blob: 49e2e82666435daba32562bc861b927cac47bfd6 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Test: TEST001 (Executor)
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.
-- @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-- Functionality: Simple queries on basic operators, nulls, set params,
-- reverse scanning, and ifdef syntax.
-- Expected files: EXPECTED001, EXPECTED001.MX, EXPECTED001.MP
-- Table created: t001t1, t001tn2, t001t2, t001t3, t001desc, t001asc,
-- t001ut1, t001ut2, t001ut3
-- View created: t001vn
-- Limitations:
?section ddl
-- CREATE database
obey test001(clnup);
log LOG001 clear;
create table t001t1 (a int, b char(9), c int, d char(4));
create table t001tn (a int, b char(9), c int, d char(4) COLLATE SJIS);
create table t001t2 (a int not null, b char(9), c int, d char(4), primary key (a));
create table t001t3 (a int not null, b char(9) not null, c int, d char(4), primary key (a, b));
create table t001ut1 (a int, b nchar(9), c int, d nchar(4));
create table t001ut2 (a int not null, b nchar(9), c int, d nchar(4), primary key (a));
create table t001ut3 (a int not null, b nchar(9) not null, c int, d nchar(4), primary key (a, b));
?section dml
invoke t001t1;
invoke t001tn;
invoke t001t2;
invoke t001t3;
invoke $$TEST_SCHEMA$$.t001ut1;
invoke $$TEST_SCHEMA_NAME$$.t001ut2;
invoke t001ut3;
-- INSERT queries
insert into t001t1 values (10, 'abc', 20, 'xy');
insert into t001t1(b,d,a,c) values ('defg', 'wx', 10+10, 30);
insert into t001t2 select * from t001t1;
insert into t001t3(a,b,c,d) select a,b,c,d from t001t2;
insert into t001ut1 values (10, N'abc', 20, N'xy');
insert into t001ut1(b,d,a,c) values (N'defg', N'wx', 10+10, 30);
insert into t001ut2 select * from t001ut1;
insert into t001ut3(a,b,c,d) select a,b,c,d from t001ut2;
-- SELECT queries
select * from t001t1;
select t001t2.* from t001t2;
select * from t001t3;
select * from t001ut1;
select t001ut2.* from t001ut2;
select * from t001ut3;
-- Error case
select 0, '0' + 1 from t001t1;
-- should get type incompatibility error
select cast(b as ansivarchar(8)) from t001t1; -- err 3178
create table t001t1_foo(a lsdecimal); -- err 3178
select * from (select * from t001t1) x;
select a,b from t001t1;
select a,a from t001t1;
select a+1,a-1,a*1,a/1 from t001t1;
select t001t1.a, t001t1.d from t001t1;
select 1 from t001t1;
select 1+1 from t001t1;
select * from t001t1 where 1 = 1;
select * from t001t1 where a = 10;
select * from t001t1 where a <> 10;
select * from t001t1 where a = 10 or a = 20;
select * from t001t1 where a = 10 and a = 20;
-- Error case
select 0, N'0' + 1 from t001ut1;
-- should get type incompatibility error
select * from (select * from t001ut1) x;
select a,b from t001ut1;
select t001ut1.a, t001ut1.d from t001ut1;
select * from t001ut1 where a = 10 and a = 20;
select * from (select * from t001ut1) x , t001ut2;
set envvar NCHAR_SJIS_DEBUG; -- allow charset SJIS on MP
select a from t001t1 where b like _SJIS'sj';
select a from t001t1 where b like 'sj'COLLATE SJIS; -- ok, B gets coerced
select a from t001t1 where b COLLATE DEFAULT like 'sj'COLLATE SJIS;
select a from t001t1 where b COLLATE DEFAULT like 'jj' escape 's'COLLATE SJIS;
select a from t001t1 where trim(1 from 2) = '';
select a from t001t1 where trim(1 from b) = '';
select a from t001t1 where trim(b from 2) = '';
-- comment out because of the behavior change to NATIONAL_CHARSET in R2.
-- It is a read-only CQD.
--control query default NATIONAL_CHARSET 'kanji';
--select a from t001t1 where trim(N' ' from b) = '';
--control query default NATIONAL_CHARSET 'sql_text';
--select a from t001t1 where trim(N' ' from b) = ''; -- ok
--control query default NATIONAL_CHARSET reset;
select a from t001t1 where trim(N' ' from b) = '';
select a from t001t1 where trim(' 'COLLATE SJIS from b COLLATE DEFAULT) = '';
select a from t001t1 where '' = replace(1,2,3);
select a from t001t1 where '' = replace('a','x','z'COLLATE SJIS); -- ok, compatible
select a from t001t1 where '' = replace('a'COLLATE DEFAULT,'xx'COLLATE SJIS,'z'); -- not comparable
select a from t001t1 where '' = replace('a',2,'z'); -- not comparable
select a from t001t1 where 99 = position(1 in 2);
select a from t001t1 where 99 = position('x' in 2);
select a from t001t1 where 99 = position(1 in 'y');
select a from t001t1 where 99 = position('xx'COLLATE SJIS in 'y'COLLATE DEFAULT);
select b from t001tn UNION select d from t001tn;
-- not comparable
select b from t001tn UNION ALL select d from t001tn;
-- ok, no resulting collating sequence, but no comparison
select * from (
select b from t001tn UNION ALL select d from t001tn) u(b) where b='x';
-- not comparable
select * from (
select b from t001tn UNION ALL select d from t001tn) u(b) where b=(select b from t001tn);
-- not comparable
select b from t001tn UNION select d COLLATE SJIS from t001tn;
-- ok, coerced
select b COLLATE SJIS from t001tn UNION select d COLLATE SJIS from t001tn;
-- ok
select a COLLATE SJIS from t001tn;
select b COLLATE Xyzw from t001tn; -- ok, unknown-coll warning, coll not used
select b from (select b COLLATE Xyzw from t001tn)x where b>'a';
-- JOIN queries
select t001t1.a, t001t2.a from t001t1 , t001t2 where t001t1.a = t001t2.a;
-- Genesis test case added 12/18/96
select t001t1.a + t001t2.a from t001t1 , t001t2 where t001t1.a = t001t2.a;
select t001t1.a, t001t2.a from t001t1 join t001t2 on t001t1.a = t001t2.a and t001t1.a = 10 and t001t2.a = 10;
select t001t1.a, t001t2.a from t001t1 join t001t2 on t001t1.a = 10 or t001t2.a = 10;
select t001t1.a, t001t2.a from t001t1 join t001t2 on
t001t1.a = 10 and (t001t1.a = 10 or t001t1.a = 20)
or t001t2.a = 10 and (t001t2.a = 10 or t001t2.a = 20);
select t001t1.a, t001t2.a from t001t1 join t001t2 on
t001t1.a = 10 and (t001t1.a = 10 or t001t1.a = 20)
and t001t2.a = 10 and (t001t2.a = 10 or t001t2.a = 20);
select * from (select * from t001t1) x , t001t2;
-- NATURAL JOIN queries
select a from t001t1 x natural join t001t1 y;
select a from t001t1 natural join t001t2;
select a from t001t1 natural join t001t2 natural join t001t3;
select x.a, x.b from (select a, b, c from t001t1 natural join t001t2) x join t001t3
on x.c = t001t3.c;
select a from t001ut1 x natural join t001ut1 y;
select a from t001ut1 natural join t001ut2;
select a from t001ut1 natural join t001ut2 natural join t001ut3;
select x.a, x.b from (select a, b, c from t001ut1 natural join t001ut2) x join t001ut3
on x.c = t001ut3.c;
select count(*) from (select * from t001ut1) x natural join (select * from t001ut2) y ,
(select * from t001ut3) z;
-- AGGREGATE queries
select count(*), min(a), max(a), sum(a), avg(a) from t001t1;
select count(*), min(a), max(a), sum(a), avg(a) from t001t1 having count(*) > 0;
select count(*), min(a), max(a), sum(a), avg(a) from t001t1 having count(*) < 0;
select count(*), sum(a) from t001t1 having count(*) = 2 and sum(a) = 30;
select sum(t001t1.a) from t001t1 , t001t2;
select count(*) from (select * from t001t1) x natural join (select * from t001t2) y ,
(select * from t001t3) z;
-- UPDATE queries
update t001t1 set a = 10 where a = 10;
select * from t001t1;
update t001t1 set a = 100, d = 'yx' where b = 'abc';
select * from t001t1;
update t001t1 set c = 55;
select * from t001t1;
update t001t2 set c = c+1, b = 'gfe' where d = 'wx';
select * from t001t2;
update t001ut1 set a = 100, d = N'yx' where b = N'abc';
select * from t001ut1;
update t001ut2 set c = c+1, b = N'gfe' where d = N'wx';
select * from t001ut2;
-- DELETE queries
delete from t001t1 where a = 100;
select * from t001t1;
delete from t001t3;
select * from t001t3;
delete from t001t1;
delete from t001t2;
delete from t001ut3;
select * from t001ut3;
delete from t001ut1;
delete from t001ut2;
-- PREPAREd queries
prepare s1 from insert into t001t1 values (10, 'abc', 20, 'yz');
execute s1;
insert into t001t1 values (30, 'def', 40, 'wx');
prepare s2 from select * from t001t1;
execute s2;
execute s1;
execute s2;
prepare s1 from select * from t001t1 where a = 10;
execute s1;
prepare s2 from select * from t001t1 where a = 30;
execute s2;
show prepared;
prepare s1 from insert into t001ut1 values (10, N'abc', 20, N'yz');
execute s1;
insert into t001ut1 values (30, N'def', 40, N'wx');
prepare s2 from select * from t001ut1;
execute s2;
execute s1;
execute s2;
prepare s1 from select * from t001ut1 where a = 10;
execute s1;
show prepared;
-- PARAM queries (all moved to TEST001(core))
-- ----------------------
-- test reverse scanning
-- ----------------------
create table t001desc
a numeric(18) signed not null,
primary key ( a DESC )
insert into t001desc values(1), (2), (3), (5), (7), (10);
select a from t001desc where a < 5 order by a;
create table t001asc
a numeric(18) signed not null,
primary key ( a ASC )
insert into t001asc values(1), (2), (3), (5), (7), (10);
select a from t001asc where a < 5 order by a DESC;
-- This next bit works if Debug, fails if Release;
-- and the results (char_length of E) will change after MX-NSK-Rel1,
-- when we correctly support KANJI as double-byte instead of single.
-- For now, don't run these tests for MX objects on NSK platform. It is too
-- difficult to create all the different known results for release, debug,
-- MX format objects, etc. (rsm)
-- comment out because of the behavior change to NATIONAL_CHARSET in R2.
-- It is a read-only CQD.
-- control query default NATIONAL_CHARSET 'kanji';
-- set envvar NCHAR_DEBUG;
-- create table t001tn2(a int, b char(9), c int, d char(4) COLLATE SJIS,
-- e NCHAR(4));
-- create view t001vn(ee) as select cast(e as NCHAR(10)) from t001tn2;
-- reset envvar NCHAR_DEBUG;
-- invoke t001vn;
-- invoke t001tn2;
-- table t001vn;
-- select * from t001tn2 where b=e; -- not comparable
-- create view t001vn(ee) as select cast(e as NCHAR(10)) from t001tn2;
-- select e collate sjis from t001tn2;
-- set envvar NCHAR_DEBUG 2;
-- create view t001vn(ee) as select cast(e as NCHAR(10)) from t001tn2; -- 3179
-- select e collate sjis from t001tn2; -- 3179
-- reset envvar NCHAR_DEBUG;
-- update t001tn2 set e = _kanji'km' collate SJIS || e;
-- update t001tn2 set e = e || _kanji'km' collate SJISfoo;
-- control query default NATIONAL_CHARSET 'reset';
-- control query default NATIONAL_CHARSET 'kanji';
-- set envvar NCHAR_DEBUG;
-- create table t001tn2(a int, b char(9), c int, d char(4) COLLATE SJIS,
-- e NCHAR(4));
-- create view t001vn(ee) as select cast(e as NCHAR(10)) from t001tn2;
-- reset envvar NCHAR_DEBUG;
-- invoke t001vn;
-- invoke t001tn2;
-- table t001vn;
-- select * from t001tn2 where b=e; -- not comparable
-- create view t001vn(ee) as select cast(e as NCHAR(10)) from t001tn2;
-- select e collate sjis from t001tn2;
-- set envvar NCHAR_DEBUG 2;
-- create view t001vn(ee) as select cast(e as NCHAR(10)) from t001tn2; -- 3179
-- select e collate sjis from t001tn2; -- 3179
-- reset envvar NCHAR_DEBUG;
-- update t001tn2 set e = _kanji'km' collate SJIS || e;
-- update t001tn2 set e = e || _kanji'km' collate SJISfoo;
-- control query default NATIONAL_CHARSET 'reset';
obey test001(clnup);
?section clnup
-- CLEANUP database
drop view t001vn;
drop table t001tn;
drop table t001tn2;
drop table t001t1;
drop table t001t2;
drop table t001t3;
drop table t001desc;
drop table t001asc;
drop table t001ut1;
drop table t001ut2;
drop table t001ut3;