr may also point to
// a leaf node (which is the first element in the list)
ComASSERT(commaExpr NEQ NULL);
// Link the child list node (pointed by the pointer commaExpr with
// the parent list node (this node). The method traverseList will
// use this link (in upward direction) to traverse the leaf nodes
// of the left linear tree more efficiently.
// Only link the child list node to this node if both parent node
// (this node) and child node represent the same kind of list node
// (both nodes are instantiated from the same class; for example,
// class ElemDDLPartitionList). Note that class ElemDDLList and
// class ElemDDLPartitionList represent two different kinds of list
// nodes (even though class ElemDDLPartitionList is derived from
// class ElemDDLList).
ElemDDLList * pChildListNode = commaExpr->castToElemDDLList();
if (pChildListNode NEQ NULL AND
getOperatorType() EQU pChildListNode->getOperatorType())
ElemDDLList::setChild(Lng32 index, ExprNode * pChildNode)
ComASSERT(index >= 0 AND index < getArity());
if (pChildNode NEQ NULL)
ComASSERT(pChildNode->castToElemDDLNode() NEQ NULL);
children_[index] = pChildNode->castToElemDDLNode();
children_[index] = NULL;
// Traverses the leaf nodes of the left linear tree.
// For each leaf node, invokes the function pointer
// visitNode passed by the caller. Passes to the
// function pointer visitNode the index of the leaf
// node and the pointer to the left node. Please
// read the comment header section in the definition
// of operator[] method to find out how the index
// value is determined.
// Note that this method visits the leaf nodes
// sequentially, with the first element in the list
// being visited first.
// The parameter pOtherNode contains a pointer pointing
// to the parse node that contains the left linear
// tree to be traversed. This parameter will be
// pass to the function pointer visitNode during
// the invocation of visitNode so the code in
// visitNode can update the contents of the parse
// node pointed by pOtherNode.
// traverseList also passed the index of and the
// pointer to the (currently visited) element to
// visitNode. These two parameters contain
// information is used by visitNode to update the
// contents of the parse node pointed by pOtherNode.
/*virtual*/ void
ElemDDLList::traverseList(ElemDDLNode * pOtherNode,
void (*visitNode)(ElemDDLNode * pOtherNode,
CollIndex indexOfLeafNode,
ElemDDLNode * pLeafNode))
OperatorTypeEnum operatorType = getOperatorType();
ElemDDLList * pElemDDLList = this;
CollIndex count = 0;
ElemDDLNode * pElemDDLNode = (ElemDDLNode *)this;
// go to the first element of the list
while (pElemDDLNode->getOperatorType() EQU operatorType)
ComASSERT(pElemDDLNode->castToElemDDLList() NEQ NULL);
pElemDDLList = pElemDDLNode->castToElemDDLList();
// getChild(0) returns the pointer to the left sub-tree
ComASSERT(pElemDDLNode->getChild(0) NEQ NULL);
pElemDDLNode = pElemDDLNode->getChild(0)->castToElemDDLNode();
// count now contains the number of the list (non-leaf) nodes
// in the left linear tree. Note that the number of leaf nodes
// is equal to the number of list nodes plus one.
// count now contains the number of elements in the list
// pElemDDLNode now points to the first element in the list
// pElemDDLList now points to the list node that is the
// parent node of the leaf node representing the first
// element in the list
// visit the first element in the list
(*visitNode)(pOtherNode, 0, pElemDDLNode);
// visit the remaining elements in the list sequentially
ComASSERT(count > 1);
for (CollIndex index = 1; index < count; index ++)
// getChild(1) returns the pointer to the right sub-tree
pElemDDLList->getOperatorType() EQU operatorType AND
pElemDDLList->getChild(1) NEQ NULL);
pElemDDLList = pElemDDLList->getParentListNode();
pElemDDLList->getOperatorType() EQU operatorType);
// methods for tracing
const NAString
ElemDDLList::getText() const
return "ElemDDLList";
// method for building text
NAString ElemDDLList::getSyntax(NAString separator) const
NAString syntax;
ElemDDLList * ncThis = (ElemDDLList*)this;
syntax = (*ncThis)[0]->getSyntax();
// notice we start from i = 1
for (CollIndex i = 1 ; i < entries() ; i++)
syntax += separator;
syntax += (*ncThis)[i]->getSyntax();
return syntax;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods for class ElemDDLColNameList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// virtual destructor
// cast virtual function
ElemDDLColNameList *
return this;
// methods for tracing
const NAString
ElemDDLColNameList::getText() const
return "ElemDDLColNameList";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods for class ElemDDLColRefList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// virtual destructor
// cast virtual function
ElemDDLColRefList *
return this;
// methods for tracing
const NAString
ElemDDLColRefList::getText() const
return "ElemDDLColRefList";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods for class ElemDDLConstraintNameList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// virtual destructor
// cast
ElemDDLConstraintNameList *
return this;
// methods for tracing
const NAString
ElemDDLConstraintNameList::getText() const
return "ElemDDLConstraintNameList";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods for class ElemDDLFileAttrList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// virtual destructor
// cast virtual function
ElemDDLFileAttrList *
return this;
// methods for tracing
const NAString
ElemDDLFileAttrList::getText() const
return "ElemDDLFileAttrList";
// method for building text
// virtual
NAString ElemDDLFileAttrList::getSyntax() const
return ElemDDLList::getSyntax(", ");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods for class ElemDDLPartnAttrList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// virtual destructor
// cast virtual function
ElemDDLPartnAttrList *
return this;
// methods for tracing
const NAString
ElemDDLPartnAttrList::getText() const
return "ElemDDLPartnAttrList";
// method for building text
// virtual
NAString ElemDDLPartnAttrList::getSyntax() const
return ElemDDLList::getSyntax(", ");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods for class ElemDDLKeyValueList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// virtual destructor
// cast
ElemDDLKeyValueList *
return this;
// methods for tracing
const NAString
ElemDDLKeyValueList::getText() const
return "ElemDDLKeyValueList";
// method for building text
// virtual
NAString ElemDDLKeyValueList::getSyntax() const
return ElemDDLList::getSyntax(", ");
} // getSyntax
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods for class ElemDDLOptionList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// virtual destructor
// cast
ElemDDLOptionList *
return this;
// methods for tracing
const NAString
ElemDDLOptionList::getText() const
return "ElemDDLOptionList";
// method for building text
// virtual
NAString ElemDDLOptionList::getSyntax() const
return ElemDDLList::getSyntax(" ");
} // getSyntax()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods for class ElemDDLPartitionList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// virtual destructor
// cast virtual function
ElemDDLPartitionList *
return this;
// methods for tracing
const NAString
ElemDDLPartitionList::getText() const
return "ElemDDLPartitionList";
// method for building text
// virtual
NAString ElemDDLPartitionList::getSyntax() const
return ElemDDLList::getSyntax(", ");
} // getSyntax()
// End of File