blob: c7f76b7da464143a82bdd73496d63a6759192e4a [file] [log] [blame]
-- Test: TEST020 (Executor)
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.
-- @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-- Functionality: AQR(Auto Query Retry) feature
-- Expected files: EXPECTED020
-- Table created: t020t1, t020t2, t020t3
-- Limitations:
-- Revision history:
obey TEST020(clnup);
log log020 clear;
obey TEST020(testcases);
obey TEST020(clnup);
?section clnup
drop table t020t1 cascade;
drop table t020t2 cascade;
drop table t020t3 cascade;
?section testcases
control query default auto_query_retry_warnings 'ON';
set session default ESP_RELEASE_WORK_TIMEOUT '-2';
-- TEST 1
create table t020t1
pk4a int unique not null not droppable,
pk4b int not null not droppable,
pk4c int not null not droppable,
v4 varchar(20),
primary key(pk4a,pk4b,pk4c)
create table t020t2
pk3a int unique not null not droppable,
pk3b int not null not droppable,
pk3c int not null not droppable,
fk34a int,
fk34b int,
fk34c int,
v3 varchar(20),
primary key(pk3a,pk3b,pk3c),
foreign key(fk34a,fk34b,fk34c) references t020t1);
drop table t020t1 cascade;
drop table t020t2 cascade;
create table t020t1
pk4a int unique not null not droppable,
pk4b int not null not droppable,
pk4c int not null not droppable,
v4 varchar(20),
primary key(pk4a,pk4b,pk4c)
create table t020t2
pk3a int unique not null not droppable,
pk3b int not null not droppable,
pk3c int not null not droppable,
fk34a int,
fk34b int,
fk34c int,
v3 varchar(20),
primary key(pk3a,pk3b,pk3c),
foreign key(fk34a,fk34b,fk34c) references t020t1);
-- TEST 2
create table t020t3( a int not null, b int not null, primary key(a) );
insert into t020t3 values(1, 1);
select a, b from t020t3;
-- let aqr_other_session drop and recreate the t020t3
sh sqlci -i "TEST020(aqr_other_session)" ;
drop table t020t3;
-- TEST3
-- get all aqr entries set by default
get all aqr entries;
showplan get all aqr entries;
showplan showset defaults;
log log020;
-- delete one entry
set session default aqr_entries ' - 8551 ,73 ';
get all aqr entries;
-- add that entry back
set session default aqr_entries '+ 8551, 73 , 2, 120, 1';
get all aqr entries;
-- modify an entry
set session default aqr_entries ' . 8551 , 73, 1, 60, 1';
get all aqr entries;
showset defaults;
?section aqr_other_session;
set schema $$TEST_SCHEMA$$;
log OTHER_SESSION_LOG020 clear;
drop table t020t3;
create table t020t3( a int not null, b int not null, primary key(a) );