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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
// ==========================================================================
// Contains non inline methods in the following classes
// PrivMgrObjectInfo
// PrivMgrCommands
// ==========================================================================
#include "PrivMgrCommands.h"
#include "PrivMgrMD.h"
#include "DgBaseType.h"
#include "NATable.h"
#include "NAColumn.h"
#include "PrivMgrPrivileges.h"
#include "PrivMgrComponents.h"
#include "PrivMgrComponentOperations.h"
#include "PrivMgrComponentPrivileges.h"
#include "PrivMgrRoles.h"
#include "ComSecurityKey.h"
#include "ComUser.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
// ****************************************************************************
// Class: PrivMgrObjectInfo
// ****************************************************************************
const NATable *naTable)
: objectOwner_ (naTable->getOwner()),
schemaOwner_ (naTable->getSchemaOwner()),
objectUID_ (naTable->objectUid().get_value()),
objectName_ (naTable->getTableName().getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString().data()),
objectType_ (naTable->getObjectType())
const NAColumnArray &colNameArray = naTable->getNAColumnArray();
for (size_t i = 0; i < colNameArray.entries(); i++)
const NAColumn * naCol = colNameArray.getColumn(i);
std::string columnName(naCol->getColName().data());
columnList_.push_back( columnName);
// ****************************************************************************
// Class: PrivMgrUserPrivs
// ****************************************************************************
bool PrivMgrUserPrivs::initUserPrivs(
const std::vector<int32_t> & roleIDs,
const TrafDesc *priv_desc,
const int32_t userID,
const int64_t objectUID,
ComSecurityKeySet & secKeySet)
hasPublicPriv_ = false;
// generate PrivMgrUserPrivs from the priv_desc structure
TrafDesc *priv_grantees_desc = priv_desc->privDesc()->privGrantees;
NAList<PrivMgrDesc> descList(NULL);
// Find relevant descs for the user
while (priv_grantees_desc)
Int32 grantee = priv_grantees_desc->privGranteeDesc()->grantee;
bool addDesc = false;
if (grantee == userID)
addDesc = true;
if (PrivMgr::isRoleID(grantee))
if ((std::find(roleIDs.begin(), roleIDs.end(), grantee)) != roleIDs.end())
addDesc = true;
if (ComUser::isPublicUserID(grantee))
addDesc = true;
hasPublicPriv_ = true;
// Create a list of PrivMgrDesc contain privileges for user, user's roles,
// and public
if (addDesc)
TrafDesc *objectPrivs = priv_grantees_desc->privGranteeDesc()->objectBitmap;
PrivMgrCoreDesc objectDesc(objectPrivs->privBitmapDesc()->privBitmap,
TrafDesc *priv_grantee_desc = priv_grantees_desc->privGranteeDesc();
TrafDesc *columnPrivs = priv_grantee_desc->privGranteeDesc()->columnBitmaps;
NAList<PrivMgrCoreDesc> columnDescs(NULL);
while (columnPrivs)
PrivMgrCoreDesc columnDesc(columnPrivs->privBitmapDesc()->privBitmap,
columnPrivs = columnPrivs->next;
PrivMgrDesc privs(priv_grantees_desc->privGranteeDesc()->grantee);
priv_grantees_desc = priv_grantees_desc->next;
// Union privileges from all grantees together to create a single set of
// bitmaps. Create security invalidation keys
for (int i = 0; i < descList.entries(); i++)
PrivMgrDesc privs = descList[i];
// Set up object level privileges
objectBitmap_ |= privs.getTablePrivs().getPrivBitmap();
grantableBitmap_ |= privs.getTablePrivs().getWgoBitmap();
// Set up column level privileges
NAList<PrivMgrCoreDesc> columnPrivs = privs.getColumnPrivs();
std::map<size_t,PrivColumnBitmap>::iterator it;
for (int j = 0; j < columnPrivs.entries(); j++)
PrivMgrCoreDesc colDesc = columnPrivs[j];
Int32 columnOrdinal = colDesc.getColumnOrdinal();
it = colPrivsList_.find(columnOrdinal);
if (it == colPrivsList_.end())
colPrivsList_[columnOrdinal] = colDesc.getPrivBitmap();
colGrantableList_[columnOrdinal] = colDesc.getWgoBitmap();
colPrivsList_[columnOrdinal] |= colDesc.getPrivBitmap();
colGrantableList_[columnOrdinal] |= colDesc.getWgoBitmap();
// set up security invalidation keys
Int32 grantee = privs.getGrantee();
Int32 role = (ComUser::isPublicUserID(grantee) || PrivMgr::isRoleID(grantee))
? grantee : NA_UserIdDefault;
if (!buildSecurityKeys(userID, role, objectUID, privs.getTablePrivs(), secKeySet))
return false;
for (int k = 0; k < colPrivsList_.size(); k++)
PrivMgrCoreDesc colDesc(colPrivsList_[k], colGrantableList_[k]);
if (!buildSecurityKeys(userID, role, objectUID, colDesc, secKeySet))
return false;
// TBD - add schema privilege bitmaps
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method: initUserPrivs
// Creates a PrivMgrUserPrivs object from a PrivMgrDesc object
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PrivMgrUserPrivs::initUserPrivs(PrivMgrDesc &privsOfTheUser)
objectBitmap_ = privsOfTheUser.getTablePrivs().getPrivBitmap();
grantableBitmap_ = privsOfTheUser.getTablePrivs().getWgoBitmap();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < privsOfTheUser.getColumnPrivs().entries(); i++)
const int32_t columnOrdinal = privsOfTheUser.getColumnPrivs()[i].getColumnOrdinal();
colPrivsList_[columnOrdinal] = privsOfTheUser.getColumnPrivs()[i].getPrivBitmap();
colGrantableList_[columnOrdinal] = privsOfTheUser.getColumnPrivs()[i].getWgoBitmap();
hasPublicPriv_ = privsOfTheUser.getHasPublicPriv();
// ****************************************************************************
// Class: PrivMgrCommands
// ****************************************************************************
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default Constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivMgrCommands::PrivMgrCommands ()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Construct a PrivMgrCommands object for a new component.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivMgrCommands::PrivMgrCommands ( const std::string trafMetadataLocation
, const std::string &metadataLocation
, ComDiagsArea *pDiags
, PrivMDStatus authorizationEnabled )
: PrivMgr(trafMetadataLocation,metadataLocation,pDiags,authorizationEnabled)
PrivMgrCommands::PrivMgrCommands ( const std::string &metadataLocation
, ComDiagsArea *pDiags
, PrivMDStatus authorizationEnabled )
: PrivMgr(metadataLocation,pDiags,authorizationEnabled)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copy constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivMgrCommands:: PrivMgrCommands ( const PrivMgrCommands &other )
: PrivMgr(other)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assignment operator
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivMgrCommands& PrivMgrCommands::operator=(const PrivMgrCommands& other)
// Check for pathological case of X = X.
if ( this == &other )
return *this;
metadataLocation_ = other.metadataLocation_;
trafMetadataLocation_ = other.trafMetadataLocation_;
pDiags_ = other.pDiags_;
parserFlags_ = other.parserFlags_;
authorizationEnabled_ = other.authorizationEnabled_;
return *this;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method: authorizationEnabled
// Return true if authorization has been enabled, false otherwise.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool PrivMgrCommands::authorizationEnabled()
if (authorizationEnabled_ == PRIV_INITIALIZED)
return true;
PrivMgrMDAdmin admin(getMetadataLocation(), getDiags());
return admin.isAuthorizationEnabled();
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Function: PrivMgrCommands::createComponentOperation *
// * *
// * Add an operation for a specified component. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Parameters: *
// * *
// * <componentName> const std::string & In *
// * is the component name. *
// * *
// * <operationName> const std::string & In *
// * is the operation name to be added. *
// * *
// * <operationCode> const std::string & In *
// * is a 2 character code associated with the operation unique to the *
// * component. *
// * *
// * <isSystemOperation> bool In *
// * is true if the operation is a system operation. *
// * *
// * <operationDescription> const std::string & In *
// * is a descrption of the operation. May be empty. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Returns: PrivStatus *
// * *
// * STATUS_GOOD: Operation added. *
// * *: Operation not added. A CLI error is put into the diags area. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::createComponentOperation(
const std::string & componentName,
const std::string & operationName,
const std::string & operationCode,
bool isSystem,
const std::string & operationDescription)
PrivStatus privStatus = STATUS_GOOD;
PrivMgrComponentOperations componentOperations(getMetadataLocation(),
privStatus = componentOperations.createOperation(componentName,
catch (...)
return privStatus;
//************* End of PrivMgrCommands::createComponentOperation ***************
// method: describeComponents
// returns description of component in the form of REGISTER, CREATE, GRANT statements,
// by a specified component name.
// Input:
// componentName - a unique component name
// Output:
// outlines -output string lines in array
// returns true on success.
bool PrivMgrCommands::describeComponents(
const std::string & componentName,
std::vector<std::string> & outlines)
PrivStatus privStatus = STATUS_GOOD;
std::string componentUIDString;
int64_t componentUID;
//generate register component statement
PrivMgrComponents components(getMetadataLocation(),
privStatus = components.describeComponents(componentName,
// If the component name was not registered
if (privStatus == STATUS_NOTFOUND)
return false;
//component was registered, try to
//find it in component_operations, component_privileges tables,
//and generate create & grant statements.
PrivMgrComponentPrivileges componentPrivileges(getMetadataLocation(),
PrivMgrComponentOperations componentOperations(getMetadataLocation(),
privStatus = componentOperations.describeComponentOperations(componentUIDString,
catch (...)
return false;
return true;
//*************** End of PrivMgrCommands::describeComponents *******************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method: describePrivileges
// returns GRANT statements for privileges associated with the
// specified objectUID
// Parameters:
// objectUID - a unique object identifier
// objectName - the name of the object
// privilegeText - the resultant grant text
// returns true if successful
// The Trafodion diags area contains any errors that were encountered
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool PrivMgrCommands::describePrivileges (const PrivMgrObjectInfo &objectInfo,
std::string &privilegeText)
PrivMgrPrivileges objectPrivs (objectInfo, metadataLocation_, pDiags_);
PrivStatus retcode = objectPrivs.getPrivTextForObject(objectInfo,privilegeText);
return (retcode == STATUS_GOOD) ? true : false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method: dropAuthorizationMetadata
// This method drops all the metadata used by the privilege manager
// Returns the status of the request
// The Trafodion diags area contains the error that was encountered
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::dropAuthorizationMetadata(bool doCleanup)
PrivMgrMDAdmin metadata(getMetadataLocation(),getDiags());
std::vector<string> tablesToDrop;
size_t numTables = sizeof(privMgrTables)/sizeof(PrivMgrTableStruct);
for (int ndx_tl = 0; ndx_tl < numTables; ndx_tl++)
const PrivMgrTableStruct &tableDefinition = privMgrTables[ndx_tl];
return metadata.dropMetadata(tablesToDrop, doCleanup);
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Function: PrivMgrCommands::dropComponentOperation *
// * *
// * Removes operation for the specified component from the list of *
// * operations for that component. Granted privileges are automatically *
// * removed if the CASCADE option is specified. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Parameters: *
// * *
// * <componentName> const std::string & In *
// * is the component name. *
// * *
// * <operationName> const std::string & In *
// * is the operation name. *
// * *
// * <dropBehavior> PrivDropBehavior In *
// * indicates whether restrict or cascade behavior is requested. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Returns: PrivStatus *
// * *
// * STATUS_GOOD: Operation deleted. *
// * *: Operation not deleted. A CLI error is put into the *
// * diags area. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::dropComponentOperation(
const std::string & componentName,
const std::string & operationName,
PrivDropBehavior dropBehavior)
PrivStatus privStatus = STATUS_GOOD;
PrivMgrComponentOperations componentOperations(getMetadataLocation(),
privStatus = componentOperations.dropOperation(componentName,
catch (...)
return privStatus;
//************** End of PrivMgrCommands::dropComponentOperation ****************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method: getGrantorDetailsForObject
// Calls PrivMgrPrivileges::getGrantorDetailsForObject to return the effective
// grantor ID and grantor name for object level grant and revoke statements.
// Input: see PrivMgrPrivileges.cpp for description
// Output: see PrivMgrPrivileges.cpp for description
// returns PrivStatus with the results of the operation. The diags area
// contains error details.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::getGrantorDetailsForObject(
const bool isGrantedBySpecified,
const std::string grantedByName,
const int_32 objectOwner,
int_32 &effectiveGrantorID,
std::string &effectiveGrantorName)
PrivMgrPrivileges grantorDetails (metadataLocation_, pDiags_);
return grantorDetails.getGrantorDetailsForObject
(isGrantedBySpecified, grantedByName, objectOwner,
effectiveGrantorID, effectiveGrantorName);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method: getPrivileges
// returns the list of privileges and security keys for the userID given the
// specified objectUID
// Input:
// naTable - a pointer to the object
// userID - user to gather privs
// userPrivileges - returns available privileges
// secKeySet - the security keys for the object/user
// returns true if results were found, false otherwise
// The Trafodion diags area contains any errors that were encountered
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::getPrivileges(
NATable *naTable,
const int32_t userID,
PrivMgrUserPrivs &userPrivs,
std::vector <ComSecurityKey *>* secKeySet)
PrivMgrDesc privsOfTheUser;
// authorization is not enabled, return bitmaps with all bits set
// With all bits set, privilege checks will always succeed
if (!authorizationEnabled())
// if a hive table and does not have an external table, assume no privs
if (naTable->isHiveTable() && !naTable->hasExternalTable())
PrivMgrDesc emptyDesc;
PrivMgrPrivileges objectPrivs (metadataLocation_, pDiags_);
PrivStatus retcode = objectPrivs.getPrivsOnObjectForUser((int64_t)naTable->objectUid().get_value(),
if (retcode != STATUS_GOOD)
return retcode;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method: getPrivileges
// Creates a set of priv descriptors for all user grantees on an object
// Used by Trafodion compiler to store as part of the table descriptor.
// Parameters:
// <objectUID> is the unique identifier of the object
// <objectType> is the type of object
// <privDescs> is the returned list of privileges the on the object
// Returns: PrivStatus
// STATUS_GOOD: privilege descriptors were built
// *: unexpected error occurred, see diags.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::getPrivileges(
const int64_t objectUID,
ComObjectType objectType,
std::vector <PrivMgrDesc > &privDescs)
// If authorization is enabled, go get privilege bitmaps from metadata
if (authorizationEnabled())
PrivMgrPrivileges privInfo (objectUID, metadataLocation_, pDiags_);
return privInfo.getPrivsOnObject(objectType, privDescs);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method: getPrivileges
// returns GRANT statements for privileges associated with the
// specified objectUID
// Input:
// objectUID - a unique object identifier
// objectType - the type of the object
// objectName - the name of the object
// privilegeText - the resultant grant text
// secKeySet - the security keys for the object/user
// returns true if results were found, false otherwise
// The Trafodion diags area contains any errors that were encountered
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::getPrivileges(
const int64_t objectUID,
ComObjectType objectType,
const int32_t userID,
PrivMgrUserPrivs &userPrivs,
std::vector <ComSecurityKey *>* secKeySet)
PrivMgrDesc privsOfTheUser;
// If authorization is enabled, go get privilege bitmaps from metadata
if (authorizationEnabled())
PrivMgrPrivileges objectPrivs (metadataLocation_, pDiags_);
PrivStatus retcode = objectPrivs.getPrivsOnObjectForUser(objectUID,
if (retcode != STATUS_GOOD)
return retcode;
// authorization is not enabled, return bitmaps with all bits set
// With all bits set, privilege checks will always succeed
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method: getRoles
// Returns roleIDs for the grantee.
// <granteeID> the authorization ID to obtain roles for
// <roleIDs> is the returned list of roles
// Returns: PrivStatus
// STATUS_GOOD: role list was built
// *: unexpected error occurred, see diags.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::getRoles(
const int32_t granteeID,
std::vector <int32_t > &roleIDs)
// If authorization is not enabled, return
if (!authorizationEnabled())
PrivMgrRoles roles(" ",metadataLocation_,pDiags_);
std::vector<std::string> roleNames;
std::vector<int32_t> roleDepths;
return roles.fetchRolesForUser(granteeID,roleNames,roleIDs,roleDepths);
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Function: PrivMgrCommands::getPrivRowsForObject *
// * *
// * Returns rows for privileges granted on an object. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Parameters: *
// * *
// * <objectUID> const int64_t In *
// * is the unique ID of the object whose grants are being returned. *
// * *
// * <objectPrivsRows> std::vector<ObjectPrivsRow> & In *
// * passes back a vector of rows representing the grants for the object. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Returns: PrivStatus *
// * *
// * STATUS_GOOD : Rows were returned *
// * STATUS_NOTFOUND: No rows were returned *
// * *: Unable to read privileges, see diags. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::getPrivRowsForObject(
const int64_t objectUID,
std::vector<ObjectPrivsRow> & objectPrivsRows)
PrivStatus privStatus = STATUS_GOOD;
PrivMgrPrivileges objectPrivileges(objectUID,getMetadataLocation(),pDiags_);
privStatus = objectPrivileges.getPrivRowsForObject(objectUID, objectPrivsRows);
catch (...)
return privStatus;
//*************** End of PrivMgrCommands::getPrivRowsForObject *****************
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Function: PrivMgrCommands::givePrivForObjects *
// * *
// * Gives privileges (grants) associated with one or more objects to *
// * a new owner. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Parameters: *
// * *
// * <currentOwnerID> const int32_t In *
// * is the authID of the current owner of the object(s). *
// * *
// * <newOwnerID> const int32_t In *
// * is the the authID of the new owner of the object(s). *
// * *
// * <newOwnerName> const std::string & In *
// * is the name of the new owner of the object(s). *
// * *
// * <objectUIDs> const std::vector<int64_t> & In *
// * is a list of objects whose privileges are to be given to a new owner. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Returns: PrivStatus *
// * *
// * STATUS_GOOD: Component privilege(s) were granted *
// * *: One or more component privileges were not granted. *
// * A CLI error is put into the diags area. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::givePrivForObjects(
const int32_t currentOwnerID,
const int32_t newOwnerID,
const std::string &newOwnerName,
const std::vector<int64_t> &objectUIDs)
PrivStatus privStatus = STATUS_GOOD;
PrivMgrPrivileges objectPrivileges(getMetadataLocation(),pDiags_);
privStatus = objectPrivileges.givePrivForObjects(currentOwnerID,
catch (...)
return privStatus;
//**************** End of PrivMgrCommands::givePrivForObjects ******************
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Function: PrivMgrCommands::grantComponentPrivilege *
// * *
// * Grants the authority to perform one or more operations on a *
// * component to an authID. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Parameters: *
// * *
// * <componentName> const std::string & In *
// * is the component name. *
// * *
// * <operationNamesList> const std::vector<std::string> & In *
// * is a list of component operations to be granted. *
// * *
// * <grantorID> const int32_t In *
// * is the authID granting the privilege. *
// * *
// * <grantorName> const std::string & In *
// * is the name of the authID granting the privilege. *
// * *
// * <granteeID> const int32_t In *
// * is the the authID being granted the privilege. *
// * *
// * <granteeName> const std::string & In *
// * is the name of the authID being granted the privilege. *
// * *
// * <grantDepth> const int32_t In *
// * is the number of levels this privilege may be granted by the grantee. *
// * Initially this is either 0 or -1. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Returns: PrivStatus *
// * *
// * STATUS_GOOD: Component privilege(s) were granted *
// * *: One or more component privileges were not granted. *
// * A CLI error is put into the diags area. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::grantComponentPrivilege(
const std::string & componentName,
const std::vector<std::string> & operationNamesList,
const int32_t grantorID,
const std::string & grantorName,
const int32_t granteeID,
const std::string & granteeName,
const int32_t grantDepth)
PrivStatus privStatus = STATUS_GOOD;
PrivMgrComponentPrivileges componentPrivileges(getMetadataLocation(),
privStatus = componentPrivileges.grantPrivilege(componentName,
catch (...)
return privStatus;
//************* End of PrivMgrCommands::grantComponentPrivilege ****************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method: grantObjectPrivilege
// Grants one or more privilege on an object to the grantee (user or TBD role)
// Input:
// objectUID, objectName, objectType - identifies the object
// granteeUID, granteeName - identifies the grantee
// grantorUID, grantorName - identifies the grantor
// privsList - a list of privileges to grant
// colPrivsArray - an array of column privileges
// isAllSpecified - grant all privileges for the object type
// isWGOSpecified - indicates if WITH GRANT OPTION was specified
// Returns the status of the request
// The Trafodion diags area contains any errors that were encountered
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::grantObjectPrivilege (
const int64_t objectUID,
const std::string &objectName,
const ComObjectType objectType,
const int32_t granteeUID,
const std::string &granteeName,
const int32_t grantorUID,
const std::string &grantorName,
const std::vector<PrivType> &privsList,
const std::vector<ColPrivSpec> & colPrivsArray,
const bool isAllSpecified,
const bool isWGOSpecified)
if (!isSecurableObject(objectType))
*pDiags_ << DgSqlCode (-15455)
<< DgString0 ("GRANT")
<< DgString1 (objectName.c_str());
PrivMgrPrivileges grantCmd(objectUID, objectName, grantorUID, metadataLocation_, pDiags_);
return grantCmd.grantObjectPriv
(objectType, granteeUID, granteeName, grantorName, privsList, colPrivsArray, isAllSpecified, isWGOSpecified);
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::grantObjectPrivilege (
const int64_t objectUID,
const std::string &objectName,
const ComObjectType objectType,
const int32_t grantorUID,
const int32_t granteeUID,
const PrivMgrBitmap &objectPrivs,
const PrivMgrBitmap &grantablePrivs)
if (!isSecurableObject(objectType))
*pDiags_ << DgSqlCode (-15455)
<< DgString0 ("GRANT")
<< DgString1 (objectName.c_str());
PrivMgrPrivileges grantCmd(objectUID, objectName, grantorUID, metadataLocation_, pDiags_);
return grantCmd.grantObjectPriv
(objectType, granteeUID, objectPrivs, grantablePrivs);
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Function: PrivMgrCommands::grantRole *
// * *
// * Grants a role to an authorization ID. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Parameters: *
// * *
// * <roleIDs> const std::vector<int32_t> & In *
// * is a vector of roleIDs. The caller is responsible for ensuring all *
// * IDs are unique. *
// * *
// * <roleNames> const std::vector<std::string> & In *
// * is a list of role names. The elements in <roleIDs> must correspond *
// * to the elements in <roleNames>, i.e., roleIDs[n] is the role ID for *
// * the role with name roleNames[n]. *
// * *
// * <grantorIDs> const std::vector<int32_t> & In *
// * is a vector of authIDs granting the role. The elements of the vector *
// * are for the corresponding role entry. *
// * *
// * <grantorNames> const std::vector<std::string> & In *
// * is a list of names of the authID granting the role in the *
// * corresponding position in the role vectors. *
// * *
// * <grantorClass PrivAuthClass In *
// * is the auth class of the authID granting the role. Currently only *
// * user is supported. *
// * *
// * <grantees> const std::vector<int32_t> & In *
// * is a vector of authIDs being granted the role. The caller is *
// * responsible for ensuring all IDs are unique. *
// * *
// * <granteeNames> const std::vector<std::string> & In *
// * is a list of grantee names. The elements in <grantees> must correspond*
// * to the elements in <granteeNames>, i.e., grantees[n] is the numeric *
// * auth ID for authorization ID with the name granteeNames[n]. *
// * *
// * <granteeClasses> const std::vector<PrivAuthClass> & In *
// * is a list of classes for each grantee. List must correspond to *
// * <grantees>. Currently only user is supported. *
// * *
// * <grantDepth> const int64_t In *
// * is the number of levels this role may be granted by the grantee. *
// * Initially this is either 0 or -1. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Returns: PrivStatus *
// * *
// * STATUS_GOOD: Role(s) were granted *
// * *: One or more roles were not granted. *
// * A CLI error is put into the diags area. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::grantRole(
const std::vector<int32_t> & roleIDs,
const std::vector<std::string> & roleNames,
const std::vector<int32_t> & grantorIDs,
const std::vector<std::string> & grantorNames,
PrivAuthClass grantorClass,
const std::vector<int32_t> & grantees,
const std::vector<std::string> & granteeNames,
const std::vector<PrivAuthClass> & granteeClasses,
const int32_t grantDepth)
PrivStatus privStatus = STATUS_GOOD;
PrivMgrRoles roles(trafMetadataLocation_,metadataLocation_,pDiags_);
privStatus = roles.grantRole(roleIDs,
catch (...)
return privStatus;
//******************** End of PrivMgrCommands::grantRole ***********************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method: initializeAuthorizationMetadata
// This method creates all the metadata needed by the privilege manager
// Input:
// Location of the Trafodion OBJECTS table
// Location of the Trafodion AUTHS table
// Returns the status of the request
// The Trafodion diags area contains any errors that were encountered
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::initializeAuthorizationMetadata(
const std::string &objectsLocation,
const std::string &authsLocation,
const std::string &colsLocation,
std::vector<std::string> &tablesCreated,
std::vector<std::string> &tablesUpgraded)
PrivMgrMDAdmin metadata(getMetadataLocation(),getDiags());
return metadata.initializeMetadata(objectsLocation, authsLocation, colsLocation,
tablesCreated, tablesUpgraded);
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Function: PrivMgrCommands::insertPrivRowsForObject *
// * *
// * Writes rows for privileges granted on an object. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Parameters: *
// * *
// * <objectUID> const int64_t In *
// * is the unique ID of the object whose grants are being written. *
// * *
// * <objectPrivsRows> const std::vector<ObjectPrivsRow> & In *
// * is a vector of rows representing the grants for the object. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Returns: PrivStatus *
// * *
// * STATUS_GOOD : Rows were inserted *
// * *: Unable to insert, see diags. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::insertPrivRowsForObject(
const int64_t objectUID,
const std::vector<ObjectPrivsRow> & objectPrivsRows)
PrivStatus privStatus = STATUS_GOOD;
PrivMgrPrivileges objectPrivileges(objectUID, getMetadataLocation(),pDiags_);
privStatus = objectPrivileges.insertPrivRowsForObject(objectUID, objectPrivsRows);
catch (...)
return privStatus;
//************* End of PrivMgrCommands::insertPrivRowsForObject ****************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method: isPrivMgrTable
// Input:
// objectName - name of object to check
// this method returns true if the passed in object name is a privilege
// manager metadata object, false otherwise.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool PrivMgrCommands::isPrivMgrTable(const std::string &objectName)
char theQuote = '"';
// Delimited name issue. The passed in objectName may enclose name parts in
// double quotes even if the name part contains only [a-z][A-Z][0-9]_
// characters. The same is true for the stored metadataLocation_.
// To allow equality checks to work, we strip off the double quote delimiters
// from both names. Fortunately, the double quote character is not allowed in
// any SQL identifier except as delimiters - so this works.
std::string nameToCheck(objectName);
nameToCheck.erase(std::remove(nameToCheck.begin(), nameToCheck.end(), theQuote), nameToCheck.end());
size_t numTables = sizeof(privMgrTables)/sizeof(PrivMgrTableStruct);
for (int ndx_tl = 0; ndx_tl < numTables; ndx_tl++)
const PrivMgrTableStruct &tableDefinition = privMgrTables[ndx_tl];
std::string mdTable = metadataLocation_;
mdTable.erase(std::remove(mdTable.begin(), mdTable.end(), theQuote), mdTable.end());
mdTable += std::string(".") + tableDefinition.tableName;
if (mdTable == nameToCheck)
return true;
return false;
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Function: PrivMgrCommands::registerComponent *
// * *
// * Registers (adds) a component to the list of components known to *
// * Privilege Manager. Authority to perform operations within the *
// * component may be granted to one or more authorization IDs. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Parameters: *
// * *
// * <componentName> const std::string & In *
// * is the name of the component. Name is assumed to be upper case. *
// * *
// * <isSystem> const bool In *
// * is true if this is a system level component, false otherwise. If a *
// * component is system level, code in Trafodion can assume is it always *
// * defined. *
// * *
// * System components may only be unregistered by DB__ROOT. Only DB__ROOT *
// * may register a system component. *
// * *
// * <componentDescription> const std::string & In *
// * is a description of the component. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Returns: PrivStatus *
// * *
// * STATUS_GOOD: Component name was registered. *
// * *: Unable to register component name, see diags. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::registerComponent(
const std::string &componentName,
const bool isSystem,
const std::string &componentDescription)
PrivStatus privStatus = STATUS_GOOD;
PrivMgrComponents components(getMetadataLocation(),pDiags_);
privStatus = components.registerComponent(componentName,
catch (...)
return privStatus;
//**************** End of PrivMgrCommands::registerComponent *******************
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Function: PrivMgrCommands::revokeComponentPrivilege *
// * *
// * Revokes the authority to perform one or more operations on a *
// * component from an authID. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Parameters: *
// * *
// * <componentName> const std::string & In *
// * is the component name. *
// * *
// * <operationNamesList> const std::vector<std::string> & In *
// * is a list of component operations to be revoked. *
// * *
// * <grantorID> const int32_t In *
// * is the authID revoking the privilege. *
// * *
// * <granteeID> const int32_t In *
// * is the authID the privilege is being revoked from. *
// * *
// * <isGOFSpecified> const bool In *
// * is true if admin rights are being revoked. *
// * *
// * <dropBehavior> PrivDropBehavior In *
// * indicates whether restrict or cascade behavior is requested. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Returns: PrivStatus *
// * *
// * STATUS_GOOD: Component privilege(s) were revoked *
// * *: One or more component privileges were not revoked. *
// * A CLI error is put into the diags area. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::revokeComponentPrivilege(
const std::string & componentName,
const std::vector<std::string> & operationNamesList,
const int32_t grantorID,
const int32_t granteeID,
const bool isGOFSpecified,
PrivDropBehavior dropBehavior)
PrivStatus privStatus = STATUS_GOOD;
PrivMgrComponentPrivileges componentPrivileges(getMetadataLocation(),
privStatus = componentPrivileges.revokePrivilege(componentName,
isGOFSpecified, 0,
catch (...)
return privStatus;
//************* End of PrivMgrCommands::revokeComponentPrivilege ***************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method: revokeObjectPrivilege
// Revokes one or more privilege on an object to the grantee (user or TBD role)
// Input:
// objectUID, objectName, objectType - identifies the object
// granteeUID - identifies the grantee
// grantorUID - identifies the grantor
// privsList - a list of privileges to revoke
// isAllSpecified - grant all privileges for the object type
// isGOFSpecified - indicates if GRANT OPTION FOR was specified
// Returns the status of the request
// The Trafodion diags area contains any errors that were encountered
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::revokeObjectPrivilege(
const int64_t objectUID,
const std::string &objectName,
const ComObjectType objectType,
const int32_t granteeUID,
const std::string & granteeName,
const int32_t grantorUID,
const std::string & grantorName,
const std::vector<PrivType> &privList,
const std::vector<ColPrivSpec> & colPrivsArray,
const bool isAllSpecified,
const bool isGOFSpecified)
if (!isSecurableObject(objectType))
*pDiags_ << DgSqlCode (-15455)
<< DgString0 ("REVOKE")
<< DgString1 (objectName.c_str());
// set up privileges class
PrivMgrPrivileges revokeCmd(objectUID, objectName, grantorUID, metadataLocation_, pDiags_);
return revokeCmd.revokeObjectPriv(objectType,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method: revokeObjectPrivilege
// Revokes all privileges for an object - called as part of dropping the object
// Input:
// objectUID, objectName - identifies the object
// grantorUID - identifies the grantor
// Returns the status of the request
// The Trafodion diags area contains any errors that were encountered
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::revokeObjectPrivilege(
const int64_t objectUID,
const std::string &objectName,
const int32_t grantorUID)
// If we are revoking privileges on the authorization tables,
// just return STATUS_GOOD. Object_privileges will go away.
if (isPrivMgrTable(objectName))
// set up privileges class
PrivMgrPrivileges revokeCmd(objectUID, objectName, grantorUID, metadataLocation_, pDiags_);
return revokeCmd.revokeObjectPriv();
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Function: PrivMgrCommands::revokeRole *
// * *
// * Revokes one or more roles from one or more authorization IDs. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Parameters: *
// * *
// * <roleIDs> const std::vector<int32_t> & In *
// * is a vector of roleIDs. The caller is responsible for ensuring all *
// * IDs are unique. *
// * *
// * <granteeIDs> const std::vector<int32_t> & In *
// * is a vector of granteeIDs. The caller is responsible for ensuring all *
// * IDs are unique. *
// * *
// * <granteeClasses> const std::vector<PrivAuthClass> & In *
// * is a vector of PrivAuthClass corresponding the granteeID in the same *
// * position in the granteeIDs vector. *
// * *
// * <grantorIDs> const std::vector<int32_t> & In *
// * is a vector of authIDs that granted the role. The elements of the *
// * vector are for the corresponding role entry. *
// * *
// * <isGOFSpecified> const bool In *
// * is true if admin rights are being revoked. *
// * *
// * <newGrantDepth> const int32_t In *
// * is the number of levels this privilege may be granted by the grantee. *
// * Initially this is always 0 when revoking. *
// * *
// * <dropBehavior> PrivDropBehavior In *
// * indicates whether restrict or cascade behavior is requested. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Returns: PrivStatus *
// * *
// * STATUS_GOOD: Role(s) were revoked *
// * *: One or more roles were not revoked. *
// * A CLI error is put into the diags area. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::revokeRole(
const std::vector<int32_t> & roleIDs,
const std::vector<int32_t> & granteeIDs,
const std::vector<PrivAuthClass> & granteeClasses,
const std::vector<int32_t> & grantorIDs,
const bool isGOFSpecified,
const int32_t newGrantDepth,
PrivDropBehavior dropBehavior)
PrivStatus privStatus = STATUS_GOOD;
PrivMgrRoles roles(trafMetadataLocation_,metadataLocation_,pDiags_);
privStatus = roles.revokeRole(roleIDs,
catch (...)
return privStatus;
//******************** End of PrivMgrCommands::revokeRole **********************
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Function: PrivMgrComponents::unregisterComponent *
// * *
// * Removes the component from the list of components known to the *
// * Privilege Manager. Operations of the component and privileges *
// * granted for those operations are automatically removed if the *
// * CASCADE option is specified. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Parameters: *
// * *
// * <componentName> const std::string & In *
// * is the name of the component. Name is assumed to be upper case. *
// * *
// * <dropBehavior> PrivDropBehavior In *
// * indicates whether restrict or cascade behavior is requested. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Returns: PrivStatus *
// * *
// * STATUS_GOOD: Component was unregistered. *
// * *: Unable to unregister component, see diags. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
PrivStatus PrivMgrCommands::unregisterComponent(
const std::string & componentName,
PrivDropBehavior dropBehavior)
PrivStatus privStatus = STATUS_GOOD;
PrivMgrComponents components(getMetadataLocation(),pDiags_);
privStatus = components.unregisterComponent(componentName,dropBehavior);
catch (...)
return privStatus;
//*************** End of PrivMgrCommands::unregisterComponent ******************