blob: 3af666ead60c6ac1c0bd4cde2d632fd39cc67be4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "security.h"
#include "secpwd.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "drvrglobal.h"
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#define SEPARATOR "\\"
#define SEPARATOR "/"
const int BUFSIZE = 1024;
static void copyFile(char* source, char* target)
throw (SecurityException)
FILE *in = fopen(source, "r");
if ( in == NULL )
throw SecurityException(ERR_READ_CERT_FILE, source);
FILE *out = fopen(target, "w");
if ( out == NULL )
throw SecurityException(ERR_WRITE_CERT_FILE, target);
char buf[BUFSIZE];
while ( !feof(in) )
int bread = fread(buf, 1, BUFSIZE, in);
if (bread == 0) break;
int bwrite = fwrite(buf, 1, bread, out);
if ( bread != bwrite )
throw SecurityException(ERR_WRITE_CERT_FILE, target);
static int compareFile(char* source, char* target)
FILE *in = fopen(source, "r");
FILE *out = fopen(target, "r");
if ( in == NULL || out == NULL ) return 1;
int retVal = 0;
char inContent[BUFSIZE], outContent[BUFSIZE];
while ( !feof(in) )
int bread_in = fread(inContent, 1, BUFSIZE, in);
int bread_out = fread(outContent, 1, BUFSIZE, out);
if ( bread_in != bread_out ||
memcmp(inContent, outContent, bread_in) )
retVal = 1;
return retVal;
static void TrimRight(char* str)
// this function trims any unwanted spaces at the end of a string.
char *buffer = str;
int len = (int)strlen(buffer);
int index = 0;
for (index = len - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
if ((index == 0) && (buffer[index] == ' ')) {
buffer[index] = '\0';
if (buffer[index] != ' ') {
buffer[index+1] = '\0';
static void TrimLeft(char *str)
// this function trims any unwanted spaces at the beginning of a string.
int len = strlen(str);
char *buffer = new char[len + 1];
strcpy(buffer, str);
int index = 0;
for (index = 0; index < len; index++) {
if ((index == len - 1) && (buffer[index] == ' ')) {
buffer[0] = '\0';
strcpy(str ,buffer);
if (buffer[index]!= ' ') {
delete buffer;
#define CER ".cer"
#define ACTIVE_CER ".cer"
static char* buildName(const char* dir, const char* fileName, const char* serverName, const char* suffix)
char *fname = NULL;
int srvrNmLen = strlen(serverName);
int sfxLen = strlen(suffix);
int dirLen = strlen(dir);
int len = dirLen + strlen(SEPARATOR);
int fNmLen = srvrNmLen + sfxLen + 1;
fname = new char[fNmLen]; // Runtime determine the buffer length of the cert file name
if ( fileName == NULL )
strcpy_s(fname, fNmLen, serverName);
strcat_s(fname, fNmLen, suffix);
fileName = fname;
len += strlen(fname) + 1;
else len += strlen(fileName) + 1;
char* path = new char[len];
sprintf(path, "%s%s%s\0", dir, SEPARATOR, fileName);
delete[] fname;
return path;
SecPwd::SecPwd(const char *dir, const char* fileName,
const char* activeFileName,
const char* serverName) throw (SecurityException)
: m_sec(NULL), certFile(NULL), activeCertFile(NULL)
char* dir_from_env = NULL;
char certDir[MAX_SQL_IDENTIFIER_LEN + 1];
if (serverName == NULL)
throw SecurityException (INPUT_PARAMETER_IS_NULL, " - serverName.");
dir = (dir != NULL) ? dir : getenv("HOME");
if (dir == NULL)
//Check HOMEDRIVE (or HOMEDRIVE + HOMEPATH ) for interix
char *hmdrive=getenv("HOMEDRIVE");
char *hmpath=getenv("HOMEPATH");
if (hmdrive != NULL && hmpath != NULL)
// Fix solution #10-090803-8661
dir_from_env = new char[strlen(hmdrive) + strlen(hmpath) + 1];
sprintf((char *)dir_from_env, "%s%s\0", hmdrive, hmpath);
throw SecurityException (HOME_ENVIRONMENT_VAR_IS_NULL, NULL);
TrimLeft((char *)dir);
TrimRight((char *)dir);
if(dir != NULL)
strncpy(certDir, dir, sizeof(certDir));
strncpy(certDir, dir_from_env, sizeof(certDir));
certDir[sizeof(certDir) -1] = '\0';
delete[] dir_from_env;
struct stat st;
if(stat(certDir,&st) != 0)
throw SecurityException(DIR_NOTFOUND, (char *)certDir);
certFile = buildName(certDir, fileName, serverName, CER);
activeCertFile = buildName(certDir, activeFileName, serverName, ACTIVE_CER);
// If activeCertFile does not exist and certFile exist, create activeCertFile
// by from copying certFile to activeCertFile
struct stat certStats;
struct stat aCertStats;
if ( (stat(certFile, &certStats) == 0 ) &&
(stat(activeCertFile, &aCertStats) != 0 ))
copyFile(certFile, activeCertFile);
void SecPwd::openCertificate() throw (SecurityException)
if(m_sec != NULL)
delete m_sec;
m_sec = NULL;
m_sec = new Security(activeCertFile);
delete certFile;
delete activeCertFile;
if(m_sec != NULL)
delete m_sec;
m_sec = NULL;
void SecPwd::encryptPwd(const char *pwd, const int pwdLen,
const char *rolename, const int rolenameLen,
const char *procInfo, const int procInfoLen,
char *pwdkey, int *pwdkeyLen)
throw (SecurityException)
// rolename is optional so can be NULL
if (!pwd)
throw SecurityException(INPUT_PARAMETER_IS_NULL, " - pwd.");
if (!pwdkey)
throw SecurityException(INPUT_PARAMETER_IS_NULL, " - pwdkey.");
if (!procInfo)
throw SecurityException(INPUT_PARAMETER_IS_NULL, " - procInfo.");
if (*pwdkeyLen != m_sec->getPwdEBufferLen())
throw SecurityException(BAD_PWDKEY_LENGTH, NULL);
// If Little Endian, swap the 2 cpu bytes and the 2 pin bytes of the PprocInfo
if (!m_sec->getLittleEndian())
ProcInfo *pI = (ProcInfo *) procInfo;
ProcInfo *pInfo = new ProcInfo;
pInfo->cpu = swapByteOrderOfS((unsigned int)pI->cpu);
pInfo->pin = swapByteOrderOfS((unsigned int)pI->pin);
// memcpy((char*)pInfo->seg_name, (char *)pI->seg_name, sizeof(pInfo->seg_name));
pInfo->timestamp = (long long)swapByteOrderOfLL((unsigned long long)pI->timestamp);
m_sec->encryptPwd(pwd, pwdLen, rolename, rolenameLen,
(char *)pInfo, procInfoLen, pwdkey, pwdkeyLen);
delete pInfo;
m_sec->encryptPwd(pwd, pwdLen, rolename, rolenameLen,
procInfo, procInfoLen, pwdkey, pwdkeyLen);
int SecPwd::getPwdEBufferLen() throw (SecurityException)
return (m_sec->getPwdEBufferLen());
unsigned char* SecPwd::getCertExpDate()
return m_sec->getCertExpDate();
void SecPwd::switchCertificate(char* content, int len)
throw (SecurityException)
FILE *out = fopen(activeCertFile, "w");
if ( out == NULL )
throw SecurityException(ERR_WRITE_CERT_FILE, activeCertFile);
int bwrite = fwrite(content, 1, len, out);
if ( bwrite != len )
throw SecurityException(ERR_WRITE_CERT_FILE, activeCertFile);
if(m_sec != NULL)
delete m_sec;
m_sec = NULL;
m_sec = new Security(activeCertFile);
int SecPwd::switchCertificate() throw (SecurityException)
// If same name, then no point trying to switch.
if (strcmp(certFile, activeCertFile) == 0) return 1;
struct stat inFileStats;
struct stat outFileStats;
int retVal = 0;
if ( stat(certFile, &inFileStats) == 0 )
if ( stat(activeCertFile, &outFileStats) == 0 )
// if both files exist and they differ, then copy
if ( inFileStats.st_size != outFileStats.st_size ||
compareFile(activeCertFile, certFile) )
copyFile(certFile, activeCertFile);
// file with same content, don't switch.
retVal = 1;
// activeCertFile doesn't exist, copy from certFile
copyFile(certFile, activeCertFile);
else retVal = 1;
if ( retVal == 0 )
delete m_sec;
m_sec = new Security(activeCertFile);
return retVal;
char* SecPwd::getCertFile()
return certFile;
char* SecPwd::getActiveCertFile()
return activeCertFile;