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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: SortUtilConfig.h
* RCS: $Id: SortUtilCfg.h,v 1.8 1998/07/29 22:02:29 Exp $
* Description: This file contains the definition of the SortUtilConfig class.
* This class is can be used to configure a sorting session by
* passing it as a parameter to SortUtil::SortInitialize member
* function.
* The main purpose of this class is to group together various
* configurable parameters related to the sorting session.
* In SQL/MP, many of these fields used to be separate parameters
* to sort APIs. This class is needed only to initialize the
* sort session, after which it can be destructed.
* Created: 07/12/96
* Modified: $ $Date: 1998/07/29 22:02:29 $ (GMT)
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include "CommonStructs.h"
#include "Const.h"
#include "NABasicObject.h"
#include "ComResourceInfo.h"
//Forward reference
class ExSubtask;
class IpcEnvironment;
class ex_tcb;
class SortUtilConfig : public NABasicObject {
SortUtilConfig(CollHeap* heap);
SortUtilConfig(); // this constructor should be removed once executor
// made the change to use the other constructor
NABoolean setSortType (SortType& sorttype);
void setScratchThreshold(unsigned short scratchThreshold)
{scratchThreshold_ = scratchThreshold;}
unsigned short getScratchThreshold()
{ return scratchThreshold_;}
void setMaxNumBuffers(ULng32 mbs)
{maxNumBuffers_ = mbs; }
ULng32 getMaxNumBuffers() const
{ return maxNumBuffers_; }
void setSortMemory(ULng32 min=150000L,
ULng32 max=12000000L);
void setSortMaxMemory(ULng32 max=120000L);
void getSortMaxMemory(ULng32& max);
NABoolean setRecSize(ULng32 recsize);
ULng32 getRecSize() const;
NABoolean setKeyInfo(ULng32 keysize);
void setUseBuffered(NABoolean torf);
NABoolean getUseBuffered() ;
void setDisableCmpHintsOverflow(NABoolean torf)
disableCmpHintsOverflow_ = torf;
NABoolean getDisableCmpHintsOverflow()
return disableCmpHintsOverflow_;
void setLogInfoEvent(NABoolean torf);
NABoolean logInfoEvent();
void setLogInfoEventDone()
NABoolean logInfoEventDone()
return logDone_;
const ExScratchDiskDrive * getScratchDirListSpec()
return scratchDirListSpec_;
void setScratchDirListSpec(const ExScratchDiskDrive *scratch_disk_list_spec)
scratchDirListSpec_ = scratch_disk_list_spec;
void setNumDirsSpec(ULng32 nd)
numDirsSpec_ = nd;
ULng32 getNumDirsSpec()
return numDirsSpec_;
void setEspInstance(ULng32 esp_num)
espInstance_ = esp_num;
ULng32 getEspInstance()
return espInstance_;
void setNumEsps(ULng32 numesps)
numEsps_ = numesps;
ULng32 getNumEsps()
return numEsps_;
void setEventHandler(ExSubtask *eh)
ioEventHandler_ = eh;
void setIpcEnvironment(IpcEnvironment *ipc)
ipcEnv_ = ipc;
void setCallingTcb(ex_tcb *tcb)
callingTcb_ = tcb;
inline ex_tcb *getCallingTcb() { return callingTcb_; }
void setMemoryQuotaMB(Int16 memoryQuotaMB)
memoryQuotaMB_ = memoryQuotaMB;
initialMemoryQuotaMB_ = memoryQuotaMB;
void setMemoryPressureThreshold(Int16 pressureThreshold)
pressureThreshold_ = pressureThreshold;
void setMinimalSortRecs(UInt32 sortRecs)
minimalSortRecs_ = sortRecs;
void setPartialSort(NABoolean partialSort)
partialSort_ = partialSort;
UInt32 getMinimalSortRecs(void){return minimalSortRecs_;}
void setScratchMgmtOption(Int32 scratchMgmtOption)
scratchMgmtOption_ = scratchMgmtOption;
void setScratchMaxOpens(Int32 scratchMaxOpens)
scratchMaxOpens_ = scratchMaxOpens;
void setPreallocateExtents(NABoolean v)
preAllocateExtents_ = v;
void setSortMergeBlocksPerBuffer(Int32 smbb)
sortMergeBlocksPerBuffer_ = smbb;
void setScratchDiskLogging(NABoolean v)
scratchDiskLogging_ = v;
NABoolean scratchDiskLogging(void) { return scratchDiskLogging_;}
void setScratchIOBlockSize(Int32 blockSize)
scratchIOBlockSize_ = blockSize;
Int32 getScratchIOBlockSize() { return scratchIOBlockSize_;}
void setScratchIOVectorSize(Int16 vectorSize)
scratchIOVectorSize_ = vectorSize;
Int32 getScratchIOVectorSize() { return scratchIOVectorSize_;}
void setScratchOverflowMode(ScratchOverflowMode ovMode)
ovMode_ = ovMode;
ScratchOverflowMode getScratchOverflowMode(void)
return ovMode_;
NABoolean resizeCifRecord() const
return resizeCifRecord_;
void setResizeCifRecord(NABoolean v)
resizeCifRecord_ = v;
NABoolean considerBufferDefrag() const
return considerBufferDefrag_;
void setConsiderBufferDefrag(NABoolean v)
considerBufferDefrag_ = v;
Int16 numberOfBytesForRecordSize() const
if (resizeCifRecord())
return sizeof(UInt32);
return 0;
void setBmoCitizenshipFactor(Float32 bmoCf) { bmoCitizenshipFactor_ = bmoCf; }
Float32 getBmoCitizenshipFactor(void) { return bmoCitizenshipFactor_;}
void setMemoryContingencyMB(Int32 mCMB) { pMemoryContingencyMB_ = mCMB;}
Int32 getMemoryContingencyMB(void) { return pMemoryContingencyMB_; }
void setSortMemEstInMbPerCpu(Float32 s) {sortMemEstInMbPerCpu_=s;}
Float32 getSortMemEstInMbPerCpu() {return sortMemEstInMbPerCpu_;}
void setEstimateErrorPenalty(Float32 e) {estimateErrorPenalty_ = e;}
Float32 getEstimateErrorPenalty() {return estimateErrorPenalty_;}
void setBmoMaxMemThresholdMB(Int16 mm)
bmoMaxMemThresholdMB_ = mm;
void setIntermediateScratchCleanup(NABoolean v)
{ intermediateScratchCleanup_ = v;}
NABoolean intermediateScratchCleanup(){return intermediateScratchCleanup_;}
void setTopNSort(NABoolean v)
{ topNSort_ = v; }
friend class SortUtil;
SortType sortType_; // This structure contains several bit fields used
// to specify various options like the algorithm
// being used, whether any special settings like
// top of N, Splitting vector,or Remove duplicate
// are being used.
CollHeap* heapAddr_; // Pointer to the space object which can be used
// to obtain heap memory by calling the member
// function :
// Space::allocateAlignedSpace(size_t size)
// Executor implements heap memory as an
// object of class Space. Any executor component
// can use a member function within this object
// to allocate memory. The executor would pass
// a pointer to this object during sortInitialize
ULng32 approxNumRecords_; // Can be used by SortUtil for various
// estimates including those related to
// memory requirements
ULng32 maxMemRecords_; // Maximum number of records which
// Executor can hold in memory at any
// point.
ULng32 recSize_; // Maximum record size of input.
ULng32 keySize_; // Length of the key prepended to each records.
// This key is already encoded as a string.
ULng32 runSize_; // Using it currently to allow user to specify
ULng32 mergeOrder_; // Need to modify this to do automatically.
ULng32 minMem_; // Minimum sort heap memory
ULng32 maxMem_; // Maximum sort heap memory
NABoolean topNSort_; // TopN sorting enable/disable
ULng32 runSizeIncr_; // unused :how much to increment the run size by.
ULng32 maxNumBuffers_; // Max buffer space as set by the compiler
unsigned short scratchThreshold_; // percent of disk usage after which a disk will be discarded for use
const ExScratchDiskDrive *scratchDirListSpec_; // Information about scratchvols to include or exclude.
ULng32 numDirsSpec_;
ULng32 espInstance_;
ULng32 numEsps_;
ExSubtask *ioEventHandler_;
IpcEnvironment *ipcEnv_;
ex_tcb *callingTcb_;
NABoolean useBufferedWrites_;
NABoolean disableCmpHintsOverflow_;
NABoolean logInfoEvent_;
NABoolean logDone_;
NABoolean partialQuotaSystem_;
NABoolean partialSort_;
//amount of heap memory quota for this operator determined at generation
//time taking into other BMO operators. If value is negative, then BMO
//operation is not enabled.
Int16 memoryQuotaMB_;
Int16 initialMemoryQuotaMB_; //memory quota as set by generator.
//amount of memory quota consumed in real time
//in relation to memoryQuotaMB_.
UInt32 memoryQuotaUsedBytes_;
// memory threshold after which overflow is triggered.
// Set by the compiler defaults, applicable in general
// to all memory quota participants. This field can be
// removed, once the check for memroy pressure logic is
// moved to statement globals.
Int16 pressureThreshold_;
//Threshold value based on which sort will either choose quick sort
//or interative heap sort.
UInt32 minimalSortRecs_;
// This option refers to SETMODE(141, option).
// Valid values are 0, 5 and 9.
// 0 non buffered writes
// 5 Early reply + striping on primary and mirror
// 9 Early reply.
Int32 scratchMgmtOption_;
// Number of scratch opens per scratch file.
Int32 scratchMaxOpens_;
NABoolean preAllocateExtents_;
//Units of 56kb blocks that logically considered as Io block.
//This is used for merge reads to reduce disk seek time.
Int32 sortMergeBlocksPerBuffer_;
NABoolean scratchDiskLogging_;
Int32 scratchIOBlockSize_;
Int32 scratchIOVectorSize_;
ScratchOverflowMode ovMode_;
NABoolean resizeCifRecord_;
NABoolean considerBufferDefrag_;
Float32 bmoCitizenshipFactor_;
Int32 pMemoryContingencyMB_;
Float32 estimateErrorPenalty_;
Float32 sortMemEstInMbPerCpu_;
UInt16 bmoMaxMemThresholdMB_;
NABoolean intermediateScratchCleanup_;