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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ExSqlComp.h
* Description: Declaration of the object ExSqlComp for executor to create
* compiler process, build up the connection and process the
* requests.
* Created: 07/15/96
* Language: C++
#ifndef EX_SQLCOMP_H
#define EX_SQLCOMP_H
#include "Ipc.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "ex_god.h"
#include "CmpMessage.h"
class ComDiagsArea;
class CmpMessageObj;
class CmpMessageStream;
class ExStoredProcTcb;
class CliGlobals;
class ContextCli;
class ExControlArea;
class ExSqlComp : public ExGod
NABoolean isShared_;
ContextCli * lastContext_;
NABoolean resendingControls_;
short compilerVersion_;
char *nodeName_;
NABoolean isShared() { return isShared_; }
void setShared(NABoolean isShared) { isShared_ = isShared; }
ContextCli * getLastContext() { return lastContext_; }
void setLastContext(ContextCli *context) { lastContext_ = context; }
static void appendControls(ExControlArea *dest, ExControlArea *src);
void completeRequests();
friend class CmpMessageStream;
enum OperationStatus
{ INIT, // request just being created
PENDING, // the request has been sent correctly
FINISHED, // the reply has arrived from arkcmp, ready to be fetched
FETCHED // the reply has been fetched already by the caller
#define EXSQLCOMP CmpMessageObj
typedef CmpMessageObj::MessageTypeEnum Operator;
// In the constructor, the server (arkcmp) will be created,
// the connection will also be established.
(void* ex_environment,
CollHeap *h,
CliGlobals *cliGlobals,
ExStoredProcTcb *storedProcTcb = NULL,
short compilerVersion = COM_VERS_COMPILER_VERSION,
char *nodeName_ = NULL,
IpcEnvironment *env = NULL);
// requests processing, return a serial number of the request
ReturnStatus sendRequest
(Operator, const char* input_data=0, ULng32 size=0,
NABoolean waited=TRUE, Int64* id=0, Lng32 charset=SQLCHARSETCODE_UNKNOWN,
NABoolean resendFlg = FALSE,
const char *parentQid = NULL,
Lng32 parentQidLen = 0);
// requests for processing Internal SP
// for InternalSP execution, executor should do the following:
// sendRequest(CmpMessageISPRequest, , id );
// while (getReply(reply, , id ) == MOREDATA)
// getNext(id);
// sendRequest sends the CmpMessageISPRequest to arkcmp for execution.
ReturnStatus sendRequest
(const char* procName = 0, // ISP name, null terminated
void* inputExpr = 0, ULng32 inputExprSize = 0, // input expr
void* outputExpr = 0, ULng32 outputExprSize = 0, // output expr
void* keyExpr = 0, ULng32 keyExprSize = 0, // keys expr
void* inputData = 0, ULng32 inputDataSize = 0, // input data
ULng32 outputRecSize = 0, ULng32 outputTotalSize = 0, // output data
NABoolean waited=TRUE, Int64* id=0,
const char *parentQid = NULL,
Lng32 parentQidLen = 0);
// send a CmpMessageISPGetNext request with the outstanding request (id)
// if id is 0 , use the current outstanding one.
ReturnStatus getNext ( ULng32 bufSize, Int64 id=0, NABoolean waited= TRUE,
const char *parentQid = NULL, Lng32 parentQidLen = 0);
// status of the request with id asspecified. If id=0, the current outstanding
// request is checked for the status.
OperationStatus status(Int64 id=0);
// Method to get the reply for the request with id as specified. If id=0, it is to get
// the reply for current outstanding request.
// reply is the place to hold the contents of reply code ( or result ). It could be
// 1. preallocated by the caller and passed in. maxSize is the size allocated.
// 2. if 0 ( a null pointer ) is passed in, getReply method will allocate the space.
// reply will points to the sotrage allocated, size will be the size allocated.
// 3. if the maxSize is not big enough to hold the reply, getReply method will allocate
// the storage to hold the reply, in this case reply will be overwritten with the space
// allocated, size will be the the size of the actual storage allocated.
// The reply will be allocated from the heap passed in ExSqlComp::ExSqlComp constructor.
// returns SUCCESS if this is the last reply
// returns ERROR if error.
// returns MOREDATA if there is more data to be retrieved for this request
// in the case of MOREDATA, getNext(reqId) should be
// called again to retrieve data.
ReturnStatus getReply(char*& reply, ULng32& size,
ULng32 maxSize=0, Int64 id=0 /* the request id returned previously */,
NABoolean getDataWithErrReply = FALSE);
// get the diagnostics area, this area will be clean up in the next
// sendRequest() call.
ComDiagsArea* getDiags(Int64 id=0);
// take the diagnostics area, it is the user's responsibility to clean up
// the ComDiagsArea.
ComDiagsArea* takeDiags(Int64 id=0);
void clearDiags();
// In the destructor, the connection will be disconnected, then the
// server will be destroyed.
virtual ~ExSqlComp();
// end connection with arkcmp. Kill it.
void endConnection();
ReturnStatus changePriority(Lng32 IpcPriority, NABoolean isDelta);
inline CollHeap * getHeap() {return h_; };
NABoolean isConnected() {return (sqlcompMessage_ != NULL);};
short getVersion() {return compilerVersion_;}
char *getNodeName() {return nodeName_;}
void setNodeName(char *nodeName) {nodeName_ = nodeName;}
inline NABoolean badConnection() {return badConnection_; }
inline NABoolean breakReceived() { return breakReceived_; }
inline IpcServer *getServer() { return server_; }
inline Int64 getRecentIpcTimestamp() { return recentIpcTimestamp_; }
ReturnStatus setDefaultCatAndSch();
ExSqlComp(const ExSqlComp&);
ExSqlComp& operator=(const ExSqlComp&);
// Some helper routines for internal usage
NABoolean getEnvironment(char* &data, ULng32 &size);
// preSendRequest is to initialize the objects for each request.
ReturnStatus preSendRequest(NABoolean doRefreshEnvs);
// sendRequest is to send the CmpMessageObj to arkcmp.
ReturnStatus sendRequest(CmpMessageObj*, NABoolean w=TRUE);
// sendR is to actual call the IPC routine to send the CmpMessageObj.
ReturnStatus sendR(CmpMessageObj*, NABoolean w=TRUE);
inline ReturnStatus waitForReply();
ReturnStatus refreshEnvs();
ReturnStatus resetAllDefaults();
ReturnStatus resetRemoteDefaults();
ReturnStatus resendControls(NABoolean ctxSw = FALSE);
NABoolean error(Lng32);
// start MXCCMP
ReturnStatus startSqlcomp();
// server creation
ReturnStatus createServer();
// connection establishment
ReturnStatus establishConnection();
// resend the request
ReturnStatus resendRequest();
// delete the internal structure for server/connection
void deleteServerStruct();
CollHeap * h_;
CliGlobals *cliGlobals_;
IpcServerAllocationMethod allocMethod_;
IpcEnvironment *env_;
IpcServerClass *sc_;
IpcServer *server_;
CmpMessageStream *sqlcompMessage_;
ExStoredProcTcb *storedProcTcb_;
CmpMessageConnectionType::ConnectionTypeEnum connectionType_;
void* exEnvironment_; // unknown, to be supported by executor.
NABoolean doRefreshEnvironment_;
ComDiagsArea* diagArea_;
// Requests is a structure to hold the current outstanding requests in
// ExSqlComp.
struct Requests
// request objects.
CmpMessageObj* message_;
// after the actOnReceive method, message_ is deleted, the requestId_ will be set to
// the id of the message to be compared in getReply method.
Int64 requestId_; // after the actOnReceive, message_ is deleted, the id
NABoolean waited_; // waited_ flag for this request.
OperationStatus ioStatus_;
Int32 resendCount_;
void initRequests(Requests&);
// This is to trace the ISP execution request, since there could be multiple
// replys for the ISP request, the ID needs to be sent over to identify
// the request.
Int64 currentISPRequest_;
// TODO, The outstandingSendBuffers should be an array of Requests
// lists of outstanding send and receive buffers(send and receive queues)
// in the order in which their I/O operations have been initiated.
// Currently only one outstanding I/O is supported in one ExSqlComp object,
// so there is only one element in outstandingSendBuffer_;
Requests outstandingSendBuffers_;
NABoolean badConnection_;
NABoolean breakReceived_;
// for the one process option
char* replyData_;
ULng32 replyDatalen_;
ReturnStatus retval_;
Int64 recentIpcTimestamp_;
}; // end of ExSqlComp
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CmpMessageStream class, based on IpcMessageStream
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CmpMessageStream : public IpcMessageStream
CmpMessageStream(IpcEnvironment*, ExSqlComp*);
void setWaited(NABoolean t) { waited_ = t; }
NABoolean waited() { return waited_; }
virtual void actOnSend(IpcConnection* connection);
virtual void actOnSendAllComplete();
virtual void actOnReceive(IpcConnection* connection);
virtual ~CmpMessageStream() { }
CmpMessageStream(const CmpMessageStream&);
const CmpMessageStream& operator=(const CmpMessageStream&);
ExSqlComp *sqlcomp_;
NABoolean waited_;
}; // end of CmpMessageStream
#include "NAExecTrans.h"