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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: EncodedValue.h
* Description: Encoded Value class
* Created: 5/31/95
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <float.h>
#include "ItemExpr.h"
#include "NAColumn.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// For now, we allocate histograms on the statement heap; eventually, we
// plan to put some of them (the read-only copies that are read in from
// the system catalogs, before any synthesis occurs) in the context heap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef HISTHEAP
#define HISTHEAP (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
const double _ENCODEDVALUE_UNINIT_VALUE_ = -7.7777777777777e-67 ; /* "arbitrarily weird" */
const double _ENCODEDVALUE_CLOSE_TO_NULL_ = (DBL_MAX*0.9999999999) ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward Declarations
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ConstValue;
class SQLNumeric;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Normalized Value
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class NormValue // NOT a NABasicObject (memreduction)
inline void copy (const NormValue& other)
{ theValue_ = other.theValue_; isNullFlag_ = other.isNullFlag_; }
// constructors
NormValue() { theValue_ = 0; isNullFlag_ = FALSE; }
NormValue(double value) { theValue_ = value; isNullFlag_ = FALSE; }
// construct a NormValue from a constant
NormValue(const ConstValue *constant, NABoolean negate = FALSE);
// copy constructor
NormValue (const NormValue& other)
{ copy(other) ; }
// assignment operator
inline NormValue & operator= (const NormValue& other)
{ copy(other) ; return *this; }
// comparison operators
COMPARE_RESULT compare (const NormValue &other) const;
inline NABoolean operator> (const NormValue &other) const
{return (theValue_ > other.theValue_); }
inline NABoolean operator>= (const NormValue &other) const
{return (theValue_ >= other.theValue_); }
inline NABoolean operator< (const NormValue &other) const
{return (theValue_ < other.theValue_); }
inline NABoolean operator<= (const NormValue &other) const
{return (theValue_ <= other.theValue_); }
inline NABoolean operator== (const NormValue &other) const
{return (theValue_ == other.theValue_); }
inline NABoolean operator!= (const NormValue &other) const
{return (theValue_ != other.theValue_); }
// accessor function
inline const double & getValue() const { return theValue_; }
inline double getValue() { return theValue_; }
inline NABoolean isNull() const { return isNullFlag_; }
UInt32 computeHashForNumeric(SQLNumeric* typ);
// manipulation methods
inline void setValue(double value){ theValue_ = value; isNullFlag_ = FALSE; }
inline void setNull() { theValue_ = _ENCODEDVALUE_NULL_VALUE_; isNullFlag_ = TRUE; }
// utility methods
void display (FILE *f = stdout, const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "",
CollHeap *c=NULL, char *buf=NULL) const;
double theValue_;
NABoolean isNullFlag_;
class NormValueList : public NAArray<NormValue>
// constructor
NormValueList(Lng32 numberOfElements = 0, NAMemory *h = 0) :
NAArray<NormValue>(h ? h : CmpCommon::statementHeap(),numberOfElements), heap_(h) { };
NormValueList(const NormValueList & mcsvl, NAMemory *h=0);
NormValueList & operator=(const NormValueList& other);
NormValueList & operator+(const NormValueList& other);
NormValueList & operator-(const NormValueList& other);
NormValueList & operator*(const double factor);
void round ();
~NormValueList() {};
COMPARE_RESULT compare (const NormValueList * other) const;
NAMemory * heap_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Encoded Attribute Value
// The following class stores the encoded representation for a
// possibly multi-attribute value.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class EncodedValue : public NABasicObject
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
EncodedValue (double val = 0.0);
EncodedValue (const NormValueList& nvl, NAMemory * h = 0);
// construct a multi-attribute value given a string representation
// of the multi-attribute value, and a description of the columns
EncodedValue (const NAWchar *theValue)
: valueList_(NULL), heap_(HISTHEAP)
const NAColumnArray empty ((CollHeap*) 0 /* NULL CollHeap* */) ;
constructorFunction (theValue, empty) ;
EncodedValue (const wchar_t *theValue, const NAColumnArray &columns,
ConstValue* cvPtrs[] = NULL)
: valueList_(NULL), heap_(HISTHEAP)
{ constructorFunction (theValue, columns, cvPtrs) ; }
EncodedValue (const NAWchar *theValue, const NAColumn * column)
: valueList_(NULL), heap_(HISTHEAP)
NAColumnArray columns ;
columns.insertAt (0,(NAColumn*)(column)) ;
constructorFunction (theValue, columns) ;
EncodedValue (const EncodedValue & other, NAMemory * h = 0);
// In order to have both of the above constructors do the same
// thing, I've created a non-ctor function that both of them
// call. Sooner or later we can stop using the ctor that takes
// a NAColumnArray as its parameter ...
void constructorFunction (const wchar_t * theValue, const NAColumnArray & columns, ConstValue** cvPtr = NULL) ;
// construct a single-attribute value from a constant or list of constants
EncodedValue(ItemExpr * expr, NABoolean negate);
// Given an upper and lower bound, return a ratio stating where the
// value lies within the range. If the value lies:
// 1) closer to lowBound, then return a ratio between [0,0.5)
// 2) at the midpoint, then return 0.5
// 3) closer to upperBound, then return a ratio between (0.5, 1.0]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
double ratio (const EncodedValue &lowBound, const EncodedValue &upperBound) const;
//helper method to get Hash value
UInt32 computeRunTimeHashValue(const NAColumnArray &columns, const NAWchar * boundary, ConstValue* csPtrs[]);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Comparison operators
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
COMPARE_RESULT compare (const EncodedValue &other) const;
inline NABoolean operator> (const EncodedValue &other) const
{return (compare(other) == MORE);}
inline NABoolean operator>= (const EncodedValue &other) const
{return ((compare(other) == MORE) || (compare(other) == SAME));}
inline NABoolean operator< (const EncodedValue &other) const
{return (compare(other) == LESS);}
inline NABoolean operator<= (const EncodedValue &other) const
{return ((compare(other) == LESS) || (compare(other) == SAME));}
inline NABoolean operator== (const EncodedValue &other) const
{return (compare(other) == SAME);}
inline NABoolean operator!= (const EncodedValue &other) const
{return (compare(other) != SAME);}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void display (FILE *f = stdout, const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "",
CollHeap *c=NULL, char *buf=NULL) const;
// get a printable string identifying the encoded value
const NAString getText(NABoolean parenthesized = TRUE, NABoolean showFractionalPart = TRUE) const;
inline const NormValueList * getValueList () const { return valueList_ ; }
inline NormValue getValue () const { return value_ ; }
inline double getDblValue () const { return value_.getValue() ; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// dealing with NULL values
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// am I null?
inline NABoolean isNullValue() const { return ( value_.isNull() ) ; }
// sets the current value to be NULL
inline void setValueToNull() { value_.setNull() ; }
// if it's not a *REAL* NULL value (the null flag isn't set), but the
// stored double value is equal to our encoded NULL value, then
// decrease the stored double value by a smidgen
// (i.e., $$$ KLUDGE)
void enforceNullMechanism() ;
// NB: we enforce the NULL mechanism every time we create an EncodedValue object
inline void setValue (const NormValue & val)
value_ = val ;
enforceNullMechanism() ;
double minMaxValue(const NAType *pType, const NABoolean wantMin);
UInt32 computeHashForNumeric(SQLNumeric* typ);
// dump the content to a data buffer for computing run-time hash
// used by skew buster
void outputToBufferToComputeRTHash(const NAType* naType,
char* data, Int32& len, UInt32& flags)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper function for the ctor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void addANormValue(EncodedValue * thisPtr, ItemExpr * itemPtr,
NABoolean negate);
NormValue value_ ;
NormValueList * valueList_;
NAMemory * heap_;
// Two EncodedValue's that we use fairly regularly
// (initialized in EncodedValue.cpp)
extern const EncodedValue NULL_ENCODEDVALUE ;
extern const EncodedValue UNINIT_ENCODEDVALUE ;
#endif /* ENCODEDVALUE_H */