blob: b0d44ba73e7122de11f0d9ecc1110e6e1e258e0f [file] [log] [blame]
-- ============================================================================
-- TEST133 - tests initializing, dropping and upgrading privilege metadata
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.
-- @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-- This tests the following commands:
-- Sections:
-- clean_up - removes database setup
-- set_up - prepares for test
-- tests - runs tests
-- authorized - runs authorization tests
-- ============================================================================
obey TEST133(clean_up);
log LOG133 clear;
obey TEST133(tests);
sh sqlci -i "TEST133(authorized)" -u sql_user4;
obey TEST133(clean_up);
initialize authorization;
?section clean_up
drop sequence t133sch.team_number_sequence;
-- drop database
drop schema t133sch cascade;
set parserflags 131072;
drop schema "_HV_HIVE_" cascade;
reset parserflags 131072;
?section create_db
create schema t133sch;
set schema t133sch;
create table teams
(team_number int not null primary key,
team_name char(20) not null,
team_contact varchar(50) not null,
team_contact_number char (10) not null
alter table teams add constraint valid_team_no check (team_number > 0);
create table team_statistics
(team_number int not null primary key,
num_players int not null)
create table games
( home_team_number int not null,
visitor_team_number int not null,
game_number int not null primary key,
game_time timestamp not null,
game_location varchar(50) not null)
alter table games add constraint valid_game_number check (game_number > 0);
create table standings
(team_number int not null primary key,
wins int default 0,
loses int default 0,
last_updated timestamp default current_timestamp)
create view home_teams_games as
select t.team_number, g.game_number, g.game_time
from "TEAMS" t,
where t.team_number = g.home_team_number
order by 1, game_number, game_time;
create table players
(player_number int not null,
player_name varchar (50) not null,
player_team_number int not null,
player_phone_number char (10) not null,
player_details varchar(50),
primary key (player_number, player_team_number))
no partition;
alter table players add constraint valid_player_number check(player_number > 0);
create view players_on_team as
select player_name, team_name
from teams t, players p
where p.player_team_number = t.team_number
order by t.team_name;
create view games_by_player as
select player_name, game_time
from teams t, games g, players p
where p.player_team_number = t.team_number and
t.team_number = g.home_team_number
order by player_name, team_number;
alter table players add constraint players_teams
foreign key (player_team_number) references teams (team_number);
create volatile table home_games as
select home_team_number, visitor_team_number, game_number, game_location
from games
where extract(year from games.game_time) =
extract(year from current_timestamp) and
extract(month from games.game_time) =
extract(month from current_timestamp);
create sequence team_number_sequence;
-- create function to display bitmaps as a bitmap rather than longs
sh rm -f ./etest141.dll;
sh sh $$scriptsdir$$/tools/dll-compile.ksh etest141.cpp
2>&1 | tee LOG133-SECONDARY;
set pattern $$DLL$$ etest141.dll;
set pattern $$QUOTE$$ '''';
create library t133_l1 file $$QUOTE$$ $$REGRRUNDIR$$/$$DLL$$ $$QUOTE$$ ;
create function translateBitmap(bitmap largeint) returns (bitmap_string char (20))
language c parameter style sql external name 'translateBitmap'
library t133_l1
deterministic no sql final call allow any parallelism state area size 1024 ;
?section set_up
set schema "_PRIVMGR_MD_";
prepare get_owner_privs from
select distinct
substring (object_name,1,40) as object_name,
object_type as type,
substring(authname(grantor_id),1,10) as grantor,
substring(authname(grantee_id),1,10) as grantee,
t133sch.translateBitmap(privileges_bitmap) as granted_privs,
t133sch.translateBitmap(grantable_bitmap) as grantable_privs
from "_PRIVMGR_MD_".object_privileges
where object_uid in
(select object_uid
from "_MD_".objects
where schema_name in ('_PRIVMGR_MD_', 'T133SCH', '_HV_HIVE_'))
order by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
?section tests
-- =================================================================
-- this set of tests run basic initialize authorization tests
-- =================================================================
obey TEST133(create_db);
set schema "_PRIVMGR_MD_";
get tables;
-- verify can't create an object in "_PRIVMGR_MD_" schema
create table t133_t1 (c1 int not null primary key, c2 int);
obey TEST133(set_up);
execute get_owner_privs;
initialize authorization, drop;
get tables;
-- owner s/b db__root
create external table customer for hive.hive.customer;
create external table item for hive.hive.item;
create external table promotion for hive.hive.promotion;
select schema_owner, object_owner, substring (object_name,1,20) as object_name
from "_MD_".objects where schema_name = '_HV_HIVE_';
initialize authorization;
get tables;
select count (*) from components;
select count (*) from component_operations;
select count (*) from component_privileges;
-- external Hive schema now owned by DB__HIVEROLE
select schema_owner, object_owner, substring (object_name,1,20) as object_name
from "_MD_".objects where schema_name = '_HV_HIVE_';
-- External hive table show owner as DB__HIVEROLE
execute get_owner_privs;
-- drop role_usage and make sure initialize authorization recreates
set parserflags 131072;
drop table role_usage;
get tables;
initialize authorization;
get tables;
execute get_owner_privs;
-- drop components and make sure initialize authorization drop removes all
drop table components;
get tables;
initialize authorization, drop;
get tables;
?section authorized
set schema "_PRIVMGR_MD_";
log LOG133;
initialize authorization;
initialize authorization, drop;