blob: 09eb41ed1bab7885929b3cf206fb01dc54946e85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
class ContextCli;
class OutputInfo
enum {MAX_OUTPUT_ENTRIES = 100};
OutputInfo(Lng32 numEntries);
void dealloc(CollHeap * heap);
void insert(Lng32 index, char * data);
void insert(Lng32 index, char * data, Lng32 len);
void insert(Lng32 index, char * data, Lng32 len,Lng32 type,Lng32 *indOffset = NULL, Lng32 *varOffset = NULL);
char * get(Lng32 index);
short get(Lng32 index, char* &data, Lng32 &len);
short get(Lng32 index, char* &data, Lng32 &len, Lng32 &type,Lng32 *indOffset, Lng32 *varOffset);
Lng32 numEntries_;
char * data_[MAX_OUTPUT_ENTRIES];
class ExeCliInterface : public NABasicObject
enum {
ExeCliInterface(CollHeap * heap = NULL, Int32 isoMapping = 0,
ContextCli * currContext = NULL,
const char *parentQid = NULL);
virtual ~ExeCliInterface();
Lng32 allocStuff(SQLMODULE_ID * &module,
SQLSTMT_ID * &stmt,
SQLDESC_ID * &sql_src,
SQLDESC_ID * &input_desc,
SQLDESC_ID * &output_desc,
const char * stmtName = NULL
Lng32 deallocStuff(SQLMODULE_ID * &module,
SQLSTMT_ID * &stmt,
SQLDESC_ID * &sql_src,
SQLDESC_ID * &input_desc,
SQLDESC_ID * &output_desc);
Lng32 executeImmediate(const char * stmt,
char * outputBuf = NULL,
Lng32 * outputBufLen = NULL,
NABoolean nullTerminate = TRUE,
Int64 * rowsAffected = NULL,
NABoolean monitorThis = FALSE,
ComDiagsArea **globalDiags = NULL);
Lng32 executeImmediatePrepare(const char * stmt,
char * outputBuf = NULL,
Lng32 * outputBufLen = NULL,
Int64 * rowsAffected = NULL,
NABoolean monitorThis = FALSE,
char * stmtName = NULL);
Lng32 executeImmediatePrepare2(const char * stmt,
char *uniqueStmtId,
Lng32 *uniqueStmtIdLen,
SQL_QUERY_COST_INFO *query_cost_info,
char * outputBuf = NULL,
Lng32 * outputBufLen = NULL,
Int64 * rowsAffected = NULL,
NABoolean monitorThis = FALSE);
Lng32 executeImmediateExec(const char * stmt,
char * outputBuf = NULL,
Lng32 * outputBufLen = NULL,
NABoolean nullTerminate = TRUE,
Int64 * rowsAffected = NULL,
ComDiagsArea **diagsArea = NULL);
Lng32 prepare(const char * stmtStr,
SQLMODULE_ID * module,
SQLSTMT_ID * stmt,
SQLDESC_ID * sql_src,
SQLDESC_ID * input_desc,
SQLDESC_ID * output_desc,
char ** outputBuf,
Queue * outputVarPtrList = NULL,
char ** inputBuf = NULL,
Queue * inputVarPtrList = NULL,
char *uniqueStmtId = NULL,
Lng32 *uniqueStmtIdLen = NULL,
SQL_QUERY_COST_INFO *query_cost_info = NULL,
NABoolean monitorThis = FALSE,
NABoolean doNotCachePlan = FALSE);
Lng32 setupExplainData(SQLMODULE_ID * module,
SQLSTMT_ID * stmt);
Lng32 setupExplainData();
char* getExplainDataPtr() { return explainData_;}
Lng32 getExplainDataLen() { return explainDataLen_; }
Lng32 exec(char * inputBuf = NULL, Lng32 inputBufLen = 0);
Lng32 fetch();
Lng32 close();
Lng32 dealloc();
short clearExecFetchClose(char * inputBuf, Lng32 inputBufLen,
char * outputBuf = NULL,
Lng32 * outputBufLen = 0);
short clearExecFetchCloseOpt(char * inputBuf, Lng32 inputBufLen,
char * outputBuf = NULL,
Lng32 * outputBufLen = 0,
Int64 * rowsAffected = NULL);
Lng32 executeImmediateCEFC(const char * stmtStr,
char * inputBuf,
Lng32 inputBufLen,
char * outputBuf,
Lng32 * outputBufLen,
Int64 * rowsAffected = NULL
Lng32 rwrsPrepare(
const char * stmStr, Lng32 rs_maxsize,
NABoolean monitorThis = FALSE);
Lng32 rwrsExec(
char * inputRow,
Int32 inputRowLen,
Int64 * rowsAffected);
Lng32 rwrsClose();
Lng32 cwrsAllocStuff(SQLMODULE_ID * &module,
SQLSTMT_ID * &stmt,
SQLDESC_ID * &sql_src,
SQLDESC_ID * &input_desc,
SQLDESC_ID * &output_desc,
SQLDESC_ID * &rs_input_maxsize_desc,
const char * stmtName = NULL
Lng32 cwrsDeallocStuff(
SQLMODULE_ID * &module,
SQLSTMT_ID * &stmt,
SQLDESC_ID * &sql_src,
SQLDESC_ID * &input_desc,
SQLDESC_ID * &output_desc,
SQLDESC_ID * &rs_input_maxsize_desc);
Lng32 cwrsPrepare(
const char * stmtStr,
Lng32 rs_maxsize,
NABoolean monitorThis = FALSE);
Lng32 cwrsExec(
char * inputRow,
Int32 inputRowLen,
Int64 * rowsAffected);
Lng32 cwrsClose(Int64 * rowsAffected);
Lng32 getPtrAndLen(short entry, char* &ptr, Lng32 &len, short **ind = NULL);
Lng32 getHeadingAndLen(short entry, char* heading, Lng32 &len);
Lng32 getNumEntries(Lng32 &numInput, Lng32 &numOutput);
Lng32 getAttributes(short entry, NABoolean forInput,
Lng32 &fsDatatype, Lng32 &length,
Lng32 *indOffset, Lng32 *varOffset);
Lng32 getDataOffsets(short entry, Lng32 forInput,
Lng32 *indOffset, Lng32 *varOffset);
Lng32 getStmtAttr(char * stmtName, Lng32 attrName,
Lng32 * numeric_value, char * string_value);
short fetchRowsPrologue(const char * sqlStrBuf, NABoolean noExec = FALSE,
NABoolean monitorThis = FALSE,
char * stmtName = NULL);
short fetchRowsEpilogue(const char * sqlStrBuf, NABoolean noClose = FALSE);
short initializeInfoList(Queue* &infoList, NABoolean infoListIsOutputInfo);
short fetchAllRows(Queue * &infoList,
const char * query,
Lng32 numOutputEntries = 0,
NABoolean varcharFormat = FALSE,
NABoolean monitorThis = FALSE,
NABoolean initInfoList = FALSE);
short prepareAndExecRowsPrologue(const char * sqlInitialStrBuf,
char * sqlSecondaryStrBuf,
Queue * initialOutputVarPtrList,
Queue * continuingOutputVarPtrList,
Int64 &rowsAffected,
NABoolean monitorThis = FALSE);
short execContinuingRows(Queue * secondaryOutputVarPtrs,
Int64 &rowsAffected);
void setOutputPtrsAsInputPtrs(Queue * entry,
SQLDESC_ID * target_inputDesc = NULL);
Lng32 setCharsetTypes();
Lng32 prepareAndExecRowsEpilogue();
Lng32 beginWork();
Lng32 commitWork();
Lng32 rollbackWork();
Lng32 autoCommit(NABoolean v); // TRUE, set to ON. FALSE, set to OFF.
static Lng32 beginXn();
static Lng32 commitXn();
static Lng32 rollbackXn();
static Lng32 statusXn();
static Lng32 suspendXn();
static Lng32 resumeXn();
Lng32 createContext(char* contextHandle); // out buf will return context handle
Lng32 switchContext(char* contextHandle); // in buf contains context handle
Lng32 currentContext(char* contextHandle); // out buf will return context handle
Lng32 deleteContext(char* contextHandle); // in buf contains context handle
Lng32 retrieveSQLDiagnostics(ComDiagsArea *toDiags);
ComDiagsArea *allocAndRetrieveSQLDiagnostics(ComDiagsArea *&toDiags);
CollHeap * getHeap() { return heap_; }
char * outputBuf() { return outputBuf_; };
Int32 outputDatalen() { return outputDatalen_; };
char * inputBuf() { return inputBuf_; };
Int32 inputDatalen() { return inputDatalen_; };
void clearGlobalDiags();
Int32 getIsoMapping() { return isoMapping_; };
void setIsoMapping(Int32 isoMapping) { isoMapping_ = isoMapping; };
Lng32 GetRowsAffected(Int64 *rowsAffected);
Lng32 holdAndSetCQD(const char * defaultName, const char * defaultValue, ComDiagsArea *globalDiags = NULL);
Lng32 restoreCQD(const char * defaultName, ComDiagsArea *globalDiags = NULL);
Lng32 getCQDval(const char * defaultName,
char * val,
ComDiagsArea *globalDiags = NULL);
void setNotExeUtilInternalQuery(NABoolean v)
NABoolean notExeUtilInternalQuery() { return (flags_ & NOT_EXEUTIL_INTERNAL_QUERY) != 0; };
Lng32 setCQS(const char * shape, ComDiagsArea *globalDiags = NULL);
Lng32 resetCQS(ComDiagsArea *globalDiags = NULL);
// methods for routine invocation
Lng32 getRoutine(
/* IN */ const char *serializedInvocationInfo,
/* IN */ Int32 invocationInfoLen,
/* IN */ const char *serializedPlanInfo,
/* IN */ Int32 planInfoLen,
/* IN */ Int32 language,
/* IN */ Int32 paramStyle,
/* IN */ const char *externalName,
/* IN */ const char *containerName,
/* IN */ const char *externalPath,
/* IN */ const char *librarySqlName,
/* OUT */ Int32 *handle,
/* IN/OUT */ ComDiagsArea *diags);
Lng32 invokeRoutine(
/* IN */ Int32 handle,
/* IN */ Int32 phaseEnumAsInt,
/* IN */ const char *serializedInvocationInfo,
/* IN */ Int32 invocationInfoLen,
/* OUT */ Int32 *invocationInfoLenOut,
/* IN */ const char *serializedPlanInfo,
/* IN */ Int32 planInfoLen,
/* IN */ Int32 planNum,
/* OUT */ Int32 *planInfoLenOut,
/* IN */ char *inputRow,
/* IN */ Int32 inputRowLen,
/* OUT */ char *outputRow,
/* IN */ Int32 outputRowLen,
/* IN/OUT */ ComDiagsArea *diags);
Lng32 getRoutineInvocationInfo(
/* IN */ Int32 handle,
/* IN/OUT */ char *serializedInvocationInfo,
/* IN */ Int32 invocationInfoMaxLen,
/* OUT */ Int32 *invocationInfoLenOut,
/* IN/OUT */ char *serializedPlanInfo,
/* IN */ Int32 planInfoMaxLen,
/* IN */ Int32 planNum,
/* OUT */ Int32 *planInfoLenOut,
/* IN/OUT */ ComDiagsArea *diags);
Lng32 putRoutine(
/* IN */ Int32 handle,
/* IN/OUT */ ComDiagsArea *diags);
struct Attrs
Lng32 fsDatatype_;
Lng32 nullFlag_;
Lng32 length_;
Lng32 varOffset_;
Lng32 indOffset_;
SQLMODULE_ID * module_;
SQLSTMT_ID * stmt_;
SQLDESC_ID * sql_src_;
SQLDESC_ID * input_desc_;
SQLDESC_ID * output_desc_;
char * outputBuf_;
Int32 isoMapping_;
Int32 outputDatalen_;
char * explainData_;
Int32 explainDataLen_;
Int32 numInputEntries_;
Int32 numOutputEntries_;
struct Attrs * inputAttrs_;
struct Attrs * outputAttrs_;
SQLDESC_ID * rs_input_maxsize_desc_;
Int32 rs_maxsize_;
char * inputBuf_;
Int32 inputDatalen_;
SQLMODULE_ID * moduleWithCK_;
SQLSTMT_ID * stmtWithCK_;
SQLDESC_ID * sql_src_withCK_;
SQLDESC_ID * input_desc_withCK_;
SQLDESC_ID * output_desc_withCK_;
char * outputBuf_withCK_;
// variables to process rowwise rowset
Int32 rsMaxsize_; // max number of of rows in a rowset
char * rsInputBuffer_; // rwrs buffer passed to sql/cli
Int32 currRSrow_; // current number of rows in the rsInputBuffer_
Int32 numQuadFields_;
struct SQLCLI_QUAD_FIELDS * quadFields_;
CollHeap * heap_;
ContextCli * currContext_;
const char * parentQid_;
Lng32 flags_;