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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: StmtDDLCreateTable.h
* Description: class for Create Table Statement (parser node)
* Created: 3/9/95
* Language: C++
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "ElemDDLNode.h"
#include "ElemDDLColDefArray.h"
#include "ElemDDLColRefArray.h"
#include "ElemDDLDivisionClause.h"
#include "ElemDDLSaltOptions.h"
#include "ElemDDLLikeCreateTable.h"
#include "ElemDDLLocation.h"
#include "ElemDDLPartitionArray.h"
#include "ElemDDLSGOptions.h"
#include "ElemDDLTableFeature.h"
#include "ItemConstValueArray.h"
#include "ParDDLFileAttrsCreateTable.h"
#include "ParDDLLikeOptsCreateTable.h"
#include "StmtDDLNode.h"
#include "StmtDDLAddConstraintArray.h"
#include "StmtDDLAddConstraintCheckArray.h"
#include "StmtDDLAddConstraintRIArray.h"
#include "StmtDDLAddConstraintUniqueArray.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLCreateTable;
class StmtDDLCreateHbaseTable;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// None
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create Table statement
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLCreateTable : public StmtDDLNode
// The following public global functions help to improve
// performance. They are passed to the method traverseList
// of the class ElemDDLList. For information, please read
// the descriptions of the method ElemDDLList::traverseList.
// Visit an element in a left linear tree list. Each element
// represents either a column definition or a table constraint
// definition.
// pNode contains a pointer pointing to a Create Table parse
// node (this node).
// index contains the index of the element in the list. Each
// element is a leaf node in the left linear tree representing
// the list.
// pElement contains a pointer pointing to the element in the
// list.
// All parameters are input parameters passed by the method
// traverseList of class ElemDDLList (or a class derived from
// class ElemDDLList).
// StmtDDLCreateTable_visitTableDefElement is a global function
// defined in StmtDDLCreate.C
friend void StmtDDLCreateTable_visitTableDefElement(
ElemDDLNode * pThisNode,
CollIndex index,
ElemDDLNode * pElement);
// Visit an element in a left linear tree list. Each element
// contains information about partition attributes in a partition.
// StmtDDLCreateTable_visitPartitionElement is a global function
// defined in StmtDDLCreate.C
friend void StmtDDLCreateTable_visitPartitionElement(
ElemDDLNode * pThisNode,
CollIndex index,
ElemDDLNode * pElement);
// (default) constructor
StmtDDLCreateTable(const QualifiedName & TableQualName,
ElemDDLNode * pTableBodyDefinition,
ElemDDLNode * pCreateTableAttributeList = NULL,
ElemDDLNode * pInsertColumnsList = NULL,
RelExpr * queryExpression = NULL,
CollHeap * heap = PARSERHEAP());
// virtual destructor
virtual ~StmtDDLCreateTable();
// cast
virtual StmtDDLCreateTable * castToStmtDDLCreateTable();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessors
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods relating to parse tree
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual ExprNode * getChild(Lng32 index);
inline const QualifiedName & getTableNameAsQualifiedName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getTableNameAsQualifiedName();
inline const QualifiedName & getOrigTableNameAsQualifiedName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getOrigTableNameAsQualifiedName();
inline StmtDDLAddConstraintCheckArray & getAddConstraintCheckArray();
inline const StmtDDLAddConstraintCheckArray & getAddConstraintCheckArray()
inline StmtDDLAddConstraintPK * getAddConstraintPK() const;
inline StmtDDLAddConstraintRIArray & getAddConstraintRIArray();
inline const StmtDDLAddConstraintRIArray & getAddConstraintRIArray() const;
inline StmtDDLAddConstraintUniqueArray & getAddConstraintUniqueArray();
inline const StmtDDLAddConstraintUniqueArray & getAddConstraintUniqueArray()
inline const ElemDDLColDefArray & getColDefArray() const;
inline ElemDDLColDefArray & getColDefArray();
// returns an array of pointers pointing
// to Column Definition parse node. If
// LIKE clause is specifed, the returned
// array is empty. (Note that the list
// of column definition and Like clause
// can not both appear within a Create
// Table statement.)
inline ParDDLFileAttrsCreateTable & getFileAttributes();
inline const ParDDLFileAttrsCreateTable & getFileAttributes() const;
// returns the object containing the file attributes
// associating with the table being created. Please
// note that some file attributes in the returned
// object only apply to the primary partition of the
// table.
inline NABoolean getIsConstraintPKSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if a primary key (column or table)
// constraint definition appears; returns FALSE
// otherwise.
inline NABoolean getIsLikeOptionSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if LIKE clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean getIsLocationSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if LOCATION clause/phrase associating
// with the primary partition appears; returns FALSE
// otherwise.
inline NABoolean getIsDivisionClauseSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if DIVISION BY clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean getIsStoreBySpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if STORE BY clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean getIsUniqueStoreByKeylistSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if STORE BY clause has a UNIQUE key list;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean getIsUniqueStoreByPrimaryKeySpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if STORE BY clause has a UNIQUE primary key;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean getIsHashV1PartitionSpecified() const;
// Returns TRUE if HASH PARTITION was specified; otherwise FALSE
inline NABoolean getIsHashV2PartitionSpecified() const;
// Returns TRUE if HASH2 PARTITION was specified; otherwise FALSE
inline NABoolean getIsRoundRobinPartitioningSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if ROUND ROBIN partitioning is specified;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
// returns TRUE if this is an internally generated CREATE TABLE
// statement for creating a VP; returns FALSE otherwise.
inline ElemDDLColRefArray & getKeyColumnArray();
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray & getKeyColumnArray() const;
// return the array of pointers pointing to the parse
// nodes representing the key columns appear in a
// STORE BY clause. If no key columns appear, the
// returned array is empty.
inline const CorrName & getLikeSourceTableCorrName() const;
inline const NAString getLikeSourceTableName() const;
inline const ExtendedQualName::SpecialTableType getLikeSourceTableType() const;
inline const QualifiedName & getOrigLikeSourceTableName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getOrigLikeSourceTableName();
// returns the name of the source table in the LIKE
// clause. If LIKE clause is not specified, an
// empty string is returned.
void setLikeSourceTableName(CorrName &srcName);
inline const ParDDLLikeOptsCreateTable & getLikeOptions() const;
inline ParDDLLikeOptsCreateTable & getLikeOptions();
// returns an object containing information about
// all LIKE options associating with the specified
// Create Table. If LIKE clause is not specified,
// the returned information is not relevant.
inline const NAString & getGuardianLocation() const;
// returns an empty string unless the parse node
// is bound (the method bindNode is invoked).
// After the parse node is bound, returns the
// location of the primary partition in Guardian
// physical device name format. If the LOCATION
// clause is not specified, a default location is
// used.
inline const NAString & getLocation() const;
// returns the location name specified in the LOCATION
// clause/phrase associating with the primary partition;
// returns an empty string if the LOCATION clause
// associating with the primary partition does not
// appear.
inline NAString getLocationName() const;
// same as getLocation()
inline NAString getPartitionName() const;
// returns the name of the partition name if LOCATION
// is specified. An empty string is passes if LOCATION
// is not specified.
inline ElemDDLLocation::locationNameTypeEnum getLocationNameType() const;
// returns the type of the location name (e.g., an OSS
// path name, a Guardian device name, an OSS environment
// variable name, etc.) If LOCATION clause does not
// appear, the returned value has no meaning.
inline const ElemDDLPartitionArray & getPartitionArray() const;
inline ElemDDLPartitionArray & getPartitionArray();
// returns an array of pointers pointing
// to Partition parse nodes (each Partition
// parse node contains all legal attributes
// associating with a partition)
ComPartitioningScheme getPartitioningScheme() const;
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray & getPrimaryKeyColRefArray() const;
inline ElemDDLColRefArray & getPrimaryKeyColRefArray();
// returns column name list in primary key clause if
// specified; otherwise, an empty array is returned.
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray & getPartitionKeyColRefArray() const;
inline ElemDDLColRefArray & getPartitionKeyColRefArray();
// returns column name list in partition by clause if
// specified; otherwise, an empty array is returned.
inline ComStoreOption getStoreOption() const;
// returns the store option specified in the STORE BY
// clause. If the STORE BY clause is not specfied,
inline const NAString getTableName() const;
inline ExtendedQualName::SpecialTableType getTableType() const; // ++MV
inline NABoolean isSpecialTypeSpecified() const; // ++MV
inline NABoolean isLikeOptionSpecified() const;
// same as getIsLikeOptionSpecified() -
// returns TRUE if LIKE clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isLocationSpecified() const;
// same as getIsLocationSpecified() -
// returns TRUE if the location clause/phrase appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isPartitionSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the PARTITION clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isPartitionBySpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the PARTITION BY clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isDivisionClauseSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the DIVISION BY clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isHbaseOptionsSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if HBASE_OPTIONS clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isStoreBySpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the STORE BY clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isUniqueStoreByKeylistSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the STORE BY clause has a UNIQUE keylist;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isUniqueStoreByPrimaryKeySpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the STORE BY clause has a UNIQUE primary key;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isAttributeSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the attribute clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise.
inline NABoolean isTableFeatureSpecified() const;
// returns TURE if table feature clause appears;
// returns FALSE otherwise
inline const NAString &getHiveOptions()
{return hiveOptions_; }
void setHiveOptions(NAString h)
{hiveOptions_ = h;}
// POS
inline NABoolean isPOSNumPartnsSpecified() const;
inline NABoolean isPOSInitialTableSizeSpecified() const;
inline NABoolean isPOSMaxTableSizeSpecified() const;
inline NABoolean isPOSDiskPoolSpecified() const;
inline NABoolean isPOSIgnoreSpecified() const;
inline NABoolean isNumRowsSpecified() const;
inline NABoolean isIndexLevelsSpecified() const;
inline NABoolean isPartnEOFSpecified() const;
inline ComSInt32 getPOSNumPartns() const;
inline ComSInt32 getPOSInitialTableSize() const;
inline ComSInt32 getPOSMaxTableSize() const;
inline ComSInt32 getPOSDiskPool() const;
inline ComSInt32 getPOSNumDiskPools() const;
inline NABoolean getPOSIgnore() const;
inline double getNumRows() const;
inline ComSInt32 getIndexLevels() const;
inline ComSInt64 getPartnEOF() const;
inline void setPOSNumPartns(ComSInt32 partns);
inline void setIsPOSNumPartnsSpecified(NABoolean flag);
inline void setPOSDiskPool(ComSInt32 diskPool);
inline void setPOSNumDiskPools(ComSInt32 diskPool);
inline ComInsertMode getInsertMode() const;
ComBoolean isRegularTable() const
{return (eInsertMode_ == COM_REGULAR_TABLE_INSERT_MODE);}
ComBoolean isSetTable() const
{return (eInsertMode_ == COM_SET_TABLE_INSERT_MODE);}
ComBoolean isMultiSetTable() const
{return (eInsertMode_ == COM_MULTISET_TABLE_INSERT_MODE);}
inline const ElemDDLSGOptions* getSGOptions() const;
inline ElemDDLSGOptions* getSGOptions();
inline void setSGOptions(ElemDDLSGOptions* pSGOptions);
inline const NAString &getAuthId() const;
inline NAString &getAuthId();
inline ElemDDLDivisionClause::divisionTypeEnum getDivisionType() const;
inline ItemExprList * getDivisionExprList();
inline ElemDDLDivisionClause * getDivisionClause();
inline ElemDDLColRefArray * getDivisionColRefArray();
inline ElemDDLSaltOptionsClause * getSaltOptions();
inline ElemDDLColRefArray * getSaltColRefArray();
inline ElemDDLHbaseOptions * getHbaseOptionsClause();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// mutators
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void setChild(Lng32 index, ExprNode * newNode);
void setConstraint(ElemDDLNode * pConstraint);
// sets the Constraint data member with the information in
// the parse node pointed by pConstraint. This parse node
// represents either a column or a table constraint definition.
inline void setIsStoreByClauseSpecifiedFlag(NABoolean bFlag = TRUE)
{ isStoreByClauseSpec_ = bFlag; }
inline void setStoreOption(ComStoreOption storeOpt) { storeOption_ = storeOpt; }
inline void setIsRoundRobinPartitioningSpecified();
inline void setTableType(ExtendedQualName::SpecialTableType tableType);
inline void setInsertMode(ComInsertMode insertMode);
// sets the Constraint data member with the information in
// the parse node pointed by pConstraint. This parse node
// represents either a column or a table constraint definition.
inline const ElemDDLNode * insertColumnsList() const;
inline ElemDDLNode * insertColumnsList();
inline const RelExpr * getQueryExpression() const;
inline RelExpr * getQueryExpression();
// sets & gets the start position of the 'AS' query within the input string
const StringPos getStartOfCreateTableQueryPosition() const;
inline void setStartOfCreateTableQueryPosition(const StringPos startPos);
// sets & gets the start & end position of the table attribute list within
// the input string.
// Ex: create table t max table size 100 as select * from t;
// will set the start position of 'max' token
// and set the end position to 'as' token.
const StringPos getStartOfCreateTableAsAttrListPosition() const;
inline void setStartOfCreateTableAsAttrListPosition(const StringPos startPos);
const StringPos getEndOfCreateTableAsAttrListPosition() const;
inline void setEndOfCreateTableAsAttrListPosition(const StringPos endPos);
const Int32 getCreateTableAsIsoMapping() const;
inline void setCreateTableAsIsoMapping(const Int32 charset);
const Int32 getCreateTableAsScannedInputCharset() const;
inline void setCreateTableAsScannedInputCharset(const Int32 charset);
//void setTableTraits(StmtDDLTableTraits tableTraits );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// other public methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// method for binding
ExprNode * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// method for collecting information
void synthesize();
// collects information in the parse sub-tree and
// copy/move them to the current parse node.
// methods for tracing
virtual const NAString displayLabel1() const;
virtual NATraceList getDetailInfo() const;
virtual const NAString getText() const;
void setCTAcolumnsAreRenamed(NABoolean r);
NABoolean ctaColumnsAreRenamed();
void setLoadIfExists(NABoolean l);
NABoolean loadIfExists();
void setNoLoad(NABoolean l);
NABoolean noLoad();
void setDeleteData(NABoolean d);
NABoolean deleteData();
void setTableFeature(ElemDDLTableFeature * pFeature);
NABoolean isDroppable();
NABoolean isInsertOnly();
// explain support for tables created without the LIKE clause.
virtual NABoolean explainSupported() { return (getIsLikeOptionSpecified() ? FALSE : TRUE); }
NABoolean createIfNotExists() { return createIfNotExists_; }
void setCreateIfNotExists(NABoolean v) { createIfNotExists_ = v; }
NABoolean mapToHbaseTable() { return mapToHbaseTable_; }
void setMapToHbaseTable(NABoolean v) { mapToHbaseTable_ = v; }
NABoolean isHbaseDataFormatString() { return (hbaseDataFormat_ == TRUE); }
void setHbaseDataFormat(NABoolean v) { hbaseDataFormat_ = v; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void computeDefaultPrimaryPartition();
// Computes the default partitioning scheme and then
// creates the Primary Partition parse node. This
// method should not be invoked unless the Partition
// clause does not appear.
void setFileAttributes(ElemDDLFileAttrClause * pFileAttrClause);
// Copies the information in the specified file
// attribute clause (pointed to by pFileAttrClause)
// to data member fileAttributes_ in this object.
// This method can only be invoked during the
// construction of this object when the (file)
// attributes clause appears.
void setMVFileAttributes(ElemDDLMVFileAttrClause * pMVFileAttrClause);
// the same as file attributes but apply only to MVs
void setPartitions(ElemDDLPartitionClause * pPartitionClauseNode);
// Copies the information in the specified parse node
// to the partitionArray_.
// This method can only be invoked during the construction
// of this object when the PARTITION clause appears.
void setPrimaryPartition(ElemDDLNode * pFirstSecondaryPartitionNode);
// Allocates the primary partition node and inserts its
// pointer at the beginning of the partitionArray_. The
// kind of the primary partition node must be the same
// as that of the specified secondary partition node.
// This method is only invoked during the construction
// of this object when the PARTITION clause appears.
void setSecondaryPartition(ElemDDLPartition * pPartitionNode);
// Copies the information in the specified partition node
// (pointed to by pPartitionNode) to the partitionArray_
// in this object.
// This method can only be invoked during the construction
// of this object when the PARTITION clause appears.
void setTableOption(ElemDDLNode * pTableOption);
// Copies the information in the specified table option
// (e.g., a PARTITION clause, a file attribute clause,
// a location clause, etc.) to this object.
// This method can only be invoked during the construction
// of this object.
void checkHbasePartitionKey();
// please do not use the following methods
StmtDDLCreateTable(); // DO NOT USE
StmtDDLCreateTable(const StmtDDLCreateTable &); // DO NOT USE
StmtDDLCreateTable & operator=(const StmtDDLCreateTable &); // DO NOT USE
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private data members
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// the tablename specified by user in the create stmt.
// This name is not fully qualified during bind phase.
QualifiedName origTableQualName_;
// The syntax of table name is
// [ [ catalog-name . ] schema-name . ] table-name
QualifiedName tableQualName_;
// ++ MV
// The type of the table
ExtendedQualName::SpecialTableType tableType_;
NABoolean isSpecialTypeSpecified_;
// --MV
// insert mode
ComInsertMode eInsertMode_;
// list of column definitions
ElemDDLColDefArray columnDefArray_;
// LIKE clause related information
NABoolean isLikeClauseSpec_;
CorrName likeSourceTableCorrName_;
QualifiedName origLikeSourceTableQualName_;
ParDDLLikeOptsCreateTable likeOptions_;
// ATTRIBUTES clause
// list of file attributes
NABoolean isAttributeClauseSpec_;
ParDDLFileAttrsCreateTable fileAttributes_;
// the list is stored in the fileAttributes_
NABoolean isMVFileAttributeClauseSpec_;
// LOCATION clause
// for the primary partition
NABoolean isLocationClauseSpec_;
NAString locationName_;
NAString partitionName_;
ElemDDLLocation::locationNameTypeEnum locationNameType_;
// guardianLocation_ is empty until the parse node is
// bound (the method bindNode() is invoked). The method
// bindNode() converts the specified location (in the
// LOCATION clause associating with the primary key) to
// a Guardian physical device and then saves the computed
// name in this data member. If the LOCATION clause does
// not appear, a default location name is selected.
NAString guardianLocation_;
// PRIMARY KEY clause
// This clause appears in either column or table
// constraint definition
NABoolean isPrimaryKeyClauseSpec_;
StmtDDLAddConstraintPK * pAddConstraintPK_;
ElemDDLColRefArray primaryKeyColRefArray_;
// PARTITION clause
// list of partition definitions
NABoolean isPartitionClauseSpec_;
ElemDDLPartitionArray partitionArray_;
NABoolean isHashV1PartitionSpec_; // Old hash partition scheme
NABoolean isHashV2PartitionSpec_; // New hash partition scheme
// PARTITION BY clause
NABoolean isPartitionByClauseSpec_;
ElemDDLColRefArray partitionKeyColRefArray_;
// Round Robin Partitioning -- no syntax yet
NABoolean isRoundRobinPartitioningSpecified_;
// DIVISION BY clause
NABoolean isDivisionByClauseSpec_;
ElemDDLDivisionClause *pDivisionByClauseParseNode_;
// SALT clause for HBase tables
ElemDDLSaltOptionsClause *pSaltOptions_;
// STORE BY clause
NABoolean isStoreByClauseSpec_;
NABoolean isUniqueStoreByKeylist_;
NABoolean isUniqueStoreByPrimaryKey_;
ComStoreOption storeOption_;
ElemDDLColRefArray keyColRefArray_;
NABoolean isHbaseOptionsSpec_;
ElemDDLHbaseOptions *pHbaseOptionsParseNode_;
// POS
NABoolean isPOSNumPartnsSpecified_;
ComSInt32 posNumPartns_;
NABoolean isPOSInitialTableSizeSpecified_;
NABoolean isPOSMaxTableSizeSpecified_;
NABoolean isPOSIgnoreSpecified_;
ComSInt32 posInitialTableSize_;
ComSInt32 posMaxTableSize_;
NABoolean posIgnore_;
NABoolean isPOSDiskPoolSpecified_;
ComSInt32 posDiskPool_;
ComSInt32 posNumDiskPools_;
NABoolean isNumRowsSpecified_;
double numRows_;
NABoolean isIndexLevelsSpecified_;
ComSInt32 indexLevels_;
NABoolean isPartnEOFSpecified_;
ComSInt64 partnEOF_;
// Aligned or Packed table data format
NABoolean isAlignedTableFormatSpecified_;
// external table to be mapped to hbase table
NABoolean mapToHbaseTable_;
// data format of external mapped table.
// TRUE: data is in string/varchar format
// FALSE: data is in native type format (for ex: 2 byte short for integer...)
// This field is only valid if mapToHbaseTable_ is set.
NABoolean hbaseDataFormat_;
// Each element of the following arrays is a pointer
// pointing to a StmtDDLAddConstraint parse node in
// the parse sub-tree containing the table body
// definition. Class StmtDDLAddConstraint represents
// Alter Table <table-name> Add Constraint statements.
// Note that the Create Table statement does not accept
// the Alter Table ... syntax. In order to process
// the Create Table parse node easier, we create a kludge
// parse node derived from class StmtDDLAddConstraint for
// each column or table constraint definition in the
// Create Table statement.
// Note that the array addConstraintUniqueArray_ does
// not include Primary Key constraint.
StmtDDLAddConstraintCheckArray addConstraintCheckArray_;
StmtDDLAddConstraintRIArray addConstraintRIArray_;
StmtDDLAddConstraintUniqueArray addConstraintUniqueArray_;
// The following array is a kludge. In order to process
// the Create Table parse node easier, we create a kludge
// parse node derived from class StmtDDLAddConstraint for
// each column or table constraint definition in the
// Create Table statement. Since the kludge parge nodes
// are not part of the Create Table parse tree, we need
// to save the pointers to them in the following array
// so we can delete them when we invoke the destructor
// to destroy the Create Table parse node. For more
// information, please read the content of the header
// file StmtDDLAlterTable.h.
StmtDDLAddConstraintArray addConstraintArray_;
// pointer to primary partition node
// The parse node for the primary partition is created
// during the construction of this object. The former
// is not part of the parse tree.
ElemDDLPartition * pPrimaryPartition_;
// pointers to child parse nodes
StringPos startOfCreateTableQuery_;
StringPos startOfCreateTableAsAttrList_;
StringPos endOfCreateTableAsAttrList_;
Int32 createTableAsIsoMapping_;
Int32 createTableAsScannedInputCharset_;
// CTAs query columns were renamed by the Create Table DDL.
// Ex: create table(a) as select b from t;
NABoolean ctaColumnsAreRenamed_;
// optional list of columns that are to be inserted into during the
// phase of the CTAS stmt.
ElemDDLNode * pInsertColumnsList_;
// AS query which will be used to populate the created table.
RelExpr * pQueryExpression_;
// if the table being 'create table as'ed already exists, and this
// flag is set, then do the part.
NABoolean loadIfExists_;
// if deleteData option is specified and the
// table exists during CTAS and loadIfExists_ has been specified,
// then delete data from the table before doing the insert.
// This flag is valid only if loadIfExists_ is set.
NABoolean deleteData_;
// Do not do the part of the table being created
// using CTAS. This will only create the table.
NABoolean noLoad_;
NABoolean isTableFeatureSpecified_;
NABoolean isDroppable_;
NABoolean isInsertOnly_;
ElemDDLSGOptions * pSGOptions_;
// create only if table doesnt exist. Otherwise just return.
NABoolean createIfNotExists_;
// optional options specified during CTAS into a hive table
NAString hiveOptions_;
}; // class StmtDDLCreateTable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class StmtDDLCreateTable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessors
inline QualifiedName &
return origTableQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getOrigTableNameAsQualifiedName() const
return origTableQualName_;
inline QualifiedName &
return tableQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getTableNameAsQualifiedName() const
return tableQualName_;
inline StmtDDLAddConstraintCheckArray &
return addConstraintCheckArray_;
inline const StmtDDLAddConstraintCheckArray &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getAddConstraintCheckArray() const
return addConstraintCheckArray_;
inline StmtDDLAddConstraintPK *
StmtDDLCreateTable::getAddConstraintPK() const
return pAddConstraintPK_;
inline StmtDDLAddConstraintRIArray &
return addConstraintRIArray_;
inline const StmtDDLAddConstraintRIArray &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getAddConstraintRIArray() const
return addConstraintRIArray_;
inline StmtDDLAddConstraintUniqueArray &
return addConstraintUniqueArray_;
inline const StmtDDLAddConstraintUniqueArray &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getAddConstraintUniqueArray() const
return addConstraintUniqueArray_;
// returns an array of pointers pointing
// to Column Definition parse node. If
// LIKE clause is specifed, the returned
// array is empty. (Note that the list
// of column definition and Like clause
// can not both appear within a Create
// Table statement.)
inline const ElemDDLColDefArray &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getColDefArray() const
return columnDefArray_;
inline ElemDDLColDefArray &
return columnDefArray_;
inline const ParDDLFileAttrsCreateTable &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getFileAttributes() const
return fileAttributes_;
inline ParDDLFileAttrsCreateTable &
return fileAttributes_;
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getGuardianLocation() const
return guardianLocation_;
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::getIsConstraintPKSpecified() const
return isPrimaryKeyClauseSpec_;
// is the like clause specified?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::getIsLikeOptionSpecified() const
return isLikeClauseSpec_;
// is location clause/phrase specified?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::getIsLocationSpecified() const
return isLocationClauseSpec_;
// is the STORE BY clause specified?
// same as getIsStoreBySpecified()
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::getIsStoreBySpecified() const
return isStoreByClauseSpec_;
// is the STORE BY clause a UNIQUE keylist?
// same as getIsUniqueStoreByKeylistSpecified()
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::getIsUniqueStoreByKeylistSpecified() const
return isUniqueStoreByKeylist_;
// is the STORE BY clause a UNIQUE primary key?
// same as getIsUniqueStoreByPrimaryKeySpecified()
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::getIsUniqueStoreByPrimaryKeySpecified() const
return isUniqueStoreByPrimaryKey_;
// is HASH partition specified?
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateTable::getIsHashV1PartitionSpecified() const
return isHashV1PartitionSpec_;
// is HASH2 partition specified?
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateTable::getIsHashV2PartitionSpecified() const
return isHashV2PartitionSpec_;
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateTable::getIsRoundRobinPartitioningSpecified() const
return isRoundRobinPartitioningSpecified_;
// get key column list in STORE BY clause
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getKeyColumnArray() const
return keyColRefArray_;
// get key column list in STORE BY clause
inline ElemDDLColRefArray &
return keyColRefArray_;
// if LIKE clause is not specified, an
// empty string is returned
inline const CorrName &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getLikeSourceTableCorrName() const
return likeSourceTableCorrName_;
inline const NAString
StmtDDLCreateTable::getLikeSourceTableName() const
return likeSourceTableCorrName_.getQualifiedNameObj().getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString();
inline void StmtDDLCreateTable::setLikeSourceTableName(CorrName &srcName)
likeSourceTableCorrName_ = srcName;
inline QualifiedName &
return origLikeSourceTableQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getOrigLikeSourceTableName() const
return origLikeSourceTableQualName_;
//++ MV
inline const ExtendedQualName::SpecialTableType
StmtDDLCreateTable::getLikeSourceTableType() const
return likeSourceTableCorrName_.getSpecialType();
//-- MV
// if LIKE clause is not specified, the
// returned information is not relevant
inline const ParDDLLikeOptsCreateTable &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getLikeOptions() const
return likeOptions_;
inline ParDDLLikeOptsCreateTable &
return likeOptions_;
inline const NAString &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getLocation() const
return locationName_;
inline NAString
StmtDDLCreateTable::getLocationName() const
return locationName_;
inline NAString
StmtDDLCreateTable::getPartitionName() const
return partitionName_;
inline ElemDDLLocation::locationNameTypeEnum
StmtDDLCreateTable::getLocationNameType() const
return locationNameType_;
// returns an array of pointers pointing
// to Partition parse nodes (each Partition
// parse node contains all legal attributes
// associating with a partition)
inline const ElemDDLPartitionArray &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getPartitionArray() const
return partitionArray_;
inline ElemDDLPartitionArray &
return partitionArray_;
// get column name list in primary key clause
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getPrimaryKeyColRefArray() const
return primaryKeyColRefArray_;
// get column name list in primary key clause
inline ElemDDLColRefArray &
return primaryKeyColRefArray_;
// get column name list in partition by clause
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray &
StmtDDLCreateTable::getPartitionKeyColRefArray() const
return partitionKeyColRefArray_;
// get column name list in partition by clause
inline ElemDDLColRefArray &
return partitionKeyColRefArray_;
// is HBASE_OPTIONS specified?
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateTable::isHbaseOptionsSpecified() const
return isHbaseOptionsSpec_;
// is the DIVISION BY clause specified?
// same as getIsDivisionClauseSpecified()
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateTable::isDivisionClauseSpecified() const
return isDivisionByClauseSpec_;
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateTable::getIsDivisionClauseSpecified() const
return isDivisionByClauseSpec_;
inline ElemDDLDivisionClause::divisionTypeEnum StmtDDLCreateTable::getDivisionType() const
return ( pDivisionByClauseParseNode_ EQU NULL
: pDivisionByClauseParseNode_->getDivisionType() );
inline ElemDDLDivisionClause * StmtDDLCreateTable::getDivisionClause()
return pDivisionByClauseParseNode_;
inline ItemExprList * StmtDDLCreateTable::getDivisionExprList()
return ( pDivisionByClauseParseNode_ EQU NULL
: pDivisionByClauseParseNode_->getDivisionExprList() );
inline ElemDDLColRefArray * StmtDDLCreateTable::getDivisionColRefArray()
return ( pDivisionByClauseParseNode_ EQU NULL
: &pDivisionByClauseParseNode_->getDivisionColRefArray() );
inline ElemDDLHbaseOptions * StmtDDLCreateTable::getHbaseOptionsClause()
return pHbaseOptionsParseNode_;
inline ElemDDLSaltOptionsClause * StmtDDLCreateTable::getSaltOptions()
return pSaltOptions_;
inline ElemDDLColRefArray * StmtDDLCreateTable::getSaltColRefArray()
return ( pSaltOptions_ EQU NULL
: &pSaltOptions_->getSaltColRefArray() );
inline ComStoreOption
StmtDDLCreateTable::getStoreOption() const
return storeOption_;
// get table name
inline const NAString
StmtDDLCreateTable::getTableName() const
return tableQualName_.getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString();
// is the like clause specified?
// same as getIsLikeOptionSpecified()
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::isLikeOptionSpecified() const
return isLikeClauseSpec_;
// is location clause/phrase specified?
// same as getIsLocationSpecified()
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::isLocationSpecified() const
return isLocationClauseSpec_;
// is PARTITION clause specified?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::isPartitionSpecified() const
return isPartitionClauseSpec_;
// is PARTITION BY clause specified?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::isPartitionBySpecified() const
return isPartitionByClauseSpec_;
// is the STORE BY clause specified?
// same as getIsStoreBySpecified()
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::isStoreBySpecified() const
return isStoreByClauseSpec_;
// is the STORE BY clause's key list qualified by UNIQUE?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::isUniqueStoreByKeylistSpecified() const
return isUniqueStoreByKeylist_;
// is the STORE BY clause's primary key qualified by UNIQUE?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::isUniqueStoreByPrimaryKeySpecified() const
return isUniqueStoreByPrimaryKey_;
// is the attributes clause specified?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::isAttributeSpecified() const
return isAttributeClauseSpec_;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTable::setIsRoundRobinPartitioningSpecified()
isRoundRobinPartitioningSpecified_ = TRUE;
// ++MV
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateTable::isSpecialTypeSpecified() const
return isSpecialTypeSpecified_;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTable::setTableType(ExtendedQualName::SpecialTableType tableType)
tableType_ = tableType;
isSpecialTypeSpecified_ = TRUE;
inline const ElemDDLNode *
StmtDDLCreateTable::insertColumnsList() const
return pInsertColumnsList_;
inline ElemDDLNode *
return pInsertColumnsList_;
inline const RelExpr *
StmtDDLCreateTable::getQueryExpression() const
return pQueryExpression_;
inline RelExpr *
return pQueryExpression_;
const StringPos StmtDDLCreateTable::getStartOfCreateTableQueryPosition() const
return startOfCreateTableQuery_;
inline void
StmtDDLCreateTable::setStartOfCreateTableQueryPosition(const StringPos startPos)
startOfCreateTableQuery_ = startPos;
const StringPos StmtDDLCreateTable::getStartOfCreateTableAsAttrListPosition() const
return startOfCreateTableAsAttrList_;
inline void
StmtDDLCreateTable::setStartOfCreateTableAsAttrListPosition(const StringPos startPos)
startOfCreateTableAsAttrList_ = startPos;
const StringPos StmtDDLCreateTable::getEndOfCreateTableAsAttrListPosition() const
return endOfCreateTableAsAttrList_;
inline void
StmtDDLCreateTable::setEndOfCreateTableAsAttrListPosition(const StringPos endPos)
endOfCreateTableAsAttrList_ = endPos;
const Int32 StmtDDLCreateTable::getCreateTableAsIsoMapping() const
return createTableAsIsoMapping_;
inline void
StmtDDLCreateTable::setCreateTableAsIsoMapping(const Int32 charset)
createTableAsIsoMapping_ = charset;
const Int32 StmtDDLCreateTable::getCreateTableAsScannedInputCharset() const
return createTableAsScannedInputCharset_;
inline void
StmtDDLCreateTable::setCreateTableAsScannedInputCharset(const Int32 charset)
createTableAsScannedInputCharset_ = charset;
inline ExtendedQualName::SpecialTableType StmtDDLCreateTable::getTableType() const
return tableType_;
//-- MV
// POS
StmtDDLCreateTable::isPOSNumPartnsSpecified() const
return isPOSNumPartnsSpecified_;
StmtDDLCreateTable::isPOSInitialTableSizeSpecified() const
return isPOSInitialTableSizeSpecified_;
StmtDDLCreateTable::isPOSMaxTableSizeSpecified() const
return isPOSMaxTableSizeSpecified_;
StmtDDLCreateTable::isPOSIgnoreSpecified() const
return isPOSIgnoreSpecified_;
StmtDDLCreateTable::isPOSDiskPoolSpecified() const
return isPOSDiskPoolSpecified_;
inline ComSInt32 StmtDDLCreateTable::getPOSDiskPool() const
return posDiskPool_;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTable::setPOSDiskPool(ComSInt32 diskPool)
posDiskPool_ = diskPool;
inline ComSInt32 StmtDDLCreateTable::getPOSNumDiskPools() const
return posNumDiskPools_;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTable::setPOSNumDiskPools(ComSInt32 numOfDiskPools)
posNumDiskPools_ = numOfDiskPools;
StmtDDLCreateTable::isNumRowsSpecified() const
return isNumRowsSpecified_;
StmtDDLCreateTable::isIndexLevelsSpecified() const
return isIndexLevelsSpecified_;
StmtDDLCreateTable::isPartnEOFSpecified() const
return isPartnEOFSpecified_;
inline ComSInt32 StmtDDLCreateTable::getPOSNumPartns() const
return posNumPartns_;
inline ComSInt32 StmtDDLCreateTable::getPOSInitialTableSize() const
return posInitialTableSize_;
inline ComSInt32 StmtDDLCreateTable::getPOSMaxTableSize() const
return posMaxTableSize_;
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateTable::getPOSIgnore() const
return posIgnore_;
inline double StmtDDLCreateTable::getNumRows() const
return numRows_;
inline ComSInt32 StmtDDLCreateTable::getIndexLevels() const
return indexLevels_;
inline ComSInt64 StmtDDLCreateTable::getPartnEOF() const
return partnEOF_;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTable::setPOSNumPartns(ComSInt32 partns)
posNumPartns_ = partns;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTable::setIsPOSNumPartnsSpecified(NABoolean flag)
isPOSNumPartnsSpecified_ = flag;
inline ComInsertMode StmtDDLCreateTable::getInsertMode() const
return eInsertMode_;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTable::setInsertMode(ComInsertMode insertMode)
eInsertMode_ = insertMode;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTable::setCTAcolumnsAreRenamed(NABoolean r)
ctaColumnsAreRenamed_ = r;
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateTable::ctaColumnsAreRenamed()
return ctaColumnsAreRenamed_;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTable::setLoadIfExists(NABoolean l)
loadIfExists_ = l;
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateTable::loadIfExists()
return loadIfExists_;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTable::setNoLoad(NABoolean l)
noLoad_ = l;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTable::setDeleteData(NABoolean d)
deleteData_ = d;
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateTable::deleteData()
return deleteData_;
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateTable::noLoad()
return noLoad_;
// is the attributes clause specified?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTable::isTableFeatureSpecified() const
return isTableFeatureSpecified_;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTable::setTableFeature(ElemDDLTableFeature * pFeature)
if (isTableFeatureSpecified_)
*SqlParser_Diags << DgSqlCode(-3167);
isTableFeatureSpecified_ = TRUE;
switch (pFeature->getTableFeature())
isDroppable_ = TRUE;
isInsertOnly_ = FALSE;
isDroppable_ = TRUE;
isInsertOnly_ = TRUE;
isDroppable_ = FALSE;
isInsertOnly_ = FALSE;
isDroppable_ = FALSE;
isInsertOnly_ = TRUE;
NAAbort("StmtDDLCreateTable", __LINE__, "internal logic error");
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateTable::isDroppable()
return isDroppable_;
inline NABoolean StmtDDLCreateTable::isInsertOnly()
return isInsertOnly_;
inline const ElemDDLSGOptions * StmtDDLCreateTable::getSGOptions() const
return pSGOptions_;
inline ElemDDLSGOptions * StmtDDLCreateTable::getSGOptions()
return pSGOptions_;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTable::setSGOptions(ElemDDLSGOptions *pSGOptions)
pSGOptions_ = pSGOptions;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create Hbase Table statement. Create a native hbase table.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLCreateHbaseTable : public StmtDDLNode
// (default) constructor
StmtDDLCreateHbaseTable(const QualifiedName & TableQualName,
ConstStringList * csl,
ElemDDLHbaseOptions * hbaseOptions = NULL,
CollHeap * heap = PARSERHEAP());
// virtual destructor
virtual ~StmtDDLCreateHbaseTable();
// cast
virtual StmtDDLCreateHbaseTable * castToStmtDDLCreateHbaseTable();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessors
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods relating to parse tree
virtual Int32 getArity() const { return 0; };
virtual ExprNode * getChild(Lng32 index) { return NULL; }
inline const QualifiedName & getTableNameAsQualifiedName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getTableNameAsQualifiedName();
inline const QualifiedName & getOrigTableNameAsQualifiedName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getOrigTableNameAsQualifiedName();
inline const NAString getTableName() const;
inline ElemDDLHbaseOptions * getHbaseOptionsClause();
ConstStringList* csl() { return csl_; }
const ConstStringList* csl() const { return csl_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// other public methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// method for binding
ExprNode * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// method for collecting information
void synthesize();
// methods for tracing
virtual const NAString displayLabel1() const;
virtual NATraceList getDetailInfo() const;
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private data members
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// the tablename specified by user in the create stmt.
// This name is not fully qualified during bind phase.
QualifiedName origTableQualName_;
// The syntax of table name is
// [ [ catalog-name . ] schema-name . ] table-name
QualifiedName tableQualName_;
ConstStringList * csl_;
ElemDDLHbaseOptions *pHbaseOptionsParseNode_;
}; // class StmtDDLCreateHbaseTable
// accessors
inline QualifiedName &
return origTableQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLCreateHbaseTable::getOrigTableNameAsQualifiedName() const
return origTableQualName_;
inline QualifiedName &
return tableQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLCreateHbaseTable::getTableNameAsQualifiedName() const
return tableQualName_;
// get table name
inline const NAString
StmtDDLCreateHbaseTable::getTableName() const
return tableQualName_.getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString();
inline ElemDDLHbaseOptions * StmtDDLCreateHbaseTable::getHbaseOptionsClause()
return pHbaseOptionsParseNode_;