blob: 2fee84be87ddee16ab2f9895bb6f53c4111832e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef CMUTIL_H
#define CMUTIL_H
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "ComVersionDefs.h"
#include "ComDistribution.h"
#include "OperTypeEnum.h"
#include "nawstring.h"
#define YesNoToBoolean(val) (COM_YES == (val) ? TRUE : FALSE)
#define BooleanToYesNo(val) (TRUE == (val) ? COM_YES : COM_NO)
, CM_CHECK_100
, CM_CHECK_0_100
inline void CmGetComNameAsLit(const ComAnsiNameSpace enumValue, char * literal)
{ ComNameSpaceEnumToLiteral (enumValue, literal); };
inline ComAnsiNameSpace CmGetComNameAsAnsiName(const char * literal)
{ return ComNameSpaceLiteralToEnum (literal); };
inline void CmGetComObjectAsLit(const ComObjectType enumValue, char * literal)
{ ComObjectTypeEnumToLiteral (enumValue, literal); };
inline ComObjectType CmGetComObjectAsComObjectType (const char * literal)
{ return ComObjectTypeLiteralToEnum (literal); };
inline void CmGetComPrivAsLit (const ComPrivilegeType enumValue, char * literal)
{ ComPrivTypeEnumToLiteral (enumValue, literal); };
inline ComPrivilegeType CmGetComPrivAsPrivilegeType (const char * literal)
{ return ComPrivTypeLiteralToEnum (literal); };
extern void CmGetComObjectClassAsLit (const ComObjectClass enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComObjectClass CmGetComObjectClassAsObjectClass (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComComponentPrivilegeClassAsLit (const ComComponentPrivilegeClass enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComComponentPrivilegeClass CmGetComComponentPrivilegeClassAsComponentPrivilegeClass (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComClusterAsLit (const ComClusteringScheme enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComClusteringScheme CmGetComClusterAsClusterScheme (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComPartAsLit (const ComPartitioningScheme enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComPartitioningScheme CmGetComPartAsPartitionScheme (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComAccPathTypeAsLit (const ComAccessPathType enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComAccessPathType CmGetComAccPathTypeAsAccessPathType (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetRowFormatTypeAsLit (const ComRowFormat enumValue, char * literal);
extern void CmGetCompressionTypeAsLit (const ComCompressionType enumValue, char *literal);
extern ComCompressionType CmGetComCompressionTypeAsCompressionType(const char * literal);
extern ComRowFormat CmGetComRowFormatAsRowFormat(const char * literal);
extern void CmGetInsertModeAsLit (const ComInsertMode enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComInsertMode CmGetComInsertModeAsInsertMode(const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComOrderAsLit (const ComColumnOrdering enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComColumnOrdering CmGetComOrderAsComColumnOrder (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComDirectionAsLit (const ComColumnDirection enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComColumnDirection CmGetComDirectionAsComColumnDirection (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComParamDirectionAsLit (const ComParamDirection enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComParamDirection CmGetComDirectionAsComParamDirection (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComStoreByDetailsAsLit (const ComStoreByDetails enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComStoreByDetails CmGetStoreByDetailsAsComStoreByDetails (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComClassAsLit (const ComColumnClass enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComColumnClass CmGetComClassAsComColumnClass (const char * literal);
extern void ComGetRoutineParamTypeAsLit (const ComRoutineParamType enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComRoutineParamType ComGetRoutineParamTypeAsComRoutineParamType (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComODBCTypeAsLit (const ComODBCDataType enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComODBCDataType CmGetODBCTypeAsComODBCDataType (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComSQLTypeAsLit (const ComSQLDataType enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComSQLDataType CmGetComSQLTypeAsComSQLDataType (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComColDefaultAsLit (const ComColumnDefaultClass enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComColumnDefaultClass CmGetComColDefaultAsColDefault (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComParamDefaultClassAsLit (const ComParamDefaultClass enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComParamDefaultClass CmGetParamDefaultClassAsComParamDefaultClass (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComGrantorAsLit (const ComGrantorType enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComGrantorType CmGetComGrantorAsGrantorType (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComGranteeAsLit (const ComGranteeType enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComGranteeType CmGetComGranteeAsGranteeType (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComRebindAsLit (const ComAutoRebindOption enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComAutoRebindOption CmGetComRebindAsAutoRebindOption (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComRCMatchAsLit (const ComRCMatchOption enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComRCMatchOption CmGetComRCMatchAsRCMatch (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComRCUpdateAsLit (const ComRCUpdateRule enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComRCUpdateRule CmGetComRCUpdateAsRCUpdate (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComRCDeleteAsLit (const ComRCDeleteRule enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComRCDeleteRule CmGetComRCDeleteAsRCDelete (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComConstrTypeAsLit (const ComConstraintType enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComConstraintType CmGetComConstrTypeAsConstrType (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComViewCheckAsLit (const ComViewCheckOption enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComViewCheckOption CmGetComViewCheckAsViewCheckOption (const char * literal);
// view_type added to VWS in v2500
extern void CmGetComViewTypeAsLit (const ComViewType enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComViewType CmGetComViewTypeAsViewType (const char * literal);
extern ComBoolean YN_TRUEFALSE (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComBooleanAsLit (const ComBoolean enumValue, char * literal);
extern void CmGetComPartnStatusAsLit (const ComPartnStatus enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComPartnStatus CmGetComPartnStatusAsPartnStatus (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComDdlStatusAsLit (const ComDdlStatus enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComDdlStatus CmGetComDdlStatusAsDdlStatus (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetTableFeatureAsLit (const ComTableFeature enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComTableFeature CmGetTableFeature (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComRoutineLanguageAsLit (const ComRoutineLanguage enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComRoutineLanguage CmGetComRoutineLanguageAsRoutineLanguage (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComRoutineParamStyleAsLit (const ComRoutineParamStyle enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComRoutineParamStyle CmGetComRoutineParamStyleAsRoutineParamStyle (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComRoutineParamTypeAsLit (const ComRoutineParamType enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComRoutineParamType CmGetRoutineParamTypeAsComRoutineParamType (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComRoutineSQLAccessAsLit (const ComRoutineSQLAccess enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComRoutineSQLAccess CmGetComRoutineSQLAccessAsRoutineSQLAccess (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComRoutineTransactionAttributesAsLit (const ComRoutineTransactionAttributes enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComRoutineTransactionAttributes
CmGetComRoutineTransactionAttributesAsRoutineTransactionAttributes (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComRoutineTypeAsLit (const ComRoutineType enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComRoutineType CmGetComRoutineTypeAsRoutineType (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComRoutineParallelismAsLit (ComRoutineParallelism enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComRoutineParallelism CmGetRoutineParallelismAsComRoutineParallelism (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComRoutineExternalSecurityAsLit (ComRoutineExternalSecurity enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComRoutineExternalSecurity CmGetRoutineExternalSecurityAsComRoutineExternalSecurity (const char * literal);
extern void CmGetComRoutineExecutionModeAsLit (const ComRoutineExecutionMode enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComRoutineExecutionMode CmGetRoutineExecutionModeAsComRoutineExecutionMode (const char * literal);
inline void CmGetComUtilAsLit (const ComUtilOperation enumValue, char * literal)
{ ComUtilOperationEnumToLiteral (enumValue, literal); };
inline ComUtilOperation CmGetComUtilAsUtilOperation (const char * literal)
{ return ComUtilOperationLiteralToEnum (literal); };
extern void CmGetComActivationTimeAsLit(const ComActivationTime enumValue, char * literal);
extern void CmGetComOperationAsLit(const ComOperation enumValue, char * literal);
extern void CmGetComGranularityAsLit(const ComGranularity enumValue, char * literal);
extern void CmGetComYesNoAsLit (const ComYesNo enumValue, char * literal );
extern ComActivationTime CmGetComActivationTime ( const char *literal );
extern ComOperation CmGetComOperation ( const char *literal );
extern ComGranularity CmGetComGranularity ( const char *literal );
extern ComYesNo CmGetComYesNo ( const char *literal );
// MVS section start
extern void CmGetComMVTypeAsLit (const ComMVType enumValue, char * literal );
extern void CmGetComMVStatusAsLit(const ComMVStatus enumValue, char * literal);
extern void CmGetComRangeLogTypeAsLit(const ComRangeLogType enumValue, char * literal);
extern void CmGetComMvsAllowedAsLit(const ComMvsAllowed enumValue, char * literal);
extern void CmGetComMvAuditTypeAsLit(const ComMvAuditType enumValue, char * literal);
extern void CmGetComMVRefreshTypeAsLit (const ComMVRefreshType enumValue, char * literal );
extern void CmGetComLeftJoinTableTypeAsLit (const ComLeftJoinTableType enumValue, char * literal );
extern void CmGetComMVColTypeAsLit (const ComMVColType enumValue, char * literal );
extern void CmGetComIncRefStatusAsLit (const ComMVIncRefStatus enumValue, char * literal );
extern void CmGetMVOperatorTypeAsLit ( OperatorTypeEnum enumValue, char * literal );
extern void CmGetMVSUsedTableAttributeAsLit (const ComMVSUsedTableAttribute enumValue, char * literal );
extern void CmGetMVSUsageTypeAsLit (const ComMVSUsageType enumValue, char * literal);
extern void CmGetComMVAttributeAsLit (const ComMVAttribute enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComMVType CmGetComMVType ( const char *literal );
extern ComMVRefreshType CmGetComMVRefreshType ( const char *literal );
extern ComMVStatus CmGetComMVStatus(const char *literal);
extern ComRangeLogType CmGetComRangeLogType(const char *literal);
extern ComMvsAllowed CmGetComMvsAllowed(const char *literal);
extern ComMvAuditType CmGetComMvAuditType(const char *literal);
extern ComLeftJoinTableType CmGetComLeftJoinTableType ( const char *literal );
extern ComMVColType CmGetComMVColType ( const char *literal );
extern ComMVIncRefStatus CmGetComIncRefStatus ( const char *literal );
extern OperatorTypeEnum CmGetMVOperatorTypeEnum ( const char *literal );
extern ComMVSUsedTableAttribute CmGetMVSUsedTableAttribute ( const char *literal );
extern ComMVSUsageType CmGetMVSUsageType ( const char *literal );
extern ComMVAttribute CmGetComMVAttribute( const char *literal );
// MVS section end
// Histogramssection starts
extern void CmGetHistReasonTypeAsLit (const ComHistReasonType enumValue, char*literal);
extern ComHistReasonType CmGetHistReasonType (const char *literal);
// Histograms section end
// [Distribution/Versioning]
inline ComSchemaOperation CmGetSchemaOperation (const char * literal)
{ return ComSchemaOperationLiteralToEnum (literal); }
inline void CmGetSchemaOperationAsLit (const ComSchemaOperation enumValue, char * literal)
{ ComSchemaOperationEnumToLiteral (enumValue, literal); }
// Schema Type Translations
extern void CmGetComSchemaTypeLit (const ComSchemaType enumValue, char * literal );
extern ComSchemaType CmGetComSchemaType ( const char *literal );
// Version 2000 -> 1200 grantor/grantee translation functions.
inline void CmOwnerGrantorToUserGrantor (char * grantor_type)
if (!strcmp (grantor_type, COM_SCHEMA_OWNER_GRANTOR_LIT))
strcpy (grantor_type, COM_USER_GRANTOR_LIT);
inline void CmOwnerGranteeToUserGrantee (char * grantee_type)
if (!strcmp (grantee_type, COM_SCHEMA_OWNER_GRANTEE_LIT))
strcpy (grantee_type, COM_USER_GRANTEE_LIT);
// Version 2000 grantor/grantee translation function.
// These will be used for
// - version 1200->2000 translations
// - early version 2000-> real version 2000 translations (fixup for internal-only use)
void CmTranslateV1200ToV2000Privs ( ComGrantorType & grantorType
, ComGranteeType & granteeType
, const ComUserID & grantor
, const ComUserID & objectOwner
, const ComUserID & schemaOwner);
// Exception table type for EXCEPTION_USAGE table
extern void CmGetExceptionTableTypeAsLit (const ComExceptionTableType enumValue, char*literal);
extern ComExceptionTableType CmGetExceptionTableType (const char *literal);
// V2400 / LDAP / Sequence Generators
void CmGetRoleIdStatusAsLit (const ComRoleIdStatus enumValue, char * literal);
ComRoleIdStatus CmGetRoleIdStatus (const char * literal);
void CmGetSequenceGeneratorTypeAsLit (const ComSequenceGeneratorType enumValue, char * literal);
ComSequenceGeneratorType CmGetSequenceGeneratorType (const char * literal);
// Added for security in SQ 1.0
// Translation for columns that hold ComIdClass (G, R, U for Group, Role and User)
extern void CmGetComIdClassAsLit (const ComIdClass enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComIdClass CmGetLitAsIdClass (const char * literal);
// Translation for ID status in ID_MAPPING table
extern void CmGetComIdStatusAsLit (const ComIdStatus enumValue, char * literal);
extern ComIdStatus CmGetLitAsIdStatus (const char * literal);
void CmAnsiNameToUCS2(const NAString &inMbs, NAWString &outWcs);
void CmAnsiNameToUTF8(const NAWString &inWcs, NAString &outMbs);