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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: StmtDDLRegOrUnregObject.h
* Description: class for parse nodes representing register and unregister
* of hive/hbase objects in traf metadata.
* Created:
* Language: C++
#include "ComLocationNames.h"
#include "ElemDDLLocation.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "StmtDDLNode.h"
#include "ElemDDLAuthSchema.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLRegOrUnregObject;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// None
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Register and unregister hive or hbase statements
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLRegOrUnregObject : public StmtDDLNode
enum StorageType
HIVE = 0,
// constructors
// register hive or hbase
StmtDDLRegOrUnregObject(const QualifiedName & origObjName,
const StorageType storageType,
// true, register. false, unregister
const NABoolean isRegister,
const ComObjectType objType,
const NABoolean registeredOption,
const NABoolean isInternal,
const NABoolean cascade,
const NABoolean cleanup,
CollHeap * heap);
// virtual destructor
virtual ~StmtDDLRegOrUnregObject();
// cast
virtual StmtDDLRegOrUnregObject * castToStmtDDLRegOrUnregObject();
// for binding
ExprNode * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// accessors
const QualifiedName & getOrigObjNameAsQualifiedName() const
{return origObjName_;}
QualifiedName & getOrigObjNameAsQualifiedName()
{return origObjName_;}
const QualifiedName & getObjNameAsQualifiedName() const
{return objQualName_;}
QualifiedName getObjNameAsQualifiedName()
{return objQualName_;}
const NABoolean &isRegister() const { return isRegister_; }
const ComObjectType &objType() const { return objType_; }
const NABoolean &registeredOption() const { return registeredOption_; }
const NABoolean &isInternal() const { return isInternal_; }
const NABoolean &cascade() const { return cascade_; }
const NABoolean &cleanup() const { return cleanup_; }
// for tracing
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private data members
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// type of object to be registered (hive, hbase)
StorageType storageType_;
// the tablename specified by user in the register/unregister stmt.
// This name is not fully qualified during bind phase.
QualifiedName origObjName_;
QualifiedName objQualName_;
NABoolean isRegister_; // TRUE, register. FALSE, unregister
ComObjectType objType_;
// For register operation:
// true, register only if not already registered.
// false, return error if already registered.
// For unregister operation:
// true, unregister if registered.
// false, return error if not registered.
NABoolean registeredOption_;
// true if this object was registered internally by trafodion
NABoolean isInternal_;
// set to true if all objects in a hive view are to be reg/unreg
NABoolean cascade_;
// set to true if cleanup option is specified with unregister
NABoolean cleanup_;
}; // class StmtDDLRegOrUnregObject