blob: f4b5019b77254ab8a3d9340284133c8a4597f0be [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef SQLCIENV_H
#define SQLCIENV_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: SqlciEnv.h
* RCS: $Id: SqlciEnv.h,v 1.17 1998/09/07 21:50:03 Exp $
* Description:
* Created: 4/15/95
* Modified: $ $Date: 1998/09/07 21:50:03 $ (GMT)
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include "Platform.h"
#include "SqlCliDllDefines.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "SqlciList_templ.h"
#include "SqlciStmts.h"
#include "ComASSERT.h"
#include "ComDiags.h"
#include "Define.h"
#include "Param.h"
#include "Prepare.h"
#include "CSInterface.h"
// forward references
class SqlciStats;
class SqlciRWEnv;
class SqlciRWInterfaceExecutor;
class SqlciCSEnv;
class SqlciCSInterfaceExecutor;
class ComSchemaName;
class ComAnsiNamePart;
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
class SQLCLI_LIB_FUNC Logfile {
char * name;
FILE * logfile_stream;
ULng32 flags_;
enum Flags
VERBOSE_ = 0x0001,
NO_LOG = 0x0002,
NO_DISPLAY = 0x0004
enum open_mode {CLEAR_, APPEND_};
void Open(char * name_, open_mode mode);
void Reopen();
void Close();
void Close_(); // close withouth delete file name
short Write(const char *, Lng32);
short WriteAll(const char *, Lng32);
short WriteAll(const char *, Lng32, Int32);
short WriteAll(const char *);
short WriteAll(const WCHAR *, Lng32);
short WriteAllWithoutEOL(const char *);
short IsOpen();
char *Logname() { return name; }
FILE* GetLogfile() { return logfile_stream; }
NABoolean isVerbose() { return flags_ & VERBOSE_; };
void setVerbose(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= VERBOSE_ : flags_ &= ~VERBOSE_);};
NABoolean noLog() { return flags_ & NO_LOG; };
void setNoLog(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= NO_LOG : flags_ &= ~NO_LOG);};
NABoolean noDisplay() { return flags_ & NO_DISPLAY; };
void setNoDisplay(NABoolean v);
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// SqlciRWEnv class.
class SqlciRWEnv {
NABoolean rwSelect_;
void * rwEnv_; // Pointer to ReportWriter's env. This is a handle to their env.
SqlciRWInterfaceExecutor * rwExe_;
NAHeap *heap_;
NABoolean isSelectInProgress() { return rwSelect_; }
void setSelectInProgress(NABoolean val) { rwSelect_ = val; }
void* &rwEnv() { return rwEnv_; }
SqlciRWInterfaceExecutor *rwExe() { return rwExe_; }
NAHeap *rwHeap() { return heap_; }
// SqlciCSEnv class.
class SqlciCSEnv {
void * csEnv_; // Pointer to their MACL environment. This is a handle to their env.
SqlciCSInterfaceExecutor *csExe_;
void* &csEnv() { return csEnv_; }
SqlciCSInterfaceExecutor *csExe() { return csExe_; }
class SqlciEnv
short ole_server; // -1 if being used via OLE on NT.
short eol_seen_on_input; // 0 if multiple stmts on input line
short prev_err_flush_input; // -1 when a previous statement
// on a multiple statements request
// failed. Statements following
// need to be flushed.
Int16 interactive_session; // -1 if input from terminal device
short obey_file; // -1 if in an obey file
Logfile *logfile;
SqlciStmts *sqlci_stmts;
SqlciList<PrepStmt> *prepared_stmts;
SqlciList<Param> *param_list;
SqlciList<Param> *pattern_list;
SqlciList<Define> *define_list;
SqlciList<Envvar> *envvar_list;
SqlciList<CursorStmt> *cursorList_;
SqlciStats *sqlci_stats;
SqlciRWEnv *report_env; //Pointer to ReportWriter's Environement.
SqlciCSEnv *cs_env; // Pointer to MACL's Environment.
ULng32 list_count;
CharInfo::CharSet terminal_charset_;
CharInfo::CharSet iso_mapping_charset_;
CharInfo::CharSet default_charset_;
NABoolean infer_charset_;
Lng32 specialError_; // special sqlCode in HandleCLIError
typedef void (*SpecialHandler)(SqlciEnv *, Lng32, const char *, const char *);
SpecialHandler specialHandler_;
ComSchemaName * defaultCatAndSch_;
NABoolean showShape_; // if TRUE, show CONTROL SHAPE before
// compiling the query
NABoolean logCommands_; // if TRUE, log commands only.
NABoolean constructorFlag_; // Have a flag to let the constructor
// know whether to call MACL and RW constructors.
NABoolean deallocateStmt_; // for deallocatin statement in case of a Break key is hit.
char * defaultCatalog_;
char * defaultSchema_;
unsigned char defaultSubvol_[40];
// see DML::process for details about this field.
ULng32 lastDmlStmtStatsType_;
// last statement that was executed.
// Used to retrieve stats. See SqlciStats.cpp for details.
PrepStmt * lastExecutedStmt_;
// stats stmt to retrieve pertable or accumulated stats.
// Prepared once at sqlci startup time.
PrepStmt * statsStmt_;
// last prepared stmt.
SQLSTMT_ID * lastAllocatedStmt_;
NABoolean doneWithPrologue_;
NABoolean noBanner_;
// could be DDL, DML, CONTROL, ALL
char * prepareOnly_;
// could be DDL, DML, CONTROL, ALL
char * executeOnly_;
NAString userNameFromCommandLine_;
enum ModeType { SQL_, REPORT_, MXCS_, DISPLAY_ }; // Modes in which MXCI can exist.
ModeType mode;
// Add a new flag to SqlciEnv constructor to handle calls to MACL and RW constructors.
SqlciEnv(short serv_type = 0, NABoolean macl_rw_flag = TRUE); //If serv_type = -1, then we are a OLE server
short isOleServer() { return ole_server; }
short eolSeenOnInput() { return eol_seen_on_input; }
short prevErrFlushInput() { return prev_err_flush_input; }
short inObeyFile() { return obey_file; }
short isInteractiveSession() { return interactive_session; }
short isInteractiveNow() { return interactive_session &&
void setEol(short i) { eol_seen_on_input = i; }
void setObey(short i) { obey_file = i; }
void setPrevErrFlushInput() { prev_err_flush_input = -1; }
void resetPrevErrFlushInput() { prev_err_flush_input = 0; }
void setDeallocateStmt() { deallocateStmt_ = TRUE; }
void resetDeallocateStmt() { deallocateStmt_ = FALSE; }
void setLastAllcatedStmt(SQLSTMT_ID *stmt) { lastAllocatedStmt_ = stmt; };
SQLSTMT_ID *getLastAllocatedStmt(){return lastAllocatedStmt_; };
NABoolean getDeallocateStmt() { return deallocateStmt_; }
CharInfo::CharSet getTerminalCharset()const{ return terminal_charset_; }
void setTerminalCharset(CharInfo::CharSet cs)
{ terminal_charset_ = cs; }
CharInfo::CharSet getIsoMappingCharset() const
{ return iso_mapping_charset_; }
void setIsoMappingCharset(CharInfo::CharSet cs)
{ iso_mapping_charset_ = cs; }
CharInfo::CharSet retrieveIsoMappingCharsetViaShowControlDefault();
CharInfo::CharSet getDefaultCharset()const { return default_charset_; }
void setDefaultCharset(CharInfo::CharSet cs)
{ default_charset_ = cs; }
CharInfo::CharSet retrieveDefaultCharsetViaShowControlDefault();
NABoolean getInferCharset() const { return infer_charset_; }
void setInferCharset(NABoolean setting)
{ infer_charset_ = setting; }
NABoolean retrieveInferCharsetViaShowControlDefault();
Logfile *get_logfile() { return logfile; }
SqlciStmts *getSqlciStmts() { return sqlci_stmts; }
SqlciList<PrepStmt> *get_prep_stmts() { return prepared_stmts; }
SqlciList<Param> *get_paramlist() { return param_list; }
SqlciList<Param> *get_patternlist() { return pattern_list; }
SqlciList<Define> *get_definelist() { return define_list; }
SqlciList<Envvar> *get_envvarlist() { return envvar_list; }
SqlciList<CursorStmt> *getCursorList() { return cursorList_; }
SqlciStats *getStats() { return sqlci_stats; }
SqlciRWEnv *sqlciRWEnv() { return report_env; }
SqlciCSEnv *sqlciCSEnv() { return cs_env; }
NABoolean isReportWriterMode() { if (mode == REPORT_) return TRUE; else return FALSE;};
void setMode(ModeType mode_) { mode = mode_; }
NABoolean isMXCSMode() { if (mode == MXCS_) return TRUE; else return FALSE;};
void showMode(ModeType mode_) ;
ModeType getMode() { return mode;}
void setListCount(ULng32 num = MAX_LISTCOUNT) { list_count = num; }
ULng32 getListCount() { return list_count; }
Lng32 specialError() { return specialError_; }
SpecialHandler specialHandler() { return specialHandler_; }
void resetSpecialError() { setSpecialError(0, NULL); }
void setSpecialError(Lng32 err, SpecialHandler func)
// * If err is 0, special error handling is disabled
// * If err is -1, console error messages are suppressed
// * Otherwise err is a sqlcode and func is a function to be called
// when that sqlcode is encountered
// If err is not 0 or -1, make sure func is valid
ComASSERT((err == 0) || (err == -1) || func);
specialError_ = err;
specialHandler_ = func;
void getDefaultCatAndSch (ComAnsiNamePart & defaultCat, ComAnsiNamePart & defaultSch);
ComSchemaName & defaultCatAndSch (void) { return *defaultCatAndSch_; };
void updateDefaultCatAndSch();
NABoolean doneWithPrologue() { return doneWithPrologue_; }
void setDoneWithPrologue(NABoolean dwp)
doneWithPrologue_ = dwp;
NABoolean noBanner() { return noBanner_; }
void setNoBanner(NABoolean nb)
noBanner_ = nb;
ComDiagsArea &diagsArea();
void run();
void runWithInputString(char * input_string);
void run(char * in_filename, char * input_string = NULL);
void autoCommit();
void readonlyCursors();
void pertableStatistics();
void generateExplain();
void datatypeSupport();
void sqlmxRegress();
void welcomeMessage();
void displayDiagnostics();
Int32 executeCommands(InputStmt *& input_stmt);
short statusTransaction(Int64 * transid = 0);
NABoolean &showShape() { return showShape_; };
NABoolean &logCommands() { return logCommands_; };
char * &defaultCatalog() { return defaultCatalog_; };
char * &defaultSchema() { return defaultSchema_; };
unsigned char * defaultSubvol() { return defaultSubvol_; };
ULng32 &lastDmlStmtStatsType() { return lastDmlStmtStatsType_; };
PrepStmt* &lastExecutedStmt() { return lastExecutedStmt_; };
PrepStmt* &statsStmt() { return statsStmt_; };
char * getPrepareOnly() { return prepareOnly_;}
char * getExecuteOnly() { return executeOnly_;}
void setPrepareOnly(char * po);
void setExecuteOnly(char * eo);
// Get/set the command-line user name
const NAString &getUserNameFromCommandLine()
{ return userNameFromCommandLine_; }
void setUserNameFromCommandLine(const char *s);
// Retrieve database user information from CLI
Int32 getExternalUserName(NAString &username);
Int32 getDatabaseUserID(Int32 &uid);
Int32 getDatabaseUserName(NAString &username);
Int32 getAuthState(bool &authenticationEnabled,
bool &authorizationEnabled,
bool &authorizationReady,
bool &auditingEnabled);
// Interact with CLI to establish user identity. For Linux only.
void setUserIdentityInCLI();
//BOOL _stdcall ControlSignalHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType);
BOOL WINAPI CtrlHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType);