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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
= Preparation
{project-name} provides JDBC and ODBC drivers plus clients that use those drivers.
In addition, you can configure third-party JDBC- and ODBC-based tools to work
with {project-name}.
Typically, you install and configure the client software in the following order:
. JDBC and/or ODBC drivers. (Depending on what clients you plan to use.)
. {project-name} clients. For example, trafci and odb.
. Third-party clients. For example, DBVisualizer, SQuirell, and/or Tableau.
If you don't plan to use JDBC-based clients, then please skip ahead to
<<download-client-software, Download Client Software>>.
== Java Setup
The {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver requires Java 1.7 or higher. You need to set
the Java path to the correct location.
Depending on your planned usage, you install
the Java Development Kit (JDK, if you plan to develop Java-based applications)
or the Java Runtime Environment (JRE, if you plan to use packaged JDBC-based
products only).
=== Verify Java Version
To display the Java version of the client workstation on the screen, enter:
java -version
.Example 1: Java Installed and PATH Variable Set Correctly
C:\> java -version
java version "1.7.0_45" # This is the version you need to check
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_45-b18)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode, sharing)
If the version is not 1.7 or higher, then please upgrade you Java installation
See <<java-install, Install Java>>.
If the version is 1.7 or higher, then skip ahead to <<download-client-software, Download Client Software>>.
.Example 2: Path Not Set
'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.`
If you have installed Java, then this message indicates that you've not included
the Java directory in your search path. See <<howto-setup-path, Set Up PATH Variable>>.
=== Install Java
Refer to:
Once installed, follow the instruction in <<howto-setup-path, Set Up PATH Variable>>
to ensure that your Java environment has been set up properly.
== Download Client Software
The {project-name} client software is available from the {download-url}[{project-name} Download] page. There is one
`{project-name} Clients` package per release listed under *<version> Binaries*.
The `{project-name} Clients` package consists of a zipped tar file that contains the {project-name} Clients tar file.
The {project-name} Client binaries are in the `clients` folder, which contains the following files:
[cols="30%,70%", options="header"]
| File | Usage
| `` | {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver.
| `LICENCE` | Apache license.
| `NOTICE` | Apache notice.
| `odbc64_linux.tar.gz` | {project-name} odb tool.
| `TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz` | {project-name} ODBC driver for Linux.
| `` | The {project-name} command interpreter `trafci`.
| `TFODBC64-*.exe` | *[Not included in this release]*^1^ {project-name} ODBC Driver for Windows.
^1^ License issues prevent us from including the ODBC Driver for Windows in this release. Contact
{project-support} for help obtaining the driver.
=== Windows Download
Do the following:
. Create a download folder on the client workstation. For example, `c:\trafodion`.
. Open a Web browser and navigate to the {project-name} downloads site {download-url}.
. Orient yourself to the binaries for the release you're installing.
Click on the `{project-name} Clients` link to start downloading the {project-name} clients tar file to your workstation.
. Place the `apache-trafodion-clients-*.tar.gz` file into the download folder.
* Unpack the `apache-trafodion-clients-\*.tar.gz` file using an unzip program of your choice. This creates
an `apache-trafodion-clients-*.tar` file.
* Unpack the `apache-trafodion-clients-*.tar` file using an unzip program of your choice.
. Verify content of the `clients` directory:
``` LICENSE NOTICE odb64_linux.tar.gz TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz
You use these files to install the different {project-name} clients.
=== Linux Download
Do the following:
. Create a download directory on the client workstation. For example, `$HOME/trafodion`.
. Open a Web browser and navigate to the {project-name} downloads site {download-url}.
. Orient yourself to the binaries for the release you're installing.
Right-click on the `{project-name} Clients` link and select *Copy link address*.
. Go to the download directory on the client workstation and use `wget` to download the client package
using the URL you copied in step 3 above.
. Unpack the `apache-trafodion-clients-*.tar.gz` using `tar`.
$ mkdir $HOME/trafodion
$ cd $HOME/trafodion
$ wget <link to package>
$ tar -xzvf apache-trafodion_clients-*.tar.gz
$ cd clients
$ ls
LICENSE odb64_linux.tar.gz TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz NOTICE
You use these files to install the different {project-name} clients.
== Unpack Client Software
The client packages are located on the `client` subdirectory where you unpacked
the {project-name} distribution file. For example, `c:\trafodion\clients` (Windows)
or `$HOME/trafodion/clients` (Linux).
Unpack the client software and its dependencies you intend to use as follows.
=== Unpack JDBC-Based Client Software
[cols="30%,30%,40%a", options="header"]
| File | Description | Recommended Target Directory
| `` | JDBC Type 4 Driver | * *Windows:* `c:\trafodion\jdbct4`
* *Linux:* `$HOME/trafodion/jdbct4`
| `` | Command Interface | * *Windows:* `c:\trafodion\trafci`
* *Linux:* `$HOME/trafodion/trafci`
Use your favorite compress/uncompress utility to unpack the file to the target directory
defined in the table above.
Unpack the `.zip` file using the `unzip <file> -d <target-directory>` command:
$ cd $HOME/trafodion/clients
$ unzip -d $HOME/trafodion/jdbct4
$ unzip -d $HOME/trafodion/trafci
$ cd ..
$ ls
apache-trafodion_clients-2.2.0.tar.gz clients jdbct4 trafci
Once complete, a fully-installed `c:\trafodion` (Windows) or
`$HOME/trafodion` directory should contain the following directories:
* `clients`: The compressed client software.
* `jdbct4`: The {project-name} JDBC Type 4 driver installation directory.
* `trafci`: The {project-name} Command Interpreter installation directory.
=== Unpack ODBC-Based Client Software
| File | Description | Recommended Target Directory
| `TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz` | Linux ODBC Driver | `$HOME/trafodion/odbc`
| `odb64_linux.tar.gz` | Linux odb Utility | `$HOME/trafodion/odb`
Unpack the `.tar.gz` file using the `tar -xzvf <file> -C <target-directory>` command.
$ cd $HOME/trafodion/clients
$ mkdir $HOME/trafodion/odbc
$ tar -xzvf TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz -C $HOME/trafodion/odbc
$ mkdir $HOME/trafodion/odb
$ tar -xzvf odb64_linux.tar.gz -C $HOME/trafodion/odb
$ cd ..
$ ls
apache-trafodion_clients-2.2.0.tar.gz clients odb odbc
Once complete, a fully-installed `c:\trafodion` (Windows) or
`$HOME/trafodion` directory should contain:
* `clients`: The compressed client software.
* `odb`: The {project-name} odb utility installation directory.
* `odbc`: The {project-name} ODBC driver installation directory.