blob: 28c9c25ff8eeed1dc6238eeed071fc88f5eb423f [file] [log] [blame]
-- Test: TEST0106 (Executor)
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.
-- @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-- Functionality: SQL Query Cancel
-- Expected files: EXPECTED106
-- Table created:
-- Limitations:
-- To do:
-- Revision history:
-- temporarily turning off ddl xns for this test suite.
-- it runs into a hang issue in dtm due to cancel processing.
cqd ddl_transactions 'OFF';
sh echo > cumulative_GET_STATS106;
sh echo > LOG106;
sh echo > T106_INTERLEAVED_LOG;
sh rm ${REGRRUNDIR}/test106_synch ;
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(setup)";
log LOG106;
obey TEST106(dml);
select msg, 'FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', ts
from T106_interleaved_log order by ts;
obey TEST106(clnup);
?section clnup
drop table t106a;
drop table t106c;
select * from T106_interleaved_log
order by ts;
drop table T106_interleaved_log;
?section setup
set schema $$TEST_SCHEMA$$;
obey TEST106(clnup);
log LOG106 clear;
create table T106_interleaved_log (
ts timestamp(6) not null,
msg char(60) ) no partition;
create table t106a
(uniq int not null,
c10K int ,
c1K int,
c100 int,
c10 int,
c1 int,
primary key (uniq)
salt using 4 partitions ;
upsert using load into t106a
0 + (100000 * x100000) + (10000 * x10000) + (1000 * x1000) + (100 * x100)
+ (10 * x10) +( 1 * x1),
0 + (1000 * x1000) + (100 * x100) + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (100 * x100) + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (1 * x1),
from (values(1)) as t1
transpose 0,1 as x100000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x10000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x1000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x100
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x10
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x1
update statistics for table t106a on every column;
create table t106c
(uniq int not null,
c10K int ,
c1K int,
c100 int,
c10 int,
c1 int,
primary key (uniq)
salt using 4 partitions ;
?section dml
sh rm cancel_cmd cancel_log106_all LOCK_LOG106;
obey TEST106(cursor_close_early);
obey TEST106(uniq_query_test);
obey TEST106(positive_test1);
obey TEST106(positive_test2);
obey TEST106(update_test1);
obey TEST106(delete_test1);
obey TEST106(insert_test1);
obey TEST106(insert_test2);
obey TEST106(upsert_test1);
obey TEST106(cpu_bound_esps);
obey TEST106(escalation1);
obey TEST106(positive_test1_pname);
obey TEST106(positive_test2_pname);
obey TEST106(cpu_bound_esps_pname);
obey TEST106(escalation1_pname);
obey TEST106(positive_test1_nid_pid);
obey TEST106(positive_test2_nid_pid);
obey TEST106(cpu_bound_esps_nid_pid);
obey TEST106(escalation1_nid_pid);
obey TEST106(showplan1);
obey TEST106(explain1);
obey TEST106(invalid_qid);
obey TEST106(invalid_pname);
obey TEST106(invalid_nid_pid);
obey TEST106(qc1314);
obey TEST106(qc1351);
-- this one removes histograms for t106a so do it at the end.
obey TEST106(ustats_test);
?section cursor_close_early
-- From bug 2583
set envvar sqlci_cursor '1';
declare c1 cursor for select * from t106a A, t106a B;
values('FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', current_timestamp);
open c1;
close c1;
values('FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', current_timestamp);
open c1;
close c1;
values('FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', current_timestamp);
open c1;
close c1;
values('FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', current_timestamp);
?section uniq_query_test
-- By default, cannot cancel unique queries. And since we
-- do not have locks in trafodion, it doesn't make sense to
-- try to cancel a unique query.
-- TBD -- add tests to show the unique query does not register
-- with cancel broker
---------- unique select query ---------------------
prepare s1 from select 'unique query row' from t106a where uniq = 44;
---------- unique delete query ---------------------
prepare s1 from delete from t106a where uniq = 44;
---------- unique update query ---------------------
prepare s1 from update t106a set c10k = 12 where uniq = 46;
---------- unique insert query ---------------------
prepare s1 from insert into t106a values (44, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
?section positive_test1
-- Test canceling a query with and without the
------- long running, cpu-bound select query -------
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU '20';
control query default ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM 'off';
prepare s1 from select count(*) from t106a A, t106a B
where A.uniq < 3000;
control query default ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM 'system';
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU 'reset';
obey TEST106(make_cancel_stmt);
select 'subject launch canceler - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test1, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel)" & ;
select 'subject synch cancel - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test1, launch canceler, finish');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
select 'subject execute s1 - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test1, execute, start');
execute s1;
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test1, execute, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section positive_test2
-- Test canceling a query with and without the
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU '20';
control query shape expr(sort_groupby(esp_exchange(cut)));
prepare s1 from select count(*) from t106a A, t106a B
where A.uniq < 3000;
control query shape cut;
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU 'reset';
obey TEST106(make_cancel_stmt);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test2, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel)" & ;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test2, launch canceler, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test2, execute s1, start');
------- long running, cpu-bound select query -------
execute s1;
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test2, execute s1, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section update_test1
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU '20';
prepare s1 from update t106a set c100 = c100 + 1;
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU 'reset';
obey TEST106(make_cancel_stmt);
select 'subject launch canceler - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'update_test1, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel)" & ;
select 'subject synch cancel - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'update_test1, launch canceler, finish');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
select 'subject execute s1 - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'update_test1, execute, start');
execute s1;
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'update_test1, execute, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section delete_test1
prepare s1 from delete from t106a;
obey TEST106(make_cancel_stmt);
select 'subject launch canceler - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'delete_test1, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel)" & ;
select 'subject synch cancel - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'delete_test1, launch canceler, finish');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
select 'subject execute s1 - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'delete_test1, execute, start');
execute s1;
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'delete_test1, execute, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section insert_test1
prepare s1 from insert into t106c select * from t106a;
obey TEST106(make_cancel_stmt);
select 'subject launch canceler - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'insert_test1, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel)" & ;
select 'subject synch cancel - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'insert_test1, launch canceler, finish');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
select 'subject execute s1 - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'insert_test1, execute, start');
execute s1;
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'insert_test1, execute, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section insert_test2
prepare s1 from insert into t106c
0 + (100000 * x100000) + (10000 * x10000) + (1000 * x1000) + (100 * x100)
+ (10 * x10) +( 1 * x1),
0 + (1000 * x1000) + (100 * x100) + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (100 * x100) + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (1 * x1),
from (values(1)) as t1
transpose 0,1 as x100000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x10000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x1000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x100
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x10
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x1
obey TEST106(make_cancel_stmt);
select 'subject launch canceler - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'insert_test2, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel)" & ;
select 'subject synch cancel - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'insert_test2, launch canceler, finish');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
select 'subject execute s1 - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'insert_test2, execute, start');
execute s1;
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'insert_test2, execute, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section upsert_test1
cqd GEN_TRSP_SIZE_UP '16';
prepare s1 from
upsert using load into t106c
0 + (100000 * x100000) + (10000 * x10000) + (1000 * x1000) + (100 * x100)
+ (10 * x10) +( 1 * x1),
0 + (1000 * x1000) + (100 * x100) + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (100 * x100) + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (1 * x1),
from (values(1)) as t1
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x100000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x10000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x1000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x100
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x10
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x1
obey TEST106(make_cancel_stmt);
select 'subject launch canceler - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'upsert_test1, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel)" & ;
select 'subject synch cancel - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'upsert_test1, launch canceler, finish');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
select 'subject execute s1 - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'upsert_test1, execute, start');
execute s1;
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'upsert_test1, execute, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
cqd GEN_TRSP_SIZE_UP reset;
?section cpu_bound_esps
-- Test cancel when esps are CPU-bound.
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU '20';
prepare s1 from select C.c10k, count(*) from t106a A, t106a B, t106a C
group by c.c10k order by 2;
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU 'reset';
obey TEST106(make_cancel_stmt);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'cpu_bound_esps, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel)" & ;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'cpu_bound_esps, launch canceler, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'cpu_bound_esps, execute s1, start');
execute s1;
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'cpu_bound_esps, execute s1, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section escalation1
-- Test cancel escalation. Simulate unresponsive ESPs with COMP_INT_39.
control query default COMP_INT_39 '4';
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU '20';
prepare s1 from select C.c10k, count(*) from t106a A, t106a B, t106a C
group by c.c10k order by 2;
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU 'reset';
control query default COMP_INT_39 'reset';
obey TEST106(make_cancel_stmt);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'escalation1, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel)" & ;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'escalation1, launch canceler, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'escalation1, execute s1, start');
execute s1;
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'escalation1, execute s1, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section ustats_test
upsert using load into t106a
200000 +
0 + (100000 * x100000) + (10000 * x10000) + (1000 * x1000) + (100 * x100)
+ (10 * x10) +( 1 * x1),
0 + (1000 * x1000) + (100 * x100) + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (100 * x100) + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (1 * x1),
from (values(1)) as t1
transpose 0,1 as x100000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x10000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x1000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x100
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x10
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x1
upsert using load into t106a
400000 +
0 + (100000 * x100000) + (10000 * x10000) + (1000 * x1000) + (100 * x100)
+ (10 * x10) +( 1 * x1),
0 + (1000 * x1000) + (100 * x100) + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (100 * x100) + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (10 * x10) + (1 * x1),
0 + (1 * x1),
from (values(1)) as t1
transpose 0,1 as x100000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x10000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x1000
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x100
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x10
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as x1
update statistics for table t106a clear;
prepare s1 from
update statistics for table t106a on
c10k, c1k, c100, c10, c1, uniq
, (uniq, c10k)
, (uniq, c1k)
, (uniq, c100)
, (uniq, c10)
, (uniq, c1)
, (c10k, c1k)
, (c10k, c100)
, (c10k, c10)
, (c10k, c1)
, (c1k, c100)
, (c1k, c10)
, (c1k, c1)
, (c100, c10)
, (c100, c1)
, (c10, c1)
, (uniq, c10k, c1k)
, (uniq, c10k, c100)
, (uniq, c10k, c10)
, (uniq, c10k, c1)
, (uniq, c1k, c100)
, (uniq, c1k, c10)
, (uniq, c1k, c1)
, (uniq, c100, c10)
, (uniq, c100, c1)
, (uniq, c10, c1)
, (c10k, c1k, c100)
, (c10k, c1k, c10)
, (c10k, c1k, c1)
, (c10k, c100, c10)
, (c10k, c100, c1)
, (c10k, c10, c1)
, (c1k, c100, c10)
, (c1k, c100, c1)
, (c1k, c10, c1)
, (uniq, c10k, c1k, c100)
, (uniq, c10k, c1k, c10)
, (uniq, c10k, c1k, c1)
, (uniq, c10k, c100, c10)
, (uniq, c10k, c100, c1)
, (uniq, c10k, c10, c1)
, (uniq, c1k, c100, c10)
, (uniq, c1k, c100, c1)
, (uniq, c1k, c10, c1)
, (c10k, c1k, c100, c10)
, (c10k, c1k, c100, c1)
, (c10k, c1k, c10, c1)
obey TEST106(make_cancel_stmt);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'ustats_test, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel)" & ;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'ustats_test, launch canceler, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'ustats_test, execute s1, start');
execute s1;
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'ustats_test, execute s1, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section positive_test1_nid_pid
-- Test canceling a query with and without the
------- long running, cpu-bound select query -------
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU '20';
control query default ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM 'off';
prepare s1 from select count(*) from t106a A, t106a B
where A.uniq < 3000;
control query default ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM 'system';
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU 'reset';
obey TEST106(make_cancel_nid_pid_stmt);
select 'subject launch canceler - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test1_nid_pid, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel_nid_pid)" & ;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test1_nid_pid, launch canceler, finished');
select 'subject synch cancel - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
select 'subject execute s1 - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test1_nid_pid, execute s1, start');
execute s1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test1_nid_pid, execute s1, finished');
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section positive_test2_nid_pid
-- Test canceling a query with and without the
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU '20';
control query shape expr(sort_groupby(esp_exchange(cut)));
prepare s1 from select count(*) from t106a A, t106a B
where A.uniq < 3000;
control query shape cut;
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU 'reset';
obey TEST106(make_cancel_nid_pid_stmt);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test2_nid_pid, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel_nid_pid)" & ;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test2_nid_pid, launch canceler, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test2_nid_pid, execute s1, start');
------- long running, cpu-bound select query -------
execute s1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test2_nid_pid, execute s1, finished');
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section cpu_bound_esps_nid_pid
-- Test cancel when esps are CPU-bound.
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU '20';
prepare s1 from select C.c10k, count(*) from t106a A, t106a B, t106a C
group by c.c10k order by 2;
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU 'reset';
obey TEST106(make_cancel_nid_pid_stmt);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'cpu_bound_esps_nid_pid, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel_nid_pid)" & ;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'cpu_bound_esps_nid_pid, launch canceler, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'cpu_bound_esps_nid_pid, execute s1, start');
execute s1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'cpu_bound_esps_nid_pid, execute s1, finished');
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section escalation1_nid_pid
-- Test cancel escalation. Simulate unresponsive ESPs with COMP_INT_39.
control query default COMP_INT_39 '4';
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU '20';
prepare s1 from select C.c10k, count(*) from t106a A, t106a B, t106a C
group by c.c10k order by 2;
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU 'reset';
control query default COMP_INT_39 'reset';
obey TEST106(make_cancel_nid_pid_stmt);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'escalation1_nid_pid, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel_nid_pid)" & ;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'escalation1_nid_pid, launch canceler, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'escalation1_nid_pid, execute s1, start');
execute s1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'escalation1_nid_pid, execute s1, finished');
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section positive_test1_pname
-- Test canceling a query with and without the
------- long running, cpu-bound select query -------
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU '20';
control query default ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM 'off';
prepare s1 from select count(*) from t106a A, t106a B
where A.uniq < 3000;
control query default ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM 'system';
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU 'reset';
obey TEST106(make_cancel_pname_stmt);
select 'subject launch canceler - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test1_pname, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel_pname)" & ;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test1_pname, launch canceler, finished');
select 'subject synch cancel - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
select 'subject execute s1 - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test1_pname, execute s1, start');
execute s1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test1_pname, execute s1, finished');
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section positive_test2_pname
-- Test canceling a query with and without the
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU '20';
control query shape expr(sort_groupby(esp_exchange(cut)));
prepare s1 from select count(*) from t106a A, t106a B
where A.uniq < 3000;
control query shape cut;
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU 'reset';
obey TEST106(make_cancel_pname_stmt);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test2_pname, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel_pname)" & ;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test2_pname, launch canceler, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test2_pname, execute s1, start');
------- long running, cpu-bound select query -------
execute s1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'positive_test2_pname, execute s1, finished');
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section cpu_bound_esps_pname
-- Test cancel when esps are CPU-bound.
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU '20';
prepare s1 from select C.c10k, count(*) from t106a A, t106a B, t106a C
group by c.c10k order by 2;
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU 'reset';
obey TEST106(make_cancel_pname_stmt);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'cpu_bound_esps_pname, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel_pname)" & ;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'cpu_bound_esps_pname, launch canceler, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'cpu_bound_esps_pname, execute s1, start');
execute s1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'cpu_bound_esps_pname, execute s1, finished');
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section escalation1_pname
-- Test cancel escalation. Simulate unresponsive ESPs with COMP_INT_39.
control query default COMP_INT_39 '4';
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU '20';
prepare s1 from select C.c10k, count(*) from t106a A, t106a B, t106a C
group by c.c10k order by 2;
control query default QUERY_LIMIT_SQL_PROCESS_CPU 'reset';
control query default COMP_INT_39 'reset';
obey TEST106(make_cancel_pname_stmt);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'escalation1_pname, launch canceler, start');
sh sqlci -i"TEST106(do_cancel_pname)" & ;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'escalation1_pname, launch canceler, finished');
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'escalation1_pname, execute s1, start');
execute s1;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'escalation1_pname, execute s1, finished');
select 'subject - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
obey TEST106(synch_cancel);
obey TEST106(append_cancel_log);
?section showplan1
log; log SP106 clear;
showplan control query cancel qid
showplan control query activate qid
showplan control query suspend qid
showplan control query suspend qid
MXID11000026954212168745269419968000000000217DEFAULT_MXCI_USER00_22_S1, force;
showplan control query cancel pid 0, 17677;
showplan control query cancel pid $Z00034G;
sh echo "cancel-specific showplan output" >> LOG106;
sh grep "Contents of EX_CANCEL" SP106 >> LOG106;
sh grep "For ComTdbCancel" SP106 >> LOG106;
sh grep "^qid_ =" SP106 >> LOG106;
sh grep "^action_ =" SP106 >> LOG106;
sh grep "^cancelNid_" SP106 >> LOG106;
sh grep "^cancelPname_" SP106 >> LOG106;
sh grep "^comment_ =" SP106 >> LOG106;
log LOG106;
?section explain1
log; log EXPLAIN106 clear;
explain control query cancel qid
explain control query suspend qid
explain control query suspend qid
MXID11000026954212168745269419968000000000217DEFAULT_MXCI_USER00_22_S1, force;
explain control query activate qid
explain control query cancel pid 0, 17677;
explain control query cancel pid $Z00034G;
sh echo "cancel-specific explain output" >> LOG106;
sh grep "control_action" EXPLAIN106 >> LOG106;
sh grep "nid_pid" EXPLAIN106 >> LOG106;
sh grep "min_blocking_interval" EXPLAIN106 >> LOG106;
sh grep "process_name" EXPLAIN106 >> LOG106;
log LOG106;
?section invalid_qid
control query cancel qid foo;
set envvar HP_FAKE_ERROR_201;
control query cancel qid
reset envvar HP_FAKE_ERROR_201;
control query cancel qid
control query suspend qid
control query suspend qid
MXID11000026954212168745269419968000000000217DEFAULT_MXCI_USER00_22_S1, force;
control query activate qid
?section invalid_pname
control query cancel pid $ZXXXXX;
?section invalid_nid_pid
control query cancel pid 44,66666;
?section qc1314
-- Test case for QC 1314. Exercise IPC timeout in
-- ex_root_tcb::cancel.
set envvar SQLMX_CANCEL_TIMEOUT '10';
-- Simulate unresponsive ESPs with COMP_INT_39.
control query default COMP_INT_39 '4';
set envvar sqlci_cursor '1';
control query shape esp_exchange(cut);
declare c1 cursor for
select C.c10k, count(*) from t106a A, t106a B, t106a C
group by c.c10k order by 2
for read uncommitted access;
control query shape cut;
control query default COMP_INT_39 'reset';
values('FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', current_timestamp);
open c1;
close c1;
values('FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', current_timestamp);
open c1;
close c1;
values('FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', current_timestamp);
open c1;
close c1;
values('FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', current_timestamp);
open c1;
close c1;
values('FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', current_timestamp);
open c1;
close c1;
values('FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', current_timestamp);
?section qc1351
log LOG106;
prepare s1 from select * from t106a;
obey TEST106(make_cancel_stmt);
obey cancel_cmd;
?section synch_cancel
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'foreground awaits synch_cancel');
-- wait until other mxci is ready
sh sh $scriptsdir/executor/synch_106.ksh;
select 'done with synch_cancel - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
sh rm ${REGRRUNDIR}/test106_synch ;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'foreground finished synch_cancel');
log LOG106;
?section do_cancel
set schema $$TEST_SCHEMA$$;
log CANCEL_LOG106 clear;
------ Contents of cancel session --------;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'do_cancel has begun');
sh touch ${REGRRUNDIR}/test106_synch;
select 'canceler going to sleep - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
sh sleep 13;
select 'canceler woke up - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
set session default CANCEL_ESCALATION_INTERVAL '5';
log GET_STATS106 clear;
set session default RTS_TIMEOUT '10';
obey get_stats_cmd;
sh cat GET_STATS106 >> cumulative_GET_STATS106;
sh grep "Execute End Time" GET_STATS106 >> CANCEL_LOG106;
log CANCEL_LOG106;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'do_cancel will cancel');
obey cancel_cmd;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'do_cancel has canceled');
select 'canceler - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
sh cat CANCEL_LOG106 >> cancel_log106_all;
sh touch ${REGRRUNDIR}/test106_synch;
?section do_cancel_pname
set schema $$TEST_SCHEMA$$;
log CANCEL_LOG106 clear;
------ Contents of cancel session --------;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'do_cancel_pname has begun');
sh touch ${REGRRUNDIR}/test106_synch;
select 'canceler going to sleep - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
sh sleep 13;
select 'canceler woke up - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
set session default CANCEL_ESCALATION_INTERVAL '5';
log GET_STATS106 clear;
obey get_stats_cmd;
sh cat GET_STATS106 >> cumulative_GET_STATS106;
sh grep "Execute End Time" GET_STATS106 >> CANCEL_LOG106;
log CANCEL_LOG106;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'do_cancel_pname will cancel');
obey cancel_pname_cmd;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'do_cancel_pname has canceled');
select 'canceler - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
sh cat CANCEL_LOG106 >> cancel_log106_all;
sh touch ${REGRRUNDIR}/test106_synch;
?section do_cancel_nid_pid
set schema $$TEST_SCHEMA$$;
log CANCEL_LOG106 clear;
------ Contents of cancel session --------;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'do_cancel_nid_pid has begun');
sh touch ${REGRRUNDIR}/test106_synch;
select 'canceler going to sleep - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
sh sleep 13;
select 'canceler woke up - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
set session default CANCEL_ESCALATION_INTERVAL '5';
log GET_STATS106 clear;
obey get_stats_cmd;
sh cat GET_STATS106 >> cumulative_GET_STATS106;
sh grep "Execute End Time" GET_STATS106 >> CANCEL_LOG106;
log CANCEL_LOG106;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'do_cancel_nid_pid will cancel');
obey cancel_nid_pid_cmd;
insert into T106_interleaved_log values
'do_cancel_nid_pid has canceled');
select 'canceler - FUNKY_OPT_UNIQUE', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (6) from (values (1)) as t1;
sh cat CANCEL_LOG106 >> cancel_log106_all;
sh touch ${REGRRUNDIR}/test106_synch;
?section make_suicide_script
-- Make a shell script to stop this mxci.
sh gtacl -c 'status *,term' | grep mxci | cut -c 12-19 | sed "s/^/sleep 8; gtacl -c 'stop/g" | sed "s/$/'/g">stop_cmd ;
sh chmod +x stop_cmd;
?section make_cancel_stmt
log QIDLOG clear;
display qid for s1;
sh grep "^QID is " QIDLOG | cut -c 8- | sed "s/^/control query cancel qid /g" | sed "s/$/;/g" > cancel_cmd;
sh grep "^QID is " QIDLOG | cut -c 8- | sed "s/^/get statistics for qid /g" | sed "s/$/;/g" > get_stats_cmd;
log LOG106;
?section make_cancel_pname_stmt
log QIDLOG clear;
display qid for s1;
sh echo "control query default CANCEL_MINIMUM_BLOCKING_INTERVAL '1';" > cancel_pname_cmd;
sh grep "^ Pin:" QIDLOG | cut -c 8- | sed "s/^/sqps | grep sqlci | grep /g" | sh | cut -c 42-50 | sed "s/^/control query cancel pid /g" >> cancel_pname_cmd;
sh echo ";" >> cancel_pname_cmd;
sh grep "^QID is " QIDLOG | cut -c 8- | sed "s/^/get statistics for qid /g" | sed "s/$/;/g" > get_stats_cmd;
log LOG106;
?section make_cancel_nid_pid_stmt
log QIDLOG clear;
display qid for s1;
sh echo "control query default CANCEL_MINIMUM_BLOCKING_INTERVAL '1';" > cancel_nid_pid_cmd;
sh grep "^ Pin:" QIDLOG | cut -c 8- | sed "s/^/control query cancel pid 0,/g" >> cancel_nid_pid_cmd;
sh echo ";" >> cancel_nid_pid_cmd;
sh grep "^QID is " QIDLOG | cut -c 8- | sed "s/^/get statistics for qid /g" | sed "s/$/;/g" > get_stats_cmd;
log LOG106;
?section append_cancel_log
sh sleep 2;
sh cat CANCEL_LOG106 >> LOG106;
log LOG106;
?section append_lock_log
sh sleep 2;
sh cat LOCK_LOG106 >> LOG106;
log LOG106;