blob: af94e1be58a43e408856fe5673a6de814ff18cf5 [file] [log] [blame]
>>?section case_10_060807_4104
>>control query default * reset;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>cqd seabase_volatile_tables 'ON';
--- SQL operation complete.
>>cqd mdam_scan_method 'OFF';
--- SQL operation complete.
>>set schema $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch;
--- SQL operation complete.
>> create table t4tab1a (
+> vch7 varchar(7) , chu3 char(3) ) no partition;
--- SQL operation complete.
>> create table t4tab2a (
+> vch7 varchar(7) , chu3 char(3) ) no partition;
--- SQL operation complete.
>> create table t4tab3a (
+> vch7 varchar(7) , chu3 char(3) ) no partition;
--- SQL operation complete.
>> create table t4tab4a (
+> vch7 varchar(7) , chu3 char(3) ) no partition;
--- SQL operation complete.
>> insert into t4tab1a values
+> (NULL, '1xu' )
+> , ('ab', '1xv' )
+> , ('ac', '1xw' )
+> , ('ad', '1xy' )
+> , ('abcd', '1xz' )
+> ;
--- 5 row(s) inserted.
>> insert into t4tab2a values
+> ('ab', '2xu' )
+> , ('ab', '2xv' )
+> , ('bc', '2xw' )
+> , ('bd', '2xy' )
+> , ('abcd', '1xz' )
+> ;
--- 5 row(s) inserted.
>> insert into t4tab3a values
+> (NULL, '3xu' )
+> , ('ac', '3xv' )
+> , ('bc', '3xw' )
+> , ('cd', '3xy' )
+> , ('abcd', '1xz' )
+> ;
--- 5 row(s) inserted.
>> insert into t4tab4a values
+> ('cd', '4xu' )
+> , ('ad', '4xv' )
+> , ('bd', '4xw' )
+> , ('cd', '4xy' )
+> , ('abcd', '1xz' )
+> ;
--- 5 row(s) inserted.
>> create view t4view1a
+> ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8 ) as
+> select t1.vch7, t1.chu3, t2.vch7, t2.chu3
+> , t3.vch7, t3.chu3, t4.vch7, t4.chu3
+> from t4tab1a t1
+> inner join t4tab2a t2 on t1.vch7 = t2.vch7
+> left join t4tab3a t3 on t2.vch7 = t3.vch7
+> left join t4tab4a t4 on t3.vch7 = t4.vch7
+> ;
--- SQL operation complete.
>> create view t4view2a
+> ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8 ) as
+> select t1.vch7, t1.chu3, t2.vch7, t2.chu3
+> , t3.vch7, t3.chu3, t4.vch7, t4.chu3
+> from t4tab1a t1
+> left join t4tab2a t2 on t1.vch7 = t2.vch7
+> inner join t4tab3a t3 on t1.vch7 = t3.vch7
+> left join t4tab4a t4 on t1.vch7 = t4.vch7
+> ;
--- SQL operation complete.
>> -- NATURAL Join the views.
>>-- used to get warning 2053 optimizer pass two asserstion failure
>>-- (orderedMJPreds.entries() > 0) in file
>>-- w:\nskomake\../optimizer\OptPhysRelExpr.cpp at line 6240
>> prepare s from
+> select * from t4view1a v1
+> NATURAL join t4view2a v2
+> order by 1, 5
+> ;
--- SQL command prepared.
>> -- expect 1 row returns, but got 6561 row(s) selected.
>> -- C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
>> -- abcd 1xz abcd 1xz abcd 1xz abcd 1xz
>> execute s;
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
------- --- ------- --- ------- --- ------- ---
abcd 1xz abcd 1xz abcd 1xz abcd 1xz
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>-- verify we get same result with merge joins
>>control query default hash_joins 'off';
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query default nested_joins 'off';
--- SQL operation complete.
>> prepare sm from
+> select * from t4view1a v1
+> NATURAL join t4view2a v2
+> order by 1, 5
+> ;
--- SQL command prepared.
>> execute sm;
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
------- --- ------- --- ------- --- ------- ---
abcd 1xz abcd 1xz abcd 1xz abcd 1xz
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>> select count(*) as number_of_merge_joins
+> from table(explain(null,'SM'))
+> where operator = 'MERGE_JOIN';
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>?section soln_10_060807_8199
>>control query default * reset;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>cqd seabase_volatile_tables 'ON';
--- SQL operation complete.
>>cqd mdam_scan_method 'OFF';
--- SQL operation complete.
>>set schema $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>create table t4tab1 (
+>vch7 varchar(7) , chu3 char(3) ) no partition;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>insert into t4tab1 values
+>(NULL, '1xu' ), ('ab', '1xv' );
--- 2 row(s) inserted.
>>create view t4view1
+>( c1, c2, c3, c4) as
+>select t1.vch7, t1.chu3, t2.vch7, t2.chu3
+>from t4tab1 t1 inner join t4tab1 t2 on t1.vch7 = t2.vch7;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>-- used to get warning 2053 "optimizer passs two assertion failure
>>-- (orderedMJPreds.entries() > 0) in file
>>-- w:\nskomake\../optimizer\OptPhysRelExpr.cpp at line 6240. Attempting
>>-- to recover and produce a plan."
>>prepare s from
+>select * from t4view1 v1 natural join t4view1 v2 natural join t4view1 v3;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>execute s;
C1 C2 C3 C4
------- --- ------- ---
ab 1xv ab 1xv
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>-- verify mxcmp considers merge_join plans
>>control query default hash_joins 'off';
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query default nested_joins 'off';
--- SQL operation complete.
>>prepare s from
+>select * from t4view1 v1 natural join t4view1 v2 natural join t4view1 v3;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>select count(*) as number_of_merge_joins
+>from table(explain(null,'S'))
+>where operator = 'MERGE_JOIN';
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>execute s;
C1 C2 C3 C4
------- --- ------- ---
ab 1xv ab 1xv
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>?section soln_10-070416-4141
>>control query default * reset;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>cqd seabase_volatile_tables 'ON';
--- SQL operation complete.
>>cqd mdam_scan_method 'OFF';
--- SQL operation complete.
>>set schema $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>create volatile table t4tab2 (
+> u1 smallint unsigned
+>, u2 integer unsigned
+>) store by (syskey) no partition;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>create volatile table t4tab2dest (
+> u1 smallint unsigned
+>, u2 integer
+>) store by (syskey) no partition;
--- SQL operation complete.
>> insert into t4tab2 values
+> ( 10, 9 ),
+> ( 10, 10 ),
+> ( 10, 10 ),
+> ( 10, 10 ),
+> ( 10, 20 ),
+> ( 10, 20 ),
+> ( 10, 20 ),
+> ( 10, 30 ),
+> ( 10, 30 ),
+> ( 10, 30 ),
+> ( 20, 10 ),
+> ( 20, 10 ),
+> ( 20, 10 ),
+> ( 20, 20 ),
+> ( 20, 20 ),
+> ( 20, 20 ),
+> ( 20, 30 ),
+> ( 20, 30 ),
+> ( 20, 30 ),
+> ( 30, 10 ),
+> ( 30, 10 ),
+> ( 30, 10 ),
+> ( 30, 20 ),
+> ( 30, 20 ),
+> ( 30, 20 ),
+> ( 30, 30 ),
+> ( 30, 30 ),
+> ( 30, 30 ),
+> ( 10, 10 ),
+> ( 10, null ),
+> ( 10, null ),
+> ( null,10 ),
+> ( null, 10 ),
+> ( null, 10 ),
+> ( null, null ),
+> ( null, null );
--- 36 row(s) inserted.
>>control query default query_cache '0';
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query default rounding_mode '2';
--- SQL operation complete.
>>-- FORCE a sort_groupby plan
>>control query default comp_int_77 '33554432';
--- SQL operation complete.
>>prepare xx from insert into t4tab2dest
+>select u1, u2/10
+> from t4tab2
+> group by u1, u2
+> order by 2 desc;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>select count(*) as number_of_sort_groupbys
+>from table(explain(null,'XX'))
+>where operator = 'SORT_GROUPBY';
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>execute xx;
--- 13 row(s) inserted.
>> -- should insert 13 (not 14) rows
>>delete from t4tab2dest;
--- 13 row(s) deleted.
>>prepare xx from insert into t4tab2dest
+>select u1, u2 * 1/10
+> from t4tab2
+> group by u1, u2
+> order by 2 desc;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>select count(*) as number_of_sort_groupbys
+>from table(explain(null,'XX'))
+>where operator = 'SORT_GROUPBY';
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>execute xx;
--- 13 row(s) inserted.
>> -- should insert 13 (not 14) rows
>>delete from t4tab2dest;
--- 13 row(s) deleted.
>>prepare xx from insert into t4tab2dest
+>select u1, 1/10 * u2
+> from t4tab2
+> group by u1, u2
+> order by 2 desc;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>select count(*) as number_of_sort_groupbys
+>from table(explain(null,'XX'))
+>where operator = 'SORT_GROUPBY';
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>execute xx;
--- 13 row(s) inserted.
>> -- should insert 13 (not 14) rows
>>delete from t4tab2dest;
--- 13 row(s) deleted.
>>prepare xx from insert into t4tab2dest
+>select u1, u2 / -10
+> from t4tab2
+> group by u1, u2
+> order by 2 desc;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>select count(*) as number_of_sort_groupbys
+>from table(explain(null,'XX'))
+>where operator = 'SORT_GROUPBY';
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>execute xx;
--- 13 row(s) inserted.
>> -- should insert 13 (not 14) rows
>>delete from t4tab2dest;
--- 13 row(s) deleted.
>>prepare xx from insert into t4tab2dest
+>select u1, u2 * 1 / -10
+> from t4tab2
+> group by u1, u2
+> order by 2 desc;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>select count(*) as number_of_sort_groupbys
+>from table(explain(null,'XX'))
+>where operator = 'SORT_GROUPBY';
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>execute xx;
--- 13 row(s) inserted.
>> -- should insert 13 (not 14) rows
>>delete from t4tab2dest;
--- 13 row(s) deleted.
>>prepare xx from insert into t4tab2dest
+>select u1, 1 / -10 * u2
+> from t4tab2
+> group by u1, u2
+> order by 2 desc;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>select count(*) as number_of_sort_groupbys
+>from table(explain(null,'XX'))
+>where operator = 'SORT_GROUPBY';
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>execute xx;
--- 13 row(s) inserted.
>> -- should insert 13 (not 14) rows
>>delete from t4tab2dest;
--- 13 row(s) deleted.
>>?section solu-10-080403-2090
>>set schema $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch;
>>set schema $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>log off;
>>-- setup
>>control query default query_cache '0';
--- SQL operation complete.
>>-- tests
>>-- fully specified exposed name
>>control query shape scan(table 'CAT.SCH.T4TAB');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 'CAT.SCH.T4TAB'));
>>prepare s from select * from $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch.t4tab where a < 2 or a > 10;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>prepare s from select * from sch.t4tab where a < 2 or a > 10;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>prepare s from select * from t4tab where a < 2 or a > 10;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>prepare s from select * from t4view where a < 2 or a > 10;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>-- expect error
>>prepare s from select * from sch.t4tab x where a < 2 or a > 10;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>-- use only object name
>>control query shape scan(table 'T4TAB', mdam forced);
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 'T4TAB', mdam forced));
>>prepare s from select * from $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch.t4tab where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>prepare s from select * from sch.t4tab where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>prepare s from select * from t4tab where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>prepare s from select * from sch.t4view x where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>-- expect error
>>prepare s from select * from t4tab x where a < 2 or a > 10;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>-- delimited identifier where unnecessary
>>control query shape scan(table '"T4TAB"');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table '"T4TAB"'));
>>prepare s from select * from $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch.t4tab where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>prepare s from select * from sch."t4tab" t4tab where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>prepare s from select * from "t4tab" where a < 2 or a > 10;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>-- expect error
>>prepare s from select * from t4tab x where a < 2 or a > 10;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>-- expect error
>>-- correlation name
>>control query shape scan(table 'X');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 'X'));
>>prepare s from select * from $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch.t4tab x where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>prepare s from select * from $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch.t4view_x y where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>-- delimited identifier
>>control query shape scan(table 'cat."t4sch"."t4tab"');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 'cat."t4sch"."t4tab"'));
>>prepare s from select * from $$TEST_CATALOG$$."t4sch"."t4tab" where a < 2 or a > 10;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>control query shape scan(table 'cat."t4sch"."t4tab"',
+> path 'cat."t4sch"."t4tab"');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 'cat."t4sch"."t4tab"',
+> path 'cat."t4sch"."t4tab"'));
>>prepare s from select * from $$TEST_CATALOG$$."t4sch"."t4tab" where a < 2 or a > 10;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>control query shape scan(table '"t4tab"',
+> path '"t4tab"');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table '"t4tab"',
+> path '"t4tab"'));
>>prepare s from select * from $$TEST_CATALOG$$."t4sch"."t4tab" where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>control query shape scan(table '"t4tab"',
+> path 'cat."t4sch"."t4tab"');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table '"t4tab"',
+> path 'cat."t4sch"."t4tab"'));
>>prepare s from select * from $$TEST_CATALOG$$."t4sch"."t4tab" where a < 2 or a > 10;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>-- delimited identifier on single name
>>control query shape scan(table '"t4tab"');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table '"t4tab"'));
>>prepare s from select * from $$TEST_CATALOG$$."t4sch"."t4tab" where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>prepare s from select * from $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch."t4tab" where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>prepare s from select * from "t4sch".t4view where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>prepare s from select * from t4tab "t4tab" where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>-- expect error
>>prepare s from select * from t4tab where a < 2 or a > 10;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>-- delimited identifiers with embedded dots
>>control query shape scan(table 'cat.sch."SCH.T4TAB"');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 'cat.sch."SCH.T4TAB"'));
>>prepare s from select * from $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch."SCH.T4TAB" where a < 2 or a > 10;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>-- Index names
>>control query shape scan(table 'T4TAB', path '$DISK.SUBVOL.IX');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 'T4TAB', path '$DISK.SUBVOL.IX'));
>>prepare s from select b from $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch.t4tab where b=5;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>control query shape scan(table 'T4TAB', path 'T4TAB');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 'T4TAB', path 'T4TAB'));
>>prepare s from select b from $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch.t4tab where b=5;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>control query shape scan(table 'T4TAB', path 't4tabx');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 'T4TAB', path 't4tabx'));
>>prepare s from select b from $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch.t4tab where b=5;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>control query shape scan(table '"t4tab"', path '"t4tabx"');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table '"t4tab"', path '"t4tabx"'));
>>prepare s from select b from $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch."t4tab" where b=5;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>-- Negative tests
>>-- syntax errors
>>control query shape pa(scan(table '123%'));
*** ERROR[3113] Error in CONTROL statement: Table name is not an ANSI name.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 'a.b.*'));
*** ERROR[3113] Error in CONTROL statement: Table name is not an ANSI name.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 'a', path '456'));
*** ERROR[3113] Error in CONTROL statement: Index name is not an ANSI name.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>-- exposed, and partially qualified pattern names are supported
>>-- (to be matched with the partially qualified table names).
>>control query shape scan(table 'SCH.T4TAB');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 'SCH.T4TAB'));
>>prepare s from select * from $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch.t4tab where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>-- expect error
>>prepare s from select * from sch.t4tab where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>-- expect error
>>prepare s from select * from t4tab where a < 2 or a > 10;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>-- expect error
>>-- correlation name must be a single name
>>control query shape scan(table 'SEABASE.SCH.X');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 'CAT.SCH.X'));
>>prepare s from select * from $$TEST_CATALOG$$.sch.t4tab x where a < 2 or a > 10;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>-- expect error
>>-- more tests on index names
>>control query shape scan(table 't4ttt', path '"t4ij1"');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 't4ttt', path '"t4ij1"'));
>>prepare xx from select * from t4ttt;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>control query shape scan(table 't4ttt', path '"t4Ij1"');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 't4ttt', path '"t4Ij1"'));
>>prepare xx from select * from t4ttt;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>control query shape scan(table 't4ttt', path 't4ij1');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 't4ttt', path 't4ij1'));
>>prepare xx from select * from t4ttt;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>control query shape scan(table 't4ttt', path '"t4iJ1"');
--- SQL operation complete.
>>control query shape pa(scan(table 't4ttt', path '"t4iJ1"'));
>>prepare xx from select * from t4ttt;
*** ERROR[2105] This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>control query shape cut;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>-- verify fix to solution 10-091016-5452
>>-- this prepare used to crash mxcmp
>>set schema compgeneral;
>>set schema $$TEST_CATALOG$$.compgeneral;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>prepare xx from
+> select v_tsj_t_t.val01,v_tsj_t_t.val02
+> from v_tsj_t_t
+> where (v_tsj_t_t.val01,v_tsj_t_t.val02) in
+> ( select F01.val01,D01.val02
+> from F01
+> left join D01 on F01.fk_d01=D01.val01
+> where F01.val02>0
+> )
+> ;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>?section verify_sap_update_fix
>>control query shape cut;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>create table faetest1(faetest char(10) not null,
+> sid integer not null,
+> intcol integer not null,
+> ccol char(10) not null,
+> primary key(faetest))
+> hash2 partition by (faetest)
--- SQL operation complete.
>>insert into faetest1
+>select cast(num as char(10)), num, 0,' '
+>from (select 100*hundreds+10*tens+ones as num
+> from (values (0)) seed(c)
+> transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as ones
+> transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as tens
+> transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as hundreds) T
+>order by num;
--- 1000 row(s) inserted.
>>update statistics for table faetest1 on every column;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>prepare s120 from
+>update faetest1 set intcol=9999
+>where sid in (
--- SQL command prepared.
>>-- should be a tuple_flow(hash_join(pa,groupby(tuplelist)),cursor_update) plan
>>--explain options 'f' s120;
>>-- execute used to update only 1 row and the wrong row!
>>execute s120 using
--- 120 row(s) updated.
>>-- should update 120 rows
>>-- force a poor nested_join plan
>>control query shape implicit exchange nested_join(sort(nested_join(cut,cut)),cut);
--- SQL operation complete.
>>prepare s120 from
+>update faetest1 set intcol=9999
+>where sid in (
--- SQL command prepared.
>>control query shape cut;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>--explain options 'f' s120;
>>-- execute used to update only 1 row and the wrong row!
>>execute s120 using
--- 120 row(s) updated.
>>-- should update 120 rows
>>prepare s1 from
+>INSERT INTO query_sql_text1
--- SQL command prepared.
>>-- do a showplan to make sure displayContents code gets covered.
Contents of EX_UNPACK_ROWS :
Expression: packingFactor
Expression: unPackColsExpr
>>?section ALM_6748
>>create table v_t1 (a int not null primary key, b date, b2 char(10));
--- SQL operation complete.
>>create table v_t2 (c int not null primary key, d date, d2 char(10));
--- SQL operation complete.
>>prepare st1 from
+> WHEN( v_t1.b=current_date)
+> THEN 'Expired' ELSE 'Active'
+> END "Col1"
+>FROM v_t1 INNER JOIN v_t2 ON ( v_t1.b = v_t2.d ) ;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>prepare st1 from
+> v_t2.d2 ||
+> WHEN( v_t1.b=current_date)
+> THEN 'Expired' ELSE 'Active'
+> END "Col1"
+>FROM v_t1 INNER JOIN v_t2 ON ( v_t1.b = v_t2.d ) ;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>?section LP_1324303
>>-- cardinality changes for LP 1324303
>>prepare st1 from select O.object_name from trafodion."_MD_".objects O, trafodion."_MD_".table_constraints T where O.object_uid = T.table_uid ;
--- SQL command prepared.
>>explain options 'f' st1;
---- ---- ---- -------------------- -------- -------------------- ---------
4 . 5 root 1.00E+002
1 3 4 nested_join 1.00E+002
2 . 3 probe_cache 1.00E+000
. . 2 trafodion_index_scan OBJECTS_UNIQ_IDX 1.00E+000
. . 1 trafodion_index_scan TABLE_CONSTRAINTS_I 1.00E+002
--- SQL operation complete.
>>?section tests_end