blob: 0f827b85048c93f00e87b565bf6f954a2d527b8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef PROCESS_H_
#define PROCESS_H_
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "notice.h"
#include "open.h"
#include "config.h"
typedef map<string, CProcess *> nameMap_t;
typedef map<int, CProcess *> pidMap_t;
class CNode;
class CProcessContainer
int eyecatcher_; // Debuggging aid -- leave as first
// member variable of the class
CProcessContainer( void );
CProcessContainer( bool nodeContainer );
virtual ~CProcessContainer( void );
void AttachProcessCheck( struct message_def *lmsg );
void AddToList( CProcess *process );
void AddToListL( CProcess *process );
void AddToNameMap( CProcess *process );
void DelFromNameMap( CProcess *process );
void AddToPidMap(int pid, CProcess *process);
void DelFromPidMap( CProcess *process );
void DeleteFromList( CProcess *process );
void RemoveFromList( CProcess *process );
void RemoveFromListL( CProcess *process );
void Bcast( struct message_def *msg );
char *BuildOurName( int nid, int pid, char *name );
bool CancelDeathNotification( int nid
, int pid
, Verifier_t verifier
, _TM_Txid_External trans_id );
void Child_Exit ( CProcess * parent );
void ChildUnHooked_Exit ( CProcess * parent );
void CleanUpProcesses( void );
CProcess *CloneProcess( int nid,
int priority,
int backup,
bool unhooked,
char *name,
char *port,
int os_pid,
int verifier,
int parent_nid,
int parent_pid,
int parent_verifier,
bool event_messages,
bool system_messages,
char *path,
char *ldpath,
char *program,
strId_t pathStrId,
strId_t ldpathStrId,
strId_t programStrId,
char *infile,
char *outfile,
struct timespec *creation_time,
int origPNidNs);
void close_fds( void );
CProcess *CompleteProcessStartup( char *process_name,
char *port,
int os_pid,
bool event_messages,
bool system_messages,
struct timespec *creation_time,
int origPNidNs);
CProcess *CreateProcess( CProcess *parent,
int nid,
int pid,
Verifier_t verifier,
bool event_messages,
bool system_messages,
int debug,
int priority,
int backup,
bool unhooked,
char *process_name,
char *path,
char *ldpath,
char *program,
strId_t pathStrId,
strId_t ldpathStrId,
strId_t programStrId,
char *infile,
char *outfile
, void *tag
, int & result
void DeleteAllDown();
bool Dump_Process( CProcess *dumper, CProcess *process, char *core_path );
void DumpCallback( int nid, pid_t pid, int status );
void Exit_Process( CProcess *process, bool abend, int downNode );
static CProcess *ParentNewProcReply ( CProcess *process, int result );
static CProcess *MonReply ( CProcess *process, int result );
CProcess *GetFirstProcess( void ) { return(head_); };
CProcess *GetLastProcess( void ) { return(tail_); };
inline sem_t *GetMutex() { return Mutex; };
inline int GetNumProcs( void ) { return(numProcs_); };
CProcess *GetProcess( int pid );
CProcess *GetProcess( const char *name, bool checkstate=true );
CProcess *GetProcess( int pid, Verifier_t verifier, bool checkstate=true );
CProcess *GetProcess( const char *name, Verifier_t verifier, bool checkstate=true );
CProcess *GetProcessByType( PROCESSTYPE type );
inline nameMap_t *GetNameMap() { return nameMap_; };
inline pidMap_t *GetPidMap() { return pidMap_; };
CProcess *GetProcessLByType( PROCESSTYPE type );
void KillAll( STATE node_State, CProcess *process );
void KillAllDown();
void KillAllDownSoft();
char *NormalizeName( char *name );
bool Open_Process( int nid, int pid, Verifier_t verifier, int death_notification, CProcess *process );
int ProcessCount( void ) { CAutoLock alock(pidMapLock_.getLocker()); return(numProcs_); }
void SetProcessState( CProcess *process, STATE state, bool abend, int downNode=-1 );
void CheckFdState ( int fd );
void PidHangupSet ( int pid );
void PidHangupClear ( int pid );
void PidHangupCheck ( time_t now );
inline void SetFirstProcess( CProcess *process ) { head_ = process; }
inline void SetLastProcess( CProcess *process ) { tail_ = process; }
inline void SetNameMap( nameMap_t *nameMap ) { nameMap_ = nameMap; };
inline void SetPidMap( pidMap_t *pidMap ) { pidMap_ = pidMap; };
bool WhoOpenedMe( CProcess *process, struct message_def *msg );
bool WhoOpenedMe( CProcess *process, struct message_def *msg, CProcess *entry );
bool WhoOpenedMe( CProcess *process, int pid, struct message_def *msg );
inline void SetNumProcs( int numProcs ) { numProcs_ = numProcs; };
int numProcs_; // Number of processes in container
sem_t *Mutex;
bool nodeContainer_; // true when physical node process container
bool processNameFormatLong_; // when true process name format is:
// '$Zxxxxpppppp' xxxx = nid, pppppp = pid
nameMap_t *nameMap_;
pidMap_t *pidMap_;
CLock pidMapLock_;
CLock nameMapLock_;
CProcess *head_;
CProcess *tail_;
// Set of process ids for which we have received a broken pipe
// indication but have not yet processed a child death signal.
typedef set<int> hungupPids_t;
hungupPids_t hungupPids_;
CLock hungupPidsLock_;
bool RestartPersistentProcess( CProcess *process, int downNode );
// Constant that gives the number of seconds that should elapse
// following the receipt of a pipe hangup before checking process
// status in PidHangupCheck.
enum ProcessDeathInfo_t {PROCESS_DEATH_MARGIN = 10};
class CProcess
friend void CProcessContainer::AddToList(CProcess *process);
friend void CProcessContainer::AddToListL(CProcess *process);
friend void CProcessContainer::DeleteFromList( CProcess *process );
friend void CProcessContainer::RemoveFromList( CProcess *process );
friend void CProcessContainer::RemoveFromListL( CProcess *process );
int eyecatcher_; // Debuggging aid -- leave as first
// member variable of the class
CProcess( CProcess *parent,
int nid,
int pid,
Verifier_t verifier,
int priority,
int backup,
bool debug,
bool unhooked,
char *name,
char *path,
char *ldpath,
char *program,
strId_t pathStrId,
strId_t ldpathStrId,
strId_t programStrId,
char *infile,
char *outfile);
~CProcess( void );
typedef struct nidPid_s { int nid; int pid; } nidPid_t;
bool CancelDeathNotification( int nid
, int pid
, Verifier_t verifier
, _TM_Txid_External trans_id );
void CompleteDump(DUMPSTATUS status, char *core_file);
void CompleteProcessStartup( char *port, int os_pid, bool event_messages, bool system_messages, bool preclone, struct timespec *creation_time, int origPNidNs );
void CompleteRequest( int status );
bool Create (CProcess *parent, void* tag, int & result);
bool Dump (CProcess *dumper, char *core_path);
void DumpBegin(int dumperNid, int dumperPid, Verifier_t dumperVerifier, char *core_path);
void DumpEnd(DUMPSTATUS status, char *core_file);
void Exit( CProcess *parent );
void GenerateEvent( int event_id, int length, char *data );
inline int GetAbort( void ) { return abort_; }
inline void SetAbort( bool abort ) { abort_ = abort; }
CProcess *GetBackup( void );
inline CProcess *GetNext( void ) { return ( next_ ); }
inline CProcess *GetNextL( void ) { return ( nextL_ ); }
inline int GetNid ( ) { return Nid; }
inline void SetNid ( int nid ) { Nid = nid; }
inline int GetPid ( ) { return Pid; }
inline int GetPidAtFork ( ) { return PidAtFork_; }
inline void SetPid ( pid_t pid ) { Pid = pid; }
inline int GetVerifier ( ) { return Verifier; }
inline void SetVerifier ( int verifier ) { Verifier = verifier; }
inline void SetVerifier ( ); // creates a new verifier based on time
inline const char * GetName ( ) { return Name; }
void SetName ( const char * name )
{ strncpy( Name, name, MAX_PROCESS_NAME);
Name[MAX_PROCESS_NAME-1] = '\0'; }
inline bool IsEventMessages () { return Event_messages; }
inline bool IsSystemMessages () { return System_messages; }
inline bool IsNowait() { return Nowait; }
inline void SetNowait ( bool nowait ) { Nowait = nowait; }
inline bool IsBackup() { return Backup; }
inline void SetBackup ( bool backup ) { Backup = backup; }
inline bool IsAttached ( ) { return Attached; }
inline void SetAttached ( bool attached ) { Attached = attached; }
inline bool IsDeletePending ( ) { return DeletePending; }
inline void SetDeletePending ( bool pending ) { DeletePending = pending; }
inline bool IsClone ( ) { return Clone; }
inline void SetClone ( bool isClone ) { Clone = isClone; }
inline bool IsStartupCompleted ( ) { return StartupCompleted; }
inline bool IsOpened ( ) { return (OpenedCount > 0); }
inline void SetStartupCompleted ( bool completed )
{ StartupCompleted = completed; }
inline bool IsFirstInstance ( ) { return firstInstance_; }
inline void SetFirstInstance ( bool firstInstance ) { firstInstance_ = firstInstance; }
inline bool IsPersistent ( ) { return Persistent; }
inline void SetPersistent ( bool isPersistent ) { Persistent = isPersistent; }
inline bool IsPaired ( ) { return Paired; }
inline void SetPaired ( bool isPaired ) { Paired = isPaired; }
inline bool IsUnhooked ( ) { return UnHooked; }
inline bool IsAbended ( ) { return Abended; }
inline void SetAbended ( bool abended ) { Abended = abended; }
inline CProcess * GetParent ( ) { return Parent; }
inline int GetParentPid ( ) { return Parent_Pid; }
inline int GetParentNid ( ) { return Parent_Nid; }
inline int GetParentVerifier( ) { return Parent_Verifier; }
inline void SetParent ( CProcess *parent ) { Parent = parent; }
inline void SetParentPid ( pid_t pid ) { Parent_Pid = pid; }
inline void SetParentNid ( int nid) { Parent_Nid = nid; }
inline void SetParentVerifier ( int verifier) { Parent_Verifier = verifier; }
inline int GetPairParentPid ( ) { return PairParentPid; }
inline int GetPairParentNid ( ) { return PairParentNid; }
inline int GetPairParentVerifier( ) { return PairParentVerifier; }
inline void SetPairParentPid ( pid_t pid ) { PairParentPid = pid; }
inline void SetPairParentNid ( int nid ) { PairParentNid = nid; }
inline void SetPairParentVerifier( int verifier ) { PairParentVerifier = verifier; }
inline int GetPriority ( ) { return Priority; }
inline void SetTag ( long long tag ) { Tag = tag; }
inline int GetReplyTag ( ) { return ReplyTag; }
inline void SetReplyTag ( int tag ) { ReplyTag = tag; }
inline const char * GetPort ( ) { return Port; }
inline PROCESSTYPE GetType ( ) { return Type; }
inline int GetLastNid () { return LastNid; }
inline void SetLastNid ( int nid ) { LastNid = nid; }
inline long GetPersistentCreateTime ( ) { return PersistentCreateTime; }
inline void SetPersistentCreateTime ( long time ) { PersistentCreateTime = time; }
inline int GetPersistentRetries ( ) { return PersistentRetries; }
inline void SetPersistentRetries ( int value ) { PersistentRetries = value; }
inline DUMPSTATE GetDumpState ( ) { return DumpState; }
inline DUMPSTATUS GetDumpStatus ( ) { return DumpStatus; }
inline void SetDumpState ( DUMPSTATE state ) { DumpState = state; }
inline void SetDumpStatus ( DUMPSTATUS status ) { DumpStatus = status; }
inline int GetDumperPid ( ) { return DumperPid; }
inline int GetDumperNid ( ) { return DumperNid; }
inline int GetDumperVerifier ( ) { return DumperVerifier; }
inline const char * GetDumpFile () { return dumpFile_.c_str(); }
inline int GetMonSockFd( ) { return monSockFd_; }
inline void SetMonSockFd( int sockFd ) { monSockFd_ = sockFd; }
inline int GetOrigPNidNs( ) { return origPNidNs_; }
inline void SetOrigPNidNs( int pnid ) { origPNidNs_ = pnid; }
inline CNotice * GetNoticeHead() { return NoticeHead; }
CProcess *GetProcessByType( PROCESSTYPE type );
inline pid_t GetPriorPid ( ) { return priorPid_; }
inline void SetPriorPid ( pid_t pid ) { priorPid_ = pid; }
CProcess *GetProcessLByType( PROCESSTYPE type );
inline STATE GetState() { return State_; }
bool MakePrimary(void);
bool Open( CProcess *opened_process, int death_notification );
CNotice *RegisterDeathNotification( int nid
, int pid
, Verifier_t verifier
, const char *name
, _TM_Txid_External trans_id );
void ReplyNewProcess (struct message_def * reply_msg, CProcess * process,
int result);
void SendProcessCreatedNotice(CProcess *parent, int result);
struct timespec GetCreationTime () { return CreationTime; }
void SetCreationTime(int os_pid);
void SetupFifo(int attachee_nid, int attachee_pid);
inline void SetState ( STATE new_state ) { State_ = new_state; };
inline int FdStdin() { return fd_stdin_; };
inline void FdStdin(int fd) { fd_stdin_ = fd; };
inline int FdStdout() { return fd_stdout_; };
inline int FdStderr() { return fd_stderr_; };
int argc() { return argc_; }
int userArgvLen() { return userArgvLen_; }
const char *userArgv() { return userArgv_; }
void userArgs ( int argc, int argvLen, const char * argvList );
void userArgs ( int argc, char user_argv[MAX_ARGS][MAX_ARG_SIZE] );
int getUserArgs( char user_argv[MAX_ARGS][MAX_ARG_SIZE] );
const char* path() { return path_.c_str(); };
const char* ldpath() { return ldpath_.c_str(); };
const char* path();
const char* ldpath();
const char* program() { return program_.c_str(); };
bool isCmpOrEsp() { return cmpOrEsp_; }
const char *infile() { return infile_.c_str(); };
const char *outfile() { return outfile_.c_str(); };
strId_t pathStrId() { return pathStrId_; };
strId_t ldPathStrId() { return ldpathStrId_; };
strId_t programStrId() { return programStrId_; }
const char *fifo_stdin() { return fifo_stdin_.c_str(); };
const char *fifo_stdout() { return fifo_stdout_.c_str(); };
const char *fifo_stderr() { return fifo_stderr_.c_str(); };
bool isOwned() { return owned_; }
void resetOwned() { owned_ = false; }
long getOwner() { return ownerId_; }
void setOwner( long id ) { owned_ = true; ownerId_ = id; }
inline void incrReplRef() { ++replRefCount_; }
inline int decrReplRef() { --replRefCount_; return replRefCount_; }
inline int replRefCount() { return replRefCount_; }
void parentContext (struct message_def * msg) { requestBuf_ = msg; }
struct message_def * parentContext ( void ) { return requestBuf_; }
void SetMonContext (struct message_def * msg) { requestBuf_ = msg; }
struct message_def * GetMonContext ( void ) { return requestBuf_; }
void SetHangupTime () { clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &hangupTime_); }
time_t GetHangupTime () { return hangupTime_.tv_sec; }
void childAdd ( int nid, int pid );
int childCount ( void );
void childRemove ( int nid, int pid );
bool childRemoveFirst ( nidPid_t & child );
void childUnHookedAdd( int nid, int pid );
int childUnHookedCount( void );
void childUnHookedRemove( int nid, int pid );
bool childUnHookedRemoveFirst( nidPid_t & child );
struct message_def * GetDeathNotice ( void );
void PutDeathNotice( struct message_def * );
bool procExitReg(CProcess *targetProcess, _TM_Txid_External transId);
void procExitNotifierNodes( void );
void procExitUnregAll( _TM_Txid_External transId );
void validateObj( void );
struct message_def * DeathMessage( );
void Switch( CProcess *parent );
enum PickStdFile_t {PICK_STDIN, PICK_STDOUT};
bool PickStdfile(PickStdFile_t whichStdfile, char (&file)[MAX_PROCESS_PATH],
int &AncestorNid, int &AncestorPid);
void SetupPipe(int orig_fd, int unused_pipe_fd, int pipe_fd);
void RedirectStdFiles(int pfds_stdin[2], int pfds_stdout[2],
int pfds_stderr[2]);
void setEnvStr ( char **envp, int &countEnv, const char *str );
void setEnvStrVal ( char **envp, int &countEnv, const char *str,
const char *val);
void setEnvIntVal ( char **envp, int &countEnv, const char *str, int val);
void setEnvRegGroupVals(CConfigGroup *group, char **envp, int &countEnv);
void setEnvFromRegistry ( char **envp, int &countEnv );
int Nid;
int Pid;
Verifier_t Verifier;
pid_t PidAtFork_;
char Name[MAX_PROCESS_NAME]; // process name
bool Event_messages; // true if process wants event messages
bool System_messages; // true if process wants system messages
bool Paired; // true if this is a functional copy from another node
bool Clone; // true if this is a nonfunctional copy from another node
bool Debug; // true if needs to be started in debug mode
bool DeletePending; // true if it will be deleted after replication
bool StartupCompleted; // true when process has completed startup protocol.
bool Backup; // true if backup process, then Parent_Pid is primary
bool Abended; // true if process terminated abnormally
bool Attached; // true if process was attached to monitor (not child)
bool abort_; // true if terminating persistent process (no restart)
bool Persistent; // true if monitor is to persist process on failure
bool UnHooked; // If parent dies, this process should exit
bool Nowait; // If parent request a process creation notice
long PersistentCreateTime; // seconds since the last recreated process
int PersistentRetries; // number of time recreated the process
long long Tag; // User tag to send with process creation notice
int Priority; // priority of process
CProcess *Parent;
int Parent_Nid; // Node ID of process that created this process
int Parent_Pid; // Process ID of process that created this process
Verifier_t Parent_Verifier; // Verifier of process that created this process
int PairParentNid; // Node ID of process that created this process pair
int PairParentPid; // Process ID of process that created this process pair
Verifier_t PairParentVerifier; // Verifier of process that created this process pair
int ReplyTag; // MPI message tag to use for pending reply to service request.
int OpenedCount; // Num of current process opens on this proces
int LastNid; // Last nid used for newprocess req from this process
DUMPSTATE DumpState; // state of dump
DUMPSTATUS DumpStatus; // status of core file
int DumperNid; // Node ID of process requesting dump
int DumperPid; // Process ID of process requesting dump
Verifier_t DumperVerifier; // Verifier of process requesting dump
string dumpFile_ ; // core-file
struct timespec CreationTime; // creation time
pid_t priorPid_; // for restarted persistent process, the
// previous process id.
STATE State_;
CProcess *next_; // next process in logical node container list
CProcess *prev_; // previous process in logial node container list
CProcess *nextL_; // next process in physical node container list
CProcess *prevL_; // previous process in physical node container list
int Last_error;
int argc_;
int userArgvLen_;
char *userArgv_;
string path_; // process's object lookup path to program
string ldpath_; // process's library load path for program
string program_; // program file name
strId_t programStrId_;
strId_t pathStrId_;
strId_t ldpathStrId_;
bool firstInstance_; // reset on persistent process re-creation
bool cmpOrEsp_;
string trafRootZnode_; // TRAF_ROOT_ZNODE passed to object file
string trafConf_; // TRAF_CONF passed to object file
string trafHome_; // TRAF_HOME passed to object file
string trafLog_; // TRAF_LOG passed to object file
string trafVar_; // TRAF_VAR passed to object file
string infile_; // process's stdin
string outfile_; // process's stdout
string corefile_; // last core file generated
string fifo_stdin_;
string fifo_stdout_;
string fifo_stderr_;
int fd_stdin_;
int fd_stdout_;
int fd_stderr_;
bool owned_; // true if owned by a request, false otherwise
long ownerId_; // Request id of owner
int replRefCount_;
struct timespec hangupTime_; // Timestamp for "broken stderr pipe"
// Reference to parent's ReqType_NewProcess request buffer. Used for
// "waited" new process requests so that reply can be sent once
// process startup message is received.
struct message_def * requestBuf_;
enum { MAX_CHILD_ENV_VARS = 300 };
// Container to keep track of this process' children created on
// the local node. Needed because if this process abornmally terminates
// the children will be terminated too.
typedef list<nidPid_t> nidPidList_t;
nidPidList_t children_;
nidPidList_t childrenUnHooked_; // only used with Name Server enabled
// Lock for children_ list. Temporarily using a lock but should
// be able to eliminate for better performance. Once lioCleanupThread
// and syncThread uniformly queue requests to be processed by worker
// thread this lock should not be necessary.
CLock childrenListLock_;
// Container to hold dead process info to be sent as death notices
// to an ssmp process. This is a NULL list except when the CProcess
// instance is an SSMP process object.
typedef list<struct message_def *> ssmpDeath_t;
ssmpDeath_t ssmpNotices_;
CLock ssmpNoticesLock_;
// Container to keep track of the processes for which this process
// is interested in process death. deathInterestLock_ is used to
// protect both the deathInterest_ and CNotice list.
typedef set<int> nidSet_t;
nidPidList_t deathInterest_;
nidSet_t deathInterestNid_;
CLock deathInterestLock_;
CNotice *NoticeHead; // List of processes requesting death notice
CNotice *NoticeTail;
int monSockFd_;
int origPNidNs_;
#endif /*PROCESS_H_*/