blob: 2978e128174ed907f7c2aff6b0f46a78f2c913ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
// DSNConverter.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "DSNConverter.h"
#include "OdbcDS.h"
const int g_verNameLen = 25;
const char g_versions[][g_verNameLen] = {"NonStop ODBC/MX",
"NonStop ODBC/MX 1.8",
"NonStop ODBC/MX 2.0"};
const int g_versionCnt = sizeof(g_versions) / g_verNameLen;
DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved
switch (ul_reason_for_call)
return TRUE;
// IsDriverInstalled
// Description:
// Checks if a particular driver is installed.
// Params:
// DrvName: Name of driver to find.
// Message: Pointer to a previously allocated buffer. No boundary checks are
// performed on this buffer.
// Returns:
// TRUE is at least one data source was found. FALSE is returned in an error
// occurs with Message containing error information.
BOOL IsDriverInstalled(const char* DrvName, char* Message)
if (DrvName == NULL || Message == NULL)
return FALSE;
COdbcDS OdbcDS;
return OdbcDS.IsDrvrInstalled(DrvName, Message);
// FindADSNbyVersion
// Description:
// Checks if any data sources are associated with a particular driver.
// Params:
// DrvName: Name of the driver associated with any existing data sources.
// Message: Pointer to a previously allocated buffer. No boundary checks are
// performed on this buffer.
// Returns:
// TRUE is at least one data source was found. FALSE is returned in an error
// occurs with Message containing error information.
BOOL FindADSNbyVersion(const char* DrvName, char* Message)
if (DrvName == NULL || Message == NULL)
return FALSE;
COdbcDS OdbcDS;
return OdbcDS.FindDSNByVersion(DrvName, Message);
// FindAllDSNbyVersion
// Description:
// Checks if any data sources are associated with a previous version of an
// ODBC/MX driver.
// Params:
// DrvName: Name of driver of which previous versions will be found.
// Message: Pointer to a previously allocated buffer. No boundary checks are
// performed on this buffer.
// Returns:
// TRUE is at least one data source was found. FALSE is returned if the
// driver name specified in DrvName is not found in the known list of
// driver versions. If an error occurs, Message will contain error
// information.
BOOL FindAllDSNbyVersion(const char* DrvName, char* Message)
if (DrvName == NULL || Message == NULL)
return FALSE;
COdbcDS OdbcDS;
BOOL bFound = FALSE;
int verIndex = -1;
// Find the driver name in the list
for (int i = 0; i < g_versionCnt && verIndex == -1; i++)
if (strcmp(g_versions[i], DrvName) == 0)
verIndex = i;
// Check to see if the driver version was not found.
if (verIndex == -1)
return FALSE;
// Loop through all known previous versions
for (i = 0; i < verIndex && !bFound; i++)
bFound = OdbcDS.FindDSNByVersion(g_versions[i], Message);
return bFound;
// MigrateDS
// Description:
// Migrates all data sources associated with one version of an ODBC/MX driver
// to another version.
// Params:
// oldDrvrName: Name of driver to update.
// newDrvrName: Name of driver to which data sources will be migrated.
// Message: Pointer to a previously allocated buffer. No boundary checks are
// performed on this buffer.
// Returns:
// TRUE the migration was successful. If an error occured, FALSE is returned
// and Message will contain error information.
BOOL MigrateDS(const char* oldDrvName, const char* newDrvName, char* Message)
if (oldDrvName == NULL || newDrvName == NULL || Message == NULL)
return FALSE;
COdbcDS OdbcDS;
char* msg = NULL;
msg = OdbcDS.Convert(oldDrvName, newDrvName);
if (msg == NULL)
return true;
strcpy(Message, msg);
return false;
// MigrateAllDS
// Description:
// Migrates all data sources associated with all previous versions of an
// ODBC/MX driver to another version.
// Params:
// DrvrName: Name of driver to which all data sources will be migrated.
// Message: Pointer to a previously allocated buffer. No boundary checks are
// performed on this buffer.
// Returns:
// TRUE the migration was successful. If an error occured, FALSE is returned
// and Message will contain error information.
BOOL MigrateAllDS(const char* DrvName, char* Message)
if (DrvName == NULL || Message == NULL)
return FALSE;
int verIndex = -1;
// Initialize Message since we'll be checking it later.
*Message = '\0';
// Find the driver name in the list
for (int i = 0; i < g_versionCnt && verIndex == -1; i++)
if (strcmp(g_versions[i], DrvName) == 0)
verIndex = i;
// Check to see if the driver version was not found.
if (verIndex == -1)
strcpy(Message, "The driver was not found.");
return FALSE;
// Loop through all known previous versions
for (i = 0; i < verIndex; i++)
if (FindADSNbyVersion(g_versions[i], Message))
MigrateDS(g_versions[i], DrvName, Message);
// Check for potential error conditions.
if (strlen(Message) > 0)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;