blob: 57ddbcb981ac76d9e042c745325f21c37bd4d86b [file] [log] [blame]
-- Test: TEST015 (Executor)
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.
-- @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-- Functionality: MERGE statement support
-- Expected files: EXPECTED015
-- Table created:
-- Limitations:
-- To do:
-- Revision history:
drop table temp;
drop table t015t1 cascade;
drop table t015t2 cascade;
drop table t015t3 cascade;
drop table t015t4 cascade;
drop table t015t5 cascade;
drop table t015t6 cascade;
drop table t015t7 cascade;
drop table t015t8 cascade;
drop table t015t9 cascade;
drop table t015t10 cascade;
drop table t015t11 cascade;
drop table t015t12 cascade ;
drop table t015t13 cascade ;
drop table t015t15 cascade ;
drop table t015t14 cascade ;
drop table temp cascade;
drop table ot;
drop table odt cascade;
drop table de cascade ;
drop table dec1 cascade;
drop table t015t16 cascade;
drop table t015tc1;
drop table t015tc2;
--control query default POS 'OFF';
control query default comp_bool_174 'ON';
control query default comp_bool_187 'ON';
control query default attempt_esp_parallelism 'ON';
control query default ARKCMP_FAKE_HW 'ON';
control query default DEF_NUM_SMP_CPUS '2';
control query default DEF_NUM_NODES_IN_ACTIVE_CLUSTERS '1';
create table t015t1 (a int not null, b int default 2 not null, primary key(a))
hash partition by (a)
(add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$)
create table t015t2 (a int not null, b int not null, primary key(a))
hash partition by (a)
(add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$)
create table t015t3 (a int not null, b int not null, c int, primary key(a))
hash partition by (a)
(add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$)
create table t015t4 (a int not null, b int not null, c int, primary key(a))
hash partition by (a)
(add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$)
create table t015t5 (a int not null, b int not null, c int, d int, e int, primary key(a))
hash partition by (a)
(add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$)
create table t015t6 (a int not null, b int not null, c int, d int, e int, f int, g int, primary key(a))
hash partition by (a)
(add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$)
create table t015t7 (a int not null, b largeint generated by default as identity not null not droppable unique, c int, primary key(a))
hash partition by (a)
(add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$)
create table t015t8 (i int not null, j int, k int, primary key(i))
hash partition by (i)
(add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$)
create table t015t9 (i int not null, j int, k int, primary key(i))
hash partition by (i)
(add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$)
create table t015t10 (i int not null, j int, k int, primary key(i))
hash partition by (i)
(add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$)
create table t015t11 (i char(6) not null, primary key(i))
hash partition by (i)
(add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$, add location $$partition2$$)
cqd hbase_serialization 'off' ;
create table t015t12 (a int not null, b int not null, c int, primary key(a)) salt using 2 partitions ;
cqd hbase_serialization 'on' ;
create table t015t13 (a largeint generated always as identity, b int not null, c int, primary key(a,b));
create table t015t14 (a int not null primary key, b int not null unique);
create table t015t15 (a int not null primary key, constraint cons1 foreign key (a) references t015t14(b)) ;
-- a table with check constraints on non-key columns
create table t015tc1 (a char(4) not null not droppable primary key, b char(4) not null, c char(4) not null,
check (b > 'BASE'), check (c > 'FUNK'));
-- a table with check constraints on key and non-key columns
create table t015tc2 (a char(4) not null not droppable primary key, b char(4) not null, c char(4) not null,
check (a <> 'NUMB'), check (b > 'BASE'), check (c > 'FUNK'));
set session default ESP_RELEASE_WORK_TIMEOUT '-2';
log log015 clear;
create index t015t1i1 on t015t1(a);
create index t015t1i2 on t015t1(b);
create index t015t2i1 on t015t2(a);
create index t015t2i2 on t015t2(b);
create index t015t3i1 on t015t3(a);
create index t015t3i2 on t015t3(b);
create index t015t3i3 on t015t3(c);
create index t015t4i1 on t015t4(a);
create index t015t4i2 on t015t4(b);
create index t015t4i3 on t015t4(c);
create index t015t5i1 on t015t5(a);
create index t015t5i2 on t015t5(b);
create index t015t5i3 on t015t5(c);
create index t015t5i4 on t015t5(d);
create index t015t6i1 on t015t6(a);
create index t015t6i2 on t015t6(b);
create index t015t6i3 on t015t6(c);
create index t015t6i4 on t015t6(d);
create unique index t015t8i1 on t015t8(j);
create unique index t015t8i2 on t015t8(k);
create unique index t015t10i1 on t015t10(j);
create unique index t015t10i2 on t015t10(k);
create index t015t12i1 on t015t12(b) ;
create index t015t12i2 on t015t12(c) salt like table;
create index t015t13i1 on t015t13(c) ;
codeValue varchar(1000),
title varchar(100),
shortName varchar(200),
description varchar(1000),
path varchar(1000),
synonyms varchar(1000),
objectClassCode varchar(100),
propertyCode varchar(100),
CREATE INDEX IDX3_DEC1_T_CodeValue ON DEC1(codeValue);
dataElementConceptID int unsigned,
valueDomainID int unsigned,
objectTypeID int unsigned NOT NULL,
dataElementID int unsigned NOT NULL,
objectCategoryTypeCode varchar(20) NOT NULL,
nounObjectDataTypeID int unsigned,
FOREIGN KEY (dataElementConceptID)
CREATE INDEX IDX1_DE ON DE(dataElementConceptID, valueDomainID);
FOREIGN KEY (dataElementID)
CREATE INDEX IDX1_ODT ON ODT(objectTypeId,objectCategoryTypeCode, dataElementID);
objectCode varchar(100),
version varchar(2),
ADD CONSTRAINT UI1_OT UNIQUE (objectCode, version);
create table t015t16 (a largeint not null, b int not null,
c int, d int, e int, primary key(a,b)) ;
create index t015t16i1 on t015t16(c) ;
create unique index t015t16i2 on t015t16(d) ;
prepare explainIt from
select substring(operator,1,16) operator
from table (explain(NULL,'XX')) t
where operator LIKE '%TRAFODION_MERGE%' ;
prepare explainItEff from
select substring(operator,1,16) operator
from table (explain(NULL,'XX')) t
where operator LIKE '%SEQUENCE%' ;
prepare explainItVsbb from
select substring(operator,1,25) operator
from table (explain(NULL,'XX2')) t
where operator LIKE '%SEQUENCE%' OR operator LIKE '%VSBB_UPSERT%' OR operator LIKE '%VSBB_DELETE%' ;
insert into t015t1 values (1,1), (2,2);
insert into t015t3 values (1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3);
insert into t015t5 values (1,2,3,4,5);
insert into t015t6 values (1,2,3,4,5,6,7);
-- multi column updates
-- simple updates
update t015t3 set (b,c) = (4,4) where a = 2;
select * from t015t3;
update t015t3 set (b,c) = (5,5);
select * from t015t3;
update t015t3 set (b,c) = (b+1,c-1);
select * from t015t3;
update t015t6 set b = 1, (c,d) = (7,7), (e,f,g) = (8,8,8);
select * from t015t6;
-- updates using subquery
update t015t3 set (b,c) = (select a,b from t015t1 where a = 1)
where a = 3;
select * from t015t3;
update t015t3 set (b,c) = (select a+1,10 from t015t1 where a = 1)
where a = 3;
select * from t015t3;
update t015t3 set (b,c) = (select a+1,10 from t015t1 where a = 1);
select * from t015t3;
-- simple merge stmt
delete from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = 1 when matched then update set b = -1
when not matched then insert values (1,2);
select * from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = 1 when matched then update set b = -1
when not matched then insert values (1,2);
select * from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = 1 when matched then update set b = 1 where b > 0
when not matched then insert values (1,2);
select * from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = 1 when matched then update set b = 1 where b < 0
when not matched then insert values (1,2);
select * from t015t1;
delete from t015t1;
insert into t015t1 values(1,1),(2,2);
merge into t015t1 on a = 1 when matched then update set b = -b where b = 0
when not matched then insert values (3,3);
select * from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = 1 when matched then update set b = -b where b = 1
when not matched then insert values (3,3);
select * from t015t1;
delete from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = 1 when matched then update set b = -1
when not matched then insert (a) values (1);
select * from t015t1;
delete from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = 1 when not matched then insert values (1,2);
select * from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = 1 when not matched then insert values (1,2);
select * from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = 1 when matched then update set b = -1;
select * from t015t1;
delete from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = 1 when matched then update set b = -1;
select * from t015t1;
-- merge stmt with params
delete from t015t1;
prepare s from
merge into t015t1 on a = ? when matched then update set b = ?
when not matched then insert values (?,?);
execute s using 1, -1, 1, 2;
select * from t015t1;
execute s using 1, -1, 1, 2;
select * from t015t1;
set param ?a 1;
set param ?b -1;
set param ?b2 2;
delete from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = ?a when matched then update set b = ?b
when not matched then insert values (?a,?b2);
select * from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = ?a when matched then update set b = ?b
when not matched then insert values (?a,?b2);
select * from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = ?a when matched then update set b = ?a where b >= ?a
when not matched then insert values (?a,?b2);
select * from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = ?a when matched then update set b = ?a where b < ?a
when not matched then insert values (?a,?b2);
select * from t015t1;
-- merge using rowsets.
-- prepare only since rowsets are not supported from mxci.
prepare s from
merge into t015t1 on a = ?[10] when matched then update set b = ?[10]
when not matched then insert values (?[10], ?[10]);
-- merge rows from one table into another
delete from t015t1;
delete from t015t2;
insert into t015t1 values (2,2), (4,4);
insert into t015t2 values (2,3), (6,7);
merge into t015t1 using (select * from t015t2) as t015t2
on t015t1.a = t015t2.a
when matched then update set b = t015t2.b
when not matched then insert values (t015t2.a, t015t2.b);
select * from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 using (select * from t015t2) as t015t2
on t015t1.a = t015t2.a
when matched then update set b = t015t2.b+1 where b > a
when not matched then insert values (t015t2.a, t015t2.b);
select * from t015t1;
delete from t015t1;
delete from t015t2;
insert into t015t1 values (2,2), (4,4);
insert into t015t2 values (2,3), (6,7);
merge into t015t1 using (select * from t015t2) as X(y,z)
on t015t1.a = X.y
when matched then update set b = X.z
when not matched then insert values (X.y, X.z);
select * from t015t1;
delete from t015t3;
delete from t015t4;
insert into t015t3 values (1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3);
insert into t015t4 values (2,3,4), (3,7,9), (4,5,6);
merge into t015t3 using (select * from t015t4) as t015t4
on t015t3.a = t015t4.a
when matched then update set (b,c) = (3,4)
when not matched then insert values (t015t4.a,t015t4.b,t015t4.c);
select * from t015t3;
merge into t015t3 on a = 1
when matched then update set b = 20, c = 40;
select * from t015t3;
-- test fix to bugzilla 3405
delete from t015t3;
delete from t015t4;
insert into t015t3 values (1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3);
insert into t015t4 values (2,3,4), (3,7,9), (4,5,6);
merge into t015t3 using (select * from t015t4) as t015t4
on t015t3.a = t015t4.a
when matched then update set (b,c) = (3,4) where b=2
when not matched then insert values (t015t4.a,t015t4.b,t015t4.c);
select * from t015t3;
delete from t015t3;
delete from t015t4;
insert into t015t3 values (1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3);
insert into t015t4 values (2,3,4), (3,7,9), (4,5,6);
merge into t015t3 using (select * from t015t4) as t015t4
on t015t3.a = t015t4.a
when matched then update set (b,c) = (3,4) where t015t4.a=3
when not matched then insert values (t015t4.a,t015t4.b,t015t4.c);
select * from t015t3;
-- merge of a joined table into another
delete from t015t1;
delete from t015t2;
insert into t015t1 values (2,2), (4,4), (6,8);
insert into t015t2 values (2,3), (6,7);
delete from t015t3;
delete from t015t4;
insert into t015t3 values (1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3);
insert into t015t4 values (2,3,4), (3,7,9), (4,5,6);
select * from t015t3;
merge into t015t3 using (select x.a, x.b from t015t1 x, t015t2 y where x.a = y.a) as t(a,b)
on t015t3.a = t.a
when matched then update set (b,c) = (b+t.a, c-t.b)
when not matched then insert values (t.a, t.b, 5);
select * from t015t3;
-- reflexive updates
delete from t015t1;
delete from t015t2;
insert into t015t1 values (2,2), (4,4), (6,8);
insert into t015t2 values (2,3), (6,7);
merge into t015t1 on a = 2 when matched then update set b = b+1
when not matched then insert values (2,4);
select * from t015t1;
delete from t015t1 where a = 2;
merge into t015t1 on a = 2 when matched then update set b = b+1
when not matched then insert values (2,4);
select * from t015t1;
-- reflexive updates using rowsets
prepare s from
Merge into t015t3 on a = ?[10]
When matched then update set (b,c) = (b + ?[10], ?[10])
When not matched then insert values (?[10], ?[10], ?[10]);
-- reflexive update from one table into another
delete from t015t3;
delete from t015t4;
insert into t015t3 values (1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3);
insert into t015t4 values (2,3,4), (3,7,9), (4,5,6);
merge into t015t3 using (select * from t015t4) as t4
on a = t4.a
when matched then update set (b,c) = (b+t4.b, t4.c)
when not matched then insert values (t4.a,t4.b,t4.c);
select * from t015t3;
-- explain for update with multi-col
-- ignored for now due to non-deterministic explain plans
-- before merge stmt was added
explain options 'f'
update t015t6 set b = (select a from t015t5 where a = 1),
c = (select b from t015t5 where a = 1),
d = (select c from t015t5 where a = 1),
e = (select d from t015t5 where a = 1),
f = (select e from t015t5 where a = 1)
where a = 3;
-- using update with multi-col
explain options 'f'
update t015t6 set (b,c,d,e,f) = (select a,b,c,d,e from t015t5 where a = 1)
where a = 3;
-- using merge stmt
explain options 'f'
merge into t015t6 using (select a,b,c,d,e from t015t5 where a = 1) x
on a = 3
when matched then update set (b,c,d,e,f) = (x.a, x.b, x.c, x.d, x.e);
-- embedded tests for rowsets
-- remove all the products of the make
sh rm -f;
sh rm -f etest015.c etest015.cpp etest015.exe etest015.ilk etest015.lst etest015.m etest015.obj etest015.pdb;
-- Preprocess, sql compile, C compile application. Redirect output to LOG015.
sh sh ./makefileall.ksh etest015 ${mxcmpdir} ${mxcidir} 2>&1;
delete from t015t1;
delete from t015t8;
delete from t015t10;
-- run the executable. Redirect output to LOG015
sh ./etest015.exe 2>&1 | tee -a LOG015;
select * from t015t1;
select * from t015t8;
set parserflags 1;
select * from table (index_table t015t8i1);
select * from table (index_table t015t8i2);
select * from t015t10;
select * from table (index_table t015t10i1);
select * from table (index_table t015t10i2);
delete from t015t1;
insert into t015t1 values (1,2),(4,8),(9,18),(2,4),(3,6),(6,12),(8,16),(0,0),(5,10),(7,14);
delete from t015t10;
insert into t015t10 values (10,11,12),(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(9,10,11),(2,3,4),(3,4,5),(6,7,8),(5,6,7),(7,8,9),(8,9,10);
delete from t015t2;
merge into t015t2 using (select * from t015t1) x
on a = x.a and mod (a,2) = 0
when matched then update set b = -1
when not matched then insert values (x.a, -2);
select * from t015t2;
merge into t015t2 using (select * from t015t1) x
on a = x.a and mod (a,2) = 0
when matched then update set b = -1;
select * from t015t2;
merge into t015t2 using (select * from t015t1) x
on a = x.a and mod (a,2) = 0
when not matched then insert values (x.a, -4);
select * from t015t2;
control query default olt_query_opt 'OFF';
delete from t015t2;
merge into t015t2 using (select * from t015t1) x
on a = x.a and mod (a,2) = 0
when matched then update set b = -3
when not matched then insert values (x.a, -2);
select * from t015t2;
merge into t015t2 using (select * from t015t1) x
on a = x.a and mod (a,2) = 0
when matched then update set b = -1;
select * from t015t2;
-- non-unique ON clause with merge/update without insert clause
delete from t015t1;
delete from t015t3;
insert into t015t1 values (1,1), (2,2);
insert into t015t3 values (2,2,3);
merge into t015t3 using (select a,b from t015t1) x
on t015t3.b = x.b
when matched then update set c = x.b;
select * from t015t3;
-- non-unique ON clause with merge/delete without insert clause
merge into t015t3 using (select a,b from t015t1) x
on t015t3.b = x.b
when matched then delete;
select * from t015t3;
-- IDENTITY column allowed if not part of the primary key
merge into t015t7 on a = 1 when matched then update set c = 3
when not matched then insert (a,c) values (1,2);
select a,c from t015t7;
merge into t015t7 on a = 1 when matched then update set c = 3
when not matched then insert (a,c) values (1,2);
select a,c from t015t7;
control query default olt_query_opt 'ON';
-- negative cases
delete from t015t1;
delete from t015t3;
insert into t015t1 values (1,1), (2,2);
insert into t015t3 values (1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3);
-- updated columns must be within parens
update t015t3 set b,c = 10,20;
-- updated values must be within parens
update t015t3 set (b,c) = 10,20;
-- error: only one subquery in the set values clause
update t015t3 set (b,c) = (10, (select a from t015t1));
-- error: only one subquery in the set values clause
update t015t3 set (b,c) = ((select a from t015t1), (select a from t015t1));
update t015t5 set (b,c) = (select a,b from t015t1),
(d,e) = (1,2);
-- number of columns should match
update t015t3 set (b,c) = (select a,b,10 from t015t1);
-- should return error: more than one rows from the subquery
update t015t3 set (b,c) = (select a,b from t015t1)
where a = 3;
update t015t3 set (b,c) = (select a,b from t015t1);
-- merge stmt ON clause must be unique if insert clause is specified
merge into t015t1 on a >= 0 when matched then update set b = -1
when not matched then insert values (1,2);
merge into t015t1 on a = 1 or b = 2 when matched then update set b = -1
when not matched then insert values (1,2);
merge into t015t3 using (select a,b from t015t1) x
on t015t3.b = x.b
when matched then update set c = x.b
when not matched then insert values (1,2,3);
-- non-unique ON clause with merge/delete not allowed with insert clause
merge into t015t3 using (select a,b from t015t1) x
on t015t3.b = x.b
when matched then delete
when not matched then insert values (1,2,3);
-- test bugzilla 3424
create table temp(a int not null primary key,b int);
merge into temp on a=1 when matched then update set b=2 where b=1
when not matched then insert(a) values(20);
select * from temp;
insert into temp values(1,1);
merge into temp on a=1 when matched then update set b=2 where b=1
when not matched then insert(a) values(20);
select * from temp;
drop table temp;
create table temp (a int, z int not null, primary key(z)) no partition;
merge into temp on a = 1 when matched then update set a = 1;
merge into temp on a = 1 when not matched then insert values (1, 2);
merge into temp on a = 1
when matched then update set a = 1
when not matched then insert values (1, 2);
-- merge stmt ON clause key must be the same as key value in insert stmt
delete from t015t1;
merge into t015t1 on a = 1 when matched then update set b = -1
when not matched then insert values (2,2);
-- subquery not allowed in insert...values clause
merge into t015t1 using (select * from t015t2) as t015t2
on t015t1.a = t015t2.a
when matched then update set b = t015t2.b
when not matched then insert values ((select a from t015t2 where a = 1),
(select b from t015t2 where a = 1));
-- subquery not allowed in update...set clause
merge into t015t3
on t015t3.a = 4
when matched then update set (b,c) = (select 5,6 from t015t4)
when not matched then insert values (4,5,6);
-- subquery not allowed in ON clause
merge into t015t1 using (select * from t015t4) x
on a = (select a from t015t2 where a = 1)
when matched then update set b = -1
when not matched then insert values (1,2);
merge into t015t1 on a in (select a from t015t2)
when matched then update set b = -1
when not matched then insert values (1,2);
-- aggregate not allowed in "merge ... update where" clause
merge into t015t1 using (select * from t015t4) x on a = 1
when matched then update set b = -1 where max(b) > 0
when not matched then insert values (1,2);
merge into t015t1 on a = max(b)
when matched then update set b = -1
when not matched then insert values (1,2);
-- set on rollback not allowed with list specification in SET clause
update t015t3 set (b,c) = (1,2) set on rollback (b,c) = (-1, -2);
update t015t3 set (b,c) = (1,2) set on rollback (b,c) = (select a,b from t015t1);
update t015t3 set (b,c) = (1,2) set on rollback b = -2;
-- SYSKEY not allowed
drop table temp;
create table temp (a int) no partition;
merge into temp on syskey = 1 when matched then update set a = 10;
merge into temp on syskey = 1 when not matched then insert values (1);
-- IDENTITY column
drop table temp;
create table temp (a largeint generated by default as identity not null not droppable, b int, primary key(a)) no partition;
merge into temp on a = 1 when matched then update set b = 10;
merge into temp on a = 1 when not matched then insert values (1, 2);
-- view
create view vtemp as select * from t015t1;
merge into vtemp on a = 1 when matched then update set b = 10
when not matched then insert values (1,2);
-- Merge stmt and unique index
set parserflags 1;
delete from t015t8;
insert into t015t8 values (1,2,3);
prepare xx from MERGE INTO t015t8 ON i = 2
execute xx;
select * from t015t8;
select * from table (index_table t015t8i1);
select * from table (index_table t015t8i2);
prepare xx from MERGE INTO t015t8 ON i = 5
execute xx;
select * from t015t8;
select * from table (index_table t015t8i1);
select * from table (index_table t015t8i2);
prepare xx from MERGE INTO t015t8 ON i = 1
execute xx;
select * from t015t8;
select * from table (index_table t015t8i1);
select * from table (index_table t015t8i2);
prepare xx from MERGE INTO t015t8 ON i = 1
execute xx;
select * from t015t8;
select * from table (index_table t015t8i1);
select * from table (index_table t015t8i2);
insert into t015t9 values(1,6,3);
prepare xx from MERGE INTO t015t8 using(select * from t015t9) z(i,j,k)
ON i = z.i
execute xx;
select * from t015t8;
select * from table (index_table t015t8i1);
select * from table (index_table t015t8i2);
delete from t015t8 ;
upsert into t015t8 values (1,2,3),(11,12,13) ;
select * from t015t8;
select * from table (index_table t015t8i1);
select * from table (index_table t015t8i2);
delete from t015t8 where i > 10;
upsert into t015t8 values (1,2,3),(11,12,13) ;
select * from t015t8;
select * from table (index_table t015t8i1);
select * from table (index_table t015t8i2);
MERGE INTO t015t8 ON i = 1
select * from t015t8;
select * from table (index_table t015t8i1);
select * from table (index_table t015t8i2);
-- Merge stmt and added column.
alter table t015t11 add column j int default 0 not null;
merge into t015t11 on i = 'c'
when matched then update set j = 4
when not matched then insert values ('c', 2);
-- Upsert that gets transformed
upsert into t015t12 values (1,1,1) ;
select * from t015t12;
upsert into t015t12 values (1,-1,1) ;
select * from t015t12 ;
upsert into t015t12 values (2,2,2),(3,3,3),(1,-1,-1);
select * from t015t12 ;
select * from table(index_table t015t12i1) ;
select * from table(index_table t015t12i2) ;
upsert into t015t13(b,c) values (1,1);
upsert into t015t13(b,c) values (1,2);
upsert into t015t13(b,c) values (2,2),(3,3),(4,4);
select * from t015t13;
explain options 'f' upsert into t015t13 (b,c) values (1,1) ;
-- Upsert(transformed) on table with RI constraint & unique index
upsert into t015t14 values (1,2),(11,12);
upsert into t015t15 values (2);
upsert into t015t14 values (1,3);
-- Upsert/merge with self-referntial subquery in values list
delete from t015t7;
upsert into t015t7 values (1, NVL((select b from t015t7 where a = 1),DEFAULT),10) ;
select * from t015t7;
upsert into t015t7 values (1, NVL((select b+1 from t015t7 where a = 1),DEFAULT),20) ;
select * from t015t7;
-- guarding against error 7000 and compiler asserts
prepare XX from UPSERT INTO DEC1
(ID, codeValue, title , description, path, synonyms, objectClassCode, propertyCode)
VALUES (NVL((select from DEC1 a where a.codeValue = ?a[10]), DEFAULT),
?b[10], ?c[10], ?d[10], ?e[10], null, ?f[10], null) ;
-- missing default value and default upsert_mode=merge so will transform as merge
execute explainIt;
prepare XX from UPSERT INTO DEC1
(ID, codeValue, title , description, path, synonyms, objectClassCode, propertyCode)
VALUES (?a, ?b, ?c, ?d, ?e, null, ?f, null) ;
-- missing default value and default upsert_mode=merge so will transform as merge
execute explainIt;
prepare XX from UPSERT INTO DEC1
(ID, codeValue, title , description, path, synonyms, objectClassCode, propertyCode)
VALUES (NVL((select from DEC1 a where a.codeValue = ?a), DEFAULT),
?b, ?c, ?d, ?e, null, ?f, null) ;
-- missing default value and default upsert_mode=merge so will transform as merge
execute explainIt;
-- missing default value and default upsert_mode=optimal so will transform as new efficient tree for the next 3 cases
prepare XX from UPSERT INTO DEC1
(ID, codeValue, title , description, path, synonyms, objectClassCode, propertyCode)
VALUES (NVL((select from DEC1 a where a.codeValue = ?a[10]), DEFAULT),
?b[10], ?c[10], ?d[10], ?e[10], null, ?f[10], null) ;
execute explainItEff;
prepare XX from UPSERT INTO DEC1
(ID, codeValue, title , description, path, synonyms, objectClassCode, propertyCode)
VALUES (?a, ?b, ?c, ?d, ?e, null, ?f, null) ;
execute explainItEff;
prepare XX from UPSERT INTO DEC1
(ID, codeValue, title , description, path, synonyms, objectClassCode, propertyCode)
VALUES (NVL((select from DEC1 a where a.codeValue = ?a), DEFAULT),
?b, ?c, ?d, ?e, null, ?f, null) ;
execute explainItEff;
prepare XX from UPSERT INTO DE
(ID, dataElementConceptID, valueDomainID) VALUES
(NVL((select from DE a where a.dataElementConceptID =
(select from DEC1 b where b.codeValue = ?) and a.valueDomainID = ? ), DEFAULT),
NVL((select from DEC1 d where d.codeValue = ?), NULL), ? ) ;
execute explainItEff;
prepare XX from UPSERT INTO ODT
(ID, objectTypeID, dataElementID, objectCategoryTypeCode)
VALUES (NVL((select from ODT a where a.objectTypeID =
(select from OT b where b.objectCode = ? and b.version = ?) and
a.objectCategoryTypeCode = ? and a.dataElementID =
(select from DE d where d.dataElementConceptID =
(select from DEC1 e where e.codeValue = ?) and d.valueDomainID = ? ) ), DEFAULT),
NVL((select from OT g where g.objectCode = ? and g.version = ?), NULL),
NVL((select from DE h where h.dataElementConceptID =
(select from DEC1 i where i.codeValue = ?) and h.valueDomainID = ? ), NULL), ? );
--missing values and traf_mode=merge default transforms into merge
execute explainIt;
prepare XX from UPSERT INTO DE
(ID, dataElementConceptID, valueDomainID) VALUES
(NVL((select from DE a where a.dataElementConceptID =
(select from DEC1 b where b.codeValue = ?) and a.valueDomainID = ? ), DEFAULT),
(select from DEC1 d where d.codeValue = ?), ? ) ;
execute explainItEff;
prepare XX from UPSERT INTO DE (ID, dataElementConceptID, valueDomainID)
VALUES (1, (select from DEC1 d where d.codeValue = ?), 3 ) ;
execute explainItEff;
prepare XX from UPSERT INTO DE (ID, dataElementConceptID, valueDomainID)
VALUES (?[10], ?[10], ?[10] ) ;
execute explainItEff;
prepare XX from UPSERT INTO DE (ID, dataElementConceptID, valueDomainID)
VALUES (1, (select from DEC1 d where d.codeValue = 'aa'), 3 ) ;
execute explainItEff;
--upsert transformation to eff tree tests
cqd traf_upsert_to_eff_tree 'ON';
prepare xx from upsert into t015t16 values (1,2,3,4,5),(6,7,8,9,10);
explain options 'f' xx;
execute xx;
select * from t015t16 order by a;
prepare xx2 from upsert into t015t16 values (10,11,12,13,14);
execute xx2;
select * from t015t16 order by a;
prepare xx2 from upsert into t015t16 values (1,2,30,40,50);
execute xx2;
select * from t015t16 order by a;
--For single row param input, ensure plan has no vsbb operators
prepare xx2 from upsert into t015t16 values(?,?,?,?,?);
execute explainItVsbb;
--For multiple rows, ensure plan has vsbb upsert, vsbb delete
prepare xx2 from upsert into t015t16 values(?[10],?[10],?[10],?[10],?[10]);
execute explainItVsbb;
--For upsert-select, ensure plan has vsbb_upsert and vsbb delete
prepare xx2 from UPSERT INTO t015t16 select a,b,c,d,e from t015t6 ;
execute explainItVsbb;
--For multiple values , ensure plan has vsbb upsert and vsbb delete
prepare xx2 from upsert into t015t16 values (3,4,1,1,1),(6,7,80,90,100),(6,7,81,91,101);
execute explainItVsbb;
execute xx2;
select a,b from t015t16 order by a;
cqd traf_upsert_to_eff_tree reset;
-- merge tests (and insert and update tests) on tables with check constraints
insert into t015tc1 values ('ACID','FOUR','GUNK'), ('FIVE','FIVE','HIVE'),('TENT','TEXT','TEST');
select * From t015tc1;
insert into t015tc2 values ('ACID','FOUR','GUNK'), ('FIVE','FIVE','HIVE'),('TENT','TEXT','TEST');
select * From t015tc2;
-- should fail, constraint violation
merge into t015tc1 on a='FIVE' when matched then update set c= 'BALD';
-- should fail, constraint violation
merge into t015tc1 on a = 'TENT' when matched then update set b = 'ACID';
select * From t015tc1;
-- no constraint violation
merge into t015tc1 on a='FIVE' when matched then update set c= 'GLAD';
-- should fail because 'BOMB' < 'FUNK'
merge into t015tc1 on a = 'NOSH' when matched then update set b = 'GOOD'
when not matched then insert values ('GOOD','GOOD','BOMB');
-- the row GOOD, GOOD, NICE should successfully be added
merge into t015tc1 on a = 'NOSH' when matched then update set b = 'GOOD'
when not matched then insert values ('GOOD','GOOD','NICE');
select * from t015tc1;
-- should fail because of constraint on C
insert into t015tc1 values ('ACID','TEST','ACID');
-- should fail because of constraint on B
insert into t015tc1 values ('ACID','ACID','TEST');
-- should fail because of constraint on B
update t015tc1 set a = 'COOL', b = 'ACID' where a = 'TENT';
select * from t015tc1;
-- should fail because of constraint on A
insert into t015tc2 values ('NUMB','NUMB','NUMB');
-- should fail because of constraint on A
update t015tc2 set a = 'NUMB', b = 'OKAY' where a = 'TENT';
-- should fail because of constraint on B
merge into t015tc1 on a = 'NOSH' when matched then update set b = 'ACID';
select * from t015tc2;