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= Load, Extract, Copy
== Load Files
You can load a data file using `-l` option.
$ odb64luo –u user –p xx –d dsn –l src=customer.tbl:tgt=TRAFODION.MAURIZIO.CUSTOMER \
This command:
* Loads the file named `customer.tbl` (`src=customer.tbl`)
* using `|` (vertical bar) as a field separator (`fs=\|`)
* using `1000 rows` as row-set buffer (`rows=1000`)
* using `UPSERT USING LOAD` syntax to achieve better throughput as described in
{docs-url}/load_transform/index.html[{project-name} Load and Transform Guide]
* truncating the target table before loading (`truncate`)
* using `4 parallel threads` to load the target table (`parallel=4`)
=== Data Loading Operators
-l src=[-]file:tgt=table[:map=mapfile][:fs=fieldsep][:rs=recsep][:soe]
The following table describes each data loading operator:
| Load option | Meaning
| `src=<file>` | Input file. You can use the following keywords for this field: +
- `%t` expand to the (lower case) table name +
- `%T` expand to the (upper case) table name +
- `%s/%S` expand to the schema name +
- `%c/%C` expand to the catalog name +
- `stdin` load reading from the standard input +
- `-<file>` to load all files listed in `<file>` +
- `[hdfs][@host,port[,user]].<hdfspath>` to load files from Hadoop File System (via ``) +
- `[mapr][@host,port[,user]].<maprpath>` to load files from MapR File System (via ``)
| `tgt=<CAT.SCH.TAB>` | This is the target table
| `fs=<char>\|<code>` | This is the field separator. You can define the field separator: +
- as normal character (for example `fs=,`) +
- as ASCII decimal (for example `fs=44` &#8212; `44` means comma) +
- as ASCII octal value (for example `fs=054` &#8212; `054` means comma) +
- as ASCII hex value (for example `fs=x2C` &#8212; `x2C` means comma) +
Default field separator is `,` (comma)
| `rs=<char>\|<code>` | This is the record separator. You can define the record separator the
same way as the field separator. Default record separator is `\n` (new line)
| `pc=<char\|code>` | Pad character used when loading fixed format files. You can use the same
notation as the field separator.
| `map=<mapfile>` | Uses mapfile to map source file to target table columns. See <<load_map_fields, Map Source File Fields to Target Table Columns>>.
| `skip=num` | Skips a given number of lines when loading. This can be useful to skip headers in the source file.
| `max=num` | The max number of records to load. Default is to load all records in the input file
| `ns=<nullstring>` | odb inserts NULL when it finds nullstring in the input file. By default the nullstring is the empty string
| `sq=<char>\|<code>` | The string qualifier character used to enclose strings. You can define the escape character the same way as the field separator.
| `ec=<char>\|<code>` | The character used as escape character. You can define the escape character the same way as the field separator. +
Default is `\` (back slash).
| `rows=<num>\|k<num>\|m<num>` | This defines the size of the I/O buffer for each loading thread. +
You can define the size of this buffer in two different ways: +
1. number of rows (for example: `rows=100` means 100 rows as IO buffer) +
2.* buffer size in KB or MB (for example: `rows=k512` (512 KB buffer) or `rows=m20` (20MB buffer)) +
Default value is `100`.
| `bad=[+]file` | Where to write rejected rows. If you omit this parameter, then rejected rows is printed to standard error together with the error returned by
the ODBC Driver. +
If you add a `+` sign in front of the file-name, odb *appends* to `<file>`instead of *create* the `<file>`.
| `truncate` | Truncates the target table before loading.
| `ifempty` | Loads the target table only if it contains no records.
| `norb` | Loads `WITH NO ROLLBACK`.
| `nomark` | Don’t print the number of records loaded so far during loads.
| `soe` | Stop On Error &#8212; stop as soon as odb encounters an error.
| `parallel=num` | Number of loading threads. odb uses: +
- one thread to read from the input file and +
- as many threads as the parallel argument to write via ODBC. This option is database independent.
| `errmax=num` | odb prints up to num error messages per rowset. Normally used with soe to limit the number of error messages printed to the standard error stream.
| `commit=auto\|end\|#rows\|x#rs` | Defines how odb commits the inserts. You have the following choices: +
- `auto` (default): Commit every single insert (see also rows load operator). +
- `end`: Commit when all rows (assigned to a given thread) have been inserted. +
- `#rows`: Commit every `#rows` inserted rows. +
- `x#rs`: Commit every `#rs` rowset (see `rows`)
| `direct` | Adds `/\*+ DIRECT */`* hint to the insert statement. To be used with Vertica databases in order to store inserted rows **directly** into
the Read-Only Storage (ROS). See Vertica’s documentation.
| `fieldtrunc=\{0-4}` | Defines how odb manages fields longer than the destination target column: +
- `fieldtrunc=0` (default): Truncates input string, print a warning and load the truncated field if the target column is a text field. +
- `fieldtrunc=1`: Like `fieldtrunc=0` but no warning message is printed. +
- `fieldtrunc=2`: Prints an error message and does NOT load the row. +
- `fieldtrunc=3`: Like `fieldtrunc=0` but tries to load the field even if the target column is NOT a text field. +
- `fieldtrunc=4`: Like fieldtrunc=3 but no warnings are printed. +
WARNING: the last two options could bring to unwanted results. For example, an input string like `2001-10-2345` is loaded as a valid
2001-10-23 if the target field is a `DATE`.
| `em=<char>\|<code>` | Character used to embed binary files. See <<load_default_values, Load Default Values>>. You can define
the embed character the same way as the field separator. No default value.
| `pre={@sqlfile}\|{[sqlcmd]}` | odb runs a *single instance* of either `sqlfile` script or `sqlcmd` (enclosed between square brackets)
on the *target system* immediately before loading the target table. You can, for example, CREATE the target table before loading it. +
Target table is not loaded if SQL execution fails and `Stop On Error (soe)` is set.
| `post={@sqlfile}\|{[sqlcmd]}` | odb runs a *single instance* of either `sqlfile` script or `sqlcmd` (enclosed between square brackets)
on the *target system* immediately after the target table has been loaded. You can, for example, update database stats after loading a table.
| `tpar=num` | odb loads `num` tables in parallel when `src` is a list of files to be loaded.
| `show` | odb prints what would be loaded in each column but no data is actually loaded. This is useful if you want to see how the input file
_fits_ into the target tables, Normally used to analyze the first few rows of CSV files (use `:max`). This option forces: +
- `parallel` to `1`. +
- `rows` to `1`. +
- `ifempty` to `false`. +
- `truncate` to `false`.
| `maxlen=#bytes` | odb limits the amount of memory allocated in the ODBC buffers for CHAR/VARCHAR fields to `#bytes`.
| `time` | odb prints a *time line* (milliseconds from start) for each insert.
| `bpc=#` | Bytes allocated in the ODBC buffer for each (non wide) CHAR/VARCHAR column length unit. (Default: 1)
| `bwpc=#` | Bytes allocated in the ODBC buffer for each (wide) CHAR/VARCHAR column length unit. (Default: 4)
| `Xmltag=[+]tag` | Input file is XML. Load all _XML nodes_ under the one specified with this option. If a plus sign is
specified, then odb loads node-attributes values.
| `xmlord` | By default, odb _matches_ target table columns with XML node or attributes using their names. If this option is specified, then
odb loads the first node/attribute to the first column, the second node/attribute to the second column and so on without checking node/attribute names.
| `xmldump` | odb does not load the XML file content. Instead, XML attribute/tage names are printed to standard output so you can check
what is going to be loaded.
| `loadcmd` | SQL operation to be used for load. (Default: `INSERT`). `UPSERT` and `UPSERT USING LOAD` are also available for {project-name}.
You can load multiple files using different `-l` options. By default odb creates as many threads (and ODBC connections) as the sum of
parallel load threads. You can limit this number using `-T` option.
$ odb64luo –u user –p xx –d dsn –T 5 \
-l src=./data/%t.tbl.gz:tgt=TRAFODION.MAURO.CUSTOMER:fs=\
|:rows=m2:truncate:norb:parallel=4 \
-l src=./data/%t.tbl.gz:tgt=TRAFODION.MAURO.ORDERS:fs=\
|:rows=1000:truncate:norb:parallel=4 \
-l src=./data/%t.tbl.gz:tgt=TRAFODION.MAURO.LINEITEM:fs=\
The above command truncates and loads the CUSTOMER, ORDERS and LINEITEM tables. The input files have the same name as the
target tables -– in lower case). Loads are distributed among available threads this way:
| Load Order | Thread 0 | Thread 1 | Thread2 | Thread3 | Thread4
If you want to load more than one table in parallel you should use a number of threads defined as:
`(parallel + 1) * tables_to_load_in_parallel`
NOTE: You can load gzipped files without any special option. odb automatically checks input files and decompress them on the fly when
odb using one single loading thread (`parallel=1`) is faster than without parallel &#8212; if you do not specify
parallel, odb uses one thread to both read from file and write into the target table:
`Read buffer #1>Write Buffer #1>Read Buffer #2>Write Buffer #2>Read Buffer #3>Write Buffer#3>&#8230;`
`parallel=1` defines that there is one thread to read from file and one thread to write:
* `Read buffer #1>Read Buffer #2>Read Buffer #3>&#8230;`
* `Write Buffer #1>Write Buffer #2>Write Buffer #3>&#8230;`
Reading from file is *normally* much faster than writing via ODBC so a single _reading thread_ can serve different _loading threads_.
One could ask: what the _right_ number of loading threads is?
In order to define the right number of loading threads you should run a few test and monitor the _Wait Cycles_ reported by odb.
Wait Cycles represent the number of times the _reading thread_ had to wait for one _loading thread_ to become available.
* When you have high _Wait Cycles/Total Cycles” ratio&#8230;_ it’s better to increase the number of writers.
* When the _Wait Cycles/Total Cycles_ is less than 5%, adding more loading threads is useless or counterproductive.
== Map Source File Fields to Target Table Columns
odb, _by default_, assumes that input files contain as many fields as the target table columns, and that file fields and target
table columns are in the same order. This means that the first field in the input file is loaded in the first table column,
second input field goes to the second column and so on.
If this basic assumption is not true and you need more flexibility to _link_ input fields to target table columns, then
odb provides mapping/transformation capabilities though *mapfiles*. By specifying `map=<mapfile>` load option you can:
* Associate any input file field to any table column
* Skip input file fields
* Generate sequences
* Insert constants
* Transform dates/timestamps formats
* Extract substrings
* Replace input file strings. For example: insert `Maurizio Felici` when you read `MF`
* Generate random values
* &#8230; and much more
A generic _mapfile_ contains:
* *Comments* (line starting with `#`)
* *Mappings* to link input file fields to the corresponding target table columns.
Mappings use the following syntax:
`<colname>:<field>[:transformation operator]`
* `<colname>` is the target table column name. (Case sensitive)
* `<field>` is one of the following:
* The ordinal position (`_starting from zero_`) of the input file field.
First input field is `0` (zero), second input field is `1` and so on
* `CONST:<CONSTANT>` to load a constant value
* `SEQ:<START>` to generate/load a sequence starting from `<START>`
* `IRAND:<MIN>:<MAX>` to generate/load a random integer between `<MIN>` and `<MAX>`
* `DRAND:<MIN_YEAR>:<MAX_YEAR>` to generate/load a random date (`YYYY-MM-DD`) between `<MIN_YEAR>` and `<MAX_YEAR>`
* `TMRAND`: to generate/load a random time (`hh:mm:ss`) between `00:00:00` and `23:59:59`
* `TSRAND`: to generate/load a random timestamp (`YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss`) between midnight UTC –- 01 Jan 1970 and the current timestamp
* `CRAND:<LENGTH>` generates/loads a string of `<LENGTH>` characters randomly selected in the following ranges: `a-z`, `A-Z`, `0-9`
* `NRAND:<PREC>:<SCALE>` generates/loads a random NUMERIC field with precision `<PREC>` and scale `<SCALE>`
* `DSRAND:<file>` selects and loads a random line from `<file>`
* `TXTRAND:<MIN_LENGTH>:<MAX_LENGTH>:<file>:` selects and loads a random portion of test from `<file>` with length between `<MIN_LENGTH>` and `<MAX_LENGTH>`
* `LSTRAND:<VALUE1,VALUE2,&#8230;>` selects and loads a random value from `<VALUE1,VALUE2,&#8230;>`
* `EMRAND:<MIN_ULENGTH>:<MAX_ULENGTH>:<MIN_DLENGTH>:<MAX_DLENGTH>:<SUFFIX1,SUFFIX2,&#8230;>` generates and loads a string made of `local@domain.suffix` where:
** local is a string of random characters (`a-z`, `A-Z`, `0-9`) with length between `<MIN_ULENGTH>` and `<MAX_ULENGTH>`
** domain is a string of random characters (`a-z`, `A-Z`, `0-9`) with length between `<MIN_DLENGTH>` and `<MAX_DLENGTH>`
** suffix is a randomly selected suffix from `<SUFFIX1,SUFFIX2,&#8230;>`
* `CDATE`: to load the current date (`YYYY-MM-DD`)
* `CTIME`: to load the current time (`hh:mm:ss`)
* `CTSTAMP`: to load the current timestamp (`YYYY-MM-SS hh:mm:ss`)
* `FIXED:<START>:<LENGTH>` to load fixed format fields made of `<LENGTH>` characters starting at `<START>`.
NOTE: `<START>` starts from zero.
* `EMPTYASEMPTY`: loads empty strings in the input file as empty strings (default is to load empty string as NULLs).
* `EMPTYASCONST:<CONSTANT>`: loads empty fields in the input file as `<CONSTANT>`.
NOTE: Currently, only `EMPTYASEMPTY` and `EMPTYASCONST` are valid empty mapping options. If the empty mapping option is specified in the mapfile, then an empty string is treated as an empty string or a constant. +
If `ns` option is specified, then an empty string is treated as an empty string. +
odb always prefers to use the empty mapping option if it conflicts with the `ns` option. +
If both the empty mapping option and the `ns` option are not specified, then an empty string is treated as NULL.
* `NULL`: inserts `NULL`
* `:transformation operators` (optional):
* `SUBSTR:<START>:<END>`. For example, if you have an input field containing `Tib:student` a transformation rule
like `SUBSTR:3:6`m then `Tib` is loaded into the database.
* `TSCONV:<FORMAT>`. Converts timestamps from the input file format defined through `<FORMAT>` to
`YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS` before loading. The input format is defined through any combination of the following characters:
| Char | Meaning
| `b` | abbreviated month name
| `B` | full month name
| `d` | day of the month
| `H` | hour (24 hour format)
| `m` | month number
| `M` | Minute
| `S` | Second
| `y` | year (four digits)
| `D#` | #decimal digits
| `.` | ignore a single char
| `_` | ignore up to the next digit
* `DCONV:<FORMAT>`. Converts dates from the input file format defined through `<FORMAT>` to `YYYY-MM-DD` (see `TSCONV` operator). +
Example: `DCONV:B.d.y` converts `August,24 1991` to `1991-08-24`
* `TCONV:<FORMAT>`. Converts times from the input file format defined through `<FORMAT>` to `HH:MM:SS` (see `TSCONV` operator).
* `REPLACE:<READ>:<WRITTEN>`. Loads the string `<WRITTEN>` when the input file fields contains `<READ>`.
If the input file string doesn't match `<READ>`, then it is loaded as is.
See <<load_mapfiles_ignore, Use mapfiles to Ignore and/or Transform Fields When Loading>>
* `TOUPPER`. Converts the string read from the input file to uppercase before loading.
Example: `proGRAmMEr &#8212;> PROGRAMMER`
* `TOLOWER`. Converts the string read from the input file to lowercase before loading.
Example: `proGRAmMEr &#8212;> programmer`
* `FIRSTUP`. Converts the first character of the string read from the input file to uppercase and
the remaining characters to lowercase before loading.
Example: `proGRAmMEr &#8212;> Programmer`
* `TRANSLIT:<LIST OF CHARS>:<LIST OF CHARS>`. Lets you to delete or change any character with another.
** `WORK:7:translit:Gp:HP` loads the seventh input field into the target column named `WORK` and replaces all `G`
with `H` and all `p` with `P`
** `WORK:7:translit:Gp\r:HP\d` behaves like the previous example but also deletes all `carriage returns` (`\r`)
** `CSUBSTR`. This operator is somehow similar to `SUBSTR` but instead of using fixed position to extract substrings
will use delimiting characters. For example, suppose your input fields (comma is the field separator) are:
... other fields...,name_Maurizio.programmer,...other fields
... other fields...,_name_Lucia.housewife, ...other fields...
... other fields...,first_name_Giovanni.farmer,... other fields...
... other fields...,_Antonella,... other fields...
... other fields...,Martina,...other fields...
... other fields...,Marco.student, ...other fields...
Using a transformation like: `NAME:4:CSUBSTR:95:46` (where `95` is the ASCII code for `_` and 46 is the ASCII code for `.`)
results in loading the following values into the target (`NAME`) column: +
* `COMP`. Transform a packed binary `COMP` into a target database number.
For example: `hex 80 00 00 7b` is loaded as `-123`
* `COMP3:PRECISION:SCALE`. Transform a packed binary `COMP-3` format into a target database number.
For example: `hex 12 34 56 78 90 12 34 56 78 9b` is loaded as `-1234567890123456.789`
* `ZONED:PRECISION:SCALE`. Transform a packed binary `ZONED` format into a target database number.
For example: `hex 31 32 33 34 35 36` is loaded as `+.123456`
== Use mapfiles to Ignore and/or Transform Fields When Loading
The following example explains mapfile usage to skip/transform or generate fields. Suppose you have a target table like this:
|ID |INTEGER SIGNED |NO | |mf_pkey 1 U |
|NAME |CHAR(10) |YES | | |
And an input file like this:
uno,00,*51*,due,_Maurizio_,tre,[underline]#07 Mar 1959#, ignore,remaining, fields +
uno,00,*46*,due,_Lucia_,tre,[underline]#13 Oct 1964#, ignore, this +
uno,00,*34*,due,_Giovanni_,tre,[underline]#30 Mar 1976# +
uno,00,*48*,due,_Antonella_,tre,[underline]#24 Apr 1962#
* *Bold text* represents age.
* _Italics text_ represents name.
* [underline]#Underline text# represents birth date.
You want to load the marked fields into the appropriate column, *_generate_* a unique key for ID and ignore the remaining fields.
In addition: you need to *_convert date format_* and replace all occurrences of `Lucia` with `Lucy`.
The following map file accomplishes these goals:
$ cat test/load_map/
# Map file to load TRAFODION.MFTEST.FRIENDS from friends.dat
ID:seq:1 # Inserts into ID column a sequence starting from 1
NAME:4:REPLACE:Lucia:Lucy # Loads field #4 into NAME and replace all occurrences of Lucia with Lucy
AGE:2 # Loads field #2 (they start from zero) into AGE
BDATE:6:DCONV:d.b.y # Loads field #6 into BDATE converting date format from dd mmm yyyy
Load as follows:
$ odb64luo –u user –p xx –d dsn \
== Use mapfiles to Load Fixed Format Files
Suppose you have a target table like this:
|NAME |CHAR(10) |YES | | |
|JOB |CHAR(10) |YES | | |
And an input file like this:
GiovanniXXX30 Mar 1976YFarmer
Lucia XXX13 Oct 1964YHousewife
Martina XXX28 Oct 1991Y?
Marco XXX06 Nov 1994Y?
MaurizioXXX07 Mar 1959YProgrammer
You want to load the fixed-position fields into the appropriate columns and to *_convert date format_*.
Null values in the input file are represented by question marks. In this case you can use a mapfile like
~/Devel/odb $ cat test/fixed/
NAME:FIXED:0:8 <- insert into NAME characters starting at position 0, length 8
BDATE:FIXED:11:11:DCONV:d.b.y <- insert into BDATE characters starting at col 11, length 11 and convert date
JOB:FIXED:23:10 <- insert into JOB characters starting at position 23, length 10
Load as follows:
$ odb64luo –u user –p xx –d dsn \
Where: `pc=32` identify the pad character in the input file (`space` = ASCII 32) and `ns=?` defines
the null string in the input file.
== Generate and Load Data
odb can generate and load data for testing purposes. The following example illustrates
the odb capabilities in this area through an example.
Suppose you want to fill with test data a table like this:
You can use a mapfile like this:
~/Devel/odb $ cat
* `PID:SEQ:100` &#8212; Loads a sequence starting from `100` into `PID`
* `FNAME:DSRAND:datasets/first_names.txt` &#8212; Loads `FNAME` with a randomly selected value from `first_names.txt`.
There are plenty of sample datasets available to generate all sort of data using _realistic_ values.
* `LNAME:DSRAND:datasets/last_names.txt` &#8212; Loads `LNAME` with a random value from `last_names.txt`.
* `COUNTRY:DSRAND:datasets/countries.txt` &#8212; Loads `COUNTRY` with a random value from `countries.txt`.
* `CITY:DSRAND:datasets/cities.txt` &#8212; Loads `CITY` with a random value from `cities.txt`.
* `BDATE:DRAND:1800:2012` &#8212; Generates and loads into `BDATE` a random date between `1800-01-01` and `2012-12-31`.
* `SEX:LSTRAND:M,F,U` &#8212; Loads `SEX` with a random value in the `M`, `F`, `U` range.
* `EMAIL:EMRAND:3:12:5:8:com,edu,org,net` &#8212; Generates and loads a `local@domain.suffix email` addresses where:
* `local` is made of 3 to 12 random characters.
* `domain` is made of 5 to 8 random characters.
* `suffix` is `com`, `ord`, `edu`, or `net`.
* `SALARY:NRAND:9:2` &#8212; Generate and loads a random NUMERIC(9,2).
* `EMPL:DSRAND:datasets/fortune500.txt` &#8212; Loads `EMPL` with a random value from `fortune500.txt`.
* `NOTES:TXTRAND:20:80:datasets/lorem_ipsum.txt` &#8212; Loads `NOTES` with a random section of `lorem_ipsum.txt`
with length between 20 and 80 characters`
* `LOADTS:CTSTAMP` &#8212; Loads the current timestamp into `LOADTS`.
You generate and load test data with a command like this:
$ bin/odb64luo -u user -p password -d traf -l src=nofile:
Please note `src=nofile” (it means _there is no input file_) and `max=1000000` (generate and load one million rows). The above command
has generated and loaded 1M rows of _realistic_ data in about ten seconds:
[0] odb Loading statistics:
[0] Source: nofile
[0] Pre-loading time: 2.911 s
[0] Loading time: 7.466 s
[0] Total records read: 1,000,000
[0] Total records inserted: 1,000,000
[0] Total number of columns: 12
[0] Total bytes read: 3,963
[0] Average input row size: 0.0 B
[0] ODBC row size: 323 B (data) + 88 B (len ind) [0] Rowset size: 5,000
[0] Rowset buffer size: 2,006.83 KiB
[0] Load Performances (real data): 0.518 KiB/s
[0] Load Performances(ODBC): 42,243.161 KiB/s
[0] Reader Total/Wait Cycles: 200/16
== Load Default Values
The simpler way to load database generated defaults is to ignore the associated columns in the map file. For example, suppose you have a
table like this under {project-name}:
create table TRAFODION.maurizio.dtest
( id largeint generated by default as identity not null
, fname char(10)
, lname char(10) default 'Felici'
, bdate date
, comment varchar(100)
If you have an input file containing:
ignoreme,*Maurizio*,xyz,_commentM_, ignore,remaining, fields
ignoreme,*Lucia*,xyz,_commentL_, ignore, this
ignoreme,*Giovanni*,xyz,_commentG_, ignoreme,Antonella,xyz,commentA
* *Bold text* represents `fname`.
* _Italic text_ represents `comment`.
and a map-file like this:
* First column (`ID`) is loaded with its default value (not in the map file)
* Second column (`FNAME`) is loaded with the second input field from file (`FNAME:1`)
* Third column (`LNAME`) is loaded with its default value (not in the map file)
* Fourth column (`BDATE`) is loaded with the Current Data generated by odb (`BDATE:CDATE`)
* Fifth column (`COMMENT`) is loaded with the fifth column in the input file (`COMMENT:4`)
== Load Binary Files
Assuming that your back-end database (and your ODBC Driver) supports BLOB data types, or equivalent,
you can use odb to directly load binary (or any other) files into a database column using the `[:em=char]` symbol
to identify the file to be loaded into that specific database field.
Suppose you have a table like this (MySQL):
create table pers.myphotos
( id integer
, image mediumblob
, phts timestamp
Then, you can load a file like this:
$ cat myphotos.csv
001,@/home/mauro/images/image1.jpg,2012-10-21 07:31:21
002,@/home/mauro/images/image2.jpg,2012-10-21 07:31:21
003,@/home/mauro/images/image3.jpg,2012-10-21 07:31:21
by running a command like this:
$ odb64luo –u user –p xx –d dsn -l src=myphotos.csv:tgt=pers.myphotos:em=\@
odb considers the string following the “em” character as the path of the file to be loaded in that specific field.
NOTE: odb does not load rows where the size of the input file is greater than the target database column.
== Load XML Files
Trafodion odb supports loading XML files into tables, the key construct for XML files can be an element or an attribute.
=== Load XML Files Where Data is Stored in Element Nodes
. Create a table.
./odb64luo -x "create table testxmlload(id int, name char(20))"
. Suppose you have a xml file where data is stored in element nodes like the following.
-bash-4.1$ cat test.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
TIP: To check what will be loaded before loading XML file into table, run the following command
`./odb64luo -l src=test.xml :tgt=testxmlload:xmltag=data:xmldump`
. Load the test.xml file into the table, run the following command.
./odb64luo -l src=test.xml:tgt=testxmlload:xmltag=data
TIP: `xmltag=data` means odb will load data from the element nodes. For more information, see <<Data Loading Operators>>.
=== Load XML Files Where Data is Stored in Attribute Nodes
. Create a table.
./odb64luo -x "create table testxmlload(id int, name char(20))"
. Suppose you have a XML file where data is stored in attribute nodes like the following.
-bash-4.1$ cat test.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<data id="1" name="hello"></data>
TIP: To check what will be loaded before loading XML file into table, run the following command.
`./odb64luo -l src=test.xml:tgt=testxmlload:xmltag=data:xmldump`
. Load the test.xml file into the table, run the following command.
./odb64luo -l src=test.xml:tgt=testxmlload:xmltag=+data
TIP: `xmltag=+data` (with a plus sign specified) means odb will load data from the attribute nodes. For more information, see <<Data Loading Operators>>.
== Reduce the ODBC Buffer Size
odb allocates memory for the ODBC buffers during load/extract operations based on the max possible length of the
source/target columns.
If you have a column defined as `VARCHAR(2000`), then odb allocates enough space for 2,000 characters in the ODBC buffer.
If you know in advance that you never will load/extract 2,000 characters, then you can limit the amount of space allocated by odb.
This reduces memory usage and increase performances because of the reduced network traffic.
Given the following table:
~/Devel/odb $ ./odb64luo -u xxx -p xxx -d traf -i D:TRAFODION.USR.TMX
odb [2015-04-20 21:41:38]: starting ODBCconnection(s)... 0
Connected to Trafodion
And an input file that contains:
~/Devel/odb $ cat tmx.dat
10,Some other name
The max length of the second field in this file is:
~/Devel/odb $ awk -F\, 'BEGIN\{max=0} \{if(NF==2)\{len=length($i);if(len>max)max=len}}
END\{print max}' tmx.dat
In this case you can use `:maxlen=15` to limit the amount of the ODBC buffer:
~/Devel/odb $ ./odb64luo -u xxx -p xxx -d traf -l src=tmx.dat:tgt=usr.tmx:truncate:maxlen=15
odb [2015-04-20 21:46:11]:starting ODBC connection(s)... 0
Connected to Trafodion
[0.0.0]--- 0 row(s) deleted in 0.052s (prep 0.012s, exec 0.040s, fetch 0.000s/0.000s)
[0] 10 records inserted [commit]
[0] odb version 1.3.0 Load(2) statistics:
[0] Target table: (null).USR.TMX
[0] Source: tmx.dat
[0] Pre-loading time: 1.254 s (00:00:01.254)
[0] Loading time: 0.026 s(00:00:00.026)
[0] Total records read: 10
[0] Total records inserted: 10
[0] Total number of columns: 2
[0] Total bytes read: 99
[0] Average input row size: 9.9 B
[0] ODBC row size: *26 B (data) + 16 B (len ind)*
[0] Rowset size: 100
[0] Rowset buffer size: *4.10 KiB*
[0] Load throughput (real data): 3.718 KiB/s
[0] Load throughput (ODBC): 9.766 KiB/s
odb [2015-04-20 21:46:12]: exiting. Session Elapsed time 1.294 seconds (00:00:01.294)
If you do not specify this parameter odb allocates the buffer for the max possible length of each field:
~/Devel/odb $ ./odb64luo -u xxx -p xxx -d traf -l src=tmx.dat:tgt=usr.tmx:truncate
odb [2015-04-20 21:47:13]: starting ODBC connection(s)... 0
Connected to Trafodion
[0.0.0]--- 10 row(s) deleted in 0.107s (prep 0.012s, exec 0.095s, fetch 0.000s/0.000s)
[0] 10 records inserted [commit]
[0] odb version 1.3.0 Load(2) statistics:
[0] Target table: (null).USR.TMX
[0] Source: tmx.dat
[0] Pre-loading time: 1.330 s (00:00:01.330)
[0] Loading time: 0.032 s(00:00:00.032)
[0] Total records read: 10
[0] Total records inserted: 10
[0] Total number of columns: 2
[0] Total bytes read: 99
[0] Average input row size: 9.9 B
[0] ODBC row size: 411 B (data) + 16 B (len ind)
[0] Rowset size: 100
[0] Rowset buffer size: 41.70 KiB
[0] Load throughput (real data): 3.021 KiB/s
[0] Load throughput (ODBC): 125.427 KiB/s
odb [2015-04-20 21:47:14]: exiting. Session Elapsed time 1.373 seconds (00:00:01.373)
== Extract Tables
You can use odb to extract tables from a database and write them to standard files (or named pipes).
$ odb64luo –u user –p xx –d dsn –T 3 \
-e src=TRAFODION.MAURIZIO.LIN%:tgt=$\{DATA}/ext_%t.csv.gz:rows=m10:fs=\|:trim:gzip: \
-e src=TRAFODION.MAURIZIO.REGION:tgt=$\{DATA}/ext_%t.csv.gz:rows=m10:fs=\|:trim:gzip \
-e src=TRAFODION.MAURIZIO.NATION:tgt=$\{DATA}/ext_%t.csv.gz:rows=m10:fs=\|:trim:gzip
The example above:
* Extracts tables `REGION`, `NATION`, and all tables starting with `LIN` from `TRAFODION.MAURIZIO` schema.
* Saves data into files `ext_%t.csv.gz` (`%t` is expanded to the real table name).
* Compresses the output file (gzip) on the fly (uncompressed data never lands to disk).
* Trims text fields.
* Uses a 10 MB IO buffer.
* Uses three threads (ODBC connection) for the extraction process.
=== Extraction Options
-e {src={table|-file}|sql=<customsql>}:tgt=[+]file[:pwhere=where_cond]
The following table describes each extract operator:
| Extract option | Meaning
| `src=<CAT.SCH.TAB>\|-file` | Defines the source table(s). You can use: +
- a single table name (for example TRAFODION.MFTEST.LINEITEM) +
- a group of tables (for example TRAFODION.MFTEST.LIN%) +
- a file containing a list of tables to extract (`-` should precede the filename)
| `sql=<sql>` | A custom SQL command you can use to extract data. This is *alternative* to `src=`.
| `tgt=[+]file` | Output file. You can use the following keywords for this field: +
- `%t/%T` expands to the (lower/upper case) table name +
- `%s/%S` expands to the (lower/upper case) schema name +
- `%c/%C` expands to the (lower/upper case) catalog name +
- `%d` expands to the extraction date (YYYYMMDD format) +
- `%D` expands to the extraction date (YYYY-MM-DD format) +
- `%m` expands to the extraction time (hhmmss format) +
- `%M` expands to the extraction time (hh:mm:ss format) +
- `stdout` prints the extracted records to the standard output. +
If you add a `+` sign in front of the file-name, then odb *appends* to `file` instead of *creates* `file`. +
`hdfs./<hdfspath>/<file>` to write exported table under the Hadoop File Distributed System (HDFS).
| `fs=<char>\|<code>` | Field separator. You can define the field separator as: +
- a normal character (for example `fs=,`) +
- ASCII decimal (for example `fs=44` - 44 means comma) +
- ASCII octal value (for example `fs=054` – 054 means comma) +
- ASCII hex value (for example `fs=x2C` – x2C means comma) +
The default field separator is `,` (comma)
| `rs=<char>\|<code>` | Record separator. You can define the record separator the same way as the field separator. +
The default record separator is `\n` (new line)
| `max=num` | Max number of records to extract. +
The default is to extract all records
| `sq=<char>\|<code>` | The string qualifier character used to enclose strings. You can
define the string qualifier the same way as the field separator
| `ec=<char>\|<code>` | Character used as escape character. You can define the
escape character the same way as the field separator. +
Default is `\` (back slash).
| `rows=<num>\|k<num>\|m<num>` | Defines the size of the I/O buffer for each extraction thread. You
can define the size of this buffer in two different ways: +
- number of rows (for example: `rows=100` means 100 rows as IO buffer) +
- buffer size in kB or MB (for example: `rows=k512` (512 kB buffer) or `rows=m20` (20MB buffer))
| `ns=<nullstring>` | How odb represents NULL values in the output file. +
Default is the empty string (two field separators one after the other)
| `es=<emptystring>` | How odb represents VARCHAR empty strings (NOT NULL with zero
length) values in the output file. +
Default is the empty string (two field separators one after the other)
| `gzpar=<params>` | This are extra parameters you can pass to _tune_ the gzip compression algorithm. +
*Examples* +
- `gzpar=wb9`: max compression (slower) +
- `gzpar=wb1`: basic compression (faster) +
- `gzpar=wb6h`: Huffman compression only +
- `gzpar=wb6R`: Run-length encoding only
| `trim[=<params>]` | Accept the following optional parameters: +
- `c` trims^1^ from CHAR^2^. +
- `C` trims trailing spaces from CHAR^2^ +
- `v` trims leading spaces from VARCHAR fields +
- `V` trims trailing spaces from VARCHAR fields +
- `d` trims trailing zeros after decimal sign. Example: `12.3000` is extracted as `12.3`. +
- `t` trims decimal portion from TIME/TIMESTAMP fields. For example: `1999-12-19 12:00:21.345` is extracted as `1999-12-19 12:00:21`. +
*Trim Examples* +
`:trim=cC` &#8212;> _trims leading/trailing spaces from CHAR fields_. +
`:trim=cCd` &#8212;> _trims leading/trailing spaces from CHARs and trailing decimal zeroes_. +
If you do not specify any argument for this operator odb uses `cCvV`. In other words `:trim:` is a shortcut for `:trim=cCvV:`.
| `nomark` | Don't print the number of records extracted so far by each thread.
| `soe` | Stop On Error. odb stop as soon as it encounters an error.
| `parallel=num` | odb uses as many threads as the parallel argument to extract data from partitioned source tables. *You have to use splitby.* +
Each thread takes care of a specific range of the source table partitions. For example if you specify `parallel=4` and the source table
is made of 32 partitions, then odb starts *four* threads (four ODBC connections): +
- thread 0 extracts partitions 0-7 +
- thread 1 extracts partitions 8-15 +
- thread 2 extracts partitions 16-23 +
- thread 3 extracts partitions 24-31
| `multi` | This option can be used in conjunction with parallel operator to write as many output files as the number of extraction
threads. Output file names are built adding four digits at the end of the file identified by the `tgt` operator. +
For example, with `src=trafodion.mauro.orders:tgt=%t.csv:parallel=4:multi` +
odb writes into the following output files: +
- `orders.csv.0001` +
- `orders.csv.0002` +
- `orders.csv.0003` +
- `orders.csv.0004`
| `pwhere=<where condition>` | This option is used in conjunction with parallel limiting the
extraction to records satisfying the where condition. +
NOTE: The where condition is limited to columns in the source table. +
For example: you want to extract records with `TRANS_TS > 1999-12-12 09:00:00` from the source table TRAFODION.MAURO.MFORDERS
using eight parallel streams to a single, gzipped, file having the same name as the source table: +
`src=trafodion.mauro.mforders:tgt=%t.gz:gzip:parallel=8:pwhere=[TRANS_TS > TIMESTAMP ‘1999-12-12 09:00:00’]&#8230;` +
You can enclose the where condition between square brackets to avoid a misinterpretation of the characters in the where condition.
| `errmax=num` | odb prints up to num error messages per rowset. Normally used with soe to limit the number of error messages printed to the standard error stream.
| `uncommitted` | Adds FOR READ UNCOMMITTED ACCESS to the select(s) command(s).
| `rtrim` | RTRIM() CHAR columns on the server. From a functional point of view this is equivalent to `trim=C` but `rtrim` is executed on the server so
it saves both client CPU cycles and network bandwidth.
| `cast` | Performs a (server side) cast to VARCHAR for all non-text columns. Main scope of this operator is to _move_ CPU cycles from the client to
the database server. It increases network traffic. To be used when: +
- the extraction process is CPU bound on the client AND +
- network has a lot of available bandwidth AND +
- database server CPUs are not _under pressure_. +
Tests extracting a table full of NUMERIC(18,4), INT and DATES shows: +
- client CPU cycles down ~50% on the client +
- network traffic up ~40%
| `splitby=<column>` | This operator let you to use parallel extract from any database. *<column> has to be a SINGLE, numeric column*.
odb calculates min()/max() value for `<column>` and assign to each <parallel> thread the extraction of the rows in its _bucket_. +
For example, if you have: +
`&#8230;:splitby=emp_id:parallel=4&#8230;` +
with `min(emp_id)=1` and `max(emp_id)=1000`, the four threads extract the following rows: +
`thread #0 emp_id >=1 and emp_id < 251` +
`thread #1 emp_id >=251 and emp_id < 501` +
`thread #2 emp_id >=501 and emp_id < 751` +
`thread #3 emp_id >=751 and emp_id < 1001` (odb uses max(emp_id) + 1) +
If the values are not equally distributed, then data extraction is de-skewed.
| `pre={@sqlfile}\|{[sqlcmd]` | odb runs a *single instance* of either the `sqlfile` script or `sqlcmd` SQL
command (enclosed between square brackets) on the *source system* immediately before table extraction. +
Source table won’t be extracted if SQL execution fails and Stop On Error is set.
| `mpre={@sqlfile}\|{[sqlcmd]}` | Each odb thread runs either sqlfile script or sqlcmd SQL command (enclosed between
square brackets)on the *source system* immediately before table extraction. You can use `mpre` to set database specific
features *for each extraction thread*. +
*Examples* +
1. You want *{project-name}* to ignore missing stats warning. Then you can run via `mpre` a SQL script containing: +
`control query default HIST_MISSING_STATS_WARNING_LEVEL '0';` +
2. You want *Oracle* to extract dates in the `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss` format. Then you can run via `mpre` a script containing: +
| `post={@sqlfile}\|{[sqlcmd]}` | odb runs a *single instance* of either a `sqlfile` script or `sqlcmd` SQL
command (enclosed between square brackets) on the *source system* immediately after table extraction.
| `tpar=num` | odb extracts `num` tables in parallel when `src` is a list of files to be loaded.
| `maxlen=#bytes` | odb limits the amount of memory allocated in the ODBC buffers for CHAR/VARCHAR fields to `#bytes`.
| `xml` | Writes output file in XML format
| `time` | odb prints a _timeline_ (milliseconds from start).
1. The following characters are considered _spaces_: `blank`, `tab`, `new line`, `carriage return`, `form feed`, and `vertical tab`.
2. When the source table column is defined as NOT NULL and the specific field contains only blanks, odb leaves in the output file
one single blank. This helps to distinguish between NULL fields (`<field_sep><field_sep>`) and NOT NULL fields containing all blanks
== Extract a List of Tables
You can use odb to extract all tables listed in a file.
~/Devel/odb $ cat tlist.txt
# List of tables to extract src=TRAFODION.MAURIZIO.ORDERS
You can extract all these tables by running:
$ odb64luo –u user –p xx –d dsn -e src=-tlist.txt:tgt=%t_%d%m:rows=m20:sq=\”
Please note the `src=-tlist.txt`.
== Copy Tables From One Database to Another
odb can directly copy tables from one data-source to another. For example, from {project-name} to Teradata or vice-versa).
Data *_never lands to disk_* when using this option.
The target table has to be be created in advance and should have a compatible structure.
=== Copy Operators
-cp src={table|-file:tgt=schema[.table][pwhere=where_cond][:soe][:nts]
Complete list of the Copy Operators:
| Copy Operator | Meaning
| `src=<CAT.SCH.TAB>\|-file` | Defines the source table(s). You can use: +
- a single table (for example: TRAFODION.MFTEST.LINEITEM) +
- a group of tables (for example: TRAFODION.MFTEST.LIN%) +
- a file containing a list of tables to copy (‘-‘ should precede the filename)
| `tgt=<CAT.SCH.TAB>` | Target table(s). You can use the following keywords for this field: +
- `%t/%T`: Expands to the (lower/upper case) source table name. +
- `%s/%S`: Expands to the (lower/upper case) source schema name. +
- `%c/%C`: Expands to the (lower/upper case) source catalog name.
| `sql={[sqlcmd]\|@sqlfile\|-file}` | odb uses a generic SQL &#8212; instead of a _real_ table &#8212; as source.
| `max=num` | This is the max number of records to copy. Default is to copy all records in the source table.
| `rows=<num>\|k<num>\|m<num>` | Defines the size of the I/O buffer for each copy thread. You can
define the size of this buffer in two different ways: +
- number of rows (for example: `rows=100` means 100 rows as IO buffer) +
- buffer size in kB or MB (for example: `rows=k512` (512 kB buffer) or `rows=m20` (20MB buffer))
| `truncate` | Truncates the target table before loading.
| `ifempty` | Loads the target table only if empty.
| `nomark` | Don’t print the number of records loaded so far during loads.
| `soe` | Stop On Error. odb stops as soon as it encounters an error.
| `parallel=num` | odb uses two kinds of threads: +
&#8226; To extract data from partitioned source table. +
The number of the threads is as many as the parallel argument. +
&#8226; To write data to the target table. +
The number of the threads is equal to *parallel argument* * *number of loaders*. +
If you specify parallel argument = 4 and the source table has 32 partitions, then odb start: +
&#8226; 4 threads (4 ODBC connections) to read from the source table.
&#8226; 8 threads (8 ODBC connections = 4 [parallel argument] * 2 [default number of loaders]) to write to the target table.
! Thread ! Task
! Thread 0
! Extracts partitions 0-7 from source.
! Thread 1 and Thread 2
! Write data extracted from thread 0 to target.
! Thread 3
! Extracts partitions 8-15 from source.
! Thread 4 and Thread 5
! Write data extracted from thread 3 to target.
! Thread 6
! Extracts partitions 16-23 from source.
! Thread 7 and Thread 8
! Write data extracted from thread 6 to target.
! Thread 9
! Extracts partitions 24-31 from source.
! Thread 10 and Thread 11
! Write data extracted from thread 9 to target.
*You have to specify splitby.*
| `pwhere=<where condition>` | Used in conjunction with parallel to copy only records satisfying the where condition. +
*Note:* The where condition is limited to columns in the source table. +
*Example* +
You want to copy records with `TRANS_TS > 1999-12-12 09:00:00` from the source table TRAFODION.MAURO.MFORDERS using eight parallel
streams to a target table having the same name as the source table: +
`src=trafodion.mauro.mforders:tgt=trafodion.dest_schema.%t:parallel=8:pwhere=[TRANS_TS > TIMESTAMP ‘1999-12-12 09:00:00’]&#8230;` +
You can enclose the where condition between square brackets to avoid a misinterpretation of the characters in the where condition.
| `commit=auto\|end\|#rows\|x#rs` | Defines how odb will commit the inserts. You have the following choices: +
- `auto` (Default) &8212; Commits every single insert (see also rows load operator). `end` commits when all rows (assigned to a given thread) have been inserted. +
- `#rows` &#8212; Commits every `#rows` copied rows. +
- `x#rs` &#8212; Commits every `#rs` rowset copied. (See `:rows`)
| `direct` | Adds `/*+ DIRECT */` hint to the insert statement. To be used with Vertica databases in order to store
inserted rows _directly_ into the Read-Only Storage (ROS). See Vertica’s documentation.
| `errmax=num` | odb prints up to num error messages per rowset. Normally used with soe to limit the number of
error messages printed to the standard error stream.
| `uncommitted` | Adds `FOR READ UNCOMMITTED ACCESS` to the `select(s) command(s)`.
| `splitby=<column>` | Lets you to use parallel copy from any database.
*<column> has to be a SINGLE, numeric column*. odb calculates min()/max() value for `<column>` and assigns to each
`<parallel>` thread the extraction of the rows in its _bucket_. +
For example, if you have: +
`&#8230;:splitby=emp_id:parallel=4&#8230;` +
with `min(emp_id)=1` and `max(emp_id)=1000`, then the four threads extracts the following rows: +
`thread #0 emp_id >=1 and emp_id < 251` +
`thread #1 emp_id >=251 and emp_id < 501` +
`thread #2 emp_id >=501 and emp_id < 751` +
`thread #3 emp_id >=751 and emp_id < 1001 (odb uses max(emp_id) + 1)` +
If the values are not equally distributed data extraction is de-skewed.
| `pre={@sqlfile}\|{[sqlcmd]}` | odb runs a *single instance* of either a `sqlfile` script or `sqlcmd`
(enclosed between square brackets) on the *target system* immediately before loading the target table.
You can, for example, CREATE the target table before loading it. +
The target table isn't loaded if SQL execution fails and Stop On Error is set.
| `mpre={@sqlfile}\|{[sqlcmd]}` | Each odb thread runs either a `sqlfile` script or `sqlcmd`
(enclosed between square brackets) on the *source system* immediately before
loading the target table. You can use `mpre` to set database specific features for each thread.
| `tmpre={@sqlfile}\|{[sqlcm d]}` | Each odb thread runs either a `sqlfile` script or `sqlcmd`
(enclosed between square brackets) on the *target system* immediately before loading the target table.
You can use `mpre` to set database specific features for each thread.
| `post={@sqlfile}\|{[sqlcmd]}` | odb runs a *single instance* of either a `sqlfile` script or `sqlcmd`
(enclosed between square brackets) on the *target system* immediately after the target table has been
loaded. You can, for example, update database stats after loading a table.
| `tpar=num` | odb copies `num` tables in parallel when `src` is a list of files to be loaded.
| `loaders=num` | odb uses `num` load threads for each extract thread. Default is two loaders per extractor,
| `fwc` | Force Wide Characters. odb considers SQL_CHAR/SQL_VARCHAR fields as they were defined SQL_WCHAR/SQL_WVARCHAR.
| `bpwc=#` | odb internally allocates 4 bytes/char for SQL_WCHAR/SQL_WVARCHAR columns.
You can modify the number of bytes allocated for each char using this parameter.
| `bind=auto\|char\|cdef` | odb can bind columns to ODBC buffer as characters (char) or `C Default` data types (`cdef`).
The default (`auto`) uses `cdef` if `SRC/TGT` use the same database or char if `SRC/TGT` databases differ.
| `seq=field#[,start]` | odb adds a sequence when loading the target system on column number `field#`.
You can optionally define the sequence start value. (Default: 1)
| `time` | odb prints a _timeline_ (milliseconds from start).
When copying data from one data source to another, odb needs user/password/dsn for both source and target system.
User credentials and DSN for the target system are specified this way:
$ odb64luo –u src_user:tgt_user –p src_pwd:tgt:pwd –d src_dsn:tgt_dsn ... -cp src=...:tgt=...
== Copy a List of Tables
You can use odb to copy a list of tables from one database to another.
~/Devel/odb $ cat tlist.txt
# List of tables to extract
You can extract all these tables by running:
$ odb64luo –u user1:user2 –p xx:yy –d dsn1:dsn2 \
-cp src=-tlist.txt:tgt=tpch.stg_%t:rows=m2:truncate:parallel=4 -T 8
Please note the `src=-tlist.txt`. This command copies:
| Source | Target
| `TRAFODION.MAURIZIO.ORDERS` | `tpch.stg_orders`
| `TRAFODION.MAURIZIO.CUSTOMER` | `tpch.stg_customer`
| `TRAFODION.MAURIZIO.PART` | `tpch.stg_part`
| `TRAFODION.MAURIZIO.LINEITEM` | `tpch.stg_lineitem`
Optionally, you can define any other _command line_ options in the input
Using different _splitby columns_.
~/Devel/odb $ cat tlist2.txt
# List of tables to extract and their “splitby columns”
== Case-Sensitive Table and Column Names
Your database configuration determines whether you can use case sensitive table/column names.
odb maintains table/column case sensitiveness when they are enclosed in double quotes.
The following commands create a `TRAFODION.MAURIZIO.Names` table made of three columns:
“name”, “NAME” and “Name”.
create table trafodion.maurizio."Names"
( "name" char(10)
, "NAME" char(10)
, "Name" char(10)
no partitions;
Double quotes have to be escaped under *nix. A few examples:
~/Devel/odb $ ./odb64luo -i T:trafodion.maurizio.\"Names\"
~/Devel/odb $ ./odb64luo -x "select from trafodion.maurizio.\"Names\""
~/Devel/odb $ ./odb64luo -l src=names.txt:tgt=trafodion.maurizio.
You can omit double quotes around column names when using _mapfiles_.
== Determine Appropriate Number of Threads for Load/Extract/Copy/Diff
If you have to load/extract or copy multiple tables in parallel the best option is to use the options
`:tpar=number` and `:parallel=number`. `:tpar` defines how many tables have to be copied/extracted
in parallel; `:parallel` defines how many _data streams_ to use for each table. This way, odb automatically
allocates and start the “right” number of threads.
A rule of thumb when copying/loading or extracting tables is to use as many _data streams_ as:
`min(number of middle-tier CPUs, number of source CPUs, number of target CPUs)`
The number of threads started for each _data stream_ depend on the operation type:
| Operation | Total threads | Explanation | Example with `parallel=4`
| Load | parallel + 1 | One thread to read from file + one thread per parallel to load. | 5
| Extract | parallel | One thread per parallel to extract. | 4
| Copy | parallel * (1+loaders) | Two threads per parallel: read from source and write to target. | 12 (if loaders=2)
| Diff | parallel * 3 | Three threads per parallel: read from source, read from target, compare. | 12
== Integrating With Hadoop
There are basically two ways to integrate a generic database with Hadoop using odb:
1. *Use HIVE (Hadoop DWH) and its ODBC Driver*: odb can access HIVE like any other _normal_
relational database. For example, you can copy to from HIVE and other databases using odb’s copy option.
2. *Add the `hdfs.*` prefix to the input or output file during loads/extracts*: The file is read/written
from/to Hadoop. odb interacts directly with the HDFS file system using *libhdfs*.
This option is currently available only under Linux.