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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: QCache.h
* Description:
* Created: 07/31/2000
* Language: C++
#include "Collections.h"
#include "NAString.h"
#include "ItemColRef.h"
#include "BindWA.h"
#include "DefaultConstants.h"
#include "CmpMessage.h"
#include "ComSysUtils.h"
#include "Generator.h"
#include "CmpMain.h"
#include "QueryCacheSt.h"
class Key;
class CacheKey;
class TextKey;
class CData;
class CacheData;
class TextData;
struct KeyDataPair;
class CompilerEnv;
struct CacheEntry;
class NAType;
class QueryCache;
class ConstantParameter;
class ConstantParameters;
class SelParameters;
class HQCParseKey;
class HQCCacheKey;
class HQCCacheEntry;
class HQCCacheData;
#define QCache CmpQCache
typedef NAArray<CacheEntry*> TextPtrArray;
typedef NAHashDictionary<CacheKey,CacheEntry> CacheHashTbl;
typedef NAHashDictionaryIterator<CacheKey,CacheEntry> CacheHashTblIterator;
typedef NAHashDictionary<TextKey,CacheEntry> TextHashTbl;
typedef NAHashDictionary<HQCCacheKey, HQCCacheData> HQCHashTbl; //hash table for Hybrid Query Cache
typedef NAHashDictionaryIterator<HQCCacheKey, HQCCacheData> HQCHashTblItor; //hash table Iterator for Hybrid Query Cache
typedef NAHeap NABoundedHeap;
typedef CacheData* CacheDataPtr;
typedef CacheEntry* CacheEntryPtr;
typedef TextData* TextDataPtr;
#define AM_AN_MPALIAS_QUERY " AmAnMpAliasQ "
ULng32 getDefaultInK(const Int32& key);
class CQDefault : public NABasicObject {
friend class CQDefaultSet;
friend class CompilerEnv;
NAString attr; // a control query default attribute
NAString value;// a CQD value
// constructor
CQDefault(const NAString& a, const NAString& v, NAHeap *h)
: attr(a,h), value(v,h) {}
// copy constructor
CQDefault(const CQDefault& s, NAHeap* h)
: attr(s.attr,h), value(s.value,h) {}
// destructor
virtual ~CQDefault() {} // implicitly calls data members' destructors
// equality comparison used by CompilerEnv::isEqual
NABoolean isEqual(const CQDefault &o) const
{ return attr == o.attr && value == o.value; }
// return byte size of this CQDefault
ULng32 getByteSize() const
{ return sizeof(*this) +
attr.getAllocatedSize() + value.getAllocatedSize(); }
typedef CQDefault* CQDefPtr;
class CQDefaultSet : public NABasicObject {
friend class CompilerEnv;
CQDefPtr* CQDarray; // array of pointers to control query default settings
Int32 nEntries; // number of elements in CQDarray
Int32 arrSiz; // allocated size of CQDarray
NAHeap* heap; // heap used to allocate CQD settings
// constructor for control query default settings
CQDefaultSet(Int32 n, NAHeap *h);
// constructor for control query default settings
CQDefaultSet(const CQDefaultSet& s, NAHeap* h);
// destructor frees all control query default settings
virtual ~CQDefaultSet();
// add a control query default to CQDarray
void addCQD(CQDefPtr cqd);
// return byte size of this CQDefaultSet
ULng32 getByteSize() const;
// comparison method for sorting & searching CQDarray
static Int32 Compare(const void *d1, const void *d2);
class CtrlTblOpt : public NABasicObject {
friend class CtrlTblSet;
friend class CompilerEnv;
NAString tblNam; // table name or '*'
NAString attr; // a control table attribute
NAString value; // a control table setting
// constructor
CtrlTblOpt(const NAString& t, const NAString& a, const NAString& v,
NAHeap *h) : tblNam(t,h), attr(a,h), value(v,h) {}
// copy constructor
CtrlTblOpt(const CtrlTblOpt& s, NAHeap* h)
: tblNam(s.tblNam,h), attr(s.attr,h), value(s.value,h) {}
// destructor
virtual ~CtrlTblOpt() {} // implicitly calls data members' destructors
// equality comparison used by CompilerEnv::isEqual
NABoolean isEqual(const CtrlTblOpt &o) const
{ return tblNam == o.tblNam && attr == o.attr && value == o.value; }
// return byte size of this CtrlTblOpt
ULng32 getByteSize() const
{ return sizeof(*this) + tblNam.getAllocatedSize() +
attr.getAllocatedSize() + value.getAllocatedSize();
typedef CtrlTblOpt* CtrlTblPtr;
class CtrlTblSet : public NABasicObject {
friend class CompilerEnv;
CtrlTblPtr* CTarray; // array of pointers to control table settings
Int32 nEntries; // number of elements in CTarray
Int32 arrSiz; // allocated size of CTarray
NAHeap* heap; // heap used to allocate control table settings
// constructor for control table settings
CtrlTblSet(Int32 n, NAHeap *h);
// copy constructor for control table settings
CtrlTblSet(const CtrlTblSet& s, NAHeap *h);
// destructor frees all control table settings
virtual ~CtrlTblSet();
// add a control table setting to CTarray
void addCT(CtrlTblPtr ct);
// return byte size of this CtrlTblSet
ULng32 getByteSize() const;
// comparison method for sorting & searching CTarray
static Int32 Compare(const void *t1, const void *t2);
// CompilerEnv represents changes to the query compiler's environment that
// can affect query plan quality and correctness. These include:
// 1) optimization level and other "important" control query defaults
// 2) control table settings
// 3) query statement attributes
// 4) sql parser flags
// We don't represent set defines and set envvars as part of CompilerEnv
// because
// 1) set define cannot change during the lifetime of an mxcmp -- you
// have to kill and restart mxcmp for a new set define to stick
// 2) set envvar is undocumented and should never be used by customers.
class CompilerEnv : public NABasicObject {
// constructor captures query compiler environment for current query
CompilerEnv(NAHeap *h, CmpPhase phase, const QryStmtAttributeSet& attrs);
// copy constructor transfers memory ownership to heap h
CompilerEnv(const CompilerEnv &s, NAHeap *h);
// free our allocated memory
virtual ~CompilerEnv();
// return byte size of this CompilerEnv
ULng32 getSize() const;
// returns TRUE if cached plan's environment is better or as good as other's
NABoolean isEqual(const CompilerEnv &other, CmpPhase phase) const;
// compute hash address of this CompilerEnv
ULng32 hashKey() const;
// am I safe to hash?
NABoolean amSafeToHash() const;
enum OptLevel {
// convert DefaultToken optimization level into OptLevel
static OptLevel defToken2OptLevel(DefaultToken tok);
Int32 getOptLvl() const { return optLvl_; }
const char *getCatalog() const { return; }
const char *getSchema() const { return; }
OptLevel optLvl_;
NAString cat_; // catalog name
NAString schema_; // schema name
CQDefaultSet *CQDset_; // control query default settings
CtrlTblSet *CTset_; // control table settings
NAHeap *heap_; // heap to use for memory allocations
TransMode *tmode_; // NULL or context-wide TransMode for preparser entry
QryStmtAttributeSet attrs_; // has statement attributes & sqlParserFlags
// used by regress/MVS/TESTMV700. 2 queries that differ in their context
// sqlParserFlags must have 2 cache entries.
// Set compiler environment's optimization level
void setOptimizationLevel(DefaultToken optLvl);
Int32 CQDcnt() const { return CQDset_ ? CQDset_->nEntries : 0; }
Int32 CTcnt() const { return CTset_ ? CTset_->nEntries : 0; }
// ParameterTypeList is used to represent the type signature of a cache entry
class ParameterTypeList : public LIST(ParamType)
// create type list from ConstantParameters
ParameterTypeList(ConstantParameters *p, NAHeap *h);
// return a copy of list s using heap h
ParameterTypeList(const ParameterTypeList& s, NAHeap *h);
// free our allocated memory
virtual ~ParameterTypeList();
// return our contribution to CacheKey::hashKey
ULng32 hashKey() const;
NABoolean amSafeToHash() const;
// return our contribution to CacheKey::getSize & CacheData::getSize
ULng32 getSize() const;
// return true if two ParameterTypeLists are equal
NABoolean operator==(const ParameterTypeList& other) const;
// deposit parameter types string form into parameterTypes
void depositParameterTypes(NAString*) const;
NAHeap *heap_; // NULL or heap used for this class
// SelParamTypeList is used to represent the type signature of a cache entry
class SelParamTypeList : public LIST(SelParamType) {
// create type list from SelParameters
SelParamTypeList(SelParameters *p, NAHeap *h);
// return a copy of list s using heap h
SelParamTypeList(const SelParamTypeList& s, NAHeap *h);
// free our allocated memory
virtual ~SelParamTypeList();
// return our contribution to CacheKey::hashKey
ULng32 hashKey() const;
NABoolean amSafeToHash() const;
// return our contribution to CacheKey::getSize & CacheData::getSize
ULng32 getSize() const;
// return true if two SelParamTypeLists are equal on both types
// and selectivities
NABoolean operator==(const SelParamTypeList& other) const;
// This compares param's types only
NABoolean compareParamTypes(const SelParamTypeList& other) const;
// This compares param's selectivities only
NABoolean compareSelectivities(const SelParamTypeList& other) const;
// deposit parameter types string form into parameterTypes
void depositParameterTypes(NAString*) const;
NAHeap *heap_; // NULL or heap used for this class
// Key is the base class for CacheKey and TextKey
class Key : public NABasicObject {
// Constructor
Key(CmpPhase phase, CompilerEnv* e, NAHeap *h);
// copy constructor
Key(const Key &s, NAHeap *h);
// Destructor
virtual ~Key();
// return hash value of a Key
ULng32 hashKey() const;
// am I safe to hash?
NABoolean amSafeToHash() const;
// equality operator
NABoolean isEqual(const Key &other) const;
// identify myself
virtual KeyType am() = 0;
ULng32 hash() const {return hashKey(); }
// accessors
CmpPhase getCmpPhase() const { return phase_; }
Int32 getOptLvl() const;
const char *getCatalog() const;
const char *getSchema() const;
NAHeap* heap() const { return heap_; }
CompilerEnv* env() const { return env_; }
virtual Int32 getNofParameters() const { return 0; }
virtual const char *getParameterTypes(NAString*) const { return ""; }
virtual const char *getReqdShape() const { return ""; }
virtual TransMode::IsolationLevel getIsoLvl()
{ return TransMode::IL_NOT_SPECIFIED_; }
virtual TransMode::AccessMode getAccessMode()
{ return TransMode::AM_NOT_SPECIFIED_; }
virtual TransMode::IsolationLevel getIsoLvlForUpdates()
{ return TransMode::IL_NOT_SPECIFIED_; }
virtual TransMode::AutoCommit getAutoCommit()
{ return TransMode::AC_NOT_SPECIFIED_; }
virtual Int16 getFlags() { return 0; }
virtual TransMode::RollbackMode getRollbackMode()
// return byte size of this Key
virtual ULng32 getSize() const;
// key has several components
CmpPhase phase_; // enum CompilerPhase
CompilerEnv *env_; // compiler environment
NAHeap *heap_; // heap used by stmt_
struct HQCDParamPair
HQCDParamPair(NAString & ori, NAString & nor)
: original_(ori), normalized_(nor)
HQCDParamPair(const char* cori, const char* cnor)
: original_(cori), normalized_(cnor)
NAString original_;
NAString normalized_;
class hqcTerm : public NABasicObject {
virtual NABoolean isLookupHistRequired() const = 0;
struct HistIntRangeForHQC
HistIntRangeForHQC(const EncodedValue & hiBound, const EncodedValue & loBound, NABoolean hiinc, NABoolean loinc, NAHeap* h)
: hiBound_(hiBound, h)
, loBound_(loBound, h)
, hiInclusive_(hiinc)
, loInclusive_(loinc)
HistIntRangeForHQC(HistIntRangeForHQC& other, NAHeap* h)
: hiBound_(other.hiBound_, h)
, loBound_(other.loBound_, h)
, hiInclusive_(other.hiInclusive_)
, loInclusive_(other.loInclusive_)
//if this range contains a specific EncodedValue
NABoolean constains(const EncodedValue & value) const;
EncodedValue hiBound_;
EncodedValue loBound_;
NABoolean hiInclusive_;
NABoolean loInclusive_;
class hqcConstant : public hqcTerm {
enum Flags {
hqcConstant(ConstValue* cv, Int32 index, NAHeap* h);
hqcConstant(const hqcConstant & other, NAHeap* h);
virtual NABoolean isLookupHistRequired() const { return flags_ & IS_LOOKUP_HISTOGRAM_REQUIRED; }
void setIsLookupHistRequired( NABoolean b ) { b ? flags_ |= IS_LOOKUP_HISTOGRAM_REQUIRED : flags_ &= ~IS_LOOKUP_HISTOGRAM_REQUIRED; }
ConstValue* & getConstValue(){ return constValue_; }
Int32 & getIndex() { return index_; }
HistIntRangeForHQC * getRange() { return histRange_; }
void addRange(const EncodedValue & hiBound, const EncodedValue & loBound, NABoolean hiinc, NABoolean loinc);
NABoolean isApproximatelyEqualTo(hqcConstant & other) ;
void setIsParameterized(NABoolean b)
b ? flags_ |= IS_PARAMETERIZED : flags_ &= ~IS_PARAMETERIZED;
NABoolean isParameterized() const { return flags_ & IS_PARAMETERIZED; }
void setProcessed() { flags_ |= IS_PROCESSED; }
NABoolean isProcessed() const { return flags_ & IS_PROCESSED; }
const NAType* getSQCType() const { return SQCType_; }
void setSQCType(NAType* t) { SQCType_ = t; }
ConstValue * getBinderRetConstVal() const
{ return binderRetConstVal_; }
void setBinderRetConstVal(ConstValue * v)
{ binderRetConstVal_ = v; }
ConstValue* constValue_;
//binder returned ConstValue
ConstValue* binderRetConstVal_;
NAType *SQCType_; //normalized type;
HistIntRangeForHQC * histRange_;
Int32 index_;
NAHeap* heap_;
UInt32 flags_;
//disable assignment operator
hqcConstant & operator=(const hqcConstant & other);
//disable standard copy constructor
hqcConstant(const hqcConstant & other);
class hqcDynParam : public hqcTerm {
hqcDynParam(DynamicParam* dm, Int32 idx, const NAString& normalizedName, const NAString& originalName)
: dynParam_(dm)
, normalizedName_(normalizedName)
, originalName_(originalName)
, index_(idx)
hqcDynParam(const hqcDynParam & other)
: dynParam_(other.dynParam_)
, normalizedName_(
, originalName_(
, index_(other.index_)
virtual NABoolean isLookupHistRequired() const { return FALSE; }
DynamicParam* & getDynParam() { return dynParam_;}
NAString & getNormalizedName() { return normalizedName_;}
NAString & getOriginalName() { return originalName_;}
Int32 & getIndex() {return index_;}
DynamicParam* dynParam_;
NAString normalizedName_;
NAString originalName_;
Int32 index_;
class HQCParams : public NABasicObject
HQCParams (NAHeap* h);
// copy constructor
HQCParams (const HQCParams & other, NAHeap* h);
~HQCParams ();
const NAList <hqcConstant*> & getConstantList() const { return ConstantList_;}
NAList <hqcConstant*> & getConstantList() { return ConstantList_;}
const NAList <hqcDynParam*> & getDynParamList() const { return DynParamList_;}
NAList <hqcDynParam*> & getDynParamList() { return DynParamList_;}
const NAList <NAString> & getNPLiterals() const { return NPLiterals_;}
NAList <NAString> & getNPLiterals() { return NPLiterals_; }
const NAList <hqcConstant* > * getTmpList() const { return tmpList_;}
NAList <hqcConstant* > * getTmpList() { return tmpList_; }
// Compare whether each constant in this falls within the correspoinding
// histogram interval boundaries specified in other.
NABoolean isApproximatelyEqualTo(HQCParams& other) ;
NAHeap *heap_;
NAList <hqcConstant * > ConstantList_;
NAList <hqcDynParam * > DynParamList_;
NAList <NAString> NPLiterals_;
NAList <hqcConstant* > * tmpList_;
//disable operator= for this class
HQCParams & operator=(const HQCParams & other);
//disable standard copy constructor
HQCParams (const HQCParams & other);
// the HQC key that is stored in the HQC cache
class HQCCacheKey : public Key
HQCCacheKey (CompilerEnv* e, NAHeap* h);
HQCCacheKey(const HQCParseKey & hkey, NAHeap* h);
//copy constructor
HQCCacheKey(const HQCCacheKey & other, NAHeap* h)
: Key(other, h)
, keyText_(, h)
, reqdShape_(other.reqdShape_, h)
, numConsts_(other.numConsts_)
, numDynParams_(other.numDynParams_)
~HQCCacheKey() {}
const char* getText() const {return; }
NAString& getKey() {return keyText_;}
ULng32 hashKey() const
ULng32 hval = Key::hashKey() + keyText_.hash();
return hval;
// only compare the parent class and the keyText_.
virtual NABoolean operator==(const HQCCacheKey &other) const ;
//identify as HYBRIDKEY
virtual KeyType am() { return HYBRIDKEY; }
virtual const char *getReqdShape() const { return; }
Int32 getNumConsts() const { return numConsts_; }
NAString keyText_;
NAString reqdShape_; // control query shape or empty string
// number of constants,
// its value valid only in a compile cycle,
//not valid in static senario, i.e. one HQCCacheKey maps to multiple HQCCacheEntry in hashtable
Int32 numConsts_;
Int32 numDynParams_; // number of dynamic parameters
//disable standard copy constructor
HQCCacheKey(const HQCCacheKey& other);
//disable operator=() for this class
HQCCacheKey & operator=(const HQCCacheKey & other);
// HQC key that is used during binding to decide on HQC cacheability
class HQCParseKey : public HQCCacheKey
HQCParseKey(CompilerEnv* e, NAHeap* h);
//copy constructor
HQCParseKey(const HQCParseKey& other, NAHeap* h)
: HQCCacheKey(other, h)
, params_ (other.params_, h)
, isCacheable_ (other.isCacheable_)
, nOfTokens_(other.nOfTokens_)
, isStringNormalized_(other.isStringNormalized_)
, paramStart_(other.paramStart_)
, HQCDynParamMap_(other.HQCDynParamMap_, h)
~HQCParseKey() {}
const HQCParams & getParams () const { return params_; };
HQCParams & getParams() { return params_; }
// Compare whether each constant in this falls within the correspoinding
// histogram interval boundaries specified in other.
NABoolean isApproximatelyEqualTo(const HQCParseKey& other) const;
NABoolean isCacheable() const { return isCacheable_;}
void setIsCacheable(NABoolean b) { isCacheable_ = b;}
void verifyCacheability(CacheKey* ckey);
void addTokenToNormalizedString(Int32 & tokCod);
inline NAString & getNormalizedQueryString()
return keyText_;
isStringNormalized_ = TRUE;
return keyText_;
void collectItem4HQC(ItemExpr* itm);
void collectBinderRetConstVal4HQC(ConstValue* origin, ConstValue* after);
void bindConstant2SQC(BaseColumn* base, ConstantParameter* cParameter, LIST(Int32)& hqcConstPos);
void FixupForUnaryNegate(BiArith* itm);
HQCParams params_;
LIST(HQCDParamPair) HQCDynParamMap_;
NABoolean isCacheable_;
Lng32 nOfTokens_;
NABoolean isStringNormalized_;
Int32 paramStart_;
//disable standard copy constructor
HQCParseKey(const HQCParseKey& other);
// HQC individual values stored with an HQC key. A given HQC key
// can be associated with a list of values
class HQCCacheEntry : public NABasicObject
HQCCacheEntry (NAHeap* h);
HQCCacheEntry (const HQCParams& params, CacheKey* sqcCacheKey, NAHeap* h);
//copy constructor
HQCCacheEntry(const HQCCacheEntry& other, NAHeap* h)
: heap_(h)
, params_(other.params_ ? new (h) HQCParams (*(other.params_), h) : NULL)
, sqcCacheKey_(other.sqcCacheKey_)
, numHits_(other.numHits_)
virtual ~HQCCacheEntry();
void incrementNumHits() { numHits_++; }
Int32 getNumHits() const { return numHits_; }
HQCParams* getParams () const { return params_; }
CacheKey* getSQCKey() const { return sqcCacheKey_; }
// only compare the parent class and the keyText_.
virtual NABoolean operator==(const HQCCacheEntry &other) const ;
NAHeap *heap_;
HQCParams *params_;
CacheKey *sqcCacheKey_;
Int32 numHits_;
//disable standard copy constructor
HQCCacheEntry(const HQCCacheEntry& other);
// HQC list of values that is stored in HQC with every HQC key
class HQCCacheData : public LIST (HQCCacheEntry*)
HQCCacheData (NAHeap* h, CollIndex maxEntries=5)
: LIST(HQCCacheEntry*) (h)
, heap_(h)
, maxEntries_ (maxEntries)
HQCCacheData (const HQCCacheData &otherList , NAHeap* h)
: LIST(HQCCacheEntry*)(otherList, h)
, heap_(h)
, maxEntries_(otherList.maxEntries_)
~HQCCacheData () {}
NABoolean isFull () { return (maxEntries_ == entries ()); }
NABoolean addOrReplace ();
CacheKey* findMatchingSQCKey (HQCParams& param);
NABoolean removeEntry (CacheKey* sqcCacheKey);
NAHeap* heap_;
Int32 maxEntries_;
//disable standard copy constructor
HQCCacheData (const HQCCacheData &otherList);
class HybridQCache : public NABasicObject
HybridQCache(QueryCache & qc, ULng32 nOfBuckets);
//this method and above should be called in pair.
NABoolean addEntry(HQCParseKey* hkey, CacheKey* ckey);
NABoolean lookUp(HQCParseKey * hkey, CacheKey* & ckey);
NABoolean delEntryWithCacheKey(CacheKey* key);
void clear();
ostream* getHQCLogFile() { return HQCLogFile_; };
void initLogging();
void invalidateLogging();
HybridQCache* resizeCache(ULng32 numBuckets);
void setMaxEntries(ULng32 v) { maxValuesPerKey_ = v; }
ULng32 getMaxEntriesPerKey() const { return maxValuesPerKey_; }
ULng32 getNumBuckets() const { return hashTbl_->getNumBuckets(); }
ULng32 getEntries() const { return hashTbl_->entries(); }
ULng32 getNumSQCKeys() const;
//return a iterator pointing to begin.
HQCHashTblItor begin() { HQCHashTblItor iterator(*hashTbl_); return iterator; }
NABoolean isPlanNoAQROrHiveAccess() const { return planNoAQROrHiveAccess_; }
void setPlanNoAQROrHiveAccess( NABoolean b ) { planNoAQROrHiveAccess_ = b; }
HQCParseKey * getCurrKey() const { return currentKey_; }
void setCurrKey( HQCParseKey* key ) { currentKey_ = key; }
void collectBinderRetConstVal4HQC(ConstValue* origin, ConstValue* after)
{ if ( currentKey_ ) currentKey_->collectBinderRetConstVal4HQC(origin, after); }
QueryCache & querycache_;
NAHeap* heap_;
HQCHashTbl* hashTbl_;
ULng32 maxValuesPerKey_;
HQCParseKey * currentKey_;
ofstream* HQCLogFile_;
//if the plan is found in cache but AQR disabled, or accessing Hive
//set true, do not use the plan and do not lookup cache after bind,
//and do not add to cache again
NABoolean planNoAQROrHiveAccess_;
HybridQCache(const HybridQCache & other);
HybridQCache & operator=(const HybridQCache & other);
//remove a <HQCCacheKey*, HQCCacheData*> pair
//in HQC hash table.
void deCache(HQCCacheKey * hkey)
{ //hkey must point to internal HQCParseKey
NADELETE(hkey, HQCCacheKey, heap_);
struct HybridQueryCacheStats {
ULng32 nHKeys;
ULng32 nSKeys;
ULng32 nMaxValuesPerKey;
ULng32 nHashTableBuckets;
struct HybridQueryCacheDetails
Int64 planId;
NAString hkeyTxt;
NAString skeyTxt;
ULng32 nHits;
ULng32 nOfPConst;
NAString PConst;
ULng32 nOfNPConst;
NAString NPConst;
// CacheKey is the key used for searching the "after parser" & "after binder"
// stages of the cache.
class CacheKey : public Key {
// Constructor
CacheKey(NAString &stmt, CmpPhase phase, CompilerEnv* e,
const ParameterTypeList& p,
const SelParamTypeList& s, NAHeap *h, NAString &cqs,
TransMode::IsolationLevel l, TransMode::AccessMode m,
TransMode::IsolationLevel lForUpdates,
TransMode::AutoCommit a, Int16 f, TransMode::RollbackMode r,
LIST(NATable*) &tables, NABoolean useView);
// copy constructor
CacheKey(CacheKey &s, NAHeap *h);
// Destructor
virtual ~CacheKey();
// identify myself
virtual KeyType am() { return CACHEKEY; };
// return hash value of a CacheKey
ULng32 hashKey() const;
// am I safe to hash?
NABoolean amSafeToHash() const;
// equality operator
NABoolean operator ==(const CacheKey &other) const;
// is string s found in stmt_?
NABoolean contains(const NAString& s) const { return stmt_.contains(s); }
NABoolean contains(const char *s) const { return stmt_.contains(s); }
// accessors
NABoolean useView() const { return useView_; }
virtual const char *getReqdShape() const { return; }
const char *getText() const { return; }
virtual Int32 getNofParameters() const
{ return Int32(actuals_.entries()+sels_.entries()); }
virtual const char *getParameterTypes(NAString*) const;
// return byte size of this CacheKey
virtual ULng32 getSize() const;
virtual TransMode::IsolationLevel getIsoLvl() { return isoLvl_; }
virtual TransMode::AccessMode getAccessMode() { return accMode_; }
virtual TransMode::IsolationLevel getIsoLvlForUpdates() { return isoLvlIDU_; }
virtual TransMode::AutoCommit getAutoCommit() { return autoCmt_; }
virtual Int16 getFlags() { return flags_; }
virtual TransMode::RollbackMode getRollbackMode() { return rbackMode_; }
// mutate function
void setCompareSelectivity(NABoolean x) { compareSelectivity_ = x; };
// update referenced tables' histograms' timestamps
void updateStatsTimes( LIST(NATable*) &tables );
void setPlanId(Int64 id) { planId_ = id; }
Int64 getPlanId() const { return planId_; }
// key has several components
NAString stmt_; // normalized query statement text
ParameterTypeList actuals_; // list of Constant Parameter types
SelParamTypeList sels_; // list of SelParameter types
NAString reqdShape_; // control query shape or empty string
TransMode::IsolationLevel isoLvl_; // tx isolation level
TransMode::AccessMode accMode_; // tx access mode
TransMode::IsolationLevel isoLvlIDU_; // tx isolation level for updates
TransMode::AutoCommit autoCmt_; // tx auto-commit
Int16 flags_; // tx flags
TransMode::RollbackMode rbackMode_;// tx rollback mode
NABoolean compareSelectivity_; // whether to compare the selectivity
// for sels_
// list of referenced tables' histograms' timestamp
// used for "passive invalidation" of oached plans
LIST(Int64) updateStatsTime_;
NABoolean useView_;
// must be set to true for cacheable query that references a view.
// used to suppress text caching of such a query to avoid subverting
// revocation of privilege on referenced view(s).
//keep planId in SQC Cache key
//planID can serve as connection between HQC entries virtual table and SQC entries virtual table.
Int64 planId_;
// TextKey is the key used for searching the "pre parser" stage of the cache.
class TextKey : public Key {
// Constructor
TextKey(const char *sText, CompilerEnv* e, NAHeap *h, Lng32 cSet);
// copy constructor
TextKey(TextKey &s, NAHeap *h);
// Destructor
virtual ~TextKey();
// identify myself
virtual KeyType am() { return TEXTKEY; };
// return hash value of a TextKey
ULng32 hashKey() const;
// equality operator
NABoolean operator ==(const TextKey &other) const;
// accessors
const char *getText() const { return; }
// am I safe to hash?
NABoolean amSafeToHash() const;
// return byte size of this TextKey
virtual ULng32 getSize() const;
// key has one component
NAString sText_; // sql statement text for pre-parser cache lookups
Lng32 charset_; // character set of sql statement text
class Plan {
Plan(char* plan, ULng32 planLen, Int64 planId, NAHeap *h) :
plan_(plan), planL_(planLen), planId_(planId), heap_(h), refCount_(0),
visits_(0) {};
Plan(Generator* gen, Int64 planId, NAHeap *h) :
plan_((char*)gen), planL_(0), planId_(planId), heap_(h), refCount_(0),
visits_(0) {};
Plan(Plan& p, NAHeap* h);
if (planL_ > 0) NADELETEBASIC(plan_,heap_);
// how many times this plan is reused (shared) in the template cache.
// The ref. count is increased whenever the plan is shared by another
// and decreased when an entry is bumped out of the cache.
virtual Int32 getRefCount() { return refCount_; };
virtual void incRefCount() { refCount_++; };
virtual void decRefCount() { refCount_--; };
virtual Int64 getId() const { return planId_; }
virtual char *getPlan() const { return plan_; }
virtual ULng32 getPlanLen() const
{return (planL_ == 0) ? ((Generator *)plan_)->getFinalObjLength() : planL_;}
virtual NABoolean inGenerator() const { return planL_ == 0; }
// the total size of the Plan object plus the actual compiled plan
virtual ULng32 getSize() const { return getPlanLen() + sizeof(*this); };
Int32 getVisits() { return visits_; };
void visitOnce() { visits_++; };
void resetVisits() { visits_ = 0; };
char *plan_; // compiled query plan in packed form
ULng32 planL_; // byte length of plan_
Int64 planId_; // from Generator
NAHeap* heap_; // heap used by dynamic allocs
Int32 refCount_; // reference count
Int32 visits_; // # of visits. Used by QCache::canFit()
// CData is the base class for CacheData and TextData
class CData : public NABasicObject {
// Constructor
(NAHeap *h); // (IN) : heap to use for dynamic allocs
// copy constructor
(CData &s, // (IN) : assignment source
NAHeap *h); // (IN) : heap to use for copying s
// Destructor
virtual ~CData();
// accessors
virtual const char *getOrigStmt() const { return NULL; }
virtual Plan *getPlan() const { return NULL; }
ULng32 getHits() const { return hits_; }
NAHeap* heap() const { return heap_; }
ULng32 getCompTime() const { return (ULng32)compTime_; }
ULng32 getAvgHitTime() const
{ return hits_ ? (ULng32)(cumHitTime_/hits_) : 0; }
// mutators
void incHits() { hits_++; }
// tally hit time
virtual void addHitTime(TimeVal& begTime);
// compute this entry's compile time (in msec)
void setCompTime(TimeVal& begTime);
// return elapsed msec since begTime
static Int64 timeSince(TimeVal& begTime);
// return byte size of this CacheData
virtual ULng32 getSize() const { return 0; }
// data
NAHeap* heap_; // heap used by dynamic allocs
// usage
ULng32 hits_; // number of hits for this entry
Int64 compTime_; // msec to compile this entry
Int64 cumHitTime_;// cum. time of hits for this entry
class CacheData : public CData {
// Constructor
(Generator *plan, // (IN) : access to sql query's compiled plan
const ParameterTypeList& f,// (IN) : list of formal ParameterTypes
const SelParamTypeList& s, // (IN) : list of formal SelParamTypes
LIST(Int32) hqcListOfConstParamPos, // (IN) : list of positions of formal params
LIST(Int32) hqcListOfSelParamPos, // (IN) : list of positions of sel params
LIST(Int32) hqcListOfAllConstPos, // (IN) : list of positions of all params
Int64 planId, // (IN) : id from generator
const char *text, // (IN) : original sql statement text
Lng32 cs, // (IN) : character set of sql statement text
NAHeap *h); // (IN) : heap to use for formals_
// copy constructor
(CacheData &s, // (IN) : assignment source
NAHeap *h,
NABoolean copyPlan = TRUE
); // (IN) : heap to use for copying s
// Destructor
virtual ~CacheData();
// accessors
virtual Plan* getPlan() const { return plan_; }
virtual void setPlan(Plan* plan) { plan_ = plan; }
virtual const char *getOrigStmt() const { return origStmt_; }
// return byte size of this CacheData
virtual ULng32 getSize() const;
virtual const ParameterTypeList& getParamTypeList()
{ return formals_; }
// return byte size of this CacheData's preparser entries
ULng32 getSizeOfPreParserEntries() const;
// This function copies the contents in listOfConstantParameters into
// a field of the plan_ called parameterBuffer. To do this, it unpacks
// parameterBuffer and then generates and evals backpatch expression(s)
// to do the copy.
NABoolean backpatchParams
(const ConstantParameters &listOfConstantParameters,
const SelParameters& listOfSelParameters,
const LIST(Int32)& listOfConstParamPositionsInSql,
const LIST(Int32)& listOfSelParamPositionsInSql,
BindWA &bindWA, char* &params, ULng32 &paramSize);
// HQC backpatch
NABoolean backpatchParams
(LIST(hqcConstant *) &listOfConstantParameters,
LIST(hqcDynParam *) &listOfDynamicParameters,
BindWA &bindWA, char* &params, ULng32 &parameterBufferSize);
// copies actuals_ into this CacheData's plan_
NABoolean backpatchPreParserParams(char *actuals, ULng32 actLen);
// allocate and copy plan
void allocNcopyPlan(NAHeap *h, char **plan, ULng32 *pLen);
// add backpointer to given preparser cache entry
void addTextEntry(CacheEntry *entry);
// return array of backpointers to preparser entries
TextPtrArray& PreParserEntries() { return textentries_; }
// data
Plan *plan_; // compiled query plan
ParameterTypeList formals_; // list of ParameterTypes
SelParamTypeList fSels_; // list of SelParamTypes
LIST(Int32) hqcListOfConstParamPos_; // list of positions of formal params
LIST(Int32) hqcListOfSelParamPos_; // list of positions of sel params
LIST(Int32) hqcListOfConstPos_; // list of positions of all params
const char *origStmt_;// original sql text
Lng32 charset_; // character set of original sql text
TextPtrArray textentries_;
// back pointers to preparser instances of this postparser cache entry
// helper method to unpack parameter buffer part of plan_
NABoolean unpackParms(NABasicPtr &params, ULng32 &parmSz);
struct KeyDataPair {
Key *first_;
CData *second_;
KeyDataPair(Key* a, CData* b) : first_(a), second_(b) {}
KeyDataPair() : first_(NULL), second_(NULL) {}
struct CacheEntry : public NABasicObject {
CacheEntry *next_;
CacheEntry *prev_;
KeyDataPair data_;
CacheEntry() : next_(0), prev_(0), data_() {}
CacheEntry(const KeyDataPair& x) : next_(0), prev_(0), data_(x) {}
CacheEntry(Key *k, CData *d, CacheEntry *n, CacheEntry *p)
: next_(n), prev_(p), data_(k,d) {}
virtual ~CacheEntry() {}
// operator "==" is required by NAHashDictionary to avoid a compilation
// error but it never does a "data1==data2" comparison.
NABoolean operator==(const CacheEntry& other) const { return FALSE; }
class TextData : public CData {
// Constructor
(NAHeap *h, // (IN) : heap to use
char *p, // (IN) : actual parameters
ULng32 l, // (IN) : len of actual parameters
CacheEntry *e);// (IN) : postparser cache entry
// Destructor
virtual ~TextData();
// accessors
virtual const char *getOrigStmt() const
{ return PostParserEntry()->getOrigStmt(); }
virtual Plan *getPlan() const
{ return PostParserEntry()->getPlan(); }
CacheData *PostParserEntry() const
{ return (CacheData*)(entry_->data_.second_); }
CacheEntry *PostParserNode() const { return entry_; }
// return byte size of this TextData
virtual ULng32 getSize() const;
// copies the contents of actuals_ into a field of post parser entry's
// plan_ called parameterBuffer.
NABoolean backpatchParams();
// allocate and copy plan
void allocNcopyPlan(NAHeap *h, char **plan, ULng32 *pLen)
{ PostParserEntry()->allocNcopyPlan(h, plan, pLen); }
// tally hit time
virtual void addHitTime(TimeVal& begTime);
void setIndexInTextEntries(CollIndex x) { indexInTextEntries_ = x; };
CollIndex getIndexInTextEntries() { return indexInTextEntries_; };
// data
NAHeap *heap_; // Needed by TextData::~TextData destructor
char *actuals_; // list of actual constant parameters
ULng32 actLen_; // length of actuals_
CacheEntry *entry_; // pointer to postparser cache entry
CollIndex indexInTextEntries_;
class LRUList : public NABasicObject {
ULng32 length_; // number of elements in list
CacheEntry *anchor_; // anchor of doubly linked list
NAHeap *heap_; // used to allocate nodes
struct iterator;
// node allocator
CacheEntry* getNode() { return new(heap_) CacheEntry(); }
// node deallocator
void putNode(CacheEntry* p) {
NADELETE(p,CacheEntry,heap_); // implicitly calls p.data_.~KeyDataPair()
// transfer elements [first,last) from list x to this list at pos
void transfer(iterator pos, iterator first, iterator last, LRUList& x)
if (this != &x) {
insert(pos, first, last);
x.erase(first, last);
else {
last.node_->prev_->next_ = pos.node_;
first.node_->prev_->next_ = last.node_;
pos.node_->prev_->next_ = first.node_;
CacheEntry *tmp = pos.node_->prev_;
pos.node_->prev_ = last.node_->prev_;
last.node_->prev_ = first.node_->prev_;
first.node_->prev_ = tmp;
// create an empty list
LRUList(NAHeap *h) : heap_(h), length_(0)
anchor_ = getNode();
anchor_->next_ = anchor_;
anchor_->prev_ = anchor_;
NABoolean empty() const { return length_ == 0; }
ULng32 size() const { return length_; }
struct iterator {
CacheEntry *node_;
iterator(CacheEntry *x) : node_(x) {}
iterator() {}
NABoolean operator==(const iterator& x) const { return node_ == x.node_; }
NABoolean operator!=(const iterator& x) const { return node_ != x.node_; }
KeyDataPair& operator*() const { return node_->data_; }
iterator& operator++() { node_ = node_->next_; return *this; }
iterator operator++(Int32) { iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }
iterator& operator--() { node_ = node_->prev_; return *this; }
iterator operator--(Int32) { iterator tmp = *this; --*this; return tmp; }
}; // end of class iterator
// iterators
iterator begin() { return anchor_->next_; }
iterator end() { return anchor_; }
// insert element x at position
iterator insert(iterator position, KeyDataPair& x)
CacheEntry *tmp = getNode();
tmp->data_ = x;
tmp->next_ = position.node_;
tmp->prev_ = position.node_->prev_;
position.node_->prev_->next_ = tmp;
position.node_->prev_ = tmp;
return tmp;
// inserts at iterator position pos a copy of all elements [first,last)
void insert(iterator pos, iterator first, iterator last)
{ while (first != last) insert(pos, *first++); }
// inserts a copy of element x at the beginning
iterator pushFront(KeyDataPair& x) { return insert(begin(), x); }
// removes the element at iterator position pos and
// returns the position of the next element
iterator erase(iterator pos)
if (pos == end()) return end();
iterator tmp = (iterator)(pos.node_->next_);
pos.node_->prev_->next_ = pos.node_->next_;
pos.node_->next_->prev_ = pos.node_->prev_;
pos.node_->data_.~KeyDataPair(); // destroy data_
return tmp;
// removes all elements of the range [first,last) and
// returns the position of the next element
iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last)
iterator tmp = end();
while (first != last) tmp = erase(first++);
return tmp;
// removes all elements (makes the container empty)
void clear() { erase(begin(), end()); }
// moves the element at c2pos in c2 in front of pos of this list
// (this and c2 may be identical)
void splice(iterator pos, LRUList& c2, iterator c2pos)
iterator k = c2pos;
if (k != pos && ++k != pos) {
iterator j = c2pos;
transfer(pos, c2pos, ++j, c2);
}; // end of class LRUList
// The mxcmp cache has 3 stages: before PARSE, after PARSE, after BIND
const Int32 N_STAGES=3;
// QCache is a helper class that implements the mxcmp query cache
class QCache : public NABasicObject {
// Constructor
(QueryCache & qc, // (IN) : reference to its wrapper
ULng32 maxSize, // (IN) : maximum heap size in bytes
ULng32 maxVictims=40, // (IN) : max # of victims replaceable by new entry
ULng32 avgPlanSz=93070);// (IN) : average plan size in bytes
virtual ~QCache(); // destructor
void makeEmpty();
// try to add a new postparser (and preparser) entry into the cache
CacheKey* addEntry
(TextKey *tkey, // (IN) : preparser key
CacheKey *stmt, // (IN) : postparser key
CacheData *plan, // (IN) : sql statement's compiled plan
TimeVal& begT, // (IN) : time at start of this compile
char *params, // (IN) : parameters for preparser entry
ULng32 parmSz);// (IN) : len of params for preparser entry
// requires: tkey,stmt are the keys of a cachable query
// modifies: cache
// effects : tries to add a new entry into the cache. may replace up to n
// least recently used entries to try to make room. may return
// without adding stmt into the cache if there's still no room
// after decaching n LRU entries (where n=maxVictims).
// Otherwise, allocates and copies stmt and plan into cache.
// The returned cache key is the copy created on CmpContext.
// make room for and add a new preparser entry into the cache
void addPreParserEntry
(TextKey *tkey, // (IN) : a cachable sql statement
char *params, // (IN) : actual parameters
ULng32 parmSz, // (IN) : len of actual parameters
CacheEntry *entry, // (IN) : postparser cache entry
TimeVal &begT); // (IN) : time at start of this compile
// requires: tkey is the preparser key of a cachable query q
// entry is the postparser entry of cachable query q
// modifies: cache
// effects : tries to add a new entry into the cache. may replace
// least recently used preparser entry to try to make room.
// allocates and adds preparser entry into cache.
// look-up sql query in the cache
NABoolean lookUp
(CacheKey *stmt, // (IN) : a cachable sql statement
CacheDataPtr &data, // (OUT): stmt's template cache data
CacheEntryPtr &entry, // (OUT): stmt's template cache entry
CmpPhase phase);// (IN) : current compiler phase
// requires: stmt is a cachable query
// modifies: lruQ_, data, entry, cache stats
// effects : search cache for the given sql query
// if found then
// return TRUE & pointer to compiled plan of the sql query
// else
// return FALSE
// look-up sql query in the cache
NABoolean lookUp
(TextKey *stmt, // (IN) : a cachable sql statement
TextDataPtr &data);// (OUT): stmt's text cache entry
// requires: stmt is a cachable query
// modifies: lruQ_, data
// effects : search cache for the given sql query
// if found then
// data = pointer to compiled plan of the sql query; return TRUE
// else
// return FALSE
// decache a sql query
void deCache
(CacheKey *stmt); // (IN) : sql statement to be de-cached
// requires: stmt is a cachable
// modifies: cache
// effects : if stmt is in-cache then remove it from cache
// decache all entries that match a sql query
void deCacheAll
(CacheKey *stmt, // (IN) : sql statement to be de-cached
RelExpr *qry); // (IN) : sql query
// requires: stmt is a cachable
// modifies: cache
// effects : if stmt is in-cache then remove all matching entries
// from cache. This is used by recompiles to make sure all
// outdated cached entries that match a query are decached.
// decache all entries that match a sql query
void deCacheAll
(TextKey *stmt, // (IN) : sql statement to be de-cached
RelExpr *qry); // (IN) : sql query
// requires: stmt is a cachable
// modifies: cache
// effects : if stmt is in-cache then remove all matching entries
// from cache. This is used by recompiles to make sure all
// outdated cached entries that match a query are decached.
// decache all mpalias queries
void deCacheAliases();
// modifies: cache
// effects : decaches all mpalias queries
// decache a preparser cache entry
void deCachePreParserEntry
(TextKey *stmt); // (IN) : key of a preparser cache entry
// requires: stmt is the key of a preparser cache entry
// modifies: cache
// effects : if stmt is in-cache then remove its entry from cache
// return average template plan size
ULng32 avgPlanSize();
// return average text entry size
ULng32 avgTextEntrySize();
// return an iterator positioned at beginning of query cache's LRU list
LRUList::iterator begin() { return clruQ_.begin(); }
// return an iterator positioned at beginning of preparser cache's LRU list
LRUList::iterator beginPre() { return tlruQ_.begin(); }
// return an iterator positioned at end of preparser cache's LRU list
LRUList::iterator endPre() { return tlruQ_.end(); }
// return TRUE iff cache has no entries
NABoolean empty() const { return clruQ_.empty() && tlruQ_.empty(); }
// current size (in bytes) of query cache
ULng32 byteSize() const { return heap_->getAllocSize(); }
// set heap upper limit
void setHeapUpperLimit (size_t newUpperLimit) { heap_->setUpperLimit (newUpperLimit); }
// high water mark (in bytes) of query cache
ULng32 highWaterMark() const { return heap_->getHighWaterMark(); }
// high water mark over some interval
ULng32 intervalWaterMark() const { return heap_->getIntervalWaterMark(); }
// return an iterator positioned at end of query cache's LRU list
LRUList::iterator end() { return clruQ_.end(); }
void incNOfCompiles(IpcMessageObjType op);
void incNOfLookups() { nOfLookups_++; }
void incNOfRetries() { nOfRetries_++; }
NABoolean isCachingOn() const;
NABoolean isPreparserCachingOn(NABoolean duringAddEntry = FALSE) const;
// maximum size (in bytes) of query cache
ULng32 maxSize() const { return maxSiz_; }
// maximum entries that can be displaced
ULng32 maxVictims() const { return limit_; }
ULng32 nOfCompiles() const { return nOfCompiles_; }
ULng32 nOfLookups() const { return nOfLookups_; }
ULng32 nOfRecompiles() const { return nOfRecompiles_; }
ULng32 nOfRetries() const { return nOfRetries_; }
ULng32 nOfCacheableCompiles(CmpPhase stage) const;
ULng32 nOfCacheHits(CmpPhase stage) const;
void resetIntervalWaterMark() { heap_->resetIntervalWaterMark(); }
ULng32 nOfCacheableButTooLarge() const { return nOfCacheableButTooLarge_; }
ULng32 nOfDisplacedEntries() const { return nOfDisplacedEntries_; }
ULng32 nOfDisplacedTextEntries() const
{ return nOfDisplacedPreParserEntries_; }
// current number of cache entries
ULng32 nOfPostParserEntries() const { return clruQ_.size(); }
ULng32 nOfPreParserEntries() const { return tlruQ_.size(); }
// current number of cached plans
ULng32 nOfPlans();
// resize the query cache
QCache* resizeCache
(ULng32 maxSize, // (IN) : maximum heap size in bytes
ULng32 maxVictims=40);// (IN) : max # of victims replaceable by new entry
// set average plan size
void setAvgPlanSz(ULng32 s) { if (clruQ_.size() <= 0) planSz_ = s; }
// set limit on entries that can be displaced
void setMaxVictims(ULng32 v) { limit_ = v; }
// return maximum number of preparser entries
static ULng32 maxPreParserEntries(ULng32 maxByteSz, ULng32 avgEntrySz);
void sanityCheck(Int32 x);
// reset counters
void clearStats();
// free Query Cache entries with specified QI Security Key
void free_entries_with_QI_keys( Int32 NumSiKeys, SQL_QIKEY * pSiKeyArray );
Lng32 getNumBuckets() { return cache_->getNumBuckets(); }
// decache a postparser cache entry
void deCachePostParserEntry
(CacheEntry *entry); // (IN) : a postparser cache entry
// requires: entry is a postparser cache entry
// modifies: cache
// effects : decache entry
// decache a preparser cache entry
void deCachePreParserEntry
(CacheEntry *entry); // (IN) : a preparser cache entry
// requires: entry is a preparser cache entry
// modifies: cache
// effects : decache entry
// decache an array of preparser entries
void deCachePreParserEntries
(TextPtrArray& entries); // (IN) : an array of preparser entries
// requires: entries is an array of preparser entries
// modifies: cache
// effects : decache entries
QueryCache & querycache_; //reference to wapper object
ULng32 limit_; // maximum number of victims replaceable
NABoundedHeap* heap_; // heap for cache entries
ULng32 maxSiz_;// maximum byte size of query cache
ULng32 planSz_;// average template plan size in bytes
ULng32 tEntSz_;// average text entry size in bytes
CacheHashTbl* cache_; // CacheKey hash table of cache entries
TextHashTbl* tHash_; // TextKey hash table of cache entries
LRUList clruQ_; // queue of LRU postparser entries
LRUList tlruQ_; // queue of LRU preparser entries
ULng32 nOfCompiles_; // cummulative number of compilation requests (include queries, cqd, invalid queries, ...)
ULng32 nOfLookups_; // cummulative number of query cache loopups = cache hits (text and template) + cache misses (template cache insert attempts)
ULng32 nOfRecompiles_;
ULng32 nOfCacheableCompiles_[N_STAGES];
ULng32 nOfCacheHits_[N_STAGES];
ULng32 nOfCacheableButTooLarge_;
ULng32 nOfDisplacedEntries_;
ULng32 nOfDisplacedPreParserEntries_;
ULng32 nOfRetries_;
ULng32 totalHashTblSize_; // the total space taken by
// the text and template hash table.
// return TRUE iff cache can accommodate a new entry of given size
NABoolean canFit(ULng32 size);
// unconditionally cache new postparser (and preparser) entry
CacheKey* addEntry(TextKey *tkey,
KeyDataPair& newEntry, TimeVal& begTime,
char *params, ULng32 parmSz, NABoolean sharePlan);
// return free bytes left before we hit maxSiz_
ULng32 getFreeSize()
{ ULng32 a = heap_->getAllocSize(); return maxSiz_>a ? maxSiz_-a : 0; }
// return bytes that can be freed by evicting this postparser cache entry
ULng32 getSizeOfPostParserEntry(KeyDataPair& entry);
// free enough LRU entries to increase free space to desired value
NABoolean freeLRUentries(ULng32 newFreeBytes, ULng32 maxVictims);
// free LRU preparser entry
void freeLRUPreParserEntry();
void incNOfCacheableCompiles(CmpPhase stage);
void incNOfCacheHits(CmpPhase stage);
void incNOfCacheableButTooLarge();
void incNOfDisplacedEntries(ULng32 howMany=1);
void incNOfDisplacedPreParserEntries(ULng32 howMany=1);
// QCacheStats is the structure interface for supplying the QueryCache
// fields needed by the CompilationStats & Compiler Tracking feature.
// We have to restrict the interface to only those data members used
// by CompilationStats because we were getting mxcmp saveabends from
// trying to compute avgPlanSize (which is not even used by the
// CompilationStats & Compiler Tracking feature).
struct QCacheStats {
ULng32 currentSize; // current cache size in bytes
ULng32 nRecompiles; // cum. count of recompiles
ULng32 nCacheableP; // cum. count of cacheable after parse
ULng32 nCacheableB; // cum. count of cacheable after bind
ULng32 nCacheHitsP; // cum. count of cache hits after parse
ULng32 nCacheHitsB; // cum. count of cache hits after bind
ULng32 nCacheHitsT; // cum. count of cache hits (all phases)
ULng32 nCacheHitsPP; // cum. count of cache hits before parse
ULng32 nLookups; // cum. count of query cache lookups
// QueryCacheStats is the structure interface for supplying the QueryCache
// fields needed by Javier's Virtual Tables for Query Plan Caching Statistics
struct QueryCacheStats {
ULng32 avgPlanSize; // average template plan size
ULng32 maxSize; // maximum cache size in bytes
ULng32 highWaterMark;// high water mark of cache size in bytes
ULng32 maxVictims; // maximum entries that can be displaced
ULng32 nEntries; // current number of template cache entries
ULng32 nPlans; // current number of compiled plans in the template cache
ULng32 nCompiles; // cum. count of sqlcomp calls
ULng32 nRetries; // cum. count of successful compiler retries
QCacheStats s;
ULng32 nTooLarge; // cum. count of cacheable-but-too-large
ULng32 nDisplaced; // cum. count of displaced template cache entries
Int32 optimLvl; // current optimization level
ULng32 envID; // current environment ID
ULng32 avgTEntSize; // average text entry size
ULng32 nTextEntries; // current number of text cache entries
ULng32 nDispTEnts; // cum. count of displaced text cache entries
ULng32 intervalWaterMark; // high water mark resettable on interval
// QueryCacheDetails is the structure interface for supplying the
// QueryCacheEntries fields needed by Javier's Virtual Tables for
// Query Plan Caching Statistics
struct QueryCacheDetails {
Int64 planId; // plan id from generator
const char *qryTxt; // original sql statement text
ULng32 entrySize; // size in bytes of this cache entry, excluding plan size
ULng32 planLength; // size in bytes of the plan
ULng32 nOfHits; // total hits for this cache entry
CmpPhase phase; // compiler phase of this cache entry
Int32 optLvl; // optimization level of this entry
ULng32 envID; // environment ID of this entry
const char *catalog;// catalog name for this entry
const char *schema; // schema name for this entry
Int32 nParams; // number of parameters of this entry
const char *paramTypes;// parameter types of this entry
ULng32 compTime; // compile time in msec
ULng32 avgHitTime; // avg hit time in msec
const char *reqdShape;// control query shape or empty string
TransMode::IsolationLevel isoLvl; // tx isolation level
TransMode::IsolationLevel isoLvlForUpdates; // tx isolation level
TransMode::AccessMode accMode; // tx access mode
TransMode::AutoCommit autoCmt; // tx auto-commit
Int16 flags; // tx flags
TransMode::RollbackMode rbackMode;// tx rollback mode
// QueryCache encapsulates a singleton cache of compiled query plans.
// It is a singleton cache in the sense that there is only one cache
// instance that is shared by one or more CmpMain instances. (There
// is one CmpMain instance per query compilation). The lifetime of
// this shared singleton cache starts with the first query compilation
// and ends when the cache is resized to zero (via control query default
// query_cache) or when mxcmp dies.
class QueryCache {
(ULng32 maxSize = 16384, // (IN) : maximum heap size in bytes
ULng32 maxVictims=40, // (IN) : max # of victims replaceable by new entry
ULng32 avgPlanSz=93070);// (IN) : average plan size in bytes
// add a new postparser entry into the cache
CacheKey* addEntry
(TextKey *tkey, // (IN) : preparser key
CacheKey *stmt, // (IN) : postparser key
CacheData *plan, // (IN) : sql statement's compiled plan
TimeVal &begT, // (IN) : time at start of this compile
char *params, // (IN) : parameters for preparser entry
ULng32 parmSz);// (IN) : len of params for preparser entry
// add a new preparser entry into the cache
void addPreParserEntry
(TextKey *tkey, // (IN) : a cachable sql statement
char *actuals,// (IN) : actual parameters
ULng32 actLen, // (IN) : len of actuals
CacheEntry *entry, // (IN) : postparser cache entry
TimeVal &begT); // (IN) : time at start of this compile
// return an iterator positioned at beginning of query cache's LRU list
LRUList::iterator begin();
// return an iterator positioned at beginning of preparser cache's LRU list
LRUList::iterator beginPre();
void sanityCheck(Int32 x)
{ if (cache_) cache_->sanityCheck(x); }
// set heap upper limit
void setHeapUpperLimit (size_t newUpperLimit) { if (cache_) cache_->setHeapUpperLimit (newUpperLimit); }
// decache all entries that match a sql query
void deCacheAll
(CacheKey *stmt, // (IN) : sql statement to be de-cached
RelExpr *qry) // (IN) : sql query
{ if (cache_) cache_->deCacheAll(stmt, qry); }
// decache all entries that match a sql query
void deCacheAll
(TextKey *stmt, // (IN) : sql statement to be de-cached
RelExpr *qry) // (IN) : sql query
{ if (cache_) cache_->deCacheAll(stmt, qry); }
// decache all mpalias queries
void deCacheAliases()
{ if (cache_) cache_->deCacheAliases(); }
// decache a preparser cache entry
void deCachePreParserEntry
(TextKey *stmt) // (IN) : key of a preparser cache entry
{ if (cache_) cache_->deCachePreParserEntry(stmt); }
// return an iterator positioned at end of query cache's LRU list
LRUList::iterator end();
// return an iterator positioned at end of preparser cache's LRU list
LRUList::iterator endPre();
// return TRUE iff cache has no entries
NABoolean empty() { return cache_ ? cache_->empty() : TRUE; }
// free all memory allocated to cache
void finalize(const char *staticOrDynamic);
// get query cache statistics
void getCacheStats
(QueryCacheStats &stats); // (OUT): query cache statistics
//get statistics for Hybrid Query Cache
void getHQCStats(HybridQueryCacheStats & stats);
void getHQCEntryDetails(HQCCacheKey* hkey, HQCCacheEntry* entry, HybridQueryCacheDetails & details);
// get query cache statistics used by CompilationStats
// return FALSE if cache size is zero
NABoolean getCompilationCacheStats
(QCacheStats &stats); // (OUT): query cache statistics
// get details of this query cache entry
void getEntryDetails
(LRUList::iterator i, // (IN) : query cache iterator entry
QueryCacheDetails &details); // (OUT): cache entry's detailed statistics
// increment number of compiles
void incNOfCompiles(IpcMessageObjType op)
{ if (cache_) cache_->incNOfCompiles(op); }
// increment number of compiler retries
void incNOfRetries() { if (cache_) cache_->incNOfRetries(); }
void resetIntervalWaterMark()
{ if (cache_) cache_->resetIntervalWaterMark(); }
// is query caching on?
NABoolean isCachingOn()
{ return cache_ ? cache_->isCachingOn() : FALSE; }
// is pre-parser caching on?
NABoolean isPreparserCachingOn()
{ return cache_ ? cache_->isPreparserCachingOn() : FALSE; }
// look-up sql query in the cache
NABoolean lookUp
(CacheKey *stmt, // (IN) : a cachable sql statement
CacheDataPtr &data, // (OUT): stmt's template cache data
CacheEntryPtr &entry, // (OUT): stmt's template cache entry
CmpPhase phase) // (IN) : current compiler phase
{ return cache_ ? cache_->lookUp(stmt,data,entry, phase) : FALSE; }
// look-up sql query in the cache
NABoolean lookUp
(TextKey *stmt, // (IN) : a cachable sql statement
TextDataPtr &data) // (OUT): stmt's text cache entry
{ return cache_ ? cache_->lookUp(stmt,data) : FALSE; }
// shrink query cache to zero entries
void makeEmpty() { if (cache_) cache_->makeEmpty(); }
// reconfigure cache to have new maxSize and new maxVictims
void resizeCache
(ULng32 maxSize, // (IN) : maximum heap size in bytes
ULng32 maxVictims=40, // (IN) : max # of victims replaceable by new entry
ULng32 avgPlanSz=93070);// (IN) : average plan size in bytes
// set average plan size
void setAvgPlanSz(ULng32 s) { if (cache_) cache_->setAvgPlanSz(s); }
// set limit on entries that can be displaced
void setMaxVictims(ULng32 v) { if (cache_) cache_->setMaxVictims(v); }
// set limit on entries per key in hqc
void setHQCMaxValuesPerKey(Int32 v) { if (hqc_) hqc_->setMaxEntries(v); }
// reset counters
void clearStats() { if (cache_) cache_->clearStats(); }
// free (remove) entires in the Query Cache that have a particular SQL_QIKEY
void free_entries_with_QI_keys( Int32 NumSiKeys, SQL_QIKEY * pSiKeyEntry );
void setQCache(QCache *qCache);
NABoolean HQCAddEntry(HQCParseKey* hkey, CacheKey* ckey)
{ return (hqc_->addEntry(hkey, ckey)); }
ostream* getHQCLogFile(){ hqc_->initLogging(); return hqc_->getHQCLogFile(); }
void invalidateHQCLogging() { hqc_->invalidateLogging(); }
NABoolean HQCLookUp(
HQCParseKey *hkey, // (IN) : a cachable sql statement
CacheKey* & ckey) // (OUT): stmt's template cache data
{ return hqc_->lookUp(hkey, ckey); }
HybridQCache* getHQC() { return hqc_;}
QCache *cache_; // cache of compiled plans on CmpContext
HybridQCache* hqc_;
void shutdownCache();
// constant parameter types in string form.
// used by QueryCache::getEntryDetails(),
// ParameterTypeList::getParameterTypes()
// and freed by QueryCache::finalize().
NAString *parameterTypes_;
//Classes below, when xxx::getNext() is called time after time by xxx::sp_Process(),
//should be able to iterator all querycache instances of different CmpContexts, in embedded compiler.
class QueryCacheStatsISPIterator : public ISPIterator
QueryCacheStatsISPIterator(SP_ROW_DATA inputData, SP_EXTRACT_FUNCPTR eFunc,
SP_ERROR_STRUCT* error, const NAArray<CmpContextInfo*> & ctxs, CollHeap * h);
//if currCacheIndex_ is set 0, currQCache_ is not used and should always be NULL
NABoolean getNext(QueryCacheStats & stats);
QueryCache* currQCache_;
class QueryCacheEntriesISPIterator : public ISPIterator
QueryCacheEntriesISPIterator(SP_ROW_DATA inputData, SP_EXTRACT_FUNCPTR eFunc,
SP_ERROR_STRUCT* error, const NAArray<CmpContextInfo*> & ctxs, CollHeap * h);
NABoolean getNext(QueryCacheDetails & details);
Int32 & counter() { return counter_; }
Int32 counter_;
QueryCache* currQCache_;
LRUList::iterator SQCIterator_;
class HybridQueryCacheStatsISPIterator : public ISPIterator
HybridQueryCacheStatsISPIterator(SP_ROW_DATA inputData, SP_EXTRACT_FUNCPTR eFunc,
SP_ERROR_STRUCT* error, const NAArray<CmpContextInfo*> & ctxs, CollHeap * h);
NABoolean getNext(HybridQueryCacheStats & stats);
QueryCache* currQCache_;
class HybridQueryCacheEntriesISPIterator : public ISPIterator
HybridQueryCacheEntriesISPIterator(SP_ROW_DATA inputData, SP_EXTRACT_FUNCPTR eFunc,
SP_ERROR_STRUCT* error, const NAArray<CmpContextInfo*> & ctxs, CollHeap * h);
NABoolean getNext(HybridQueryCacheDetails & details);
Int32 currEntryIndex_;
Int32 currEntriesPerKey_;
HQCCacheKey* currHKeyPtr_;
HQCCacheData* currValueList_;
HQCHashTblItor* HQCIterator_;
LRUList::iterator SQCIterator_;
QueryCache* currQCache_;
class QueryCacheDeleter : public ISPIterator
QueryCacheDeleter(SP_ROW_DATA inputData, SP_EXTRACT_FUNCPTR eFunc,
SP_ERROR_STRUCT* error, const NAArray<CmpContextInfo*> & ctxs, CollHeap * h);
void doDelete();
QueryCache* currQCache_;
#endif // QUERYCACHE__H