blob: 2eaf8256cf1405d2c133752d7877bd733090d6d3 [file] [log] [blame]
>>create table hex_iso(c char(10) character set ISO88591);
--- SQL operation complete.
>>create table hex_ucs2(c char(10) character set UCS2);
--- SQL operation complete.
>>?section iso88591
>>--positive tests
>>--A hexadecimal represented ISO88591 string literal seperated by spaces
>>insert into hex_iso values(_ISO88591 X'03 41 f3');
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>--A hexadecimal represented ISO88591 string literal seperated by spaces
>>--with non-printable characters
>>insert into hex_iso values(_ISO88591 X'81 01 02 41');
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>--Spaces between hex digits are optional
>>insert into hex_iso values(_ISO88591 X'454545');
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into hex_iso values(_iso88591 X'54 e4 54');
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>--the charset prefix can be omitted
>>insert into hex_iso values(X'');
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>--Concatenation of two strings
>>insert into hex_iso values(_ISO88591 X'61 61 61' x'62 62 62');
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>select count(*) from hex_iso;
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>--get 2 back
>>select char_length(trim(x'00' from x'00 01 02 00')) from (values(1)) x;
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>--get 11 back
>>select char_length(trim(x'00' from '00 01 02 00')) from (values(1)) x;
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>--negative tests
>>--bad hexdecimal digits
>>insert into hex_iso values(x'e00O');
*** ERROR[3402] The format of the ISO88591 hexadecimal string literal is not valid.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
insert into hex_iso values(x'e00O');
^ (34 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>--unknown character set name
>>insert into hex_iso values(_IS088591x'43 43 43');
*** ERROR[3127] An invalid character was found in identifier _IS088591x.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
insert into hex_iso values(_IS088591x'43 43 43');
^ (38 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>--no space is allowed between X and the quote
>>insert into hex_iso values(_ISO88591 X '44 44 44');
*** ERROR[3127] An invalid character was found in identifier _ISO88591.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
insert into hex_iso values(_ISO88591 X '44 44 44');
^ (30 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>--for ISO88591, hex digits should be grouped in pairs
>>insert into hex_iso values(_ISO88591 X'4 8 48 48');
*** ERROR[3402] The format of the ISO88591 hexadecimal string literal is not valid.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
insert into hex_iso values(_ISO88591 X'4 8 48 48');
^ (49 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>--invalid hex format, odd number of digits
>>insert into hex_iso values(_ISO88591 X'4949494');
*** ERROR[3402] The format of the ISO88591 hexadecimal string literal is not valid.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
insert into hex_iso values(_ISO88591 X'4949494');
^ (47 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>--hexadecimal representation of SJIS string literals
>>--has not been implemented
>>insert into hex_iso values(_SJIS X'50 50 50');
*** ERROR[3010] Character set SJIS is not yet supported.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
insert into hex_iso values(_SJIS X'50 50 50');
^ (34 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>-- hex string literal is not allowed in any DDL
>>create table d(a char(10) default x'00');
*** ERROR[1243] The hexadecimal form of string literals is not allowed in this context.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
create table d(a char(10) default x'00');
^ (39 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>create table d(a char(10) heading x'4d 5f');
*** ERROR[1243] The hexadecimal form of string literals is not allowed in this context.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
create table d(a char(10) heading x'4d 5f');
^ (42 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>alter table hex_iso add constraint ch1 check (c < x'12');
*** ERROR[1243] The hexadecimal form of string literals is not allowed in this context.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
alter table hex_iso add constraint ch1 check (c < x'12');
^ (55 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>?section ucs2
>>--The following insertion tests the same feature for UCS2
>>--which has to be group into 4 instead of 2
>>insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 X'0041 0041 0041');
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 X'00610494 04A2');
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 X' 0062 eeEeE000');
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 X'');
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>--string concatenation
>>insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 X'0061 0061 0061' _UCS2 X'0062 0062 0062');
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>select count(*) from hex_ucs2;
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>-- should be 3
>>-- NSK -- select char_length(trim(c)) from hex_ucs2 where c = x'0041 0041 0041';
>>-- Seaquest --
>>select char_length(trim(c)) from hex_ucs2 where c = x'41 41 41';
--- 1 row(s) selected.
>>--non hex decimal
>>insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 x'asdf');
*** ERROR[3402] The format of the UCS2 hexadecimal string literal is not valid.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 x'asdf');
^ (41 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>--FFFF, FFFE is not legal in UCS2
>>insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 x'0000FFFF');
*** ERROR[3400] Invalid code point value for character set UCS2.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 x'0000FFFF');
^ (45 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 x'0000 FFFe');
*** ERROR[3400] Invalid code point value for character set UCS2.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 x'0000 FFFe');
^ (47 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>--space not allowed between X and the quote
>>insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 X '0044 0044 0044');
*** ERROR[3127] An invalid character was found in identifier _UCS2.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 X '0044 0044 0044');
^ (31 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>--number of digits not a mutiple of 4
>>insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 X'44 44 44');
*** ERROR[3402] The format of the UCS2 hexadecimal string literal is not valid.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 X'44 44 44');
^ (45 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 X'444 4a44');
*** ERROR[3402] The format of the UCS2 hexadecimal string literal is not valid.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 X'444 4a44');
^ (45 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 X'0123456789');
*** ERROR[3402] The format of the UCS2 hexadecimal string literal is not valid.
*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 X'0123456789');
^ (47 characters from start of SQL statement)
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>--charset mismatch for concatenation
>>insert into hex_ucs2 values(_UCS2 X'006000600060' X'006000600060');
*** ERROR[4034] The operation (CHAR(n) CHARACTER SET UCS2 || CHAR(n) CHARACTER SET ISO88591) is not allowed.
*** ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
>>-- testing fix for bugzilla case#1843
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2'test',1);
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2 X' 5168 4E16754C',2);
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2'',3);
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2 X'FFFD',4);
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2't',5);
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2 X'FC01',6);
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2 X'FD00',7);
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2 X'FE00',8);
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2 X'FE11',9);
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2 X'FEAA',10);
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2 X'FEFF',11);
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2 X'FF00',12);
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2 X'FF11',13);
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2 X'FFAA',14);
--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>insert into charset101b values (_ucs2 X'FFFD',15);
*** ERROR[8102] The operation is prevented by a unique constraint.
--- 0 row(s) inserted.
>>select c,b, converttohex(b), converttohex(sort_key(b)) from charset101b order by c;
----------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
1 test 0074006500730074 0074006500730074002000200020002000200020
2 ??? 51684E16754C 51684E16754C0020002000200020002000200020
3 0020002000200020002000200020002000200020
4 ? FFFD FFFD002000200020002000200020002000200020
5 t 0074 0074002000200020002000200020002000200020
6 ? FC01 FC01002000200020002000200020002000200020
7 ? FD00 FD00002000200020002000200020002000200020
8 ? FE00 FE00002000200020002000200020002000200020
9 ? FE11 FE11002000200020002000200020002000200020
10 ? FEAA FEAA002000200020002000200020002000200020
11 ? FEFF FEFF002000200020002000200020002000200020
12 ? FF00 FF00002000200020002000200020002000200020
13 ? FF11 FF11002000200020002000200020002000200020
14 ? FFAA FFAA002000200020002000200020002000200020
--- 14 row(s) selected.
>>drop table hex_iso;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>drop table hex_ucs2;
--- SQL operation complete.
>>drop table charset101b ;
--- SQL operation complete.