blob: 738a02913fdcfa30deef99bde790315e38940d52 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import re
import socket
import json
import getpass
import time
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
from glob import glob
from collections import defaultdict
from threading import Thread
from scripts import wrapper
from db_install import UserInput
from scripts.constants import TRAF_CFG_FILE
from scripts.common import get_sudo_prefix, Remote, run_cmd, run_cmd_as_user, info, ok, \
format_output, err_m, expNumRe, cmd_output
TRAF_PKG_FILE = '/tmp/traf_bin.tar.gz'
def get_options():
usage = 'usage: %prog [options]\n'
usage += ' Trafodion install main script.'
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-u", "--remote-user", dest="user", metavar="USER",
help="Specify ssh login user for remote server, \
if not provided, use current login user as default.")
parser.add_option("-n", "--nodes", dest="nodes", metavar="NODES",
help="Specify the node names you want to add, seperated by comma if more than one, \
support numeric RE, e.g. node[1-3].com")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
help="Verbose mode, will print commands.")
parser.add_option("--enable-pwd", action="store_true", dest="pwd", default=False,
help="Prompt SSH login password for remote hosts. \
If set, \'sshpass\' tool is required.")
parser.add_option("--offline", action="store_true", dest="offline", default=False,
help="Enable local repository for offline installing Trafodion.")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
return options
def main():
""" add_nodes main loop """
cfgs = defaultdict(str)
# handle parser option
options = get_options()
if not options.nodes:
err_m('Must specifiy the node names using \'--nodes\' option')
# get node list from user input
new_nodes = expNumRe(options.nodes)
if not new_nodes:
err_m('Incorrect format')
if options.pwd:
pwd = getpass.getpass('Input remote host SSH Password: ')
pwd = ''
u = UserInput(options, pwd)
g = lambda n: u.get_input(n, cfgs[n], prompt_mode=prompt_mode)
format_output('Trafodion Elastic Add Nodes Script')
### read configs from current trafodion_config and save it to cfgs
if os.path.exists(TRAF_CFG_FILE):
with open(TRAF_CFG_FILE, 'r') as f:
traf_cfgs = f.readlines()
for traf_cfg in traf_cfgs:
if not traf_cfg.strip(): continue
key, value = traf_cfg.replace('export ', '').split('=')
value = value.replace('"','')
value = value.replace('\n','')
cfgs[key.lower()] = value
err_m('Cannot find %s, be sure to run this script on one of trafodion nodes' % TRAF_CFG_FILE)
### config check
if not cfgs['hbase_lib_path'] or not cfgs['traf_version']:
err_m('Missing parameters in Trafodion config file')
if not cfgs['traf_home'] or not cmd_output('%s ls %s' % (get_sudo_prefix(), cfgs['traf_home'])):
err_m('Cannot find trafodion binary folder')
# get trafodion user from traf_home path
cfgs['traf_user'] = cfgs['traf_home'].split('/')[-2]
if not cfgs['traf_user']:
err_m('Cannot detect trafodion user')
### parse trafodion user's password
cfgs['traf_shadow'] = cmd_output("%s grep %s /etc/shadow |awk -F: '{print $2}'" % (get_sudo_prefix(), cfgs['traf_user']))
def copy_files():
# package trafodion binary into a tar file
if not os.path.exists(TRAF_PKG_FILE):
info('Creating trafodion packages of %s, this will take a while ...' % cfgs['traf_home'])
run_cmd_as_user(cfgs['traf_user'], 'cd %s; tar czf %s ./* --exclude logs/* --exclude core.* --exclude tmp/*' % (cfgs['traf_home'], TRAF_PKG_FILE))
info('Using existing trafodion package %s' % TRAF_PKG_FILE)
info('Copying trafodion files to new nodes, this will take a while ...')
run_cmd('%s cp -rf %s/../.ssh /tmp' % (get_sudo_prefix(), cfgs['traf_home']))
run_cmd('%s chmod -R 755 /tmp/.ssh' % get_sudo_prefix())
traf_ssh_folder = '/tmp/.ssh'
hbase_trx_file = cmd_output('ls %s/hbase-trx-*' % cfgs['hbase_lib_path'])
trafodion_utility_file = cmd_output('ls %s/trafodion-utility-*' % cfgs['hbase_lib_path'])
files = [TRAF_CFG_FILE, TRAF_PKG_FILE, traf_ssh_folder, hbase_trx_file, trafodion_utility_file]
remote_insts = [Remote(h, pwd=pwd) for h in new_nodes]
threads = [Thread(target=r.copy, args=(files, '/tmp')) for r in remote_insts]
for thread in threads: thread.start()
for thread in threads: thread.join()
for r in remote_insts:
if r.rc != 0: err_m('Failed to copy files to %s' %
### copy trafodion_config/trafodion-package/hbase-trx to the new nodes
### set parameters
if cfgs['enable_ha'].upper() == 'true':
cfgs['dcs_ha'] = 'Y'
cfgs['dcs_ha'] = 'N'
if cfgs['trafodion_enable_authentication'] == 'YES':
cfgs['ldap_security'] = 'Y'
cfgs['ldap_security'] = 'N'
if cfgs['secure_hadoop'].upper() == 'Y':
#TODO: offline support
cfgs['offline_mode'] = 'N'
format_output('AddNode sub scripts Start')
### run addNode script on new nodes ###
cfgs['node_list'] = ','.join(new_nodes)
info('Running add node setup on new node(s) [%s] ...' % cfgs['node_list']), options, mode='addnodes_new', pwd=pwd)
### run dcs setup script on all nodes ###
# get current trafodion node list
current_nodes = cmd_output('%s su - %s -c "trafconf -name 2>/dev/null"' % (get_sudo_prefix(), cfgs['traf_user'])).split()
all_nodes = list(set(new_nodes + current_nodes))
cfgs['node_list'] = ','.join(all_nodes)
info('Running dcs setup on all node(s) [%s] ...' % cfgs['node_list']), options, mode='addnodes_all', pwd=pwd)
### do sqshell node add/up, sqregen
# check if trafodion is running
mon_process = cmd_output('ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep -c "monitor COLD"')
if int(mon_process) > 0:
info('Trafodion instance is up, adding node in sqshell ...')
# cores=0-1;processors=2;roles=connection,aggregation,storage
sqconfig_ptr = cmd_output('%s su - %s -c "trafconf -node|sed -n 2p|cut -d\\\";\\\" -f3-5"' % (get_sudo_prefix(), cfgs['traf_user']))
for node in new_nodes:
info('adding node [%s] in sqshell ...' % node)
run_cmd_as_user(cfgs['traf_user'], 'echo "node add {node-name %s,%s}" | sqshell -a' % (node, sqconfig_ptr))
run_cmd_as_user(cfgs['traf_user'], 'echo "node up %s" | sqshell -a' % node)
ok('Node [%s] added!' % node)
info('Starting DCS on new nodes ...')
run_cmd_as_user(cfgs['traf_user'], 'dcsstart')
info('Trafodion instance is not up, do sqgen ...')
run_cmd_as_user(cfgs['traf_user'], 'rm %s/sqconfig.db' % cfgs['traf_var'])
run_cmd_as_user(cfgs['traf_user'], 'sqgen')
ok('Setup completed. You need to start trafodion manually')
### clean up
run_cmd('%s rm -rf /tmp/.ssh' % get_sudo_prefix())
run_cmd('%s rm -rf %s' % (get_sudo_prefix(), TRAF_PKG_FILE))
format_output('AddNode Complete')
info('NOTICE: You need to manually restart RegionServer on newly added nodes to take effect')
if __name__ == "__main__":
except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
print '\nAborted...'