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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: QCache.cpp
* Description: Methods for class QueryCache.
* Created: 07/31/2000
* Language: C++
#include "QCache.h"
#include "CacheWA.h"
#include "CmpCommon.h"
#include "CmpMain.h"
#include "IntervalType.h"
#include "ComTdbRoot.h"
#include "ItemFunc.h"
#include "ValueDesc.h"
#include "SchemaDB.h"
#include "ControlDB.h"
#include "CmpErrLog.h"
#include "CompilerTracking.h"
#include "exp_clause_derived.h"
#include "NumericType.h"
#include "ComDistribution.h"
#include <fstream>
fstream* filestream= NULL;
void logmsg(char* msg)
if ( filestream )
*filestream << msg << endl;
void logmsg(char* msg, ULong u)
if ( filestream )
*filestream << msg << ": " << u << endl;
ULng32 getDefaultInK(const Int32& key)
return (ULng32)1024 * ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getAsLong(key);
// convert DefaultToken optimization level into OptLevel
CompilerEnv::OptLevel CompilerEnv::defToken2OptLevel(DefaultToken tok)
switch (tok) {
case DF_MEDIUM: return OPT_MEDIUM;
tok == DF_MEDIUM || tok == DF_MAXIMUM);
return (OptLevel)0;
// Set current compiler environment's optimization level
void CompilerEnv::setOptimizationLevel(DefaultToken optLvl)
// modifies: optLvl_
// effects: optLvl_ = translation of optLvl into an equivalent OptLevel
// note: optLvl is not suitable for optimization level comparisons because
// it's ordinals are sorted alphabetically by token string
optLvl_ = CompilerEnv::defToken2OptLevel(optLvl);
// constructor for control query default settings
CQDefaultSet::CQDefaultSet(Int32 n, NAHeap *h)
: nEntries(0), heap(h), CQDarray(0), arrSiz(n)
if (arrSiz > 0) {
CQDarray = new (h) CQDefPtr[arrSiz];
for (Int32 x = 0; x < arrSiz; x++) CQDarray[x] = NULL;
// constructor for control query default settings
CQDefaultSet::CQDefaultSet(const CQDefaultSet& s, NAHeap* h)
: nEntries(s.nEntries), heap(h), CQDarray(0), arrSiz(s.nEntries)
if (nEntries > 0) {
CQDarray = new (h) CQDefPtr[nEntries];
for (Int32 x = 0; x < nEntries; x++) {
CQDarray[x] = new (heap) CQDefault(*s.CQDarray[x], heap);
// destructor frees all control query default settings
if (CQDarray) {
for (Int32 x = 0; x < nEntries; x++) {
NADELETE(CQDarray[x], CQDefault, heap);
CQDarray = NULL;
// add a control query default to CQDarray
void CQDefaultSet::addCQD(CQDefPtr cqd)
CMPASSERT(nEntries < arrSiz && CQDarray != NULL);
CQDarray[nEntries++] = cqd;
// return byte size of this CQDefaultSet
ULng32 CQDefaultSet::getByteSize() const
ULng32 result = sizeof(*this) + arrSiz * sizeof(CQDefPtr);
for (Int32 x = 0; x < nEntries; x++) {
if (CQDarray[x]) {
result += CQDarray[x]->getByteSize();
return result;
// comparison method for sorting & searching CQDarray
Int32 CQDefaultSet::Compare(const void *d1, const void *d2)
// cast (void *) pointers to (CQDefPtr*) which they must be
CQDefPtr* def1 = (CQDefPtr*)d1;
CQDefPtr* def2 = (CQDefPtr*)d2;
CMPASSERT(def1 != NULL && def2 != NULL && *def1 != NULL && *def2 != NULL);
// return -1 if def1 < def2, 0 if def1 == def2, +1 if def1 > def2
return (*def1)->attr.compareTo((*def2)->attr);
// constructor for control table settings
CtrlTblSet::CtrlTblSet(Int32 n, NAHeap *h)
: nEntries(0), heap(h), CTarray(0), arrSiz(n)
if (arrSiz > 0) {
CTarray = new (h) CtrlTblPtr[arrSiz];
for (Int32 x = 0; x < arrSiz; x++) CTarray[x] = NULL;
// copy constructor for control table settings
CtrlTblSet::CtrlTblSet(const CtrlTblSet& s, NAHeap *h)
: nEntries(s.nEntries), heap(h), CTarray(0), arrSiz(s.nEntries)
if (nEntries > 0) {
CTarray = new (h) CtrlTblPtr[nEntries];
for (Int32 x = 0; x < nEntries; x++) {
CTarray[x] = new (heap) CtrlTblOpt(*s.CTarray[x], heap);
// destructor frees all control table settings
if (CTarray) {
for (Int32 x = 0; x < nEntries; x++) {
NADELETE(CTarray[x], CtrlTblOpt, heap);
CTarray = NULL;
// add a control table setting to CTarray
void CtrlTblSet::addCT(CtrlTblPtr ct)
CMPASSERT(nEntries < arrSiz && CTarray != NULL);
CTarray[nEntries++] = ct;
// return byte size of this CtrlTblSet
ULng32 CtrlTblSet::getByteSize() const
ULng32 result = sizeof(*this) + arrSiz * sizeof(CtrlTblPtr);
for (Int32 x = 0; x < nEntries; x++) {
result += CTarray[x]->getByteSize();
return result;
// comparison method for sorting & searching CTarray
Int32 CtrlTblSet::Compare(const void *t1, const void *t2)
// cast (void *) pointers to (CtrlTblPtr*) which they must be
CtrlTblPtr* opt1 = (CtrlTblPtr*)t1;
CtrlTblPtr* opt2 = (CtrlTblPtr*)t2;
CMPASSERT(opt1 != NULL && opt2 != NULL && *opt1 != NULL && *opt2 != NULL);
// return -1 if opt1 < opt2, 0 if opt1 == opt2, +1 if opt1 > opt2
Int32 result = (*opt1)->tblNam.compareTo((*opt2)->tblNam);
return result ? result : (*opt1)->attr.compareTo((*opt2)->attr);
const NASize_T catalogInitStrLen = 8;
const NASize_T schemaInitStrLen = 8;
// constructor captures query compiler environment for current query
CompilerEnv::CompilerEnv(NAHeap *h, CmpPhase phase,
const QryStmtAttributeSet& atts)
: heap_(h), cat_(catalogInitStrLen,h), schema_(schemaInitStrLen,h),
CQDset_(0), CTset_(0), attrs_(atts)
// entry must include context-wide TransMode in its CompilerEnv
// because CmpMain.cpp's post-generator QueryCache::addEntry call
// unconditionally uses the same key (and therefore same CompilerEnv)
// to add both preparser and postparser entries into the cache.
tmode_ = new (heap_) TransMode();
// record current optimization level
setOptimizationLevel(CmpCommon::getDefault(OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL, 0));
// record catalog and schema settings
CmpCommon::getDefault(CATALOG, cat_, 0);
CmpCommon::getDefault(SCHEMA, schema_, 0);
// record any explicit control query default settings
CollIndex x, cnt;
ControlDB *cdb = ActiveControlDB();
if (cdb) {
cnt = cdb->getCQDList().entries();
if (cnt > 0) {
CQDset_ = new (heap_) CQDefaultSet((Int32)cnt, heap_);
for (x = 0; x < cnt; x++) {
ControlQueryDefault *cqd = cdb->getCQDList()[x];
switch (cqd->getAttrEnum()) {
// skip these CQD settings -- they don't affect plan quality
case NSK_DBG:
// skip these CQD settings -- they are represented in CacheKey
case SCHEMA:
// record all other CQD settings
if (phase != CmpMain::PREPARSE) break;
// else PREPARSE doubly represent this CQD setting in
// CacheKey & CompilerEnv to guard against false
// preparser hits that differ only in this CQD setting
(new (heap_) CQDefault(cqd->getToken(), cqd->getValue(), heap_));
// record any control table settings
cnt = cdb->getCTList().entries();
if (cnt > 0) {
// determine total number of control table settings
Int32 totalEntries=0;
for (x = 0; x < cnt; x++) {
totalEntries += cdb->getCTList()[x]->numEntries();
CTset_ = new (heap_) CtrlTblSet(totalEntries, heap_);
for (x = 0; x < cnt; x++) {
ControlTableOptions *cto = cdb->getCTList()[x];
CollIndex j, nEntries = cto->numEntries();
for (j = 0; j < nEntries; j++) {
(new (heap_) CtrlTblOpt
(cto->tableName(), cto->getToken(j), cto->getValue(j), heap_));
// copy constructor is used when a CacheKey is copied into the query cache
CompilerEnv::CompilerEnv(const CompilerEnv &s, NAHeap *h)
: optLvl_(s.optLvl_), cat_(,h), schema_(,h),
heap_(h), CQDset_(0), CTset_(0), tmode_(0), attrs_(s.attrs_)
if (s.tmode_) {
// deep copy s' transmode setting
tmode_ = new (heap_) TransMode();
if (s.CQDcnt() > 0) {
// deep copy s' control query default settings
CQDset_ = new (heap_) CQDefaultSet(*s.CQDset_, heap_);
// sort control query default settings
qsort(CQDset_->CQDarray, CQDset_->nEntries, sizeof(CQDefPtr),
if (s.CTcnt() > 0) {
// deep copy s' control table settings
CTset_ = new (heap_) CtrlTblSet(*s.CTset_, heap_);
// sort control table settings
qsort(CTset_->CTarray, CTset_->nEntries, sizeof(CtrlTblPtr),
// free all allocated memory
if (tmode_) {
NADELETE(tmode_, TransMode, heap_);
tmode_ = NULL;
if (CQDset_) {
NADELETE(CQDset_, CQDefaultSet, heap_);
CQDset_ = NULL;
if (CTset_) {
NADELETE(CTset_, CtrlTblSet, heap_);
CTset_ = NULL;
// return byte size of this CompilerEnv
ULng32 CompilerEnv::getSize() const
ULng32 result = sizeof(*this) + cat_.getAllocatedSize() + schema_.getAllocatedSize();
// add size of s' TransMode setting
if (tmode_) {
result += tmode_->getByteSize();
// add size of s' control query default settings
if (CQDset_) {
result += CQDset_->getByteSize();
// add size of s' control table settings
if (CTset_) {
result += CTset_->getByteSize();
return result;
// returns TRUE if cached plan's environment is better or as good as other's
NABoolean CompilerEnv::isEqual(const CompilerEnv &other, CmpPhase phase)
// requires: "this" is cached plan's environment
// "other" is the query that CmpMain::sqlcomp is compiling
// this order of comparison is determined by the order of
// comparison used in NAHashBucket<K,V>::getFirstValue()
// effects: return TRUE if cached plan's environment will produce a plan
// that is better or as good as the current compiler environment
NABoolean strict = phase==CmpMain::PREPARSE || phase==CmpMain::PARSE;
NABoolean result = optLvl_ >= other.optLvl_ &&
(strict ? (cat_ == other.cat_ && schema_ == other.schema_) : TRUE);
if (!result) return FALSE;
// both must have the same TransMode for preparser cache entries
if (phase == CmpMain::PREPARSE||phase == CmpMain::PARSE) {
if (tmode_ && other.tmode_) {
if (!(*tmode_ == *other.tmode_)) {
return FALSE; // env mismatch
// else env match so fall thru & compare rest
else {
CMPASSERT(tmode_!=NULL && other.tmode_!=NULL); // should never be
return FALSE; // env mismatch
// both must have same number of statement attributes & parserFlags
Int32 nAttrs, x, nCQD, nCT;
if ((nAttrs=attrs_.nEntries) != other.attrs_.nEntries) {
return FALSE;
if (nAttrs) {
for (x = 0; x < nAttrs; x++) {
if (!(attrs_.has( {
return FALSE; // a statement attribute or parserFlags mismatch
// both must have the same number of control settings
if ((nCQD=CQDcnt()) != other.CQDcnt() || (nCT=CTcnt()) != other.CTcnt()) {
return FALSE;
if (nCQD) {
// cached entry's control query default settings are in ascending order.
// use binary search to look up other's settings in cached entry's CQDset_.
for (x = 0; x < nCQD; x++) {
CQDefPtr *cdef, *odef = &(other.CQDset_->CQDarray[x]);
cdef = (CQDefPtr*)bsearch(odef, CQDset_->CQDarray, nCQD,
sizeof(CQDefPtr), CQDefaultSet::Compare);
if (!cdef || *cdef==NULL || (*cdef)->value != (*odef)->value) {
return FALSE; // a control query default mismatch
if (nCT) {
// cached entry's control table settings are in ascending order.
// use binary search to look up other's settings in cached entry's CTset_.
for (x = 0; x < nCT; x++) {
CtrlTblPtr *ctopt, *otopt = &(other.CTset_->CTarray[x]);
ctopt = (CtrlTblPtr*)bsearch(otopt, CTset_->CTarray, nCT,
sizeof(CtrlTblPtr), CtrlTblSet::Compare);
if (!ctopt || *ctopt==NULL || (*ctopt)->value != (*otopt)->value) {
return FALSE; // a control table mismatch
return result; // entries are equal
// compute hash address of this CompilerEnv
ULng32 CompilerEnv::hashKey() const
// ignore optLvl_ (and controls) because we want 2 cache entries that
// differ only in optLvl_ (and controls) to hash to the same address.
// controls don't contribute to the hash for simplicity (and also because
// controls for cached entries are sorted whereas controls for incoming
// entry are not sorted and an old hash for controls was order-sensitive).
return (cat_.hash() << 1) + schema_.hash();
// return true iff it is safe to call CompileEnv::hashKey on me
NABoolean CompilerEnv::amSafeToHash() const
return != NULL && != NULL;
// constructor used by CacheWA::getKey() to construct a query's CacheKey
ParameterTypeList::ParameterTypeList(ConstantParameters *p, NAHeap *h)
: LIST(ParamType)(h, p->entries())
, heap_(NULL) // we don't own the elements
// insert each ConstantParameter's type into this list
CollIndex x, limit = (*p).entries();
for (x=0; x < limit; x++) {
NAType *typ = CONST_CAST(NAType*,(*p)[x]->getType());
ParamType pTyp(typ, (*p)[x]->getPositionSet());
// constructor used by QCache::addEntry(KeyDataPair& p) to transfer ownership
// of a new cache entry's memory from statementHeap to QCache::heap_
ParameterTypeList::ParameterTypeList(const ParameterTypeList& s, NAHeap *h)
: LIST(ParamType)(h, s.entries())
, heap_(h) // we do own all elements to be copied below
// insert a copy of each element into this list
CollIndex x, limit = s.entries();
for (x=0; x < limit; x++) {
PositionSet *posns = new(h) PositionSet(*, h);
ParamType pTyp(>newCopy(h), posns);
// free memory used by this ParameterTypeList if it's owned by QCache::heap_
if (heap_) {
// we do own the elements, so we must free them now
CollIndex x, limit = entries();
for (x=0; x < limit; x++) {
// return this ParameterTypeList's contribution to a CacheKey's hash value
ULng32 ParameterTypeList::hashKey() const
ULng32 result = 0;
CollIndex x, limit = entries();
for (x=0; x < limit; x++) {
result = (result << 1) + (*this)[x].type_->hashKey();
return result;
// return true iff it is safe to call ParameterTypeList::hashKey on me
NABoolean ParameterTypeList::amSafeToHash() const
CollIndex x, limit = entries();
for (x=0; x < limit; x++) {
if ( (*this)[x].type_->amSafeToHash() != TRUE )
return FALSE; // any unsafe entry makes me unsafe
return TRUE; // I am safe, I have no unsafe entry
// return this ParameterTypeList's elements' total byte size
ULng32 ParameterTypeList::getSize() const
CollIndex x, limit = entries();
ULng32 result = limit * sizeof(NAType*); // amount of space allocated
// for the array of type NAType*.
for (x=0; x < limit; x++) {
result += (*this)[x].type_->getSize();
return result;
// return TRUE iff "other" can be safely coerced to "this" at compile-time
NABoolean ParameterTypeList::operator==(const ParameterTypeList& other) const
// requires: "other" is the type signature of the query that's being
// compiled by CmpMain::sqlcomp
// "this" is the type signature of a cached plan
// effects: return TRUE iff "other" can be safely backpatched into "this"
CollIndex nParms = entries();
if (nParms != other.entries()) {
return FALSE;
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < nParms; i++) {
if (NOT (at(i).type_->isCompatible(* ||>errorsCanOccur(*at(i).type_, STRICT_CHK)) {
return FALSE;
if (*at(i).posns_ != *
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
const NASize_T parmTypesInitStrLen = 256;
// deposit parameter types string form into parameterTypes
void ParameterTypeList::depositParameterTypes(NAString* parameterTypes) const
CollIndex limit = entries();
if (limit > 0) {
*parameterTypes += (*this)[0].type_->getTypeSQLname().data();
for (CollIndex x=1; x < limit; x++) {
*parameterTypes += ",";
*parameterTypes += (*this)[x].type_->getTypeSQLname().data();
// constructor used by CacheWA::getCacheKey() to construct a query's CacheKey
SelParamTypeList::SelParamTypeList(SelParameters *p, NAHeap *h)
: LIST(SelParamType)(h, p->entries())
, heap_(NULL) // we don't own the elements
// insert each SelParameter's type & selectivity into this list
CollIndex x, limit = (*p).entries();
for (x=0; x < limit; x++) {
NAType *typ = CONST_CAST(NAType*,(*p)[x]->getType());
SelParamType sTyp(typ, (*p)[x]->getSelectivity(), (*p)[x]->getPositionSet());
// constructor used by QCache::addEntry(KeyDataPair& p) to transfer ownership
// of a new cache entry's memory from statementHeap to QCache::heap_
SelParamTypeList::SelParamTypeList(const SelParamTypeList& s, NAHeap *h)
: LIST(SelParamType)(h, s.entries())
, heap_(h) // we do own all elements to be copied below
// insert a copy of each element into this list
CollIndex x, limit = s.entries();
for (x=0; x < limit; x++) {
PositionSet *posns = new(h) PositionSet(*s[x].posns_, h);
SelParamType sTyp(s[x].type_->newCopy(h), s[x].sel_, posns);
// free memory used by this SelParamTypeList if it's owned by QCache::heap_
if (heap_) {
// we do own the elements, so we must free them now
CollIndex x, limit = entries();
for (x=0; x < limit; x++) {
// return this SelParamTypeList's contribution to a CacheKey's hash value
ULng32 SelParamTypeList::hashKey() const
ULng32 result = 0;
CollIndex x, limit = entries();
for (x=0; x < limit; x++) {
result = (result << 1) + (*this)[x].type_->hashKey();
return result;
// return true iff it is safe to call SelParamTypeList::hashKey on me
NABoolean SelParamTypeList::amSafeToHash() const
CollIndex x, limit = entries();
for (x=0; x < limit; x++) {
if ( (*this)[x].type_->amSafeToHash() != TRUE )
return FALSE; // any unsafe entry makes me unsafe
return TRUE; // I am safe, I have no unsafe entry
// return this SelParamTypeList's elements' total byte size
ULng32 SelParamTypeList::getSize() const
CollIndex x, limit = entries();
ULng32 result = limit * sizeof(SelParamType);
for (x=0; x < limit; x++) {
result += (*this)[x].type_->getSize();
return result;
// return TRUE iff "other" can be safely coerced to "this" at compile-time
NABoolean SelParamTypeList::compareParamTypes(const SelParamTypeList& other) const
// requires: "other" is the type signature of the query that's being
// compiled by CmpMain::sqlcomp
// "this" is the type signature of a cached plan
// effects: return TRUE iff "other" can be safely backpatched into "this"
CollIndex nParms = entries();
if (nParms != other.entries()) {
return FALSE;
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < nParms; i++) {
if (NOT (at(i).type_->isCompatible(* ||>errorsCanOccur(*at(i).type_, STRICT_CHK) )
return FALSE;
if (*at(i).posns_ != *
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
NABoolean SelParamTypeList::compareSelectivities(const SelParamTypeList& other) const
CollIndex nParms = entries();
if (nParms != other.entries()) {
return FALSE;
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < nParms; i++) {
if (NOT (at(i).sel_ == {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
NABoolean SelParamTypeList::operator==(const SelParamTypeList& other) const
// requires: "other" is the type signature of the query that's being
// compiled by CmpMain::sqlcomp
// "this" is the type signature of a cached plan
// effects: return TRUE iff "other" can be safely backpatched into "this"
return ( compareParamTypes(other) && compareSelectivities(other) );
// deposit parameter types string form into parameterTypes
void SelParamTypeList::depositParameterTypes(NAString* parameterTypes) const
CollIndex limit = entries();
if (limit > 0) {
*parameterTypes += (*this)[0].type_->getTypeSQLname().data();
for (CollIndex x=1; x < limit; x++) {
*parameterTypes += ",";
*parameterTypes += (*this)[x].type_->getTypeSQLname().data();
// constructor
Key::Key(CmpPhase phase, CompilerEnv* e, NAHeap *h)
: phase_(phase), heap_(h), env_(e)
// copy constructor
Key::Key(const Key &s, NAHeap *h)
: phase_(s.phase_), heap_(h), env_(0)
if (s.env_) {
env_ = new (heap_) CompilerEnv(*s.env_, heap_);
// free memory allocated by this Key
if (env_) {
NADELETE(env_, CompilerEnv, heap_);
env_ = NULL;
// all other data members except heap_ are in-line;
// their destructors are called implicitly. we don't own heap_.
// return TRUE iff "this" Key matches "other" Key. This operator
// is used (and required) by the NAHashDictionary template class.
NABoolean Key::isEqual(const Key &other) const
return phase_ == other.phase_ &&
(env_ == other.env_ ||
(env_ && other.env_ &&
(*env_).isEqual(*other.env_, phase_)));
Int32 Key::getOptLvl() const
return env_ ? env_->getOptLvl() : CompilerEnv::OPT_UNDEFINED;
const char *Key::getCatalog() const
return env_ ? env_->getCatalog() : "";
const char *Key::getSchema() const
return env_ ? env_->getSchema() : "";
// return this Key's total size in bytes
ULng32 Key::getSize() const
return sizeof(*this) + (env_ ? env_->getSize() : 0);
// return hash value of this Key; used by hashKeyFunc() which is called
// by NAHashDictionary<K,V>::getHashCode() to compute a key's hash address.
ULng32 Key::hashKey() const
ULng32 hval = (phase_ << 1);
if (env_) {
hval = (hval << 1) + env_->hashKey();
return hval;
// return true iff it is safe to call Key::hashKey on me
NABoolean Key::amSafeToHash() const
return env_ ? env_->amSafeToHash() : TRUE;
// constructor used by CacheWA::getKey() to construct a query's CacheKey
CacheKey::CacheKey(NAString &stmt, CmpPhase phase, CompilerEnv* e,
const ParameterTypeList& p, const SelParamTypeList& s,
NAHeap *h, NAString &cqs,
TransMode::IsolationLevel l, TransMode::AccessMode m,
TransMode::IsolationLevel lu,
TransMode::AutoCommit a, Int16 f,
TransMode::RollbackMode r,
LIST(NATable*) &tables, NABoolean useView)
: Key(phase, e, h), stmt_(stmt,h), actuals_(p,h), sels_(s,h)
, isoLvl_(l), accMode_(m), isoLvlIDU_(lu)
, autoCmt_(a), flags_(f), rbackMode_(r)
, reqdShape_(cqs,h), compareSelectivity_(TRUE)
, updateStatsTime_(h,tables.entries())
, useView_(useView)
, planId_(-1)
// get & save referenced tables' histograms' timestamps
// constructor used by QCache::addEntry(KeyDataPair& p) to transfer ownership
// of a new cache entry's memory from statementHeap to QCache::heap_
CacheKey::CacheKey(CacheKey &s, NAHeap *h)
: Key(s, h), stmt_(,h)
, actuals_(s.actuals_,h), sels_(s.sels_,h), reqdShape_(s.reqdShape_,h)
, isoLvl_(s.isoLvl_), accMode_(s.accMode_) , isoLvlIDU_(s.isoLvlIDU_)
, autoCmt_(s.autoCmt_) , flags_(s.flags_)
, rbackMode_(s.rbackMode_), compareSelectivity_(TRUE)
, updateStatsTime_(s.updateStatsTime_,h)
, useView_(s.useView_)
, planId_(s.planId_)
// free memory allocated by this CacheKey
// update referenced tables' histograms' timestamps
void CacheKey::updateStatsTimes( LIST(NATable*) &tables )
// get & save referenced tables' histograms' timestamps
CollIndex x, limit = tables.entries();
NABoolean isEmpty = updateStatsTime_.isEmpty();
for (x = 0; x < limit; x++) {
if (isEmpty)
updateStatsTime_[x] = tables[x]->getStatsTime();
// return TRUE iff "this" CacheKey matches "other" CacheKey. This operator
// is used (and required) by the NAHashDictionary template class.
NABoolean CacheKey::operator ==(const CacheKey &other) const
// the 'other' is the key and 'this' is one of the items in
// the hash dictionary.
if ( Key::isEqual(other) &&
isoLvl_ == other.isoLvl_ && accMode_ == other.accMode_ &&
isoLvlIDU_ == other.isoLvlIDU_ &&
autoCmt_ == other.autoCmt_ && flags_ == other.flags_ &&
rbackMode_ == other.rbackMode_ && reqdShape_ == other.reqdShape_ &&
stmt_ == other.stmt_ && actuals_ == other.actuals_ &&
sels_.compareParamTypes(other.sels_) &&
updateStatsTime_ == other.updateStatsTime_)
if ( other.compareSelectivity_ )
return sels_.compareSelectivities(other.sels_);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// return this CacheKey's total size in bytes
ULng32 CacheKey::getSize() const
ULng32 x = sizeof(*this) - sizeof(Key) + Key::getSize() +
stmt_.getAllocatedSize() + actuals_.getSize() + sels_.getSize() +
return x;
// return hash value of this CacheKey; used by hashKeyFunc() which is called
// by NAHashDictionary<K,V>::getHashCode() to compute a key's hash address.
ULng32 CacheKey::hashKey() const
ULng32 hval = Key::hashKey() + stmt_.hash();
hval = (hval << 1) + reqdShape_.hash();
hval = (hval << 1) + actuals_.hashKey();
hval = (hval << 1) + sels_.hashKey();
hval = (hval << 1) + isoLvl_;
hval = (hval << 1) + accMode_;
hval = (hval << 1) + isoLvlIDU_;
hval = (hval << 1) + autoCmt_;
hval = (hval << 1) + flags_;
hval = (hval << 1) + rbackMode_;
return hval;
// return true iff it is safe to call CacheKey::hashKey on me
NABoolean CacheKey::amSafeToHash() const
Key::amSafeToHash() && != NULL && != NULL &&
actuals_.amSafeToHash() &&
// return cache entry's parameters as a string for querycache() virtual table
const char *CacheKey::getParameterTypes(NAString* parameterTypes) const
*parameterTypes = "";
return parameterTypes->data();
// constructor used by CacheWA::getKey() to construct a query's TextKey
TextKey::TextKey(const char *sText, CompilerEnv* e, NAHeap *h, Lng32 cSet)
: Key(CmpMain::PREPARSE, e, h), sText_(sText, h), charset_(cSet)
// constructor used by QCache::addEntry(KeyDataPair& p) to transfer ownership
// of a new cache entry's memory from statementHeap to QCache::heap_
TextKey::TextKey(TextKey &s, NAHeap *h)
: Key(s, h), sText_(,h), charset_(s.charset_)
// free memory allocated by this TextKey
// return TRUE iff "this" TextKey matches "other" TextKey. This operator
// is used (and required) by the NAHashDictionary template class.
NABoolean TextKey::operator ==(const TextKey &other) const
return Key::isEqual(other) && sText_ == other.sText_ &&
charset_ == other.charset_;
// return this TextKey's total size in bytes
ULng32 TextKey::getSize() const
return Key::getSize() + sText_.length();
// return hash value of this TextKey; used by hashKeyFunc() which is called
// by NAHashDictionary<K,V>::getHashCode() to compute a key's hash address.
ULng32 TextKey::hashKey() const
return Key::hashKey() + sText_.hash() + charset_;
// return true iff it is safe to call TextKey::hashKey on me
NABoolean TextKey::amSafeToHash() const
return Key::amSafeToHash() && != NULL;
// return hash value of a CacheKey; this is called (and required) by
// NAHashDictionary<K,V>::getHashCode() to compute a key's hash address.
static ULng32
hashHQCKeyFunc(const HQCCacheKey& key)
return key.hashKey();
// return hash value of a CacheKey; this is called (and required) by
// NAHashDictionary<K,V>::getHashCode() to compute a key's hash address.
static ULng32
hashKeyFunc(const CacheKey& key)
// this function must have the following properties:
// 1) very fast
// 2) hashKey(k1) == hashKey(k2) if k1 == k2
// 3) hashKey(k1) <> hashKey(k2) if k1 <> k2 (for as many cases as possible)
return key.hashKey();
// return hash value of a TextKey; this is called (and required) by
// NAHashDictionary<K,V>::getHashCode() to compute a key's hash address.
static ULng32
hashTextFunc(const TextKey& key)
// this function must have the following properties:
// 1) very fast
// 2) hashKey(k1) == hashKey(k2) if k1 == k2
// 3) hashKey(k1) <> hashKey(k2) if k1 <> k2 (for as many cases as possible)
return key.hashKey();
Plan::Plan(Plan&s, NAHeap *h) : plan_(s.plan_), planL_(s.planL_), planId_(s.planId_), heap_(h), refCount_(s.refCount_), visits_(s.visits_)
if (s.plan_) {
// If this a contiguous pack plan, copy it...
if (planL_ > 0) {
plan_ = new (h) char[planL_];
str_cpy_all(plan_, s.plan_, (Lng32)planL_);
} else {
// Otherwise, this is a pointer to the generator that has access
// to the plan. Convert to a contiguous packed plan on copy.
planL_ = ((Generator *)plan_)->getFinalObjLength();
char *packedPlan = new (h) char[planL_];
// Zero out the entire buffer to guarantee all filler fields get
// value zero.
memset(packedPlan, 0, planL_);
plan_ = ((Generator *)plan_)->getFinalObj(packedPlan, planL_);
// constructor
CData::CData(NAHeap *h)
: hits_(0), heap_(h), compTime_(0), cumHitTime_(0)
const Int32 initialTextPtrArrayLen=10;
// constructor used by CmpMain::sqlcomp on a cache miss to create a new
// cache entry of a compiled plan for possible addition into the cache.
CacheData::CacheData(Generator *plan, const ParameterTypeList& f,
const SelParamTypeList& s,
LIST(Int32) hqcParamPos, LIST(Int32) hqcSelPos, LIST(Int32) hqcConstPos,
Int64 planId, const char *text, Lng32 cs, NAHeap *h)
: CData(h), formals_(f,h), fSels_(s,h), hqcListOfConstParamPos_(hqcParamPos, h),
hqcListOfSelParamPos_(hqcSelPos, h), hqcListOfConstPos_ (hqcConstPos, h),
origStmt_((char*)text), textentries_(h, initialTextPtrArrayLen)
plan_ = new (h) Plan(plan, planId, h);
// constructor
TextData::TextData(NAHeap *h, char *p, ULng32 l, CacheEntry *e)
: CData(h), entry_(e), actLen_(l), indexInTextEntries_(0), heap_(h)
// make a copy of the actual parameters because these constants
// will be destroyed when the cache miss query compilation completes.
actuals_ = new(h) char[l];
memcpy(actuals_, p, l);
// copy constructor used to transfer ownership of a cache entry's memory
// from the statementHeap to QCache::heap_.
CData::CData(CData &s, NAHeap *h)
: hits_(s.hits_), heap_(h)
, compTime_(s.compTime_), cumHitTime_(s.cumHitTime_)
// constructor used by QCache::addPostParserEntry(KeyDataPair& p) to transfer
// ownership of a cache entry's memory from the statementHeap to QCache::heap_.
CacheData::CacheData(CacheData &s, NAHeap *h, NABoolean sharePlan)
: CData(s, h)
, formals_(s.formals_, h), fSels_(s.fSels_, h)
, hqcListOfConstParamPos_(s.hqcListOfConstParamPos_, h)
, hqcListOfSelParamPos_(s.hqcListOfSelParamPos_, h)
, hqcListOfConstPos_(s.hqcListOfConstPos_, h)
, origStmt_(s.origStmt_)
, textentries_(s.textentries_, h)
if (sharePlan==FALSE) {
plan_ = new (h) Plan(*s.plan_, h) ;
} else
plan_ = s.plan_;
plan_ -> incRefCount();
if ( s.plan_ && s.origStmt_) {
origStmt_ = new (h) char[strlen(s.origStmt_)+1];
strcpy(CONST_CAST(char*,origStmt_), s.origStmt_);
// free memory allocated by this CData entry
// free memory allocated by this CacheData entry
if ( plan_->inGenerator() == FALSE ) {
// delete plan_ only if cache_ owns it and ref. count is 1.
// a null heap_ means cache_ does not own plan_.
// (planL_ == 0 or inGenerator() == TRUE ) means that the plan_ is
// a pointer to the generator
if ( plan_->getRefCount() == 0 )
// free memory allocated by this TextData entry. Also reset the pointer
// in the textentries array in the postparser entry so that the deleted
// preparser entry can not be referenced again from that postparser entry.
if ( entry_ ) {
KeyDataPair& pair = entry_->data_;
CacheData* cData = ((CacheData*)(pair.second_));
if ( cData ) {
TextPtrArray& tpArray = cData->PreParserEntries();
CollIndex n = getIndexInTextEntries();
tpArray[n] = NULL;
if ( actLen_ > 0 )
// return this CacheData's entry size in bytes. Note the plan size
// is not included!!!
ULng32 CacheData::getSize() const
ULng32 hqcTypesSize = (hqcListOfConstParamPos_.entries() * sizeof (Int32)) +
(hqcListOfSelParamPos_.entries() * sizeof (Int32)) +
(hqcListOfConstPos_.entries() * sizeof (Int32)) ;
ULng32 x = sizeof(*this) + formals_.getSize() + fSels_.getSize() + hqcTypesSize + (origStmt_ ? strlen(origStmt_) : 0);
return x;
// return byte size of this CacheData's preparser entries
ULng32 CacheData::getSizeOfPreParserEntries() const
ULng32 byteSize = 0;
CollIndex x, count = textentries_.entries();
for (x = 0; x < count; x++) {
byteSize += sizeof(CacheEntry) + TextHashTbl::getBucketEntrySize();
if ( textentries_[x] ) {
byteSize += textentries_[x]->data_.first_->getSize() +
return byteSize;
// return this TextData's size in bytes
ULng32 TextData::getSize() const
return sizeof(*this) + actLen_;
// don't add postparser entry's memory usage because it
// has already been accounted for by the postparser cache
// allocate and copy plan
void CacheData::allocNcopyPlan(NAHeap *h, char **plan, ULng32 *pLen)
*pLen = plan_->getPlanLen();
*plan = new (h) char[*pLen];
str_cpy_all(*plan, plan_->getPlan(), (Lng32)*pLen);
// helper method to unpack parameter buffer part of plan_
NABoolean CacheData::unpackParms
(NABasicPtr &parameterBuffer, ULng32 &parmSz)
// We partially unpack plan_ to get parameterBuffer
ComTdbRoot *root = NULL;
if(plan_->inGenerator() == FALSE) {
root = (ComTdbRoot*)(plan_->getPlan());
} else {
root = ((Generator *)(plan_->getPlan()))->getTopRoot();
if (!root) {
parmSz = 0;
return FALSE;
if (root->qCacheInfoIsClass())
NABasicPtr qCacheInfoPtr = root->getQCInfoPtr();
QCacheInfo * qcInfo = (QCacheInfo *)qCacheInfoPtr.getPointer();
parameterBuffer = qcInfo->getParameterBuffer();
parameterBuffer = root->getParameterBuffer();
parmSz = root->getCacheVarsSize();
if (plan_->inGenerator() == FALSE) {
// fix coverity cid 820 checked_return "return value of
// NABasicPtrTempl<char>::unpack(void*,short) is not checked"
if (parameterBuffer.unpack(root)) {
return FALSE;
} else {
// part of fix to genesis case 10-020920-1608. This partial unpack
// now works even if parameterBuffer.offset exceeds Space's first
// n block's total allocated size.
const Space *topSpace = ((Generator*)(plan_->getPlan()))->getTopSpace();
if (!topSpace) return FALSE;
if (parameterBuffer.unpack((void*)topSpace, 1) || !parameterBuffer) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE; // all OK
// backpatch for HQC queries
NABoolean CacheData::backpatchParams
(LIST(hqcConstant *) &listOfConstantParameters,
LIST(hqcDynParam *) &listOfDynamicParameters,
BindWA &bindWA, char* &params, ULng32 &parameterBufferSize)
// exit early if there's nothing to backpatch
parameterBufferSize = 0;
CollIndex countP = listOfConstantParameters.entries();
CollIndex countD = listOfDynamicParameters.entries();
if (countP+countD <= 0) {
return TRUE;
// number of HQC constants should be the sum of the SQC formal and selective parameters
CMPASSERT (countP == (formals_.entries() + fSels_.entries()))
// collect all the constants types in the order the constants appear in the query
CollIndex x=0;
CollIndex y=0;
Int32 countP2 = formals_.entries();
Int32 countS2 = fSels_.entries();
LIST(NAType*) hqcTypes(STMTHEAP);
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < (countP2+countS2); j ++)
if ((x < countP2) && hqcListOfConstParamPos_[x] == j)
else if ((y < countS2) && (hqcListOfSelParamPos_[y] == j))
// temporary code until the issue of using convDotIt with numeric is resolved
NABoolean anyNumeric = FALSE;
CollIndex i;
NABoolean useConvDoIt = (CmpCommon::getDefault(QUERY_CACHE_USE_CONVDOIT_FOR_BACKPATCH) == DF_ON);
// disable numeric (x.y) for now, until issue is resolved
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < (countP2+countS2); j ++)
NAType* targetType = hqcTypes[j];
if ((targetType->getTypeQualifier() == NA_NUMERIC_TYPE) &&
((((NumericType*)targetType)->getSimpleTypeName() == "NUMERIC") || (((NumericType*)targetType)->getSimpleTypeName() == "BIG NUM")))
useConvDoIt = FALSE;
// Generate a series of "assignment" expressions where the right hand sides
// "cast" each of the list of ConstantParameters into their corresponding
// formal types (taken from this CacheData's formals_) and the left hand
// sides are the corresponding elements of parameterBuffer (taken from the
// partially unpacked plan_ of this CacheData)
ValueIdList castExprs;
if (!useConvDoIt)
// Use an array to collect the ValueIds so that the literal positions
// in the SQL statement match those of the substituting parameters
// in the plan.
ValueIdArray castExprArray(countP);
CollIndex i;
for (i = 0; i < countP; i++) {
ConstValue *constVal = listOfConstantParameters[hqcListOfConstPos_[i]]->getConstValue();
NAType *type = CONST_CAST(NAType*, hqcTypes[i]);
ItemExpr *castNode = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap()) Cast(constVal, type);
castNode = castNode->bindNode(&bindWA);
if (!castNode) {
return FALSE;
castExprArray.insertAt(i, castNode->getValueId());
// transfer the list from array form to list form
//ValueIdList castExprs;
for (i=0; i<countP; i++) {
// unpack parameter buffer part of plan_
NABasicPtr parameterBuffer;
if (!unpackParms(parameterBuffer, parameterBufferSize)) {
return FALSE;
if (!useConvDoIt)
// evaluate the "assignments" to accomplish the backpatch
ex_expr::exp_return_type evalReturnCode = castExprs.evalAtCompileTime
(0, ExpTupleDesc::SQLARK_EXPLODED_FORMAT, parameterBuffer,
// evaluation success is guaranteed for the 2 cases that get here:
// 1) on a cache hit, ParameterTypeList::operator == returns TRUE iff
// NAType::errorsCanOccur() is false for all pairs of actual to
// formal cast expression.
// 2) on a cache miss, actuals and formals are identical.
// But as CR 10-010618-3503 showed, there are still cases where
// evaluation can fail; so, let's fail gracefully here.
if (evalReturnCode != ex_expr::EXPR_OK) {
return FALSE;
char* targetBugPtr = parameterBuffer.getPointer();
Lng32 offset = 0;
CollIndex x=0;
CollIndex y=0;
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < (countP); j ++)
ConstValue *constVal = NULL;
const NAType *sourceType = NULL;
const NAType *targetType = NULL;
constVal = listOfConstantParameters[hqcListOfConstPos_[j]]->getConstValue();
targetType = CONST_CAST(NAType*, hqcTypes[j]);
sourceType = constVal->getType();
Lng32 targetLen = targetType->getNominalSize();
Lng32 sourceScale = constVal->getType()->getScale();
Lng32 targetScale = targetType->getScale();
Lng32 varCharLenSize = 0;
char* varCharLen = NULL;
if ((targetType->getFSDatatype() >= REC_MIN_NUMERIC) and (targetType->getFSDatatype() <= REC_MAX_FLOAT))
Lng32 extraBuffer = targetLen - (offset % targetLen);
if (extraBuffer != targetLen)
offset += extraBuffer;
if (DFS2REC::isAnyVarChar(targetType->getFSDatatype()))
varCharLenSize = targetType->getVarLenHdrSize();
// align on a 2-byte since this is an integer
offset += (offset % varCharLenSize);
varCharLen = (char*)(targetBugPtr+offset);
offset += varCharLenSize;
// is this an empty string
//if (constVal->isEmptyString())
// varCharLenSize = 0;
if (DFS2REC::isAnyCharacter(targetType->getFSDatatype()))
sourceScale= constVal->getType()->getCharSet();
targetScale= targetType->getCharSet();
char* charVal = (char*)(constVal->getConstValue());
Int32 val = 0;
if ((targetType->getTypeQualifier() == NA_NUMERIC_TYPE) &&
((((NumericType*)targetType)->getSimpleTypeName() == "NUMERIC") || (((NumericType*)targetType)->getSimpleTypeName() == "BIG NUM")) &&
(targetScale > sourceScale)
val = *((Int32*) (constVal->getConstValue()));
val = val * pow(10, targetScale-sourceScale);
charVal = (char*) (&val);
Lng32 dataConversionErrorFlag = 0;
short retCode = convDoIt((char*)charVal,
if ((retCode != ex_expr::EXPR_OK) ||
(dataConversionErrorFlag == ex_conv_clause::CONV_RESULT_ROUNDED_DOWN))
return FALSE;
offset += targetLen;
CMPASSERT ((j < (countP-1)) || (offset == parameterBufferSize));
params = parameterBuffer.getPointer();
return TRUE; // all OK
// copies listOfConstantParameters into this CacheData's plan_
NABoolean CacheData::backpatchParams
(const ConstantParameters &listOfConstantParameters,
const SelParameters &listOfSelParameters,
const LIST(Int32)& listOfConstParamPositionsInSql,
const LIST(Int32)& listOfSelParamPositionsInSql,
BindWA &bindWA, char* &params, ULng32 &parameterBufferSize)
// exit early if there's nothing to backpatch
parameterBufferSize = 0;
CollIndex countP = listOfConstantParameters.entries();
CollIndex countS = listOfSelParameters.entries();
if (countP+countS <= 0) {
return TRUE;
// temporary code until the issue of using convDotIt with numeric is resolved
NABoolean anyNumeric = FALSE;
CollIndex i;
NABoolean useConvDoIt = (CmpCommon::getDefault(QUERY_CACHE_USE_CONVDOIT_FOR_BACKPATCH) == DF_ON);
// disable numeric (x.y) for now, until issue is resolved
for (CollIndex x = 0; x < countP; x++)
NAType* targetType = formals_[x].type_;
if ((targetType->getTypeQualifier() == NA_NUMERIC_TYPE) &&
((((NumericType*)targetType)->getSimpleTypeName() == "NUMERIC") || (((NumericType*)targetType)->getSimpleTypeName() == "BIG NUM")))
useConvDoIt = FALSE;
for (CollIndex x = 0; (x < countS) && useConvDoIt; x++)
NAType* targetType = fSels_[x].type_;
if ((targetType->getTypeQualifier() == NA_NUMERIC_TYPE) &&
((((NumericType*)targetType)->getSimpleTypeName() == "NUMERIC") || (((NumericType*)targetType)->getSimpleTypeName() == "BIG NUM")))
useConvDoIt = FALSE;
// Generate a series of "assignment" expressions where the right hand sides
// "cast" each of the list of ConstantParameters into their corresponding
// formal types (taken from this CacheData's formals_) and the left hand
// sides are the corresponding elements of parameterBuffer (taken from the
// partially unpacked plan_ of this CacheData)
ValueIdList castExprs;
if (!useConvDoIt)
// Use an array to collect the ValueIds so that the literal positions
// in the SQL statement match those of the substituting parameters
// in the plan.
ValueIdArray castExprArray(countP+countS);
CollIndex i;
for (i = 0; i < countP; i++) {
ConstValue *constVal = listOfConstantParameters[i]->getConstVal();
NAType *type = formals_[i].type_;
ItemExpr *castNode = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap()) Cast(constVal, type);
castNode = castNode->bindNode(&bindWA);
if (!castNode) {
return FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < countS; i++) {
ConstValue *constVal = listOfSelParameters[i]->getConstVal();
NAType *type = fSels_[i].type_;
ItemExpr *castNode = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap()) Cast(constVal, type);
castNode = castNode->bindNode(&bindWA);
if (!castNode) {
return FALSE;
// transfer the list from array form to list form
//ValueIdList castExprs;
for (i=0; i<countP+countS; i++) {
// unpack parameter buffer part of plan_
NABasicPtr parameterBuffer;
if (!unpackParms(parameterBuffer, parameterBufferSize)) {
return FALSE;
if (!useConvDoIt)
// evaluate the "assignments" to accomplish the backpatch
ex_expr::exp_return_type evalReturnCode = castExprs.evalAtCompileTime
(0, ExpTupleDesc::SQLARK_EXPLODED_FORMAT, parameterBuffer,
// evaluation success is guaranteed for the 2 cases that get here:
// 1) on a cache hit, ParameterTypeList::operator == returns TRUE iff
// NAType::errorsCanOccur() is false for all pairs of actual to
// formal cast expression.
// 2) on a cache miss, actuals and formals are identical.
// But as CR 10-010618-3503 showed, there are still cases where
// evaluation can fail; so, let's fail gracefully here.
if (evalReturnCode != ex_expr::EXPR_OK) {
return FALSE;
char* targetBugPtr = parameterBuffer.getPointer();
Lng32 offset = 0;
CollIndex x=0;
CollIndex y=0;
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < (countP+countS); j ++)
ConstValue *constVal = NULL;
const NAType *sourceType = NULL;
const NAType *targetType = NULL;
if ((x < countP) && listOfConstParamPositionsInSql[x] == j)
constVal = listOfConstantParameters[x]->getConstVal();
targetType = formals_[x].type_;
else if ((y < countS) && (listOfSelParamPositionsInSql[y] == j))
constVal = listOfSelParameters[y]->getConstVal();
targetType = fSels_[y].type_;
sourceType = constVal->getType();
Lng32 targetLen = targetType->getNominalSize();
Lng32 sourceScale = constVal->getType()->getScale();
Lng32 targetScale = targetType->getScale();
Lng32 varCharLenSize = 0;
char* varCharLen = NULL;
if ((targetType->getFSDatatype() >= REC_MIN_NUMERIC) and (targetType->getFSDatatype() <= REC_MAX_FLOAT))
Lng32 extraBuffer = targetLen - (offset % targetLen);
if (extraBuffer != targetLen)
offset += extraBuffer;
if (DFS2REC::isAnyVarChar(targetType->getFSDatatype()))
varCharLenSize = targetType->getVarLenHdrSize();
// align on a 2-byte since this is an integer
offset += (offset % varCharLenSize);
varCharLen = (char*)(targetBugPtr+offset);
offset += varCharLenSize;
// is this an empty string
if (constVal->isEmptyString())
varCharLenSize = 0;
if (DFS2REC::isAnyCharacter(targetType->getFSDatatype()))
sourceScale= constVal->getType()->getCharSet();
targetScale= targetType->getCharSet();
char* charVal = (char*)(constVal->getConstValue());
Int32 val = 0;
if ((targetType->getTypeQualifier() == NA_NUMERIC_TYPE) &&
((((NumericType*)targetType)->getSimpleTypeName() == "NUMERIC") || (((NumericType*)targetType)->getSimpleTypeName() == "BIG NUM")) &&
(targetScale > sourceScale)
val = *((Int32*) (constVal->getConstValue()));
val = val * pow(10, targetScale-sourceScale);
charVal = (char*) (&val);
short retCode = convDoIt((char*)charVal,
if (retCode != ex_expr::EXPR_OK)
return FALSE;
offset += targetLen;
CMPASSERT ((j < (countP+countS-1)) || (offset == parameterBufferSize));
params = parameterBuffer.getPointer();
return TRUE; // all OK
// copies actuals_ into this CacheData's plan_
NABoolean CacheData::backpatchPreParserParams
(char *actuals, ULng32 actLen)
// exit early if there's nothing to backpatch
if (!actuals || actLen <= 0) {
return TRUE;
// get parameter buffer part of plan_
NABasicPtr parameterBuffer; ULng32 formals_len;
if (!unpackParms(parameterBuffer, formals_len)) {
return FALSE;
CMPASSERT(formals_len == actLen);
// copy actuals into plan
memcpy(parameterBuffer.getPointer(), actuals, actLen);
return TRUE; // all OK
// copies actuals_ into this TextData's postparser's plan_
NABoolean TextData::backpatchParams()
// exit early if there's nothing to backpatch
if (!actuals_ || actLen_ <= 0) {
return TRUE;
// backpatch actuals_ into our postparser entry's plan
return PostParserEntry()->backpatchPreParserParams(actuals_, actLen_);
// add backpointer to given preparser cache entry
void CacheData::addTextEntry(CacheEntry *entry)
CollIndex n = textentries_.entries();
textentries_.insert(n, entry);
KeyDataPair& pair = entry->data_;
// tally hit time
void CData::addHitTime(TimeVal& begTime)
cumHitTime_ += timeSince(begTime);
// tally hit time
void TextData::addHitTime(TimeVal& begTime)
CData::addHitTime(begTime); // for preparser entry
PostParserEntry()->addHitTime(begTime); // for postparser entry
// compute this entry's compile time (in msec)
void CData::setCompTime(TimeVal& begTime)
compTime_ = timeSince(begTime);
// return elapsed msec since begTime
Int64 CData::timeSince(TimeVal& begTime)
TimeVal endTime;
GETTIMEOFDAY(&endTime, 0);
((endTime.tv_sec * (Int64) 1000000) + endTime.tv_usec) -
((begTime.tv_sec * (Int64) 1000000) + begTime.tv_usec);
// return the prime number closest to nEntries used by QCache::QCache() &
// QCache::resizeCache() to determine number of buckets for its hash tables
static ULng32 npBuckets(ULng32 nEntries)
static const ULng32 primes[] =
ULng32 result = nEntries;
if (result <= primes[1]) {
return primes[1];
ULng32 limit = sizeof(primes) / sizeof(primes[0]), hi = limit-1;
if (result >= primes[hi-1]) {
return primes[hi-1];
ULng32 lo=0, mid;
while (lo < hi) {
mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (primes[mid-1] <= result && result <= primes[mid+1]) {
return primes[mid];
if (result < primes[mid]) {
hi = mid - 1;
else {
lo = mid + 1;
return primes[limit-1];
const Int32 A_PREPARSE=CmpMain::PREPARSE;
const Int32 A_PARSE=CmpMain::PARSE;
const Int32 A_BIND=CmpMain::BIND;
// return the prime number closest to (maxHeapSz/avgPlanSz)*2.
// used by QCache::QCache() and QCache::resizeCache() to determine
// number of buckets for CacheHashTbl.
static ULng32 nBuckets(ULng32 maxHeapSz, ULng32 avgPlanSz)
ULng32 nEntries = (ULng32)((maxHeapSz / avgPlanSz) * 1.2);
return npBuckets(nEntries);
// reset counters
void QCache::clearStats()
limit_ = 0;
nOfCompiles_ = 0;
nOfLookups_ = 0;
nOfRecompiles_ = 0;
nOfRetries_ = 0;
nOfCacheableButTooLarge_ = 0;
nOfDisplacedEntries_ = 0;
nOfDisplacedPreParserEntries_ = 0;
nOfCacheableCompiles_[A_PREPARSE] =
nOfCacheableCompiles_[A_PARSE] =
nOfCacheableCompiles_[A_BIND] = 0;
nOfCacheHits_[A_PREPARSE] =
nOfCacheHits_[A_PARSE] =
nOfCacheHits_[A_BIND] = 0;
// constructor for query cache
QCache::QCache(QueryCache & qc, ULng32 maxSize, ULng32 maxVictims, ULng32 avgPlanSz)
: querycache_(qc), maxSiz_(maxSize), limit_(maxVictims)
, heap_(new CTXTHEAP NABoundedHeap
("mxcmp cache heap", (NAHeap *)CTXTHEAP, 0, 0))
, clruQ_(heap_)
, tlruQ_(heap_)
, nOfCompiles_(0)
, nOfLookups_(0)
, nOfRecompiles_(0)
, nOfRetries_(0)
, nOfCacheableButTooLarge_(0)
, nOfDisplacedEntries_(0)
, nOfDisplacedPreParserEntries_(0)
, planSz_(avgPlanSz)
nOfCacheableCompiles_[A_PREPARSE] =
nOfCacheableCompiles_[A_PARSE] =
nOfCacheableCompiles_[A_BIND] = 0;
nOfCacheHits_[A_PREPARSE] =
nOfCacheHits_[A_PARSE] =
nOfCacheHits_[A_BIND] = 0;
filestream = new fstream("qcache.log", ios::out);
logmsg("begin QCache::QCache()");
ULng32 x=heap_->getAllocSize();
cache_ = new (heap_) CacheHashTbl
(hashKeyFunc, // use hash function defined above
// compute nBuckets from maxSize & avgPlanSz
TRUE, // enforce uniqueness of keys
heap_); // use this bounded heap
tHash_ = new (heap_) TextHashTbl
(hashTextFunc, // use hash function defined above
// compute nBuckets from maxSize & avgPlanSz
TRUE, // enforce uniqueness of keys
heap_); // use this bounded heap
totalHashTblSize_ = heap_->getAllocSize() - x;
ULng32 y=heap_->getAllocSize();
logmsg("after allocate CacheHashTbl", y-x);
logmsg("end QCache::QCache()");
// free all memory allocated by query cache
// free all memory owned by cache heap
NADELETE(heap_, NABoundedHeap, CTXTHEAP);
delete filestream;
// shrink query cache to zero entries
void QCache::makeEmpty()
// Need to delete text entries before deleting the post-parser ones
// since TextData::~TextData() will clear one element in the textentries[]
// in the post-parser entry it is pointing at. If the post-parer entries
// are deleted first, the destructor will reference the deallocated memory.
// Without doing so, fullstack2/TEST042Q fails on debug NSK in R2.4SP2
// in 20100107 test label when the TRANSACTION LEVEL suddenly changes
// from READ COMMITTED to SERIALIZABLE. The failure happens near the
// SQL comment 'verify fix to a bug found by Ramses Sotelo's group'
// in the test.
tHash_->clear(); // removes entries from text hash table
cache_->clear(); // removes entries from template hash table
tlruQ_.clear(); // removes and destroys entries from text list
clruQ_.clear(); // removes and destroys entries from template list
querycache_.getHQC()->clear(); //empty HQC as well
// return bytes that can be freed by evicting this postparser cache entry
ULng32 QCache::getSizeOfPostParserEntry(KeyDataPair& entry)
Plan* p = ((CacheData*)entry.second_)->getPlan();
p ->visitOnce();
ULng32 planSize = ( p->getVisits() == p->getRefCount() ) ? p -> getSize() : 0;
return entry.first_->getSize() + entry.second_->getSize() + planSize +
+ ((CacheData*)(entry.second_))->getSizeOfPreParserEntries()
+ sizeof(CacheEntry) + CacheHashTbl::getBucketEntrySize();
// this routine is used for debugging qcache bugs only
void QCache::sanityCheck(Int32 mark)
// compute total freeable bytes of prospective LRU entries
LRUList::iterator lru = clruQ_.end();
while (lru != clruQ_.begin() ) {
KeyDataPair& entry = *(--lru);
// return TRUE iff cache can accommodate a new entry of this size
NABoolean QCache::canFit(ULng32 size)
ULng32 x = 0, freeable = getFreeSize(), bytesNeeded = size;
// compute total freeable bytes of prospective LRU entries
LRUList::iterator lru = clruQ_.end();
while (x < limit_ && lru != clruQ_.begin() && freeable < bytesNeeded) {
KeyDataPair& entry = *(--lru);
freeable += getSizeOfPostParserEntry(entry);
// reset the visit counters for all plans visited
LRUList::iterator i = clruQ_.end();
while ( i != clruQ_.begin() ) {
KeyDataPair& entry = *(--i);
if ( i == lru )
return freeable >= bytesNeeded;
// try to add this new postparser (and preparser) entry into the cache
CacheKey* QCache::addEntry(TextKey *tkey,
CacheKey*stmt, CacheData *plan, TimeVal& begTime,
char *params, ULng32 parmSz)
CacheKey* ckeyInQCache = NULL;
// stmt and plan and tkey are well formed
CMPASSERT(stmt && plan && tkey);
// remove any old cache entries with the same text key, because they may be stale
deCacheAll(tkey, NULL);
// include cache entry insert attempts (for all cache misses) in cache lookups
// prepare an iterator that will go over all items (plans) that potentially
// match 'stmt'. These item should be in the same bucket!
NABoolean canReuseCachedPlan = FALSE;
Plan* planToUse = plan->getPlan();
NAString defVal;
NABoolean doPlanSharing =
(CmpCommon::getDefault(SHARE_TEMPLATE_CACHED_PLANS, defVal) == DF_ON);
if ( doPlanSharing ) {
stmt->setCompareSelectivity(FALSE); // set the flag to FALSE so that
// selectivity is not compared. See
// method void NAHashBucket<K,V>::getKeyValuePair() and
// NAHashDictionaryIterator<K,V>::NAHashDictionaryIterator().
// CacheKey::opeartor==() is called to collect items in the
// cItor. The env, the parameterized SQL text and parameter
// types for key or non-key columns are compared.
CacheHashTblIterator cItor(*cache_ /*template hash table*/, stmt, NULL);
// restore the flag to TRUE (enable selectivity compare)
CacheKey *key = NULL;
CacheEntry *cEntry = NULL;
CacheData* value = NULL;
for ( CollIndex i = 0 ; i < cItor.entries() ; i++) {
cItor.getNext(key, cEntry);
value = (CacheData*)(cEntry->data_.second_);
// Reuse the plan if the plan length is the same. Note plans are not
// compared as it is very unlikely two plans with equal length diff.
// Besides, even two plans are the same, certain bytes in the two
// still can diff!
if ( value->getPlan()->getPlanLen() == plan->getPlan()->getPlanLen() ) {
planToUse = value->getPlan();
canReuseCachedPlan = TRUE;
// does heap have sufficient free space to hold smt + plan?
ULng32 bytesNeeded =
// size of template cache entry is:
sizeof(CacheEntry) +
stmt->getSize() // key part (CacheEntry.first_)
+ plan->getSize() // data part (CacheEntry.second_ excluding plan size)
// include plan size if we can not reuse the plan
+ ((canReuseCachedPlan==TRUE) ? 0 : (plan->getPlan()->getSize()))
+ CacheHashTbl::getBucketEntrySize() +
// size of text cache entry is:
+ tkey->getSize() + parmSz + TextHashTbl::getBucketEntrySize() ;
// When there is no space to hold the new entry with plan sharing, do not attempt
// the sharing because the entry-to-be-shared can be purged to create room for
// the new entry. Fix for CR2202 and CR4905.
if (canReuseCachedPlan && getFreeSize() < bytesNeeded) {
canReuseCachedPlan = FALSE;
bytesNeeded += plan->getPlan()->getSize();
Plan* newPlan = NULL; // the newly compiled plan
if ( canReuseCachedPlan ) {
newPlan = plan->getPlan(); // reuse the existing one
KeyDataPair newEntry(stmt,plan);
if (getFreeSize() >= bytesNeeded) { // yes, there's space.
ckeyInQCache =
addEntry(tkey, newEntry, begTime, params, parmSz, canReuseCachedPlan);
// we must null newEntry's contents here to prevent its destructor
// from delete'ing its contents which are now owned by the cache.
newEntry.first_ = NULL; newEntry.second_ = NULL;
else { // no, there's no space.
if (!canFit(bytesNeeded)) {
// not enough space to hold newEntry
// yes, we can free enough space to make room for newEntry
else if (freeLRUentries(bytesNeeded, limit_)) {
ckeyInQCache =
addEntry(tkey, newEntry, begTime, params, parmSz, canReuseCachedPlan);
// we must null newEntry's contents here to prevent its destructor
// from delete'ing its contents which are now owned by the cache.
newEntry.first_ = NULL; newEntry.second_ = NULL;
else { // still no room.
if ( canReuseCachedPlan )
plan->setPlan(newPlan); // restore the plan
// we must null newEntry's contents here to prevent its destructor
// from delete'ing its contents which are now owned by the cache.
newEntry.first_ = NULL; newEntry.second_ = NULL;
return ckeyInQCache;
// make room for and add this new preparser entry into the cache
void QCache::addPreParserEntry(TextKey *tkey,
char *params, ULng32 parmSz,
CacheEntry *entry, TimeVal &begTime)
// do nothing if preparser caching is off
if (!isPreparserCachingOn(TRUE)) return;
// arguments are well formed
if (!tkey || !entry || !tkey->amSafeToHash())
return; // do nothing
// remove any old cache entries with the same text key, because they may be stale
// Fix for Bugzilla 2135: Decache only preparser entries, to avoid
// decaching the entry "entry" itself that we want to insert
// has cache reached its preparser limit?
if (tlruQ_.size() >= maxPreParserEntries(maxSiz_,tEntSz_)) {
// yes, preparser cache is full. make room for new entry.
// preparser cache has room. add new entry
// transfer ownership of newEntry's memory to cache heap_
TextKey *tk = new(heap_) TextKey(*tkey, heap_);
TextData *td = new(heap_) TextData(heap_, params, parmSz, entry);
KeyDataPair newEntry(tk, td);
// add newEntry to front (MRU) end of preparser LRU queue
LRUList::iterator e = tlruQ_.pushFront(newEntry);
// add entry to preparser cache
TextKey *insertResult = tHash_->insert((TextKey*)(newEntry.first_), e.node_);
CMPASSERT(insertResult != NULL);
// make postparser entry point back to new preparser entry
// compute and set this entry's compile time
// we must null newEntry's contents here to prevent its destructor
// from delete'ing its contents which are now owned by the cache.
newEntry.first_ = NULL;
newEntry.second_ = NULL;
// search cache for a query plan that matches this key and if found,
// return TRUE & pointers to its plan & entry. Otherwise, return FALSE.
NABoolean QCache::lookUp(CacheKey *stmt, CacheDataPtr &data,
CacheEntryPtr &entry, CmpPhase phase)
// make sure arguments are well-formed
if (!stmt || !stmt->amSafeToHash())
return FALSE;
CmpPhase stage = stmt->getCmpPhase();
if (stage == phase) { // to avoid double counting post-parser cacheables.
// Otherwise, a tuple-insert miss will undergo post-binder lookup and
// would be counted twice as cacheable-after-parser.
entry = cache_->getFirstValue((const CacheKey*)stmt);
if (entry && entry->data_.second_) { // found a match
// include template cache hits in cache lookups
// move entry to front (MRU) end of LRU queue
clruQ_.splice(clruQ_.begin(), clruQ_, LRUList::iterator(entry));
// return pointer to compiled plan
data = (CacheDataPtr)(entry->data_.second_);
return TRUE; // cache hit
return FALSE; // cache miss
// search cache for a query plan that matches this key and if found,
// return TRUE & set data to point to that plan. Otherwise, return FALSE.
NABoolean QCache::lookUp(TextKey *stmt, TextDataPtr &data)
// make sure arguments are well-formed
if (!stmt || !stmt->amSafeToHash())
return FALSE;
CmpPhase stage = stmt->getCmpPhase();
CacheEntry* entry = tHash_->getFirstValue((const TextKey*)stmt);
if (entry && entry->data_.second_) { // found a match
// include text cache hits in lookups
// move entry to front (MRU) end of LRU queue of preparser cache
tlruQ_.splice(tlruQ_.begin(), tlruQ_, LRUList::iterator(entry));
// move entry to front (MRU) end of LRU queue of postparser cache
CacheEntry *ppentry = ((TextData*)entry->data_.second_)->PostParserNode();
clruQ_.splice(clruQ_.begin(), clruQ_, LRUList::iterator(ppentry));
// consider this a hit for this template cache entry also
// return pointer to compiled plan
data = (TextDataPtr)(entry->data_.second_);
return TRUE; // cache hit
return FALSE; // cache miss
// unconditionally add this postparser (and preparser) entry into the cache
CacheKey* QCache::addEntry(TextKey *tkey,
KeyDataPair& newEntry, TimeVal& begTime,
char *params, ULng32 parmSz, NABoolean sharePlan)
CacheKey* newCKeyInQCache = NULL;
// if entry is malformed
const CacheKey *entry = (const CacheKey*)(newEntry.first_);
if (!entry || !entry->amSafeToHash())
return NULL; // do nothing
// if entry is already in cache, do nothing
if (cache_->getFirstValue((const CacheKey*)(newEntry.first_)))
return NULL;
ULng32 x, y;
x = heap_->getAllocSize();
logmsg("Begin ::addEntry()");
// transfer ownership of new postparser entry's memory to cache heap_
newEntry.first_ = newCKeyInQCache = new(heap_) CacheKey(*(CacheKey*)(newEntry.first_), heap_);
y = heap_->getAllocSize();
logmsg("after allocate first_", y-x);
newEntry.second_ = new(heap_) CacheData
(*(CacheData*)(newEntry.second_), heap_, sharePlan);
//keep a copy of planId in CacheKey for HybridQueryCacheDetails convenience
CacheKey* cacheKey = (CacheKey*)(newEntry.first_);
CacheData* cacheData = (CacheData*)(newEntry.second_);
x = heap_->getAllocSize();
logmsg("after allocate second_", x-y);
// At this point any plans represented by a pointer to the Generator
// have been converted to a contiguous pack plan.
// add newEntry to front (MRU) end of postparser LRU queue
LRUList::iterator e = clruQ_.pushFront(newEntry);
// add entry to postparser cache
CacheKey *insertResult = cache_->insert
((CacheKey*)(newEntry.first_), e.node_);
CMPASSERT(insertResult != NULL);
y = heap_->getAllocSize();
logmsg("after insert into postparser cache", y-x);
// add text cache entry only if query has no view reference
if (((CacheKey*)(newEntry.first_))->useView() == FALSE) {
// add new preparser entry
addPreParserEntry(tkey, params, parmSz, e.node_, begTime);
x = heap_->getAllocSize();
logmsg("after insert into preparser cache", x-y);
// compute and set this entry's compile time
// return the cache key so that HQC can use the same pointer
// to point at the same ckey.
return newCKeyInQCache;
logmsg("End in ::addEntry()");
// remove this entry from the cache
void QCache::deCache(CacheKey *stmt)
if (stmt && stmt->amSafeToHash()) {
CacheEntry* entry = cache_->getFirstValue
(CONST_CAST(const CacheKey*, stmt));
if (entry) {
// decache postparser entry and its preparser instances
// decache a postparser cache entry
void QCache::deCachePostParserEntry(CacheEntry *entry)
// decache its preparser entries
// decache postparser entry
logmsg("begin QCache::deCachePostParserEntry");
ULng32 x = heap_->getAllocSize();
ULng32 y = heap_->getAllocSize();
logmsg("after call QCache::remove(CacheKey*)", x-y);
x = heap_->getAllocSize();
logmsg("after call clruQ_.erase()", y-x);
logmsg("end QCache::deCachePostParserEntry");
// decache this preparser entry
void QCache::deCachePreParserEntry(CacheEntry *entry)
// remove this preparser entry from the cache
void QCache::deCachePreParserEntry(TextKey *stmt)
if (stmt && stmt->amSafeToHash()) {
CacheEntry* entry = tHash_->getFirstValue
(CONST_CAST(const TextKey*, stmt));
if (entry) {
// decache an array of preparser cache entries
void QCache::deCachePreParserEntries(TextPtrArray &entries)
CollIndex x, count = entries.entries();
for (x=0; x<count; x++) {
if ( entries[x] )
// decache all entries that match this key
void QCache::deCacheAll(CacheKey *stmt, RelExpr *qry)
// We want to decache all entries that reference a given table.
Scan *scan;
if (!qry || (scan = qry->getAnyScanNode()) == NULL) {
// For inserts, it's sufficient to delete entries with matching keys.
if (stmt && stmt->amSafeToHash()) {
CacheEntry* entry = cache_->getFirstValue
(CONST_CAST(const CacheKey*, stmt));
while (entry) {
entry = cache_->getFirstValue(CONST_CAST(const CacheKey*, stmt));
else {
// For selects, we have to delete all entries that match our Scan node.
LRUList::iterator mru = begin();
while (mru != end()) {
KeyDataPair& entry = *mru;
++mru; // advance iterator to next entry (before current can disappear)
// does Scan text occur in entry's key?
if (entry.first_ &&
((CacheKey*)(entry.first_))->contains(scan->getText())) { // yes.
deCache((CacheKey*)(entry.first_)); // decache it.
// decache all entries that match this preparser key
void QCache::deCacheAll(TextKey *stmt, RelExpr *qry)
// NB: We're here because a preparser cache hit is being recompiled by the
// CLI executor because it failed similarity checks there. We need to
// decache not only this but also all preparser and postparser entries
// related to this stale stmt. We do this by getting our postparser
// representative entry and decaching it.
if (stmt && stmt->amSafeToHash()) {
CacheEntry* entry = tHash_->getFirstValue
(CONST_CAST(const TextKey*, stmt));
if (entry) { // decache only if it's in cache
CacheEntry* repE = ((TextData*)(entry->data_.second_))->PostParserNode();
// deCacheAll may delete repE->data_.first_ during normal operation
// so a copy is contructed before calling deCacheAll().
CacheKey stmtCopy(*(CacheKey*)repE->data_.first_, heap_);
deCacheAll(&stmtCopy, qry);
// else it's not in cache, so we're done
// decache all mpalias queries
void QCache::deCacheAliases()
// decache all entries whose keys indicate they are mpalias queries
LRUList::iterator mru = begin();
while (mru != end()) {
KeyDataPair& entry = *mru;
// am I an mpalias query?
if (entry.first_ &&
++mru; // no, advance to next entry.
else { // yes.
if (entry.first_)
deCache((CacheKey*)(entry.first_)); // decache it.
mru = begin(); // restart iterator.
// increment number of compiles
void QCache::incNOfCompiles(IpcMessageObjType op)
if ((op == CmpMessageObj::SQLTEXT_RECOMPILE)
|| (op == CmpMessageObj::SQLTEXT_STATIC_RECOMPILE)) {
} else {
// increment number of cacheable compiles at this stage
void QCache::incNOfCacheableCompiles(CmpPhase stage)
if (stage < N_STAGES) {
// return number of cacheable compiles at this stage
ULng32 QCache::nOfCacheableCompiles(CmpPhase stage) const
if (stage < N_STAGES) {
return nOfCacheableCompiles_[stage];
return 0;
// increment number of cache hits at this stage
void QCache::incNOfCacheHits(CmpPhase stage)
if (stage < N_STAGES) {
// return number of cache hits at this stage
ULng32 QCache::nOfCacheHits(CmpPhase stage) const
if (stage < N_STAGES) {
return nOfCacheHits_[stage];
// return the cummulative number of hits
else if( stage == N_STAGES )
ULng32 totalHits = 0;
for( Int32 i = 0; i < N_STAGES; i++ )
totalHits += nOfCacheHits_[i];
return totalHits;
return 0;
// compute total number of plans in template cache
ULng32 QCache::nOfPlans()
ULng32 plans = 0;
LRUList::iterator lru = clruQ_.end();
while (lru != clruQ_.begin()) {
KeyDataPair& entry = *(--lru);
Plan* p = ((CacheData*)entry.second_)->getPlan();
p ->visitOnce();
plans += ( p->getVisits() == p->getRefCount() ) ? 1 : 0;
// reset the visit counters for all plans visited
lru = clruQ_.end();
while ( lru != clruQ_.begin() ) {
KeyDataPair& entry = *(--lru);
return plans;
// increment number of cacheable entries that were too big for the cache
void QCache::incNOfCacheableButTooLarge()
// increment number of displaced entries
void QCache::incNOfDisplacedEntries(ULng32 howMany)
nOfDisplacedEntries_ += howMany;
// increment number of displaced preparser entries
void QCache::incNOfDisplacedPreParserEntries(ULng32 howMany)
nOfDisplacedPreParserEntries_ += howMany;
// Free all entries with specified QI Object Redefinition or Security Key
void QCache::free_entries_with_QI_keys( Int32 pNumKeys, SQL_QIKEY * pSiKeyEntry )
LRUList::iterator lru = clruQ_.end();
// loop thru query cache entries
while ( (clruQ_.size() > 0) && (lru != clruQ_.begin()) )
KeyDataPair& entry = *(--lru);
CacheData * cdata = (CacheData*)entry.second_ ;
ComTdbRoot * rootTdb = (ComTdbRoot *)cdata->getPlan()->getPlan();
char * base = (char *) rootTdb;
const ComSecurityKey * planSet = rootTdb->getPtrToUnpackedSecurityInvKeys( base );
CollIndex numPlanSecKeys = (CollIndex)(rootTdb->getNumberOfUnpackedSecKeys( base ));
char SiKeyOpVal[4] ;
SiKeyOpVal[2] = '\0'; //Put null terminator after first 2 chars
NABoolean found = FALSE;
// loop thru the keys passed as params
for ( Int32 jj = 0; jj < pNumKeys && !found; jj ++ )
SiKeyOpVal[0] = pSiKeyEntry[jj].operation[0];
SiKeyOpVal[1] = pSiKeyEntry[jj].operation[1];
ComQIActionType siKeyType =
ComQIActionTypeLiteralToEnum( SiKeyOpVal );
if (siKeyType == COM_QI_OBJECT_REDEF)
if (rootTdb->getNumObjectUIDs() > 0)
// this key passed in as a param is for object redefinition
// (DDL) so look for matching ObjectUIDs.
const Int64 *planObjectUIDs = rootTdb->
for (Int32 ii = 0; ii < rootTdb->getNumObjectUIDs() &&
!found; ii++)
if (planObjectUIDs[ii] == pSiKeyEntry[jj].ddlObjectUID)
found = TRUE;
else if (siKeyType != COM_QI_STATS_UPDATED)
// this key passed in as a param is for REVOKE so look
// thru the plan's revoke keys.
for ( CollIndex ii = 0; ii < numPlanSecKeys && !found; ii ++ )
// If user ID's (subjects match)
if ( (pSiKeyEntry[jj]).revokeKey.subject ==
planSet[ii].getSubjectHashValue() )
// Remove all plans for user
if ( ( pSiKeyEntry[jj]).revokeKey.object ==
planSet[ii].getObjectHashValue() &&
( siKeyType == planSet[ii].getSecurityKeyType() ) )
found = TRUE;
} // end loop thru the keys passed as params
if ( found )
++lru; // restart backward scan from entry's previous neighbor
deCache((CacheKey*)(entry.first_)); // decache entry
} // end loop thru query cache entries
// free least recently used entries to make room for a new entry
NABoolean QCache::freeLRUentries(ULng32 newFreeBytes, ULng32 maxVictims)
if (newFreeBytes <= getFreeSize()) {
return TRUE;
// start freeing least recently used entries
LRUList::iterator lru = clruQ_.end();
ULng32 freedEntries = 0;
// check list size to prevent infinite looping just in case, soln 10-090224-9516
ULng32 size=clruQ_.size();
while ( (getFreeSize() < newFreeBytes) &&
(freedEntries < maxVictims) &&
(clruQ_.size() > 0) &&
(lru != clruQ_.begin()) ) {
KeyDataPair& entry = *(--lru);
++lru; // restart backward scan from entry's previous neighbor
deCache((CacheKey*)(entry.first_)); // decache entry
if (freedEntries>size) break; // cannot free more than it has
return getFreeSize() >= newFreeBytes;
// free least recently used preparser entry to make room for a new entry
void QCache::freeLRUPreParserEntry()
// free least recently used preparser entry
LRUList::iterator lru = tlruQ_.end();
if (lru != tlruQ_.begin()) {
KeyDataPair& entry = *(--lru);
deCachePreParserEntry((TextKey*)(entry.first_)); // decache entry
// reconfigure cache to have new maxSize and new maxVictims
QCache* QCache::resizeCache(ULng32 maxSize, ULng32 maxVictims)
// empty cache if maxSize <= 0
if (maxSize <= 0) {
maxSiz_ = 0;
else if (maxSize == maxSiz_) { // same size as before
// so do nothing.
else { // desired size is nonzero and not same as before
if (maxSize < maxSiz_) { // desired size is smaller
// shrink cache to fit within maxSize
ULng32 currentSize=heap_->getAllocSize();
if (currentSize > maxSize) {
// free LRU entries until cache is small enough
// Fix solution 10-060901-8773 (QCD6:qcache:decaching shows
// unexpected behavior).
// The number of bytes to be freed is mapped to the existing
// space of allocated heap size and maxSiz_ :
// getFreeSize(), which is maxSiz_ - getAllocaSize()
// plus
// currentSize - maxSize, which is the size of space occupied
// by entries to be freed
// minus
// (totalHashTblSize_ * (1-maxSize/currentSize),
// which is a portion of the hash table
// itself that can be freed, assuming
// hash table size grows propotionally to
// the number of entries in the hash table
// which grows propotionally to the
// total amount of allocated heap space.
// This amount is substracted because
// we want to keep entries that can use this
// amount of space.
freeLRUentries(getFreeSize() + currentSize - maxSize -
ULng32(totalHashTblSize_ *
(1 - float(maxSize) / currentSize)),
INT_MAX); // NA_64BIT - revisit if large value is needed.
else { // desired size is bigger
// all entries will fit into a bigger cache.
// reconfigure cache_ hashtable to have less or more buckets
ULng32 x = heap_->getAllocSize();
cache_ = new(heap_) CacheHashTbl
(hashKeyFunc, nBuckets(maxSize, avgPlanSize()), TRUE, heap_);
totalHashTblSize_ = heap_->getAllocSize() - x;
// insert surviving entries into new cache_
LRUList::iterator mru = clruQ_.begin();
// check list size to prevent infinite looping just in case, soln 10-090224-9516
ULng32 size=clruQ_.size();
ULng32 cnt=0;
for (; mru != clruQ_.end(); ) {
CacheKey *reinsert = cache_->insert
((CacheKey*)((*mru).first_), mru.node_);
// It is possible that some plans in the previous hashtable
// cannot be inserted into the new hashtable. This is due to
// the order in which the plans are originally inserted into the
// cache. As an example, consider two statements that differ
// only in the size of a constant. One has a char(5) constant
// and the other has a char(10) constant. If the char(5)
// statement is prepared first, it is placed in the cache. Then
// later, the char(10) statement is prepared and is also placed
// into the cache, since it will not get a hit from the char(5).
// Now, due to the way the cache lookup is performed, the
// char(5) statement in the cache is effectively masked and will
// never get a hit. The more general char(10) statement will
// always be found first. Now if the cache size is changed (and
// that is why we are here), these statements will be reinserted
// into the hashtable in MRU order. Since the char(5) statement
// is masked by the char(10) statement, the char(10) statement
// is more recently used and will therefore be inserted first.
// Then, when the char(5) statement is inserted into the
// hashtable, it gets a hit on the char(10) statement and is not
// inserted. So, in effect, when changing the size of the
// cache, the masked plans are removed.
// On the other hand, if the char(10) statement was prepared first,
// the char(5) statement would get a hit on the char(10) statement.
// Remember that the CacheKey == operator is not commutative:
// char(5) == char(10)
// char(10) != char(5)
if(reinsert == NULL) {
// this entry is redundant, it cannot be inserted.
// delete its preparser entries before erasing it.
// Erase returns the next element in list
// no need to advance iterator.
mru = clruQ_.erase(mru);
} else {
if (++cnt >= size) break;
// Can not delete tHash_ earlier because deCachePreParserEntries()
// call potentially made above can access tHash_.
ULng32 maxEntries = maxPreParserEntries(maxSize, avgTextEntrySize());
ULng32 numBuckets = npBuckets(maxEntries);
tHash_ = new(heap_) TextHashTbl(hashTextFunc, numBuckets, TRUE, heap_);
// check list size to prevent infinite looping just in case, soln 10-090224-9516
for (mru = tlruQ_.begin(); mru != tlruQ_.end(); ) {
TextKey *reinsert = tHash_->insert
((TextKey*)((*mru).first_), mru.node_);
if(reinsert == NULL) {
// Erase returns the next element in list
// no need to advance iterator.
mru = tlruQ_.erase(mru);
} else {
if (++cnt >= size) break;
maxSiz_ = maxSize;
// adjust limit_
limit_ = maxVictims;
return this;
// return average plan size of existing entries if any or
// return previous average plan size if cache has no entries
ULng32 QCache::avgPlanSize()
// if there are no cache entries then return previous average
if (clruQ_.size() <= 0) {
return planSz_;
// otherwise recompute and return the actual average plan size
ULng32 totalSz = 0;
for (LRUList::iterator mru = clruQ_.begin(); mru != clruQ_.end(); ++mru) {
KeyDataPair& entry = *mru;
int cnt = ((CacheData*)entry.second_)->getPlan() -> getRefCount();
if (cnt <= 0) cnt = 1;
totalSz += (entry.first_->getSize() + entry.second_->getSize()) +
((CacheData*)entry.second_)->getPlan() -> getSize() / cnt;
if (totalSz > 0 AND clruQ_.size() > 0)
planSz_ = totalSz / clruQ_.size();
return planSz_;
// return average text entry size
ULng32 QCache::avgTextEntrySize()
// if there are no cache entries then return previous average
if (tlruQ_.size() <= 0) {
return tEntSz_;
// otherwise recompute and return the actual average text entry size
ULng32 totalSz = 0, newSz;
for (LRUList::iterator mru = tlruQ_.begin(); mru != tlruQ_.end(); ++mru) {
KeyDataPair& entry = *mru;
totalSz += (entry.first_->getSize() + entry.second_->getSize());
if ((newSz=totalSz / tlruQ_.size()) > 0) {
tEntSz_ = newSz;
return tEntSz_;
NABoolean QCache::isCachingOn() const
return maxSiz_ > 0 && CmpCommon::getDefault(QUERY_TEMPLATE_CACHE) == DF_ON;
NABoolean QCache::isPreparserCachingOn(NABoolean duringAddEntry) const
// if QTC is OFF, no text caching is to be done.
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(QUERY_TEXT_CACHE) == DF_OFF)
return FALSE;
// if QTC is SKIP, then qtc should not be done during compile phase,
// but should be done during the add phase after a query has been compiled.
// This ensures that a query that was compiled without cache, is added
// to the text cache.
if ((CmpCommon::getDefault(QUERY_TEXT_CACHE) == DF_SKIP) &&
(NOT duringAddEntry))
return FALSE;
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(AUTO_QUERY_RETRY) == DF_OFF)
return FALSE;
// A volatile tab and a regular table may have the same name.
// That would get incorrect query from the qcache during text match. This
// would not get detected by timestamp mismatch at runtime since the 2
// tables are physically different.
// Turn off text cache, if volatile tables are in use.
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(VOLATILE_SCHEMA_IN_USE) == DF_ON)
return FALSE;
// turn off text cache, if there is a CQS in use
if (ActiveControlDB() && ActiveControlDB()->getRequiredShape() &&
return FALSE;
// text caching could be used.
// It could still be turned off if the previously generated code did
// not use auto-query-retry. At runtime, use of AQR is a requirement for
// text cached generated plans to be executed.
return TRUE;
// return maximum number of preparser entries
ULng32 QCache::maxPreParserEntries(ULng32 maxByteSz, ULng32 avgEntrySz)
// assume text cache size <= 20% of text+template cache size
ULng32 limit = (maxByteSz / 5) / avgEntrySz;
return limit;
// load-time initialization
//THREAD_P QCache* QueryCache::cache_ = NULL;
QueryCache::QueryCache(ULng32 maxSize, ULng32 maxVictims, ULng32 avgPlanSz)
cache_ = NULL;
hqc_ = NULL;
resizeCache(maxSize, maxVictims, avgPlanSz);
parameterTypes_ = new (CTXTHEAP) NAString(parmTypesInitStrLen, CTXTHEAP);
// return an iterator positioned at beginning of query cache's LRU list
LRUList::iterator QueryCache::begin()
CMPASSERT(cache_ != NULL);
return cache_->begin();
// return an iterator positioned at beginning of preparser cache's LRU list
LRUList::iterator QueryCache::beginPre()
CMPASSERT(cache_ != NULL);
return cache_->beginPre();
// return an iterator positioned at end of query cache's LRU list
LRUList::iterator QueryCache::end()
CMPASSERT(cache_ != NULL);
return cache_->end();
// return an iterator positioned at end of preparser cache's LRU list
LRUList::iterator QueryCache::endPre()
CMPASSERT(cache_ != NULL);
return cache_->endPre();
void QueryCache::shutdownCache()
// Only free the cache when the context heap is not null. During some
// assertion processing, the CmpContext may be destroyed along with the
// query cache. Deleting the cache in that case will cause runtime
// failures and abends.
delete cache_;
cache_ = NULL;
// free all memory allocated to cache
void QueryCache::finalize(const char *staticOrDynamic)
if (cache_) {
// else nothing to do if no cache
// free parameterTypes
if (parameterTypes_) {
NADELETE(parameterTypes_, NAString, CTXTHEAP);
parameterTypes_ = NULL;
// get query cache statistics used by CompilationStats
// return FALSE if cache size is 0
NABoolean QueryCache::getCompilationCacheStats(QCacheStats &stats)
if (!cache_) {
memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats));
else {
stats.currentSize = cache_->byteSize();
stats.nRecompiles = cache_->nOfRecompiles();
stats.nCacheableP = cache_->nOfCacheableCompiles(A_PARSE);
stats.nCacheableB = cache_->nOfCacheableCompiles(A_BIND);
stats.nCacheHitsPP = cache_->nOfCacheHits(A_PREPARSE);
stats.nCacheHitsP = cache_->nOfCacheHits(A_PARSE);
stats.nCacheHitsB = cache_->nOfCacheHits(A_BIND);
stats.nCacheHitsT = cache_->nOfCacheHits(N_STAGES);
stats.nLookups = cache_->nOfLookups();
if (cache_->maxSize() <= 0)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void QueryCache::getHQCStats(HybridQueryCacheStats & stats)
memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats));
stats.nHKeys = hqc_->getEntries();
stats.nSKeys = hqc_->getNumSQCKeys();
stats.nMaxValuesPerKey = hqc_->getMaxEntriesPerKey();
stats.nHashTableBuckets = hqc_->getNumBuckets();
void QueryCache::getHQCEntryDetails(HQCCacheKey* hkey, HQCCacheEntry* entry, HybridQueryCacheDetails & details)
memset(&details, 0, sizeof(details));
details.planId = entry->getSQCKey()->getPlanId();
details.hkeyTxt = hkey->getKey();
details.skeyTxt = entry->getSQCKey()->getText();
details.nHits = entry->getNumHits();
details.nOfPConst = entry->getParams()->getConstantList().entries();
for(int i = 0; i < entry->getParams()->getConstantList().entries(); i++){
details.PConst += entry->getParams()->getConstantList()[i]->getConstValue()->getText();
details.PConst += "\n";
details.nOfNPConst = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < entry->getParams()->getNPLiterals().entries(); i++)
for(int i = 0; i < entry->getParams()->getNPLiterals().entries(); i++)
details.NPConst += entry->getParams()->getNPLiterals()[i];
details.NPConst += "\n";
// get query cache statistics
void QueryCache::getCacheStats(QueryCacheStats &stats)
if (!cache_) {
memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats));
else {
stats.avgPlanSize = cache_->avgPlanSize();
stats.s.currentSize = cache_->byteSize();
stats.highWaterMark = cache_->highWaterMark();
stats.maxSize = cache_->maxSize();
stats.maxVictims = cache_->maxVictims();
stats.nEntries = cache_->nOfPostParserEntries();
stats.nPlans = cache_->nOfPlans();
stats.nCompiles = cache_->nOfCompiles();
stats.s.nLookups = cache_->nOfLookups();
stats.s.nRecompiles = cache_->nOfRecompiles();
stats.nRetries = cache_->nOfRetries();
stats.s.nCacheableP = cache_->nOfCacheableCompiles(A_PARSE);
stats.s.nCacheableB = cache_->nOfCacheableCompiles(A_BIND);
stats.s.nCacheHitsPP = cache_->nOfCacheHits(A_PREPARSE);
stats.s.nCacheHitsP = cache_->nOfCacheHits(A_PARSE);
stats.s.nCacheHitsB = cache_->nOfCacheHits(A_BIND);
stats.s.nCacheHitsT = cache_->nOfCacheHits(N_STAGES);
stats.nTooLarge = cache_->nOfCacheableButTooLarge();
stats.nDisplaced = cache_->nOfDisplacedEntries();
stats.avgTEntSize = cache_->avgTextEntrySize();
stats.nTextEntries = cache_->nOfPreParserEntries();
stats.nDispTEnts = cache_->nOfDisplacedTextEntries();
stats.intervalWaterMark = cache_->intervalWaterMark();
stats.optimLvl = CompilerEnv::defToken2OptLevel
(CmpCommon::getDefault(OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL, 0));
stats.envID = 0;
// get details of this query cache entry
void QueryCache::getEntryDetails
(LRUList::iterator i, // (IN) : query cache iterator entry
QueryCacheDetails &details) // (OUT): cache entry's detailed statistics
if (!cache_) {
memset(&details, 0, sizeof(details));
else {
Key *ckey = (*i).first_;
CData *cdat = (*i).second_;
details.planId = cdat->getPlan()->getId();
details.qryTxt = (ckey->am() == Key::TEXTKEY) ? ((TextKey*)ckey)->getText()
: cdat->getOrigStmt();
details.entrySize = ckey->getSize() + cdat->getSize() +
sizeof(CacheEntry) +
details.planLength = ((ckey->am() == Key::TEXTKEY)) ?
((TextData*)cdat)->PostParserEntry()->getPlan()->getSize() :
((CacheData*)(cdat))->getPlan()->getSize() ;
details.nOfHits = cdat->getHits();
details.phase = ckey->getCmpPhase();
details.optLvl = ckey->getOptLvl();
details.envID = 0;
details.catalog = ckey->getCatalog();
details.schema = ckey->getSchema();
details.nParams = ckey->getNofParameters();
details.paramTypes = ckey->getParameterTypes(parameterTypes_);
details.compTime = cdat->getCompTime();
details.avgHitTime = cdat->getAvgHitTime();
details.reqdShape = ckey->getReqdShape();
details.isoLvl = ckey->getIsoLvl();
details.isoLvlForUpdates = ckey->getIsoLvlForUpdates();
details.accMode = ckey->getAccessMode();
details.autoCmt = ckey->getAutoCommit();
details.flags = ckey->getFlags();
details.rbackMode = ckey->getRollbackMode();
// resize query cache
void QueryCache::resizeCache(ULng32 maxSize, ULng32 maxVictims, ULng32 avgPlanSz)
if (cache_ != NULL) {
cache_ = cache_->resizeCache(maxSize, maxVictims);
else {
cache_ = new CTXTHEAP QCache(*this, maxSize, maxVictims, avgPlanSz);
//do the same for Hybrid Query Cache
// set HQC HashTable to have same bucket number as CacheKey HashTable
Lng32 numBuckets = cache_->getNumBuckets();
if (hqc_ != NULL) {
hqc_ = hqc_->resizeCache(numBuckets);
else {
hqc_ = new (CTXTHEAP) HybridQCache(*this, numBuckets);
void QueryCache::setQCache(QCache *qCache)
cache_ = qCache;
// add a new postparser entry into the cache
CacheKey* QueryCache::addEntry
(TextKey *tkey, // (IN) : preparser key
CacheKey *stmt, // (IN) : postparser key
CacheData *plan, // (IN) : sql statement's compiled plan
TimeVal& begT, // (IN) : time at start of this compile
char *params, // (IN) : parameters for preparser entry
ULng32 parmSz) // (IN) : len of params for preparser entry
return (cache_) ?
cache_->addEntry(tkey, stmt, plan, begT, params, parmSz) : NULL;
// add a new preparser entry into the cache
void QueryCache::addPreParserEntry
(TextKey *tkey, // (IN) : a cachable sql statement
char *actuals,// (IN) : actual parameters
ULng32 actLen, // (IN) : len of actuals
CacheEntry *entry, // (IN) : postparser cache entry
TimeVal &begT) // (IN) : time at start of this compile
if (cache_) {
cache_->addPreParserEntry(tkey, actuals, actLen, entry, begT);
void QueryCache::free_entries_with_QI_keys( Int32 NumSiKeys , SQL_QIKEY * pSiKeyEntry )
if (cache_) {
cache_->free_entries_with_QI_keys( NumSiKeys, pSiKeyEntry );
NAHeap *heap = NULL;
ULng32 x, y;
if ( first_ ) {
heap = first_->heap();
x = heap -> getAllocSize();
logmsg("begin ~KeyDataPair()");
if ( first_ ) {
NADELETE(first_,Key,first_->heap()); first_=NULL;
y = heap -> getAllocSize();
logmsg("after delete first_", x-y);
if ( second_ ) {
NADELETE(second_,CData,second_->heap()); second_=NULL;
x = heap -> getAllocSize();
logmsg("after delete second_", y-x);
if ( first_ )
logmsg("end ~KeyDataPair()\n");
void HQCParseKey::bindConstant2SQC(BaseColumn* base, ConstantParameter* cParameter, LIST(Int32) &hqcConstPos)
if ( !cParameter->getConstVal() || cParameter->getConstVal()->getOperatorType() != ITM_CONSTANT ||!isCacheable())
//loop over ConstValues collected in parser,
//and find one corresponding to constVal,
//the matched one will be marked parameterized, and move to ConstantList_
//its correspondant in NPLiterals will be set empty.
hqcConstant* matchedItem = NULL;
LIST (hqcConstant*) & tmpL = *(getParams().getTmpList());
for(Int32 i = paramStart_; i < tmpL.entries(); i++)
if( (tmpL[i]->getConstValue() == cParameter->getConstVal()
|| tmpL[i]->getBinderRetConstVal() == cParameter->getConstVal())
&& !tmpL[i]->isProcessed()
matchedItem = tmpL[i];
//the pos is index of new list
//set corresponding literal empty as a sign of parameterized
getParams().getNPLiterals()[matchedItem->getIndex()] = "";
//also add to new list for furture compare/backpatch
//next time, the loop will start from paramStart_
//for performence good.
paramStart_ = i + 1;
// If the constant cannot be found in HQC key, due to multiple
// identical constant values bound into a single ConstValue
// object, mark the key not cacheable and return.
if(!matchedItem) {
//if this constant doesn't need histogram info, the work is done.
if (!base)
//then get histogram info for it.
// check if there exists a histogram for the column
ColStatsSharedPtr cStatsPtr =
if (cStatsPtr == NULL)
// if the stats for this column is fake or the number of intervals is 1, there
// is no need to mark the boundary as all values will have the same selectivity
// just mark this item as no stats required
if (cStatsPtr->isFakeHistogram() || cStatsPtr->isSingleIntHist())
const EncodedValue encodedConstVal(cParameter->getConstVal(), FALSE);
// check frquent value list first.
const FrequentValueList & fvList = cStatsPtr->getFrequentValues();
const FrequentValue fv(0, 0, 1, encodedConstVal);
CollIndex fvIndex;
if ( fvList.getfrequentValueIndex(fv, fvIndex) ) {
matchedItem->addRange(encodedConstVal, encodedConstVal, TRUE, TRUE);
// next check each interval in the histogram
HistogramSharedPtr hist = cStatsPtr->getHistogram();
// was this histogram compressed to reduce the number of intervals
NABoolean histogramReduced = cStatsPtr->afterFetchIntReductionAttempted();
Interval last = hist->getLastInterval();
for ( Interval iter = hist->getFirstInterval(); ;
if ( !iter.isValid() || iter.isNull() ) {
if ( iter == last ) {//cannot be found in any intervals.
// if the value contains in the current interval, save
// the range info for future HybridQCache key comparison.
if ( iter.containsValue(encodedConstVal) )
NABoolean loBoundInclusive = iter.isLoBoundInclusive();
NABoolean hiBoundInclusive = iter.isHiBoundInclusive();
EncodedValue loBound = iter.loBound();
EncodedValue hiBound = iter.hiBound();
if (!histogramReduced)
//Column whose histogram is referred to by this ColStats object
const NAColumn * column = cStatsPtr->getStatColumns()[0];
Criterion reductionCriterion = cStatsPtr->decideReductionCriterion (AFTER_FETCH,CRITERION1,column,TRUE);
hist->computeExtendedIntRange(iter, reductionCriterion, hiBound, loBound, hiBoundInclusive, loBoundInclusive);
matchedItem->addRange(hiBound, loBound, hiBoundInclusive, loBoundInclusive);
if ( iter == last )
void HQCParseKey::FixupForUnaryNegate(BiArith* itm)
||getParams().getNPLiterals().entries() <= 0
||getParams().getTmpList()->entries() <=0
ConstValue* zero = (ConstValue*)itm->getChild(0);
ConstValue* unarycv = (ConstValue*)itm->getChild(1);
CollIndex lastNPIndex = getParams().getNPLiterals().entries() - 1;
//insert 0 to NPLiterals at penultimate position
getParams().getNPLiterals().insertAt(lastNPIndex, NAString("0"));
//create hqcConstant for 0
hqcConstant * hqcConst =
new (heap_) hqcConstant( (ConstValue*)zero,
heap_ );
//insert hqcConstant of 0 to tmpList at penultimate position
CollIndex lastTmpIndex = getParams().getTmpList()->entries() - 1;
getParams().getTmpList()->insertAt(lastTmpIndex, hqcConst);
//update index info
hqcConstant* unaryhqc = (*getParams().getTmpList())[lastTmpIndex+1];
unaryhqc->getIndex() = lastNPIndex + 1;
void HQCParseKey::collectItem4HQC(ItemExpr* itm)
if(itm->getOperatorType() == ITM_CONSTANT)
// The new hpcConstant will contain the same pointer to
// itm. Later on, when call HQCParseKey::collectItem4HQC(),
// we will assure that that the histogram is collected for
// the same constant. The constructor hqcConstant::hqcConstant()
// used has to guarantee that the same pointer is stored in
// the object.
hqcConstant * constPtr =
new (heap_) hqcConstant( (ConstValue*)itm,
getParams().getNPLiterals().entries() -1,
heap_ );
else if(itm->getOperatorType() == ITM_DYN_PARAM)
for(Int32 i = 0; i < HQCDynParamMap_.entries(); i ++)
if(HQCDynParamMap_[i].original_ == ((DynamicParam*)itm)->getText()){
hqcDynParam * dynPtr =
new (heap_) hqcDynParam((DynamicParam*)itm,
void HQCParseKey::collectBinderRetConstVal4HQC(ConstValue * origin, ConstValue* after)
if( origin == after) //do nothing if bindNode didn't replace origin ConstValue
//if ConstValue is replaced during bindNode,
//save pointer of new ConstValue, which will be used in bindConstant2SQC,
//to identify corresponding hqcConstant
LIST (hqcConstant*) & tmpL = *(getParams().getTmpList());
for(Int32 i = 0; i < tmpL.entries(); i++)
if(tmpL[i]->getConstValue() == origin)
// This operator is used to lookup the HQC hash table, only requiring a match
// on the parent class, the HQC key text and the constant and param lists.
NABoolean HQCCacheKey::operator==(const HQCCacheKey &other) const
return ( Key::isEqual(other) && this->keyText_ == other.keyText_ &&
numDynParams_ == other.numDynParams_ &&
reqdShape_ == other.reqdShape_
NABoolean HQCCacheEntry::operator==(const HQCCacheEntry &other) const
return TRUE;
NABoolean HistIntRangeForHQC::constains(const EncodedValue & value) const
if ( value < loBound_ || hiBound_ < value )
return FALSE;
if ( loBound_ < value && value < hiBound_ )
return TRUE ;
if ( loBound_ == value )
return loInclusive_;
if ( hiBound_ == value )
return hiInclusive_;
return FALSE;
NABoolean hqcConstant::isApproximatelyEqualTo(hqcConstant & other)
//for literals do not need to lookup histogram
// only make sure type is compatible, when coverting from other to *this,
// also fall into this categoray, if all histogram stats are uniform
if( getIndex() == other.getIndex()
&& isParameterized()
&& !isLookupHistRequired()) //Constants of SQL functions don't need to lookup histograms.
// check type compatability for SQL function constant parameters
#if 1
//Check if an error can occur when coverting coming ConstValue()(other) to target( this->getConstValue() )
|| !other.getConstValue()->canBeSafelyCoercedTo(*(this->getSQCType())) )
return FALSE;
if(other.getConstValue()->getType()->errorsCanOccur(*(this->getSQCType()), FALSE))
return FALSE;
//string literal ConstValue of ISO88591 can be convert to UTF8 encoded column
if(!other.getConstValue()->getType()->isCompatible(*(this->getSQCType())) )
if(this->getSQCType()->getTypeQualifier() == NA_CHARACTER_TYPE
&& other.getConstValue()->getType()->getTypeQualifier() == NA_CHARACTER_TYPE
&& this->getSQCType()->getCharSet() == CharInfo::UTF8
&& other.getConstValue()->getType()->getCharSet() == CharInfo::ISO88591 )
//for string ConstValue, if source charset is CharInfo::ISO88591 target is CharInfo::UTF8
//consider them compatible
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
//for literals need to lookup histogram
//cached hqcConstant should be parameterized, lookupHistRequired
if( getIndex() == other.getIndex()
&& isParameterized()
&& isLookupHistRequired()
const EncodedValue encodedConstVal(other.getConstValue(), FALSE);
//histogram range should be collected
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
NADELETE(histRange_, HistIntRangeForHQC, heap_);
void hqcConstant::addRange(const EncodedValue & hiBound, const EncodedValue & loBound, NABoolean hiinc, NABoolean loinc)
CMPASSERT(histRange_ == NULL);
histRange_ = new (heap_) HistIntRangeForHQC(hiBound, loBound, hiinc, loinc, heap_);
HybridQCache::HybridQCache(QueryCache & qc, ULng32 nOfBuckets)
: querycache_(qc), heap_(new CTXTHEAP NABoundedHeap("hybrid query cache heap", (NAHeap *)CTXTHEAP, 0, 0))
, hashTbl_(new (heap_) HQCHashTbl(hashHQCKeyFunc, nOfBuckets, TRUE, heap_))// enforce uniqueness of keys
, maxValuesPerKey_(CmpCommon::getDefaultLong(HQC_MAX_VALUES_PER_KEY))
, currentKey_(NULL)
, HQCLogFile_(NULL)
, planNoAQROrHiveAccess_(FALSE)
// free all memory owned by hybrid query cache heap
NADELETE(heap_, NABoundedHeap, CTXTHEAP);
delete HQCLogFile_;
void HybridQCache::invalidateLogging()
delete HQCLogFile_;
HQCLogFile_ = NULL;
void HybridQCache::initLogging()
NAString logFile = ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getValue(HQC_LOG_FILE);
DefaultToken DF = CmpCommon::getDefault(HQC_LOG);
if(HQCLogFile_ == NULL && DF == DF_ON) {
HQCLogFile_ = new ofstream(logFile, std::ofstream::app);
else if(HQCLogFile_ && DF == DF_ON)
{//re-open everytime for logging
HQCLogFile_->open(logFile, std::ofstream::app);
NABoolean HybridQCache::addEntry(HQCParseKey* hkey, CacheKey* ckey)
//transfer ownership to context heap;
HQCCacheKey* _hkey = new (heap_) HQCCacheKey (*hkey, heap_);
// check if we have seen this key before
HQCHashTblItor hqcItor(*hashTbl_, _hkey);
HQCCacheKey* hqcKeyPtr = NULL;
HQCCacheData* valueList = NULL;
CacheKey* cKeyPtr = NULL;
hqcItor.getNext(hqcKeyPtr, valueList);
HQCCacheEntry* storedValue = new (heap_) HQCCacheEntry (hkey->getParams(), ckey, heap_);
// we have seen this before, we need to make sure we have enough space in the list
// if yes add it, otherwise we need to eject the LRU item
if (valueList)
if (valueList->addOrReplace())
return TRUE;
else // we have not seen this key before, just add it
HQCCacheData* valueList = new (heap_) HQCCacheData (heap_, maxValuesPerKey_);
return (hashTbl_->insert(_hkey, valueList) != NULL);
return NULL;
NABoolean HybridQCache::lookUp(HQCParseKey * hkey, CacheKey* & ckey)
HQCCacheKey* hkey2 = new (heap_) HQCCacheKey (*hkey, heap_);
HQCHashTblItor hqcItor(*hashTbl_, hkey2);
HQCCacheKey* hqcKeyPtr = NULL;
HQCCacheData* valueList = NULL;
CacheKey* cKeyPtr = NULL;
hqcItor.getNext(hqcKeyPtr, valueList);
// The passed-in hkey contains only the text key and constants. The
// key stored in hqc hash table (hqcKeyPtr) contains more information.
// Here we want to verfiy that each constant in hkey is within the
// corresponding histogram interval boundaries the histogram specified
// in hqcKeyPtr.
if(hqcKeyPtr && valueList)
if (cKeyPtr = valueList->findMatchingSQCKey(hkey->getParams()))
ckey = cKeyPtr;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
NABoolean HybridQCache::delEntryWithCacheKey(CacheKey* ckey)
//iterate to remove entries with value ckey
HQCHashTblItor hqcHashItor(*hashTbl_);
HQCCacheKey* hkeyPtr = NULL;
HQCCacheData* valueList = NULL;
CacheKey* ckeyPtr = NULL;
hqcHashItor.getNext(hkeyPtr, valueList) ;
while ( hkeyPtr && valueList )
if (valueList->removeEntry(ckey))
if( valueList->entries() == 0)
delete valueList;
return TRUE;
hqcHashItor.getNext(hkeyPtr, valueList) ;
return FALSE;
ULng32 HybridQCache::getNumSQCKeys() const
//count number of SQCKeys in HQC
//one HQCkey entry may have multiple SQCKeys
ULng32 counter = 0;
HQCHashTblItor hqcHashItor(*hashTbl_);
HQCCacheKey* hkeyPtr = NULL;
HQCCacheData* valueList = NULL;
CacheKey* ckeyPtr = NULL;
hqcHashItor.getNext(hkeyPtr, valueList) ;
while ( hkeyPtr && valueList )
counter += valueList->entries();
hqcHashItor.getNext(hkeyPtr, valueList) ;
return counter;
HybridQCache* HybridQCache::resizeCache(ULng32 numBuckets)
// empty cache if numBuckets <= 0
if (numBuckets <= 0) {
else if (numBuckets == getNumBuckets()) { // same size as before
// do nothing.
} else {
// this method has not been implemented fully.
if(getNumBuckets() < numBuckets)
//create a bigger hash table dictionary
HQCHashTbl* newHashTable = new (heap_) HQCHashTbl (hashHQCKeyFunc,
TRUE, // enforce uniqueness of keys
heap_); // use this bounded heap
//move data from old hash dictionary to new
HQCHashTblItor itor(*hashTbl_);
HQCCacheKey* keyPtr = NULL;
HQCCacheData* valueList = NULL;
itor.getNext(keyPtr, valueList);
newHashTable->insert(keyPtr, valueList);
itor.getNext(keyPtr, valueList);
//delete old one, and swith to new one
delete hashTbl_;
hashTbl_ =newHashTable;
return this;
void HybridQCache::clear()
NAHashDictionaryIterator<HQCCacheKey, HQCCacheData> Iter (*hashTbl_);
HQCCacheKey* hk = NULL;
HQCCacheData* hkvl = NULL;
Iter.getNext (hk,hkvl) ;
while ( hk && hkvl )
delete hk;
delete hkvl;
Iter.getNext (hk, hkvl) ;
//Set HQCParseKey::isCacheable=FALSE if non-cacheable case is detected.
void HQCParseKey::verifyCacheability(CacheKey* ckey)
NAList <hqcConstant*> & paramConstList = getParams().getConstantList();
for(Int32 i = 0; i < paramConstList.entries(); i++)
if( paramConstList[i]->getConstValue()
&& paramConstList[i]->isParameterized()
&& !paramConstList[i]->isProcessed()
if (paramConstList[i]->isLookupHistRequired()
&& NULL == paramConstList[i]->getRange()
Int32 literalIndex = paramConstList[i]->getIndex();
if ( ckey == NULL ||
numConsts_ != ckey->getNofParameters() )
// This constructor is used add a hqc constant into a HQC key. It is
// very important to keep the pointer to cv. Never construct a new
// ConstValue object here.
hqcConstant::hqcConstant(ConstValue* cv,
Int32 index,
NAHeap* h)
: constValue_(cv)
, binderRetConstVal_(cv)
, SQCType_(NULL)
, histRange_(NULL)
, index_(index)
, heap_(h)
, flags_(0)
// This constructor is called to transfer HQC key to CmpContext.
hqcConstant::hqcConstant(const hqcConstant & other, NAHeap* h)
: constValue_(new (h) ConstValue(*other.constValue_, h))
, binderRetConstVal_(constValue_)
, SQCType_(NULL)
, histRange_(NULL)
, index_(other.index_)
, heap_(h)
, flags_(other.flags_)
// we need a new copy of the type_ member of ConstValue as
// the ConstValue construcotr does not do a deep copy of this attribute
constValue_->changeType (other.constValue_->getType()->newCopy(h));
//create copy of SQC NAType from parameterized source
if(other.getSQCType() && other.isParameterized())
SQCType_ = other.getSQCType()->newCopy(h);
histRange_ = new (heap_) HistIntRangeForHQC(*(other.histRange_), heap_);
HQCCacheKey::HQCCacheKey(CompilerEnv* e, NAHeap* h)
: Key(CmpMain::PARSE, e, h)
, keyText_(h)
, numConsts_(0)
, numDynParams_(0)
RelExpr* reqdShapeExp = NULL;
NAString reqdShape = "";
if (ActiveControlDB() && ActiveControlDB()->getRequiredShape() && ActiveControlDB()->getRequiredShape()->getShape())
reqdShape_ = NAString(reqdShape, h);
HQCCacheKey::HQCCacheKey(const HQCParseKey& hkey, NAHeap* h)
: Key(hkey, h)
, keyText_(, h)
, reqdShape_(hkey.getReqdShape(), h)
, numConsts_(hkey.getParams().getConstantList().entries())
, numDynParams_(hkey.getParams().getDynParamList().entries())
HQCParseKey::HQCParseKey(CompilerEnv* e, NAHeap* h)
: HQCCacheKey(e, h)
, params_(h)
, HQCDynParamMap_(h)
, isCacheable_(FALSE)
, isStringNormalized_(FALSE)
, nOfTokens_(0)
, paramStart_(0)
if (params_)
delete params_;
sqcCacheKey_ = NULL;
HQCCacheEntry::HQCCacheEntry(NAHeap* h)
: params_(NULL)
, sqcCacheKey_ (NULL)
, numHits_(0)
, heap_(h)
HQCCacheEntry::HQCCacheEntry(const HQCParams& params, CacheKey* sqcCacheKey, NAHeap* h)
: heap_(h)
, params_(new (heap_) HQCParams (params, heap_))
, sqcCacheKey_(sqcCacheKey)
, numHits_(0)
HQCParams::HQCParams(NAHeap* h)
: heap_(h)
, ConstantList_(h)
, DynParamList_(h)
, NPLiterals_(h)
, tmpList_(new (STMTHEAP) NAList<hqcConstant*>(STMTHEAP))
// copy constructor
HQCParams::HQCParams (const HQCParams & other, NAHeap* h)
: heap_(h)
, ConstantList_(h)
, DynParamList_(h)
, NPLiterals_(other.NPLiterals_, h)
for(Int32 i = 0; i < other.ConstantList_.entries(); i++)
hqcConstant* src = other.ConstantList_[i];
hqcConstant* des = new (h) hqcConstant(*src, h);
for(Int32 i = 0; i < other.DynParamList_.entries(); i++)
hqcDynParam* src = other.DynParamList_[i];
hqcDynParam* des = new (h) hqcDynParam(*src);
//tmpList_ shall be discarded, after a sucessful hit or addEntry
for(Int32 i = 0; i < ConstantList_.entries(); i++)
delete ConstantList_[i];
for(Int32 i = 0; i < DynParamList_.entries(); i++)
delete DynParamList_[i];
NABoolean HQCParams::isApproximatelyEqualTo (HQCParams& otherParam)
//compare non-parameteriezed & parameterized literals in one run
NAList <hqcConstant* > & otherTmpL = *(otherParam.getTmpList());
for(CollIndex i = 0, h = 0, x = 0; i < this->getNPLiterals().entries(); i++)
{ //return FALSE if non-parameterized literal is not identical
if(otherParam.getNPLiterals()[i].compareTo(this->getNPLiterals()[i], NAString::exact))
return FALSE;
//ConstValue might also be created for non-parameterized literal.
//we need to advance to skip these non-parameterized ConstValue.
if(otherTmpL.entries() > h && i > otherTmpL[h]->getIndex())
else//this means we hit a parameterized literal
//find the parameterized constant in otherTmpL that corresponds to the one in this->getConstantList(), then compare them.
//if h is pointing to preceding parameterized literal, advance to current one(which is also a parameterized literal)
if(otherTmpL.entries() > h && i > otherTmpL[h]->getIndex())
//if otherParam.getNPLiterals()[i] is a parameterized literal, otherTmpL[i]->getIndex() == i MUST be true.
CMPASSERT(otherTmpL[h]->getIndex() == i);
hqcConstant* parameterizedLiteral = otherTmpL[h];
//ConstValue empty string(like '') is non-parameterized literal.
//Launchpad bug 1409863
return FALSE;
//add it to otherParam.getConstantList(), if all items are match, we will use it for backpatch,
//otherwise, empty otherParam.getConstantList() after comparing all literals.
//do parameterized comparison
return FALSE;
// The algorithm above is base on following truth:
// it is possible a literal in this->getNPLiterals()(or otherParam.getNPLiterals()) doesn't have counterpart in otherTmpL, but the reverse is not true.
// it is also possible that hqcConstant in otherTmpL will not be a parameterized constant,
// if this->getNPLiterals()[i].isNull() is true, it MUST have a counterpart in otherTmpL whose getIndex()==i.
// so indexes
// i -- index of all literals, no matter with ConstValues or not, paremeterized or not,
// h -- index of literals with ConstValues,
// x -- index of parameterized constants
// The indexes of the three lists aren't corresponding,
// but we can figure out items that corresponding in the three lists, by calculating these indexes.
// we don't support dynamic parameters for now, so they are ignored
return TRUE;
// search the list of values for the value associated with the given params
// if found, increment the number of cache hits
CacheKey* HQCCacheData::findMatchingSQCKey (HQCParams& param)
for (CollIndex x = 0; x < entries(); x++)
HQCParams* entryParams = (*this)[x]->getParams();
if (entryParams && entryParams->isApproximatelyEqualTo(param))
// increment the number if hits for this entry
return (*this)[x]->getSQCKey();
//hqcConstants might be added to param.getConstantList()
//in HQCParams::isApproximatelyEqualTo() for possible backpatch,
//if comparing fails, param.getConstantList() must be cleared.
return NULL;
// logic to decide whether we need to replace an exisiting
// value for a given key. This is needed if the maximum
// allowed number of values is exhausted
NABoolean HQCCacheData::addOrReplace()
// there is space, just add the new value
if (this->entries() < this->maxEntries_)
return TRUE;
Int32 minHits = (*this)[0]->getNumHits();
CollIndex minHitsLoc = 0;
// list is full, we need to eject the LRU entry
// find it first
for (CollIndex x = 1; x < entries(); x++)
Int32 numHits = (*this)[x]->getNumHits();
if (numHits < minHits)
minHits = numHits;
minHitsLoc = x;
// now remove it
HQCCacheEntry* entryToRemove = (*this)[minHitsLoc];
ostream* hqc_ostream=CURRENTQCACHE->getHQCLogFile();
if (hqc_ostream)
*hqc_ostream << " -- HQC cache entry replaced. Entry has <" << entryToRemove->getNumHits() << "> hits \n";
delete entryToRemove;
return TRUE;
// remove a given value from the list of values that can be associated with an HQC key
NABoolean HQCCacheData::removeEntry (CacheKey* sqcCacheKey)
NABoolean entryRemoved = FALSE;
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < entries(); j++)
if ((*this)[j]->getSQCKey() == sqcCacheKey)
HQCCacheEntry* currEntry = (*this)[j];
delete currEntry;
entryRemoved = TRUE;
return entryRemoved;
QueryCacheStatsISPIterator::QueryCacheStatsISPIterator(SP_ROW_DATA inputData, SP_EXTRACT_FUNCPTR eFunc,
SP_ERROR_STRUCT* error, const NAArray<CmpContextInfo*> & ctxs, CollHeap * h)
: ISPIterator(ctxs, h), currQCache_(NULL)
initializeISPCaches(inputData, eFunc, error, ctxs, contextName_, currCacheIndex_);
//initialize currQCache_ here
//set currQCache_ to CURRENTQCACHE, and set to NULL after fetch one row.
if(currCacheIndex_ == -1);
QueryCacheEntriesISPIterator::QueryCacheEntriesISPIterator(SP_ROW_DATA inputData, SP_EXTRACT_FUNCPTR eFunc,
SP_ERROR_STRUCT* error, const NAArray<CmpContextInfo*> & ctxs, CollHeap * h)
: ISPIterator(ctxs, h), counter_(0), currQCache_(NULL)
initializeISPCaches( inputData, eFunc, error, ctxs, contextName_, currCacheIndex_);
//initialize currQCache_ here
if(currCacheIndex_ == -1);
//iterator start with preparser cache entries of first query cache, if any
if(currCacheIndex_ == -1 && currQCache_)
SQCIterator_ = currQCache_->beginPre();
else if(currCacheIndex_ == 0)
SQCIterator_ = ctxInfos_[currCacheIndex_]->getCmpContext()->getQueryCache()->beginPre();
HybridQueryCacheStatsISPIterator::HybridQueryCacheStatsISPIterator(SP_ROW_DATA inputData, SP_EXTRACT_FUNCPTR eFunc,
SP_ERROR_STRUCT* error, const NAArray<CmpContextInfo*> & ctxs, CollHeap * h)
: ISPIterator(ctxs, h), currQCache_(NULL)
initializeISPCaches( inputData, eFunc, error, ctxs, contextName_, currCacheIndex_);
//initialize currQCache_ here
//set currQCache_ to CURRENTQCACHE, and set to NULL after fetch one row.
if(currCacheIndex_ == -1);
HybridQueryCacheEntriesISPIterator::HybridQueryCacheEntriesISPIterator(SP_ROW_DATA inputData, SP_EXTRACT_FUNCPTR eFunc,
SP_ERROR_STRUCT* error, const NAArray<CmpContextInfo*> & ctxs, CollHeap * h)
: ISPIterator(ctxs, h)
, currEntryIndex_(-1)
, currEntriesPerKey_(-1)
, currHKeyPtr_(NULL)
, currValueList_(NULL)
, HQCIterator_(NULL)
, currQCache_(NULL)
initializeISPCaches( inputData, eFunc, error, ctxs, contextName_, currCacheIndex_);
//initialize currQCache_ here
if(currCacheIndex_ == -1);
if(currCacheIndex_ == -1 && currQCache_)
HQCIterator_ = new (heap_) HQCHashTblItor (currQCache_->getHQC()->begin());
else if(currCacheIndex_ == 0)
HQCIterator_ = new (heap_) HQCHashTblItor (ctxInfos_[currCacheIndex_]->getCmpContext()->getQueryCache()->getHQC()->begin());
delete HQCIterator_;
//if currCacheIndex_ is set 0, currQCache_ is not used and should always be NULL
NABoolean QueryCacheStatsISPIterator::getNext(QueryCacheStats & stats)
//Only for remote tdm_arkcmp with 0 context
if(currCacheIndex_ == -1 && currQCache_)
currQCache_ = NULL;
return TRUE;
//fetch QueryCaches of all CmpContexts with name equal to contextName_
if(currCacheIndex_ > -1 && currCacheIndex_ < ctxInfos_.entries())
if( !ctxInfos_[currCacheIndex_]->isSameClass( //current context name is not equal to contextName_
&& contextName_.compareTo("ALL", NAString::exact)!=0) //and contextName_ is not "ALL"
{// go to next context in ctxInfos_
return getNext(stats);
return TRUE;
//all entries of all caches are fetched, we are done!
return FALSE;
NABoolean QueryCacheEntriesISPIterator::getNext(QueryCacheDetails & details)
//Only for remote tdm_arkcmp with 0 context
if( currCacheIndex_ == -1 && currQCache_ )
if (SQCIterator_ == currQCache_->endPre()) {
// end of preparser cache, continue with postparser entries
SQCIterator_ = currQCache_->begin();
if (SQCIterator_ != currQCache_->end())
currQCache_->getEntryDetails(SQCIterator_++, details);
return FALSE; //all entries are fetched, we are done!
return TRUE;
//fetch QueryCaches of all CmpContexts with name equal to contextName_
if(currCacheIndex_ > -1 && currCacheIndex_ < ctxInfos_.entries())
if( !ctxInfos_[currCacheIndex_]->isSameClass( //current context name is not equal to contextName_
&& contextName_.compareTo("ALL", NAString::exact)!=0) //and contextName_ is not "ALL"
{// go to next context in ctxInfos_
if(currCacheIndex_ < ctxInfos_.entries()){
//initialize iterator to first cache entry of next query cache, if any
SQCIterator_ = ctxInfos_[currCacheIndex_]->getCmpContext()->getQueryCache()->beginPre();
return getNext(details);
QueryCache * qcache = ctxInfos_[currCacheIndex_]->getCmpContext()->getQueryCache();
if(SQCIterator_ == qcache->endPre()) {
// end of preparser cache, continue with postparser entries
SQCIterator_ = qcache->begin();
if(SQCIterator_ != qcache->end()){
qcache->getEntryDetails( SQCIterator_++, details);
return TRUE;
//end of this query cache, try to get from next in ctxInfos_
if(currCacheIndex_ < ctxInfos_.entries()){
//initialize iterator to first cache entry of next query cache, if any
SQCIterator_ = ctxInfos_[currCacheIndex_]->getCmpContext()->getQueryCache()->beginPre();
//let deeper getNext() decide.
return getNext(details);
//no more query caches, we are done.
return FALSE;
NABoolean HybridQueryCacheStatsISPIterator::getNext(HybridQueryCacheStats & stats)
//Only for remote tdm_arkcmp with 0 context
if(currCacheIndex_ == -1 && currQCache_)
currQCache_ = NULL;
return TRUE;
//fetch QueryCaches of all CmpContexts with name equal to contextName_
if(currCacheIndex_ > -1 && currCacheIndex_ < ctxInfos_.entries())
if( !ctxInfos_[currCacheIndex_]->isSameClass( //current context name is not equal to contextName_
&& contextName_.compareTo("ALL", NAString::exact)!=0) //and contextName_ is not "ALL"
{// go to next context in ctxInfos_
return getNext(stats);
return TRUE;
//all entries of all caches are fetched, we are done!
return FALSE;
NABoolean HybridQueryCacheEntriesISPIterator::getNext(HybridQueryCacheDetails & details)
//Only for remote tdm_arkcmp with 0 context
if( currCacheIndex_ == -1 && currQCache_ )
if( currEntryIndex_ >= currEntriesPerKey_ )
//get next key-value pair
HQCIterator_->getNext(currHKeyPtr_, currValueList_);
if(currHKeyPtr_ && currValueList_ && currQCache_->isCachingOn())
currEntryIndex_ = 0;
currEntriesPerKey_ = currValueList_->entries();
else//interator == end, all entries fetched, we are done!
return FALSE;
//just get next entry in previous valueList
currQCache_->getHQCEntryDetails(currHKeyPtr_, (*currValueList_)[currEntryIndex_++], details);
return TRUE;
//fetch QueryCaches of all CmpContexts with name equal to contextName_
if(currCacheIndex_ > -1 && currCacheIndex_ < ctxInfos_.entries())
if( !ctxInfos_[currCacheIndex_]->isSameClass( //current context name is not equal to contextName_
&& contextName_.compareTo("ALL", NAString::exact)!=0) //and contextName_ is not "ALL"
{// go to next context in ctxInfos_
if(currCacheIndex_ < ctxInfos_.entries())
{ //initialize HQCIterator to begin of next query cache, if any
delete HQCIterator_;
HQCIterator_ = NULL;
HQCIterator_ = new (heap_) HQCHashTblItor (ctxInfos_[currCacheIndex_]->getCmpContext()->getQueryCache()->getHQC()->begin());
return getNext(details);
if( currEntryIndex_ >= currEntriesPerKey_ )
//get next key-value pair
HQCIterator_->getNext(currHKeyPtr_, currValueList_);
QueryCache * tmpCache = ctxInfos_[currCacheIndex_]->getCmpContext()->getQueryCache();
if(currHKeyPtr_ && currValueList_ && tmpCache->isCachingOn())
currEntryIndex_ = 0;
currEntriesPerKey_ = currValueList_->entries();
else//interator == end
if(currCacheIndex_ < ctxInfos_.entries())
{ //initialize HQCIterator to begin of next query cache, if any
delete HQCIterator_;
HQCIterator_ = NULL;
HQCIterator_ = new (heap_) HQCHashTblItor (ctxInfos_[currCacheIndex_]->getCmpContext()->getQueryCache()->getHQC()->begin());
//let deeper getNext() decide.
return getNext(details);
//just get next entry in previous valueList
QueryCache * qcache = ctxInfos_[currCacheIndex_]->getCmpContext()->getQueryCache();
qcache->getHQCEntryDetails(currHKeyPtr_, (*currValueList_)[currEntryIndex_++], details);
return TRUE;
//no more query caches, we are done.
return FALSE;
QueryCacheDeleter::QueryCacheDeleter(SP_ROW_DATA inputData, SP_EXTRACT_FUNCPTR eFunc,
SP_ERROR_STRUCT* error, const NAArray<CmpContextInfo*> & ctxs, CollHeap * h)
:ISPIterator(ctxs, h), currQCache_(NULL)
initializeISPCaches( inputData, eFunc, error, ctxs, contextName_, currCacheIndex_);
//initialize currQCache_ here
if(currCacheIndex_ == -1);
void QueryCacheDeleter::doDelete()
//if currCacheIndex_ is set 0, currQCache_ is not used and should always be NULL
//Only for remote tdm_arkcmp with 0 context
if(currCacheIndex_ == -1 && currQCache_)
//clear QueryCaches of all CmpContexts with name equal to contextName_
if(currCacheIndex_ > -1 && currCacheIndex_ < ctxInfos_.entries())
for(;currCacheIndex_ < ctxInfos_.entries(); currCacheIndex_++)
if(contextName_.compareTo("ALL", NAString::exact)==0)
else if(ctxInfos_[currCacheIndex_]->isSameClass(